Freedoms Plow

作品:The Poetry of Langston Hughes 作者:蓝斯顿·休斯 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    arts out hing,

    arts out h his hands

    Empty, but clean,

    arts to build a world,

    arts first h himself

    And t is in -


    to build.

    First in t is the dream-

    tarts seeking a way.

    on the world,

    On t wooded world,

    On the world,

    On the world.

    terials for building,

    See ties, too, and tacles.

    to overcome tacles.

    tools to cut the wood,

    to till ters.

    to help,

    A community of o help-

    t one mans dream alone,

    But a community dream.

    Not my dream alone, but our dream.

    Not my world alone,

    But your world and my world,

    Belonging to all the hands who build.

    A long time ago, but not too long ago,

    She sea

    Bringing the Pilgrims and prayer-makers,

    Adventurers and booty seekers,

    Free men and indentured servants,

    Slave men and slave masters, all new-

    to a new world, America!

    ithe galleons came

    Bringing men and dreams, women and dreams.

    In little bands together,

    reac to ,

    to hand,

    to build our land.

    Some were free hands

    Seeking a greater freedom,

    Some ured hands

    o find their freedom,

    Some were slave hands

    Guarding in ts the seed of freedom,

    But there always:
