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Dinner Guest: Me

作品:The Poetry of Langston Hughes 作者:蓝斯顿·休斯 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    I know I am

    the Negro Problem

    Being wined and dined,


    t come to we mind

    hich seeks demurely

    to Probe in polite way


    Of darkness U.S.A.--

    ondering  this way

    In current democratic night,

    Murmuring gently

    Over fraises du bois,

    quot;Im so ase.quot;

    ter is delicious,

    the wine divine,

    And center of attention

    At table, mine.

    to be a Problem on

    Park Avenue at eight

    Is not so bad.

    Solutions to the Problem,

    Of course, .