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The Kiss-2

作品:Black Venus 作者:安吉拉·卡特 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    tty to ockade, t of birc in gardens  savouring t  dinner-time. t tas pot on an open fire and a naked savage squatting before it, calm as you please, fanning toidy fields of tobacco and corn and a river near. But no kind of beast did I see, nor coo  of er to  I was much refreshed.

    I al dragons, accustomed to eat t tty little naked c, otle ducks be reared on cannibal meat! And my Indian quot;mot;, as I soon called  to ted tives and ceremoniously partook t o ed by devouring en disputed er on t, t t tate of nature. And ter  I lived so long an t I greomed to  t t in britches.

    As for me, all I ever eat among tc. and t t it is very rare to see a sick body amongst tooth age.

    t first I bluso see tomed to go clad in no breecs at t season and t em. But soon I t not and excticoat for too, of ter of o pet until t o the English for giving away.

    to me and I lived in  ribe and all ime taken up o  o make potions to ease t s saw her.

    ime in leisure and idleness, except antly at oo; and t t , rat in battle, so  the back.

    As for me, I stayed  and learned from ting on my knees on to my meat t  before me because ture. I learned o cure and dress robes out of buckskin, beaver and oto embroider t and my moteel needles, likeinder-box, ,  tion of al alts out of trive to se close one.

    And I s one or ttle urn for dressed robes and, as for ts of t about it except it sends em mad, but, as for to use them.

    t coming on, t of corn, to my  t muc deep and  eat ored a t labour for t eal from t icks or tribe, it is t to do ure, alt is  go fishe corn grow.

    But my mot;t and it keeps t of t;

    By time turned, I tling ao it, t a ain so I taken t t tribe of Israel and, as to converting to true religion, I  it never entered my  it ained my ligomed to my presence among t six mont s;mot; ural mot my blue eyes remained a marvel.

    But for all tion beto Florida as tom and ,  cast my eye on a brave of t tribe o do t t o me at last: quot;t tall ; tall   em as James or Matt be in Lancashire.

    And no comes to it, I , for he was a fine man.

    quot; good mans ry.quot;

    quot;A bad ; s;s t;

    So I told  I did to earn my living on Cural vocation. As for my o pay for suco sell, for t free or not at all, and, as for my virginity being gone, s;If you  good, nobody  sil at last so me: quot;ell, ceal a or robe from out of my  and keep it yourself and deny it to me?quot;

    quot;, mot; says I. quot;If I s and give it to you again as you do inder-box and t is ; naming our neig;And to tell trut in all tes my old passion of avarice, ry, for t is tom. So neit can make a t;

    quot;te of yourself among t; s; marry t;

    Noain men of t, as I mig  one  to till t like t. I  I could not lose. And s, altells me  muche sex and much fondness for her own.

    quot;As for ourselves, oo seemly and decent a folk for tter of matrimony to come better company for to dandle t so tter toget;

    But still I said, I would be his only wife or never marry him.

    quot;Listen, my dear,quot; s;Do you not love me?quot;

    quot;Indeed I do,quot; I says, quot;.quot;

    quot;t so marry us bot?quot;

    But I ducked my o ans, for fear so take oo, along ruck  t any tocks and cries out: quot;Noc it can set a daug ;

    But ss to see me cry for soo old and stubborn to taken  erms in taugo love t tter ed toil of tilling a patc but my oerfere .

    e  time ting te  is ing toer comes again and by to bringing tle brave. It o see tenderness of my o, en sime, tribes of t of territory stle toget army to drive to reaties  tribes  more guns from the English.

    But I sent o t omed to let t  ake all tribes of all tinent to drive ao come again in double numbers, so eager o quot;plant t; old traig make a grand,  all tions and never trust a , o steal.

    But took no notice of me, and could not agree about t, ttack on Annesto in lonely places; or meeting em , because it  , to my ting ts moutill  to squabbling amongst talk o me, for I ed a quiet life.

    I ced stick along til te ters broke and I goes running into my moter, as I judge it, for t time, she blood off my young son.

    My young son le Sing Star, and you may laug it, but it is a name fine men rapped into tle board t  ride on my back in  be. e my old Lancaso pass, because my boys fatribe of S, altant , ter does not  stuff, being a dissenting man, and  let me speak of it.

    But it  t ttle lads cro be of tears, not gold.

    Noions of to our fierce braves o  a retreat, t is, stir our stumps and pick up our traps and leave our fields and s o neures, after t, ter to do, since to t lay tribe not easily crossed. And t out a y to give taste of to start off  I  my  come back.

    s o see and t and all come back,  tles, bullets and gunpowder. Also, alas, rum.

    Yet I must say, opknots, I felt no pleasure t ter says I am a good girl and God ted among the Indians.

    As for gunpoall old me,  to told  merriment amongst t, like seed corn, and cs come up. And t as a grudge ever after, to eased like silly carved dead if t taugo plant corn.

    tive t back laso taunted  torco a slo  a bit of drink inside em, I must admit it.

    quot;No; says my one-cold sober because al terror of tongue. quot;I must ask you to talk to t  last remember certain pledges and treaties formerly made beto drive us into terms, so it rapped bet;

    At first I  do it because I felt some pity for tern ives and made a cruel festival out of t  Annesto me.

    ;Praise t; ells me straig give over my tribes to tes in t I so eac t but  be but only: t took   to e good gunpowder on  he fire. Soon he was dead.

    ts, tuffed full of coin and all to play ducks and drakes  che alderman of.

    quot;s t;  t rang t being noon, and c, drops it, it breaks apart, tter on titious savage t  man in trembling and said tc;bad medicinequot; and boded ill.

    So  off and got drunk . I go tlemans pockets and find out  an end to tells em so, full of misgiving at it, but to be  of any of em until t it off but just before sun-up next day the soldiers came on horseback.

    t ligo tockade so it burned and our lodge burned  as day. t a bullet t and all be  of t   miss  t and form on legs , and so escaped.

    But t o ts to me, seeing me fleeing: quot;You, unkind daug; For s I o cast my lot in  so, by any means. ted  . So all over quickly, by daybreak no but ass he governor.

    t out crying. One of tes, ing among t t do, flat on my back, tumbles out of my arms and cracks one, sets up a terrible s  o  ts ens cending to rape me, rengten to  all at once leaves off his horrid fumbling, amazed.

    quot;Captain!quot; ;Look ;

    akes a good o er cool as you please , in t;I am tall ; But  understand t.

    t I  indeed a  last by a trick for one of em fetc ick to my little one.

    quot;t not!quot; I cried out  ed out in broad Lancasain sees my burned ;runa; and says ty on teases me, ;Rquot; for quot;runa; o Annesto  all I  is ter, to  on to give me, at last.

    my babby back and put o nurse, for  along ruto tell, my spirit broken. And  living, t I used to call quot;sisterquot;, trailed along beed ed bread and not one brave left living in t part of t noed of folkquot;. And tering thly paradise running blood.

    t bad luck on to me. But, as for me, my grief is mixed  all tice is.

    e gets to a place  finis;an,quot; says t o ter, o t I raying from aking my cue from o my knees, for I see t repentance is ts and t I ster it , so I live on as if I  it turns out I  eye never fades.