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作品:THE SUBTLE KNIFE 作者:菲利普·普尔曼 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    Finally Mrs. Coulter said, quot;Very ell you. Lord Asriel is gating t was foug;

    quot;o  o tic pole?quot;

    quot;ing open t caused profound disturbances to tic field, and t must resonate in too.... But  t? Carlo, I tions of mine.  is this world?

    And ;

    quot;It is one of millions. t t easily found. I kno to ed, and t must be due to  seems t ly from to our oo many otoo. oday, you can imagine o find it opening into our o find you nearby. Providence, dear lady!

    t t I could bring you ly,  ttagazze.quot;

    quot;Cittagazze?  is t?quot;

    quot;Previously, all to one  is ttagazze. But its too dangerous to go t t.quot;

    quot; dangerous?quot;

    quot;Dangerous for adults. C;

    quot;? I must kno t; said te impatience. quot;t t of everyt contains tery of Dust! t find tc, so nearly, from a c soo quickly. I must find t .quot;

    quot;And you srument , you can  tell me about your curious bodyguards, Marisa. Ive never seen soldiers like t. ;

    quot;Men, ts all. But... tercision. tion and no free  til] torn apart.quot;

    quot;No daemons... ell, ts very interesting. I tle experiment, if you can spare one of to see erested in t;

    quot;Specters?  are t;

    quot;Ill explain later, my dear. ts cant go into t  if terested in your bodyguards t be able to travel in Cittagazze after all. Dust—cers— daemons—intercision... Yes, it mig;

    quot;I  to kno; s;And Ill o t. Noell me:  are you doing in t you ;

    quot;I found my ; said Sir C;It oo good a secret to reveal, even to you, Marisa. Ive made myself very comfortable, as you can see. Being part of tate at  easy for me to see whe power lay here.

    quot;As a matter of fact, I became a spy, told my masters all I kney services in t Union— as Muscovy.

    And alt t ill listening posts and macrained in t direction, and Im still in touc;

    Mrs. Coulter sipped okay.  eyes were fixed unblinkingly on his.

    quot;And I ly about a profound disturbance in tic field,quot; Sir Cinued. ty services are alarmed. Every nation t does researco fundamental p al turning to its scientists urgently to discover  somet it o do her worlds.

    quot;to tter of fact. to Dust. O eam in ty . And anoten or ty services tion of a dooroday. t: you can imagine I  told t I know.

    urbance began, t out to look for this man.

    quot;And naturally, Marisa, I myself am curious. And I am keen to add to my kno;

    ill sat frozen,  ts  her!

    But all time,  part of it  ttle octagonal table. But neiting pro disturbed ill greatly. t in tandard lamp beside te, but it never stopped long enougo make out  was.

    t, Sir Cioned ter.

    quot;For example,quot; inuing  trument.

    Suppose you tell me  ;

    And er on tagonal table at t clearly;  reac.

    t  till. ture t  must ers c streaming over it ts s it stopped,  urning its , searching.

    ill ake of breat too. urned silently and o to ones and t tudy so t, and t ter. to t for me.quot;

    Surned and ran aly over turned back.

    t;... ter of Jordan College is a foolis to  imagine; you need several years of intensive study to make any sense of it at all. And noion, Carlo. ? And w;

    quot;I say. I recognized  your cocktail party all t time ago, and I realized s  I could use it for a purpose of my oole it.quot;

    quot;Youre very frank.quot;

    quot;No need to be coy; ;

    quot;And ;

    quot;So see me, ;

    quot;S lack nerve. And o do ?  is t;

    quot;I told  s back, provided s somet get myself.quot;

    quot;And ?quot;

    quot;I dont know w;

    And t  one smaso tudy window.

    It broke isfying crasantly ts gasped. t t up.

    ill leaned forcer from ttle table, t it into , and darted back ttagazze  in time t only feet ahere was horrible danger.

    t  animal, but   loat time ten most of t till a small gap at t. And to t gap tmare face. teetrated malevolence blazed from  ill felt it almost like a spear.

    Anot ill  it up at once and slas, rig  in time. t gave ill t o seize t.

    parkland in Cittagazze, panting and trembling and ened.

    But noo rescue. o t o t  to see tudy window s.

    As c, and the woman following close behind.

    Sir Col. tiful—ill sa ,  dark eyes ment,  and graceful; but as sopped at once and leaped up into  t-faced he evil monkey were one being.

    But where was Lyra?

    ts  t began to cast t on t ing or looking for footprints. t be able to move  making a noise, w once.

    Sir Ced sometol  click: ty catco to look directly at ill, and traveled on past.

    ts looked to t, for t leaped foro  later it  moment tabby cat sprang out of to the grass, and hissed.

    ted in midair as if onis, tonis, and t arcail raised ood sideing.

    And t reared up, slas and rigoo quickly to be seen, and tumbling talaimon beside  screamed, and too, as ts clao Mrs. Coulters arms, and t s

    ao the bushes of her own world and vanished.

    And ill and Lyra  once again for t intangible edges in tly togets lengt among t. o er.

    quot;; o Lyra.

    Sook it. ito its srembling in all  t bat Lyra undoing ying it up again e, gentle movements.

    quot;O; ;t you done, for all of it....quot;

    quot;I s all rig; tered. quot;S no;

    quot;You kno? I t for a second s a good daemon s . You got to come and lie doc big o be beds and food and stuff. Come on, Ill make a ne some coffee on to cook, Ill make some omelette, , and  ter back, youll see. Ill do not ;

    So we-gleaming he moon.