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The Company of Wolves-1

作品:The Bloody chamber And Other Stories 作者:安吉拉·卡特 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    One beast and only one .

    te and aste of fleshing else will do.

    At nig t is because tten on darkness and catc from your lantern to flas back to you -- red for danger; if a  only moonligural green, a mineral, a piercing colour. If ted traveller spies terrible sequins stitcs, t run, if fear  struck ock-still.

    But to glimpse of t assassins as ter invisibly round your smell of meat as you go te. tion of nightmare; hark! his long, wavering howl. . . an aria of fear made audible.

    tself a murdering.

    It is er and cold ain and forest, to eat. Goats and sed for turage on ttle fles you could count tarveling ribs ts, if time before tongue; teeming perils of t and t, gs,  grill babies upon gridirons, c fatten tives in cages for cannibal tables, t for  listen to reason.

    You are al, als of t pines  you, trapping traveller in nets as if tation itself  rees go fisep beteposts of t est trepidation and infinite precautions, for if you stray from tant, t you. they are as unkind as plague.

    to tend ttle flocks of goats t provide teads y che blades are sharpened daily.

    But t your ory but sometimes  keep t. ters nigtager does not fear to see a lean, grey, famis questing under tten in craining the macaroni.

    Fear and flee t of all, than he seems.

    ter once, near  trapped a . ts; eaten up a mad old man o Jesus all day; pounced on a girl looking after t sion t men came ried to track o t but er dug a pit and put a duck in it, for bait, all alive -- o ra t of t, a big one, a rao t umbled. ter jumped doer  , cut off all rophy.

    And t all lay in front of ter but trunk of a man, less, dying, dead.

    A curned an entire y into tled on anoto order to visit  nige, and t and tage for heir misery.

    Not so very long ago, a young s and t; t to relieve ed on it, for t up to ed and sed and ted again -- surely ime? Until so .

    t long-dra, as if ts o be less beastly if only to mourn tion. t melancicles of te as t, endless as ts of er and yet t gly sadness, t mourning for tites, can never move t for not one p s at ty of redemption; grace could not come to ts oernal mediator, so t, sometimes, t ches him.

    tacks but never found any remains so t too so piss into a pot s indoors. S rigrivet until, one freezing nig of tice, t fit toget nig good man came home again.

    A great tirring t sed tco  was years since sh lice.

    quot;; ;Get me my bo it.quot;

    t one satle c into tco see , ed: quot;I eac; So a ly became and tore off t boys left foot before c t , t peeled off again and  as  s and  her.

    tment t turns you into a e you rub it on. Or, t  first and orso is a mans but als are a wolfs. And .

    Seven years is a ural span but if you burn o  some protection to t or an apron at t by t eyes, you know amorphosis.

    Before rips stark naked. If you spy a naked man among t run as if ter you.

    It is mider and ts on t is t time in all t trong-minded cs se sure ts cannot  tle of illed from brambles; a batc oatcakes baked on tone; a pot or take ts to a reclusive grandmoto deater  over eps into out ice still ss  soo muco feel scared.

    C stay young for long in try. toys for to play  tty and t of tle late-comer, ted , today,  look of blood on snoo s ic scarlet and arted  rike, h.

    Sands and moves acle of y. Srance to igem; s know o shing.

    forbid  , gat deny her.

    t closed upon her like a pair of jaws.

    to look at in t, even in ter -- to too forlorn to sing; t frills of ter fungi on tcrunks of trees; ts of rabbits and deer, tracks of treaking across t dapples t brakes of last years bracken.

    ant  s all, nor of a naked man, neit ttering among to t and  t rustle of t e teet flattering little boic clo, t of ternoon.