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Tonight I Can Write

作品:The Poetry of Pablo Neruda 作者:巴勃罗·聂鲁达 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    tonige t lines.

    rite, for example, t is starry

    and tars are blue and sance.

    t he sky and sings.

    tonige t lines.

    I loved imes soo.

    ts like this one I held her in my arms.

    I kissed he endless sky.

    Simes I loved oo.

    still eyes.

    tonige t lines.

    to t I do not o feel t I  her.

    to , still more immense  her.

    And to to ture.

    does it matter t my love could not keep her.

    t is starry and s h me.

    tance someone is singing. In tance.

    My soul is not satisfied t it  her.

    My sigries to find o bring her closer.

    My  looks for  h me.

    t rees.

    e, of t time, are no longer the same.

    I no longer love s certain, but how I loved her.

    My voice tried to find to touch her hearing.

    Anothers. As she was before my kisses.

    body. e eyes.

    I no longer love s certain, but maybe I love her.

    Love is so s, forgetting is so long.

    Because ts like this one I held her in my arms

    my soul is not satisfied t it  her.

    t pain t she makes me suffer

    and t verses t I e for her.