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作品:四季短笛 作者:漪然 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    he fresh flowers come from?

    I  a peaco make a boat in pink, and let it carrys tting sun on terglows brink.


    Mom,look at t last year,is picked up by all twig...

    But,its still raining...

    It  their pearls and diamonds.

    I o weave a silver he primroses!

    Dont go out notle brot you see?ts to ts strings.

    O  t  rain... tely?

    I t like me.

    A small penpoint,dipping ts a soft yelloone of spring...

    So I make a little paper boat,and let it float er,converging all to look for a neinent in colorful coat.

    In early morning,t aroused by t sunsy cuckoo only mumbled once in a o echo.

    Sis,als fly away?

    stle drencle came to my  evening.And no is still sleeping in  of delicate aroma, dream it is having!

    And t  smile.

    t t clots go and fly a kite togethe answer.

    Look--it must overturned its palette last nigs face  cleaning,s!

    Rain,rain,rain,ligone pattle flo all over the roof of my home.

    e fleuret,you still keep your gate closedown?

    I  a o make a boat in green,and let it plays e cloud in tion.

    t in moms o and fro.

    to ty sky,arent they?

    t is a rompiso make a wle.

    S for spring ails.

    Grandma is alh a pair of scissors.

    Ant,ant,ake a sun ray t you?

    One by one under tes are togeture.

    t.ie it dos go and fly a kite togethe answer.

    he warm air?

    t in moms was I know--Cly blow and blow.

    My sister,may you take me out to play tomorrow?