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作品:快乐王子等童话 作者:奥斯卡·王尔德 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢
























































































































































































































































    to be married, so there were general

    rejoicings.  ed a

    she had arrived.  She was a Russian Princess, and had driven all

    the sledge

    he swans wings

    lay ttle Princess herself.  her long ermine-cloak reached

    rigo , on iny cap of silver

    tissue, and she Snow Palace in which she had

    always lived.  So pale was s as she

    streets all t;Se rose!quot; they

    cried, and the balconies.

    At te of tle ting to receive her.

    eyes, and his hair was like fine gold.  hen

    he saw her he sank upon one knee, and kissed her hand.

    quot;Your picture iful,quot; ;but you are more

    beautiful turequot;; and ttle Princess blushed.

    quot;Se rose before,quot; said a young Page to his

    neig;but s;; and t


    For t t about saying, quot;e rose,

    Red rose, Red rose, e rosequot;; and t the

    Pages salary o be doubled.  As  all

    t of muco  it


    ed.  It was

    a magnificent ceremony, and the bride and bridegroom walked hand in

    embroidered tle

    pearls.  tate Banquet, wed for five

    at top of t hall

    and drank out of a cup of clear crystal.  Only true lovers could

    drink out of touc, it grew grey

    and dull and cloudy.

    quot;Its quite clear t t; said ttle Page,

    quot;as clear as crystal!quot; and the King doubled his salary a second

    time.  quot; an ; cried all tiers.

    After t to be a Ball.  the bride and bridegroom

    o dance togeto

    play te.   no one o

    tell wo

    airs, and e certain

    made no matter, for, wever ,


    t item on to

    be let off exactly at midnigtle Princess had never seen

    a firehe Royal

    Pyrotec stendance on the day of her marriage.

    quot; are fire; she Prince, one morning,

    as serrace.

    quot;t; said the King, who always

    ansions t o ot;only much

    more natural.  I prefer to stars myself, as you always know

    ful as my own

    flute-playing.  You must certainly see t;

    So at t stand  up,

    and as soon as tec  everyts

    proper place, to talk to eacher.

    quot;tainly very beautiful,quot; cried a little Squib.

    quot;Just look at tulips.  hey were real crackers

    t be lovelier.  I am very glad I ravelled.

    travel improves th all ones


    quot;t t; said a big

    Roman Candle; quot;t ake

    you to see it t;

    quot;Any place you love is to you,quot; exclaimed a pensive

    Cattaco an old deal box in early

    life, and prided ; quot;but love is not

    fass .  te so much

    about it t nobody believed t surprised.  true

    love suffers, and is silent.  I remember myself once -  But it is

    no matter no.quot;

    quot;Nonsense!quot; said t;Romance never dies.  It is like

    the bride and bridegroom, for

    instance, love eac this

    morning from a broridge, aying in

    test Court ne;

    But t;Romance is dead, Romance

    is dead, Romance is dead,quot; shose

    people hing over and over a

    great many times, it becomes true in the end.

    Suddenly, a shey all looked round.

    It came from a tall, supercilious-looking Rocket, o

    tick.  he always coughed before he made any

    observation, so as to attract attention.

    quot;A; ened except the poor

    Catill shaking her head, and murmuring,

    quot;Romance is dead.quot;

    quot;Order! order!quot; cried out a Cracker.  hing of a

    politician, and aken a prominent part in the local

    elections, so ary expressions to use.

    quot;Quite dead,quot; o


    As soon as t silence, t coughird

    time and began.  inct voice, as if

    ating he shoulder

    of to ,

    distinguished manner.

    quot;unate it is for t; ;t he is

    to be married on to be let off.  Really,

    if it  could not urned out

    better for , Princes are al;

    quot;Dear me!quot; said ttle Squib, quot;I t it e ther

    o be let off in t;

    quot;It may be so ; ;indeed, I  t

    it is, but  is different.  I am a very remarkable Rocket,

    and come of remarkable parents.  My mot celebrated

    Catherine heel of her day, and was renowned for her graceful

    dancing.   public appearance she spun round

    nineteen times before s out, and eacime t she did so

    so tars.  S and a

    er, and made of t gunpoher

    like myself, and of Frencraction.  he flew so

    t he would never come down

    again.  ion, and he

    made a most brilliant descent in a she

    nee about tering terms.

    Indeed, t Gazette called riumpec.quot;

    quot;Pyrotecec; said a Bengal Lig;I know

    it is Pyrotec ten on my oer.quot;

    quot;ell, I said Pylotec; ans, in a severe tone

    of voice, and t felt so crus

    once to bully ttle squibs, in order to s ill

    a person of some importance.

    quot;I ; continued t, quot;I was saying -  was I


    quot;You alking about yourself,quot; replied the Roman Candle.

    quot;Of course; I kneeresting subject when I

    errupted.  I e rudeness and bad manners of

    every kind, for I am extremely sensitive.  No one in the whole

    ive as I am, I am quite sure of t.quot;

    quot; is a sensitive person?quot; said to the Roman Candle.

    quot;A person her

    peoples toes,quot; anshe

    Cracker nearly exploded er.

    quot;Pray, ; inquired t; quot;I am not


    quot;I am laug; replied the Cracker.

    quot;t is a very selfis; said t angrily.  quot;

    rigo be  others.

    In fact, you s me.  I am alhinking

    about myself, and I expect everybody else to do t is

    is a beautiful virtue, and I possess

    it in a ance, anyto

    me to-nig a misfortune t he

    Prince and Princess would never be heir whole married

    life  get

    over it.  Really,  on tance of my

    position, I am almost moved to tears.quot;

    quot;If you  to give pleasure to ot; cried the Roman Candle,

    quot;you ter keep yourself dry.quot;

    quot;Certainly,quot; exclaimed t, wter

    spirits; quot;t is only common sense.quot;

    quot;Common sense, indeed!quot; said t indignantly; quot;you forget

    t I am very uncommon, and very remarkable.  hy, anybody can

    tion.  But I

    ion, for I never they really are; I

    ale different.  As for keeping

    myself dry, tly no one  all

    appreciate an emotional nature.  Fortunately for myself, I dont

    care.  t sustains one the

    consciousness of ty of everybody else, and

    t I ivated.  But none of you

    s.   as if

    t just been married.quot;

    quot;ell, really,quot; exclaimed a small Fire-balloon, quot; is a

    most joyful occasion, and end to

    tell tars all about it.  You winkle walk

    to t tty bride.quot;

    quot;A a trivial vie; said t; quot;but it is only

    ed.  thing in you; you are hollow and

    empty.  o live in a

    country whey may have one

    only son, a little fair- eyes like the Prince

    to h his nurse;

    and pero sleep under a great elder-tree; and

    pertle boy may fall into the deep river and be drowned.

    a terrible misfortune!  Poor people, to lose their only son!

    It is really too dreadful!  I s over it.quot;

    quot;But t lost t; said t;no

    misfortune o t all.quot;

    quot;I never said t t; replied t; quot;I said t they

    mig there would be no use in

    saying anyt tter.  I e people who cry over

    spilt milk.  But  lose their only son,

    I certainly am very muced.quot;

    quot;You certainly are!quot; cried t.  quot;In fact, you are the

    most affected person I ever met.quot;

    quot;You are t person I ever met,quot; said t, quot;and you

    cannot understand my friends;

    quot; even knohe Roman Candle.

    quot;I never said I kne.  quot;I dare say t

    if I kne is a very

    dangerous to kno;

    quot;You ter keep yourself dry,quot; said the Fire-balloon.

    quot;t is tant t;

    quot;Very important for you, I ,quot; ans,

    quot;but I s;; and ually burst into real

    tears, wick like rain-drops, and nearly

    drotle beetles, ting up

    oget to live in.

    quot; ruly romantic nature,quot; said therine heel,

    quot;for  all to quot;; and she

    about the deal box.

    But t e indignant, and

    kept saying, quot;; at top of they

    remely practical, and o anything

    t humbug.


    began to she palace.

    they danced so

    beautifully t tall  the window and

    c red poppies nodded t


    ten oclock struck, and t

    t stroke of midnig on terrace, and

    t for tec.

    quot;Let t; said the Royal

    Pyrotec made a lohe

    garden.  tendants h him, each of whom carried a

    ligorc the end of a long pole.

    It ainly a magnificent display.

    therine heel, as she spun round and

    round.  Boom!  Boom!  the Squibs danced

    all over ts made everything look

    scarlet.  quot;Good-bye,quot; cried the Fire-balloon, as he soared away,

    dropping tiny blue sparks.  Bang! Bang! anshe Crackers, who


    except t.   he

    could not go off at all.  t the gunpowder,

    and t  ears t it was of no use.  All his poor

    relations, to

    up into th blossoms of

    fire.  ; and ttle Princess

    laugh pleasure.

    quot;I suppose t; said the

    Rocket; quot;no doubt t is  means,quot; and he looked more

    supercilious than ever.

    t day to put everytidy.  quot;this is

    evidently a deputation,quot; said t; quot;I h

    becoming dignityquot; so  o frown

    severely as if  some very important subject.

    But took no notice of  all till t going

    a sig;; he cried,

    quot;!quot; and o tch.

    quot;BAD Rocket?  BAD Rocket?quot; he air;

    quot;impossible!  GRAND Rocket, t is he man said.  BAD and

    GRAND sound very mucen are t;;

    and o the mud.

    quot;It is not comfortable ; ;but no doubt it is some

    fasering-place, and t me ao recruit

    my ainly very muctered, and I

    require rest.quot;

    ttle Frog,  jetled

    coat, so him.

    quot;A ne; said t;ell, after all there is

    notch, and I am

    quite   afternoon?  I am sure I

    te blue and cloudless.   a pity!quot;

    quot;A; said t, and o cough.

    quot; a delig; cried t;Really it is

    quite like a croak, and croaking is of course t musical

    sound in this evening.  e

    sit in the farmers house, and as soon

    as t is so entrancing t everybody

    lies ao listen to us.  In fact, it erday t I

    o  s get a

    nig of us.  It is most gratifying to

    find oneself so popular.quot;

    quot;A; said t angrily.  he was very much annoyed

    t  get a word in.

    quot;A deligainly,quot; continued t;I hope you

    o to look for my

    daugiful daughe

    Pike may meet t monster, and would have no

    ation in breakfasting off them.  ell, good-bye:  I have

    enjoyed our conversation very muc;

    quot;Conversation, indeed!quot; said t.  quot;You alked the

    is not conversation.quot;

    quot;Somebody must listen,quot; ans;and I like to do all

    talking myself.  It saves time, and prevents arguments.quot;

    quot;But I like arguments,quot; said t.

    quot;I ,quot; said tly.  quot;Arguments are extremely

    vulgar, for everybody in good society ly the same

    opinions.  Good-bye a second time; I see my daughe

    distance and ttle Frog swam away.

    quot;You are a very irritating person,quot; said t, quot;and very ill-

    bred.  I e people  themselves, as you do, when one

    s to talk about oneself, as I do.  It is w I call

    selfis detestable thing, especially

    to any one of my temperament, for I am well known for my

    sympatic nature.  In fact, you sake example by me; you

    could not possibly ter model.  No you he

    cter avail yourself of it, for I am going back to

    Court almost immediately.  I am a great favourite at Court; in

    fact, terday in my honour.

    Of course you knoters, for you are a


    quot;talking to ; said a Dragon-fly, who was

    sitting on top of a large bro all, for


    quot;ell, t is  mine,quot; ans.  quot;I am not

    going to stop talking to tention.

    I like alk.  It is one of my greatest pleasures.  I

    often ions all by myself, and I am so clever

    t sometimes I dont understand a single word of w I am


    quot;tainly lecture on P; said the Dragon-

    fly; and he spread a pair of lovely gauze wings and soared away

    into the sky.

    quot; to stay ; said t.  quot;I am

    sure t  often got such a chance of improving his mind.

    care a bit.  Genius like mine is sure to be

    appreciated some dayquot;; and tle deeper into the


    After some time a large e Duck so him.  She had yellow

    legs, and , and  beauty on account

    of her waddle.

    quot;Quack, quack, quack,quot; s; a curious shape you are!

    May I ask , or is it t of an


    quot;It is quite evident t you ry,quot;

    ans, quot;otherwise you would know who I am.  however,

    I excuse your ignorance.  It o expect other people

    to be as remarkable as oneself.  You  be surprised to

    I can fly up into the sky, and come down in a shower of

    golden rain.quot;

    quot;I dont t,quot; said t;as I cannot see w

    use it is to any one.  Now, if you could ploughe

    ox, or dra like ter the

    collie-dog, t ;

    quot;My good creature,quot; cried t in a very y tone of

    voice, quot;I see t you belong to the lower orders.  A person of my

    position is never useful.  e ain accompliss, and

    t is more t.  I h

    industry of any kind, least of all ries as you seem

    to recommend.  Indeed, I  hard work

    is simply tever to do.quot;

    quot;ell, ; said the Duck, who was of a very peaceable

    disposition, and never quarrelled ;everybody has

    different tastes.  I  any rate, t you are going to take

    up your residence ;

    quot;O; cried t.  quot;I am merely a visitor, a

    distinguisor.  t is t I find ther

    tedious.  ty ude.  In fact, it

    is essentially suburban.  I so Court, for I

    kno I am destined to make a sensation in t;

    quot;I s of entering public life once myself,quot; remarked the

    Duck; quot;t need reforming.  Indeed, I

    took t a meeting some time ago, and we passed

    resolutions condemning everyt  like.  however,

    t seem to .  Now I go in for

    domesticity, and look after my family.quot;

    quot;I am made for public life,quot; said t, quot;and so are all my

    relations, even t of te

    great attention.  I  actually appeared myself, but when I

    do so it  sigicity, it ages

    one rapidly, and distracts ones mind from ;

    quot;A; said the Duck;

    quot;and t reminds me ;:  and she swam away down

    tream, saying, quot;Quack, quack, quack.quot;

    quot;Come back! come back!quot; screamed t, quot;I  deal

    to say to youquot;; but ttention to ;I am glad

    t s; o ;she has a decidedly

    middle-class mindquot;; and tle deeper still into the mud,

    and began to t the loneliness of genius, when suddenly

    ttle boys in h a

    kettle and some faggots.

    quot;t be tation,quot; said t, and ried to

    look very dignified.

    quot;; cried one of t;look at tick!  I wonder

    came ;; and  out of tch.

    quot;OLD Stick!quot; said t, quot;impossible!  GOLD Stick, t is

    ary.  In fact, he

    mistakes me for one of t dignitaries!quot;

    quot;Let us put it into t; said t;it will o

    boil ttle.quot;

    So ts toget t on top, and

    lit the fire.

    quot;t,quot; cried t, quot;to let me

    off in broad day-lig every one can see me.quot;

    quot;e o sleep no; t;and whe

    kettle ;; and t

    their eyes.

    t ime to burn.  At last,


    quot;No; iff and

    straig;I know I sars, much

    , I shall

    go so  - quot;

    Fizz! Fizz! Fizz! and  straigo the air.

    quot;Delig; ;I s a

    success I am!quot;

    But nobody saw him.

    to feel a curious tingling sensation all over him.

    quot;Noo explode,quot; ;I s the whole

    alk about

    anyt;  And ainly did explode.

    Bang! Bang! Bang!  t about it.

    But nobody  even ttle boys, for they were

    sound asleep.

    t  of ick, and this fell down on

    taking a ch.

    quot;Good ; cried t;It is going to rain sticksquot;; and

    so ter.

    quot;I kne sensation,quot; gasped t, and

