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作品:The Hour Glass 作者:叶芝 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    A YOUNG MAN. Master, he Fool for a scholar?

    ANOteigue, eaco scains. tell us ains, teigue?

    ISE MAN. Be silent all. [anding silent, looking aand still in your places, for tell me.

    [A moments pause. tand round in tEIGUE still stands at the door.]

    ISE MAN. Is t you wory? Or in hell?

    ALL ter! No one!

    ISE MAN. I kne; but do not be afraid. I  be angry. tell me trut believe?

    A YOUNG MAN. e once did, but you augo knoter.

    ISE MAN. Oeaceac go very deep! t remains unc all. You believe just as yon alo tell me.

    A YOUNG MAN. No, no, master.

    ISE MAN. If you tell me t you believe I s angry.

    A YOUNG MAN. [to s somebody to dispute h.

    from the beginning.

    A YOUNG MAN. t is not t for to?day; you o talk about te upon the walls of Babylon.

    ISE MAN. If t you t believes,  friend. Surely t you. [t.] Surely  your mot been so soon forgotten.

    A YOUNG MAN. Master, till you came, no teaco get rid of foolis every one ened to you, every one rut disputation.

    ANOt a fool you made of t monk in t?place!  a o say.

    ISE MAN. [Comes from ands among time. It  passes, and t lasts for ever.

    [tEIGUE, tting on a stool by t h his money.]

    A YOUNG MAN [to anot be satisfied till e o t, master. hem?

    ISE MAN [in a lo noo tanding there.

    A YOUNG MAN. You were in a dream. Anybody can see an angel in his dreams.

    ISE MAN. O  a dream. I ell you I was awake as I am now.

    A YOUNG MAN. Some dream  ter, but t is augo say. t is o ts and tyrs.


    ISE MAN. Out, out from my sig some one  find t grain tell you I must find it, and you anss. Out  you ick! [the young men laugh.]

    A YOUNG MAN.  faito say.

    ISE MAN. Out, out, or I ick about your s hough you are a kings son!

    [to .]

    A YOUNG MAN. Come, come; s us to find some one .]

    ISE MAN [alone. o t t! Bridget! [BRIDGEt comes in ell me trut say imes say your prayers?

    BRIDGEt. Prayers! No, you taugo leave t first I  I am glad nohe evenings.

    ISE MAN. But do you not believe in God?

    BRIDGEt. O ells her!

    ISE MAN. But sometimes  ts, about to believe in?  do you think of when you are alone?

    BRIDGEt [considering]. I t notimes I tening  to see if the chickens food.

    ISE MAN. O can I do! Is t go and find somebody! [o  go out; I cannot leave t!

    BRIDGEt. You  somebody to get up argument h.

    ISE MAN. O of tell me if treet. I cannot leave t s! the sand would fall quickly.

    BRIDGEt. I dont understand .] t of people talking to your pupils.

    ISE MAN. O, Bridget, and see if t believes!

    BRIDGEt [o a man of learning t must be al and ss tc be meddling .

    ISE MAN. [Kneels do;Salvum me fac, Deus??salvum??salvum. ...quot; I ten it all. It is ty years since I said a prayer. I must pray in tongue, like a clo like teigue t!

    [BRIDGEt enters, follo  to her.]

    FOOL. Give me someto buy bacon in ts in t, and strong drink for time whe sun grows weak.

    BRIDGEt. I o t find anybody to argue h you.

    try  dohe monk.

    Cant you be quiet no aling to s? It must be terrible to .

    ISE MAN. I am lost! I am lost!

    BRIDGEt. Leave me alone nohe children.

    ISE MAN. Out of t of t goes tco  sten t is only t doubt; t, Bridget, send my co me!

    BRIDGEt [inside]. Your fats you, run to him now.

    [togettle cimidly at ther.]

    ISE MAN. C do you believe? Is tory?

    FIRSt C forgotten, father.

    toget see.

    FIRSt Co t t you are very learned and you augter.

    ISE MAN. You are just as bad as t as bad as t of t of to cry and run aeacter??no, I eaco your mot be able to teachem, O God! [Alone.]

    ttle sand in t glass. Somebody ; per tures t . O t ts could speak! Somebody  ted. O speak to me, O grass blades! O fingers of Gods certainty, speak to me. You are millions and you  speak. I dare not kno t and brings it to tting by tuck in . o blow a dandelion  are you doing?

    FOOL. ait a moment. [he blows.] Four, five, six.

    ISE MAN.  are you doing t for?

    FOOL. I am blo to find out ime it is.

    ISE MAN. You  is o find out ing to see to carry me a to force  to ask you. [o tory?

    FOOL. So you ask me no eigue could tell  it, for teigue  it s.

    ISE MAN. tell me; tell me!

    FOOL. I said, teigue kno even t milk teigues  teigue  speak; hing.

    ISE MAN. tell me, tell me! For under t if I  found somebody t believes! Speak, speak!

    FOOL [looking  tell you  tell you s. I met a bodacerday, and ;teigue, tell me  t ty pennies in your bag; let me put in my  t; But I pulled trings tigo sleep every nighe bag where no one knows.

    ISE MAN. [Goes too uncover it.] No, no, I  the courage! [he kneels.]

    y upon me, Fool, and tell me!

    FOOL. A is different. I am not afraid of you no I must come near you; somebody in t  the Angel said.

    ISE MAN. O did tell you?

    FOOL. Once I ;teigue t forget t punis purifies, and t;  ISE MAN. . I am dying. ... [FOOL o ry of tars, and I am going to try of tars! Ring t. ... I o tand it all no see trutrut speak, I am too ell t  no, I  I cannot pray. Pray Fool, t tter than mine.

    [FOOL bows er.]

    A YOUNG MAN. Look at turned bell?ringer!

    ANOt eigue?  are you going to tell us?

    ANOt asleep noouche ISE MAN.] Oh, he is dead!

    FOOL. Do not stir!  you mig for a moment.] Look le tle s o tretc aken it in her hands...

    she Garden of Paradise.

    [they all kneel.]