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Cortés and Montezuma

作品:Great Days 作者:唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    Because Cortés lands on a day specified in t ings, because ain ugliness of trangers taken as a group -- for tezuma considers Cortés to be Quetzalcoatl, t god  of snakes, voo return.

    Montezuma gives Cortés a carved jade drinking cup.

    Cortés places around Montezumas neck a necklace of glass beads strung on a cord scented h musk.

    Montezuma offers Cortés an eartter containing small pieces of meat ligés declines because  are human fingers.

    Cortés sends Montezuma a  of t Spanisezumas messengers  encountering t;As to t is like  is  ly s. . .quot;

    Cortés and Montezuma are tle green flies fill tés and Montezuma are ime to time one of to brush away a fly.

    Montezuma receives neure ing, from t Cortés  learn tents. Cortés is trimming his black beard.

    Do?a Marina, translator, is sleeping és in tezuma. Cortés ae. Sired, Cortés thinks.

    Doés and Montezuma ed ; Montezuma asks. quot;Sancs o?quot; says Cortés. quot;Overturning idols,quot; says Montezuma. quot;Yes,quot; Cortés says vaguely, quot;yes, , everyw;

    At a concert later t evening, Cortés is bitten on t. to  slipper. Cortés removes t. quot;Is t; ;Perfectly,quot; she says.

    Montezuma ion upon Cortéss sen place s. Soon the docks.

    Montezuma es, in a letter to ;ty y took pains to ion, to pretend t ting tion in t disgusting  saso  in t poo stand in pairs on little s t visiting of one anotil early in the morning. . .

    quot;t beired of o deal ions, of uncovering t, of keeping track of ts -- in s, of o t to remember tiveness,  reminds us of times, is easier. teresting question is, o emerge from obscurity at time? hy now?

    quot;Many people  it is a direct consequence of tly. It is easily seen t, against a y can only be considered a more or less tolerable circumstance -- t  since te years of t Bundle ting, farting, oo, we ;

    A group of great lords ile to Montezuma  meeting in Vera Cruz, under tection of te is fierce; a he room.

    Do?a Marina, altress of Cortés, o Fatouc;laically. I cannot give you absolution, but I ;

    In tenoclán, ine, y, temperament.

    Cortéss men break t bes, and sacred birds.

    Doés and Montezuma ive to folloezuma; Montezuma ective to follo;tectives of talent in tenoclán,quot; says Montezuma. quot;t I dont use t -- better t detective.quot;

    Atop t Cue, or pyramid, Cortés strikes an effigy of ts golden mask; an image of talled in its place.

    quot;t; says Do?a Marina, quot;Juan de Escalante and t beneat.quot;

    Cortés screams.

    t Cristóbal de Olid, and following apia.

    Cortés is raving. o ts and is greeted by Montezuma. t lords stand on eitezuma supporting ing. tezumas arms around Cortés. Cortés speaks urgently into Montezumas ear.

    Montezuma removes from us t repeatedly, until the blood flows.

    Do?a Marina is laer. quot;; says Cuitla;I  scezuma. rast to t of us, remarkably ce. A very religious man, a great student -- Ill s alk about, Montezuma and Cortés. t; Do?a Marina tucks a , at the back.

    Bernal Diaz del Castillo, rue ory of t of Neands in a square e. tion of Vera Cruz is read, in ezuma is denounced as contrary to t interests of t unborn.

    Cortés and Montezuma are ;I especially like t. Qua idea,quot; says Montezuma. quot;t; quot;One God, t; Cortés corrects gently. quot;t t; Montezuma continues, quot;seems to me  seems to me o. Furt; Montezuma stops and taps Cortés meaningfully on t ;w;

    Bernal asks Montezuma, as a great favor, for a young pretty ezuma sends ogetle, some crickets in cages, and a quantity of fresezuma observes, of Bernal, t quot;o be a gentleman.quot;

    quot;t; Montezuma says.

    Cortés, sitting in an armchair, nods.

    quot;Because tivation of maize requires on ty days labor per person per year, ted in ternal struggle to o retain, tzalcoatl. . .quot;

    Cortés smiles and bows.

    quot;Easing train on to face alone t of  of tself. . .quot;

    Cortés blinks.

    quot;If t of my auts are not controllable by me --quot;

    Cortés has no reply.

    quot;t is incumbent upon you, dear broto disclose to me t least  I may attempt to manipulate it in a favorable direction ion of  to me.quot;

    Cortés has no reply.

    Breaking téss men discover, on tiny puddle of gold. tion is circulated t ty; is sent to oties.

    Bernal builds a stout enoclán darkens; flasning; the lake.

    Doés and Montezuma take ser in a door;Do?a Marina translated it; I ; says Cortés.


    quot;I .quot;

    quot;You may take t. My gift.quot;

    quot;Your  kind.quot;

    quot;Your ser.quot;

    quot;I cannot leave until all of t, present and future, is stacked in t;

    quot;Impossible on t.quot;

    quot;I agree. Let us talk of somet;

    Montezuma notices t a certain amount of  ed on  doublet. ake better care of him.

    In bed és, Do?a Marina displays for iful golden buttocks, ly. A tiny green fly is buzzing about tés brus aells  a vision. In tezuma is struck in tone, and falls. s ones.

    quot;Dont ; says Cortés. quot;trust me.quot;

    Fats Cortés  of tective o folloogets, documents, pograpés orders t all of tectives in ty be arrested, t tective be abolisenoclán, and t Fat back to Cuba in chains.

    In tplaces and ters of ty, ne: tranquillity, vinegar, entitlement, schnell.

    On anotezuma and Cortés and Do?a Marina and tés and certain great lords of tenoclán leave to t of ty called Cotaxtla.

    t before a great .

    quot; is t; Cortés asks, for  before.

    Montezuma replies t it is ting place of tec council or legislature he laws of his people.

    Cortés expresses surprise and states t it anding t Montezuma is an absolute ruler anso no one -- a statement Do?a Marina tactfully neglects to translate lest Montezuma be given offense by it.

    Cortés,  ezuma at  ers the building.

    At tionaries eace goose quills filled és and ed tery braziers, but Montezuma is not, t look at  greet  reverence saying, quot;Lord, my Lord, my Great Lord.quot;

    ty is usall doors of fragrant cedar into a vast c to tocks a pair of mirrors as is appropriate to y, ter raised somee feating a licue in ter. t in attitudes of rigid attention, arms  ted, eyes fixed on tés lays a  s;ttery,quot; o Montezuma. Montezuma és begins to laugezuma begins to laugés is cerical. Cortés and Montezuma run around t  of to turning some, turning ots. quot;I am tate!quot; ss Montezuma, and Cortés ss, quot;Mot know w ;

    In t possible és places Montezuma under .

    quot;Best you come to stay ;

    quot;t Id rat.quot;

    quot;ell ;

    quot;t understand.quot;

    quot;eve got Pitalpitoque so t c;

    quot;I t it albor.quot;

    quot;Pitalpitoque, Quintalbor, tendile.quot;

    quot;Ill send te.quot;

    quot;Come a;


    quot; do t;

    quot;I dont kno read t;

    quot;Cutting peoples s out, forty, fifty, sixty at a crack.quot;

    quot;Its tom around ;

    quot;take too mucribute.quot;

    quot;Cant run an empire  tribute.quot;

    quot;Our Lord Jesus C loves you.quot;

    quot;Ill send e.quot;

    quot;Come a;

    Doés and Montezuma are  a respectful distance carrying ts containing many delicacies: caviar, uffed thrushes, gumbo.

    Co  Montezuma is saying; Cortés brustle green flies, using a fly ernative?quot; C;I did  best,quot; says Cortés, quot;proceeding y and conscience.quot; quot;I am murdered,quot; says Montezuma.

    tenoclán darkens; flasning; the lake.

    t of Montezuma rebukes t of Cortés. quot; tcone?quot;