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John Donne Selected Poems-1

作品:John Donne Selected Poems 作者:约翰·多恩 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    AS virtuous men pass mildly away,

    And o go,

    some of their sad friends do say,


    So let us melt, and make no noise,

    No tear-floods, nor sigempests move ;

    tion of our joys

    to tell ty our love.

    Moving of th brings harms and fears ;

    Men reckon  did, and meant ;

    But trepidation of the spheres,

    ter far, is innocent.

    Dull sublunary lovers love

    — admit

    Of absence, cause it doth remove

    ted it.

    But we by a love so much refined,

    t ourselves kno  is,

    Inter-assur鑔 of the mind,

    Care less, eyes, lips and o miss.

    Our therefore, which are one,

    t go, endure not yet

    A breac an expansion,

    Like gold to aery t.

    If two so

    As stiff two ;

    t, makes no show

    to move, but dother do.

    And t in tre sit,

    Yet, wh roam,

    It leans, and er it,

    And gro, as t comes home.

    Suc to me, w,

    Like t, obliquely run ;


    And makes me end where I begun.