作品:THE AMBER SPYGLASS 作者:菲利普·普尔曼 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    ill and Lyra slept t and ually a; but wialys was calmly on guard close by.

    quot;torial Court reated,quot; old t;Mrs. Coulter is in to Lord Asriel.quot;

    quot;; said ill, sitting up stiffly. quot;;

    quot;No. e talk tone resonator. I reported our conversation,quot; tialys said to Lyra, quot;to my commander, Lord Roke, and   once you ;

    quot;Good,quot; said ill. quot;ts eat toget our food?quot;

    quot;t; said the Lady.

    ill took out  fe loaf of rye bread,  take much.

    quot;As for er, t seem to be any around ; ill said. quot;ell o  till ;

    quot;tter do t soon,quot; said Lyra.

    First, took out ter and asked if till any danger in to leave.

    trange in t, giving onto tation ing. ted to look at it, and ounded to see   not t only sprang into being whe side.

    quot;Ill o close it once ; ill said.

    Lyra tried to pincogeter t t  find it at all; nor could te tly w cleanly and quickly.

    quot;er ; said tialys.

    quot;As many as t; said ill. quot;No one o find out.quot;

    pat air and darted like needles ts of sunlig of trees above , and tranquil; so it o see ted er suspended among ts African pilot, tangled in  belt,  of to find ttle fart-black strips of clotruts and pipe o cinders, torted and draill tening to fight.

    And trees farto battle, noting   most.

    op of trees t and terfalls began, topped to drink deeply of ter.

    quot;I  little girls all rig; said ill. quot;ed never  you ao a o get t po;

    quot;S,quot; said Lyra, quot; cause I asked ter, last nig mixed up in it, but s.quot;

    terfalls and refilled ills canteen before striking off across teau toer told Lyra t Iorek had gone.

    And trouble for ill, but a torment to Lyra, er  songue torn out t; limping, tigrembling, s pace  do noon did s to relieve himself.

    t;Rest. t;

    quot;But I dont  to let ill do  o t;

    quot;ts t t;

    quot;You dont kno; said Lyra rudely. quot;You dont know ;

    quot;I knoinence ; said t;Do as I tell you no. Save your energy for t;

    Lyra felt mutinous, but ttering spurs , so shing.

    tone resonator, and, curiosity overcoming resentment, Lyra co see  looked like a s lengtone, resting on a stand of  a tiny bos across t various points along t marked, so o be touc at random, but from tensity of ain fluency of s, Lyra kne was as skillful and demanding a process as er.

    After several minutes t took up a pair of tle fingernail, and ighe

    stone, leading t along to anot t around t. By manipulating tension on to his own message.

    quot; ; she said when hed finished.

    tialys looked at o judge ed, and t;Your scientists, al tum entanglement. It means t ticles can exist t only ies in common, so t  t, no matter  taking a common lodestone and entangling all its particles, and tting it in t bots resonate togeterpart to tly, and so e.quot;

    everyto t a little apart, talking too quietly for Lyra to alaimon became an ourned  ears in tion.

    Presently ill came back and t by and track got steeper and ted once more at tell t Lyra was nearly finished: she was limping badly and her face was gray.

    quot;Let me see your feet,quot; o ;because if tered, Ill put some ointment on.quot;

    t ting eeth.

    Meanes  one a;I old Lord Roke of our position, and ter to bring us a;

    ill nodded. Lyra took no notice. Presently s up wearily and pulled on  off once more.

    Anot of ter before nig then Lyra gave a cry of relief and joy.

    quot;Iorek! Iorek!quot;

    Sill, e coat indistinct against a patc o sniff, and bounded doainside tohem.

    Ignoring ill,  Lyra clasp  ill felt it t; but Lyra felt it as pleasure and forgot ers and .

    quot;Oo see you! I never t Id ever see you again, after t time on Svalbard, and all tve ;

    ttle spies  all events, to be only tainside, t o be anyretco his cave.

    ill, preoccupied, didnt listen as Lyra talked to Iorek, t one point, and heard her say:

    quot;Mr. Scoresby, os too cruel! Really dead? Youre sure, Iorek?quot;

    quot;tcold me  out to find t; said the bear.

    ill listened more closely now, for Barucold his.

    quot; ; said Lyra, her voice shaky.

    quot;ing.  a  bay w;

    Lyra  knoo say, for it .

    Soon Iorek turned aside and made for trance to a cave, very dark against t knoed to speak quietly to Lyra, but not till  being overheard.

    doone in  foreparuck it no more times on a similar one on time a scatter of sparks burst out and  exactly o a  il trongly.

    t, because tter: a  mig. Iorek ate  ra ted its joint on a sick and laid it to roast across them.

    quot;Is it easy, ing up in tains, Iorek?quot; she said.

    quot;No. My people cant live  luckily so, since I found you.  are your plans no;

    ill looked around tting close to t t t: o ask.

    quot;King Iorek,quot; ;my knife is broken...” t t;No, .quot; ing at t;If youre listening,quot;  on more loudly, quot;come out and do it ly. Dont spy on us.quot;

    Lyra and Iorek Byrnison turned to see o. ttle man came out of tood calmly in t, on a ledge he childrens heads, Iorek growled.

    quot;You  asked Iorek Byrnison for permission to enter ; ill said. quot;And  a spy. You s.quot;

    Lyra loved . S ill emptuous.

    But t ill, was displeased.

    quot;e rut; ;It ;

    ill stood up. , o show.

    quot;If  ; ;ould you o come . Youd o make us unconscious, and taken to Lord Asriel. So rick you, tialys, and youll just o put up .quot;

    Iorek Byrnison said, quot;;

    quot;Spies,quot; said ill. quot;Sent by Lord Asriel. terday, but if t  people  dis;

    t o take on Iorek  tialys . All he could do was bow and apologize.

    quot;Your Majesty,quot; o Iorek, w once.

    tred at ill, and defiance and  Lyra, and a cold and  at Iorek. ty of ures made all t, as if a ligely, ssy to the bear.

    quot;Forgive us,quot; so Iorek. quot;t of concealment is o break, and my companion, tialys, And I, t out of pure  ed to pay you tesy. ere accompanying to make sure tainly no ention to;

    If Iorek  only  esy, too, and the Lady had spoken graciously enough.

    quot;Come do; ;ty if you are o speak about t;

    quot;Yes,quot; said ill, quot;and I t it could never  its broken. And ter told Lyra t youd be able to mend it. I o ask more politely, but t is: can you mend it, Iorek?quot;


    ill s of t carefully until t places and  ts lig loo look closely at eacouc delicately ing it up to turn it t and examine t tness in those huge black hooks.

    t up again, o the shadow.

    quot;Yes,quot; ly tion and no more.

    Lyra said, kno;A  believe ant t get it mended te trouble, and not only us...”

    quot;I dont like t knife,quot; Iorek said. quot;I fear  can do. I  deadly figtle toys compared to t knife; t can do is unlimited. It ter if it ;

    quot;But ...” began ill.

    Iorek didnt let   on, quot;it you can do strange t you dont knos oentions may be good. tentions, too.quot;

    quot; be?quot; said ill.

    quot;tentions of a tool are  does. A ends to strike, a vise intends to , a lever intends to lift. t it is made for. But sometimes a tool may  you dont knoimes in doing end, you also do ends,  kno edge of t knife?quot;

    quot;No,quot; said ill, for it rue: to a t t reac.

    quot;t does?quot;

    quot;I cant. But I must still use it, and do o . If I did noty.quot;

    Lyra ill unwilling, she said:

    quot;Iorek, you knoo be able to carry on doing t  get  t it  you, Iorek, and nor did anyone, but no  to use it ourselves,  just not. td be feeble, and itd be oo, itd be just

    like  over to em and saying, Go on, use it,  stop you. All rig kno does, but I can ask ter, cant I? t it properly, instead of just guessing and being afraid.quot;

    ill didnt  to mention  pressing reason: if t repaired,  never get  ly responsible for botions.  use it to return to her, or never forgive himself.

    Iorek Byrnison said notime, but turned o look out at t to  and stalked to t tars: some t range to him.

    Beurned t over on t o see ialys and Salmakia sat silent on their ledge.

    turned around.

    quot;Very ion,quot; ;t is a mistake. My people s or daemons. e live and die and t is t.  sorrorouble, but  full knoter trument. Kno is t youre asking. If you still  it t;

    At once Lyra took out ter and edged nearer to t sook  of trance, roubled.

    quot;I never kno so confused,quot; s;ts of t said. I t it clear. I t said about balance first. It said t could do good, but it  test t or  one  meant you, ill, it meant  didnt say  or a bad one.

    quot;t said yes,quot; s t;It said yes, do it, repair t;

    Iorek looked at eadily and then nodded once.

    tialys and Salmakia climbed doo c;Dyou need more fuel, Iorek? Me and ill could go and fetc;

    ill understood alk.

    Iorek said, quot;Belo spur on track, t as you can.quot;

    S once, and ill  h her.

    t, track of scumbled footprints in tting and cold. Bot brisk and  talk till the cave.

    quot; else did it say?quot; ill said.

    quot;It said some t understand till dont understand no said t, but t said it o keep Dust alive. I didnt understand it, ill. But it said again it  kept saying t. It said if ...”

    quot;If o the dead...”

    quot;Yea, it said t  survive.quot;

    c for t Iorek ioned, and silenced by t of  be taking on.

    quot;eve got to, t; ; ;

    quot;I dont kno;

    quot;Noo Roger, and I  to speak to my fato, no;

    quot;Im frig; she said.

    And  t to anyone else.

    quot;Did it say ; he asked.

    quot;Just emptiness, just blankness. I really didnt understand it, ill. But I t meant t even if it is t dangerous, ry and rescue Roger. But it  be like  set off, and I o ians and tc be any o go. And I can see... In my dream I sa s w;

    quot; Im afraid of,quot; said ill after a minute, not looking at  all, quot;is getting stuck somew;

    From no seemed,  on elling ories, and as long as  abandon ! er .

    And as if Lyra  hinking, she said warmly:

    quot;Yeas true, t  gre remember anyone ever   me and Pan as far back as I can go... I cant remember Mrs. Lonsdale being like t to me; s Jordan College, all ss all s about... o in t, os strange, I kno I really felt ser me... S  I o die, being asleep all t time, I suppose I mustve caug sopped looking after me. And I remember s w Id do in ;

    So s knoime. Sell ray t memory, even if it was false? No, of course .

    quot;Is t t; Lyra said.

    t  enougo sayed strongly on his fingers.

    quot;And  going to say anyto ttle spies,quot; she added.

    tohe cave.