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The Tigers Bride-1

作品:The Bloody chamber And Other Stories 作者:安吉拉·卡特 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    My fat me to t at cards.

    trikes travellers from trees grories of cold   ure but o t uous air. t for you. And t Souts tarved brain; it gasps: quot;Luxury! more luxury!quot; But t escape it, it follo ran beter city  up  last, flocking against to mock my fatations of perpetual pleasure as tand out and ture books. t, acrid gouts of ely to ness folly,  more drauger t;grappaquot;, rids  scraps of my inance.  Russia,  e nigs.  a burden all t o o donate all to t.

    Everyone y must play a   Milan, or, if t understand talian, t of te, provincial place, out of fased no casino. I did not kno tay in its Decembral solitude h Milord.

    te. to tones, into your bones, into t insinuated itself o our parlour, ial to ation  brougo our lodging? Not my profligate fatainly; table gave me back y, tying bottles, tide of till mask t concealed all tures of t but for t strayed, noowards myself.

    quot;La Bestia!quot; said our landlady, gingerly fingering an envelope  of a tiger rampant on it, somet ask er of tia --  to do ure -- because ongue ic speeco make out a t, w;C;

    Since I could toddle, alty one, -bro; my Engliss said: quot;t; crossing t of respect for t blossom long; bartered for o sucy t sances. And t gave me tmoded button bruse rose, unnatural, out of season, t noal by petal, apart as my fatly concluded tastrophe.

    trospective region; a sunless, featureless landscape, ting fog, ty; ted to public executions, under tling s malign barn of a co y urally to t so close togeta soaked in oil, boiled beef ter  tants  to you and c you, innkeepers, coachey fleeced us.

    treacer but forget you take it h you.

    My senses roubled by too potent a reek of purplis at sucers in so small a room.  bat, soak s and underlinen in it; w can  needs so much camouflage?

    I never sae of t elegance of t, in tailcoat t migs looks,  in tant years before  feel imes. t lines, t are on t side; and raint, as if figtle o remain uprigions to tance  not muc from any oted most beautifully on it. Oiful face; but one oo mucry of feature to be entirely oo perfect, uncanny. oo, false ied at traits. A ce silk stock stuck . And gloves of blond kid t are yet so  seem to cover hands.


    distance as oops over  in  only ,  for er riloquist.

    ttered. By time my rose  all its petals, my fatoo,  hing.

    quot;Except t;

    Gambling is a sickness. My fat aked er on a ; in t up ened, ood up on end,  stages of debaucs came out of t me, I s are coldest there.

    A queen, a king, an ace. I sa  lose me; besides, back , tunes of our family at one bloored. And s ary palazzo outside ty; s, reasure c, egnas, cellars, itles. . . ty itself.

    You must not t less t at no more than a kings ransom.

    It o me, c it  my fles, truly, my fat was in peril.

    My fat gambler does not? In pursuit of just suc travelled from ting stars?

    So eetered on the brink.

    t bayed; laid dohree remaining aces.

    t servants noo douse to look at t not tle resentfully; it  morning. e  t of bed. ts man broug amongst tions for departure, staring on at trayal of able.

    ts man informed me crisply t , omorro ten, and conduct me forto ts palazzo. Capisco? So s I scarcely did capisco; ed my orders patiently, range, ttle man wing r in curious, wedge-shaped shoes.

    e as t caked the windowpane. his eyes swam; soon he would cry.

    quot; Like t; oric. quot; One ;

    At t, t made a sudden, dreadful noise, , te, interpreted unblinkingly: quot;My master says: If you are so careless of your treasures, you s to be taken from you.quot;

    er could not offer us and ted.

    I cil, just before da stopped falling; a  settled, next morning t like iron.

    ts carriage, of an elegant if antique design, amped upon tly appearance of life to give me some  not all ttle to ter t day, I  o the chance.

    t sat up on tty black and gold livery, clasping, of all ters damned  of floo any ion. ernatural agility to place tant hand.

    My tear-beslobbered fats a rose to s I forgive em, I prick my finger and so s h blood.

    t crouc my feet to tuck t me range kind of unflattering obsequiousness yet  ation sufficiently to scratce peri my old nurse . And pity? No pity.  and bro baby. ating  of ctering to ime as ers ains to conceal t of my fate was sharp as broken glass.

    Lost to t! And ure of ;beastlinessquot;? My Englisold me about a tiger-man stle girl, to scare me into good be tame me into submission  stop plaguing ty, tiger-man ake you a ra, in ts were all he head downwards did he resemble a man.

    And yet t goes al cannot be  looks like mine.

    But tiger-man, in spite of ake a glass of ale in ian and drink it doeps of Upper Moor Fields oo. t, if t a good little girl and did not eat root, tiger-man  on ravelling cloak lined  like your daddys, and  straigo the nursery and --

    Yes, my beauty! GOBBLE YOU UP!

    ed terror,  seased me. And t I must not tell  farmyard, ed me into teries of o t ter.  let on to your nursie -eyed, ugly as sin, o lers and  and teet proved it. But, side ted to besides being able to tell which eggs would become cocks, which hens.

    ts once broug and  go back to turbed it until t   not?

    Old ales, nursery fears! I kneion I cosily titillated itious marvels of my cal in today Id make my first investment.

    e  ty far beraversing a  disilated stumps of te  frozen ditc diminis doil it seemed no more t one tarveling,  t  bouquet into t-stiff mud of ted my face  lifted sufficiently to reveal before me an acreage of  facades of s man-trap, tadel of his palazzo.

    It self but a dead one, a burned-out planet. I sa bougude, not luxury, h his money.

    ttle black rotted smartly t stood open to t  of to tiles of t self, into table, s  drummings of  beneatall roof, s; a dozen gracile muzzles lifted from turned to. t ed, aptly enoug and blossom greogether.

    t tely at my sleeve. Milord is ing.

    Gaping doors and broken  ted one staircase after anot clopping on tes of vaulted c of anotems of Co te complexity of tirring; and all ture  ss, tures taken from to ter could not bear to look at tled, as if its o to move  o live in an unined place.

    t darted me a reassuring glance from  eyes, yet a glance  t it did not comfort me, and  bounding aly ctering to  for all my pride, my  was heavy.

    Milord ifling, darkened room; ters locked at noon. I  of breatime urned to ed me. I  smile.  smile.

    In urbed privacy, t  of Ottoman design, a loose, dull purple go falls from o conceal . t of ts in are ificial masterpiece of e. A rustles tters.

    t cougo e task of transmitting to me ers er --quot;

    A stick fell in te. It made a migter in t dreadful silence, t started, lost ;My master  one desire.quot;

    t  us, ascends in cursive blue from t. quot;;

    Noy, t ttered, er, rivial, may yet sound unbearably insolent in t and  contrived to unleasuated flood.

    quot;My masters sole desire is to see tty young lady unclot  only for time after o  to my master at cards and also a number of fine presents suc;

    I remained standing. During tervie noo ,  even as  for ato, molto agitato, t wrung e-gloved hands.

    quot;Desnuda --quot;

    I could scarcely believe my ears. I let out a raucous guffao remonstrate. But I did. And do. At tless mirt danced backurbation, palpitating tempting to ing,  t I o to o make my reply in as exquisite a tuscan as I could master.

    quot;You may put me in a  up to my , ready for you. But t be a s over my face, to ; t must be laid over me so lig it  cely from t uper t I must be driven directly to ty and deposited in t of to give me money, to receive it. But I must stress t you s of money t you o any otances.  to give me a present, t is your rig;

    o see I struck t to t! For, after a bakers dozen -beats, one single tear stering, at tear! A tear, I ear trembled for a moment on an edge of painted bone, tumbled doed co fall,  tinkle, on tiled floor.

    t, ticking and clucking to ily us of ters perfume billo into ted itself on the spinning winds.