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Kiki of Montparnasse Is Brought Back to Life

作品:爱情是这个样子的-蒙巴那斯的吉吉 作者:吉吉 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    By Mary Blume

    PublisURDAY, JUNE 12, 1999

    PARIS: By tparnasse  one could, it  ticket from Des Moines, Ioo ters ample ists model and good-time girl ;about as close as people get noo being a Queen but t, of course, is very different from being a lady.quot;

    o Kikis memoirs, ten in 1929 o be said for ing memoirs ion of t;Memoirs of Montparnasse,quot; completed  uberculosis. quot;ted Kikiquot;  locals .

    quot; in itself … ed a deep scarlet t empic s contours,quot; Glassco e. quot;iful from every angle, but I liked it best in full profile, uffed salmon.quot;

    Kiki ed by Soutine, Modigliani, Foujita and Kisling and most famously pograp stormy years. Sclubs, sings at ion of tribune called quot;t successful vernissage of t; and in 1929 parnasse.

    te t year  last year) in a ricrated edition compiled by Billy Kluver,  in Paris a and otists gat imes printed an obituary and Life magazine gave Kiki t;e laug;

    Born Alice Ernestine Prin in Burgundy, Kiki c could only lead to lauger. s ,  to Paris and left Kiki  learn muce, because eac 12, so join o find ;to so ;

    ened by ing al from o give color to y job at a bakery because s matcicks.

    ited into posing for artists, including Utrillo y t I  affected by my poverty and o me — I simply didnt understand t;

    Large in spirit and, increasingly, in girtos over tural for Montparnasse, but even naturals can use  named er breaking up h Man Ray in 1929.

    Djuna Barnes ;C; in 1924, and local Englisivities; Broca created a little ne;Paris-Montparnasse,quot; and publis cers of her memoirs.

    Editus, erleys Lover,quot; nam to translate Kikis memoirs. Bennett Cerf of Random oms officers. Even today, Kluver says, t in a special reserve section of the New York Public Library.

    It is o see  naive but generous.  t s t s. quot;All I need in life is an onion, a bit of bread and a bottle of red o give me t,quot; se in life.

    ell of parnasse ; Libion, tonde refused rance to t . Sed a conical cap and became one of Libions favorites.

    quot;I ; se. quot;ters adopted me. Finisimes I didnt o eat but t all t.quot;

    In 1923 s t of drinking booze from teacups — s seem to ion — and ract.  test, sten ;Its for t,quot; sypically. quot;Its muco go to to make t;

    ter, in scandalous Villefrancarts competed for visiting sailors (quot;Cocteau and I  comes from t; sely noted), s in t a suspended sentence, ificate stating sion, and letters from Aragon and Desnos saying sist.

    ter so ayed in Montparnasse ;People are broadminded and ; In er years sy, sed elderly al patients to bring t gifts she could find.

    By tcraggly erribly teeply canted nose (quot;S seemed to jut out into space,quot; said Alexander Calder,  in a ure called quot;Kikis Nosequot;) suggested tside  on t of Montparnasse, and died.

    y remained a symbol of tparnasse, even to tinguisurn during tion in 1944 to a city of glum despair. quot;For a brief moment tparnasse; in t of reet, I could smell cabac and stale beer.quot;