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16. The Visitor

作品:A Little Princess 作者:弗朗西丝·霍奇森·伯内特 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    16. tor

    Imagine, if you can,  of tself in ttle grate. , savory soup,  and muffins enougand ea cup, and tea  it  necessary to pretend t it  tea. t  like Sara t, range good fortune real, so t of it to tmost. S se equal to accepting any   to cease, in a s time, to find it bewildering.

    quot;I dont kno,quot; s;but tting by ts true! And w is--w;

    It cannot be denied t as t before te table food, t a kind of rapturous ao eac.

    quot;Do you t; Becky faltered once, in a  could melt ater be quick?quot; And sily crammed o  chen manners would be overlooked.

    quot;No, it  melt a; said Sara. quot;I am eating taste it. You never really eat to eat touc piece of coal just no;

    t  overpo  in ted in it until Sara found urning to look at ransformed bed.

    ts enougo s attic able t nigs occupant  it could be.

    As s out of turned upon t h devouring eyes.

    quot;If it aint ; s;its been onig never forget it.quot; S eacicular to commit it to memory. quot;t;, pointing ;an table ; an t looked rosy red; an tin cover on your bed, an a iful; anquot;--somacenderly--quot;t; And, ion a reality at least, s away.

    terious agency  e  Sara Cre Becky , but t a scullery maid could not be dispensed  once. ts kne so stay because Miss Minc easily find anoture o  ical reasons of her own.

    quot;S and learning suc, some; said Jessie to Lavinia, quot;t so  y of you, Lavvy, to tell about .  out?quot;

    quot;I got it out of Lottie. S knoy at all in speaking to Miss Minc it my dutyquot;--priggis;Sful. And its ridiculous t satters!quot;

    quot;  t;

    quot;Pretending some silly taken up o ses us to s t I care, but its rato s girls in attics. I urn Sara out--even if s eac;

    quot;If surned out rifle anxiously.

    quot;; snapped Lavinia. quot;So ter o oday.quot;

    Jessie  as ill-natured as stle jerk.

    quot;ell, I ts ; s;t to starve o deat;

    into tc morning t  s, overslept tle, and as Becky ime to see tairs in e.

    Sara  into tly scrubbing a kettle, and ually gurgling a little song in . Sed face.

    quot;It ,quot; sedly. quot;It   nig;

    quot;So ; said Sara. quot;It is all t. e some of t.quot;

    quot;O; Becky uttered tion in a sort of rapturous groan, and ducked tle just in time, as tchen.

    Miss Minced to see in Sara, o see. Sara o y never made ened. ood still and listened politely ra tasks or

    or out t s anso Miss Mincself. But after yesterdays deprivation of meals, t scene of last nig of oday, s surely  range indeed if s come doairs h pale cheeks and red eyes and an unhappy, humbled face.

    Miss Minc time o tle Frence its lessons and superintend its exercises. And sep, color in  t  astonis gave e a s  could suc once to her desk.

    quot;You do not look as if you realize t you are in disgrace,quot; s;Are you absolutely ;

    trut ly and  of a fairy story, and o find it real, one cannot be un, if one tried, keep a glo of ones eyes. Miss Minc struck dumb by tly respectful answer.

    quot;I beg your pardon, Miss Minc; s;I kno I am in disgrace.quot;

    quot;Be good enoug to forget it and look as if you o a fortune. It is an impertinence. And remember you are to oday.quot;

    quot;Yes, Miss Minc; Sara ans as surned a yesterday ;If t saved me just in time,quot; s, quot; would ;

    quot;S be very ;  look at ending squot;-- eful laugh.

    quot;S from ot; said Jessie, c;Sometimes Im a bit frig;

    quot;Ridiculous t; ejaculated Lavinia.

    All t s cast puzzled glances at o eac.  suc displeasure could mean s understand. It inate o brave tter out.

    One t t be kept a secret, if suco mount to ttic again, of course all  it did not seem likely t sime at least, unless stie crictness t t dare to steal out of told tory and trusted to keep it secret. If Lottie made any discoveries, so secrecy also. Perself would o s own marvels.

    quot;But  saying to ;e so lonely. Oo me!quot;

    If it o be   ter, muddier, colder. to be done, table, and, kno Sara ter self ones friend. Saras supper of t before rengt surally begun to be  t s until breakfast- time on to  e late  alloo go upstairs. Sold to go into tudy until ten oclock, and serested in er.

    op fligairs and stood before ttic door, it must be confessed t  beat rat.

    quot;Of course it migaken a; srying to be brave. quot;It mig to me for just t one a  to me--I . It ;

    S in. Once inside, sly, s tood  it looking from side to side.

    t actually   into ttic  t if s been past doubting sable anotood--time es for Becky as tered mantel, and on it some ornaments o look quite pretty. Some odd materials of ricened against tacks--so s to ter   fans antial enougo use as seats. A , so t it e the air of a sofa.

    Sara slo down and looked and looked again.

    quot;It is exactly like sometrue,quot; s;t t difference. I feel as if I mig  be any stranger t? Am I to to pretend and pretend and o see a fairy story come true. I am living in a fairy story. I feel as if I migo turn to anyt;

    S cell, and the prisoner came.

    ered s dropped in a e lost h.

    quot;O; s;O;

    quot;You see,quot; said Sara.

    On t Becky sat on a cush rug and had a cup and saucer of her own.

    to bed s stress and big doress and pilloead, and, consequently, ions Becky .

    quot; all come from?quot; Becky broke fort;La;

    quot;Dont let us even ask,quot; said Sara. quot;If it  t I  to say, `O kno makes it more beautiful.quot;

    From t time life became more ory continued. Almost every day somet or ornament appeared eacime Sara opened t nigil in a s time ttic iful little room full of all sorts of odd and luxurious tirely covered ures and draperies, ingenious pieces of folding furniture appeared, a bookss and conveniences appeared one by one, until t to be desired.  doairs in table; and o ttic in t anottle meal. Miss Mincing as ever, Miss Amelia as peeviss  on errands in all o speak to Ermengarde and Lottie; Lavinia sneered at tared curiously at   all matter ory? It ic and deliged to comfort arved young soul and save imes, when she was scolded, she could scarcely keep from smiling.

    quot;If you only kne; so ;If you only kne;

    t and ronger, and so look foro. If s and tired and er sairs. During t day s stic door, and ime so look less to  seem so mucoo big for her face.

    quot;Sara Cre; Miss Minco er.

    quot;Yes,quot; ans;Sely fattening. So look like a little starved cro;

    quot;Starved!quot; exclaimed Miss Minc;tarved. Sy to eat!quot;

    quot;Of--of course,quot; agreed Miss Amelia, o find t shing.

    quot;t sort of t; said Miss Mincy vagueness.

    quot;--sort of t; Miss Amelia ventured.

    quot;It mig be called defiance,quot; ans kno term to use. quot;t and irely o submit to. But, upon my le subdued as if--as if s;

    quot;Do you remember,quot; put in t; day in t  t s;

    quot;No, I dont,quot; said Miss Minc;Dont talk nonsense.quot; But she remembered very clearly indeed.

    Very naturally, even Becky o look plumper and less frig . S fairy story, too. Stresses, ty of bed-covering, and every nig supper and a seat on tille ed aed. ted c in t of deligimes Sara read aloud from imes simes s and looked into tried to imagine wo .

    t came about t anoto t several parcels. All ters, quot;to ttle Girl in t-tic.quot;

    Sara  to open take t parcels on table, and  tairs and saw her.

    quot;take to to  stand taring at them.

    quot;to me,quot; ansly.

    quot;to you?quot; exclaimed Miss Minc; do you mean?quot;

    quot;I dont kno;but to me. I sleep in t-tic. Becky ;

    Miss Minco  ted expression.

    quot; is in t; she demanded.

    quot;I dont kno; replied Sara.

    quot;Open t; she ordered.

    Sara did as sold. enance y and comfortable clot kinds: sockings, and gloves, and a iful coat. t and an umbrella. t of t en t;to be ;

    Miss Mince agitated. t range to  be t sake, after all, and t ted cric friend in tion, astic ions imes very odd-- particularly ric care for  sort migo overlook ions  a distance. Suco be crotcy and -tempered enougo be easily offended. It  be very pleasant if trut t food, and t very queer indeed, and very uncertain, and s Sara.

    quot;ell,quot; stle girl lost ;someone is very kind to you. As t, and you are to , you may as  table. After you are dressed you may come doairs and learn your lessons in t go out on any more errands today.quot;

    About erruck dumb.

    quot;My ; ejaculated Jessie, jogging Lavinias elbo;Look at t;

    Everybody e red.

    It  least, since t seem tairs a feifully made.  looked as tland pony  ied back h a ribbon.

    quot;Per une,quot; Jessie  someto ;

    quot;Per; said Lavinia, scat;Dont please aring at  ;

    quot;Sara,quot; broke in Miss Minc;come and sit ;

    And o conceal its excited curiosity, Sara  to  of  her head over her books.

    t nig to er sen t and looked at time.

    quot;Are you making somet; Becky inquired ful softness.  in silence and looked into t generally meant t sory. But time s, and she shook her head.

    quot;No,quot; s;I am ;

    Becky stared--still respectfully. Shing Sara did and said.

    quot;I cant  my friend,quot; Sara explained. quot;If s to keep , it o try and find out  o knoo kno;

    Sopped s because  t instant fell upon sometanding on a table in a corner. It o it only t tle ing-case fitted h paper and envelopes and pens and ink.

    quot;O; s; before?quot;

    S to t to the fire.

    quot;I can e to ; s;and leave it on table. takes take it, too. I  ask  mind my t;

    So se a note. t she said:

    I  t is impolite t I se te to you . Please believe I do not mean to be impolite or try to find out anyt all; only I  to to me--so ory. I am so grateful to you, and I am so  as t is all just as beautiful and o  is to me. e used to be so lonely and cold and  t you  me say just t seems as if I ougo say thank you!

    ttle Girl in ttic.

    t morning s ttle table, and in t aken a, and s. So Becky just before t to tive beds, ion tracted by a sound at t.  Becky urned o look and ening rather nervously.

    quot;Somet; she whispered.

    quot;Yes,quot; said Sara, slo;It sounds--rat--trying to get in.quot;

    S  to t. It tle sound s scratc little intruder tic once before. S very afternoon, sitting disconsolately on a table before a lemans house.

    quot;Suppose,quot; sement--quot;just suppose it  a;

    Siously raised t, and peeped out. It e near iny, sself piteously at sight of her.

    quot;It is t; s. quot; out of ttic, and .quot;

    Becky ran to her side.

    quot;Are you going to let ; she said.

    quot;Yes,quot; Sara ans;Its too cold for monkeys to be out. te. Ill coax ;

    S a  delicately, speaking in a coaxing voice--as so to Melctle animal herself.

    quot;Come along, monkey darling,quot; s;I   you.quot;

    before s, caressing little pa in   , and o her face.

    quot;Nice monkey! Nice monkey!quot; s;Otle animal t;

    ly glad to get to t doerest and appreciation.

    quot; ; said Becky.

    quot;; laug;I beg your pardon, monkey; but Im glad you are not a baby. Your mot be proud of you, and no one o say you looked like any of your relations. O;


    quot;Per; s;and its always on ;

    But t up a tiny pached his head.

    quot; s; Becky asked.

    quot;I s onigake o tleman tomorroo take you back, monkey; but you must go. You ougo be fondest of your o a real relation.quot;

    And o bed s at , and  ters.