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Chapter 6

作品:Tigana 作者:盖伊·加列佛·凯伊 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    It  DAY AND NIG lead back to ter all.

    turned t to tibar to Ardin toumn stars, cicadas loud in t; it  tonight.

    It range to be abroad in te. raveling Menico o ered and settled by tern measures botyrants aken against t often traveled by decent folk at night.

    Folk sucriumps or security, and  marked  ually, if tomasso bar Sandre talked.

    It ed trusted t came to t—but  kno like er so many years.

    It occurred to  to t so make  knoigana eit of ory told under tion of  purely an abstraction for him. A name.

    enougo —for t Alessan and Baerd and ted—as for t in t tonig kno knoted into o t.

    trut if Sandre dAstibar could stop alking, as o do, to prevent Devin from carrying on exactly as  six years. From riump seemed to lie before  onis t course, o t inconceivable to o tremendous divide. Devin  ed and easily understood as they were happening.

    ed from ly raising a  a o trees again beside ter a moment torc to t and Devin  approacurning e, ival going on. In some  o seem anoted for t to go by.

    It did not. t slap and jingle of reins just in front of we.

    quot;I really am ,quot; t;Every single time I look at t I am reminded t I sisan design it. ts, or t to be, to her allows!”

    Devin recognized t. An impulse, a striving back toer w , made him rise.

    quot;trust me,quot; ;this is a friend.”

    tepped out into the road.

    quot;I t it ter t artisans I knoo tell truto me yesterday afternoon in the Bird.”

    quot;I kno voice,quot; Rovigo replied instantly. quot;I kno voice and I am exceedingly glad to —even t unmasked me before a ser e existence. Devin dAsoli, if I am not mistaken!”

    rode fore, seizing t lantern from its bracket. Devin er from t. Beriana stepped into the road.

    quot;You are not mistaken,quot; Devin said. quot;May I introduce triana dAstibar and Alessan di tregea. t tle in elegant surroundings o ed and ejected yesterday.”

    quot;A; Rovigo exclaimed, ern ;ter!”

    Catriana, lit by t of t;I needed to talk to ; sion. quot;I didnt muc to go inside t place.”

    quot;A ial ; Rovigo approved, grinning. quot;ould t my clutcers . No one,quot; ;s to go inside t t it defeats all sense of smell.”

    Alessan burst out laug;ell-met on a dark road, Master Rovigo—the Sea Maid.”

    Devin blinked in astonis.

    quot;I  misfortune to o un-sea; Rovigo admitted c;o kno, friend?”

    Alessan seemed ;Because I o seek you out if I could. I idings for you from Ferraut toly, red-faced personage named taccio.”

    quot;My esteemed factor in Ferraut!quot; Rovigo exclaimed. quot;ell met, indeed! By ter him?”

    quot;In anotavern, I am sorry to o say. A tavern where I had been playing music and he was . . .

    ribution   patrons of t.

    in any great o return  seemed to me prudent reasons, and o talking.”

    quot;It is never o fall to talking accio,quot; Rovigo assented.

    Devin . It didn’t sound like t of a ponderous, unmarriageable daugo take ttitude to he darkness he found himself grinning.

    Alessan said, quot;taccio explained o me, and ion t I  joined t and ival o seek you out and carry verbal confirmation of a letter o you.”

    quot;ters,quot; Rovigo groaned. quot;to it, tion, friend Alessan.”

    quot;Good taccio bade me tell you, and to s as true by triads grace and t;—Alessans voice became a flaentious stage messenger—quot;t did t arrive from Astibar before ter frosts, t slumbers uneasily by  a violent end to eemed service.”

    ter and applause from t. t, didnt sound even remotely shrewish.

    quot;Eanna and Adaon,  suco pass,quot; Rovigo said piously. quot;t is made and it is ready to be sely

    tival is over.”

    quot;t ease and taccio be saved,quot; Alessan intoned, assuming t;moralquot; at t-show.

    quot;t; came a mild, still-amused female voice from t, quot;all of you simidated by poor Ingonida I ly dont kno entirely of our manners toniganding in the cold and dark?”

    quot;Absolutely not, my beloved,quot; ily. quot;Alix, it  addled my brain.quot; Devin found t  stop grinning; even Catriana, iced, ual expression of superior indifference.

    quot;ere you going back to to; Rovigo asked.

    t tricky moment—and Alessan left it to ;e ; Devin said. quot;ed taken a long o clear our   about ready to brave ty again.”

    quot;I imagine t,quot; Rovigo said.

    quot;e do seem to ain notoriety,quot; Alessan admitted.

    quot;ell,quot; said Rovigo earnestly, quot;all jesting aside, I could and if you ed to rejoin tions—t. It  like leaving too late, and my unfortunate oldest, Alais, suffers from tcing spells wed.”

    quot;; said Alessan raight face.

    quot;Fat; came a softly urgent protest from t.

    quot;Rovigo, stop t at once or I sy a basin on you in your sleep,quot; , Devin judged, h any genuine anger.

    quot;You see t; t said, gesturing expressively ;I am  respite even into my dreams. But, if you are not entirely put off by tridency of my  of t, you are all most  o se repast and a quieter drink to find in Astibar tonight.”

    quot;And to ; Alix added. quot;e  tes. truly, it would be an honor if you joined us.”

    quot;You ; Devin asked, surprised.

    quot;; Rovigo murmured in a self-deprecating tone. quot;e reet outside among t; ated. quot;Sandre dAstibar ly  east of my oed to  my ne young friends company ed to perform tes, h us?”

    time Devin left it to Alessan.

    ill eete in t;e could not dream of refusing an offer so gracious. It o toast taccios neful slumbers of his Dragon!”

    quot;O; said Alix from t, trying unsuccessfully not to laug;you are all so unfair!”

    Inside, t and inuing laugtractive young  to be caug of t seventeen,  to ionally flirtatious glance.

    Alais .

    In t of ts oldest daugurned out to be small and grave and slender. Sraig srianas own blue gaze looked more cumbling red he mane of a lioness.

    tent female o immensely comfortable cting-room furnisry fire blazed on ting tumn c in a design t akably Quileian, even to Devins untutored eye, covered teen-year-old—Selvena, it emerged—sank gracefully do at Devins feet. S o ignore, a quick, sardonic glance from Catriana as sook a seat -nearer to t, her.

    Just triump from some back room, carrying ttles.

    quot;I ; ;t you all aste for Astibars blue wine?”

    And for Devin t simple question cast an entirely benevolent aura of fate over ion in tside.  Alessan, and  seemed to o acknohings.

    Rovigo quickly began uncorking and pouring t;If any of my c; ;feel free to s ts.quot; A curl of blue smoke could be seen rising from each glass.

    Selvena settled  , ignoring  bespoke long familiarity  of t, trim, competent, a laugion in t. In a very s wy of food.

    Devin accepted a glass from Rovigo, savoring t. o be extremely content for t little o fill a plate of food for Devin. S it back to tled on t again, marginally nearer triana  daug eachem.

    Devin doubted if o be  che look, shrugged.

    quot;Daug; ed, sorrowfully shaking his head.

    quot; Ponderous cart ts wife. Rovigo winced. Alix, laug emples, he exchange.

    quot; again, did ; silting o one side. quot;Let me guess: I ions and formidably evil disposition, and tures among to make up one passably acceptable ?”

    Laugurned to see Rovigo—not at all discomfited—beaming  his wife.

    quot;Exactly rig; Devin said to Alix, quot;but I must say in  Ive never ion so happily.”

    er and a he sideboard.

    Rovigo raised  in small circles to make a pattern in the icy smoke.

    quot;ill you join me in drinking to to t believe in making idle toasts h blue wine.”

    quot;Nor do I,quot; Alessan said quietly. ed ;to memory,quot; ely. quot;to Sandre dAstibar. to music.quot; the wine.

    Devin drank, tasting, for only time in onisy of Astibars blue  anyed t fact. ed Rovigo h his glass.

    quot;to all of you,quot; Catriana said suddenly. quot;to kindness on a dark road.quot; S any edge or mockery to it. Devin   way.

    Not on t and no road after all, despite o catc failed. Salking to Alix, noed beside ive, Devin turned tention to his food.

    A moment later Selvena touc lig;ill you sing for us?quot; s move ;Alais s, but t of us have been here all day.”

    quot;Selvena!quot; Moter snapped togetruck but, Devin noticed, it o  surned, biting  her soberly.

    quot;Dear ,quot; ;you o learn.

    Our friends make music for ts onig, ligs to ears. She lowered her head.

    In tone Rovigo said to Devin, quot;ill you accept an apology? S it in good fait.”

    quot;I knoested, as Selvena sniffled softly at . quot;there is no apology needed.”

    quot;truly, none,quot; Alessan added, setting e of food aside. quot;e make music to live, indeed, but  truly to live. It is not o play among friends, Rovigo.”

    Selvena wiped  efully.

    quot;I so sing,quot; Catriana said. S Selvena. quot;Unless of course it was only Devin you had in mind?”

    Devin  been directed at ered for time in as many minutes. Out of triguing expression cross Alaiss face.

    Selvena began protesting earnestly t of course s all tire excuition, looking at  t least as close to ter of tigana as ly precise figure  cabin.

    suddenly. And even as tered  it rue. ;Lament for Adaon.”

    quot;ell,quot; said Rovigo, smiling at Catriana, quot;if you are gracious enougo indulge a so ackno  I do  of tregean pipes in triad alone kno one of tures migalent of some sort.”

    Alix, from several feet a s restored, Rovigo sent t girl off to fetc about refilling everyones glass.

    Devin caug  saken next to t  smile back, but  break atling

    skip to t.

    As it turned out, after triana sang for better to Alessans pipes. Part of tandan  briefly and returned  first, very softly, ent at t as at everytriana favored icularly dazzling smile. Rovigo needed no furt to stay  song, and t.

    No man, Devin found  to do anyt look from t t Catriana ely resembling suc confused all of a sudden.

    Someone—Alais evidently—ime. tle more quickly tency of blue o t number: t one for tests.

    sing of tigana, and ainly not about to sing of passion or love, so ars and committing to  not ever be lost or forgotten in time.

    It  o   to o whe choice he had.

    As , ful and knoic glance from Catriana as t time as t listened. Devin sacration. ly to y to t o  all as o Eanna o names and things.

    Some image in e star named Micaela aloft in a black nig t carry ori-anas ly to an end.

    In t of t to bed ranquility. A fes later Alix rose as o Devins disappointment, did Alais.

    In turned and looked at Catriana. quot;You must be very tired,quot; Rovigos daughter said.

    quot;If you like I can s mind s sonight.”

    Devin expected Catriana to demur, or  transparent separation of tating only a second before rising. quot;I am tired, and I dont mind s all,quot; s;It will remind me of home.”

    Devin, uation suddenly found te t. Catriana ly, t s. So misunderstand. It occurred to y, t toget morning.

    For some time after t in silence, eac in s.

    Rovigo rose at lengt of t anotcil it caugo oying o ts.

    It ; ly. quot;e can talk, Rovigo. t to be extremely angry h of us.”

    Devin sat up abruptly and put aside  his lips,

    glanced briefly over at urned Alessans gaze tranquilly.

    quot;I ; ;ted  be ances.”

    Alessan oo. turned to Devin.

    ically back over ts of t Rovigo. quot;You didnt find me in t. Alessan sent you. You  you?quot; urning to the Prince.

    two men excher glance before Alessan replied.

    quot;I did,quot; ted. quot;I ain suspicion t tes for Sandre dAstibar coming up and t ion. I couldnt afford to lose track of you, Devin.”

    quot;Im afraid I reet of temples yesterday,quot; Rovigo added. o look embarrassed, Devin noted.

    ill furious t;You lied about t talk about going there whenever you came back from a journey.”

    quot;No, t part rue,quot; Rovigo said. quot;Everytrue, Devin. Once you o terfront you o end up in a place I know very well.”

    quot;And Catriana?quot; Devin pursued angrily. quot; about her? how did she—”

    quot;I paid a boy to run a message back to your inn ting you stay inside t be angry. to all of this.”

    quot;t; Alessan ec;You sand some of it by noriana and I ibar roupe ed to see h.”

    quot;ait a minute!quot; Devin exclaimed. quot;Expected? o die?”

    quot;Rovigo told me,quot; Alessan said simply.  a small silence register. quot;act in Astibar for nine years no you did yesterday, and about as quickly.”

    Devin,  t, the day before.

    urned out to be not so casual at all. Rovigo put down his glass.

    quot;I feel t tyrants t you do,quot; ly. quot;Alberico e and Asoli, and in t province Alessan comes from ry.”

    Devin s;And Duke Sandre?quot; ;how did you know—?”

    quot;I spied on t; Rovigo said calmly. quot;It  o monitor tomassos comings and goings. trada, it o tomassos deception years ago, and —t say it is a t year I side t tate and at t nigails of Sandres death.”

    Devin looked quickly over at Alessan. o say somet speaking, .

    Alessan nodded. quot;t; urned to Rovigo. quot;t you are better off not knoy and your familys. I t isnt a matter of trust, or any suching.”

    quot;After nine years I t,quot; Rovigo murmured. quot; s ?”

    quot;Alberico arrived just after I joined tomasso and triana o o the cabin on his own.”

    quot;On ; Rovigo asked sharply.

    Devin lifted ;I ; y. Out of t ridiculous. S;I overalking upstairs betes.”

    Rovigo looked as if ion or t,  Alessan, hem in.

    Devin eful.

    Alessan said, quot; back to teromasso aken. Baerd o take care of a number of tonig later.”

    quot;e passed t ty,quot; Rovigo said quietly, absorbing t;I saomasso bar Sandre hem. I feared for you, Alessan.”

    quot;it; Alessan said drily. quot;the service of Alberico.”

    Rovigos face registered s;Family? Morian damn o darkness for t!quot; he rasped harshly.


    Alessan gave eristic s;A great deal yrants came,  say?”

    t to master : quot;Your o; ;Do they—”

    quot;t; t said, regaining ;Neitriana before tonig Alessan and Baerd in tregea to t ain enemies in common. told me somet told to assist in ts as best I could  unduly endangering my o do t. I inue to try. It is my o live long enougo be able to h Alessan offers when he drinks blue wine.”

    ly but  th before he drank.

    Alessan gazed steadily at Rovigo. quot;t by accident yesterday afternoon. oo  fell. hich is why he is here.”

    Rovigo said nothing.

    quot; is t; Devin asked. And tly, quot;Is it somet I should know?”

    quot;Not as anyt matters in t; Alessans voice ;I aligana, let my memory of you be like a blade in my soul.”

    Devin closed  Rovigo.

    ted in fierce, angry consternation.

    quot;My friend, Devin sand t; Alessan said to ly. quot;It is a part of taken on.  did you hear me say?”

    Rovigo gestured ration. quot;t time t nigco blue  I didnt  thing.”

    quot;tigana,quot; Alessan said again. tenderly, clear as cal.

    But Devin sa reac. quot;ill you . . . one more time?”

    quot;tigana,quot; Devin said before Alessan could speak. to make t t of truly   of . taken away.

    quot;Let my memory of you be like a blade in my soul,quot; ering at tried o keep it as steady as Alessans had been.

    ondering, disoriented, visibly distressed, Rovigo shook his head.

    quot;And Brandins magic is be; he asked.

    quot;It is,quot; Alessan said flatly.

    After a moment Rovigo sig;I am sorry,quot; ly. quot;Forgive me, bot have asked. I have opened a wound.”

    quot;I ; Devin said quickly.

    quot;t; said Alessan, a moment later.

    traordinary compassion in Rovigos face. It  to realize t ting about Senzian rustics as ers. t rose abruptly and became busy tending to tly  ed a little, and o know.

    quot; do ; asked Rovigo dAstibar, returning to stand beside ;I am as disturbed by t met. I do not like magic.

    Especially t remains a matter of some . . . significance to me to be able to  I  debarred from hearing.”

    Devin felt a rusement run t to his evening.

    irely gone. to be reckoned  migook a long drink of his blue wine.

    Alessans expression roubled t ime.

    turning from one man to t abruptly lost again, ement fading almost as quickly as it had come.

    quot;Rovigo,  involved you enoug; Alessan asked at lengt;I must admit t I  your o tell you  cabin tonigibar in to come. It o keep an ear open ravels, to quietly monitor Albericos doings and Sandres, for you and Baerd and I to meet every so often and toucalk, friend to friend. But tale is cly fear to put you in danger.”

    Rovigo nodded. quot;I t you mig. I am grateful for your concern. But Alessan, I made up my mind on time ago. I ...  expect t freedom could be found or  a price paid. You said t t mark a turning-point for all of us. If t I can o come you must tell me.quot; ated, t;One of t Alix would ech us and did she know.”

    Alessans expression ill troubled. quot;But s  kno; ;there

    , and ter tonigo endanger them?”

    quot;; Rovigo replied softly, but  ation. quot;? I  to do anyt  to actual danger, and I cannot afford to suspend my business entirely. But  will make a difference?”

    Finally understanding ts, Devin kept grimly silent. to  all,  all along.  cened and sobered, and afraid no for himself.

    t at risk by everyt, speaking of Menico. And noo understand, painfully, ty of t.

    t. In any  all. ement quite gone, Devin  time, t lay on to  face-to-face ance t road imposed bet no everyone t meet. Even friends. Even people  of Catriana in tood han he had an hour ago.

    atcting to silence, Devin focused on Alessans momentarily unguarded face and o cook a deep, slo he price of his blood.

    Alessan smiled, an odd, rueful smile. quot;Actually, t; o Rovigo. quot;t ed, tedly, t reached his eyes.

    quot;,quot; ely casual voice, quot;to taking on some business partners?”

    For just a moment Rovigo seemed nonplussed, tanding broadened across ; ;You need access to some places.”

    Alessan nodded. quot;t, and t from t o triana joined us,”

    one from t seen t;In business togetimate means of excion and Im going to need information regularly ter. As partners ing eac any affairs t toucrade. And of course all affairs toucrade.”

    quot;Indeed t; said Rovigo, ent on Alessans face.

    quot;e can communicate directly if you , or taccio in Ferraut.quot;  Devin. quot;I knoac-cio, by t  a coincidence eit out?quot; Devin  even t about it actually, but before urned back to Rovigo. quot;I assume you rust?quot; Rovigo nodded.

    Alessan said, quot;You see, t problem is t altill travel as musicians, after torious  it in time Id ctle, or told Devin to be a little less impressive.”

    quot;No you  ; Devin said quietly. quot;ever ot one of them.”

    Alessans mout. Rovigo smiled.

    quot;Per; t;It  it?”

    t up and put one more log on the fire.

    Alessan said, quot;It all makes sense. tain places and certain activities t would be awkward for us as performers. Especially well-known performers. As mercs, we would o such places.”

    quot;Certain islands, per; Rovigo asked quietly, from by the fire.

    quot;Per; Alessan agreed. quot;If it comes to t. t may be a matter of five of one ists are  Brandins court on Cion, tions to  o disappear, or die.quot; , matter-of-fact. ook a sip of his wine.

    After a moment urned back to Rovigo. roking ation of a shrewdly avaricious businessman.

    quot;ell,quot; t said in a greedy, o  . . .

    intriguing proposal, gentlemen. I do o ask one or tions. Ive knoime, but ticular issue and.quot; ed cunning. quot;, if anyt business?”

    Alessan gave a sudden burst of laug;o ; he asked.

    quot;Ive my s in,quot; Rovigo replied. quot;Casransactions and easy credit based on profits over t few weeks. hy?”

    quot;I  buying a reasonable but not indiscreet amount of grain in t forty-eight hours.

    ty-four ually, if you can.”

    Rovigo looked tful. quot;I could do t,quot; ;And my means are sufficiently limited t no purco be indiscreet. I act, too—te t border.”

    quot;Not from Nievole,quot; Alessan said quickly.

    Anot;I see,quot; artling Devin again ;You t some confiscation after tival?”

    quot;You can,quot; Alessan said. quot;Among all t ther source for buying up grain?”

    quot;I mig; Rovigo looked from Alessan to Devin and back again. quot;Four partners, t; ;t right?”

    Alessan nodded. quot;Almost rig make it five partners. t in to divide our s is all righ you?”

    quot; not be?quot; Rovigo s;t doesnt touc all. ill I meet this person?”

    quot;I er,quot; said Alessan. quot;I expect you will be her.”

    quot;Fine,quot; Rovigo said crisply. quot;terms for a contraina association are to ting to traveling and put in time. Based on old me I  t you are likely to be able to offer information ure. I propose a erest eacly conduct. Is t acceptable?”

    Devin. it;It is quite acceptable.”

    quot;It is more t; Alessan agreed. roubled again; he looked as if he would go on.

    quot;It is done, t; said Rovigo quickly. quot;No more to be said, Alessan. e o toomorroo raina formally draer tival?”

    quot;Ferraut, I t; said Alessan slo;e can discuss er, but I o do trade   to consider.”

    quot;Ferraut?quot; said Rovigo, ignoring tter remarks. A smile slo!

    t is splendid. Absolutely splendid! You can save us some money already. Ill give you a cart and all of you can take Ingonida her new bed!”

    On tairs Alais couldnt remember  so moodiness like Selvena, but life at ended to be very quiet, especially wher was away.

    And noo be  once.

    Rovigo rip t. Alix and Alais  ease ains into Quileia, no matter imes ion. And on top of t, trip tlingly late in tumn  o palm urn ival of Vines. It , absorbing  eyes all she saw.

    Drinking it in.

    In t of t morning sood extremely still, listening to a clear voice soar from tyard out among tural silence of t lamented Adaons deatregea so bitterly, so sly, t Alais had been afraid she would cry. She had closed her eyes.

    It onisioned to es. ed to come meet easing bot at all. S t somet ters nursed any anxieties about tion.

    to look at his eyes.

    On te at nigtled by tter of t ty o te.

    to understand op from sement. Sell-tale color rising in her cheeks.

    became clear t t aken a supreme act of self- control for o regain to s oldest, most trusted child.

    In t became easier because tant ts stepped to able mating frenzy. A course of beransparent to er t it drove Alais straigo ual, detacco sleep for muc looked more and more as if sill be unmarried he spring.

    Devin, ted. But  and litelligent eyes under sandy-brown  curled halfway over his ears.

    Sed o be arrogant or pretentious, despite  all.

    t fifteen years older, perangled urely greying—silvering, actually—at temples. imidated tle, even t from tart, in exactly t enjoyed.

    Per , Alais t: feing or in anytures appeared to be doing so effortlessly. S t tle arrogant on , regean musician could manage t. On ted, s kno all.

    t Catriana erribly beautiful.

    it and tartlingly blue eyes under t combined rageous flirtation to relax rattle  of activity, competition, exercise,  someto get involved. atcriana register Selvenas soft flouncing at Devins feet and sercepted ted at her fellow musician.

    Alais decided to go into tc need ful glance  comment.

    t a meal toget room Alais  tened and ce c to ter so bless Selvenas s of t of asking ts to sing.

    time s ly to  to look a of t last song about Eanna naming tars sraying into c of ted about at nigime, in detail. Alais tribute o the fire.

    S one t of riana, but it certainly  love, or even tenderness as sood eit eacime to time, usually han she could even imagine.

    ts. Selvena doing so est, and toucip to palm  a glance from  later sher did.

    It  led o invite Catriana to come up ely t sound to t and obviously at ease in t -rianas smile, tood.

    quot;It will remind me of ; she said.

    t t as t up tairs past ts and t back souto Kried to fat ure out among tumble of long roads and uncertain lodging. Of late nig if so be available. Alais tried, but sly couldnt grasp it. Despite t, or per, somet opened out toher woman.

    quot;t; she said shyly.

    quot;Small return for your kindness,quot; Catriana said lightly.

    quot;Not as small as you t; Alais said. quot;Our room is over his reminds you of home . .

    . I  is a good memory.quot; t tle, but not rudely sed to talk to to be friends, to learn e from her own.

    tepped into two bedspreads

    turned back. ts umn, more contraband brougers were so muchan here.

    Catriana laugtle under he chamber.

    quot;Stage.quot; Alais flus before sriana turned to ill very ;tell me, o tie your sister do t.”

    Alais  from feeling spoiled and insensitive to red-faced sy and guilt.

    quot;S terrible isnt so kill ic ival next year.”

    Catriana s;I kneoo. Ive never been able to understand it.”

    quot;Nor I,quot; said Alais a little too quickly. Catriana glanced at her.

    Alais ventured a ant smile. quot;I guess ts a thing we have in common?”

    quot;One t; tly, turning ao one of t;t; s. quot;?”

    quot;I made it,quot; Alais said sly. S patronized suddenly, and it irritated her.

    It must riana looked quickly back over ; s lengt;I doubt its .”

    quot;No effort,quot; said Alais quietly. quot;Besides,quot; sured, quot;I may need your ying Selvena doer.”

    Surprised, Catriana c;S,quot; sting on one of t;Neitoucs in your fato t a single red glove.”

    Sime, but finding tion oddly enjoyable, Alais giggled and sat do, siced ruefully, easily reac.

    quot;S mig,quot; s t;I think she even has a red glove hidden somewhere!”

    Catriana s;ts roping rusting t as I say, t do anything.”

    quot;You kno; Alais ill  sure , so deal h.

    quot;Alessan, I knoter,quot; Catriana said. quot;But Devins been on time and I  ; S last, tle high.

    Still ion Alais said cautiously, quot;I  t, actually. Are travel?”

    Catriana s;ters longing to find? Not from the musicians.

    tten code, or else t a certain kind of o tour and t ter to most of troupes. t last, anyway.

    Men can be quite badly  for botoo mucainly t oo often.”

    quot;I see,quot; said Alais, trying to imagine it.

    quot;You are expected to pair off ; Catriana added. quot;As if its t you can do.

    Remove yourself as a temptation. So you find a man you like, or some of t of t, too.”

    quot;O; said Alais, clasping her hands in her lap.

    Catriana, ;Dont ; sly, looking pointedly at ;t glove doesnt fit me.”

    Abruptly Alais put o either side of her, blushing furiously.

    quot;I  particularly ; srying to sound casual. t back: quot; glove does fit you, then?”

    t quickly disappeared. t;You do  in you, after all,quot; Catriana said judiciously. quot;I  sure.”

    quot;t,quot; said Alais, moved to a rare anger, quot;is patronizing.  me? And ?”

    Again triana surprised ;Im sorry,quot; s;truly. Im really not very good at t; S;As it  a nerve and I tend to las w occurs.”

    Alaiss anger, as quick to recede as it o kindle, her woman spoke.

    ternly, a guest in her house.

    Se co reply to try to mend t, because just tled importantly into ter ed over tc of Rovigos apprentices oely cast doaining to table by the window.

    tably stirred up irely—bots of it, Alais t. After ts left, the women washed up in silence.

    Alais, stealing a glance at t even more inadequate in e softness and tered life so bed, feeling as if so begin tion over again.

    quot;Good nig; she said.

    quot;Good nig; Catriana replied, after a moment. Alais tried to read an invitation to furtion in one, but s sure. If Catriana ed to talk, so say something.

    t tly in tcoes around t brick Menka  at t of  ruefully t tance to Selvenas side of t.

    Sometime later, still unsleeping to its embers, s of y from tairs. ter somes o ress.  sered and safe. Alais smiled to airs soon after, and go to te rooms.

    So catcer in t really believe even Selvena . Sually she fell asleep.

    S of lying on a op in a strange place. Of a man t glittering ars. S windy  amid a

    scattering of deh complex yearnings she could never have named aloud.

    It terly cold in t last. tones o put back on s in t see t o ten twice already as he dozed.

    Earlier, ain of t for tted o play . tomassos reputation. Everyone kneion. ; it  of the plan.

    So tripped ness of ted poker from ttocks or tomasso ed only to close  all away.

    For some reason it aeri t  let . ill couldnt believe  taeri  t made  to cry, t it, but  going to let t. o mean more to  ever had before.

    So  ain.  to ignore to al suggestions as to w would omorrow.

    t very imaginative actually. y o be olerably worse.

    t tle imes, but notomasso kneo save  then, as well.

    t play.

    Eventually tain greired of tomassos steady gaze, or else  to stop. tomassos bonds  and ts and a filt-infested strip of blanket and took airs to tibar and to them.

    trance  even on one  didnt actually seem to matter very much.

    ed ts ts.  as tigried to use it as a feeble club. It was he dark.

    tomasso , no urned o jelly.

    later t  to keep control of s.

    entirely keep t as if   lay in jagged pieces at odd angles in . Among ts ried to assemble a curse for rayal, but noto .

    and las blindly  somet t sound.  . One of them.

    rembling, but tivity seemed to  back  weep

    any more.  tone .


    of pain: one of ts ten viciously at   for a fes, but o feel genuinely ill.  painful to swallow.  his forehead and decided he was feverish.

    of a candle, ing. o look around ts gloiny. t near  leg and ts—near tc image of tc into t  face tomasso could ever remember seeing.  it for a long time.

    to and realized ainty t tion, or a dream.

    from any tomasso could ever remember seeing on his face.

    t be extreme, tered  so desperately desired. A look of kindness—and even, if one ed to reaced ting against a tyrant.

    onigruly end, most omasso in t even y to imagine. asy.

    t in it. It kept ts a even seemed to ease t stones beneat his back.

    ed an unsteady o and torn, puffy lips  ed to say ;Im sorry,quot; to t  make t.

    to understand.

    quot;You o be sorry for,quot; tomasso ly. quot;It  and only mine. t tations from tart. I oo many  ... affected me too mucer.”

    to tle. A part of tomasso, a corner of , seemed to be knitting itself slooget feeble fantasy of being loved before they flayed him.

    quot;ill you let me tell you  o tell you I have been proud of you, in my fashion?”

    tomasso let  ac blur and s trying to ears ao speak but tered mout form o.

    And sloten in turning of time and pride, and fatoucips together.

    It act tomasso  it o tensity of o be  to understand.

    quot;t t; t said in a strange, unexpectedly ful voice. quot;If I

    ronger I could do more, but at least t  you in t  you any more, my son. Drink it tomasso, drink it and this will all be gone. All go away, I promise you.

    t for me tomasso,  if you can in Morians o here.”

    tomasso still did not understand, but tone he dream-vial.

    Again it antial ted it to be.

    . itrembling omasso fumbled and removed topper.

    t gesture—a final mocking parody of  in a e salute to asy and  to tter.

    supposed to be sad, tomasso ed to say.  to a boy once, in a temple of Morian at nig supposed to be.   as if  to fall alseep, even t understand.  understand  in Morians halls.

    ing to ask about t. o be going completely strange on hough.

    o be crying.

    tears in hers eyes.

    hich was impossible. Even in a dream.

    quot;Fare; he heard.

    Fareo say, in return.

    sure if ually managed to form t it, but just t or a mantle, and to matter anymore.