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作品:伊利亚随笔 作者:查尔斯·兰姆 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    th-SEA hOUSE

    READER, in t been receiving t a lean annuitant like myself) to t, to secure a place for Dalston, or Sreat nort tone edifice, to t --  abuts upon Bise? I dare say t often admired its magnificent portals ever gaping o vie, ers and pillars, races of goers-in or comers-out -- a desolation sometrade, -- a centre of busy interests. ts  up, till to be seen stately porticos; imposing staircases; offices roomy as tate apartments in palaces deserted, or traggling clerks; till more sacred interiors of court and committee rooms, ors seated in form on solemn days (to proclaim a dead dividend,) at long en tables, t arnis-leating massy silver inkstands long since dry -- ts ures of deceased governors and sub-governors, of queen Anne, and t monarcy; -- s, ed; -- dusty maps of Mexico, dim as dreams,-- and soundings of ts, appended, in idle roo , conflagration: --  ranges of cellarage under all, ;unsunned ; for Mammon to ary  ed, or scattered into air at t of t famous BUBBLE.

    [Footnote] * I passed by te. -- Ossian.

    Suc least, suc y years ago,  relic!  alterations may  since, I unities of verifying. time, I take for granted,  fres. No ed ters. A t by time stagnates upon it. t tening upon its obsolete ledgers and day-books, ed from tions, but ot generations ries. Layers of dust ed (a superfoetation of dirt!) upon t seldom used to be disturbed, save by some curious finger, noive to explore ty, seeking to unveil some of teries of t tremendous ent tty peculators of our day look back upon ion, and ion of rivalry, as emplating titan size of Vauxs super.

    Peace to titution are upon thy walls, proud house, for a memorial!

    Situated as t, in t of stirring and living commerce, -- amid t and fever of speculation --  t prosperity, ant faces, as it ing t of business -- to templative,to suc -- a cessation -- a coolness from business -- an indolence almost cloistral --  reverence  bare rooms and courts at eventide! t -- tant,  by me, stiff as in life. Living accounts and accountants puzzle me. I  t dead tomes,  day could lift from tastic flourisive rubric interlacing triple columniations, set doy of cypences at t ured to open a book of business, or bill of lading -- tly vellum covers of some of t persuading us t  into some better library, are very agreeable and edifying spectacles. I can look upon t dragons ors s for) are as good as any trograde.

    ty years back- from t I o do ook of the place!

    tly (for tablis did not admit of superfluous salaries) bac muco do) persons of a curious and speculative turn of mind. Old-fasioned before. s, for tions; and, not  togetendency to assimilate te bodies to eac, for t part, placed in to it te s and oddities, unqualified, if I may so speak, as into a common stock.  of Noaery. Domestic retainers in a great  more for s pleasant fello a fe considerable proficiency on te.

    t t time on. rymen stamped on   bottom. o t, po, in to ures of ermed, in my young days, Maccaronies.  of t race of beaux. Melanc over er all t) remulous fingers, as if  er; in o imagine ed, at least, y of ristful visage clearing up a little over  neck of veal at Andertons at till aken a little before er of ted for t five-and-ty years), but not attaining ts animation till evening brougea and visiting. taneous sound of  troke of topic of never-failing mirte, e into secret ory ! ryman, Pennant icular, could not be more eloquent tion to old and nee of old tres, creets gone to decay --  in C anecdote, derived from paternal tradition, of tesque figures s of to try, from teent alive tering obscurities of y of the Seven Dials!

    Deputy, under Evans, ame. oop of a nobleman. You minster-oop, I mean t gentle bending of t men, must be supposed to be t of an ual condescending attention to tions of t strained to t in t leisure to smile at tive insignificance of tensions   order. It did not reaco a saate of  tame lefolks,  all times  meagre person,  s sinned in over-pampering; but in its veins ionsood, -- mucainty at time of day, -- to trious, but unfortunate er. t of toop. t -- timent -- t solitary star of your lives, -- ye mild and  of intellect, and in ty of your station! to you instead of ricead of rank, instead of glittering attainments: and it ogeted none ; but,  like solamen.

    Of quite anotamp ant, Joipp. ended to rut tter. ;t an accountant test cer in test accountant in it.quot; Yet Jo   ainly, es to t abominably. e of official rooms in treet, antial appended to to enlarge a mans notions of  lived in t es of a concert of quot;s breasts,quot; as our ancestors s on, and drank e like Lord Midas among t at tipp e anot of creature. t al, ic  rebuke. Politics  too refined and abstracted. ty of man consisted in ing off dividend s. triking of t year in ts for a mont t tipp o ty) in  sigurn of tifling days  intricate accounts of t flouris to a genuine accountant tional farto  as tand before it. rue actor, , must act it ensity. itipp form ions seemed ruled  less erring t.  executor in t executorsed y in equal ratios. ipp s ttle orps enacity like t commended terests to ection. it  of timidity -- (o give it a o ttle on ture certainly o endo measure of tion. t despise, because it reacs elements; it betrays itself, not you: it is mere temperament; tic and terprising; it sees a lion in t, inbras, quot;greatly find quarrel in a stra; ake. tipp never mounted tage-coac t; or looked do off a gun; or  upon a er-party; or  you go if : neit recorded of  for lucre, or for intimidation, he ever forsook friend or principle.

    sy dead, in  t, tters, teredst ttedst it in mid-day -- ( t some quirk t left a sting! tinct, or survive but in tten volumes, o rescue from a stall in Barbican, not terse, fresic, as alive. t is a little gone by in tidious days -- topics are staled by t;ne; of time -- but great to be in Public Ledgers, and in Con, and tearing from Great Britain t, and Ricics. -

    A little less facetious, and a great deal more Obstreperous, tling, rattle in a rigensions, like tle of ter bend) from tfordsradition gave ; and certain family features not a little sanctioned tainly old alter Plumer (ed auted mucaly, and o till living, y in so many successive parliaments, and er flouris a business of franks,  in Jo business. It is certain our Plumer did noto discountenance t leness, insinuated. But, besides ensions, Plumer was an engaging fellow, and sang gloriously. -

    Not so sly sang Plumer as t, mild, coral M -- ; a flutes breatones  c t song sung by Amiens to ter  to be ungrateful. te.  le offspring of blustering er : -- only unfortunate in tory, swan-like. -

    Muco sing. Many fantastic s t be mine in private -- already I o top of  ; -- else could I omit t strange creature oollett, rying tion, and bougigations ? -- and still stranger, inimitable, solemn y Neion.  deliberation would  a wafer ! --

    Pgt; But it is time to close -- nigtling fast over me -- it is proper to his solemn mockery.

    Reader, astic insubstantial like henry Pimpernel, and old John Naps of Greece : --

    Be satisfied t someto tance is from t.