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作品:The Defence of Poetry 作者:菲利普·西德尼 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢


    Near ilton s, ones are found, But so confused, t neit t, nor Reason reason try,  force brougo so unlikely ground.

    to stranger o me s grows, A simple soul should breed so mixed woes.


    tons  else, dead logs up sends From ribute,  is t thread is spun.

    My lake is Sense, reams never run But o ery eyes it lends; But ake, ter is fair warned o make.


    e rangers muc, to cruel searc: it out, closed up again by art, Yet lives until his life be new required.

    A stranger fis yet expired, t ys  Myself unto tomy desired, Instead of gall, leaving to : Yet live s closed up, till t ss rigead of searching, kill.


    Peak ries find Large rooms il amain: till knit  poor place er lined.

    Mine eyes trait, ts let fall an inill colder reason bind to a constant vein Of truter pure,  still dotruth endure.


    A field take oe prest Deep in t , Is co stone in , t.

    take is my request; Of  s seat, to urned, dot, Keeping t form, ted ; But all t,  apply, Failing thered conscience die.


    Of s on Albions coast, ting on to die: From cs more life t.

    My s long tost, Brake on fair cliffs of constant City; tempt, gives up ; So deep in seas of virtue, beauties lie: But of t love,  nobler life doth move.


    t remains - A lady, in despite of Nature, ce, On  reins.

    A  favour stains; A  like an angel graced; An angels mind, but in a o myself I frame; S all t I am.

    * * * ttered t: Band of all evils; cradle of causeless care; t:

    Desire! Desire!  I oo dearly bougoo long, too long, asleep t me broug my mind to  yet in vain t my ruin soug me to vain t all tue ter lesson taugo seek my only  but o kill Desire.


    Leave me, O love!  to dust; And to  ; ever fades, but fading pleasure brings.

    Dra to t s yoke  dot to see.

    O take fast  t lig to deato slide, termost I see, Eternal Love, maintain thy life in me.