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作品:The Last Battle 作者:C·S·刘易斯 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    A GOOD NIG four er tirian flung o one of to snatctle sleep. t of t and  at  t do  sleep. Also, ired t. First ice in arc, t up to Narnian standards, s too bad. Indeed sing a rabbit (not a talking  rabbit, of course: ts of t in estern Narnia) and it   t kind of t journey  t-Land in tried to teacace o use ace e a lot about s t raigar and t made it rokes  are quite different and some of ts o be unlearned again. But tirian found t .

    trengt to be already mucronger and bigger and more gro  met t is one of ts wen ors from our world.

    All t t t do o go  back to Stable ry to rescue Jeer t, if try to get a ttle army aur would  be bringing from Cair Paravel.

    An experienced irian can al time s. So ill nine oclock t nig all   of  once. It seemed only a moment later  imed ly.  up, put on -and-turban ( in ), and till to tell trut of there was a good deal of yawning.

    quot;No; said tirian, quot;une tis a  starry nig   round-about but noo talk like a curst, cruel, proud lord of Calormen. If I  draace, must do like Jill leap beand  ring. But if I cry `o none try to fig even one stroke after I reat: sucable plans in t  us go forward.”

    Out t into t. All t Nortars ree-tops. tar of t  is  brigar.

    For a time traigo presently to a dense t so t to go out of to get round it.  And after t -for till overs   again: s Guide in England.  And of course sars perfectly, ravelled so muc tion from otars even  s pat . And toniso find ly and almost  invisibly shem.

    quot;By t; o Eustace. quot;t better.”

    quot;Ss  Jill from in  front said: quot;S-s-s-h, less noise.”

    All round t. Indeed it oo quiet. On an  ordinary Narnia nig to ;Goodnig; from a e in tance to  tell of Fauns dancing, or some t was silenced: gloom and fear reigned over Narnia.

    After a time to go steeply uprees gre. tirian could dimly make out top and table. Jill ion: s on making signs to to do  topped dead still and tirian sa a sound. A moment later s o tirians ear, and said in t possible  doter.quot; S because s because ster S is  t of a o be overirian at once lay do as  silently as Jill, but not quite, for  position you could see t tar- stre: one able, and t  in front of it, ry. c anding but sitting . quot;ell  done,quot; said tirian to Jill. Sly w o know.

    t up and tirian noook to  breato a little clump of trees y  feet ainel.

    quot;ait ill I come again,quot; o t;If I  miscarry, fly.quot; tered out boldly in full viearted o jump to : irian mig  into trouble for sitting do before  up tirian ;Art tisrocs, may  c to meet ts and devils of Narnians. Give me thy hand, friend.”

    Before   instant someone was kneeling on  his neck.

    quot;One noise and t dead,quot; said tirian in ;tell me w live.”

    quot;B - beable, O My Master,quot; stammered tunate man.

    quot;Good. Rise up and lead me to him.”

    As t up t of t  only  travelled round (cold and raticklisirian got betled it at a  convenient place under rembling  round to table.

    t irian could see te s once.

    quot;; ;No, do not neig is I. ied  thee?”

    quot;ied o a ring in table  ; came Jewels voice.

    quot;Stand ry, o t t of your  t.”

    quot;it; said Jewel.

    quot;If o t.quot; tirian cut try . Finally uffed it full of grass and tied o c o a sitting position and set  the wall.

    quot;I esy, soldier,quot; said tirian. quot;But suc again I may o do tter turn. No us go  softly.”

    arm round ts neck and bent and kissed its nose and  bot joy. t back as quietly as possible to t  t rees and o Eustace before  he saw him.

    quot;Alls ; ;A good nights work. Now for home.”

    turned and ace said, quot;; t;Is Jill on t; he asked.

    quot;?quot; said tirian. quot;Is s on ther side of your”

    It errible moment. t s but t where was no reply.

    quot;Did s; asked tirian.

    quot;I didnt see or ; said Eustace. quot;But s my kno; youve seen for yourself.”

    At t moment a far off drum beat was ;Dwarfs,”

    he said.

    quot;And treac,quot; muttered tirian.

    quot;And ; said Jewel.

    till. t to  t t knoo do. teadily nearer. And te close to t;here?”

    t was Jills.

    quot;o?quot; said Eustace in a furious wened.

    quot;In table,quot; gasped Jill, but it  of gasp you give er.

    quot;O; groace, quot;you t funny, do you? ell all I can say is  -”

    quot; Je; asked Jill.

    quot;Yes.  is t beast h you?”

    quot;ts ; said Jill. quot;But lets be off ;  And again ttle explosions of laughter.

    t once for t  dangerous place and to tle nearer. It er tes t Eustace said:  quot;Got  do you mean?”

    quot;t; said Jill.

    quot;?quot; said tirian. quot; have you done?”

    quot;ell, Sire,quot; said Jill. quot;As soon as I sa youd got try out of  t  I better able and see  o dra.

    Of course it cable. truck a lig? - t all t tied on to old o come along ter of fact I neednt ened  all. able and quite ready to come -   you, Puzzle dear?”

    quot;Great Scott!quot; said Eustace. quot;ell Im - jiggered. I  ago, and I still t o sneak off  t of  us: but I must admit - o say -  ly gorgeous to do.  If so be knig she, Sire?”

    quot;If s; said tirian, quot;s;  And in t minute  tal.

    quot; are you doing, Sire?quot; asked Jewel sharply.

    quot;Drao smite off t; said tirian  in a terrible voice. quot;Stand clear, girl.”

    quot;O, please dont,quot; said Jill. quot;Really, you mustnt. It  . It  knoter. And  my arms round his neck.”

    quot;Jill,quot; said tirian, quot;you are t and most s, but also t malapert and disobedient. ell: let t o say  for yourself, Ass?”

    quot;Me, Sire?quot; came t;Im sure Im very sorry if Ive done  ed me to dress up like t. And I t  clever like  I old. It  any fun for me living in  t stable. I dont even knoside.  me out except for a  minute or t nig to give me any er too.”

    quot;Sire,quot; said Je;t  to meet them?”

    tirian t for a moment and t laug loud.  t time in a ; ;I am groted!

    Meet tainly  t anyone noo. e can  srut. s out. tides turned. tomorro tree in Narnia. No more whispering and skulking and  disguises.

    Dwarfs? e hem.”

    alking  out loud irring effect. ty began talking and lauged up  allo off in tion of t  greeadily louder and soon torc as  on one of  t all in England) e. And turdily along,  ty Dtle spades and mattocks over two more broughe rear.

    quot;Stay!quot; tirian as epped out on t;Stay, soldiers.  hese Narnian Dwarfs and by whose orders?”