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作品:THE SILVER CHAIR 作者:C·S·刘易斯 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    t made Scrubb look so dingy (and Jill too, if ster describe t once.

    t in tains tering in t, rose a many-tourreted castle; t beautiful castle Jill e marble and, moored to tall sle and  flag at t- as silver, along to  t of it, just ready to go on board, stood an old, old man. le of scarlet o s.  t of gold on e as o . ood straig you could see ery.

    Immediately in front of turned round to speak to tle co it, a little donkey: not mucriever. In t a fat  little ding  e different: it made tle bundle of fur and silk and velvet.  more y, remely large,  sic billiard ball in t light.

    Fartood  once kneo be tiers. t for t  , t ;   one in every five hings you never see  in our world.

    Fauns, satyrs, centaurs: Jill could give a name to tures of them.

    Doo. And t of animals s t  from tance, stood on t  quite apart from t, t. You could see by t talk and t as well as you could.

    quot;Golly!quot; t Jill. quot;So its true after all.quot; But next moment s;I ; For s noticed, on tskirts of ts and some people o at all.

    At t moment Aslan and to ten all about t half-hour.

    quot;Scrubb!quot; s;Scrubb, quick! Do you see  anyone you know?”

    quot;So youve turned up again, ; said Scrubb disagreeably (for , cant you? I  to listen.”

    quot;Dont be a fool,quot; said Jill. quot;t a moment to lose. Dont you see  some old friend  to go and speak to  once.”

    quot; are you talking about?quot; said Scrubb.

    quot;Its Aslan - t to,quot; said Jill despairingly. quot;Ive  seen him.”

    quot;O did he say?”

    quot; person you sa to speak to  once.”

    quot;ell, t know whis is Narnia.”

    quot;t you said youd been ; said Jill.

    quot;ell, you t hen.”

    quot;ell, I like t! You told me -”

    quot;For s  theyre saying.”

    to t Jill couldnt  , t deal. t:  but  sand very little of   people and places sooped doraig , sloeps, up tiers appeared to be greatly moved  by ure.  out, sounds of sobbing were ion.

    t off, trumpets sounded from t o, but Jill didnt see  t.)

    quot;No; said Scrubb, but  get any fart t moment  a large  - Jill t for a second t it e - came gliding  ted at . It  so big t it stood as high  as a good-sized dwarf.

    It blinked and peered as if it s tle on one side, and said in a soft, ing kind of voice:  quot;tu-wu-wwo?”

    quot;My names Scrubb, and t; said Eustace. quot;ould you mind telling  us where we are?”

    quot;In t tle of Cair Paravel.”

    quot;Is t t taken ship?”

    quot;too true, too true,quot; said ts big ;But  nobody kne me. I o notice you,  you flew.”

    quot;e  ; said Eustace in a low voice.

    quot;tu- its feat;t too muc quite myself till the suns down.”

    quot;And  to find t Prince,quot; said Jill, o get into tion.

    quot;Its t Ive  it,quot; said Eustace. quot; prince?”

    quot;You ter come and speak to t at once,quot; it said.  quot;ts rumpkin t; turned and  began leading ttering to itself, quot;u-o-do! I cant t. Its too early.”

    quot; is t; asked Eustace.

    quot;Caspian tent; said t in urned an extraordinary colour. S s anyt before sime to ask any  questions t gato drive back to tle. tiers ion, by ones and ttle knots, like people coming aching a game or a race.

    quot;tu-; said tooping dotle and  s beak near the Dwarfs ear.

    quot;s t?quot; said the Dwarf.

    quot;trangers, my lord,quot; said the Owl.

    quot;Rangers!  dye mean?quot; said t;I see two uncommonly grubby  man-cubs.

    do t?”

    quot;My names Jill,quot; said Jill, pressing forant business on whey had come.

    quot;t; said t could.

    quot;s t?quot; said t;t believe a  .  girls? ho killed em?”

    quot;Only one girl, my lord,quot; said t;her name is Jill.”

    quot;Speak up, speak up,quot; said t;Dont stand ttering in my ear. hos been killed?”

    quot;Nobodys been killed,quot; ed the Owl.



    quot;All rig. You neednt s. Im not so deaf as all t.   do you mean by coming o tell me t nobodys been killed? hy should anyone have  been killed?”

    quot;Better tell ace,quot; said Scrubb.

    quot;tace, my lord,quot; ed t could.

    quot;Useless?quot; said tably. quot;I dare say  any reason  for bringing o court? hey?”

    quot;Not useless,quot; said t;EUStACE.”

    quot;Used to it, is  knoalking about, Im sure. I  tell you  is, Master Glimfeato be talking  beasts and birds in try  all ttering and  olerated for a moment. Not for a moment,  Sir. Urnus, my trumpet please -”

    A little Faun ly beside time no. It rument  called a serpent, so t tube curled rigting  it settled to t;My brains a bit clearer no say anyt t Prince.  Ill explain later. It  do,  do, tu- a to-do!”

    quot;No; said t;if you o say, Master  Glimfeatry and say it. take a deep breat attempt to speak too quickly.”

    ite of a fit of coug  of t trangers  by Aslan to visit  t of Narnia. t th a new expression in his  eyes.

    quot;Sent by t; ;And from mm - from t othe worlds end, hey?”

    quot;Yes, my lord,quot; baace into trumpet.

    quot;Son of Adam and Daug; said t people at  Experiment  ace couldnt ans t seem to notice.

    quot;ell, my dears,quot; aking first one and ttle. quot;You are very ily er,  t sail for Seven Isles,  . And no  is ime for supper. You sell me your business in full council tomorrow  morning.

    Master Glimfeat bedcable clots in t her - in  your ear -”

    o t,  intended to  a very good judge of ;See t theyre properly washed.”

    After t, touc set off tole at sometrot and a   little beast),  and the air  was growing cool.

    t across to te of Cair Paravel, yard.  Lig  and from  a more complicated mass of buildings straigo t deligo look after Jill. S mucaller t obviously full groo be moss in it. S Jill  to a round room in one of turrets, -smelling  ed roof. t into trange land of Narnia, and  Jill sa still glo mountains. It made  ures and feel sure t the beginning.

    on t  for  not only felt nice, but looked  nice and smelled nice and made nice sounds  of t exciting  serrupted by a bang on the door.

    quot;Come in,quot; said Jill. And in came Scrubb, also bat  look as if .

    quot;O last,quot; o a c;Ive been trying to find you for ever so long.”

    quot;ell, no;I say, Scrubb, isnt it all simply too  exciting and scrumptious for ; Sten all about t  Prince for t.

    quot;Os ?quot; said Scrubb: and ter a pause,  quot;I wiso goodness wed never come.”


    quot;I cant bear it,quot; said Scrubb. quot;Seeing t.

    Its - its frightful.”

    quot;  do you?”

    quot;O understand. No I come to t, you couldnt. I  didnt tell you t t time from ours.”

    quot;how do you mean?”

    quot;time you spend  take up any of our time. Do you see? I  mean, ill get back to Experiment  t  it -”

    quot;t  be much fun.”

    quot;O keep interrupting. And ell ime is going  mig  all to me, but,  like a fool, I forgot about it. And noly its been about seventy years Narnian  years - since I was . Do you see now? And I come back and find Caspian an old, old  man.”

    quot;t; said Jill. A  ruck her.

    quot;I s; said Scrubb miserably. quot;About as good a  friend as a c time o see t old man e beard, and to remember Caspian as ured t  - os  frigs han coming back and finding him dead.”

    quot;O up,quot; said Jill impatiently. quot;Its far  Sign.quot; Of course Scrubb did not understand told   ion ask of finding t  prince whem.

    quot;So you see,quot; s;you did see an old friend, just as Aslan said,  and you ougo o  once. And nohe very beginning.”

    quot;But o kno; said Scrubb.

    quot;If youd only listened to me o tell you, wed be all rig;  said Jill.

    quot;Yes, and if you  played t cliff and jolly  nearly murdered me - all rig again as often as I like, so  keep your oget to do.”

    quot;I suppose  person you sa; said Jill. quot;You must  see anyone else first?”

    quot;I e before you,quot; said Scrubb. quot;  time: time you lost.”

    quot;Dont be a perfect beast, Scrubb,quot; said Jill. quot;s t?”

    It le bell ringing for supper, and t looked like  turning into a first-rate quarrel ite by time.

    Supper in t le  splendid tace   sea and kneesy of t heir  own land.

    trumpeters and kettledrums. t er to t and nuts, and all manner of  drinks. Even Eustace  cted t it ;somet;. And  came forruck up tale of Prince  Cor and Aravis and tells of an  adventure t er ime to tell it no is  h hearing.)

    airs to bed, ya;I bet onig;; for it  stle anyone knoo o t.