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The Lady of the House of Love-1

作品:The Bloody chamber And Other Stories 作者:安吉拉·卡特 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    At last ts became so troublesome ts abandoned t fell solely into tle and vindictive inants  fall almost inperceptibly aoo many s midday, t imes, of sobbing in a derelict bedroom  a presence; by a sense of unease t  traveller uno drink from tain in t still guser from a faucet stuck in a stone lions mout proiffened legs. No uates ral crimes.

    earing an antique bridal goiful queen of ts all alone in raits of ed and atrocious ancestors, eacs a baleful postence; ss out tarot cards, ceaselessly construing a constellation of possibilities as if tableclotate tered room into try of perpetual summer and obliterate the maiden.

    ant sonorities, like reverberations in a cave: no tion, no tion. And sem of repetitions, s. quot;Can a bird sing only t kno learn a ne; S lark sings, striking a plangent t of tstrings of a al. ears.

    tle is mostly given over to gly occupants but se of draers and  curtains keep out every leak of natural ligable on a single leg covered  able tarot; tly illuminated by a elpiece and tressingly patterned by t drives in ted roof and leaves be random areas of staining, ominous marks like t on ts by dead lovers. Depredations of rot and fungus everyrious spiders e and rotting place, rapped telpiece in soft grey nets. But tress of all tegration notices nothing.

    Ss in a c at table and distributes times t more often remains a sullen mound of drab featimes tess  for a brief cadenza by strumming ts cage; so  announce  cannot escape.

    Ss and goes immediately to able il sil siful sural; y is an abnormality, a deformity, for none of ures ex any of toucions t reconcile us to tions of tion. y is a symptom of her disorder, of her soullessness.

    te enebrous belle deal tiny.  Co a fine point. teete as spikes of spun sugar are tiny sfully attempts to evade via teeturies of corpses, s bud of tree t sprang from ts of transylvania.

    tin, embroidered ears of pearl. At t slumbrous, pungent fumes of incense. In tre is an elaborate catafalque, in ebony, surrounded by long candles in enormous silver candlesticks. In a ained a little ess climbs up on afalque at dawn each morning and lies down in an open coffin.

    A c of taked out  a Carpateet as taked , tal Count cried: quot;Nosferatu is dead; long live Nosferatu!quot; Nos and mysterious ations of  domain; sary commandant of teau, e ts and foxes, o come, orment pubescent girls ing fits, disorders of tion.

    But tess  to y, as if s. In o be  s kno is possible. tarot al, La tour Abolie, ion.

    On moonless nigs  into trong resemblance to a burial ground and all ted o a  incarcerates le of ance. ess c of s and small, furry t, four-footed speed; ser from to tidious gestures of a cat.

    tresss nigual tormented somnambulism, ation of life. turnal creature enlarge and gloeetrikes, s notliness of ion, nots to t of tarot pack and s, reads tantly constructing  a future which is irreversible.

    An old mute looks after o make sure s all day says in o keep mirrors and all reflective surfaces ao perform all tions of ts of vampires. Everyt tiful and gly lady is as it s, queen of terror -- except ance for the role.

    Neverturer pauses in ted village to refres tain, a crone in a black dress and ly emerges from a e you ures; you s fres. tle girl, sented irely s t squeaked piteously as s into ted voluptuousness,  palpitated for a bare moment betoo long beside tain, you o tesss larder.

    All day, sained lace. ain, sirs and puts on to sit and read il ss; so take ts tuce, pet t in oire, but eeto tery ted skin from ed all t . And it is t or foolo  in ter of tain; tesss governess brings to table altle sugar cakes. t  in t tess in in finery as s and cters distractedly to put t tal ease. A certain desolate stillness of es so caress troke takes to heir luck.

    Aftero a neat pile and  in its oal parcel sly buries in tesss cears; ooto get rid of ts of skin and bone t here.

    Fee fie fo fum

    I smell the blood of an Englishman.

    One , ripe summer in t years of t century, a young officer in tising friends in Vienna, decided to spend ttle-knoo travel tted cart-tracks by bicycle, : quot;on t on ure.

    y of virginity, most and least ambiguous of states: ignorance, yet at time, poentia, and, furt t  generation for renced in cime, is about to collide imeless Goternity of t tern.

    Altional.  rational mode of transport in trip round to ride a bicycle is in itself some protection against superstitious fear, since t of pure reason applied to motion. Geometry at taire  ed t contributes muco mans  all to o t emits no s only t decorous speeds.  of harm?

    A single kiss y in the ood.

    tess, fingers of a urn up tess cast e involving love. Srembles,  eyes close beneattering eyelids; tomancer ime, t time, dealt h.

    Be he alive or be he dead

    Ill grind o make my bread.

    At toils up to t  and pusoo steep to ride, o find a friendly inn to rest t; , y, y. . . At first, sucment, to discover ttages caved in and tall ing tiles, sters ely from tirely unined place. And tation ive, one could almost imagine ted faces appearing momentarily beneat ture of it all, and tion of t brigill bravely blooming in ty of t, all tions soon overcame ment, even assuaged t unease . And tain , t tream run over his face.

    ified ly arrived beside  conciliatorily at e apron,  ; ly coiled in a ce linen  region. Ssy at to folloed, sed to bulk of tomaced to omacation to supper. time turning determinedly upon ion.

    A great, intoxicated surge of t of red roses bleo  tigo; a blast of ricly corrupt sness strong enoug, to fell oo many roses. too many roses bloomed on enormous ts t lined ts bristling  too luxuriant, tions of plusals someigrageous in tions. t of tle and ing ligting sun, t golden ligalgia for t  past, t manor  fortified farmed eagles nest atop ts attendant village meandered, reminded ales on er evenings,  of ts  stories set in just suco o ligerrifying stairs to bed.  ted accepting tation; but noanding before time -- eroded oak oo late to turn back and brusquely reminded o be frightened of his own fancies.

    tically creaking ook ce of ests.  a certain involuntary sinking of t to see iful ty vaniso trails of to, no doubt, some damp out oil or cs tyres. But, in for a penny, in for a pound -- in rengty, in tacle of y, tepped over tus castle and did not s of cold air, as from t emanated from tless, cavernous interior.

    took o a little cable spread e clottle tarnis, but laid ed to tle for dinner, no do yet dark outside, tains  trickling from a single oil lamp sled about to get tle of  cabinet of urned bearing a steaming platter of t steer e ily and polise , but tertainment ed from try and  in tcing.

    But sed off to get  one and seemed so friendly and   on a bed for t in tle, as well as he place.

    aeful, tured able and folloo take after-dinner coffee in anoted member of t , all ted to make ance. An ; in deference to s opinion of raigie, brus.

    o find erior of ten beams, crumbling plaster; but te crone resolutely aircases, ted eyes of family portraits briefly flickered as t belonged, iced to faces, one and all, of a quite memorable beastliness. At last sed, , metallic t -- of Juliets tomb, all the freshness of morning.

    t seductively caressing voice ly called out, in ed Frenced language of tocracy: quot;Entrez.quot;