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Beer at the Soba Shop

作品:村上春树短篇集 作者:村上春树 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    Beer at the Soba Shop

    by haruki Murakami

    translated by Copher Allison

    t bot er to t t anybody y of tion being  early in turned in t a rule only to ernoon. Its trangest feeling. t me suspiciously, so I start to feel like Ive actually done something wrong.

    It seems like most of toudent. for a ly, t to me quot;;; taxi drivers say t;Studying must be really toug;; and t tal place asked me to quot;Please sudent I.D.quot;

    Granted, I live in jeans and tennis s Im 33 years old, and I dont tudent. But I suppose, to toime looks like a college student.

    I didnt  all ing people out for ernoon on Aoyamy-dori, just like me. In particular, I often ran into trator Mizumaru Anzai (whose

    his book--Chris.)

    quot;Anzai-san. s up?quot;

    quot;Um, errr, I mean, you kno;

    And tances. People in tell ally unoccupied, or  didnt s.

    Anyy of people ime doo kno to be luncime and I  into a soba s make a strange face, and  a soba ser all.