In Pantoland-2

作品:American Ghosts and Old World Wonders 作者:安吉拉·卡特 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢


    1  t of animal roles, introspective and moody as only a costive bird straining over its egg mig of emotion in ty and devotion to  at ernity; break at loss of egg; fear and trembling at ty of gruesome possibilities e intercouplings of possible texts y of Pantoland, one story effortlessly segues into anotory, so t Motalk, involving an egg-ing a goose-tinge t t al t represent ted and parodic femininity of idoy is real. Sness trality of terpreter icated teca, tors of tre,  in tion at a .

    Because of ttention, than. . .

    2  Dick tingtons Cat: Dick tingtons cat is toland, limber, agile, and going on ten to stress atus as intermediary bety of all dark messengers bet modes of being, nevert valet to er and  Dicks bidding. arring role t-catcivities are central to tion and it is a difficult to imagine Dick   as Morecambe  ise.

    Note t t is male almost to a fault, unquestionably a tom-cat, and personated by a man; some t, even in Pantoland. A tom-cat is maleness personified, whereas. . .

    3  Daisy t takes t  . tomime quadruped are traditionally a task, but t end gets to indulge in all manner of antics, flirting, flattering, fluttering times, if tion beteats dip and s salacious manner, bringing back ion of a basic crudely reproductive female sexuality of ate often do not like to be reminded. (tation, generation all time in mind in Pantoland.)

    to mimic it, as Ive said; therefore you could call Daisy a Dame, squared.

    toland, alting Dame urn up in any text, alen t, Cs in on t  count. Pantomime s are not confined to Dick tington but in Cinderellas kitcoo. Birds. You need robins to cover up t sometimes. Ducks. You name it.

    oland  got stage-struck, in time of tility festivals filled up t, dark, solstitial days, o see no difference bet alked amongst us. e lived y and t). t and Daisy to us out of t little c alk to to remind us  t as  made us more oo.


    an armful! S toland.

    Look at t tree trunks, but like sexy tree trunks. s are tle knicks are made of satin and trimmed able spectacle of pure glamour altume migart off a touc and, as Dick, so look like a London apprentice for a o try on t Lord Mayor scter. For Robin  is signified by urban.

    You can tell so be a man not by ional  by ial a stride as it is possible to aciletto  riarcures, as if sique coucful Ed it; no Principal Boy   to personate a Neer all. So turning o a Principal Boy to get a place.

    In spite of , unlike t Dame, to as a quot;s;,  a Principal Boy of tary parade and rendition of, say, quot;;

    Come to t, o slap. Girls, nos, but not deep-ced any more. Principal Boys used to sone bonment-store Fatmases but quot;; is imes, your average Principal Boy looks more like a Peter Pan, and pre-pubescence isnt  a fertility festival, altual c numbers, laug t , is indispensable as ablisility festivals.

    t sure, ter innumerable adventures, sogetingly erotic climactic aria of Monteverdis LIncoronazione di Poppaea, performed as it is in t day alo male castrati being te of tion explosion. And, as Principal Boy and Principal Girl duet, ts in tages jostle one anot  make babies unless t and borrourkey-baster from tmas-dinner kitc in tomime.

    But tion of gender remains vague because you o o t t time, a door t opens bot as t open bot, te ture, and, by rig ambivalent and t v. in tty prop, even we.

    ido of retirement and, gorged on antage in Pantoland.

    quot;I o eart;

    S o say a terance and all teboard everywhere shuddered.

    toget in er about smalls and dra time, for t time since censors will change.

    quot;I feel randy,quot; said idowankey.

    is a fertility festival  a ritual copulation?

    But it isnt as simple as t. For no. ted Boy must take second place in temporary cast-list to some cricketer ure , since, in te tietury, t is over-populated and four breasts in  op bot.

    Do people still believe in Pantoland?

    If you believe in Pantoland, put your palms togeto. . .

    If you really believe in Pantoland, put your -- pardon me, vicar --

    A fertility festival  a ritual copulation is. . . not a pantomime.

    idoo restore tomime to its original condition.

    But, before scarlet drain knicks could  t of truck idoin bustier; sing and screaming,  display of scras, and deposited back amongst tars, leaving t a loss for o do except to briskly imitate George Formby and start to sing quot;Oelling you. . .quot;

    As Umberto Eco once said, quot;An everlasting carnival does not ; You cant keep it up, you knoival, t of Fools, is transience. It is oday and gone tomorroension not a reconstitution of order, a refres. . . after hing had happened.

    t cs on trousers or a cers ers again ter Saturnalia ended; after t o the old grind. . .

    Besides, all t  elevision.