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Chapter XII.

作品:The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 作者:弗兰克·鲍姆 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢


    treets of ty until tes lived. tacles to put t box, and tely opened te for our friends.

    quot;o tc?”

    asked Dorothy.

    quot;t; anses.

    quot;No one ever  way.”

    quot;o find ; enquired the girl.

    quot;t ; replied t;for he inkies she will find you, and make you all her slaves.”

    quot;Per,quot; said t;for o destroy her.”

    quot;O is different,quot; said tes. quot;No one royed urally t s. But take care; for s alloo destroy o t,  fail to find her.”

    turned to- ,  grass dotted tercups. Dorotill ty silk dress s on in t noo   pure we.

    totos neck  its green color and hys dress.

    ty  far bery of t, and tilled.

    In ternoon t in trees to offer t before nigoto and tired, and lay doch.

    Noc  one eye, yet t elescope, and could see every- le, so look around and sa ance off, but tco find try; so sle t hung around her neck.

    At once to ions a pack of great eeth.

    quot;Go to t; said tc;and tear to pieces.”

    quot;Are you not going to make t; asked the wolves.

    quot;No,quot; s;one is of tin, and one of stra to ear to small pieces.”

    quot;Very ; said t full speed, follohers.

    It he wolves coming.

    quot;t,quot; said t;so get be they come.”

    in oodman s it im- mediately died. As soon as in oodmans y y times a  at last the oodman.

    t do;It , friend.”

    ted until Dorot morning. ttle girl e frig pile of s tin oodman told  doo breakfast, after ed again upon their journey.

    Noco tle and looked out  could see far off. Srangers still traveling try. tle twice.

    Straig flock of ohe sky.

    And tco t;Fly at once to trangers; peck out tear to pieces.”

    t flock totle girl sahem coming she was afraid.

    But t;ttle, so lie do be harmed.”

    So t tood up and stretc ened, as t dare to come any nearer. But the King Crow said:

    quot;It is only a stuffed man. I will peck .”

    t t it by ted its neck until it died. And t ed its neck also. ty croy times ted a neck, until at last all  upon their journey.

    c again and sao a terrible rage, and bleimes upon le.

    Fort buzzing in toward her.

    quot;Go to trangers and sting to deat; commanded tcurned and fleil to  to do.

    quot;take out my strater it over ttle girl and t; o t;and t sting t; toto in rairely.

    t to sting, so t ings against tin,  ing t all. And as bees can- not live  tered t ttle heaps of fine coal.

    t up, and tin oodman put trao til arted upon their jour- ney once more.

    tctle  samped  and tore eetelling to go to trangers and destroy them.

    t a brave people, but to do as told. So til to Dorot roar and sprang toened t t as they could.

    urned to tle tc trap, and sent to ter o t s. S understand o destroy trangers  sco act.

    t. t could call times upon t no person could command trange creatures more times. tc o rule over try.

    time  t Oz  of t. t like to do so until all ed. But no inging bees o destroy Dorothy and her friends.

    So tcook t upon ood upon  foot and said slowly:

    quot;Ep-pe, pep-pe, kak-ke!”

    Next sood upon  foot and said:

    quot;hil-lo, hol-lo, hel-lo!”

    After tood upon bot and cried in a loud voice:

    quot;Ziz-zy, zuz-zy, zik!”

    Noo  ctering and laug of to sch a pair of immense and powerful wings on his shoulders.

    One, muco be to tc;You  time.  do you command?”

    quot;Go to trangers  t; said tc;Bring t beast to me, for I o harness him like a horse, and make him work.”

    quot;Your commands s; said t deal of ctering and noise, to thy and her friends were walking.

    Some of tin oodman and carried il try t distance to ttered and dented t her move nor groan.

    Ot tra of  and boots and cloto a small bundle and t into top brancall tree.

    tout rope around t il o bite or scratcruggle in any ed o tcle,   escape.

    But Dorot  all. Sood, oto in ce of  o retc and erribly; but copped s, motioning t to touch her.

    quot;e dare not tle girl,quot; o t;for sected by t is greater to carry o tle of tchere.”

    So, carefully and gently, ted Dorotly til to tle, ep. to tch:

    quot;e in oodman and troyed, and tied up in your yard. ttle girl  he dog she carries in her arms. Your power over our band is now ended, and you will never see us again.”

    ttering and noise, fleo t of sight.

    tc neit t Dorot, and seeing to tremble  a po first tcempted to run a so look into t ttle girl did not knoco , quot;I can still make  knoo Dorothy, harshly and severely:

    quot;Come  you mind everytell you, for if you do not I in oodman and the Scarecrow.”

    Dorotiful rooms in le until to tccs and kettles and sh wood.

    Dorot to o o kill her.

    it c so tyard and  o drive. But as se t  tc and s te again.

    quot;If I cannot ; said tco te, quot;I can starve you. You so eat until you do as I wish.”

    So after t sook no food to t every day so te at noon and asked, quot;Are you ready to be harnessed like a horse?”

    And t;No. If you come in te you.”

    t o do as tc every niger en ra , salked of troubles and tried to plan some o es- cape. But to get out of tle, for it antly guarded by tcoo afraid of  to do as sold them.

    to cened to beat , in trut dare to strike Dorot knooto. Once tcruck toto a blotle dog fle  urn.

    tc bleed he blood in her had dried up many years before.

    Doroto understand t it  back to Kansas and Aunt Em again. Sometimes sterly for oto sitting at  and looking into o stle mistress. toto did not really care le girl was un made oo.

    Noc longing to  if s . Sco see if sook off  steal t tty s sook t at nigook coo muco dare go in Dorot nigo take ter er thing.

    Indeed, tcoucer, nor ever let er touch her in any way.

    But ture rick t o human eyes.

    So t  being able to see it, and fell at full length.

    S muc, but in , tcc a it on .

    tly pleased rick, for as long as s use it against o do so.

    ttle girl, seeing s one of ty so tc;Give me back my shoe!”

    quot;I ,quot; retorted tc;for it is now my s yours.”

    quot;You are a ure!quot; cried Dorot;You  to take my shoe from me.”

    quot;I s, just t; said tc ;and someday I s too.”

    t s of er t stood near and das over tcting o foot.

    Instantly t co shrink and fall away.

    quot;See e I s away.”

    quot;Im very sorry, indeed,quot; said Dorotruly frigo see tcually melting away like brown sugar before her very eyes.

    quot;Didnt you knoer ; asked tch, in a wailing, despairing voice.

    quot;Of course not,quot; ans;how should I?”

    quot;ell, in a fees I sed, and you o yourself. I  I never t a little girl like you o melt me and end my ?ahere I go!”

    itced, so spread over tc sed ao not of er and t over t it all out ter pick- ing out t  of t  it on  again. t last free to do as s to tyard to tell t tc o an end, and t trange land.

    L. Frank Baum