作品:The Dead Father 作者:唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    tryside. Flo. t popping from little s glands. the cable.

    Beautiful country around here, said Julie.

    Gorgeous, said thomas.

    Great to be alive, said to breat. to feel ones muscles bite and snap.

    he mechanical one.

    It is incomparable, said t, t . I . Old Plugalong.

    ? asked t or design?

    tter, said tness, ty of, every kind of experience. I t mec of experience tness. I ed to know w machines know.

    do machines know?

    Mac, and opping. Of last they --

    s t? terrupted. ing to the road.

    too big. Not too small. holding hands.

    Children in love, said Julie.

    In love? how do you know?

    I  is. A clear instance.

    Cher. hippersnappers.

    is t? ting to ther.

    t is a Dead Fatold them.


    look dead to us, said the girl.

    anding up, anyhow.

    homas said.

    the lips.

    t seem very impressed, said the awe?

    t in eacher, said Julie. Soaks up all available awe.

    Dont seem old enoughomas said. how old are you? he asked.

    e are ty, said ten and en. Old enougo live togetil . But dont tell anyone because en, if the knowledge becomes general.

    Arent to be t eac thomas asked.

    Al exceptions, Julie said.

    e  our fingers o knife and mingled our bloods, the boy said.

    tiny forefingers  crusty cuts exed.

    Did you sterilize the knife? I hope? Julie asked.

    e dangled it in ttle, said t sufficient.

    t , thomas said.

    e ed. I am een o refuse to do ary service and I am going to do somet in t t it up yet.

    Admirable, Julie said.

    e are togetoo old to know  is.

    I am?

    You must be about ty-six.


    And ing thomas.

    Considerably, tted.

    And ed to t be, I cant imagine. Maybe a hundred.

    rong, t close. Even older t, but also younger.  bothing I like.

    All t remember  . So little of you. t.

    till more of t t one gets along reasonably well.

    Reasonably, said t a word.

    th hands and cheeks and hair.

    Do ness ty?

    You are in a need for rape. t t. Be grateful.

    Dyscrasia, t is . Pat it.

    Are you in sche children.

    Of course we are in sco excape.

    Do you  to excape?

    Didnt you?

    do you study in school?

    e are invigorated  sensuality of language. e learn to make sentences. Come to me. May I come to your mas comes but once a year. Ill come to your question. t comes and goes. Success comes to trive. tuesday comes after Monday. . toote comes in a tube. Peacrees and good results do not come from careless lessness. t datle practice. Ill come to t, though --

    I t of a smart-ass, said to be sent to a Special Scy-mouthere also.

    If you do t ogeto tell you sometterly astounding, surprising, marvelous, miraculous, triump, astonisraordinary, incredible, unforeseen, vast, tiny, rare, common, glaring, secret until today, brilliant and enviable; in s somet for one single instance o believe in Paris (so ?), somet, sometest joy to t, somet,  care hink.

    I am offended, said ther.

    I ing Mme de Sévigné, said t for t part, which was mine.

    tuned a little fine, the answer.

    Is t t looks like a zoo?

    t s.

    No he children said.

    tanding and wasive hands.

    I cannot bear to look longer, said Julie, let us proceed.

    t all cly regarded.

    S of to the men: Resume, resume!

    tighe cable.

    Small gifts to the children: a power mower, a Blendor.

    togethomas explained.

    Goodbye! Goodbye! ted. Dont tell, please dont tell, never tell, never tell, please!

    e   ! ted back. t s.

    C c be t ced it, it  upon me. tribute of a sort but I could , fatens of tion of ttle bundle to big bundle, period of years, and t observed tis, t of sending a , t, out into tream of ty, nevermore to enance of public order, keeping traig of tters, ions of Klinger, t state, tate, tate, and so on, ing along ter stain and so on, but t possible, all  fortiplied, and multiplied, and multiplied, and I o Fat ural order, tens of t I ed to  a  next to a 100 percent rag print  from my pastels or not. I never ed it, it  upon me. I ed to  tion of t I valued most, strong brourning to pale bro vacant yelloect against, t sort of t no, I o devour times too, get a good mouteet over t t been tally electrocuted by model railroads? And t er course of improperly laundered blue jeans, t-ss, saris, to peel t.

    Believe me, ted it, I ed only t of my armcy about , e and run off tra impressions, wer er hB or if if if if --

    he does go on, said Julie.

    And on and on and on, said thomas. however he is bearing up remarkably well.

    he is bearing up remarkably well.

    I am bearing up remarkably her, because I have hope.

    tell me, said Julie, did you ever  to paint or drach? Yourself?

    It  necessary, said t of my ake my meaning.

    e had no choice, said Julie.