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作品:The Celtic Twilight 作者:叶芝 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢


    Not only in Ireland is faery belief still extant. It tis t of ed by a er-, and dragged ts, and tried to pump it empty. It erms ure.  For in Ireland timid affection bets. treat eacs to s beyond reat a captured faery as did tells of.  a kelpie, and tied

    by driving an ao o a river, and sless, fearing to cross ter. Again o , “Pierce me  keep t slender,  of me.” to an inn. urned t of a lantern on ely sar, and co a lump of jelly. Sreat treated in an old tle co cut turf at t out ed knife. to cut turf  did not take long, t last to c tle cake from it turf , taps on t of tc to t is recorded,  reache child.

    In Scotland you are too too gloomy. You er?” o tc  came out in trial. You  all tc to be sure, ty” knocked out tump on t of Marco ty” is tish.

    You o be pagan and o rate. In Ireland als  ttles, and turn aug skill ted some feo unes.

    Carolan slept upon a faery rater tunes ran in  musician land you . In Ireland tted by ts to consult tate of ts  t t vapour at t day; but more in sadness t. to keep on good terms s neighbours.

    t  try tes and goblins. For t go to Ireland; for terror to Scotland. Our Iriserrors  t strays into an enced o turn a corpse all nig before t feel anxious; . In Scotland it is altoget. You urally excellent disposition of gs and goblins. to a sea cavern, playing loudly, and follo ruggle. time  by, and t of tely flayed, too o  of tale of to a lake  to be.  coffer of iron. Close to ter, urn  tanders, le ed up, reddening ter. No man ever sa of his body.

    ter-goblins and er-monsters are common in Scottisoo, but take tales turn all to favour and to prettiness, or ures. A ed by one of ters. ly believed in by many, but t does not prevent try playing , and surrounding it asies. er urning  eel on my s, ail s a fisance. I began a tale of an immense conger, times larger t had broken my line and escaped.

    “t ones for t comes up to  are you after?’ ‘Stones, sur,’ says  you tter be going?’ ‘Yes, sur,’ says ’s   t’s not true.”

    You—you erms s of fire and earter. You ies he world beyond.