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The Indian Uprising

作品:Unspeakable Practices, Unnatural Acts 作者:唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    E DEFENDED tY as best tered on t, yellos. trying to understand. I spoke to Sylvia. quot;Do you t; table ;No.quot;

    Patrols of paras and volunteers all, flat buildings. e interrogated tured Comanco rils. . Not believ?ing a ed report of ties in ter districts rencools to trusturned t  be surprised from t direction. And I sat tting drunker and drunker and more in love and more in love. e talked.

    quot;Do you kno;

    quot;ould t be Gabriel Faure?quot;

    quot;It ;

    quot;t,quot; s;May I say t I play it at certain times, w requires four ;

    quot; managed?quot;

    quot;I accelerate,quot; s;ignoring time signa?ture.quot;

    And  under ted? stimulated? And  trations in texts and ions from one ables, one wh Marianne.

    Red men in tering in a square startled by sometragic or a sudden, loud noise accumulated against tfully planned job descriptions (including scales for tion of t me and found tin frying pan; tre bottles of red er-litre bottles of Black amp; e, aquavit, cognac, vodka, gin, Fad #6 s-iron legs; a blanket, red-orange  blue stripes; a red pilloraebasket; tes and ter; a Yugoslavian carved flute, ems. I decided I knehing.

    tals dusted  quite establised early in t day. I decided I kne me in touceac t cases, steel sters on t learned via an International Distress Coupon t Jane en up by a denerife but Miss R. did not alloo speak of it. quot;You kno; s;you feel not savage and terrible ignorance, I despise you, my boy, mon c. You may attend but you must not attend no attend later, a day or a ed tructed. But it . t near to t sector talion ily formed among t  began ters in asted tory of t, cone-s maintains circulation of the blood.

    But it is you I  nos yelloen?ing, s, ugly lances  t and inexplicable s is  is for you t I am making table -iron legs. I ;Call off your braves,quot; I said. quot;e  to live.quot; t of muck running in tters, yelloing excrement, or nervous?ness, a city t does not kno o deserve baldness, errors, infidelity. quot;itil matins,quot; Sylvia said. Ser Nimitz, uttering shrill cries.

    t  trated our gto and t tto instead of resisting ed attack elegrams, lockets, causing t portion of to s more o tto, and e flouation s strung-out inants and merely personal emotions. Our parts s ;Your parts are green,quot; I said. quot;You gave me  a year ago,quot; Sylvia said. Ster?ing so a large room painted ing and dancing in t liged! and tcaining a red figure. tional about ed by he absence of books.

    ter  reaco times to?geting a great blue fog. Block opened tic, so I related a little of tory of torture, revieecerature quoting t modern sources, Frencing out ticipation of some new, cool color.

    quot; is tuation?quot; I asked.

    quot;tuation is liquid,quot; ;e er and ter. t is silence.quot;

    quot;And Kennet;

    quot;t girl is not in love ; Block said frankly. quot;S.   s. Once I caug going doairs by itself. I looked inside. Sylvia.quot;

    Once I caug going doairs by itself but t rap and inside a Comanc , ugly knife at my leg rade to anotuation. Not believing t your body brilliant as it , liquid spirit distinguis able quantities to imes I said: quot;See table?quot;

    In Skinny ain on trailing c o speak. quot;A former king of Spain, a Bona?parte, lived for a time in Bordento ts no good.quot; S;ty of isfied by God. t is very good (it is Valery) but it is not eac, muck, filt of my .quot; I sable to Nancy. quot;See table?quot; Suck out ongue red as a cardinals . quot;I made sucable once,quot; Block said frankly. quot;People all over America ables. I doubt very mucer an American  finding at least one sucable, or traces of its .quot; And after;; I cried, quot;after all?quot;

    quot;t; Miss R. said in ense voice, quot;is tany. I believe our masters and teacizens so er, snake, tea, Fad #6 ste, fenestration, cro disappointed. Vertical organization is also possible,quot; Miss R. said, quot;as in




    Fad #6 sherry





    I run to liquids and colors,quot; s;but you, you may run to sometle, my poppet, my o; Miss R. said, quot;run to more and more unpleasant combinations as ture of our so?ciety. Some people,quot; Miss R. said, quot;run to conceits or  I o tlike  t tic excitement o satisfy anyone but a damned fool.quot; I sat in solemn silence.

    Fire arro my o t office in Patton Place ters, post?cards, calendars. I opened a letter but inside ions. Your earring rattled against my spectacles ouc, ruined place  in! Pack it in!quot; I urged, but to listen to reason or to understand t it  our er supply ed and t our credit  had been, once.

    e attaco testicles of tured Comanc tting drunker and drunker and more in love and more in love. cave Asc L--, a country toure, and mental functionaries. . . And you can never toucimes o y, or incident, knoo you previously. In Stle Sing off a bus burdened e and beer. e  to an old c in t icing. And to t to ted by radio t to move.

    Jane! I ernational Distress Cou?pon t you en up by a denerife. t doesnt sound like you, Jane. Mostly you kick ttle do your tasty and nice-looking leg, dont you, Jane? Your affair , dont you, Jane? o Nancy. And to t (rings of language extend in every di?rection to bind to a rushing, ribald whole.

    And you can never return to felicities in t body, tinguis re?capitulating moments t occur once, times in rebellions, or er. tion smas;See table?quot; quot;O in able!quot; ty officials ied to trees. Dusky  tread into t; to be?quot; I asked Kenneted to be Jean-Luc Godard but later ted conversa?tions in large, lige Spanisic sculpture on calm, red catafalques. touce, raised scars.

    e killed a great many in ters and rockets but  t and from oto live. quot;Skin,quot; Miss R. said softly in te, yello;ttee. And  and s; I re?moved my belt and stering from a great  ts of silence and clear, neat ro, feathers, beads.