作品:Paradise Lost Ⅱ 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    S  [ 735 ]

    Forbore, to an returnd:

    So strange tcry, and trange

    terposest, t my sudden hand

    Prevented spares to tell t by deeds

    it intends; till first I knohee, [ 740 ]

    t, thus double-formd, and why

    In t met t

    Me Fat Fantasm callst my Son?

    I kno, nor ever saill now

    Sigestable thee. [ 745 ]

    t wress of e replyd;

    t me then, and do I seem

    Nohine eye so foul, once deemd so fair

    In  t

    Of all thee combind [ 750 ]

    In bold conspiracy against heavns King,

    All on a sudden miserable pain

    Surprisd thine eyes, and dizzie swumm

    In darkness, w

    till on t side opning wide, [ 755 ]

    Likest to tnance bright,

    then shining heavnly fair, a Goddess armd

    Out of t seisd

    All t of hey recoild affraid

    At first, and calld me Sin, and for a Sign [ 760 ]

    Portentous  familiar grown,

    I pleasd, and tractive graces won

    t averse, t

    t image viewing

    Becamst enamourd, and sucookst [ 765 ]

    it, t my womb conceivd

    A growing burden. Mean while arr arose,

    And fields  in heavn; wherein remaind

    (For o our Almighty Foe

    Cleer Victory, to our part loss and rout [ 770 ]

    they fell

    Drivn ch of heaven, down

    Into the general fall

    I also; at his powerful Key

    Into my o keep [ 755 ]

    tes for ever s, which none can pass

    it my opning. Pensive

    Alone, but long I sat not, till my womb

    Pregnant by thee, and now excessive grown

    Prodigious motion felt and rueful throes. [ 780 ]

    At last t

    tten, breaking violent way

    tore trails, t h fear and pain

    Distorted, all my nethus grew

    transformd: but he my inbred enemie [ 785 ]

    Fortal Dart

    Made to destroy: I fled, and cryd out Death;

    rembld at the hideous Name, and sighd

    From all h.

    I fled, but  seems, [ 790 ]

    Inflamd  ter far,

    Mee overtook her all dismaid,

    And in embraces forcible and foule

    Ingendring  rape begot

    ters t h ceasless cry [ 795 ]

    Surround me, as t, hourly conceivd

    And e

    to me, for o the womb

    t bred turn, and howle and gnaw

    My Bo; ting forth [ 800 ]

    A freserrours vex me round,

    t rest or intermission none I find.