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That guy in the back room

作品:Overnight to Many Different Cities 作者:唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    t guy in ting our potatoes. You  nig before t, you  before t, you errible. ing our potatoes. I  in t ato smeared all over  t . I errible. You errible on t errible mood. I o balance, to attempt to balance, your foul be guy cing our potatoes.  are you going to do about it?

    ? he said.

    are you going to do about it?

    a potato mashere?

    And a little pot. tle pot between h his masher. Mash mash mash.

    ell,  to live, dont he?

    I dont kno. You broug are you going to do about it?

    e y of potatoes, ting excited. Getting excited about notter simmer do frenzy Ill go out on treet. In  calm. Clear, quiet calm. Youre getting excited. I  you to calm doly, read.

    You   seemed to strike your fancy. You appreciated t, my effort, or seemed to. You didnt laugrocious t niging t ts turned up, you ruggled for tat. ttered you, your music, music you  and paid for, to flatter yourself. Your good taste. Nobody ever listens to t stuff unless s to establis aste. Supernal good taste.

    Did you kno? One real foot?

    Cooking t you in a terrible mood. ticular. You asked me to remove t to remain in place. Placing ted. You t you could not go on. I said t people ting turies, centuries. ty people coming for dinner, a mistake, of course, but not mine. tretc on ter. You placed tcoo, my knee o saerrible t nighings.

    Kinda funny to .

    to to t, tains staining er quite  night.

    t ty because t know w?