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作品:The Last Battle 作者:C·S·刘易斯 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢


    t  ied s and put raig  an asree. t and  and left

    t - for it is often little t are  to  stand -

    tle trickle  of blood a tickled him.

    From tle stable on top of tting in front of it.  ill going on  and, every no  make out the words.

    quot;I o Je; t the King.

    Presently ts broke up and began going a  directions.

    Some passed close to tirian. t ened and sorry to see ied up but none of t past and tirian became first  very ty and ternoon dragged on and turned into  evening, oo.  do began to  be t.

    dark tirian  pitter-patter of feet and saures coming to in t tle  bags on t at first  kind of beasts t, tanding up on talking Beasts of t sort are  bigger ts of the same kind in England.)

    quot;Lord King! dear Lord King,quot; said t; untie you because Aslan mig   you your supper.”

    At once t Mouse climbed nimbly up till  bound tirians c and  of tirians face.  t belo Mouse. ts  stood on things up.

    quot;Drink, Sire, and to eat,quot; said topmost  Mouse, and tirian found t a little  asted t before it y. But  t do and it irian emptied it a second time. In t on till e a good drink,  tle doses, for t is more t-quenc.

    quot;; said t Mouse, quot;but not very muc oo ty.quot; And after t-cakes and  frester, and th some more wine.

    quot;No; said t Mouse, quot;and Ill was.”

    tirian felt sometiny sponge dabbing   refreshing.

    quot;Little friends,quot; said tirian, quot;his?”

    quot;You neednt, you neednt,quot; said ttle voices. quot; else could   any ot  you ill  into pieces before  tie you up. e   go against Aslan.”

    quot;Do you t really is Aslan?quot; asked the King.

    quot;O; said t. quot; of table last night. e  all saw him.”

    quot; he King.

    quot;Like a terrible, great Lion, to be sure,quot; said one of the Mice.

    quot;And you t is really Aslan he King of Calormen?”

    quot;As bad, isnt it?quot; said t;It er if  t about it. Everyone says it is  Aslans orders.

    And . ed o come back to Narnia.”

    quot;o ime,quot; said t Mouse.  quot;e must all  kno.  be  punis I do t be told  was!”

    quot;I suppose ; said t.

    quot;I dont care if it is,quot; said one of t;Id do it again.”

    But t;O; and quot;Do be careful,quot; and t;ere sorry, dear King, but  go back no o be caught  here.”

    quot;Leave me at once, dear Beasts,quot; said tirian. quot;I  for all Narnia  bring any of you into danger.”

    quot;Goodnig,quot; said ts, rubbing t ;e ; ttered a hey came.

    tars came out and time  slo King of Narnia stood stiff and sore and uprig tree in  at last something happened.

    Far a. t disappeared for a moment and  came back again, bigger and stronger. to and fro  on t and carrying bundles and t . It , and people o it. Presently it blazed up and tirian could see t it op of the hill.

    e clearly table be, all lit up in t cros and Men bet be t o t  .

    t  and boimes to t of table. t got up and opened t  iffly - came out of table and stood facing the crowd.

    A great  tirian could he words.

    quot;Aslan! Aslan! Aslan!quot; cried ts. quot;Speak to us. Comfort us. Be angry  h us no more.”

    From  very clearly   it   expected Aslan to look like t stiff tood and said  not  s  t tas  t be a c.

    t o tening to somet o turned clumsily round and o table and t t. After t t  out for t vanise suddenly, and  tirian he darkness.

    of otimes and  it seemed to  none of t of  -grandfat-grandfatolen ac s. But t  in terious

    c o Narnia and ;Its not like t ; said tirian to  furt about Rilians fatried to murder o t t story too  in t time -  battle and set ;But it ; said tirian to ;t sort of t ; And t ory  t remarkable ted terrible e itcer, and after t  toget Cair Paravel, till t great Kings and lovely Queens, and to t story a lot. o all tories too, as tirian no;Aslan - and c; t tirian.  quot;t t. Ohey could  now.”

    And  quot;Aslan! Aslan! Aslan! Come and help us now.”

    But tness  on just the same.

    quot;Let me be killed,quot; cried t;I ask not come and  save all Narnia.”

    And still t or t to  be a kind of cirian. it kno  someronger. quot;O; ;If you  come  yourself, at least send me t me call t  my voice carry beyond t; t ,  in a great voice:  quot;Co me. Across tirian, King of Narnia, Lord of Cair Paravel, and Emperor of the  Lone Islands!”

    And immediately o a dream (if it han any he had had in his life.

    o be standing in a lig round a  table. It looked as if t finise beard and an old  t ainly younger  tirian   say t at t irian across table sat a fair-her side of her<bdo>http://www?99lib?net</bdo>

    a boy and girl  seemed  to tirian t kind of clothes.

    But ime to t details like t, for instantly tarted to t, and one of ttle scream. tarted and dreoo for tood at   off table:  tirian could inkling noise as it broke on the floor.

    tirian realized t taring at  . But iced t t at t never moved (turned pale) except t ig;Speak, if youre not a pom or a dream. You   you and he seven friends of Narnia.”

    tirian o speak, and ried to cry out aloud t irian of Narnia, in great need of  imes found in dreams too)  t  all.

    to o . quot;S  or ; irian. quot;If you are from  Narnia, I co me. I am Peter the high King.”

    to sirians eyes.  once, and all getting fainter every second, and t;Look! Its fading.quot; quot;Its melting a; quot;Its vanis; Next  moment ill tied to tree, colder and stiffer t t comes before sunrise, and

    was nearly morning.

    t  t moment he had ever had in his life.