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作品:Falling Up 作者:谢尔·希尔弗斯坦 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    I said, quot;Ill take t-bone steak.quot;

    A soft voice mooed, quot;O;

    And I looked up and realized

    tress was a cow.

    I cried, quot;Mistake--forget teak.

    Ill take t;

    I  my luck

    the busboy was a hen.

    I said, quot;Okay no, fooday.

    Ill ;

    tchen door

    the cook--he was a fish.

    I screamed, quot;Is there anyone workin here


    No? Yourre sure? Okay then friends,

    A salads .quot;

    t me. quot;O; they said,


    tell me Im clever,

    tell me Im kind,

    tell me Im talented,

    tell me Im cute,

    tell me Im sensitive,

    Graceful and wise,

    tell me Im perfect-

    But tell me truth.

    take you here

    to terious lands you long to see:

    through gypsy camps and swirling Arab fairs

    And moonlit woods where unicorns run free.

    So come and walk awh me and share

    ting trails and wondrous worlds Ive known.

    But take you here-

    t feeps youll o take alone.

    Im the Dragon of Grindly Grun,

    I breat as the sun.

    comes to fight

    I just toast ,

    Like a  crispy cinnamon bun.

    hen I see a fair damsel go by,

    I just sigh a fiery sigh,

    And sater-

    I ter

    itic tear in my eye.

    Im the Dragon of Grindly Grun,

    But my lunc very much fun,

    For I like my damsels medium rare,

    and t well done.

    o the land of happy,

    here everyones happy all day,

    hey sing

    Of t things,

    And everythings jolly and gay?

    theres no one unhappy in happy

    ter and smiles galore.

    I o the Land of happy-

    a bore