A Domestic Dilemma-2

作品:The Ballad of the Sad Café and Other Stories 作者:卡森·麦卡勒斯 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    quot;Marianne!quot; Martin called, for even tion of t time broug, but no less precious to o tcin  on ions for t table and took coot  week.

    quot;Andy-t; Martin said. quot;Is t old critter still in your mout Daddy ;

    quot;I got a string to pull it ; t from  a tangled t;Virgie said to tie it to tootie t t;

    Martin took out a clean  toot;t toot of my Andys moutonigootree in t;

    quot;A ;

    quot;A tootree,quot; Martin said. quot;Youll bite into somet tootootake root in poor Andys stomaco a tootree tle teetead of leaves.quot;

    quot;S; Andy said. But ootle t;t any tree like t. I never seen one.quot;

    quot;t any tree like t and I never sa;

    Martin tensed suddenly. Emily airs. ened to steps, tle boy o ts and  s ttle. So yank open dra table.

    quot;Condition!quot; s;You talk to me like t. Dont t. I remember every dirty lie you say to me. Dont you te t I forget.quot;

    quot;Emily!quot; ;t;

    quot;t t see ty plots and scrying to turn my o t see and understand.quot;

    quot;Emily! I beg you -- please go upstairs.quot;

    quot;So you can turn my c; tears coursed rapidly dorying to turn my little boy, my Andy, against ;

    it on tartled c;Listen, my Andy -- you  listen to any lies your fatells you? You  believe elling you before I came doairs?quot; Uncertain, t ;tell me. Mama s to kno;

    quot;About tootree.quot;


    ted terror. quot;tootree!quot; S;I dont knoalking about. But listen, Andy, Mama is all rig s; tears ood up.

    quot;See! You urned my c me.quot;

    Marianne began to cry, and Martin took her in his arms.

    quot;ts all rigake your ciality from t. I dont mind, but at least you can leave me my little boy.quot;

    Andy edged close to ouc;Daddy,quot; he wailed.

    Martin took to t of tairs. quot;Andy, you take up Marianne and Daddy e.quot;

    quot;But Mama?quot; the child asked, whispering.

    quot;Mama ;

    Emily  tcable, in poured a cup of soup and set it before ion, irrespective of toucrain of tenderness. Un up and drink t;  ened and imploring. toucins urned tenor of her mood.

    quot;Ma-Martin,quot; s;Im so as;

    quot;Drink t;

    Obeying er a second cup so lead o trained. go to leave tumult, came again.

    quot;urned a me and turned a;

    Impatience and fatigue  ;You forget t Andy is still a little c compre;

    quot;Did I make a scene? Oin, did I make a scene before t;

    ouc ;Forget it Put on your nigo sleep.quot;

    quot;My curned a urned a;

    S in tin ;For Gods sake go to sleep. t by tomorro;

    As  rue. ould t root in to fester in ter-years? Martin did not kno alternative sickened  of Emily, foresaer ion: ties t glared from terating darkness of simes. Martin anticipated ,  t.  t ary rouble long ago and t sied  of rebellion against e; ed his wife.

    Once in t secure for t time t evening. Marianne fell do;Daddy, c; fell again, got up, and continued tine. Andy sat in tootin ran ter in tub, o throom.

    quot;Lets  t toot; Martin sat on toilet, oot and toot moment split beterror, astonis, and deliger and spat into tory. quot;Look, Daddy! Its blood. Marianne!quot;

    Martin loved to batender, naked bodies as tood in ter so exposed. It  fair of Emily to say t iality. As Martin soaped te boy-body of  t furt ted ty of ions for toucrain of melancleness t o pain.  names for ttle boy ies of daily inspiration -- tle girl alin patted dry t baby stomac little genital fold. t as floals, equally loved.

    quot;Im putting tooto get a quarter.quot;

    quot; for?quot;

    quot;You knoer for oot;

    quot;s ter t; asked Martin. quot;I used to t it in t. It ;

    quot;ts en.quot;

    quot; it t;

    quot;Your parents,quot; Andy said. quot;You!quot;

    Martin er in bent over and kissed iny  lay palm-upward, flung in slumber beside her head.

    quot;Good nig;

    ter a minute Martin took out er underneat a nig in the room.

    As Martin pro tce meal, it occurred to  t once mentioned t must o tant -- tooter -- time less episodes like leaves in t current of a sream en on tin t.

    But tered by a drunkards e, ly undermined. And ty of incompre  be like in a year or so? itable e isasting. trutoe. And o a future of degradation and slow ruin.

    Martin pusable and stalked into t reet. By bedtime t upon  and  dragged as airs.

    t for ting ligin undressed quietly. Little by little, mysteriously, tion sounding gently in tockings made to e appeal. in picked up t, silk brassiere and stood for a moment  time t evening  ed on t foreo Marianne, and tilt at te nose. In race ted c. As Martin cranquil slumber of  of ts of blame or blemisant from in put out t and raised t to a c time.  t flesy of love.