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作品:The Celtic Twilight 作者:叶芝 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    t Maive and tick  to tcer,” s t to talk. A man  left ted black pig one nigter poet. One ery, “ tain “t you and in to listen to Callanan.” Presently an old man began to tell my friend a story, and all listened deliging into laugory, ell just as it old, ales,  in its natural simplicity. tell of a time o life again ouco look exactly like your brot go to bed tle quarrel afteroo, if  everytened us une,  rong enougo fling t of ts shoulders.

    time  because  at last to consult ’s easy enougell you. Let you send some one,” says o suco catc in, give it to to eat.”

    So t as old, and t and broug to t it before t to be careful , and not to let any blob or blister rise on it. But it is impossible to cook a fis t rising in some place or ot  to smoot do o o cool it, and so s a taste of t  up to te it, and  of it  into te ts t .

    And before a year , two pups.

    And t out for a o be cared, and  I can kno, and s to t like to be giving ting and drinking to to my o is easy to kno,” said tell you. Go you outside, and stand at t the cook’s son will only laugh.”

    So s, and  a mark on  sting at ter t, so Jack, t  is time for you to go a of t my son.” And   send  brot Jack said, “I   my o.” And for all Bill could say to  stop. But before , t o Bill, “If o me, t er on top of ter below will be honey.”

    took one of ter ting t er  catc t ill o a o  on till o a king’s  in at to ask, “Did  a servant?” “All I ,” said t  to t nigo be milked.” “I  for you,” said Jack; so the king engaged him.

    In t out y coold to drive to  a blade of grass in it for t ones. So Jack looked about for some place er a  belonging to a giant. So  of t up o an apple-tree and began to eat t came into the field.

    “Fee-faw-fum,” says ree,”

    oo big for one moutoo small for t kno grind you up and make snuff for my nose.” “As you are strong, be merciful,” says Jack up in tree. “Come do of t, you little d, “or I’ll tear you and tree asunder.” So Jack came doo one anots,” said t, “or o at y feet  . t   t all tting t last a little bird came and sat on to Jack, “If you don’t make an end of ,  out rengt t do gifts.”

    “ are t notand against, and a suit t  on, you er to be found?” said Jack. “In t red door you see t and got t. “ry try it on t ugly black stump of a tree,” says t.  “I see not roke, and cut off t’s  it  into t it on t  is  join to strike it off again.” “I did not give you t,” said Jack. And  a suit h him.

    So  t evening, and every one  all t nigting at dinner er, and t, o-nighree.”

    t morning Jack  out again  t t t came time ogettle bird came and spoke to Jack as before. And  do is t?” says Jack. “It’s a suit t you can put on, and you  no one can see you.” “?” said Jack.  “It’s inside t little red door at t and broug t. And t off t’s t ime to join the body.

    t nig all t could be found were filled up.

    t morning Jack  out again, and all  time   old o go to a little blue door in t a pair of s er the wind.

    t nig t vessels enougo , and it o tenants and to poor people passing t  at t  a drink of it.

    t nigo Jack, “ to any ot,” said Jack, “but I ick, and ill or lie do, t tones and ditc’s to make coy of milk.”

    And t nig t all.”

    t morning, tc to see o t a stick, and began to batter t t leaping and jumping over stones, and c Jack said,” said then.

    No serpent at t time used to come every seven years, and o get a kines daugo eat, unless so fig  to be given to it t time, and t t of everyto be ready to fig.

    And  out, and to t t did  to tie to a tree, t o sold  it, and  . But  no aken from t giant, and  s knoied to a tree?” said Jack. “It is not, indeed,” said sold   o take  me sleep for a up and foug, and drove it back into the sea.

    And t t fastened  a of tree, and  to o come and fig to-day, imorous after being so long s up underground, but I’ll do ting myself to-morrow.”

    t day t out again, and tied up t could come at  up o ree. t on t aken from t, and , and t knohe day before.

    And to t anoto fig day.

    t day s doo t many people gato see t t o bring ter a of clot a, and s kno   off a piece of tle packet of it and put it a was on .

    And  t in a   no more king’s daugook out t from t, and  it in at t’s neck, ter came spouting out t  for fifty miles inland, and made an end of   to to  is -er t.

    But ook out t of  tc, and s s  fit t sried to put on t so mucoe  go into it, and as to  didn’t matc all to t of  from t saved her.

    So t ball, to bring all try togeto try  any of to carpenters and joiners getting bits of t cut off to try could t it  one of t it on.

    t to  could o give anotime  to poor as well as rich.”

    So to it, but t fit any one of them.

    And t belongs to t t minds t like o be coming up here.”

    Jack  time, and  t and got airs to strike off t t kept te met airs before  to ted  to top of tairs and to his arms.

    And tried t fitted co t  off. So t feast s.

    And at t time, one morning tside t, and t called out, “,   up and took  ing t

    on all t fell it  into a  into ter it, and all  in, and t ting over t,” says s it’s too late noo be follo you stop t  ie t out and tied up to kill you noing t of it. “, t t  to deat, t t  to tigo deatside the door.

    to go back noo Bill.  in took a look at t did  ter at top  into to  a second meal at table, or sleep a second nigill I know w is o Jack.”

    So ook t off, over t last o t in, tter treatment t time you came in to me,” for s it o .

    t on till o t tairs, and said, “elcome to you back again.” And all t is a er your marriage, and to stop so long a nig it was ime.

    And in t, “t is smen and t up and got ill to t tting by top t tie  Bill tier t out, o tly.  , and t, “ squeeze, I’m in t, I’m in t eet ell you ?” said Bill. “Do you see t rod over take it doside tones, and strike to life again.” “I  I’ll make a green stone of you first,” said Bill, and  off h his sword.

    t out and struck tones, and sure enougriking otones around, and men came from t urned to stones, hem.

    t out for  on te or some argument toget o  t  angry, and ruck Jack urned o a green stone. And   t back t o life, and ter, and tful, and t by time myself, and tea.
