作品:THE AMBER SPYGLASS 作者:菲利普·普尔曼 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    Ama climbed to t in . o reache sleeping girl?

    So told o leave t it do s go straigtle fart till to  and the rainbows began.

    ttle green-aracts, past trum tinted spray, until iny pearls of moisture. to get to top  e temptation, and soon t sparkled and fractured into red, yello snt bruso see better until s rigo top, or t.

    Kulang, o a rock near top of ttle erfall, and surn at once to make sure s brusure off  t .

    Instead, here, gazing forward.

    Ama ill, because looking do ure s immense, terrifying, four times t, and ivory e hair on his head.

    quot;?quot; said t understand t the sense easily enough.

    After a moment t to tting jaw.

    And  a daemon beside  sucrange bird: unlike any s fleo Kulang and spoke briefly: Friends. e s  you.

    t  all.

    quot;Come up,quot; said t for her.

    atcitious atle erfall and stood sterfly and settled for a moment on  left it to flutter around t still on the boys hand.

    quot;ill,quot; said ting to himself.

    S;Ama.quot; No sened of t more two of  dizzy w.

    turned aream and lay doer, as if to cool ook to ttered o understand eacher.

    And  to be looking for but a cave, h a girl asleep?

    tumbled out of ;I knoo keep  I o make  to ;

    ill could only s for Balto translate. It took more te.

    quot;Iorek,quot; ream, licking  s; ill said, quot;to look, way c;

    Iorek Byrnison, foursquare in tream, nodded silently. ill  t filled to bruso see o put .

    of ted t t gnarled pine trunks ensely green and a billion tiny insects scraped and sang. Do, and fartill t folloo tossed unceasingly in t sky.

    ted. ill dreangle of leaves and branco t, and partway up…

    quot;Mrs. Coulter,quot;  ing fast.

    t a t and brusogetic.

    But t vicious monkey appeared, leaping up to ed someter didnt look domestic at all.

    Ama ear ts will alive.

    quot;Is t; ill said. quot;No soldiers, or anyone like t?quot;

    Ama didnt knoalk about strange and frig be gs, seen on tainsides at nig ts in tains, everyone kne. So t not o do he woman.

    ell, t ill, if Lyras in ter doesnt leave it, Ill o go and pay a call.

    ; is t do you o do  to wake ;

    Ama explained.

    quot;And ;

    In her home, she said. hidden away.

    quot;All rig  come near. nt say t you kno bring ;

    , Amas daemon said.

    quot;Bring t; said ill. quot;Ill meet you ;

    Sc unease as  off along t believe old  t o the cave.

    Actually, ill felt very nervous. All o be clarified, so t iniest insects drifting in ts and tle of every leaf and t of t th.

    quot;Balt; o -eyed small bird ;Keep close to me, and c monkey.quot;

    quot;to your rig; said Baltersely.

    And ill sac at t cy paces aill, and turned o look in turned back.

    ill felt for the knife handle and walked on.

    ing for him.

    Sting at tle canvas ccravelers clot so  and so graceful  of tle spray of red blossom so front looked like t elegant of jeered, and .

    So tness and gentleness a  into a smile, and it unsettled him.

    quot;Youre ill,quot; s looxicating voice.

    quot;; he said harshly.

    quot;Lyra says it in ;



    quot;I  to see ;

    quot;Come on, t; s to , dropping the chair.

    But t vicious monkey appeared, leaping up to ed someter didnt look domestic at all.

    Ama ear ts will alive.

    quot;Is t; ill said. quot;No soldiers, or anyone like t?quot;

    Ama didnt knoalk about strange and frig be gs, seen on tainsides at nig ts in tains, everyone kne. So t not o do he woman.

    ell, t ill, if Lyras in ter doesnt leave it, Ill o go and pay a call.

    ; is t do you o do  to wake ;

    Ama explained.

    quot;And ;

    In her home, she said. hidden away.

    quot;All rig  come near. nt say t you kno bring ;

    , Amas daemon said.

    quot;Bring t; said ill. quot;Ill meet you ;

    Sc unease as  off along t believe old  t o the cave.

    Actually, ill felt very nervous. All o be clarified, so t iniest insects drifting in ts and tle of every leaf and t of t th.

    quot;Balt; o -eyed small bird ;Keep close to me, and c monkey.quot;

    quot;to your rig; said Baltersely.

    And ill sac at t cy paces aill, and turned o look in turned back.

    ill felt for the knife handle and walked on.

    ing for him. ?

    Sting at tle canvas ccravelers clot so  and so graceful  of tle spray of red blossom so front looked like t elegant of jeered, and .

    So tness and gentleness a  into a smile, and it unsettled him.

    quot;Youre ill,quot; s looxicating voice.

    quot;; he said harshly.

    quot;Lyra says it in ;



    quot;I  to see ;

    quot;Come on, t; s to , dropping the chair.

    For t time since coming into  trous, eaco be made of pure gold, muctle face and  seen t face, contorted e, on tole ter back from Sir Crom in tried to tear at eetil ill -rig t  t noturn  monkey now.

    But tcepped carefully over the

    cave and folloer to ttle figure lying still in the shadows.

    And t friend, asleep. So small s  le and mild w alaimon lay in  sening, and Lyras hair lay damp across her forehead.

    do. Out of to spring, and set  Mrs. Coulter sly, and the monkey relaxed.

    it seeming to, ill  layout of t  of to find  in to see it first.

    quot;So you see, se safe,quot; said Mrs. Coulter.

    quot; you let ;

    quot;Lets sit do;

    S take t sat  trance to t ills mistrust deepened.  t every , and every smile . ell, o deceive urn: o make eacaken an interest in his all his life.

    Rig. I can deal h you.

    quot;ould you like someto drink?quot; said Mrs. Coulter. quot;Ill oo... Its quite safe. Look.quot;

    S open some o t fres.

    quot;; she said.

    quot;It  o follo;

    quot;Evidently.  Lyras aleter?quot;

    quot;Yes,quot;   for  .

    quot;And youve got a knife, I understand.quot;

    quot;Sir Cold you t, did ;

    quot;Sir C sounds fascinating. May I see it?quot;

    quot;No, of course not,quot; ;;

    quot;Because I love ; s;Im  let anyto ;

    quot;Danger from ; said ill.

    quot;ell...quot; s   up again, sucked it back be s disturbed.

    If Mrs. Coulter sa;Look, ill, I dont kno my daug knoainly dont knorust you; but equally, Im tired of o lie. So  is: truth.

    quot;I found out t my daugo belong to, from t to kill er. And I  of too. to it; I served it h a passion.

    quot;But I er...”

    quot;I kno look after aken a o trust me. But ried to save . Ive o become a renegade and e place, and I t  noo learn t you found us so easily, and, t  be far be to kill  let ;

    quot;e ;

    quot;Because of o do. I dont kno is; I  te ;

    Salking urgently and quietly and closely.

    quot;elling you t; s on. quot;Can I trust you? I to. I cant escape anymore, to go. And if youre a friend of Lyras, you migoo. And I do need friends, I do need  me noroy me, too, as  me in a cave er, and all trying to track us doo find us, apparently.  are you going to do, ill?  do you ?quot;

    quot;; ubbornly avoiding ions.

    quot;Because  five days.quot;

    quot;But  to ;

    quot;Do you ten? Do you tened s trust me. Ses me, ill. You must kno. S kno... I love  career, great ion and o come to tains and live on dry bread and sour fruit, just so I can keep my daugo do t I o keep . But I must keep  your mot;

    ill felt a jolt of s Mrs. Coulter o bring o support . t sed by t t er all,  protected o protect er love Lyra more t t was unfair:  well.

    Eiter did not kno rously clever. iful eyes ced uncomfortably; and for a moment Mrs. Coulter looked uncannily like er.

    quot;But o do?quot; she said.

    quot;ell, Ive seen Lyra no; ill said, quot;and ss clear, and ss all I o do. So no, I can go and o.quot;

    t did surprise tle, but sered it.

    quot;You dont mean, I t you mig; se calmly, not pleading but questioning. quot;it you did at Sir C safe for us, couldnt you? You could  a;

    quot;Im going to go no; ill said, standing up.

    S o a skillful opponent  was w ed and ric  like her.

    So  firm and cool and soft. Surned to the golden monkey, who had been

    sitting beime, and a look passed bet ill couldnt interpret.

    turned back h a smile.

    quot;Good-bye,quot; he said.

    And sly, quot;Good-bye, ill.quot;

    t look back once. Ama il erfall ahead.

    quot;S; o Iorek Byrnison ty minutes later. quot;Of course s made t loves lying too muco stop.quot;

    quot; is your plan, t; said t,  doche rocks.

    ill  o move into anoto a spot rig to o to safety, and t o do: e?

    Balt , ;You o  to do no;

    Iorek uttered a deep, quiet gro first ill t  ttle s  taken little notice of eacil no, but t this, clearly.

    And ill sco it rue. ivated by Mrs. Coulter. All s referred to  of Lyra, it o  o o ed  of her...

    grimace. ood on a rock from  tok-tok of someone cling of treetops far beloiniest crevices in tains at to ures wure many miles away.

    t about it: Balt. t a spell on   and tempting to t tiful eyes and tness of t voice, and to recall to pus shining hair...

    it o ogetant drone.

    urned t to locate it, and found it in tion he and Iorek had come from.

    quot;Zeppelins,quot; said tartling ill, for   creature come near. Iorek stood beside ion, and t of ill, ent.


    quot;Eig; said Iorek after a minute, and too: little specks in a line.

    quot;Can you tell  ake to get ; ill said.

    quot;t long after nig;

    quot;So  s a pity.quot;

    quot; is your plan?quot;

    quot;to make an opening and take Lyra to anot again before o  s explain very clearly o use it, so so come into t  to put ract Mrs. Coulter ;

    ted and closed lined in droplets of mist in te afternoon light.

    quot;Balt; ;Im going back into t noo find a safe place to make t opening. I need you to keep cell me t s daemon of ;

    Balto sure. to t over to search for a world where Lyra would be safe.

    In tc over tting cocoon of tric blue one, easing taking care to let  t imprinted itself on ted eyes, sootretcs name to t creature, teac w was.

    In a fees tialys o  for noor, and tention  of the bow and his fingers.


    quot;to lord Roke:

    quot;e are timated time of arrival at torial Court of Discipline intends to send a squad to they land.

    quot;It o ts. t unit o to prove ure t is impossible, to kill her.

    quot;t is to capture the boy alive.

    quot;ters of King Ogunimate t ters er tly leave tly to try to defend t t unit and  bay until reinforcements arrive.

    quot;e a your response.quot;

    t immediately.

    quot;to tialys:

    quot;In t of your report, here is a change of plan.

    quot;In order to prevent t possible outcome, you and to cooperate iative, so if akes to it, let ay by t all times.quot;

    tialys replied:

    quot;to Lord Roke:

    quot;Your message is ood. t once.quot;

    ttle spy closed tor and gat together.

    quot;tialys,quot; came a s c;

    up to trut o t gently free of troking its great fierce ed tennae, still moist and curled, and

    let ture taste til it irely under his command.

    Salmakia ting irrups of titanium, a saddle of   raps around ts body, tiging. It ill it died.

    ted  to ts. trembled as s took over ture, and it plunged into ter tialys joined  eager to fig-gatself.

    ts, took a fes to get t the valley.