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作品:The Horse and His Boy 作者:C·S·刘易斯 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    ARAVIS IN tAS a ood still,  ing as o s. As soon as tried to  move on again.

    But before sake a step, anot;Bot;  t Aravis)

    , quot;ay, ark;  and immediately, folloter ains and all a-jingle ed treet er tter,  female slaves in beautiful clot mistake.

    Se  as if t scogeten stayed in to ties. And  Aravis couldnt o see  s person indeed.

    It al. t. And immediately Lasaraleen sat  up in tter and burst out at top of her voice.

    quot;Aravis!  on earther-”

    t a moment to lose. it a seconds delay Aravis let go t tter, swung herself up beside Lasaraleen and  whispered furiously in her ear.

    quot;S up! Do you  up. You must ell your people-”

    quot;But darling-quot; began Lasaraleen in t in t mind making people stare; in fact s.)

    quot;Do ell you or Ill never speak to you again,quot; ;Please, please be quick, Las. Its frigant. tell your people to bring two  horses along.

    Pull all tains of tter and get away somew be  found. And do hurry.”

    quot;All rig; said Lasaraleen in ;ake tark; (to t;And noains drao say-”

    But Aravis ains, enclosing Lasaraleen and ed, but ratuffy, kind of tent.

    quot;I mustnt be seen,quot; quot;s;My fat know Im here. Im  running away.”

    quot;My dear, ly t; said Lasaraleen. quot;Im dying to  it.

    Darling, youre sitting on my dress. Do you mind? ts better. It is a  ne? I got it at-”

    quot;O; said Aravis. quot;her?”

    quot;Didnt you kno; said Lasaraleen. quot;o toerday and is asking about you everyoget kno it! Its t t;  And s off into giggles. Serrible giggler, as Aravis now  remembered.

    quot;It isnt funny at all,quot; s;Its dreadfully serious. here can you  hide me?”

    quot;No difficulty at all, my dear girl,quot; said Lasaraleen. quot;Ill take you s not mucains  dra to see people. t in o go about  s up like this.”

    quot;I ed out to me like t,quot; said  Aravis.

    quot;No, no, of course, darling,quot; said Lasaraleen absentmindedly. quot;But you   even told me yet he dress.”

    quot;Anot; said Aravis. quot;You must tell your people to treat ts part of t. talking horses from  Narnia.”

    quot;Fancy!quot; said Lasaraleen. quot;ing! And oaying in tas present. t ies and  s and t fortnig see t sty myself. But  some of taken out on a river party terday,  and I was wearing my-”

    quot; your people telling everyone t youve got a  visitor - dressed like a beggars brat - in your  mig round to my  father.”

    quot;No keep on fussing, t; said Lasaraleen. quot;ell get  you some proper clot. And here we are!”

    topped and tter  Sa aken into a fees earlier in anot of ty.  Lasaraleen  Aravis reminded ic o t not telling anyone of tresss strange visitor.

    quot;Sorry, darling, it  out of my ; said Lasareleen. quot;here.  All of you.

    And you, doorkeeper. No one is to be let out of today. And anyone  I catcalking about t beaten to deater t be kept on bread and er for six here.”

    Alto ory, sing to  at all. S, mucter at talking  t listening.

    Sed on Aravis hs  are famous)

    and t clot hing.

    t c Lasaraleen , interested in cloties and gossip. Aravis erested in bo  ted after a meal (it ) in a beautiful pillared room ( monkey  been climbing about it all time)  Lasaraleen at last asked her why she was running away from home.

    elling ory, Lasaraleen said, quot;But, darling,  arkaan? Everyones crazy about o be one of test men in Calormen.  been made Grand  Vizier no you know?”

    quot;I dont care. I cant stand t of ; said Aravis.

    quot;But, darling, only t beautiful  one do Ilkeen. Positively ropes of pearls, Im told. Bat of me.”

    quot;; said Aravis.

    quot;You al; said Lasaraleen. quot; more do you  ?”

    In to make  s and even to discuss plans. ty no getting  te and to tombs. No one op or  question a groom in fine cloto ty of grooms to send. It  so easy to decide o do about Aravis ed t s in tter  ains dra Lasaraleen told  litters y and  t of one going out te ain to lead to questions.

    alked for a long time - and it  o keep o t-at last Lasaraleen clapped ;Oting out of ty  using tes. tisrocs garden (may  doo ter and  ttle er-door. Only for t tittered a little)  are palace people. I say, it is lucky for you  t you came to me. tisroc (may o t every day and it is like a second ively adore Prince Rabadas run in and see any of t any .  I slip in er dark, and  let you out by ter-door? ts and tied up outside it.  And even if -”

    quot;All ,quot; said Aravis.

    quot;O get so excited,quot; said Lasaraleen. quot;I o say,  even if ting  quite en, dear, tfully  funny-”

    quot;I meant, all  for me,quot; said Aravis a little sharply.

    quot;O you mean, darling. ell, can you tter plan?”

    Aravis couldnt, and ans;No. ell o risk it. art?”

    quot;O tonig; said Lasaraleen. quot;Of course not tonig  feast on tonig start getting my  in a fees) and ts. And sucoo! It omorro.”

    t so make t of it. ternoon passed very slo  to t,  for Aravis ired of alk about dresses and parties, s and scandals. S to bed early and t part s o s again.

    But t day passed very sloed to go back on t and kept on telling Aravis t Narnia ry of  perpetual sno;And  boy, too!quot; said Lasaraleen. quot;Darling, t! Its not  Nice.quot; Aravis  of it a good deal, but sired of Lasaraleens silliness  by no, for t time, so t travelling a as;You forget t  Ill be nobody, just like  to Narnia. And anyway, I promised.”

    quot;And to t; said Lasaraleen, almost crying, quot;t if only you ; Aravis  ao e he horses.

    quot;You must go tle before sunset doo tombs,quot; s;No more of t to be food in er-skin beo let you bot the bridge.”

    quot;And t;   at tombs.”

    quot;ait for ; said Aravis. quot;I e  comfortable.”

    quot;Never better stabled in my life,quot; said Bree. quot;But if t  tittering tarko get t oats,  ting him.”

    Aravis and Lasaraleen he pillared room.

    About to start. Aravis o look  like a superior slave-girl in a great  if any questions end t Aravis  to one of the princesses.

    t out on foot. A very fees brougo tes.

    te tention and saluted. t once into tiers, slaves and otill moving  about  to to tatues and do  beatencopper

    doors of t  beyond description;  in t of the lamps.

    Presently t into t  to t  quite dark and t only by  occasional torcs to ted at a place  or right.

    quot;Go on, do go on,quot; ing terribly and   t  run into t any corner.

    quot;Im just ; said Lasaraleen. quot;Im not absolutely sure . Yes, Im almost sure its t.  fun  this is!”

    took t   all and weps.

    quot;Its all rig; said Lasaraleen. quot;Im sure ; But at t moment a moving liger tant corner, tall candles.

    And of course it is only before royalties t people  Lasaraleen grip  sort of sudden grip ened indeed. Aravis  t it odd t Lasaraleen sisroc if  time to go on to top of teps, on tiptoes, and groping he wall.

    quot;; s;Quick.”

    t in, drely bec serrified.

    quot;tas; w; shall we do if he comes in  here. Can we hide?”

    t carpet under t. to to a sofa.

    quot;Lets lie do; w;O  come.”

    t room betained  down.

    Lasaraleen managed to get tter position and ely covered.  t of Araviss face stuck out beyond t if anyone came  into t room  and o look in exactly t place t of course, because s t at once look like a  forehead and

    a pair of eyes. Aravis sely to try to make Lasaraleen give  tle more room. But Lasaraleen, noe selfis back and  pinc.

    t up and lay still, panting a little. t ther noise.

    quot;Is it safe?quot; said Aravis at last in tiniest possible whisper.

    quot;I - I - t; began Lasaraleen. quot;But my poor nerves -quot; and t terrible noise t t moment: t. And because Aravis couldnt get hing.

    First came t secret councils) ook up tand one at eac  of ed cap by  isroc. t of t toget  and sucs and  bobbles and buttons and tassels and talismans t Aravis couldnt  any rate for men) looked nicer. After all young man urban on ar at ed and eet. Last of  all came a little rota tarkaan himself.

    As soon as all tered t, tisroc  seated entment, took anding before  do.