Part Three-3

作品:The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter 作者:卡森·麦卡勒斯 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    Out in treet again  turned a deep, angry purple. In tagnant air torm smell.

    trees along to steal into tmosp trange greenisreet. All  Jake paused for a moment to sniff tcase under o run toreet. But  quick enough.

    tallic cras.

    An avalancer blinded he New

    York Cafe  and so er.

    Brannon puser. Nouition you er t you  just too late. il it . And a suitcase?’

    It looks like a suitcase, Jake said. And it feels like a suitcase.

    So if you believe in tuality of suitcases I reckon t.’

    You oug to stand around like tairs and t iron.’

    Jake sat at one of tables and rested   to rest  my wind again.’

    But your lips are turning blue. You look all knocked up.’

    Im all rig I  is some supper.’

    Supper  be ready for iently.

    Any old leftovers  put te. You dont even o boto  them.’

    tiness in . ed to look neitable. It  at table for t time. And  t   out on a limb. And no o o get out of it by art again. At t of it panic came in ired.  t  on t beside him.

    to .’

    doe of c, he

    steam and closed s in it?’

    Lemon rind rubbed on a lump of sugar and boiling er s a good drink.’

    how much do I owe you?’

    I dont kno out before you leave.’

    Jake took a deep draugoddy and   to pay you—and if I did I probably  anyway.’

    ell,  a bill and asked you to pay up?’

    No, Jake said. You been very reasonable. And since I t it youre a rig guy—from tive, t is.’

    Brannon sat across from  table. Somet-s smootriped blue s was very fresers.

    At last  in a ating ernoon paper just before you came. It seems you  of trouble at your place today.ts rig did it say?’

    quot;ait. Ill get it. Brannon fetcer and leaned against tition of t says on t page t at ted so and so, turbance. tally injured ed by knives. taken for treatment to ty al. te, of Central Mill City, Various ilson, Negro, and so forte: quot;A number of arrests  is alleged t turbance ation, as papers of a subversive nature  te of disturbance. Ots are expected sly.quot; Brannon clicked eetoget-up of ts s h only one r.’

    quot;t, all rig;Caused by labor agitation.quot; ts remarkable.’


    Jake o  y plate.

    do you mean to do now?*

    tm leaving. Im getting out of ernoon.’

    Brannon polis;ell, of course its not necessary—but it migarting out time of day.’

    I just father.’

    I do not t beo make a neart. At v time ake my advice on tive and of course I think your opinions are radical.

    But at time I like to knoter.

    Any to see you straig. So tle down?’

    Jake puse irritably away from  know wired.’

    Brannon s back to ter.

    ired enoug rum and t felt good to be sitting safe in a booto  eaten a good meal. If ed to ake a nap—a s one. Already  s it  out of here.

    his rain keep on?’

    Brannons voice ones. You cant tell— a tropical cloudburst. Mig ttle and set in for t.’

    Jake laid ick and ttle of dishes. Gradually his hands relaxed.


    to errible dream was in mare. I looked over

    on to equal it.’

    till  terror t al o tell me I mare. I remember just  een times before.’

    ime o get traig cro t tern about terrible brig and sloarvation. t cro someo leave it And in t knohe burden he had carried in his arms so long.

    ? Brannon asked. as tood up and  to ter. y and sy. t ain faucet and  a pocket comb and neatly combed ache.

    t to be asleep to understand w was sucmare.’

    ted to five-ty. t stopped.

    Jake picked up case and  to t door. So long. Ill send you a postcard maybe.’

    ait, Brannon said. You cant go nos still raining a little.’

    Just dripping off t out of town before dark.’

    But o keep going for a week?’

    I dont need money. I been broke before. Brannon had an

    envelope ready and in it y-dollar bills. Jake looked at t t. God kno t forget. Good luck. And let me hear from you. Adios. Good-bye.’

    t tcil racks. On eited ted privies and lines of torn, smoky rags  to dry. For t one sig or space or cleanliness. Even tself seemed filt a vegetable roempted, but only a feless, smutty fig trees. Little younguns sark naked. t of ty was so cruel and  Jake snarled and clencs.

    ourned off on a highway.

    Cars passed oo  no one ed to take  maybe a truck opbefore long. te afternoon sun  again.  made team rise from t pavement. Jake eadily.

    As soon as to or  onslaugo begin anotime. to tly to t. But  go too far a line of ake form.

    Evening  good ? t ion so kno. All t came of it rap—tore, to sleep, and back at tore again. t of ter Singer used to ed to seven. And s getting off. henever

    time told o stay.

    Because sand longer on  and  t blue. Dark s urned on. Automobile reet and t t  to go   o te some ice cream s feel O.K. And smoke and be by tle while.

    t part of t to t boot  got so tired. tto o be Keep on your toes and smile. Once s of tore so froime to get ural again. Even ired. Sook off t t. At first ss and Pans, but noo Costume Jewelry.

    Good evening, Mick, Mister Brannon said. tom of a glass of er  it on table.

    I  me a ce sundae and a nickel glass of draw beer.’

    toget doed tle finger t le supper h me?’

    No, t is ty cold.’

    Mick raked   Mister Singer  so  oolhs.

    S t  until t day  t t in to play t of to t s. And t nigaker  rouge and lipstick on o make ural. But  look natural.  s stay in t ter and rung till. So e o table. Only at first o bed at nig sleep. But now s like so, also.