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This Newspaper Here

作品:Unspeakable Practices, Unnatural Acts 作者:唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    Again today ttle girl came along dancing doggedly ting needle steel-blue knitting needle. S get up out of tically and sticks me,  to make me yell, nice little girl from doed ;dont for Gods sake ; Sed dress and o be eleven. tting needle in t and ion s;torment is ts torment t is t Im learning about under labo?ratory conditions. torment is tudy of c matter in any case youre ty old man cant even get out of rotten old c; Summed me up s tily put as te it y. Do you knole it is? ttle girl jabbed again ting t time and said quot;ly tle it is and even t is money do you die damn you dirty old man ributing?quot; t tograply  captioned accumulated along a lifetime of disappointments and some fun. I boasted saying quot;one kno o pincizens jump as in dreams ly. . .quot; But I realize t  read toget) catc if to object I enuation. Nice little girl from dohe block somewhere.

    to read t it says. It is my favorite. I e if you could read it. But you cant. But some can. It comes in t to a felloime back, put it in ;take a look.quot; ook a look took a look but  see anytra see it. And ;so ; Of course I once  to to take a look some time back  said quot;so ; is ed reads good travels far drinks deep gin mostly talks to dolp ty of California at Davis. Not in fine a dullard in any sense but  see anytraory of to vend t ;on my page 2 talk about t; took it from ing tory. to read aloud from under my finger t t . So I let tter drop.

    I  to t Route 22 figuring I could get one if I just put on a kind face. tising tra store not far a one to carry along. At tanding in sudden-deatage and broent after paying your dollar fifty carrying your aspidis?tra a blinding flasact lenses came. And a quality of dental o sal it empo?rarily  just to please to improve. I o see. I took one by t;come er.quot; My real face beals ;good?bye Marie.quot; And t;er,quot; and Marie ;bonne c; e motored to ter place over to Bar of t. And to my ickled t  and admired ures of marvellous gaucherie. In my mind.

    Of course I once tle some about it, bot room. If you got in t;dime in on a nickel.quot; But t formal beauty. Sometimes on dull days tors play which makes paragraphs like

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    refres acimes and parts printed in alien lan?guages and invisible inks. to names from telepelepcer Mempica Key est toledo Santa Barbara St. Paul Juneau Missoula tacoma and every  ELS-MOtELS NEED tRAINED MEN AND OMEN AMAZING FREE OFFER on the wrapper. As a disguise.

    to call saying quot;t kos.quot; iny gun d in  like to be s. Not overfond of  I said in a friendly ;can I see it.quot; ook out tiny black gun and  in  t in a friendly tle of ting on table on t;and ive secret recording devices.quot; And finally ;s you ake a fery Florida or Banff  t; I told  get t crying it seemed to me saying quot;you kno excites tirs tes  laid to rest generations ago.quot; o agree  omatically feeling for coun?ter-bugs dos t saying quot; under?stand  is youre after. If you dont like our  o come to it, too old any; times e politesse kicking my toot in blue velvet to splinters on t.

    Can you imagine some fello daoledo looking at ure dra  muc made people stop. Noill s from ate me I put t is true t I dislike ted out t tage stamps sion. ted t. I run coupons to clip offering Magnificent Butterfly ing Portraits Send Po, transistorized Personal Sun tanner, o Develop a  Monkey S Affection and Enjoy Its Company, Britislemen, Live Searic Roses Never Fade or itels-Motels Need trained Men and omen. And I keep the money.

    But e to eluding deat you knoting needle simply sent to soften me up, a probing ac?tion as it  t a tissue of s ies, zoom in zoom out. I considered in an editorial t t of God, one of t and finest ed t. Ringle from telep; of God,quot; .quot; So telep;dirty old man.quot;  ervie in my mind. S to kno and un?abridged. y old man.