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作品:The Defence of Poetry 作者:菲利普·西德尼 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢


    t losers prove, May paint my face  seeing me, And e tate ree.

    But   kind of fires ts melt, S doth displease, Feeling my pulse, miss my disease.


    O no!  O no! trial only ster juice of forsaken ain; Nay, former bliss adds to present pain, ates contain. Come, learners, to me, tunes lap; And, as you like my double lot, tread in my steps, or follo.


    For me, alas!  I am full resolved t be dissolved; Nor break my e; Nor fail my faite; Nor cate:

    But alruto fly Up to t shall I die in Phoenix fire.