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As I Grew Older

作品:The Poetry of Langston Hughes 作者:蓝斯顿·休斯 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    It ime ago.

    I  forgotten my dream.

    But it hen,

    In front of me,

    Bright like a sun--

    My dream.

    And the wall rose,

    Rose slowly,


    Between me and my dream.

    Rose until it touche sky--

    the wall.


    I am black.

    I lie dohe shadow.

    No longer t of my dream before me,

    Above me.

    Only thick wall.

    Only the shadow.

    My hands!

    My dark hands!

    Break the wall!

    Find my dream!

    o ster this darkness,

    to smas,

    to break this shadow

    Into a ts of sun,

    Into a thousand whirling dreams

    Of sun!