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Conversations With Goethe

作品:Overnight to Many Different Cities 作者:唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    November 13, 1823

    I coat. Youtter on ty.

    December 9, 1823

    Goet me an invitation to dinner. As I entered ting room I found o come at some lengt  t to e good spirits about ticipated results,  and paprika. Food, said Goetopmost taper on tence.

    January 11, 1824

    Dinner alone ;I o you some of my ideas about music, someted t altain members of t? -- no animal knoo us takes part in ermed an organized musical performance. Man alone does t. I  crickets -- , as a species of performance, albeit one of little significance to our ears. I  about it, and  replied t  not, t it is merely a sort of tic on t of crickets. t point  t I may co enlarge upon in some future  t t unite  t man does, to ternal comfort and glory of ;

    Music, Goetapioca in t of ory.

    March 22, 1824

    Goetance of a young Englisenant by, ted tleman to Goeted us most cordially and offered us s. Englis pleasure over many years. ered it early, old us, in order to be able to savor ties and tragic deptfully be compared. e  pleasant mood and continued to talk about ts of trymen until quite late. ting, are tion. Lieutenant by blus noticeably.

    April 7, 1824

    ered Goet noon, a anding in t;And ; asked Goet for t t contain, for it  oddly s it ure, a gift from , tcist. most care, and I ion ion, in bronze, of a young ring. e marveled toget tion of form and fineness of detail, most of all at tuality ;truly astonis; Goetened to agree. Art, Goet interest on ted it several times.

    June 18, 1824

    Goet difficulties icular actress at tre, a person o Goet;It is not enoug; ;t I ure for ture, t not unexplored in ter I myself ed, o being. Ss in ation, o discuss tre, even t, and ting detail t must be attended to, every jot and tittle, if to be fit for a discriminating public. Actors, c pork of  effort. I loved ed ionate handshake.

    September 1, 1824

    today Goet certain critics ood Lessing.  useness ially embittered Lessings last years, and speculated t it ic and dramatist t ttacks y. Critics, Goetive spirit. No, I said, tra baggage on t cabriolet of conceptual progress. quot;Eckermann,quot; said Goet;s up.quot;