《石榴之屋》 少年国王 少年国王 在加冕典礼的前一天晚上,少年国王独自一人坐在他那间漂亮的房子里。他的大臣们按 照当时的礼节,头朝地向他鞠了躬,便告辞而去。他们来到皇宫的大厅中,向礼节教授学习 最后的几堂课,因为他们当中有几个人的举止还没有经过教化,不用说,这是很不礼貌的事 情。 这位少年——他仅仅是个少年,不过才十六岁——对他们的离去一点也不觉得难过。他 把身体向后靠去,坐在他那绣花沙发的软垫上,长长地舒了一口气,躺了下去,睁着两眼, 张着嘴,真像一位褐色的林地农牧神,或一只被猎人刚刚抓获的森林中的小动物。 说来也巧,他正是猎人们找到的,他们遇到他也差不多是凭运气。当时他光着脚,手里 拿着笛子,正跟在把他养大的穷牧羊人的羊群后面,而且他一直把自己看作穷牧羊人的儿 子。他的母亲原来是老国王的独生女儿。她偷偷地恋上了一个比她地位低得多的人一一有人 说,那人是外地来的,他用笛子吹出魔术般的美妙声音,使年轻的公主钟情于他;另外有人 说他是来自意大利里米尼的艺术家,公主对他很器重,也许是太看重他了。他不知怎的突然 间从城市里消失了,他那幅没有完成的作品还留在大教堂里——那时小孩才一个星期大,他 就从熟睡的孩子母亲身边偷偷抱走孩子,交给一对普通的农家夫妇去照管。这对夫妇自己没 有孩子,住在密林的深处,从城里骑马要一天才能到达。不知是像宫廷的御医所宣布的那样 因为悲伤过度,或者是像一些人所谈论的那样喝了放在香料酒中的一种意大利急性毒药,反 正那位给予这孩子生命的苍白的少女在不到一小时的时间内就死去了。一位忠诚的差人带着 孩子跨上马鞍走了,当他从疲惫的马背上俯下身来敲响牧羊人小茅屋简陋的房门时,公主的 尸体正被下葬于一个打开的墓穴中,这个墓穴就挖在一个荒凉的教堂墓地里,那里靠近城 门。据说在那个墓穴里还躺着另一具尸体,他是一位非常英俊的外地男人,他的双手被反绑 着,打了个绳结,胸膛上留着好多血淋淋的伤口。 至少,这正是人们私下悄悄相互传递的说法。然而令人确信的是老国王在临终时,不知 是由于对自己犯下的大罪而悔恨,或是仅仅因为希望自己的王国不至于落入外人之手,就派 人去找回那个少年,并当着宫中大臣的面,承认少年为自己的继位人。 似乎就从少年被承认的那一刻起,他就表现出了对美丽事物的极大热情,这便注定了将 对他的一生起到巨大的影响。那些陪伴他到预备的房间侍候他休息的仆人,常常讲起当他看 见那些华丽的服装和贵重宝石时会兴奋地大叫起来,并且在脱去身上的粗皮衣和粗羊皮外套 时简直是欣喜若狂。有时候他确也很怀念他那段自由自在的森林生活,且始终都对占去一天 大部分时间的繁杂的宫廷礼节感到忿懑,但这却是座富丽的宫殿——人们把它叫做“逍遥 宫”——此刻他一下子成了它的主人,对他来说,这就像是一个专为取悦他而新建成的时髦 的新世界;只要他能够从议会厅或会见室里逃出来,他便会跑下那立着镀金铜狮的亮闪闪的 斑岩石大台阶,从一个屋子转到另一个屋子,又从一条走廊来到另一条走廊,好像要一个人 在美中间找到一付止痛药,或一种治病的良方似的。 对于这种充满新发现的旅行,这是他对此的称谓——说真的,对他来说这可是真正地在 神境中漫游了。有时候会有几位身着披风飘着艳丽丝带的金发宫廷侍卫陪伴着;但更多的时 候,他常常是一个人,凭着感觉上的某种敏捷的本能,这差不多是一种先见之明吧,把握到 艺术的秘密最好是在秘密中求得,况且美也同智慧一样,钟爱的是孤独的崇拜者。 这段时期里流传着很多有关他的奇闻怪事。据说有一位胖乎乎的市政长官,代表全城市 民出来发表了一大通华丽堂皇的言论,还说他看见他十分崇敬地跪在一幅刚从威尼斯带来的 巨画面前,似乎要捍卫对新的众神的崇拜。还有那么一次他失踪了好几个小时,费了好大劲 人们才在宫殿内北边小塔的一间小屋里找到了他,他正痴呆呆地凝视着一块刻有美少年阿多 尼斯像的希腊宝石。还有人传说亲眼见他用自己的热唇去吻一座大理石古雕像的前额,那座 古雕像是人们在修建石桥时在河床中发现的,除像上还刻着罗马皇帝哈得里安所拥有的俾斯 尼亚国奴隶的名字。他还花了一整夜时间去观察月光照在安地民银像上的各种变化。 一切稀罕的和昂贵的东西对他的确都有极大的吸引力,使他急切地想得到它们。为此他 派出了许多商人,有的被派往北海,向那里的穷渔夫购买琥珀,有的到埃及去找寻那些只有 在法老的墓穴中才能找到的绿宝石,据说这种宝石具有非同一般的魔力,还有的去波斯收购 丝绒编织的地毯和彩陶,另外很多人就去印度采购薄纱和着色的象牙,月亮宝石和翡翠手 镯,檀香和蓝色珐琅以及细毛织披巾。 然而,最让他费心的还是在他登位加冕时穿的长袍。长袍是金线织的,另外还有嵌满了 红宝石的王冠以及那根挂着一串串珍珠的权杖。其实,他今晚所想的就是这个,当时他躺在 奢华的沙发上,望着大块的松木在壁炉中慢慢地燃尽。它们都是由那个时代最著名的艺术家 亲手设计的,设计式样也早在几个月前就呈交给他过目了,他也下了命令要求工匠们不分昼 夜地把它们赶制出来,还让人去满世界找寻那些能够配得上他们手艺的珠宝。他在想象中看 见自己穿着华贵的皇袍站在大教堂中高高的祭坛上,他那孩子气的嘴唇上露出了笑容,那双 森林人特有的黑眼睛也放射出明亮的光芒。 过了一会儿他站起身来,靠在壁炉顶部雕花的庇檐上,目光环视着灯光昏暗的屋子。四 周的墙上挂着代表“美的胜利”的华丽装饰物。一个大衣橱,上面嵌着玛瑙和琉璃,把一个 墙角给填满了。面对窗户立着一个异常别致的柜子,上面的漆格层不是镀了金粉就是镶着金 片,格层上摆放着一些精美的威尼斯玻璃高脚酒杯,还有一个黑纹玛瑙大杯子。绸子的床单 上绣着一些浅白的罂粟花,它们好像是从睡眠的倦手中撒落下来的。刻有条形凹槽的高大的 象牙柱撑起天鹅绒的华盖,华盖上面大簇的驼鸟毛像白色泡沫一般地向上伸展,一直达到银 白色的回文装饰屋顶上。用青铜做的美少年纳西苏斯像满脸笑容地用双手举起一面亮光光的 镜子。桌上放着一个紫晶做的平底盆。 窗外,他可以看见教堂的大圆顶,隐隐约约的像个气泡浮动在阴暗的房屋上面。无精打 采的哨兵们在靠近河边的雾蒙蒙的阳台上来回地走着。在远处的一座果园里,一只夜莺在唱 歌。一缕浅浅的茉莉花香从开着的窗户飘了进来。他把自己的棕色卷发从前额朝后掠去,随 后拿起一只琵琶,让手指随便地在弦上拨弄着。他的眼皮沉重地往下垂去,一股莫名的倦意 袭上身来。在这以前他从来没有这么强烈地并且是如此兴奋地感受到美的东西的魔力和神秘。 钟楼传来午夜钟声的时候,他按了一下铃,仆人们进来了,按繁杂的礼节为他脱去袍 子,并往他手上洒上玫瑰香水,在他的枕头上撒上鲜花。待他们退出房间后没多久,他就入 睡了。 他睡着后做了一个梦,梦是这样的: 他觉得自己正站在一间又长又矮的阁楼里,四周是一片织布机的转动声和敲击声。微弱 的光线透过格栅窗射了进来,使他看见了那些俯在织机台上工作的织工们憔悴的身影。一些 面带病容脸色苍白的孩子们蹲在巨大的横梁上而。每当梭子飞快地穿过经线的时候,织工们 便把沉重的箱座抬起,梭子一停下来又立即放下筘座,把线压在一起。他们的脸上露出饥饿 难忍的表情,一双双干枯的手不停地震动着,颤抖着。一些赢弱的妇女坐在一张桌边做着缝 纫。房间里充满了刺鼻的臭气,空气既污浊又沉闷,四壁因潮湿而滴水不止。 少年国王来到一位织工跟前,看着他工作。 织工却怒冲冲地望着他说,“你为什么老看着我?你是不是主人派来监视我们干活的探 子?” “谁是你们的主人?”少年国王问道。 “我们的主人!”织工痛苦地大声说,“他是跟我一样的人。其实,我和他之间就这么 点区别——他穿漂亮的衣服而我总是破衣烂衫,我饿得骨瘦如柴,他却饱得难受。” “这是个自由的国家,”少年国王说,“你不是任何人的奴隶。” “战争时代,”织工回答说,“强者把弱者变为奴隶,而在和平年代富人把穷人变成奴 隶。我们必须靠干活来糊口,可是他们给的工资少得可怜,我们会给饿死的。我们整天为他 们做苦役,他们的箱子里堆满了黄金,我们的子女还未长大成人就夭折了,我们所爱的那些 人的脸变得愁苦而凶恶。我们榨出的葡萄汁,却让别人去品尝。我们种出的谷物,却不能端 上我们的饭桌。我们戴着枷锁,尽管它们是无形的;而我们是奴隶,虽然人们说我们是自由 人。” “所有的人都是这样的吗?”少年国王问道。 “所有的人都这祥,”织工答道,“不论是年轻的或是年老的,不管是男人或是女人, 小孩子或是终年艰辛的人们都一样。商人们压榨我们,我们还得照他们的话去做。牧师们骑 马从我们身边走过,口中不停地数着念珠,没有一个人关心我们。穷困张着饥饿的双眼爬过 阴暗的小巷,罪恶带着他的酒精面孔紧随其后。早晨唤醒我们的是悲痛,晚上伴我们入睡的 是耻辱。但是这些与你有什么关系?你又不是我们中的一员。你的神情是多么的快乐啊!, 说完他满脸不高兴地转过头去,并把梭子穿过织机,少年国王看见梭子上面织出的是一根金 线。 他心中猛地一惊,赶紧问织工,“你织的是什么袍子?” “这是少年国王加冕时穿的袍子,”他回答说,“你问这干什么?” 这时少年国王大叫一声便醒了,天啊!他原来是在自己的房间里,透过窗户他看见蜜色 的大月亮正挂在熹微的天空上。 他又一次睡着了,再次做起了梦,梦是这样的: 他觉得自己躺在一艘大帆船的甲板上面,一百个奴隶在为船划桨。船长就坐在他身边的 地毯上。他黑得像一块乌木,头巾是深江色的丝绸做的。厚厚的耳垂上挂着一对硕大的银耳 坠,他的手中象着一架象牙天平。 奴隶们除了腰间的一块破烂的遮羞布外,全身上下光溜溜的,每个人都与旁边的另一个 锁在一起。骄阳热辣辣地射在他们身上,黑人们在过道上跑来跑去的,同时皮鞭不停地抽打 在他们身上。他们伸出干枯的双臂往水中划动着沉重的桨。咸咸的海水从桨上飞溅起来。 最后他们来到一个小港湾,并开始测量水的深度。一阵微风从岸上吹来,给甲板和大三 角帆上蒙上了一层细细的红沙。三个阿拉伯人骑着野毛驴赶来朝他们投来标枪。船长拿起一 张弓,射中了他们其中一人的咽喉。他重重地跌进了海浪之中,他的同伴也仓皇逃占。一位 面蒙黄色纱巾的女子骑着骆驼慢慢地跟在后面,还不时地回头看看那具死尸。 黑人们抛了锚,降下了帆,纷纷来到舱底下,拿出一根长长的吊梯来,梯下绑着铅锤。 船长把绳梯从船侧扔下去,把梯的两端系在两根铁柱上面。这时,黑人们抓住一位最年轻的 奴隶,打开了他的脚镣,并往他的鼻孔和耳朵里灌满蜡,还在他的腰间捆上了一块石头。他 疲惫地爬下绳梯,便消失在海水中了。在他入水的地方冒出了几个水泡。另外一些奴隶在一 旁好奇地张望着。在船头上坐着一位驱赶鲨鱼的人,他在单调不停地击着鼓。 过了一会儿潜水者从水中冒了上来,喘着粗气攀梯而上,右手拿着一颗珍珠。黑人们从 他手中夺去珍珠,又把他抛到海里。而奴隶们已靠在桨旁入睡了。 他上来了一次又一次,每次都带上一颗美丽的珍珠。船长把珍珠都过了秤,并把它们放 进一只绿色皮革的小袋子中。 少年国王想说点什么,可是他的舌头好像给粘在了上牙齿后面,他的嘴唇也动弹不了。 黑人们在彼此谈着话,并开始为一串明珠争吵起来。两只白鹤围绕着帆船飞个不停。 这时潜水者最后一次冒出水来,带上来的珍珠比奥马兹岛所有的珍珠都要美,因为它的 形状如同一轮满月,白得超过了晨星的颜色。不过他的脸却苍白异常,他一头倒在甲板上, 鲜血立即从他的耳朵和鼻孔中迸射而出。他只是颤抖了一下就再也动弹不了啦。黑人们耸耸 肩,把他的尸体抛向船舷外的海水中。 船长笑了,他伸出手去拿起那颗珍珠,他一边看着它,一边把它放在自己的前额上并鞠 了一个躬。“它应该用来,”他说,“用来装饰少年国王的权杖。”说完他朝黑人们打了个 手势示意起锚。 少年国王听到这里,突然大叫一声,便醒了过来,透过窗户,他看见那些破晓的长手指 正在摘取衰弱的繁星。 他再一次入睡了,做了梦,梦是这样的: 他觉得自己正徘徊在一个阴森森的树林中,树上悬挂着奇形的果子和美丽而有毒的鲜 花。他经过的地方,毒蛇朝他嘶嘶地叫着,羽毛华丽的鹦鹉尖叫着从一根树枝飞到另一个枝 头上。巨大的乌龟躺在热乎乎的泥潭中睡大觉。树上到处都是猴子和孔雀。 他走着走着,一直来到树林的边缘,在那儿他看见有好大一群人在一条干枯的河床上做 苦役。他们像蚂蚁般地蜂拥至岩石上。他们在地上挖了好些深洞,并下到洞里去。他们中的 一些人用大斧头开山劈石,另一些人在沙滩上摸索着。他们连根拔起仙人掌,并踏过鲜红的 花朵。他们忙来忙去,彼此叫喊着,没有一个人偷懒。 死亡和贪婪从洞穴的阴暗处注视着他们,死亡开口说:“我已经疲倦了,把他们中的三 分之一给我,我要走了。” 不过贪婪却摇了摇头。“他们是我的仆人,”她回答说。 死亡对她说,“你手中拿的是什么东西?” “我有三粒谷子,”她回答说,“那跟你有什么关系?” “给我一粒,”死亡大声说,“去种在我的花园中,只要其中的一粒,我要走了。” “我什么也不会给你的,”贪婪说,说着她把手藏在自己衣服福边的里面。 死亡笑了。他拿起一只杯子,并把它浸在水池中,等杯子出来时里面已生出了疟疾。疟 疾从人群中走过,三分之一的人便倒下死去了。她的身后卷起一股寒气,她的身旁狂窜着无 数条水蛇。 贪婪看见三分之一的人都死去了,便捶胸大哭起来。她捶打着自己干枯的胸膛,哭叫着 说:“你杀死了我三分之一的仆人,你快走吧。在鞑靼人的山上正举行着一场战争,双方的 国王都在呼唤你去。阿富汗人杀掉了黑牛,正开往前线。他们用长矛敲击着自己的盾牌,还 戴上了铁盔。我的山谷对你有什么用,你没有必要呆在这儿吧?你快走吧,不要再到这儿来 了。” “不,”死亡回答说,“除非你再给我一粒谷子,否则我是不会走的。” 贪婪一下子捏紧自己的手,牙齿也咬得紧绷绷的。“我不会给你任何东西的,”她喃喃 地说。 死亡笑了。他捡起一块黑色的石头,朝树林中扔去,从密林深处的野毒芹丛中走出了身 穿火焰长袍的热病。她从人群中走过,去触摸他们,凡是被她碰着的人都死去了。她脚下踏 过的青草也跟着枯萎了。 贪婪颤抖起来,把泥土放在自己的头上。“你太残忍了,”她叫着说,“你太残忍了。 在印度的好多城市里正闹着饥荒,撒马尔罕的蓄水池也干枯了。埃及的好多城市里也在闹饥 荒,蝗虫也从沙漠飞来了。尼罗河水并没有冲上岸来,牧师们正痛骂他们自己的神爱西斯和 阿西里斯。到那些需要你的人那儿去吧,放过我的仆人吧。” “不,”死亡回答说,“除非你给我一粒谷子,否则我是不会离开的。” “我什么东西也不会给你,”贪婪说。 死亡再一次笑了,他将手放在嘴上在指缝中吹了一声口哨,只见一个女人从空中飞来。 她的额头上印着“瘟疫”两个字,一群饥饿的老鹰在她身旁飞旋着。她用巨大的翅膀蓝住了 整个山谷,没有一个人能逃脱她的魔掌。 贪婪尖叫着穿过树林逃走了,死亡跨上他那匹红色的大马也飞驰而去,他的马跑得比风 还快。 从山谷底部的稀泥中爬出无数条龙和有鳞甲的怪兽,一群胡狼也沿着沙滩跑来,并用鼻 孔贪婪地吸着空气。 少年国王哭了,他说:“这些人是谁?他们在寻找什么东西?” “国王王冠上的红宝石,”站在他身后的一个人说。 少年国王吃了一惊,转过头去,看见一个香客模样的人,那人手中拿着一面银镜。 他脸色变得苍白起来,并开口问道:“哪一个国王?” 香客回答说:“看着这面镜子,你会看见他的。” 他朝镜子看去,见到的是他自己的面孔,他大叫了一声就惊醒了。灿烂的阳光泻入房 屋,从外面花园和庭园的树上传来了鸟儿的歌唱。 宫廷大臣和文武百官走进房来向他行礼,侍者给他拿来用金线篇织的长袍,还把王冠和 权杖放在他面前。 少年国王看着它们,它们美极了,比他以前见过的任何东西都要美。然而他还记得自己 做的梦,于是便对大臣们说:“把这些东西都拿走,我不会穿戴它们的。” 群臣都感到很惊讶,有些人甚至笑了,因为他们认为国王是在开玩笑。 可是他再次严肃地对他们说:“把这些东西都拿开,不要让我见到它们。虽然今天是我 加冕的日子,但是我不会穿戴它们的。因为我的这件长袍是在忧伤的织机上用痛苦的苍白的 双手织出来的。红宝石的心是用鲜血染红的。珍珠的心上有死亡的阴影。”接着他对他们讲 述了自己的三个梦。 大臣们听完故事后,互相对视着,低声交谈说:“他一定是疯了,梦还不就是梦吗,幻 觉只不过是幻觉罢了,它们不是真的,用不着在意。再说,那些为我们做工的人的生命又与 我们有什么相干的?难道一个人没有看见播种就不能吃面包,没有与种葡萄的人交谈过就不 能喝葡萄酒了吗?”宫廷大臣对少年国王说道:“陛下,我恳求您把这些忧伤的念头抛开, 穿上这件美丽的袍子,戴上这顶王冠吧。如果您不穿上王袍,人民怎么会知道您就是国王 呢?” 少年国王望着他。“真是这样吗?”他问道,“如果我不穿王袍,他们就不会知道我是 国王了吗?” “他们不会认识您的,陛下,”宫廷大臣大声说。 “我从前还以为真有那么一些带帝王之相的人,”少年国王回答说,“不过也许正如你 所说的,然而我还是不穿这身长袍,而且也不戴这顶王冠,我要像进宫时的那样走出宫去。” 然后他吩咐他们都离去,只留一个侍者来陪他,这个侍者的年中洗了个澡,打开一个上 了漆的箱子,从箱中他拿出皮衣和粗羊皮外套,这些都是当年他在山腰上放羊时穿过的。他 穿上它们,手里又拿起那根粗大的牧羊杖。 这位小侍者吃惊地睁大一双蓝色的眼睛,笑着对他说:“陛下,我看见你的长袍和权 杖,可你的王冠在哪儿?” 少年国王从攀附在阳台上的野荆棘上折下一枝,把它弯曲成一个圆圈,放在了自己的头 上。 “这就是我的王冠,”他回答说。 这样穿戴好后,他走出房间来到大厅中,显贵们都在那儿等着他。 显贵们觉得很可笑,他们中有的人还对他叫道:“陛下,臣民们等着见他们的国王,而 您却让他们看到了一位乞丐。”另有一些人怒气冲冲地说:“他使我们的国家蒙羞,不配做 我们的主人。”然而,他对他们一言不发,只是朝前走去,走下明亮的斑岩石阶,出了青铜 大门,骑上自己的坐骑,朝教堂奔去,小侍者跟在他身旁跑着。 百姓们笑了,他们说:“骑马走过的是国王的小丑。”他们嘲笑着他。 而他却勒住马缅,开口说道:“不,我就是国王。”于是他把自己的三个梦讲给了他们 听。 一个人从人群中走出,他痛苦地对国王说道:“皇上,你不知道穷人的生活是从富人的 奢侈中得来的吗?就是靠你们的富有我们才得以生存,是你们的恶习给我们带来了面包。给 一个严厉的主子干活是很艰苦的,但若没有主子要我们于活那会更艰苦。你以为乌鸦会养活 我们吗?对这些事你会有什么良方吗?你会对买主说,‘你要用这么多钱来买’,而同时又 对卖主说,‘你要以这个价格卖’吗?我敢说你不会。所以回到你自己的宫中去,穿上你的 高贵紫袍吧。你和我们以及我们遭受的痛苦有什么相干的?” “难道富人和穷人不是兄弟吗?”少年国王问道。 “是啊,”那人回答说,“那个有钱兄长的名字叫该隐(即《圣经》中杀害弟弟的 人)。” 少年国王的眼里充满了泪水,他骑着马在百姓们的喃喃低语中走过,小侍者感到好害 怕,就走开了。 他来到教堂的大门口时,卫兵们举起他们手中的戟对他说:“你到这儿来干什么?除了 国王以外任何人不得入内。” 一听这话他气得满脸通红,便对他们说:“我就是国王。”说完把他们的戟推开,就走 进去了。 老主教看见他穿一身牧羊人的衣服走了进来,吃惊地从宝座上站起来,迎上前去,对他 说:“我的孩子,这是国王的服饰吗?我用什么王冠为你加冕?又拿什么样的权杖放在你的 手中呢?这对你当然应该是个快乐的日子,而不应是一个屈辱的日子。” “难道快乐要用愁苦来装门面吗?”少年国王说。然后他对老主教讲了自己的三个梦。 主教听完了三个梦后,眉头紧锁,他说:“孩子,我是个老人,已进入垂暮之年,我知 道在这个大千世界里还有很多邪恶的东西。凶狠的土匪从山上下来,掳去无数小孩,把他们 卖给摩尔人。狮子躺在草丛中等待着过往的商队,准备扑咬骆驼。野猪将山谷中的庄稼连根 拔起。狐狸咬着山上的葡萄藤。海盗们在海岸一带兴风作浪,焚烧渔船,还把渔民的渔网抢 走。在盐泽地带住着麻疯病人,他们用芦苇杆盖起小屋,没有人愿意接近他们。乞丐们在大 街上漂流,同狗一起争食吃。你能够让这些事情不出现吗?你愿意让麻疯病人同你一起睡 觉,让乞丐同你一起进餐吗?你会叫狮子听你的话,野猪服从你的命令吗?难道制造出这些 苦难的上帝还不如你聪明吗?因此,我不会为你所做的事而赞扬你的,我要求你骑马回你自 己的王宫中,脸上要露出笑容,并穿上符合国王身分的衣服,我要用金王冠来为你加冕,我 要把嵌满珍珠的权杖放在你的手中。至于你的那些梦,就不要再想它们了。这世上的负担已 经太重了,是一个人难以承受的;人间的愁苦也太大了,不是一颗心所能负担的。” “你就是在这间房子里说这种话的吗?”少年国王说。他大步从主教身旁走过,登上祭 坛的台梯,站到了基督像前。 他站在基督像前,在他的左手边和右手边分别放着华丽的金盆,装黄酒的圣餐杯和装圣 油的瓶子。他跪在基督像下,巨大的蜡烛在珠光宝气的神座旁明亮地燃烧着,燃香的烟雾绕 成一圆圈蓝色的轻烟飘向屋梁。他低下头去进行祈祷,那些身着硬挺法衣的牧师们纷纷走下 了祭坛。 突然,从外面的大街上传来了喧哗声,一群头戴羽缨的贵族们走了进来,他们手中握着 出鞘的宝剑和闪光的钢制盾牌。“做梦的那个人在什么地方?”他们大声嚷道,“那位国 王,就是那位打扮得像个乞丐,给我们的国家带来耻辱的男孩在什么地方?我们一定要杀了 他,因为他不配统治我们。” 少年国王再一次低下头去祈祷,祷告完毕他便站起身来,转过头去悲伤地望着他们。 啊!看那,阳光透过彩色的玻璃窗照在他的身上,光线在他的四周织出一件金袍,比那 件为取悦于他而编织的王袍更加美丽。干枯的枝条怒放出鲜花,那是比珍珠还要洁白的百合 花。干枯的荆棘也开花了,开放出比红宝石还要红的红玫瑰。比上等珍珠还洁白的百合花, 它们的根茎是由亮闪闪纠银子做成的。比红宝石更红的玫魂,它们的叶子是由金子铸造的。 他身穿国王的衣服站在那里,珠宝镶嵌的神龛打开了盖子,从光芒四射的圣体匣的水晶 上放出异常神奇的光。他身着国王的衣服站在那儿,这里就充满了上帝的荣光,连壁龛中的 圣徒们也好像在动。身穿国王的华贵衣服,他站在了他们的面前,风琴奏出了乐曲,喇叭手 吹响了他们的喇叭,唱诗班的孩子们在放声歌唱。 百姓们敬畏地跪下身来,贵族们收回宝剑并向少年国王行礼,主教大人的脸色变得苍 白,双手颤抖不已。“给你加冕的人比我更伟大。”他大声说道,并跪倒在国王面前。 少年国王从高高的祭坛上走下来,穿过人群朝自己的房间走去。此时没有一个人敢看他 的脸,因为那容貌就跟天使一样。 thE YOUNG KING It before tion, and the young King ting alone in iful chamber. his courtiers aken to to the day, and had retired to t o receive a fe lessons from tiquette; them e natural manners, wier is, I need hardly say, a very grave offence. t sixteen years of age - sorry at ture, and h a deep sig cushions of his embroidered couch, lying thed, like a brown woodland Faun, or some young animal of t nehe ers. And, indeed, it ers who had found him, coming upon him almost by chance as, bare-limbed and pipe in hand, he was following t him up, and whose son o be. the old Kings only daug marriage h her in station - a stranger, some said, whe wonderful magic of e-playing, he young Princess love him; while otist from Rimini, to whe Princess had soo much honour, and who had suddenly disappeared from ty, leaving hedral unfinis a olen away from his mot, and given into the charge of a common peasant and cheir own, and lived in a remote part of t, more than a days ride from to pated, or, as some suggested, a s Italian poison administered in a cup of spiced e girl y messenger whe cooped from his weary horse and knocked at t, the Princess o an open grave t had been dug in a deserted cy gates, a grave w was said t anot of a young man of marvellous and foreign beauty, wied behind him ted cord, and abbed h many red wounds. Suc least, ory t men wo eacher. Certain it ther moved by remorse for sin, or merely desiring t the kingdom s pass away from for, and, in the Council, had acknowledged him as his heir. And it seems t from t moment of ion he strange passion for beauty t was destined to an influence over hose who accompanied o te of rooms set apart for his service, often spoke of t broke from his lips when he sae raiment and ric had been prepared for fierce joy h which he flung aside his rougunic and coarse sheepskin cloak. he missed, indeed, at times t life, and was al to c tedious Court ceremonies t occupied so muc they called it - of wo o be a new world fres; and as soon as he could escape from the council-board or audience-chamber, he would run do staircase, s lions of gilt bronze and its steps of brigo room, and from corridor to corridor, like one y an anodyne from pain, a sort of restoration from sickness. Upon them - and, indeed, to hrough a marvellous land, he imes be accompanied by t pages, ing mantles, and gay fluttering ribands; but more often ain quick instinct, ion, t ts of art are best learned in secret, and t Beauty, like isdom, loves the lonely worshipper. Many curious stories ed about t was said t a stout Burgo-master, wo deliver a florid oratorical address on beizens of town, had caug of ion before a great picture t been broug seemed to her occasion he had been missed for several er a lengthened search had been discovered in a little currets of trance, at a Greek gem carved ale ran, pressing o tique statue t he building of tone bridge, and he name of t in noting t of t on a silver image of Endymion. All rare and costly materials ainly a great fascination for o procure t away many mercs, some to traffic for amber he rough fisher-folk of to Egypt to look for t curious green turquoise o possess magical properties, some to Persia for silken carpets and painted pottery, and oto India to buy gauze and stained ivory, moonstones and bracelets of jade, sandal-wood and blue enamel and shawls of fine wool. But o his coronation, tissued gold, and tudded crown, and tre s ro was of t o-night, as he lay back on his luxurious coucc pine was burning itself out on the famous artists of time, ted to tificers o toil nigo carry t, and t the whole o be searc heir tar of the cat of a King, and a smile played and lingered about up lustre his dark woodland eyes. After some time , and leaning against the carved pent t room. tapestries representing the triumpy. A large press, inlaid e and lapis- lazuli, filled one corner, and facing tood a curiously h lacquer panels of powdered and mosaiced gold, on s of Venetian glass, and a cup of dark-veined onyx. Pale poppies he silk coverlet of tired hands of sleep, and tall reeds of fluted ivory bare up t canopy, from ufts of ostrice foam, to tted ceiling. A laughing Narcissus in green bronze s he table stood a flat bo. Outside hedral, looming like a bubble over tinels pacing up and doy terrace by the river. Far away, in an orcingale perfume of jasmine came the open window. he brushed his brown curls back from aking up a lute, let ray across trange languor came over so keenly, or h such exquisite joy, tery of beautiful things. sounded from tower ouched a bell, and ered and disrobed h much ceremony, pouring rose-er over rewing flowers on his pillow. A fes after t t the room, he fell asleep. And as his was his dream. t anding in a long, lotic, amidst the peered in ted he heir cases. Pale, sickly-looking children les dashed ted up ttens, and whe stles stopped t ttens fall and pressed threads togethin rembled. Some ed at a table sewing. A he air was foul and reamed h damp. t over to one of tood by him and ched him. And t thou c t on us by our master? er? asked the young King. Our master! cried tterly. he is a man like myself. Indeed, t t he while I am weak from a little from overfeeding. t no mans slave. In rong make slaves of the weak, and in peace t o live, and t oil for their coffers, and our cime, and those we love become read out ther drinks ty. e hough men call us free. Is it so h all? he asked, It is so he young as well as he little cricken in years. ts grind us do needs do their bidding. t rides by and tells his beads, and no man has care of us. ty h her hungry eyes, and Sin h his sodden face follows close behind her. Misery wakes us in ts nig w are to t not one of us. too urned atle across t it hread of gold. And a great terror seized upon o the weaver, robe is t t weaving? It is tion of the young King, he answered; to thee? And the young King gave a loud cry and woke, and lo! he was in his own c honey-coloured moon he dusky air. And his was his dream. t was being rowed by a by he master of ted. he was black as ebony, and his turban earrings of silver dragged down thick lobes of his ears, and in his hands he had a pair of ivory scales. t for a ragged loin-cloth, and each man brighem, and th c the er. t spray flehe blades. At last ttle bay, and began to take soundings. A lig lateen sail . ted on wild asses rode out and t ter of the galley took a painted bo. o the surf, and his companions galloped away. A woman wrapped in a yellow veil followed slowly on a camel, looking back no the dead body. As soon as t anche negroes into t up a long rope-ladder, ed er of t over t to tanche negroes seized t of the slaves and knocked his gyves off, and filled rils and ied a big stone round . he ladder, and disappeared into the sea. A few bubbles rose where he sank. Some of t the prow of t a sing monotonously upon a drum. After some time t of ter, and clung panting to t he negroes seized it from he slaves fell asleep over their oars. Again and again ime t iful pearl. ter of them, and put to a little bag of green leather. tried to speak, but ongue seemed to cleave to to move. the negroes ctered to eaco quarrel over a string of brighe vessel. t time, and t he broug ar. But rangely pale, and as he blood gusrils. tle, and till. their shoulders, and the body overboard. And ter of t, ook t to his forehead and bo sre of the young King, and o to drahe anchor. And w cry, and woke, and the dawn clutc tars. And his was his dream. t h strange fruits and iful poisonous flohe adders by, and t parrots flew screaming from branco brancortoises lay asleep upon t mud. trees were full of apes and peacocks. On and on , till skirts of the wood, and titude of men toiling in the bed of a dried-up river. ts. they dug deep pits in t doo t the rocks axes; othe sand. tore up tus by its roots, and trampled on t blossoms. t, calling to eacher, and no man was idle. From tchem, and Deat me go. But Avarice ss, she answered. And Deato thy hand? I is t to thee? Give me one of to plant in my garden; only one of them, and I will go away. I give thing, said Avarice, and she hid her hand in t. And Deatook a cup, and dipped it into a pool of er, and out of t multitude, and a t followed her, and ter-snakes ran by her side. And itude was dead she beat and . S her barren bosom, and cried aloud. t slain a ts, s tains of tartary, and the kings of eaco the black ox, and are marco battle. ten upon their s on ts of iron. is my valley to t t tarry in it? Get thee gone, and come here no more. Nay, ans till t given me a grain of corn I go. But Avarice s eet give ttered. And Deatook up a black stone, and t into the forest, and out of a t of wild hemlock came Fever in a robe of flame. Situde, and touchem, and eac souch her feet as she walked. And Avarice s as cruel, s cruel. the walled cities of India, and terns of Samarcand here is famine in ties of Egypt, and ts have come up from t. t overflos banks, and the priests to those who need ts. Nay, ans till t given me a grain of corn I go. I give thing, said Avarice. And Deatled through his fingers, and a ten upon her foreures wheeled round her. She covered t alive. And Avarice fled s, and Death leaped upon er the wind. And out of t ttom of t dragons and rotting along trils. And t, and said: hese men, and for hey seeking? For rubies for a kings crown, answered one wood behind him. And tarted, and, turning round, he saw a man ed as a pilgrim and holding in his hand a mirror of silver. And king? And t see him. And he mirror, and, seeing his own face, he gave a great cry and sunligreaming into the room, and from trees of the birds were singing. And tate came in and made obeisance to issued gold, and set tre before him. And t tiful. More beautiful t he remembered o ake these t hem. And tiers hey t t ing. But ernly to take things ahe day of my coronation, I he loom of Sorrow, and by te here is Blood in t of t of the pearl. And old three dreams. And wiers eacher and a dream, and a vision but a vision? t real t one s o do he lives of toil for us? S eat bread till he has seen till alked he vinedresser? And to the young King, and said, My lord, I pray t aside ts of t on this fair robe, and set the people kno t a king, if t not a kings raiment? And t so, indeed? he questioned. ill t know me for a king if I a kings raiment? t knohe Chamberlain. I t there had been men who were kinglike, he ans it may be as t. And yet I wear t even as I came to t. And as his companion, a lad a year younger t for his service, and wer, he opened a great painted c, and from it ook tunic and roug che s of t on, and in ook aff. And ttle page opened his big blue eyes in wonder, and said smiling to re, but where is thy crown? And t was climbing over t it, and made a circlet of it, and set it on his own head. this shall he my crown, he answered. And ttired of o t hall, wing for him. And t to him, My lord, t for t them a beggar, and oth and said, he brings shame upon our state, and is uno be our master. But a passed on, and do porpaircase, and out tes of bronze, and mounted upon his horse, and rode totle page running beside him. And t is the Kings fool who is riding by, and they mocked him. And I am told three dreams. And a man came out of tterly to him, and said, Sir, kno t t out of the rich cometured, and your vices give us bread. to toil for a er is bitter, but to er to toil for is more bitter still. t thou t t cure these t to t;t buy for so muc; and to t;t sell at t;? I tro. to t on thy purple and fine linen. to do we suffer? Are not the young King. Ay, ansher is Cain. And tears, and hrough ttle page gre him. And al of the soldiers t ts out and said, dost thou seek here? None enters by t the King. And o the King, and s aside and passed in. And wherds dress, he rose up in o meet him, and said to crown s sceptre shy hand? Surely to t a day of abasement. S Grief he young King. And old hree dreams. And w his brows, and said, My son, I am an old man, and in ter of my days, and I kno many evil the fierce robbers come doains, and carry off ttle children, and sell to t for the caravans, and leap upon ts up the corn in the hill. tes lay e t and burn the fisake ts from t-marshes live ttled reeds, and none may come nigies, and eat their food t to be? ilt take t t thy board? Shee? Is not ? herefore I praise t for t t done, but I bid to t on t t beseemethee, and tre of pearl hy dreams, too great for one man to bear, and too heavy for one to suffer. Sayest t in the young King, and he strode past teps of tar, and stood before t. ood before t, and on hand and on he yello before the image of C, and t candles burned brighe jewelled shin blue he priests in tiff copes crept aar. And suddenly a umult came from treet outside, and in entered th drawn swords and nodding plumes, and seel. hey cried. his boy e? Surely we will slay him, for o rule over us. And the young King bowed his head again, and prayed, and when he urning round them sadly. And lo! ted streaming upon issued robe t was fairer t he dead staff blossomed, and bare lilies t han pearls. t han rubies. er tems were of brighe roses, and ten gold. ood t of a king, and tes of the jehe many-rayed monstrance sical ligood there in a kings raiment, and the saints in to move. In t of a king ood before t its music, and trumpeters blerumpets, and the singing boys sang. And the nobles she Bishops face grew pale, and rembled. A greater th crowned t before him. And tar, and passed home t of t no man dared look upon his face, for it he face of an angel. 公主的生日 公主的生日 这一天是公主的生日,她刚满十二岁。灿烂的阳光照在王宫的花园中。 虽说她是一个真正的公主,一位西班牙公主,但是她就像穷人家的孩子们一样,每年只 能过一次生日,因此举国上下自然而然地就把这当作是一件重大的事情,那就是她过生日这 天应该是个晴朗的天气。那一天的确是个晴朗的好天。高高的带条纹的郁金香直挺挺地立在 花茎上,像一排列队立正的士兵,并傲慢地望着草地那边的玫瑰花,一边说:“我们跟你们 一样美丽无比。”紫色的蝴蝶伴着翅膀上的金粉翩翩起舞,轮流走访着每一朵鲜花;小蜥蜴 们从墙上的裂缝中爬出来,躺在白日的阳光下;石榴在火热的阳光下纷纷裂开了嘴,露出了 它们血红的心。就连沿着阴暗走廊的刻花棚架上的一串串悬挂着的浅黄色柠搁,仿佛也从这 奇妙的阳光中染上了一层丰富的色彩,玉兰花树也张开了它们那重叠着的象牙色的巨大球状 花朵,使空气中充满了浓浓的芳香。 小公主本人同她的伴侣们在阳台上来回地走动着,并绕着石花瓶和布满青苔的古雕像在 玩捉迷藏的游戏。在平日里她只被允许同她身分相同的小孩子们玩,因此她总是一个人玩, 不过生日这天可以例外。国王已经下了命令,她可邀请任何她喜欢的小朋友来宫中同她一起 玩。这些瘦小的西班牙孩子跑动起来的动作还挺优雅的。男孩们头戴大羽毛帽子,身穿飘动 的短外套,女孩们手里提着缎子长裙的后摆,并用黑色和银灰色的大扇子护住眼睛遮挡阳 光。然而小公主却是他们当中最优雅的一个,打扮得也是最入时的,依照的是当时相当繁杂 的款式。她的裙子是用灰色锦缎做的,裙摆和宽大的袖口上绣满了银线,挺直的胸衣上缝着 几排名贵的珍珠。两只配着粉红色大玫瑰花的小拖鞋随着她的走动从衣服下边显露出来。那 把大纱扇是粉红色和珍珠色的,她的头发像一圈褪色的金黄光环包围着她那张苍白的小脸 蛋,上面戴着一朵美丽的白玫瑰。 满面愁容的国王透过宫中的窗户望着他们。站在他身后的是他所憎恨的人,那是他的兄 弟,来自阿拉贡省的唐.彼德罗,还有他的忏悔师,来自格兰那达的大宗教裁判官坐在他的 身边。国王此时比以往更忧伤,因为他看见小公主一副孩子般严肃的模样向宫中群臣们行 礼,另外还看见她甩扇子掩着嘴偷笑那总是陪着她的一脸严肃的阿尔布奎尔基公爵夫人,国 王突然想起了年轻的王后,就是小公主的母亲,这在他看来就像是前不久的事情。那时王后 从欢乐的国度法兰西来到西班牙,在西班牙宫廷忧郁华丽的生活中不幸去逝了,死时孩子才 六个月大,她连园子中杏花的第二次开放也没有看到,也没赶上采集院子中央那棵多节老无 花果树上第二年的果子,此刻那儿已是杂草丛生。他爱她爱得太深了,他不能忍受把她埋在 自己看不见的墓穴中。一位摩尔人医生为她的尸体做了香料处理,为了回报医生的工作,国 王保住了他的生命,因为由于信邪教和行巫术的嫌疑,这位医生已被宗教裁判所判了极刑。 她的尸体仍然安放在宫中黑色大理石礼拜堂中铺着织锦的尸架上,还跟十二年前在一个狂风 大作的三月天里僧侣们把她抬放到那儿时的模样一个样。国王每月一次,身上裹着黑袍,手 里提着一个不透光的灯笼,走进礼拜堂跪在她的身旁,呼唤着:“我的王后,我的王后!” 有时他会不顾应有的礼节(在西班牙生活中的任何行为都受到礼节的约束,就连国王的悲痛 也不例外),万分悲痛地抓住她戴着珠宝的苍白的手,并狂吻着她那冰凉的化了妆的脸,试 图把她唤醒。 今天他好像又看见她了,就跟他头一次在巴黎的枫丹白露宫中见到她时一样,当时他仅 有十五岁,而她更年轻。他俩就是在那个时候正式订婚,出席仪式的有罗马教皇的使节还有 法国国王和全体朝臣,那之后他就带着一小束金黄头发返回到西班牙王宫中去了。自打踏上 自己的马车那时起,他就一直想着两片孩子气的嘴唇弯下来吻他手的情景。接下来的婚礼是 在蒲尔哥斯匆匆举行的,那是两国边境的一座小城市。进入马德里的公开庆典是盛大的,照 惯例在拉.阿托卡大教堂里举行了一次大弥撒,并且还搞了一次比平日更庄严的判处异教徒 火刑的仪式。将近三百名异教徒,其中不少是英国人,被交与刽子手去烧死在火刑柱上。 他爱她真是发了狂,很多人都认为是他把国家给毁了,因为当时他们正与英国为争夺新 世界的帝国而进行战争。他甚至连一刻钟也不能离开她;为了她,他已经忘记了,或似乎是 忘记了国家的一切重大事项;在这种激情的驱使下他达到了如此盲目的可怕地步,以致于他 没有发现,那些他为取悦于她而想出来的繁杂礼节,—反而加重了她所犯的奇怪的忧郁病。 她死后有那么一段时间,他仿佛发了疯似的。要不是他担心自己离去后小公主会受到自己兄 弟的残害的话,说真的,他定会正式退位并隐居到格兰那达的特拉卜教大寺院去,他已经是 该院的名誉院长了。他兄弟的残酷无情在西班牙是出了名的,不少人怀疑是他害死了王后, 传说王后到他所在的阿拉贡的城堡去走访的时候,他送了一双有毒的手套给王后。甚至在国 王以皇家法令宣布举国上下公开哀悼三年之后,他仍旧无法忍受他的大臣们跟他提起续弦的 事,当神圣的罗马帝国皇帝本人亲自来向他提出把自己的侄女,一位美丽可爱的波西米亚郡 主嫁给他时,他仍吩咐自己的大臣去告诉皇帝,说西班牙国王已经和悲伤结了婚,尽管她只 是一个不能生育的新娘,可他却爱她超过任何美人;这个回答的代价是使他的王国失去了富 饶的尼德兰诸省,这些省份不久后便在皇帝的鼓动下,由一些改革教派的狂热倍徒领导着, 向他发动了叛乱。 今天他望着小公主在阳台上玩耍的时候,似乎又回想起了他整个的婚姻生活,那是一场 强烈而火热的欢愉,同时也因其突然的完结而导致了可怕的痛苦。小公主具备了王后一切可 爱的傲慢举止,完全一样的任性的摆头动作,同样弯曲而骄傲的美丽嘴唇,一样漂亮可人的 笑容——的确是非常法国式的微笑——小公主不时地抬头望望窗户,或伸出小手让显贵的西 班牙绅士吻着。不过孩子们高声的笑声刺着了他的耳朵,明亮而无情的阳光嘲讽着他的哀 伤,一股奇怪香料的单调气味,就似是处理尸体用的香料,好像把早晨清新的空气给弄脏 了——这或许是他的幻想吧?他把脸埋在双手巾,等小公主再次举头望窗户的时候,窗帘已 经垂下,国王也离开了。 她有些失望地撅橛小嘴,并耸了耸肩膀。说实在的,他本应该跟她呆在一起过生日的。 那些愚载的国家事务有什么要紧的?或许他又去了那个阴森森的礼拜堂了吧?那儿一直点着 蜡烛,而且从未让她进去过。如此好的阳光,大家又这么开心,他可真是太傻了。再说,他 会错过看一场人扮的斗牛比赛,比赛的号角已经吹响了,更不用说那些木偶戏和其它精彩的 表演了。她的叔父和大宗教裁判官倒是更体谅人。他们已经走到阳台上了,并向她道了贺 词。所以她又摆起了她那可爱的头,还拉着唐.彼德罗的手,缓缓走下石阶,朝着耸立在花 园尽头的紫绸编织的长长亭廊走去,其他孩子严格地依照次序紧跟在她的身后,即谁的名字 最长,谁就走在前头。 一行由贵族男孩子化装成斗牛士的队伍走出来欢迎她。年轻的新地伯爵,一位十四岁的 美少年,用西班牙下级贵族世家的全部优雅举止向她脱帽致敬,并庄重地把她引到竞技场内 搭起的看台上安放着的一把镶金的象牙小椅子上坐下。孩子们在她的四周围成一圈,他们一 面挥动着手中的大扇子,一面相互交谈着。唐.彼德罗和大宗教裁判官面带笑容地站在人口 处。就连那位女公爵——人称侍从女市长的人——一个瘦小而性格不定的女人,带着黄色的 翎颌,也一改往日那板起的面孔,一丝像是冷冷的笑容掠过她那皱巴巴的脸,她那没有血色 而干瘦的嘴唇也抽动了一下。 这真是一场令人叫绝的斗牛赛,在小公主看来比真的斗牛比赛还要好看。那是在帕尔马 公爵来看望她父亲时,她被人带去塞维尔看过一场斗牛赛。一群男孩子穿着装饰华丽的马皮 衣服在场子内来回跑着,他们挥舞着长矛,上面绑着色彩艳丽的丝带;另一些男孩徒步走 着,并在假牛面前舞动着猩红色的大地,当牛冲来时他们就轻松地跳过栅栏;至于牛呢,尽 管它只是由柳枝和张开的牛皮做成的,可却跟真牛一样生龙活虎,不过有时它坚持着用后腿 绕着场子跑,这却是真牛连做梦也不敢想的事。这牛斗得也不错,孩子们兴奋极了,他们纷 纷起身站在了长凳子上,并挥动着手中的带边手绢,大声嚷着:太好了,太好了!那种劲头 就跟成年人一样。就这样战斗持续了下去,最后,好几匹人扮的马被戳倒,那位年轻的新地 伯爵把牛也压在了地上,他请求小公主允许他给予致命的一击,然后他就用木剑朝那动物猛 刺下去。他用力太大,一下子把牛头给刺掉了,这使小罗南先生高兴地大笑起来,他是法国 驻马德里大使的儿子。 在大家的掌声中,竞技场被收拾干净了,两个身着黄黑制服的摩尔人侍从把倒地的木马 庄严地拖走了,接着是一段小小的插曲,由一位法国的走绳索大师在一根绷紧的绳子上完成 了一次表演。一些意大利木偶戏表演者在特意建来演木偶戏的一个小戏院中上演了半古典的 悲剧《索福尼西巴》。他们的演出非常出色,木偶的动作也十分自然,演出结束时小公主的 眼中已充满了泪水。当时真的有好多孩子都哭了,只好拿糖块去安慰他们,就是大宗教裁判 官也深受感动,他忍不住对唐.彼德罗说,这些用简单的木头和彩色蜡做成的,并由丝线机 械地牵动的东西,竟能表演得如此悲伤和那么不幸,他似乎觉得难以接受。 接下来是一个非洲人表演戏法。他提来一只又大又平的篮子,上面盖着一块红布。他把 篮子放在场地中央,然后从他的包头帕下面拿出一根奇异的芦管,并吹了起来。不一会儿, 红布开始动了,随着芦管声愈吹愈尖,两条金绿色的蛇伸出了它们那古怪的楔形头,并越伸 越高,还随着音乐声摇来摆去,就跟水中浮动的植物一样。孩子们看见它们那有斑点的头部 和快速吐出的舌头,反而害怕起来,直到看见变戏法者在沙地上变出一棵小桔子树,开出美 丽白色的花朵且长出一串串真实的果实后,才又开心起来;后来变戏法者从拉斯.托里斯侯 爵的小女儿手中拿起一把扇子,把它变成了一只蓝色的小鸟在亭廊里飞来飞去,还不停地唱 着歌,这时他们的兴奋和惊讶真是难以形容。由纽斯特拉丝母院礼拜堂跳舞班的男孩们表演 的庄严舞曲,也同样引人人胜。小公主以前从没有见过如此盛大的庆典,这种庆典每年五月 在圣母大祭坛前面举办一次,是专为庆祝圣母而举行的。其实,自从一位疯教士(据许多人 说他是英国伊丽莎白女王收买了的)想用一块有毒的圣饼谋害西班牙太子阿斯图里亚斯以 后,就没有一位西班牙皇室的成员走进过萨拉哥萨大教堂。因此,小公主仅仅是听人说过这 种“我们之圣母”的舞蹈,看上去也确实很精彩。男孩们穿着白色天鹅绒做的老式宫廷服 装,他们那滑稽的三角帽上缀着银饰物,顶上插着很大的驼鸟毛。他们在阳光下桅舰起舞的 时候,那身耀眼的白色服饰在他们黑色面容和长长黑发的衬托下显得更加绚丽夺目。所有的 人都被他们的一举一动给迷住了,只见他们在繁杂的舞蹈动作中一直显得庄严尊重,缓缓的 舞姿得体而优雅,还气派不凡地鞠着躬。等舞曲一结束,他们就脱下大羽毛帽子向小公主致 敬,她很有礼貌地接受了,并许诺送一只大蜡烛给比拉尔圣母的神坛,以回报圣母给她带来 的快乐。 这时一队漂亮的埃及人——当时也被称为吉卜赛人—一走进到场子中来,他们盘腿席地 而坐,围成一个圈子,开始轻轻地弹奏起他们的弦琴,另一些人伴着曲调舞动起腰身,并用 他们尽可能低的声音哼着歌儿,那声音低得如同梦中的微风掠过。他们一看见唐.彼德罗, 便朝他皱起了眉头,有的人还露出了恐惧的表情,因为就在数周之前,唐说他们的两个族人 被行妖术而给绞死在塞维尔的市场上了。不过美丽的小公主使他们入了迷,这时她朝后靠着 身子,一对蓝色的大眼睛从扇子上边望着他们,他们相信像她这徉可爱的人绝不会残忍地对 待别人的。于是,他们很安静地弹着琴,他们那长长的尖指甲刚好挨到琴弦,他们的头开始 朝前点着,仿佛要入睡似的。突然传来一声尖厉的大叫,孩子们全都大吃了一惊,唐.彼德 罗的手赶紧抓住了他短剑的玛瑙剑柄。只见弹琴者们跳起身来,围着场地疯狂地转起圈来, 并不停地敲打手鼓,同时用他们那奇特的带喉音的语言唱起了狂放的情歌。随着一声信号的 传来,他们又都扑倒在地上,静静地躺着不动了,全场一派寂静,只能听到单调的弦琴声。 就这样他们做了几个来回以后,又一下子消失了,等他们再回来时已用链条牵来了一头毛乎 乎的棕色大熊,他们肩头上还坐着几只巴巴利的小猴子。大熊十分认真地倒立起身子,干瘦 的猴子跟着两个像是它们主人的吉卜赛小男孩在表演着各种各样逗笑的把戏,它们还会挥动 小剑和放枪,并且会像国王的卫队那样完成一整套正规军的操练。吉卜赛人的表演的确大获 成功。 然而整个早上的娱乐活动中最有趣的还要数小矮人的舞蹈。他蹒跚地移动着自己那双弯 曲的腿,他那颗畸形的大脑袋左右摇摆着,就这样他跌跌撞撞地冲进到场子中。孩子们见到 此情此景都一下子兴奋地大声叫了起来,小公主本人更是大笑不止,以致那位女侍从市长不 得不提醒她说,虽然过去西班牙国王的女儿在同等人面前哭过几回,可却从没有皇室家族的 公主在比她低下的人跟前如此开怀大笑过呢。不过,小矮人的举动真是让人无法抗拒,即使 是西班牙宫廷,这样一个以培养恐怖而著称的地方,也从未见过一个如此吸引人的小怪物。 这还是他头一回出场演出。人们仅是在昨天才找到了他,当时他正在树林里疯颠颠地跑着, 两个贵族刚好在环城一带的栓皮储树林中偏僻的区域打猎,于是就把他带进宫中,作为献给 小公玄的一个惊喜。小矮人的父亲是个穷苦的烧炭人,能够摆脱这个又丑又无用的孩子对他 来说真是求之不得。或许真正最有趣的倒是小矮人一点也不知道自己那丑陋的相貌。的确他 看上去好开心且精神饱满。孩子们笑了,他也跟他们一样笑得无拘无束。每支舞曲结束时, 他便要向他们每一个人鞠一个最滑稽的躬,他对他们点头高兴的样子就好像他的的确确是他 们中的一员,并非是上帝以滑稽的方式刻意创造出来让别人戏弄的一个不幸的小怪物。至于 小公主,她简直把小矮人给迷住了。他不能够把眼睛从她身上移开,他好像是专为小公主一 人跳舞似的。演出结束时,小公主记起了自己曾见过宫廷贵妇们向意大利著名男高音加法奈 里抛掷花束的情形,当时罗马教皇把加法奈里从自己的礼拜堂派往马德里,打算用他那最甜 美的歌声去医治国王的忧闷;于是小公主便从自己的头发上取下那朵美丽的白玫瑰,一半是 开玩笑,一半是为了戏弄那位女侍从市长,把花向场中的小矮人掷了过去,脸上带着最甜蜜 的微笑。小矮人把整个事情看得十分认真,他一只手将花朵压在他粗糙的嘴唇下,另一只手 按住胸膛跪在她的面前,咧着大嘴笑着,那双明亮的小眼睛放射出欣喜的光芒。 这使小公主忘记了尊严,等小矮人跑出场子好长一阵子她还在一个劲儿地笑,并对她的 叔父表示想立即让这种舞蹈再表演一次。然而那位女侍从市长却恳求说太阳已经老高了,太 热了,她的小公主殿下应该马上回到宫里去,那里已经为她备好了丰盛的宴席,有一个地道 的生日蛋糕,上面有用彩糖做出的她名字的大写字母,还有一面飘舞的小银旗。小公主非常 庄重地站起身来,并宣布说让小矮人在她午睡时间之后再表演一次,还要求把她的谢意转告 给新地伯爵,感谢他那番殷勤的款待,接着她就回自己的房间去了,其他孩子们又依照原先 进来时的次序跟着她出去了。 当听说小公主叫他去她面前再表演一次,而且还是她亲自下的命令的时候,小怪人真是 得意万分。他跑到花园中去,欣喜若狂地亲吻着那朵白玫瑰,得意忘形地做出了许多笨拙而 难看的动作。 花儿们对他如此胆大地闯进他们美丽的家园里来非常愤怒,他们看见他在花廊里奔来奔 去的,还十分可笑地举着双手挥舞着,他们再也忍受不下去了。 “他真是太难看了,根本不该让他到我们呆的地方来,”郁金香大声喊道。 “他应该去喝鸦片汤,然后睡上一千年,”红色的大百合花说。这时他们真的怒火万丈 了。 “他是个十足的可怕人物!”仙人掌尖叫着说,“啊,他扭得又丑,人又长得矮小,他 的头跟腿长得不成比例。他的确使我浑身上下觉得不舒服,如果他走近我身边,我会用我的 刺去刺他。” “而他却真的弄到了我最美的一朵花,”白玫瑰树惊叹道,“那朵花是我今天早上亲自 送给小公主的,作为生日礼物,他却从她那儿把花偷走了。”然后她大叫起来,“小偷,小 偷,小偷!” 甚至连不爱抛头露面的红色风露草们,这些大家都知道本身就有很多穷亲戚的草们,在 看见小矮人时也都厌恶地卷起身子。紫罗兰却温和地说小矮人的确是其貌不扬,可他也没有 办法去压他一把。风露草也非常公正地反驳说,那是他主要的缺陷,而人们不该因为他的不 治之症而嘲弄他。其实,也有好些紫罗兰觉得小矮人的丑陋是他本人装出来的,假如他面带 些愁容,或至少表现出沉思的样子,而不是欢乐地跳上跳下,做出古怪而又傻乎乎的神态, 那么他会让人觉得好受许多。 至于老日晷仪,他是一位非常了不起的人物,他曾经只向查理五世陛下本人汇报每天的 时刻,小矮人的模样让他吃惊不小,几乎忘记用他那长长的有影子的指头标出时间达两分之 久。他忍不住对在栏栅上晒太阳的乳白色的大孔雀说,人人都知道,国王的孩子就是国王, 烧炭夫的孩子还是烧炭夫,要想事情并非如此,那是不可能的。这种见解得到了孔雀的完全 赞同,而且她真的叫起好来:“是的,是的。”声音又大又粗,连住在凉爽的喷水池中的金 鱼们也从水中露出头来,询问巨大的石雕海神特里通斯究竟发生了什么事。 不过,鸟儿们却喜欢小矮人。他们常在树林中见到他,像个精灵似的追赶着空中的落 叶,或者蹲在一棵老橡树的洞子里,与松鼠们一起分享他的坚果。他们一点也不在乎他的相 貌丑。是啊,夜莺在夜晚去林子里放声歌唱,月亮有时也会俯下身聆听她甜美的歌声,其实 她也没有什么耐看的;再说,小矮人过去对他们一直都很好。在那可怕的严冬里,树上已经 没有坚果了,地面被冻得跟铁块似的,狼群也下山来到城门口寻找食物,就在这种时候,小 矮人也不曾忘记他们,他总是把自己的小块的黑面包揉成屑给他们吃,不管他的早餐多么 少,他总会分一些给他们吃。 所以他们绕着他飞了一圈又一圈,他们飞过他身边的时候用翅膀轻轻抚摸着他的脸,并 相互交谈着。小矮人高兴得不得了,他忍不住把那朵美丽的白玫瑰拿出来给他们看,还告诉 他们这是小公主本人亲自给他的,因为她爱他。 对他讲的话他们一个字也听不懂,不过这倒没什么关系,因为他们把头偏在一旁,看上 去很精明的样子,这就跟了解此事是一样的好,并且也更加容易。 蜥蜴也非常喜欢他,每当他跑累了以后躺在草地上休息的时候,蜥蜴就会在他身上爬来 爬去地玩着,拿出浑身的本事去逗他开心。“不是每个人都可以像蜥蜴那样漂亮的,”他们 大声说道,“不过这种要求太过分了。而且说起来也有些荒唐,其实他一点也不难看,当 然,只要人们团上眼睛,不要去看他。”蜥蜴们天生就是十足的哲学家派头,在没有什么事 情可做的时候,或碰上雨天不能外出,他们会一坐就是好几个钟头地思考问题。 然而,花儿对他们的举止倒是十分地担心,同时对鸟儿的举动也很不安。“这只能表 明,”花儿们说,“这种不停地蹦蹦跳跳会产生多么粗俗的影响。像我们这徉有教养的人, 总是老老实实地呆在同一个地方。从没有人看见我们在花廊中跳来跳去的,或者在草丛中发 疯似的追赶蜻蜓,只要我们想换换空气,我们就会叫园丁来,他会把我们搬到另一个花坛上 去。这是很神圣的事,而且也应该如此。可是鸟儿和蜥蜴没有休息的意识,的确鸟儿连一个 固定的住址都不曾有。他们只不过是一群像吉卜赛人那样的流浪汉,而且也真该受到同徉的 待遇。”于是花儿们露出趾高气昂的样子,一副了不起的神态,并且很得意地望着小矮人从 草地上爬起身来,跨过阳台朝宫廷走去。 “他应该一辈子都关在房子里不出门,”他们说,“看看他的驼背,还有他那双拐 腿,”说着他们吃吃地笑了起来。 不过小矮人对此是一无所知。他好喜欢这些小鸟和蜥蜴,并且认为花儿是世界上最美丽 的东西了,当然要除开小公主。而小公主已经把美丽的白玫瑰给了他,她是爱他的,这就大 不一样了。他多么希望自己能跟她一起回到树林中去!她会让他坐在她的右手边,还对他微 笑,他永远也不愿从她身边离去,他要她跟自己一块儿玩,并教她各种逗人的把戏。因为尽 管他以前从未进过王宫,可他却知道好多了不起的事情。他可以用灯芯草编出小笼子,好把 蚱蜢关在里面唱歌,他还会把竹节细长的竹子做成笛子,用它吹出牧神最爱听的曲子。他了 解每只鸟儿的叫声,还能把欧椋鸟从树梢上唤下来,或从池塘中唤弧苍鹭。他认识每一种动 物的足迹,可以凭着轻微的脚印寻觅到野兔,靠被践踏过的树叶找到狗熊。他知道各种风的 轻舞,有秋天里穿着红衣的狂舞,有穿着蓝色草鞋在稻谷上掠过的轻舞,有冬季戴着雪冠的 舞蹈,还有春天里吹过果园的慢舞。他知道斑鸠在什么地方做窝,曾有一次一对老斑鸠给捕 鸟者抓走了,他就亲自来哺育那些幼鸟,并在一棵砍去了树梢的榆树裂缝中为他们筑起了一 个小小的鸠窝。他们都很听话,并习惯了在他的手上找东西吃。小公主会喜欢他们的,还有 那些在长长的凤尾草中乱窜的兔子们,和有着硬羽毛和黑嘴的鹒鸟,以及能够弯曲成带刺圆 球的刺猬,和会摇头、轻轻地咬嫩叶、慢慢爬行的大智龟。是的,她一定会到林子里来和他 一起玩。他会把自己的小床让给她睡,他在窗外看守着直到天亮,不让带角的野兽伤了她, 更不能让饥饿的狼群靠近小茅屋。天亮时他会轻轻地敲着窗板把她唤醒,他们会一起到外面 去,跳上一整天的舞蹈。在树林里真是一点也不寂寞。有时主教会骑着他的白骡子从这里走 过,一边走一边还读着本带图画的书。有时候那些养猎鹰的人戴着他们的绿绒帽子,穿着硝 过的鹿皮短上衣从这儿经过,手腕上站着蒙着头的鹰。每到葡萄熟透的季节,采葡萄的人们 连手和脚都是紫色的,头上戴着常青藤编的花冠,手里拿着滴着葡萄酒的皮袋子。烧炭人晚 上围坐在大火盆的边上,望着干柴在火中慢慢地燃烧,把栗子埋在灰中烘烤。强盗们也从山 洞里窜出来跟他们一块儿玩乐。还有一回,他看见一些人排成好看的队伍在长长的尘土飞扬 的大路上蜿蜒地朝托列多而去。僧侣们走在队伍的前头,唱着甜甜的歌曲,手里拿着鲜艳的 旗子和金十字架,随后跟着披银枣甲执火绳枪和长矛的士兵,在这些人当中走着三个赤脚的 人,身着奇怪的黄袍,上面绘满了奇妙的画像,他们的手中拿着点燃的蜡烛。说真的,树林 中有非常多值得看的东西。她疲倦了的时候,他便会找一个长满青苔的软海滩让她休息,要 不就扶着她走,因为他很结实,尽管他深知自己的个头不算高。他会用红色的蔓草果为她做 一串项链,它会跟她衣服上戴的白色珍珠一样美丽,一旦她不欢喜这种项链了,就把它给扔 掉,他还会为她做别的。他会给她找来一些皂角和露水浸泡过的秋牡丹,而且小小的萤火虫 还可以做她浅黄色头发上的小星星。 可是她又在什么地方呢?他问着白玫瑰,白玫瑰回答不了他的问题。整个王宫像是睡着 了似的,甚至连那些百叶窗没有关闭的地方,也垂下了厚重的窗帘挡去了投入窗户的光线。 他到处转悠着想寻到一处可以进入的地方,最后他瞧了一扇开着的小门。他溜了进去,发现 自己来到了一个辉煌的大厅中,他感到要比那树林气派得多,处处金光灿烂,就连地板都是 用五颜六色的大石头铺成的,可是小公主并不在那儿,只有几个美丽异常的白石像从他们的 绿宝石座上朝下望着他,眼神中满是忧伤和茫然,嘴角上还挂着一丝奇怪的微笑。 在大厅的尽头垂挂着绣工精致的黑天鹅绒帷幔,上面绣着太阳和繁星,都是国王最中意 的设计,而且绣的又是他最喜爱的颜色。也许她就躲在那后面?他无论怎样也要去看看。 于是他悄悄地走过去,把帷幔拉开。没有人,那儿只不过是另一间房子,可他觉得这间 房子比他刚才走过的那间更漂亮。墙上挂着绣着许多人物像的绿色挂毡。那是一幅狩猎图, 是几位弗来米西艺术家花了七年时间完成的。这儿曾经是被称为傻约翰的国王的房间,那个 疯子国王太喜欢打猎了,在他精神失常的时候,他总是幻想着骑上那些画中蹬起后蹄的大 马,拖开那只由一群大猎狗攻击的公鹿,吹响他那打猎的号角,用他的短剑刺一只奔跑的母 鹿。现在这儿改作会议厅了,在屋中央的桌子上放着大臣们的红色文件夹,上面盖着西班牙 金色郁金香的印花,以及哈普斯堡皇室的纹章和标识。 小矮人吃惊地朝四周看着,他真有点不敢往前走了。画中那些陌生而沉默的骑马人敏捷 地跨越过一片长长的草地,连一点声音也听不见,在他看来这些人就像烧炭夫们讲过的那些 可怕的鬼影——康普拉克斯,他们只在夜里外出打猎,要是遇上人,就会把此人变成一只赤 鹿,然后去猎取他。但是小矮人想起了美丽的小公主,于是又壮起了胆子。他希望她是一个 人呆在那儿,好让他告诉她,他也是爱她的。也许她就在隔壁的那间屋子里。 他从柔软的莫尔人地毯上跑过去,打开了门。没有!她也不在这儿。房间里空空的。 这是一间御室,用来接待外国使节的,只要国王同意亲自接见他们,这种事近来不常有 了。多年以前,就是在这间屋子里,英国的特使到这儿来安排他们的女王——当时她是欧洲 天主教君主之一,与皇帝的长子联姻的。屋子里的帷幔都是用镀金的皮革做成的,黑白两色 相间的开花板下面垂挂着沉重的镀金烛架,上而可以架起三百支蜡烛。一个巨大的金光闪闪 的华盖上面用小粒珍珠绣出了狮子和卡斯特尔城堡图,华盖下面就是国王的宝座,宝座上盖 着昂贵的黑色天鹅绒罩布,罩布上镶着银色的郁金香并且还配着精致的银饰和珍珠穗子。在 宝座第二级上面放着小公主用的跪凳,垫子是用银丝线布做成的,就在跪凳下面,靠华盖外 面的地方,立着教皇使节的椅子,只有这位使节大人才有权在任何公开的庆典仪式上与国王 坐在一起。他那顶主教的帽子,帽上缠着深红色的帽缨,就放在一个靠前边的紫色绣框上。 正对着宝座的墙上,挂着一幅查理五世猎装服的画像,像跟真人一样大小,身边还站着一只 大猎犬。另一面墙的中央处挂着一幅脉力普二世接受尼德兰诸省朝贡时的画像。在两扇窗户 的中间放着一个乌木幅柜,里面放着象牙盘子,盘子上刻着霍尔彭“死亡舞蹈”中的人物, 据说,这是这位大师亲自动手刻的。 可是小矮人对眼前豪华的盛景却没有留意。他不愿用自己的玫瑰花来换华盖上的珍珠, 更不肯用哪怕一片玫瑰花瓣来换宝座。他所要做的就是在小公主去亭廊之前见上她一面,并 要求在他的舞蹈结束之后就跟他一块儿离去。此时在宫中,空气是郁闷而沉重的,然而在树 林里风儿却能自由自在地衣着,阳光挥舞着那双金灿灿的双手拔开抖动的树叶。树林中也有 鲜花,也许赶不上花园里的花那么鲜艳,但却更加芳香怕人;早春中的风信子花在清凉的山 谷和青草的小丘上荡起层层紫色的浪潮;一簇簇黄色的樱草爬满了橡树根的四周;色彩鲜明 的白屈莱,蓝幽幽的威灵仙,深红且金黄的萄尾随处可见。榛树上有灰色的茅荑花,顶针花 上挂吊着斑迹点点的蜜蜂小屋。栗树的顶部如同白色的星星,而山楂却透着它那苍白的美丽 月色。是的,只要他能够找到她,她一定会来的!她会跟他一块儿到美妙的树林中去的,他 还会给她跳一整天的舞,逗她开心。想到这几,他的眼睛中露出灿烂的微笑,然后他就走进 了另一间房子。 在所有的房屋中这一间是最明亮和最漂亮的。屋里的四壁上布满了印着浅红色花朵的意 大利缎子,缎子上面还点缀着鸟图和可爱的银花;家具是用大块的银子做成的,上面镶着鲜 艳的花环和转动的小爱神;在两个大壁炉的前面立着绣有鹏踏和孔雀的大屏风;地板是海绿 色的玛瑙,仿佛延伸至遥遥的远方。这里并非他一个人,房间的另一头,在门道的阴影下站 着一个小小的人影,正望着他。他心中一颤,从口中进发出一声喜悦的叫声,接着他一下子 跑进了屋外的阳光中。他这么做的时候,那个人影也跟着这么做,他完全看清楚那是什么了。 小公主!不,那只是个怪物,是他所见过的最难看的怪物。奇形怪状的样子,非常人一 般,驼着背,拐着腿,还有一个摇来摇去的大脑袋和一头鬃毛般的乌发。小矮人皱起了眉 头。他笑了,而它也跟着笑,而且还把两只手放在腰间,就跟他的做法是一样的。他嘲笑着 向它鞠了一躬,它也对他还了一个礼。他朝它走去,它也走上来迎他,跟他迈着同样的步 伐,他停下来,对方也站住了脚步。他惊奇地叫了起来,跑上前去,伸出一只手,而怪物的 手也朝他的手伸来,那只手冷冰冰的。他觉得好害怕,又把手挥舞了过去,怪物的手也很快 地伸了过来。他再试着往前压去,但有什么光滑而坚硬的东西挡住了他。怪物的脸此时此刻 正好贴近了他的脸,脸上似乎充满了恐俱。他把头发从眼睛上抹开。它也摹仿他。他去打 它,可它也报以拳头。他对它做出烦恼的样子,它也朝他做鬼脸。他向后退去,它也跟着退 去了。 它是什么东西呀?他想了一会儿,并朝房屋的四周看了看。真是怪了,不管什么东西在 这堵看不见的清水墙上都会重复出现它们原有的模样,是的,墙上有屋里一样的图画,一样 的睡椅。门口壁禽中那个躺着的睡牧神,竟也有一个模样相同的孪生兄弟酣睡在那儿,那位 站立在阳光中伸出双臂的银维纳斯像也正朝着另一个一样可爱的维纳斯对视着。 这是回音吗?他曾经在山谷中呼唤过她,她一个字一个字地回应着。难道她也能摹仿眼 睛就像她摹仿声音那样?难道她能制造出一个与真实世界一样的假世界?难道物体的影子有 颜色、生命和动作吗?难道这会是——? 他吃了一惊,便从怀里拿出那朵美丽的白玫瑰,转过身来,吻着花。那个怪物也有自己 的玫瑰花,花瓣竟跟他的一模一样!它也在吻花,而且跟他的吻法是一样的,还用它那可怕 的动作把花按在自己的胸口上。 等他明白了其中的道理的时候,他发出了绝望的狂叫声,趴在地上痛哭起来。原来那个 奇丑无比,弯腰驼背的怪物就是他自己。他正是那个怪物,所有的小孩嘲笑的也是他,那位 他原以为爱他的小公主——她也只不过是在嘲笑他的丑态,拿他的拐腿寻开心罢了。他们为 什么要把他带出树林?林子里没有镜子告诉他,他是多么的丑陋。为什么他的父亲不杀死 他,却要出卖他的丑相呢?热泪从他的脸颊上滚滚而下,他把白玫瑰扯了个粉碎。那个趴在 地上的怪物也照他的样子做了,还把花瓣撒在空中。它在地上爬着,他朝它看着,它也用皱 着眉头的苦脸望着他。他朝一边爬去,不愿再看见它,并用双手捂住自己的眼睛。他像一只 受了伤的动物,向阴暗处爬去,并躺在那儿呻吟起来。 正在这时小公主带着她的小伙伴们从开着的落地窗中走了进来,当他们看见丑陋的小矮 人躺在地上,用紧握的拳头捶打地板的时候,他们忍不住为他那极其滑稽夸张的举动哈哈大 笑起来,并围着他观赏起来。 “他的舞蹈很有趣的,”小公主说,“而他的演技更加滑稽。的确他差不多跟木偶人一 样的好,只是还不够自然而已。”说完她扇起了大扇子,高兴地拍手叫好。 可是小矮人再也没有抬起头来,他的哭泣声越来越弱了,突然他发出一声奇怪的喘息, 并在身上抓起来。然后他又倒了下去,一动不动地脑下了。 “这可真精彩,”小公主说,又过了一阵子;“不过现在你必须为我们跳舞了。” 可是小矮人却一声未答。 小公主跺了跺脚,叫起了她的叔父。她叔父此时正和宫廷大臣一起在阳台上散步,读着 刚从墨西哥送来的公文,宗教裁判所最近在墨西哥成立了。“我的这个有趣的小矮人生气 了,”她大声嚷道,“你一定要把他叫醒,让他为我跳舞。” 他们两人相互笑了笑,慢慢地走了进来。唐.彼德罗弯下腰去,用他那绣花的手套打着 小矮人的脸,说道:“你必须得跳舞,小怪物,你一定得跳。西班牙及西印度群岛的小公主 要开心快乐才对。” 可是小矮人却一动也不动。 “应该叫个执鞭人来打他一顿,”唐.彼德罗愤愤地说,接着他又回到了阳台上去。不 过宫廷大臣却是一副庄重的表情,他跪在小矮人的身旁,把手按在小矮人的胸口上。过了一 会儿,他耸了耸肩膀,站起身来,向小公主鞠了个躬,并说道: “我美丽的小公主,您那位滑稽的小矮人再也不能够跳舞了。真遗憾,他长得这么丑, 一定会使国王不开心的。” “可是他为什么不再跳舞了呢?”小公主笑着问道。 “因为他的心碎了,”宫廷大臣说。 公主皱皱眉头,她那可爱的玫瑰叶嘴唇傲气地朝上撅了一下。“那么以后让那些来陪我 玩的人都不带心才行,”她大声说,然后就朝外跑进花园里去了。 tA It a. S twelve years of age, and tly in the palace. Alta of Spain, she had only one birt like te poor people, so it urally a matter of great importance to the she occasion. And a really fine day it certainly all striped tulips stood straigalks, like long rows of soldiers, and looked defiantly across t the roses, and said: e are quite as splendid as you are nohe purple butterflies fluttered about on ting eacurn; ttle lizards crept out of the crevices of te glare; and the pomegranates split and cracked , and sheir bleeding red s. Even t hung in sucrellis and along the dim arcades, seemed to a riche wonderful sunligrees opened t globe-like blossoms of folded ivory, and filled t heavy perfume. ttle Princess errace h her companions, and played at one vases and tatues. On ordinary days she was only allowed to play o play alone, but ion, and the King had given orders t so invite any of her young friends whom she liked to come and amuse tately grace about t, the boys s and s fluttering cloaks, the girls rains of their long brocaded gowns, and sh huge fans of black and silver. But ta graceful of all, and t tastefully attired, after t cumbrous fashe day. in, t and the wide puffed sleeves iff corset studded h roiny slippers tes peeped out beneath her dress as she walked. Pink and pearl was her great gauze fan, and in her hair, which like an aureole of faded gold stood out stiffly round tle face, she had a beautiful we rose. From a chem. Beood ed, and or of Granada, sat by his side. Sadder even t the Infanta boy to ters, or laug the grim Duchess of Albuquerque who alher, ime before - so it seemed to him - had come from try of France, and he sombre splendour of t, dying just six monter the birthe almonds blossom t from the old gnarled fig-tree t stood in tre of the now grass- groyard. So great he had not suffered even to hide her from him. She had been embalmed by a Moorisurn for this service had been granted his life, which for heresy and suspicion of magical practices ed, men said, to the holy Office, and ill lying on its tapestried bier in the black marble c as the monks had borne her in on t h tern in his in and knelt by , MI REINA! MI REINA! and sometimes breaking tiquette t in Spain governs every separate action of life, and sets limits even to tc the pale jewelled hands in a ry to wake by he cold painted face. to-day o see at the Castle of Fontainebleau, een years of age, and sill younger. trot occasion by the French King and all t, and urned to th him a little ringlet of yellow wo childish lips bending doo kiss epped into his carriage. Later on ily performed at Burgos, a small toier betries, and the grand public entry into Madrid omary celebration of high mass at tochan usually solemn AUtO-DA-FE, in whom o be burned. Certainly o t, of ry, t he empire of tted o be out of ; for ten, or seemed to have forgotten, all grave affairs of State; and, terrible blindness t passion brings upon its servants, o notice t te ceremonies by o please aggravate trange malady from which she suffered. ime, like one bereft of reason. Indeed, t but t ed and retired to t trappist monastery at Granada, of which he itular Prior, been afraid to leave the little Infanta at ty, even in Spain, orious, and wed by many of having caused t ed to ing le in Aragon. Even after tion of three years of public mourning t his whole dominions by royal edict, ers to speak about any neo him, and offered he lovely Archduchess of Bohemia, his niece, in marriage, ell ter t the King of Spain o Sorro t a barren bride ter ty; an ans cost er, at tigation, revolted against he leadersics of the Reformed Church. s fierce, fiery-coloured joys and terrible agony of its sudden ending, seemed to come back to him to-day as ca playing on terrace. She had all tty petulance of manner, the same wilful way of tossing iful mouthe same wonderful smile - VRAI SOURIRE DE FRANCE indeed - as she glanced up no tretc tle hand for tately Spanislemen to kiss. But ter of ted on pitiless sunlight mocked range spices, spices such as embalmers use, seemed to taint - or fancy? - the clear morning air. a looked up again tains he King had retired. Stle MOUE of disappointment, and shrugged her s ayed hday. did tupid State-affairs matter? Or o t gloomy che candles were always burning, and where she o enter? he sun was sly, and everybody was so happy! Besides, he would miss t for was already sounding, to say not-sher wonderful tor were much more sensible. t on terrace, and paid her nice compliments. So sossed ty aking Don Pedro by teps towards a long pavilion of purple silk t ed at the garden, trict order of precedence, t names going first. A procession of noble boys, fantastically dressed as tOREADORS, came out to meet of tierra-Nueva, a een years of age, uncovering he grace of a born hidalgo and grandee of Spain, led o a little gilt and ivory c was placed on a raised dais above the children grouped ttering to eacor stood laughing at trance. Even the Camerera-Mayor as she was called - a tured look quite so bad-tempered as usual, and something like a chill smile flitted across chin bloodless lips. It certainly was a marvellous bull-fighe Infanta t, t t s to see at Seville, on t of the Duke of Parma to on richly- caparisoned h gay streamers of brigtaco t on foot cloaks before ting lightly over the bull himself, like a live bull, though he was only made of wicker- retcimes insisted on running round the arena on his hind legs, which no live bull ever dreams of doing. of it too, and t so excited t tood up upon their lace : BRAVO tORO! BRAVO tORO! just as sensibly as if t last, however, after a prolonged combat, during whe hobby-horses ed, the young Count of tierra-Nueva brougo his knees, and ained permission from ta to give the COUP DE GRACE, o th suc t off, and disclosed the laugtle Monsieur de Lorraine, the French Ambassador at Madrid. t muche dead wo Moorish pages in yellow and black liveries, and after a s interlude, during which a Frencure-master performed upon tigalian puppets appeared in tragedy of SOPhe stage of a small tre t up for the purpose. ted so ures remely natural, t at ta e dim ears. Indeed some of the children really cried, and had to be comforted meats, and tor himself ed t o Don Pedro t it seemed to olerable t t of wood and coloured wax, and worked mechanically by wires, should be so un errible misfortunes. An African juggler follo basket covered in tre of the arena, ook from urban a curious reed pipe, and blew t. In a fes to move, and as the pipe gre out trange wedge-so and fro ser. the children, ened at tted hoods and quick darting tongues, and were muche juggler made a tiny orange-tree gro of tty we blossoms and clusters of real fruit; and he fan of ttle daugorres, and c into a blue bird t fleheir delig kne, too, performed by tra Senora Del Pilar, was ca his Maytime in front of tar of the Virgin, and in her honour; and indeed none of tered t cathedral of Saragossa since a mad priest, supposed by many to he pay of Elizabetried to administer a poisoned o turias. So she had known only by certainly iful sig dresses of , and ts were fringed ed richers, teness of tumes, as t in t, being still more accentuated by thy faces and long black ed by ty ricate figures of the dance, and by te grace of tures, and stately bows, and wheir great plumed s to ta, sheir reverence esy, and made a vo she would send a large wax candle to turn for the pleasure t she had given her. A troop of ians - as termed in those days - to tting down cross-legs, in a circle, began to play softly upon their bodies to tune, and beloh, a low dreamy air. sig errified, for only a few weeks before ribe - place at Seville, but tty Infanta chem as she leaned back peeping over blue eyes, and t sure t one so lovely as so anybody. So tly and just touche zited nails, and to nod as th a cry so shrill t all tartled and Don Pedros ched at te pommel of to t and ambourines, and cing some range guttural language. t anoto the ground and lay te still, trumming of thers being t broke ter t they had done times, t and came back leading a brown sheir stle Barbary apes. tood upon his head most gravity, and the wizened apes played all kinds of amusing tricks ers, and fouginy s through a regular soldiers drill just like the Kings own bodyguard. In fact t success. But t part of tertainment, was undoubtedly ttle Do the arena, waddling on his crooked legs and wagging his huge misso side, t off into a loud s of deliga the Camerera o remind althere were many precedents in Spain for a Kings daughter weeping before her equals, the blood royal making so merry before the Dwarf, e irresistible, and even at the Spanish Court, aled for its cultivated passion for the horrible, so fantastic a little monster was appearance, too. he day before, running , by the nobles who happened to ing in a remote part of t cork- surrounded tohe Palace as a surprise for ta; her, who was a poor charcoal- burner, being but too o get rid of so ugly and useless a c amusing t him was his complete unconsciousness of esque appearance. Indeed e spirits. he children laughed, he laughed as freely and as joyously as any of t t of bo t as if he was really one of t a little miss Nature, in some o mock at. As for ta, sely fascinated keep his eyes off o dance for the close of t ladies of t ts to Caffarelli, the famous Italian treble, w from o Madrid t cure tness of ook out of iful we rose, and partly for a jest and partly to tease t to him across test smile, ook tter quite seriously, and pressing to his rough coarse lips , and sank on one knee before her, grinning from ear to ear, and tle bright eyes sparkling h pleasure. t ty of ta t s on laughing long after ttle Dhe arena, and expressed a desire to tely repeated. t too , decided t it ter t her highness should return delay to t had been already prepared for h ials in painted sugar and a lovely silver flag op. ta accordingly rose up y, and ttle dwarf o dance again for er ta, and conveyed o t of tierra-Nueva for his charming reception, s back to ments, the children following in tered. Nole Dime before ta, and by her own express command, he was so proud t into te rose in an absurd ecstasy of pleasure, and making t uncouth and clumsy gestures of delight. te indignant at o intrude into tiful hey saw him capering up and down the walks, and waving his arms above his head in such a ridiculous manner, t restrain their feelings any longer. oo ugly to be alloo play in any place where ulips. o sleep for a thousand years, said t scarlet Lilies, and te and angry. us. ed and stumpy, and ely out of proportion h his legs. Really he makes me feel prickly all over, and if he comes near me I ing horns. And ually got one of my best blooms, exclaimed the e Rose-tree. I gave it to ta this morning myself, as a birt, and olen it from her. And she called out: t top of her voice. Even t usually give themselves airs, and o many poor relations themselves, curled up in disgust ws meekly remarked t tainly extremely plain, still he could not , torted ice t t there was no reason why one should admire a person because he was incurable; and, indeed, some of ts t t ttle D ostentatious, and t he would have shown much better taste if least pensive, instead of jumping about merrily, and to sucesque and silly attitudes. As for tremely remarkable individual, and old time of day to no less a person the Emperor Caken aback by ttle D forgot to mark two wes o the great milk-we Peacock, whe balustrade, t every one kne the children of Kings were Kings, and t the children of charcoal-burners were charcoal- burners, and t it o pretend t it so; a statement irely agreed, and indeed screamed out, Certainly, certainly, in such a loud, harsh voice, t the cool splashing fountain put t of ter, and asked tone tritons ter. But someen in the forest, dancing about like an elf after the eddying leaves, or croucree, ss mind . hy, even tingale ly in the orange groves at nig sometimes to listen, was not muco look at after all; and, besides, o t terribly bitter er, where were no berries on trees, and the es of ty to look for food, ten t hem crumbs out of tle h tever poor breakfast he had. So t touch ttered to eache little D he beautiful elling t ta herself had given it to him because she loved him. t understand a single word of w t made no matter, for t their heads on one side, and looked anding a thing, and very much easier. took an immense fancy to him, and when he grew tired of running about and flung o rest, tried to amuse he best be as beautiful as a lizard, t oo muco expect. And, t sounds absurd to say so, so ugly after all, provided, of course, t one ss ones eyes, and does not look at remely pure, and often sat togethere was noto do, or o go out. t their behaviour, and at t only shey said, t rus ay exactly in the same place, as we do. No one ever saw us he walks, or galloping madly ter dragon-flies. change of air, o another bed. t s birds and lizards have no sense of repose, and indeed birds even a permanent address. ts like the gipsies, and should be treated in exactly t their noses in ty, and e delighted when after some time ttle Dhe grass, and make errace to the palace. ainly be kept indoors for t of ural life, t his hunched back, and his crooked legs, and to titter. But ttle Dhe birds and t t the most marvellous t of course the Infanta, but tiful we rose, and s made a great difference. how he wished t him on her rig her side, but aught her all kinds of deligricks. For though he had never been in a palace before, many hings. he could make little cages out of ruso sing in, and fased bamboo into t Pan loves to arlings from tree-top, or trail of every animal, and could track ts delicate footprints, and trampled leaves. All the wild- dances umn, the lige snoer, and the orchards in spring. ts, and once w birds, up t a little dovecot for them in t of a pollard elm. te tame, and used to feed out of he rabbits t scurried about in th teely feat could curl to prickly balls, and t ortoises t cra, s the young leaves. Yes, s certainly come to t and play tle bed, and ch outside till dao see t ttle did not oo near t. And at da tters and wake hey would go out and dance toget a bit lonely in t. Sometimes a Bishrough on his of a painted book. Sometimes in their green velvet caps, and tanned deerskin, the falconers passed by, s. At vintage-time came treaders, , h glossy ivy and carrying dripping skins of wine; and t round t night, cing cnuts in t of their caves and made merry oo, iful procession y road to toledo. the monks in front singing sly, and carrying bright banners and crosses of gold, and tchlocks and pikes, came t hree barefooted men, in strange yelloed all over h wonderful figures, and carrying ligheir hands. Certainly t deal to look at in t, and when sired bank of moss for her, or carry rong, t he was not tall. e as pretty as te berries t she wore on her dress, and hem away, and hers. he would bring her acorn-cups and deo be stars in the pale gold of her hair. But made him no anshe sters been closed, ains had been drawn across to keep out the glare. he wandered all round looking for some place t gain an entrance, and at last sigtle private door t was lying open. he slipped through, and found himself in a splendid hall, far more splendid, , there was so much more gilding everyw coloured stones, fitted togeto a sort of geometrical pattern. But ttle Infanta te statues t looked doh sad blank eyes and strangely smiling lips. At tain of black velvet, poars, te devices, and broidered on t. Perhaps she was hiding be? ry at any rate. So ole quietly across, and dre aside. No; there was only anottier room, , the one he left. th a many-figured green arras of needle-ry representing a , the work of some Flemisists s composition. It he chamber of JEAN LE FOU, as he mad King w en tried in o mount the huge rearing o drag doag on w hounds were leaping, sounding ing abbing t he council-room, and on tre table folios of ters, stamped ulips of Spain, and he arms and emblems of the house of hapsburg. ttle Dwarf looked in wonder all round him, and was half- afraid to go on. trange silent galloped so sly t making any noise, seemed to errible poms of whe charcoal- burners speaking - t only at night, and if t a man, turn o a he t of tty Infanta, and took courage. ed to find o tell oo loved her. Perhaps she was in the room beyond. Mooriss, and opened the door. No! S e empty. It ion of foreign ambassadors, en, consented to give the same room in which, many years before, envoys o make arrangements for the Cat son. the Cordovan leat chandelier s he black and canopy of gold cloth, on ile were broidered in seed pearls, stood tself, covered h a rich pall of black velvet studded ulips and elaborately fringed h silver and pearls. On tep of the kneeling-stool of ta, s cush of silver tissue, and belo again, and beyond t of the canopy, stood t to be seated in the occasion of any public ceremonial, and s tangled scarlet tassels, lay on a purple tABOUREt in front. On the wall, facing trait of Cing dress, mastiff by ure of Philip II. receiving tre of tood a black ebony cabinet, inlaid es of ivory, on whe figures from holbeins Dance of Deat famous master himself. But ttle Dhis magnificence. he he canopy, nor one al of self. ed o see ta before s doo to ask o come ah him when he had finished his dance. in t t h wandering hands of gold moved tremulous leaves aside. too, in the forest, not so splendid, per more sly scented for all t; flooded he cool glens, and grassy knolls; yello nestled in little clumps round the gnarled roots of trees; bright celandine, and blue speedwell, and irises lilac and gold. tkins on the hazels, and t of ted cells. tnut s spires of ars, and the s pallid moons of beauty. Yes: surely she would come if o the fair forest, and all day long . A smile lit up t, and o t room. Of all test and t beautiful. tterned ted y blossoms of silver; ture ooned hs, and swinging Cupids; in front of tood great screens broidered s and peacocks, and the floor, which was of sea-green onyx, seemed to stretco tance. Nor the extreme end of ttle figure ching him. his trembled, a cry of joy broke from into t. As also, and he sa plainly. ta! It er, t grotesque monster he had ever be properly s h huge lolling head and mane of black tle Der frowned also. laugs o its sides, just as a mocking bow, and it returned to, and it came to meet ep t opping when opped ed , and ran forward, and reac er touched his, and it was as cold as ice. he grew afraid, and moved his hand across, and ters quickly. ried to press on, but sometopped he face of ter o error. imitated ruck at it, and it returned blo made retreated. is it? for a moment, and looked round at t of t range, but everyto s double in ter. Yes, picture for picture ed, and couc lay in ts t slumbered, and t stood in t o a Venus as lovely as herself. as it Eco he valley, and she had answered he eye, as she mocked t like the real world? Could t? Could it be t - ? arted, and taking from tiful we rose, he turned round, and kissed it. ter s own, petal for petal t kissed it h like kisses, and pressed it to its ures. ruth dawned upon him, he gave a wild cry of despair, and fell sobbing to t was he who was misshapen and o look at and grotesque. he monster, and it all the children had been laughing, and ttle Princess w loved oo had been merely mocking at his ugliness, and making merry over his ted limbs. left , where to tell hsome he was? hy had his fat killed o tears poured doe rose to pieces. ter did ttered t petals in t grovelled on t it, it c a he s, and covered h his hands. he crawled, like some o there moaning. And at t moment ta h her companions ttle dwarf lying on ting th his clenched hands, in t fantastic and exaggerated manner, t off into ss of er, and stood all round ched him. a; but ing is funnier still. Indeed as good as ts, only of course not quite so natural. And stered her big fan, and applauded. But ttle Dwarf never looked up, and er and fainter, and suddenly ched his side. And te still. t is capital, said ta, after a pause; but now you must dance for me. Yes, cried all t get up and dance, for you are as clever as t ttle Dwarf made no answer. And ta stamped , and called out to her uncle, who errace he Chamberlain, reading some despatc arrived from Mexico, whe holy Office ly been establistle dwarf is sulking, s wake ell o dance for me. t eacered in, and Don Pedro stooped doh his embroidered glove. You must dance, It MONSIRE. You must dance. ta of Spain and to be amused. But ttle Dwarf never moved. A wer s for, said Don Pedro wearily, and back to terrace. But the Chamberlain looked grave, and beside ttle d . And after a fes he shrugged his shoulders, and rose up, and o ta, he said - MI BELLA PRINCESA, your funny little dwarf will never dance again. It is a pity, for he King smile. But a, laughing. Because is broken, anshe Chamberlain. And ta frowned, and y rose-leaf lips curled in pretty disdain. For ture let to play h me s, s into the garden. 渔夫和他的灵魂2 看门人从门洞中朝外面望去,等他看清了来人后,便拉下门臼,并对来人说:“请进。” 年轻的渔夫走了进来,他跪在地板上散发着芳香的灯心草垫上,向正在读圣经的神父大 声说:“神父,我爱上了一位美人鱼,而我的灵魂阻碍着我,使我不能实现自己的愿望。请 告诉我,我怎样才能把灵魂从我身上送走,因为我真是用不着它了。我的灵魂对我还有什么 用处?我看不见它,也摸不着它,我又不了解它。” 神父却捶打着自己的胸膛说:“唉呀,唉呀,你是疯了吗?你是吃了什么毒草了吧?因 为灵魂是人最高贵的部分,是上帝赐给我们的,我们应该用得高贵才对。世上没有比人的灵 魂更珍贵的东西了,地上的任何东西都不能与它相比。它的价值比得上世上所有的金子,而 且比国王们的红宝石要值钱得多。所以,我的孩子,不要再想此事了,因为这是一桩不可饶 恕的罪过。至于美人鱼家族,他们已经迷失了,而且谁要是与他们在一块儿,也会迷失的。 他们就同地上那些不分善与恶的野兽一样,基督不是为他们而死去的。” 听完神父这番严厉的忠言之后,年轻渔夫的双眼赖满了泪水。他站起身来,对神父说 道:“神父,牧神们住在森林中,他们都很快活,雄美人鱼坐在岩石上弹着他们金红色的竖 琴。让我跟他们为伍吧,我求您了,因为他们过着跟花儿一样的日子。至于我的灵魂,如果 它会在我和我所爱的东西之间形成障碍的话,那么我的灵魂对我会有什么好处呢?” “肉体的爱是邪恶的,”神父皱着眉头大声说道,“上帝漫步于他创造的世界所遇到的 使他不快的异教东西,都是邪恶的。林中的牧神们应该受到诅咒,海洋中的歌唱者们也该受 到诅咒!我在夜晚还听到过她们的歌声,她们要引诱我离开我的讲经课。她们敲我的,窗 户,大声笑着。她们往我的耳朵里轻声地讲述那些有毒的欢乐的故事。她们以种种诱惑来引 诱我,我在祷告的时候,她们就来戏弄我。她们是没救的了。因为她们心中既没有天堂,也 没有地狱,她们更不会赞美上帝的名字,, “神父,”年轻的渔夫大叫着说,“你不知道你自己在说什么。有一次我用鱼网捕捉了 国王的女儿。她比晨星还要美丽,比明月还要洁白。为了她的肉体,我愿意交出我的灵魂; 为了她的爱,我宁愿不要天堂。请告诉我求你的事吧,让我平静地离开吧。” “去吧!去吧!”神父叫喊起来,“你的情人是无可救药了,你也会跟她一起垮掉 的。”神父没有给他说祝福的话就把他赶出了门。年轻的渔夫来到了市场上,他走得很慢, 低着头,一副愁眉苦脸的样子。 商人们见他走来,他们便相互低语起来,他们中的一个人朝他走来,叫着他的名字,对 他说:“你要卖什么东西?” “我要把我的灵魂卖给你们,”他回答说:“我恳求你把它从我身上买去吧,因为我已 经讨厌它了。我的灵魂对我有什么用处呢?我看不见它,也摸不着它,我更不了解它。” 可是商人们开始嘲笑他,他们说:“人的灵魂对我们又有什么用呢?它连半个破银币也 不值。把你的身体卖给我们当奴隶吧,我们会为你穿上蓝紫色的衣服,在你的手指上戴一个 戒指,让你去给伟大的女王当小丑。但是不要再说什么灵魂了,因为它对我们无用,而且对 我们的工作也毫无价值。” 年轻的渔夫对自己说:“这事有多么奇怪呀!神父对我说灵魂的价值比得上全世界的黄 金,而商人们却说连半个破银币都不值。” 于是他离开了市场,走到海边,开始思考他该怎么办才好。 正午时分,他想起了自己的一位伙伴,那是个采集伞形草的人,曾经对他讲过,有这么 一位年轻的女巫,住在海湾入口处的一个洞穴中,她的巫术是如何如何的了不起。于是他便 跑步出发了,他迫不及待地要把自己的灵魂给弄掉。他在海滩上狂奔着,身后扬起一股尘 雾。年轻的女巫凭着自己的手掌发痒而知道了他的到来,她笑了起来,并把自己的一头红发 散开了。她站在敞开的洞口处,一头红发披落下来,包裹着她的脸,在她的手中拿着一枝开 放着的野毒芹。 “你缺少的是什么?你缺少的是什么?”她大声问道,此时他正气喘吁吁迈上悬崖,俯 身向她行礼。“在风向不利的时候,让鱼儿进入到你的网中吗?我有一根小芦苇,只要我吹 起它,鲤鱼便会游到海湾里来。不过这是有代价的,漂亮的孩子,这是有代价的。你缺少什 么?你缺少什么呢?要一场风暴把船刮翻,以便把满载珍宝的箱子吹到岸上来吗?我的风暴 超过了狂风,因为我所服侍的人比狂风更强大,用一个筛子和一桶水我就可以把大船送到海 底下去。不过这是有代价的,漂亮的孩子,这是有代价的。你缺少什么?你缺少什么呢?我 知道一种生长在山谷中的花,除了我无人知道这种花。它有紫色的叶子,花心上长着一颗 星,它的汁像牛奶一样白。只要你用花去碰一下王后的紧闭着的嘴唇,她就会跟着你走到天 涯海角。她会从国王的床榻上起来,跟着你走遍世界务地。不过这是有代价的,漂亮的孩 子,这是有代价的。你缺少的是什么?你缺少的是什么呢?我能够在碾钵中捣蟾蜍,并把捣 好的东西做成稀羹,还用一只死人的手去搅拌它。把羹洒在你仇人的身上,在他入睡的时 候,他就会变成一条黑色的毒蛇,他的母亲也会把它给杀死的。用一只轮子我就能把月亮从 天上给拉下来,我还可以让你在水晶球里看见死亡。你缺少什么?你还缺少什么呢?不过你 要回报我的,漂亮的孩子,你可要回报我的。” “我所想要的只不过是件小事,”年轻的渔夫说,“然而神父却为此跟我生了气,把我 给轰了出来。这只是件小事,商人们也拿我开玩笑,拒我于千里之外。所以我才来这儿找 你,虽然人们都说你邪恶,但是不论你的开价是多少,我都会付给你的。” “你到底要什么呢?”女巫走到他面前,开口问道。 “我要把我的灵魂送掉,”年轻的渔夫回答道。 女巫的脸色变得苍白,并发起抖来,还把她的脸藏在蓝色的大履里。“漂亮的孩子,漂 亮的孩子,”她喃喃地说,“那可是一件可怕的事情。” 他摇摇自己那头棕色的惩发,笑了起来。“我的灵魂对我已毫无用处,”他回答说, “我既不能看见它,也不能摸到它,更不能了解它”。 “如果我告诉了你,你会给我什么呢?”站在高处的女巫用美丽的眼睛望着他,一边问 道。 “五个金币吧,”他说,“还有我的鱼网,我住的柳条编造的屋子,和我驾驶的涂着色 彩的船。你只需告诉我如何去掉我的灵魂,我就会把我拥有的一切都送给你。” 她嘲弄他笑了起来,并用那枝毒芹草抽打着他。“我可以把秋天的树叶变成黄金,”她 回答说,“我还可以把惨淡的月色编织成我喜欢的银子。我服侍的人比世界上的所有的国王 都更富有,并占有与他们一样大的王国。” “那么我要给你什么东西呢?”他大声叫喊着,“如果你的代价既不是黄金又不是银子 的话。” 女巫用她那纤细的白手抚了抚他的头发。“你得陪我跳舞,漂亮的孩子,”她轻轻地说 着,还微笑着看着他。 “就只要这个吗?”年轻的渔夫吃惊地问着,并站起了身。 “就只有这个,”她一边说,一边微笑着望着他。 “那么等太阳下山后,我们就去一个秘密的地方去跳舞,”他说,“舞跳完后你就得告 诉我我想知道的事情。” 女巫摇摇头。“到了月圆的时候,等到月圆的时候,”她轻声地说。接着她朝四下望了 望,并侧耳所了听。一只蓝鸟尖叫着从巢窝中飞了起来,在沙丘上绕着圈子,三只有斑点的 小鸟跳跃着窜过灰色的杂草,还相互打着口哨。此外还有下面波浪冲洗光滑的卵石的声音。 于是她伸出双手,把他拉到她自己的身边,把干嘴唇靠近他的耳朵。 “今天晚上你一定要到山顶上来,”她轻声地说,“今天是安息日,‘他’会到这儿来 的。” 年轻的渔夫吃惊地望着她,望着她那露出白色牙齿的笑脸。“你说的那个‘他,是什么 人?”他开口问道。 “这倒无关紧要,”她回答说,“今晚你得来,站在鹅耳枥树的枝叶下面,等着我来。 如果有一条黑狗朝你跑来,你就用一根柳条去抽打它,它就会走开的。如果有只猫头鹰对你 说话,你可不要回答它。等月亮圆了的时候,我就会来到你的身边,我们便在草地上一起跳 舞。” “不过你愿对我保证你会告诉我如何把我的灵魂送走吗?”他这样间道。 她来到了阳光底下,风轻轻地吹动着她那一头红发。“我以山羊的蹄子发誓,”她回答 说。 “你是女巫中最好的,”年轻的渔夫大声说,“我今天晚上一定到山顶上跟你一起跳 舞。其实,我更愿意你向我要黄金或白银,不过你既然需要这样的代价,且是件心事而已, 那么你就会如愿以偿的。”说完他脱帽向她行礼,深深地鞠了一个躬,满心欢喜地跑回到城 里去了。 女巫远远地看着他离去,等他的身影消失以后她才回到了自己的洞中,并从刻花的杉木 匣子里面取出一面镜子,把它放在一个架子上面,还在架子前面烧得发亮的木炭上燃起马鞭 草来,以便透过烟圈来观察镜子。“他本应该是我的,”她喃喃地说着,一边气呼呼地捏紧 拳头,“我跟她一样漂亮。” 那天晚上,月亮升起来以后,年轻的渔夫便爬到了山顶上,站在鹅耳枥树的枝叶下面。 在他脚底下横躺着环形海面,像一面磨光的金属的圆靶,渔船的影子在小海湾中晃动着。长 着一双黄色硫磺般眼睛的一只大猫头鹰,叫起了他的名字,但是他没有理睬。一条黑狗朝他 跑来,对他汪汪地叫着。他用一根柳条向它打去,狗儿哀叫着跑开了。 午夜时分女巫们像蝙蝠似的从空中飞来了。还没等她们脚跟在地上站稳,她们就叫了起 来:“呸!这儿有一个我们不认识的人!”她们用鼻子到处嗅着,相互说着话,还做出暗 号。最后赶来的是那位年轻的女巫,她的满头红发在风中飘舞着。她身着一件上面绣满孔雀 眼睛的金线绒衣裳,一顶绿色的天鹅绒小帽戴在她的头上。 “他在什么地方?他在什么地方?”女巫们一看见她就尖声叫着问道,然而她却只是笑 了笑,跑到鹅耳枥树下面,牵着年轻渔夫的手,把他领到月光底下,开始跳起舞来。 他们转了一圈又一圈,年轻的女巫跳得老高老高的,他都可以看清楚她那深红色的鞋 跟。这时一阵马匹奔驰的蹄声冲着舞蹈者们传了过去,可是并不见马的影子,他便觉得好害 怕。 “再快一点,”女巫大声说,她伸出胳膊挽着他的脖子,她的气息热乎乎地扑在他的脸 上。“快点,再快点!”她大声叫道,他觉得脚下的地面仿佛都旋转了起来,他感到好难 受,一股巨大的恐惧袭上身来,似乎有什么邪恶的东西在注视着他,最后他注意到了在岩石 的阴影处有一个人,那是先前他不曾见过的人。 那是一个男人,身穿一套黑色的天鹅绒服装,是按西班牙式的武葱方式。他的脸有一种 古怪的苍白色,可是他的嘴唇却似是一朵饼傲的玫瑰花。他看上去好疲倦的样子,他朝后靠 着身子,有气无力地抚弄着短剑的剑柄。在他身边的草地上放着一顶羽毛帽,还有一双镶着 金边的骑马戴的手套,上面绣着设计非常新奇的珍珠饰品。他的肩膀上挂着一件黑瓶皮衬里 的短外套,他那双纤巧的雪白声手上戴满了戒指。沉重的眼皮垂蓝在他的眼睛上。 年轻的渔夫望着他,仿佛是中了什么魔法似的。最后两人的眼睛相遇了,不论他跳舞跳 到什么地方,他都似乎感觉到那人的一双眼睛一直注视着自己。他听见年轻的女巫笑了,于 是便搂住了她的腰身,带着她疯狂地转起了圈来。 突然,一条狗在林子中叫了起来,跳舞的人都停住了,一对一对的舞伴走了过去,跪下 身去,吻着那个男人的手。在人们这样做声时候,一丝微笑桂在了他骄傲的嘴唇上,就像是 只小鸟用翅膀挨着了水面,让水挂上笑容一样。不过他的笑容中带着轻视的意味,也仍然一 个劲地望着年轻的渔夫。 “来呀!我俩去拜见他,”女巫耳语道,并把他拉了过去,一股强行的欲望促使他想要 去做她求他去做的事情,他就随着她去了。可在走近他的时候,不知道是为什么的缘故,他 在自己的胸前划起了十字,并呼唤着圣名。 他刚刚做完了此事,女巫们便都像老鹰似地尖叫起来,且飞走了,而那张一直望着他的 苍白的脸也因痛苦而扭曲了起来。那个人朝小树林中走去,吹起了口哨。一匹戴着银制辔头 的小马跑过来接他。他跨上马鞍时,转过头来,悲伤地望了望年轻的渔夫。 有着一头红发的女巫也想飞走,可是渔夫却抓住了她的手腕,紧紧地捏住不放。 “放开我,”她大声叫着说,“让我去吧。因为你叫出了不应该叫的名字,并做出了我 们不应该看到的记号。” “不,”他回答说,“除非你把秘密告诉我,否则我是不会放你去的。” “什么秘密?”女巫说,并像一头野猫似的挣扎着,还紧咬着她那冒泡沫的嘴唇。 “你知道的,”他回答说。 她那双草绿色的眼睛被泪水冲暗了,她对渔夫说:“你向我提什么都可以,除了这个以 外。” 他笑了,并把她的手抓得更紧了。 她看见自己是跑不掉了,于是便悄声对他说:“其实,我跟大海的女儿一样美丽,也与 那些住在碧蓝海水中的少女们一样可爱。”她一边向他讨好,一边把脸朝他的脸挨过去。 但是他皱着眉头把她推开了,并对她说:“如果你不能做到向我允诺的事情,那么我就 要把你当作假女巫来杀死。” 她的脸一下子就变成了灰色,像洋苏木的鲜花一样,并颤抖起来。“既然如此,”她喃 喃地说,“这是你的灵魂,不是我的。就照你说的那样去做吧。”说完从腰带上取出一把有 着绿色蛇皮刀柄的小刀来,并交给了他。 “这个东西对我会有什么用处呢?”他不解地问他。 她沉默地停顿了一会儿,恐惧的表情袭上了她的脸。随后她把垂在前额的头发向后抹 去,古怪地笑着对他说:“人们所说的人体的影子其实并不是身体的影子,而是灵魂的影 子。你背对着月亮站在海滩上,然后把你双脚周围的影子用刀切开,那就是你灵魂的身体, 叫你的灵魂离开你,它就会按你的话去做的。 年轻的渔夫打起了抖来。“这是真的吗?”他低声问。 “这是真的,我倒希望我没有告诉过你这件事,”她大声说,并抱住他的双膝哭了起来。 他把她推开,把她留在繁茂的草丛中,他走到山顶边,把小刀插进他的腰带里,开始下 山去。 他的灵魂在他的体内呼唤着他,对他说:“喂!我和你一同生活了这么些年,一直是你 的仆人。请不要让我离开你,难道我对你做了什么坏事吗?” 年轻的渔夫笑了。“你没有做什么对不起我的事,只是我不再需要你了,”他回答说, “世界宽阔无比,有天堂,也有地狱,以及位于这两者之间的那些阴森森的房子。去你喜欢 去的地方吧!不要再打搅我了,因为我的爱人在召唤我。” 他的灵魂在苦苦地恳求着他,但是他并不理睬它,而只是从一个岩石跳到另一个岩石, 脚步快得似一头野山羊那样,最后他跑到了一块平地上,来到了蜜色的海滩上。, 他站在海滩上,背对着月亮,他青铜色的四肢和结实的肌肉,看上去像一座希腊人完成 的雕像一洋,从海水的泡沫中伸出好多白色的胳膊在召唤着他,从波浪中升出一些朦胧的身 影在向他行礼,在他的面前横躺着他的影子,那就是他灵魂的身体,在他的身后蜜色的天空 中悬挂着一轮明月。 这时他的灵魂对他说:“如果你真要赶我走的话,你就得先送一颗心给我才行。世界是 残酷的,让你的那颗心跟我为伍一起走吧。” 他摇了摇头笑了。“如果我把我的心给了你,那么我拿什么去爱我的爱人呢?”他高声 喊道。 “不,就发发慈悲吧,”他的灵魂说,“把你的心给我,因为这个世界太残酷了,我有 些害怕。” “我的心是属于我的爱人的,”他回答说,“所以不要耽误时间了,你就快点离开这儿 吧。” “难道我就不应该爱吗?”他的灵魂问道。 “你走吧,因为我不需要你了。”年轻的渔夫吼叫着,他抽出那把绿色蛇皮刀柄的小刀 来,在他的双脚四周把他的身影切开去,影子立起了身子就站在他的面前,望着他,那样子 简直跟他本人没有区别。 他朝后退缩着,把小刀插进自己的腰带中,一种莫名的恐惧袭上身来。“快走吧,”他 喃喃地说,“不要让我再看见你的脸。” “不,我们一定会再见面的,”灵魂说,它的声音很低,好像笛子的声音,它说话的时 候连嘴唇都没有动一下。 “我们怎么会再见面呢?”年轻的渔夫大声说,“你不会也跟我到海洋深处去的吧?” “我每年都来这儿一次,来呼唤你,”灵魂说,“也许你会有需要我的时候。” “我还需要你来做什么呢?”年轻的渔夫高声喊道,“不过随你的便吧。”说完他就一 头扎进海水中去了,那些半人半鱼的海神们吹响了他们的号角,小美人鱼们也都纷纷游上来 去迎接他,并伸出她们的手臂搂着他的脖子,还吻他的嘴。 这时灵魂却孤伶伶地站在海滩上,望着他们。等他们沉入到海水中去以后,它便哭泣着 穿过沼泽地走了。 过了一年时候,灵魂又回到了海滩上,呼唤着年轻的渔夫,他从海底下浮了上来,并对 它说:“你为什么要唤我呢?” 灵魂回答说:“走近一点,我好与你说话,因为我看见了好多奇妙的东西。” 于是他走近了一点,还蹲在水里,用手托着自己的头,聆听着。 灵魂对他说:“在我离开你的时候,我就转向东方去旅行了。一切来自东方的东西都是 很聪明的。我旅行了6天,在第7天的早晨,我来到了一座小山,它位于鞑靼人国家的土地 上。我坐在一棵柽柳的树荫下躲避太阳。土地干裂了,被炎热烤得发烫。人们在平原上来来 回回地走着,如同飞蝇在磨光的铜盘子上面爬来爬去似的。 “在正午的时候,从地平线上升起了一团红色沙尘的云雾来。等鞑靼人看见它时,他们 就张开了自己的画弓,并跳上他们的小马,朝着那个方向狂奔而去。女人们尖声叫看跑进大 车里,躺藏在毛帘子的后面。 “黄昏的时候鞑靼人回来了,只是他们当中少了五个人,而在回来的人中间也有不少人 受了伤。他们把马匹套在大车上,便匆匆地赶着大车上路了。三只胡狼从洞子中走出来,在 他们的身后注视着。然后它们用鼻子吸了几口空气,就朝相反的方向奔去了。 “等到月亮升起来以后,我看见平原上燃起了簿火,便朝那个方向跑去了。一群商人围 着火堆坐在地毯上。他们的骆驼拴在他们身后的桩上,那些做奴隶的黑人们正在沙地上搭好 硝皮帐篷,并用霸王树筑起了高高的围墙。” “我走近他们的时候,商人中的头人站与身来,抽出他的刀,问我是干什么的。 “我回答说我是我那个国家的王子,我是从鞑靼人那儿跑出来的,因为他们要抓我给他 们当奴隶。头人笑了,还指给我看了挂在长竹竿上的五个人头。 “随后他问我谁是上帝的先知,我告诉他是穆罕默德。 “听到假先知的名字后,他深深地鞠了一个躬,拉起了我的手,叫我坐在了他的身边。 一位黑奴用木制的碗盛了一些马奶给我送来,还有一块烤好的小羊肉。 “黎明时我们又上路了。我骑在一匹红毛骆驼的身上,跟在头人的旁边走着,一个跑腿 的人扛着一根长枪跑在我们的前边。当兵的人走在我们的两边,骡子驮着商品跟在后面。这 个商队有四十只骆驼,骡子的数量却有两个四十这么多。 “我们从鞑靼人的国土走到了诅咒月亮人的国境中。我们看见鹰头狮身的怪物在白色的 岩石上守卫着自己的黄金,有鳞甲的龙在它们的山洞中睡得正香。我们翻过群山的时候,连 大气都不敢出,生伯积雪会落下来压住我们的身体,每个人的眼睛前都绑了一块纱布。我们 穿越山谷的时候,小矮人们从大树的洞巢中朝我们射箭,夜晚的时候我们听见野人们在击鼓 作乐。我们爬过猴塔的时候,就放一些水果在猴子面前,它们就不会伤害我们。等我们来到 蛇塔的时候,我们便用铜碗盛些热牛奶给它们喝,蛇就让我们顺利地通过。旅途中我们有三 次来到奥克苏姆斯河的岸边。我们坐在扎着胀鼓鼓的棕色皮口袋的木筏上渡过河去,河马怒 气冲天地对着我们,像是要把我们通通吃掉似的。骆驼看见它们那样,也都不寒而栗起来。 “每一座城邦的郡主都向我们征收税金,但却不愿让我们进入他们的城门。他们从墙头 上给我们扔下面包,还有用精粉做的蜂蜜玉米糕,以及装满大枣的面饼,并用每一百个篮子 的食物换我们的一粒琥珀珠子。 “乡村里的居民们一看我们走近了,他们便在水井里放毒药,并逃到山顶上去。我们同 马格达人打了仗,他们生下来时就是老人,且一年比一年长得年轻,等他们长成小孩的时 候,就会死去了;我们还同拉克特罗伊人打过仗,他们声称自己是老虎的儿子,把自己涂成 黄黑两种颜色;我们也同奥兰特斯人打过仗,他们会把死者埋葬在树顶上,而自己却住在黑 暗的洞中,生怕他们的神即太阳会杀死他们;我们跟克里尼安人打了仗,他们崇拜的是鳄 鱼,给它戴上绿色的玻璃耳环,并用牛油和活鸡去喂养它;我们与阿加中拜打了仗,他们长 着狗一样的面孔;我们还同长着马脚的希班人打了仗,他们比马跑得更快。战斗中我们商队 有三分之一的人阵亡了,另外三分之一的人因饥饿而死去。剩下的人都低声地抱怨我,说是 我给他们带去了厄运。我从一块石头下面捉起一条有角的毒蛇,让它来咬我。他们看见我一 点中毒的样子都没有,便害怕起来。 “到了第四个月,我们来到了伊勒尔市,到达城墙外的小树林时已经是夜里了,空气十 分沉闷,因为月亮到天蝎宫去旅行了。我们从树上摘下成熟的石榴,切开来喝里面的甜汁, 然后我们躺在地毯上等待着天明。 “天刚亮我们就起来了,敲响了城门。城门是用红铜制成的,上面刻有海龙和长了翅膀 的飞龙。哨兵从城垛上往下张望着,并问我们是干什么的。商队的翻译告诉对方我们带着很 多商品从叙利亚岛而来。他们要了我们几个人作人质,并告诉我们到中午时才能打开城门, 吩咐我们耐心等待。 “中午时分,他们打开了城门。我们入城的时候,人们一群群地从屋里跑出来看我们, 一个召集人到城内各处用海螺通知人们我们的到来。我们站到了集市中,黑奴们打开花布包 裹,翻开雕花的枫木箱子。等他们做完了这些事之后,商人们便摆出了各种奇特的物品,有 来自埃及的蜡染麻布,有来自埃塞俄比亚的花布,有泰尔城的紫色海绵,有希顿的蓝色帷 帘,有冰冷的琥珀杯子,有玻璃精品和奇妙的陶器。一家房屋的顶部有一群女人在看着我 们。其中一人戴着一副镀金的皮革面具。 “头一天来与我们交易的是僧侣们,第二天来的是贵族,第三天来的是手艺人和奴隶 们。这是他们对待商人的习惯,只要商人们呆在城中的话。 “我们在这儿呆了一个月,等到月缺的时候,我已觉得好无聊,便到城里的大街上到处 去闲荡,并来到了本城神社的花园中。身着黄袍的僧侣们静悄悄地穿过绿树丛,在黑色大理 石铺就的道路上立着一座玫瑰色的寺院,里面供着他们的神。门是涂过金粉的,上面突出来 的是金饰的闪闪发亮的公牛和孔雀。房顶是海绿色瓷瓦铺成的,伸出的屋檐上挂着小铃铛。 每当白鸽飞过的时候,它们便用翅膀扑打铃铛,使铃锁叮叮当当地响起来。 “寺院的前面有一个用条纹玛瑙铺砌的净水池。我躺在池子旁边,用我苍白的手指抚摸 那些宽大的树叶。其中的一位僧侣朝我走来,站在我的身后。他脚上穿着草鞋,一只是软蛇 皮做的,另一只是用鸟的羽毛做的。他的头上戴着一顶黑毡的僧帽,帽上装饰着银制的新 月。他的袍子上编织着七道黄色条,他堰曲的头发上抹上了锑粉。 “过了一小会儿,他开口对我说话,问我想要什么。 “我告诉他我的要求就是想见到神。 “‘神去打猎了,’僧侣说着,并用他那对小小的斜眼睛奇怪地看着我。 “我回答说,‘告诉我他在哪一个树林,我要与他一块几骑马。 “他又用长长的指甲梳理着袍子边上软软的穗子。‘神在睡觉,’他喃喃地说。 “我又答道,‘告诉我是哪一张床,我要去看护他。’ “‘神在开宴会,’他大声说。 “我回答说,‘如果酒是甜的,我就要与他共饮,而如果酒是苦的,我也会与他一同饮 下去的。’ “他好奇地低下了头,并拉着我的手,把我曳了起来,领着我走进了寺院。 “在第一间房子里,我看见一座雕像坐在用东方大珍珠镶边的翠玉宝座上。这尊雕像是 用乌木刻成的,跟真人一样大。在它的额头上有一块红宝石,厚厚的油从它的头发上滴下 来,落到它的大腿上。它的双脚是用新宰的小羊羔的血染红的,腰间扎着一根铜带, “我对这位僧侣说,‘这就是神吗?’他回答我,‘这就是神,’ “‘快带我去见神,’我大声吼道,‘否则我一定要杀了你。’我还摸了一下他的手, 那只手一下子就枯萎了。 “僧侣恳求着我说,‘请我的主人医治他的仆人吧,我要带他去见神了。’ “于是我便吹了一口气在他的手上,他的手又长好了,他把我领进第二间房子,同时浑 身不住地颤抖着。在这里我看见一尊雕像立在用翡翠做成的莲花上面,莲花上面悬挂着好多 硕大的绿宝石。这雕像是用象牙雕刻而成的,身材有普通人的两倍那么大。它的前额上是一 块黄玉,它的胸部抹着没药和肉桂末,它一只手上拿着一根弯曲的翡翠玉杖,另一只手中握 着一块圆圆的水晶。脚上穿着黄铜的靴子,粗壮的脖子上套着一个石膏做的圈子。 “我对这位僧侣说,‘这就是神吗?’他回答说,‘这就是神。’ “‘带我去见神,’我大声吼道,‘否则我一定会杀了你的,’我还摸了一下他的眼 睛,他一下子就成了瞎子。 “僧侣恳求着我说,‘请我的主人医治他的仆人吧,我就要领他心见神了。’ “于是我吹了一口气在他的眼睛上,他马上又恢复了视力,而且他又浑身颤抖起来,并 带着我走进了第三间房子。啊!原来这儿没有雕像,也没有任何品种的雕像,只是有一面圆 圆的金属镜子,放在一个石头祭坛上。 “我对僧侣说,‘神在什么地方?’ “他回答说:‘这儿没有神,只有这面你看见的镜子,因为这是智慧之镜,它把天上和 地上的一切东西都反映了出来,但只是朝镜子中看的了的脸是反映不出来的,所以朝镜子中 看的人可能是聪明的。有很多其它的镜子,不过那些都是些意见之镜。只有这一面是智慧之 镜。那些拥有这面镜子的人们便知道世间的一切,没有什么事可以瞒过他们的,那些没有这 面镜子的人就没有智慧。所以,我们把它看成是神,我们也就崇拜它了。我于是便朝镜子里 看去,它竟然与他所讲的情况一模一样。 “我做了一件奇怪的事,不过我做的事算不了什么,因为我把智慧之镜给藏了起来,藏 在距这个地方一天行程的一个山谷里面。我只恳求你让我再进入到你的体内,做你的仆人 吧,这样你就会比所有聪明的人都要聪明,智慧也就属于你了。就请让我进入到你的身体中 去吧,那么世上就不会有比你更聪明的人了。” 然而年轻的渔夫却笑了。“爱情比智慧更好,”他大声叫道、“而且小美人鱼爱我。” “不,没有什么东西比智慧更好的了,”灵魂说。“还是爱更好,”年轻的渔夫回答 说,说完便沉入到海底下去了,灵魂又哭泣着穿过沼泽地走了。 第二个年头过去了,灵魂又一次来到了海滩上,呼唤着年轻的渔夫,他便从水中冒出来 开口问道:“你为什么唤我呢?” 灵魂回答说:“走近一点,我好对你讲话,因为我看见好多奇妙的东西。” 于是他步近了一些,并蹲在浅水里,用手托着自己的头.聆听着。 灵魂对他说:“我离开你以后,我就转身向南去旅行了。一切来自南方的东西都是珍贵 的。我沿着公路朝着爱西特市走了整整6天,那是一条连香客们都不愿走的红色尘土飞扬的 公路,到了第7天,我抬头望去,啊!城市就横躺在我的脚下,因为它就位于山谷里。 “入城的大门有九个之多,每一个城门前都做立着一匹青铜马,每当伯都因人从山上下 来的时候,九匹马便齐声长啸。城墙上都裹着铜皮,哨塔的屋顶也是用黄铜做成的。每一个 塔弹都站着一位手握弓箭的射手。日出的时候他用一支箭敲响铜锣;日落的时候,他就会吹 响号角。 “我正准备进城时,守卫拦住了我,问我是什么人。我回答说我是回教徒,正要赶到麦 加城去,那儿有一幅绿色的帐幔,上面有天使们用银字绣出的《可兰经》。我的话使他们充 满了好奇,就让我进去了。 “城里面简直就是一个大集市。你真该跟我一块去的。在那些狭窄的街道上无数只精彩 的纸灯笼像大彩蝶似的在翩翩起舞。风吹过屋顶的时候,这些灯笼一起一浮的,好像一些多 彩的肥皂泡。商人们都坐在自己货摊前的丝毯上面。他们长着直挺挺的黑胡须,他们头帕上 饰满了金币,长串的琥珀和雕花桃核在他们凉冰冰的手指上滑动着。他们中有的卖枫脂香和 甘松油,也有的出售来自印度海各岛屿的奇妙香水,还有浓重的红玫瑰油,以及没药和小钉 子形状的丁香。一旦有人走上去与他们说话,他们便一把一把地将乳香投入炭火盆中,使空 气一下子香味袭人。我看见一个叙利亚人手里握着一根芦苇似的细棍棒,缕缕灰烟从棒子上 升起,棒燃着的时候发出的气味与春天中粉色扁桃花的气味是一样的。另一些人在出售一些 上面嵌满了乳蓝色土耳其宝石的银手铜和用铜丝串起小珍珠制成的脚环,以及金制的老虎 爪,镀金猫的脚爪,豹子也配上了金制的座架,还有穿了眼的绿宝石耳环,以及中间是空的 那种翡翠戒指。从茶馆里传来了吉他的音乐声,那些抽鸦片烟的人带着他们苍白的笑容望着 行人。 “说真的你应该跟我一起去的。卖酒的人肩上扛着黑色的大皮包,用后部在人群中挤出 一条通道。他们中的大部分人都卖一种叫西拉兹的酒,它就跟蜜糖一样甜。他们用金属小杯 子装上酒出售,并把玫瑰花瓣撒在上面。在市场上站着卖水果的人,他们出售各种水果,有 熟透的无花果,带着受伤的紫色鲜肉,还有如同膨香味一样的甜瓜,那颜色像黄玉一样的 黄,以及香橼、番石榴和一粒一粒的白葡萄,圆圆的金红色桔子和椭圆形的金绿色柠檬,有 一次我看见一头大象走过。它的身上涂着银朱和姜黄,它的耳朵上网着一个朱红丝做的网 子。它来到对面的一个货摊前站住了,吃起桔子来,那个卖水果的人只是笑了笑。你想不到 他们是多么奇怪的一个民族。他们只要高兴的话就会到卖鸟人那儿去买一只关着一只小鸟的 笼子,并把笼子打开让鸟飞走,这样他们会更加开心,等到他们伤心的时候,他们便用荆棘 抽打他们自己,以使他们的忧愁越来越大。 “一天夜里,我遇见了一些黑奴抬着一个沉甸甸的轿于从集市中走过。轿子是用镀金的 竹片做成的,轿杆是朱红色的,还有黄铜做的孔雀装饰。轿窗上挂着薄薄的纱幔,上面绣着 甲虫的翅膀和小粒珍珠。轿子走过的时候一个脸色苍白的塞加西亚人从轿里往外望着,笑着 注视我。我跟在它后面,黑奴们加快了步伐并皱紧眉头。不过我一点也不在意,我觉得有一 股好奇心在驱使着我。 “最后他们在一栋四方形的白房子前停了下来。房子没有窗户,只有一个像墓门一样的 小门。他们放下轿子,用一个铜锤连敲了三下门。一个身穿绿色皮长袍的亚美尼亚人从门洞 里朝外张望着,等他看见我们后就打开了门,还铺了一张地毯在地上,轿中的女人走了出 来。在她进屋的时候,她又转过头来,再一次望着我笑了。我还从未见过像她这么苍白的人。 “月亮升起的时候,我又回到了那个地方去寻找那所房子,可是就是找不着。看到这种 情况,我便知道那女人是谁了,而且她为什么要对我笑了。 “你真该跟我一起去的。在新月节那天,年轻的皇帝从他的宫中走出来,到庙里去祈 祷。他的头发和胡须都用玫瑰花瓣给染红了,他的脸颊上抹了一层细细的金粉,他的手掌和 脚心都用着红花染成了黄色。 “太阳升起的时候他身着银袍从宫中走了出来,日落的时候他又穿着金袍回到宫中。人 们都趴在地上把脸藏起来,可我不会那样做。我站在一个卖枣子的摊位前,等待着。皇帝看 见我时,他便抬他那画过的眉毛,停住了脚步。我静静地站在那儿,并不向他跪拜。人们对 我的大胆吃惊不小,都劝我快从城中逃走。我不理睬他们,却走到那些出售外来神祗的贩子 们中去,与他们坐在一起,这些人不论如何在这儿都是遭人憎恨的,等我把自己所做的.— 切告诉给他们之后,他们人人都绘了我一个神像,并请我离开他们。 “那天夜里,我躺在石榴街茶馆里的一个垫子上面,皇帝的卫兵走了进来,把我带进了 宫中。进了宫以后,他们把每一扇门都一个个地关上了,还加上了门锁。里面有一个大院 子,四周环绕着一个拱廊。四周的墙都是用白色的雪花石膏做成的,到处都嵌有蓝色和绿色 的瓷瓦。柱子是绿色大理石做的.地上铺着一种桃花色的大理行。我以前从没有见过像这样 的东西。 “我跨过院子的时候,两个戴面纱的女人从阳台上往下望着,还开口骂我,守卫急勿匆 地走着,他们手中的矛尖在磨光的地板上发出响声。他们打开一道精致的象牙门,我发现自 己已经来到有七个坛子的带水的花园中了。园里种的是郁金香、牛眼菊、银光闪闪的芦荟, 一股喷泉在昏暗的空中悬挂着像是一根细长的水晶棒。柏树就像燃烧完了的火把。在这样的 一棵柏树上有只夜莺在唱着歌。 “在花园的尽头有一个小亭子。我们走近它的时候,两位太监出来迎住我们。他们走起 路来,肥胖的身躯左右摇摆着,还用他们那黄色眼皮的眼睛好奇地打量着我。其中的一人把 卫士长拉到他必边,低声向对方耳语着什么。另一个不停地拿出香锭放在嘴里嚼起来,这些 香锭都是他以做作的姿势从一个淡紫色的椭圆形的盒子中取出的。 “片刻之后卫士长把卫兵们遣散了。他们回到宫中去了,两个太监跟在后面慢慢地走 着,一边走一边从树上摘下甜甜的桑果吃。那位年长的太监曾回过头来,带着恶意的笑容望 着我。 “然后卫士长示意我走到亭子中去。我毫无胆怯地向前走去,拉开那幅沉重的帘子,我 就进去了。 “年轻皇帝躺在上了色的狮皮长椅上休息着,他的手腕上栖息着一只白隼。他的身后站 着一个头戴铜帽的牛比亚黑人,赤棵着上半身,两只穿了眼的耳朵上垂着一副沉甸甸的耳 环。长椅旁边的桌子上放着一把弯曲的大钢刀。 “皇帝一看见我,便皱起了眉头,对我说道,‘你叫什么名字?你不知道我就是这个城 市的皇帝吗?’不过我并没有回答他。 “他用手指头指了指钢刀,那个牛比亚人一下子抓住刀,冲着我用足了劲朝我砍过来。 刀片嗖嗖地穿透了我的身体,可是并没有伤我分毫。而那个人却扑倒在地上,等他站起身 时,他的牙齿害怕的直打颤,他自己也躺到长椅后面去了。 “皇帝马上跳了起来,从武器架上取下一根长矛,他朝我投了过来。我一把抓住了飞过 来的长矛,并把矛杆折成两段。他又用箭射我,可是我举起了双手,箭在飞行途中就停住 了。紧接着他从白皮腰带中抽出一把短剑,刺入牛比亚黑人的咽喉,他担心这个奴隶会讲出 他那些不体面的事情。那人像一条给人践踏了的蛇一样扭曲起来,嘴里也流出了鲜红的泡沫。 “那个人一死,皇帝就转向我,用一张镶了花边的紫色绸料小手绢,揩去额上亮闪闪的 汗珠,对我说道,‘你是先知吗?是我不该伤害的,或者是一个我不能伤害的先知的儿子 吗?我恳求你今晚就离开我的城市吧,因为只要你还在城中,我就不再是这里的主人了。’ “我回答他说,‘给我一半你的财产,我就走。把你的财富给我一半,我就会离开的。’ “他牵着我的手,把我领到花园中。卫士长看见了我,他吃了一惊。太监们看见了我, 他们的膝头颤抖不已,吓得纷纷跪在了地上, “宫中有一间屋子,八面都是用红云斑石修筑的围墙,铜皮装饰的天花板上悬掉着一些 灯。皇帝触摸了一面墙,墙就自动打开了,我们走进了里而的一个长廊,廊里点了好多火 炬。在长廊两旁的壁禽中,放着很多巨大的酒缸,里面装得满满的都是银币。我们来到了长 廊的中央,皇帝说了一句平日听不到他说的什么话,一道装有秘密弹簧的花岗岩石大门一下 子就弹开了,他用手挡住他的脸,以免他的眼睛给弄得发花。 “你不会相信这是个多么奇妙的地方吧。一个巨大的乌龟壳里装满了珍珠,巨型月亮石 的空处里堆满了红色宝石。黄金都收藏在象皮箱中,金粉就放在皮制的瓶中。还有猫眼石和 青玉,猫眼石放在水晶杯中,青玉放在翡翠杯中。圆圆的绿柱宝石整整齐齐地排列在细薄的 象牙碟子上面,在一个角落里堆满了丝铜袋子,有的袋子中装的是绿松石,另一些袋子中装 的是绿玉。象牙做的角杯中盛满了紫色的玉英石,黄铜角杯中装满了玉髓和红玉髓。用杉木 做的梁柱上挂着一串串的黄色山猫石。在平坦的扁圆形盾牌上堆放着红玉,它们既像葡萄酒 的颜色又像是青草的色彩。然而我对你说的这些仅仅是那儿的十分之一罢了。 “等皇帝把他自己的手从脸上拿开时,他对我说,‘这就是我的财宝屋,这里面的东西 有一半是你的了,照我答应你那样的去做吧。我还会送你骆驼和赶骆驼的人,他们会照你的 吩咐去做,把你那一份财宝带到你想去的世界上的任何地方。这件事今天晚上就得办,因为 我不愿让太阳,他是我的父亲,看见在我的城市里竟会有一个我杀不死的人。’ “不过我对他说,‘这儿的黄金都是你的,白银也是你的,珍贵的珠宝和值钱的东西全 都是你的。对我来说,我不需要这些东西。我不会向你要任何东西,不过戴在你手指上的那 个小戒指我倒想要。’ “皇帝皱起了眉头,‘这只是个铅戒指呀,’他大声说,‘也不值什么钱。所以还是带 上你那一半财宝,离开我的城市吧。’ “‘不,’我回答说,‘我什么都不要,只要那个铅戒指,因为我知道那里面写着什 么,也知道它有什么用处。’ “皇帝却颤抖起来,哀求着我说,‘把全部的财宝都拿去,快离开我的城市吧。我那一 半财富也归你了。’ “不过我做了一件奇怪的事,但那也算不了什么,因为就在那个山洞我把这个财富指环 给藏了起来,它离这儿有一整天的路程。也就只是一天的路程,那戒指正等着你的到来。谁 要是占有了这个戒指,他会比世界上所有的国王都富有。去吧,把它拿到手,全世界的财富 就都归你了。” 然而年轻的渔夫却笑了。“爱情比财富更重要,”他大声喊道,“而且小美人鱼非常爱 我。” “不,没有什么比财富更重要的了,”灵魂说。 “爱情更好,”年轻的渔夫回答道,说完他又一头扎进海底深处,灵魂只好哭泣着穿过 沼泽走了。 第三个年头又过去了,灵魂又从陆上下来到了海边,呼唤着年轻的渔夫,于是渔夫从水 中冒出来,说道:“你唤我是为了什么?” 灵魂回答说:“走近一点,我好对你说话,因为我看见了奇妙的事情。” 因此渔夫走近了,并蹲在浅水中,用手托着自己的头,聆听着。 灵魂开口说道:“在一座我知道的城市中,有一家小旅店就位于一条河边。我跟水手们 坐在那儿,他们饮着两种不同颜色的葡萄酒,吃着大麦做的面包,还有放上醋用桂叶包着的 小咸鱼。就在我们坐着逗乐的时候,走进来一个上了年纪的人,他的肩上披着一个皮制的毯 子,还拿着一把嵌有两个琥珀角的琴。正在这时也就是在他把毯子铺在地板上,用弦拔弹响 他那把琴弦的时候,一个面戴细纱罩的少女跑了进来,并在我们面前跳起舞来。虽然她戴了 面纱,可是她的双脚却是光着的。她赤着双脚,在毯子上跳来跳去,真像跳舞的那个城市离 这儿只有一天的路程。” 此刻,年轻的渔夫听到了灵魂的这番话后,他想起了小美人鱼因为没有脚,不能跟他跳 舞的情形。于是他的心中升起了极大的欲望,他对自己说:“只不过就一天的路程,我还可 以回到我爱人的身边。”他笑了,便从浅水中站起身来,大步朝岸上走去。 来到干干的岸上后他又一次笑了,并向灵魂伸出双臂。他的灵魂也无比欣喜地大叫一声 就朝他奔了过来,进人到他的体内,这时年轻的渔夫便看见在他面前伸展的沙地上出现了他 自己的影子,那就是他灵魂的身体。 他的灵魂对他说:“我们不要耽误了,立即到那儿去吧,因为海神们会妒嫉的,而且还 有好多怪物也听他们的。” 于是他们匆匆上路了,整个夜晚他们都在月色下赶路,第二天白昼他们又顶着烈日前 进,当天晚上他们来到了城市。 年轻的渔夫对他的灵魂说:“这就是你对我说过的那座她跳舞的城市吗?” 他的灵魂回答说:“不是这座城市,是另外一座。不过我们可以进去看看。” 于是他们进了城,穿过一些街道,他们路经珠宝街的时候,年轻的渔夫看见在一个货摊 上放着一只美丽的银杯子。他的灵魂对他说,“拿走那个银杯子,把它藏起来。” 他便拿起那只银杯子把它蒙在长袍的搁缝中,他们赶快出城走了。 他们离开城走了三英里之后,年轻的渔夫皱起了眉头,并把银杯子给扔掉了,对他的灵 魂说:“你为什么要叫我拿起杯子藏起来呢?因为这可是一件坏事呀。” 然而他的灵魂回答他说:“不要生气,不要生气。” 第二天晚上他们又来到一个城市,年轻的渔夫对他的灵魂说:“这就是你对我说过的她 跳舞的那座城市吗?” 他的灵魂回答他说:“这不是那座城市,而是另外一座。不过我们得进去。” 他们便进了城,穿过了好几条街。他们走过草鞋街的时候,年轻的渔夫看见一个小孩正 站在一个水缸边。他的灵魂对他说:“去打那个孩子。”于是他动手打小孩,把小孩都打哭 了,过后他们又赶紧匆匆地离开了城市。 他们离开城市后走了三英里,年轻的渔夫突然生起气来,对他的灵魂说:“你为什么叫 我打那个小孩,这可是一件坏事呀?” 然而他的灵魂却回答说:“不要生气,不要生气。” 第三天晚上他们来到了另一座城市,年轻的渔夫对他的灵魂说:“这就是你对我说过的 那座她跳舞的城市吗?” 他的灵魂回答他说:“也许就是这座城市吧,所以我们还是进去看看吧。” 他们便进了城,穿过了好几条街,不过年轻的渔夫怎么也找不到那间位于河边的小旅 店。城市里的人都好奇地望着他,他开始害怕起来,并对他的灵魂说:“我们还是走吧,因 为用一双白脚跳舞的人不在这儿。” 可是他的灵魂却回答说:“不,我们还是留下来吧,因为夜里太黑,途中会遇上强盗 的。” 他便在市场上坐下来休息了,过了一会儿走过一个戴头巾的商人,他有一件鞑靼人的布 织斗篷,在有节的芦苇杆头上还绑着一个牛角灯笼。商人对他说:“你为什么还坐在市场上 呢,你没有看见货摊都关门了,东西都打好包了吗?” 年轻的渔夫回答他说:“我在这座城里找不到那个小旅店,我又没有亲戚留我在此过 夜。” “我们不都是亲戚吗?”商人说,“不都是由一个上帝创造出来的吗?所以就跟我去 吧,我有一间客房。” 因此年轻的渔夫站起身来,跟着商人到他的家里去了。等他穿过一个石榴园走进屋中 时,商人便用铜盘为他端来了玫瑰花水,让他洗干净手,还送来熟透的甜瓜让他解渴,以及 一碗米饭和一块烤小羊肉让他充饥。 这一切进行完了以后,商人就领他来到了客房,并叮嘱他好好休息。年轻的渔夫谢过了 他,并吻了商人手指上戴的戒指,随后就躺在了染了色的山羊毛毯上而。他用一床黑色的羊 羔毛被子盖好身体以后,就呼呼地入睡了。 离天亮还有三个小时,天依旧是黑乎乎的时候,他的灵魂便唤醒了他,并对他说:“快 起来,到商人的房间里去,到他睡觉的房间里去,把他杀死,拿走他的金子,因为我们需要 它。” 年轻的渔夫起了床,朝商人的房间里爬去,在商人的脚边放着一把弯刀,在商人身边的 那个盘子里装着九个黄金小包。渔夫伸出手去拿那把弯刀。就在他的手刚刚挨到刀时,商人 一下子惊醒了,他跳起来自己抓住刀,朝着年轻的渔夫大声吼道:“难道你要以怨报德吗? 你要用流淌的鲜血来回报我对你的善举吗?” 这时他的灵魂对年轻的渔夫说,“去打他。”于是他就把商人给打晕了过去,然后抓起 九包金子,匆匆地穿过石榴园逃走了,朝着启明星的方向出发了。 他们离开城市三英里之后,年轻的渔夫捶打着自己的胸膛,对他的灵魂说:“你为什么 要我杀了商人,还抢走他的黄金?你真是太坏了。” 然而他的灵魂却回答说:“不要生气,不要生气。” “不,”年轻的渔夫大声喊道,“我平静不了,因为你要我做的一切事情都是我所恨 的。你也让我恨,我要你告诉我为何要教我做这种事。” 他的灵魂回答说:“过去你把我送到世界上去的时候,你并没有给我一颗心,所以我学 会了去做这一切事情,而且也喜欢这样。” “你在说什么?”年轻的渔夫喃喃地说。 “你是知道的,”他的灵魂回答说,“你知道得很清楚。你难道忘记了你没有送给我一 颗心吗?我不相信。所以不要自寻烦恼,也不要为我担心,请放心吧,因为世上没有除去不 掉的痛苦,也没有享受不到的快乐。” 年轻的渔夫听到这些话后,他浑身发抖起来,对他的灵魂说:“不,你是很坏的,甚至 使我忘记了我的爱人,并用多种诱惑来引诱我,还使我的双脚踏上了罪恶之路。” 他的灵魂回答他说:“你过去把我送到世界上去的时候,你并没有给我一顾心啊,所以 我学会了去做这一切事并喜欢做这些事。来吧,让我们到另一座城市去,去寻乐子吧,因为 我们已有了九包黄金。” 然而年轻的渔夫拿出九包黄金后就一下子扔在了地上,并用脚猛踩着。 “不,”渔夫大声吼道,“我和你之间没有任何关系了,我也不会再跟你到什么地方去 了,就跟我从前送走你那样,我现在也要那样赶你走了,因为你对我没有任何好处。”说完 他转过身去背朝着月亮,用那把绿色蛇皮刀柄的小刀,准备把他自己身体的影子,也就是他 的灵魂之躯从他双脚的四周切开。 然而他的灵魂连动都不动一下,不想离开他,也不理睬他的命令,还对他说:“那个女 巫教给你的魔法已经不再管用了,因为我不可能离开你,你也不可能把我赶走了。一个人一 生中只能把他的灵魂送走一次,但是他一旦把自己的灵魂收了回来,就得永远地留住它了, 这既是对他的惩罚,也是给他的回报。” 年轻的渔夫脸色开始发白,握紧自己的拳头,大声叫着:“她没有告诉我这一点,她骗 了我啦。” “不,”他的灵魂回答说,“不过她对她自己崇拜的那个‘他’可动了真心的,她要做 他永远的仆人。” 年轻的渔夫此刻已明白他再也不能够赶走他的灵魂,况且是—个邪恶的灵魂,还要永远 与他为伍,他一下子倒在地上伤心地哭了起来。 天明时分,年轻的渔夫站起身来,对他的灵魂说:“我要绑住我的双手,免得我会照你 的吩咐去做,我还要闭紧嘴巴,免得我说出休想让我说的话,我要回到我所爱的人居住的地 方去。我甚至要回到海里去,回到她过去经常唱歌的那个小海湾去,我要唤她上来,告诉她 我做过的坏事以及你对我做过的坏事。” 他的灵魂诱惑着他,说:“谁是你的爱人?让你非回到她那儿去不可?世上有很多比她 漂亮的美人。萨马里斯的舞女们可以学各种鸟兽的姿态跳舞。她们的脚用凤仙花染成了红 色,她们手中握着好多小铜铃。她们一边跳一边笑,她们的笑容跟清溪一样明净。跟我走, 我带你去见她们。你为那些罪恶的事操那份心是为了什么呢?难道那些美味可口的东西不是 做来给人吃的吗?难道喝起来甘甜的东西里面放进了毒药吗?不要自寻烦恼了,跟我到另一 个城市去吧。这儿附近就有一座小城市,里面有一个百合树的花园。在这个可爱的花园中住 着一些白孔雀和有着蓝色胸脯的孔雀。当它们的尾巴向着太阳展开的时候,就像象牙的圆盘 和镀金圆盘一样。给它们喂食的女人还为它们跳舞取乐,有时候她用手跳舞,有时候用脚 跳。她的双眼染成了锑色,她的鼻孔长得像燕子的翅膀。在一个鼻孔中用小钩子挂着一朵用 珍珠刻成的花儿。她一边跳舞一边英,脚踝上的一对银锈子像银铃似的响着。所以不要再自 寻烦恼了,跟我到这座城市去吧。” 可是年轻的渔夫却没有回答他的灵魂,而是用沉默的封条封闭住自己的嘴,还用绳子紧 紧绑着自己的双手,起身回到了他出来的地方,甚至回到了他的爱人过去常常唱歌的那个小 海湾。尽管他的灵魂,一路上不停地引诱他,可是他却从未答复,他也不愿去做他的灵魂要 他去做的任何坏事,他内心的爱情的力量真是太大了。 等他来到了大海的边上,他才把手上的绳子解开,将沉默的封条从嘴上撕去,他呼唤着 小美人鱼。然而她并没有来会他,他呼唤了整整一天,恳求着她,结果却还是看不见她。 他的灵魂嘲笑着他,说:“你一定是没有从你的爱人那儿得到多少欢乐。你就像是大旱 天里往漏船上倒水的人。你把你的一切都给予了出去,却没有得到丝毫的回报。你最好还是 跟着我,因为我知道欢乐谷在什么地方,还有那儿有什么东西。” 不过年轻的渔夫并没有回答他的灵魂,他在岩石的裂缝中用树条为自己编造了一个房 子,在那儿住了一年。每天清晨他都呼唤着美人鱼,每天中午他又呼唤她的名字,到了晚上 他仍唤着她来。然而她再也没有从海中出来会他,他也不能够在大海的任何地方找到她,虽 然他已在洞穴中,在碧水下,在海潮的漩涡里,或者在海底深处的井中,到处都去寻找过, 但始终不见她的身影。 尽管他的灵魂不停地甩邪恶来引诱他,还对他悄悄地说着些可怕的事情,但是这些都没 有能够阻止他,他的爱情的力量真是太大了。 一年的时间过去了,灵魂在他的体内暗想:“我已经用邪恶引诱了我的主人,可是他的 爱比我强大。现在我要用善来引诱他,他也许会跟着我走的。” 于是他对年轻的渔夫说道:“我给你讲过世界上的欢乐的事情,而你却不听我的。现在 我只好告诉你世间的痛苦了,这也许是你想听的。说真的,痛苦是这个世界的主人,没有一 个人可以从它的网中逃出去。有些人缺少的是衣服,另一些人缺少的是面包。有穿着紫袍坐 着的寡妇,也有穿着破衣的寡妇。在沼泽地上走来走去的是麻疯病人,他们相互之间都非常 残酷,乞丐们在公路上来来往往,他们的袋中空空如也。在各个城市的街道上行走着的是饥 荒,不要发生。你看你的爱人不原来回应你的呼唤,那么你为什么还要停留在这儿唤你的爱 人呢?爱到底是什么,你竟要为此付出如此高的代价? 然而年轻的渔夫并不回答,他的爱的力量太大了。每天清晨他都要呼唤美人鱼,每天中 午又要去呼唤她,夜里还要唤着她的名字。可是她从没有从海里出来会他,他也没有能够在 海洋的任何地方找到她,尽管他去海中的河流上去寻过她,在波浪下的谷里觅过她,甚至在 被黑夜染成紫色的海洋上,以及被黎明抹成灰色的海洋中,都不能找到她的影子。 第二年又过去了,一天晚上正当年轻的渔夫孤单单地坐在树条造的房子中时,灵魂便对 他说:“喂!现在我是用恶来引诱你,我也用善来引诱了你,而你的爱比我更强大。因此, 我不会再引诱你了,不过我恳求你让我进入到你的心中,这样我就会跟从前一样与你呆在一 起了。” “你当然可以进来,”年轻的渔夫说,“因为在你没有心而去世界上流浪的那些日子 里,你一定吃了不少苦头。” “哎呀!”他的灵魂叫了起来,“我找不到什么地方可以进去呀,你的这颗心被爱缠得 太紧了。” “可我倒希望我能够帮助你,”年轻的渔夫说。 就在说这句话的时候,从海洋中传来了好大一声哀叫,它跟美人鱼家族中的谁死的时候 人们听到的那种声音一模一样。年轻的渔夫一下子跳了起来,离开了他的树条屋,朝海滩跑 去。黑色的波浪急匆匆地朝岸边扑打过来,波浪载着一个比银子更白的东西。它跟浪头一样 的白,飘在波涛上面活像是一朵鲜花。浪头把它从波涛中抢走,泡沫又把它从浪头手中夺 去,最后是海岸接受了它,于是在年轻渔夫的脚下,他看见了小美人鱼的身体。她躺在他的 脚下死去了。 这位痛苦的泪人儿一下子扑倒在了她的身边,他吻着她那冰冷的红嘴唇,抚弄着她头发 上打湿了的琥珀。他扑倒在沙滩上,躺在她的身边,哭得像一个因兴奋而颤抖的人,他用自 己褐色的双臂把她紧紧地拥在胸中。她的嘴唇是冰冷的,但他依旧吻着它。她头发上的蜜色 是咸的,可他仍然带着痛苦的快乐去品尝它。他吻着她那双紧闭的眼皮,她眼角上挂着的浪 花还没有他的眼泪咸。 他对着死尸忏悔起来。他把自己要倾述的苦难经历都贯进了她的耳朵里了。他把她的两 只小手挽在自己的脖子上,并用他的手指头去抚摸她那细细的咽喉管。他此时的快乐变得越 来越痛苦了,而痛苦中又充满了奇妙的快感。 黑色的海水愈来愈近了,白色的泡沫像麻疯病人一样地哀叫着。海洋用它那白色的泡沫 来抢夺海岸。从海王的官廷中又传来了哀苦的叫声,在遥远的大海上半人半鱼的海神们用号 角吹出他们那嘶哑的声音。 “快逃走吧,”他的灵魂说,“因为海水越来越近了,如果你还呆着不走的话,它会杀 死你的。快逃走吧,因为我好害怕,我知道你的心对我关闭着的,原因是你的爱太大了。快 逃到一个安全的地方去吧。你一定不会不送给我一颗心,就把我送到另一个世界上去吧。” 然而年轻的渔夫并没有听他灵魂的话,却只是不停地呼唤着小美人鱼,并说道:“爱情 比智慧更好,比财富更宝贵,比人类女儿的脚更漂亮。烈火烧毁不了它,海水淹没不了它。 我在黎明时唤过你,可你没有回答我。月亮听见了你的名字,可你还是不理睬我。因为我离 开你是千错万错,我这一走反而害了我自己。但是你的爱始终伴着我,它永远都是强大的, 没有什么可以阻止得了它,不论我面对的是恶也好,是善也罢。现在你已经死了,因此我一 定要跟你一起去死。” 他的灵魂又恳求他离开,但是他不肯,他的爱太深了。海水越来越近了,它要它的波涛 把他盖住,此刻他知道死期已近,他便疯狂地吻着美人鱼冰冷的嘴唇,他的那颗心呀都碎 了。就在他的心充满了太多的爱而破碎的时候,灵魂找到一个入口就进去了,就跟从前那样 与他合为一体了。海水终于用它的波涛淹没了这位年轻的渔夫。 早晨,神父去给大海祝福,因为海水闹腾得太厉害了。与神父一起去的有僧侣和乐手, 以及手持蜡烛的人,摇着香炉的人,还有好大一群人。 等神父来到海滩上时,他一下就看见年轻的渔夫躺在浪头上淹死了,在他的胳膊中还紧 紧地抱着小美人鱼的尸体。神父皱紧眉头往后退去,在胸前划了个十字符号后,他便大声喊 着说:“我不会祝福大海和海里的任何东西了。美人鱼家族是该受到诅咒的,也该诅咒那些 与他们来往的人。至于他呢,他为了爱情而抛弃了上帝,所以躺在这个被上帝裁判而给杀死 的情妇的身边,抬走他的尸体和他情妇的尸体,把他们埋在漂洗场地的角落里,上面不放任 何标志,也不要做任何记号,这样就不会有人知道他们安息在什么地方。因为他们生前是该 诅咒的,他们死后也是该诅咒的。” 人们按照他的吩咐去做了,在漂洗场地的角落里,那儿没有长一棵香草,他们就在地上 挖了个深坑,把死尸放了进去。 第三年又过去了,在一个神圣的日子里,神父来到了礼拜堂上,他要把上帝的伤痕显示 给人们看,他还要给他们讲上帝的仇恨。 等他给自己穿好了法衣后,他就进了礼拜堂,在祭坛上行礼,这时他看见祭坛上放满了 他以前从未见过的奇异的鲜花。这些花看上去很奇怪,却又是异样的美丽,花儿的美使他难 受,它们的气味在他的鼻孔中闻着很香。他觉得开心起来,却不知道为什么开心起来。 随后他打开了圣龛,在里面的圣饼台上烧了香,把美丽的圣饼拿给人们看,然后又把它 藏在帐幔后面,他开始对人们说话,还想向人们讲述上帝的愤怒。但是那些白花的美使他心 烦意乱,花儿的气味在鼻子里闻起来好香,而另外一句话走进了他的嘴唇,他讲述的不是上 帝的愤怒,却是那个叫做“爱”的上帝。他为什么要这么说,他自己也不知道。 神父说完的时候,人们就哭了,神父回到了寺院中放圣器的地方,眼里充满了泪水。执 事们走了进来,为他脱去法衣,给他脱下白麻布法服,以及腰带、饰带和丝带。他站在那儿 就跟在梦境中似的。 等他们为他解衣宽带之后,他看着他们,开口说道:“坛上放的是什么花?它们是从哪 儿来的?” 他们回答他说:“我们说不出它们是些什么花,可它们来自于漂洗场地的那个角落。” 神父浑身发抖,并回到自己的住处,开始祷告起来。 早上,天刚刚发亮的时候,他同僧侣、乐师们以及手持蜡烛的人,摇香炉的人,以及一 大群人们来到大海边,向大海祝福,也向海中一切野生的东西祝福。他还祝福了牧神,以及 在森林中跳舞的小东西们,还有那些从树叶中朝外偷窥的亮眼睛的东西们。他对上帝创造的 世间一切东西都祝了福,人们充满了快乐和惊奇。不过从此以后漂洗场地的角落里再也没有 长出任何种类的鲜花了,那儿变得跟从前一样荒凉了。美人鱼家族再也不像往常那样游进这 个海湾里来了,因为他们到大海的其它地方去了。 渔夫和他的灵魂1 渔夫和他的灵魂 每天晚上年轻的渔夫都要出海去打鱼,把他的网撒到海里去。 风从陆地上吹来的时候,他便什么也捕不到,或者最多只能捉到一小点,因为那是一种 凶猛的长着黑翅膀的风,就连巨浪也跳起来欢迎它。不过当风朝岸上吹来的时候,鱼儿们便 从深海里浮上来,游到他的网里,他把抓来的鱼带到市场上去卖掉。 每天晚上他都出海打鱼,有一天晚上,收网的时候,网重得很,他差一点没能把网给拖 上船来。他笑了,自言自语的说:“我一定是把所有游动的鱼都给捕住了,要不就是把人们 当成是奇迹的什么怪物给弄进了网中,再不然就是伟大的女王喜欢的那种可怕的东西。”他 使出浑身的劲紧紧地拉着这根粗绳子,直到手臂上长长的血管给拉得冒了起来,就像绕在锅 制花瓶上的蓝色彩釉的条纹一样。他又使劲地曳细绳,近了,那个扁平的软木浮圈越来越近 了,网终于升出了水面。 不过,网里面既没有一尾鱼,也没有什么怪物,或任何可怕的东西,只有一个熟睡的小 美人鱼躺在里面。 她的头发像是湿满满的金羊毛,而每一根头发都如同放在玻璃杯中的细金线。她的身体 白得跟象牙一样,她的尾巴如同银子和珍珠的颜色。银色和珍珠色就是她的尾巴,翠绿的海 草缠绕着它;她的耳朵像贝壳,她的嘴唇像珊瑚。冰凉的波浪冲击着她的胸膛,海盐在她的 眼皮上闪闪发光。 她有多美啊,年轻的渔夫一见到她,就充满了惊叹。他伸出手去把鱼网拉到自己身边, 并俯下身去,把她搂在自己的怀中。他挨着她的时候,她像受惊的海鸥一样大叫了一声,就 醒了,她用紫水晶股的眼睛惊恐地望着他,还挣扎着想脱身逃走。可他却紧紧地抱着她,不 甘心就这样放她走。 她看见自己已无法逃脱时,便哭了起来,并说道:“我求求你放了我,我是国王唯一的 女儿,我父亲年纪大了,身边没有别的亲人。” 可是年轻的渔夫却回答说:“我不会放你走的,除非你答应我不论我什么时候叫你,你 都要来为我唱歌,因为鱼儿都喜欢听美人鱼的歌声,这样我的网就会装满了。” “如果我答应了你,你真的会放我走吗?”美人鱼哭着说。 “我一定会放你走的,”年轻的渔夫回答说。 于是她照他所希望的那样做了保证,并以美人鱼的誓言诅了咒。他从她身上松开了胳 膊,她带着一种莫名的恐惧颤抖着,沉入到海水中去了。 每天晚上只要年轻的渔夫外出打鱼,都要唤来美人鱼,她便从海水中冒出来,为他唱 歌。海豚们在她的周围游来游去,海鸥们在她的头顶上空盘旋着。 她唱了一首美妙无比的歌。因为她唱的是自己同伴的故事。他们赶着牲口从一个山洞来 到另一个山洞,肩头上扛着小牛犊;她还唱起了半人半鱼的海神们,他们长着绿色的长胡 须,毛茸茸的胸膛,每当国王经过的时候,就吹响螺旋形的海螺;她唱到了国王的宫殿,那 全部都是用城冶造成的,屋顶用诱明的绿宝石蓝成,道路由发光的珍珠铺就;她唱到了海中 的花园,那里有巨大的珊瑚大扇整天都在舞动着,鱼儿像银鸟似的穿来游去,秋牡丹攀附在 岩石上,粉红色的石竹在黄沙中发出幼芽。她唱起了那些来自北海底部的大白鲸,它们的缚 上挂着尖尖的冰柱,她唱到了那些会讲动人故事的女妖们,她们的故事实在奇妙,过往的盲 人们不得不用蜡来堵住自己的耳朵,以免听到她们讲的故事,而跳入大海失去性命;她还唱 到那些有着高高桅杆的沉船,冻僵的水手们紧抱着帆缆,青花鱼通过开着的舱门游进游出; 她唱到了那些小螺蛳,他们都是伟大的旅行家,粘贴在船的龙骨上把世界游了个遍;她唱到 了住在悬崖边的乌贼鱼,伸出它们那些长长的黑手臂,只要它们愿意,随时可以叫黑夜降 临;她还唱到了鹦鹉螺,她有一艘用猫眼石刻出来的属于她自己的小船,用一张丝绸帆去航 行;她唱起那些弹着竖琴的雄性美人鱼,他们可以让大海怪进入梦乡;她唱到一群小孩子, 他们捉住滑溜溜的海豚,笑着骑在它们身上;她又唱起了美人鱼,她们躺在白色的泡沫中, 伸出手臂向水手们挥动;她唱到了那些身体长得弯弯的海狮,以及长着飘动的鬃毛的海马。 在她唱的时候,所有的金枪鱼都从水底下窜上来听她的歌声,年轻的渔夫在它们的四周 撒下网,把它们一网打尽,网外的鱼又被他用鱼叉给捉住了。等他的船装满了以后,美人鱼 便朝他笑笑,然后就沉入到水底下去了。 然而,她却不愿游近他身旁,让他摸到她。他经常呼唤她,并恳求她,可她就是不愿 意;只要他想捉住她时,她便像一头海豹似的,一下子窜入水中,而且那一整天他再也看不 见她了。日复一日,他觉得她的歌声越来越动听了。她的歌声是那么的美妙,连他也听得常 忘了鱼网和手中的活计,甚至连本行也忘了。金枪鱼成群地游过来,带着朱红色的鳍和突出 的金眼,可是他却没有去留意它们。他的鱼叉也闲在了一边,他那柳条篮子里面也是空空 的。他张着嘴巴,瞪着惊异的眼睛,呆呆地坐在船上胜听着,一直听到茫茫海雾笼罩在他的 四周,游荡的月亮用银白的光辉撒满他褐色的身躯。 有一天晚上,他把她唤来,说道:“小美人鱼,小美人鱼,我爱你,让我做你的新郎 吧,因为我太爱你了。” 然而美人鱼却摇摇头。“你有一个人的灵魂,”她回答说,“如果你肯送走你的灵魂, 那么我才会爱上你。” 年轻的渔夫对自己说:“我的灵魂对我有什么用呢?我看不见它,我也摸不着它,我更 不了解它。我一定要把它从我身上拿走,这样我就会非常开心了。”接着他发出了幸福的狂 叫声,并在彩色的船上站起身来,朝美人鱼伸出了胳膊。“我会把我的灵魂送走的,”他大 声说,“你做我的新娘吧,我来做你的新郎,在大海的底部我们共同生活在一起,凡是你歌 里唱过的都领我去看一看,凡是你希望的我都尽力去做,我们生活在一起永不分开。” 小美人鱼高兴地笑了,并把脸藏在自己的双手中。 “不过我如何才能把灵魂送走呢?”年轻的渔夫大声说,“告诉我我该怎样做,噢,我 一定会去做的。” “啊呀!我也不知道,”小美人鱼说,“我们美人鱼家族是没有灵魂的。”说完她就沉 入到水底,若有所思地望着他。 第二天一大早,太阳在山顶上升起还不足一抹高的时候,年轻的渔夫就来到神父家并连 敲了三下门。 THE FISHERMAN AND HIS SOUL thE FIShERMAN AND hIS SOUL [tO h.S.h. ALICE, PRINCESS OF MONACO] Every evening t out upon threw s into ter. not little at best, for it ter and black-winged wind, and rough waves rose up to meet it. But he fish came in from to ts, and he took to t-place and sold them. Every evening out upon t was so into t. And he laugo all the fish t ser t o men, or some t t Queen will desire, and putting fortrengtugged at till, like lines of blue enamel round a vase of bronze, the long veins rose up on ugged at thin ropes, and nearer and nearer came t corks, and t rose at last to top of ter. But no fis all , nor any monster or thing of horror, but only a little Mermaid lying fast asleep. fleece of gold, and eace hair as a te ivory, and ail was of silver and pearl. Silver and pearl was ail, and t; and like sea-she cold glistened upon her eyelids. So beautiful was s whe young Fisherman saw her he was filled out close to he side he clasped her in his arms. And led sea-gull, and error eyes, and struggled t s escape. But igo him, and suffer o depart. And w she could in no way escape from him, she began to me go, for I am the only daugher is aged and alone. But t let thou makest me a promise t w come and sing to me, for t to listen to the Sea- folk, and so ss be full. ilt trut me go, if I promise this? cried the Mermaid. In very trut the young Fisherman. So s by th of t her, and she sank doo ter, trembling range fear. Every evening t out upon the sea, and called to t of ter and sang to him. Round and round he wild gulls wheeled above her head. And she Sea-folk who drive to cave, and carry ttle calves on tritons who have long green beards, and s, and bloed conche King passes by; of th a roof of clear emerald, and a pavement of brighe gardens of t filigrane fans of coral wave all day long, and t about like silver birds, and the anemones cling to the ribbed yellow sand. S come doh seas and o the Sirens s o stop t to the er and be droall masts, and to the mackerel s of ttle barnacles ravellers, and cling to the ships and go round and round ttlefishe sides of tretc their long black arms, and can make nig. Silus who of is carved out of an opal and steered he happy Mermen who play upon harps and can c Kraken to sleep; of ttle cch heir backs; of te foam and their arms to tusks, and ting manes. And as sunny-fiso listen to s round them and caugook o the sea, smiling at him. Yet ouch her. Oftentimes o s; and o seize o ter as a seal mig day. And eache sound of er to was her voice t s and his cunning, and had no care of . Vermilion-finned and he tunnies by in s . his spear lay by s of plaited osier y. ited, and eyes dim idle in and listened, listening till ts crept round he ained h silver. And one evening o tle Mermaid, little Mermaid, I love take me for thy bridegroom, for I love thee. But t a human soul, she ans send ahen could I love thee. And to use is my soul to me? I cannot see it. I may not touc. I do not kno. Surely I away from me, and much gladness shall be mine. And a cry of joy broke from anding up in ted boat, o the Mermaid. I will send my soul away, he cried, and you shall be my bride, and I he sea we will dwell toget t sung of t show me, and all t t I will do, nor shall our lives be divided. And ttle Mermaid laughed for pleasure and hid her face in her hands. But he young Fisherman. tell me , and lo! it shall be done. Alas! I kno, said ttle Mermaid: the Sea-folk have no souls. And so tfully at him. No morning, before the span of a mans to the house of t and knocked times at the door. t t, and w was, co er. And t do- smelling ruso t who was reading out of to her, I am in love h me from having my desire. tell me ruth I . Of o me? I cannot see it. I may not touc. I do not kno. And t beat , and anshou art mad, or eaten of some poisonous he noblest part of man, and o us by God t we should nobly use it. than a human soul, nor any eart can be is h all t is in the rubies of t any more of this matter, for it is a sin t may not be forgiven. And as for the Sea-folk, t, and traffic hem are lost also. ts of t kno good from evil, and for t died. tears whe bitter , and he rose up from his knees and said to and are glad, and on t t me be as the days of flo me, if it stand bet I love? t, knitting his broo he woodland, and accursed be t nigime, and t to lure me from my beads. they tap at to my ears tale of tempt me emptations, and when I me. t, I tell thee, t. For there is no heaven nor hell, and in neithey praise Gods name. Fat not hou sayest. Once in my net I snared ter of a King. She is fairer tar, and he moon. For her body I would give my soul, and for her love I would surrender ell me me go in peace. A: t, and thou s be lost h her. And drove him from his door. And t doo t-place, and he h bowed head, as one who is in sorrow. And ws saw o wo eaco meet him, and called him by name, and said to to sell? I of me, for I am . Of o me? I cannot see it. I may not touc. I do not kno. But ts mocked at use is a mans soul to us? It is not h a clipped piece of silver. Sell us thee in sea-purple, and put a ring upon t Queen. But talk not of to us it is nought, nor has it any value for our service. And to range a this is! t tellet the gold in ts say t it is not h a clipped piece of silver. And of t-place, and doo to ponder on w he should do. And at noon he remembered how one of his companions, who was a gatold ain young itch who d in a cave at the bay and was very cunning in her c to and ran, so eager rid of followed he sand of tcch knew down h her red ood at the cave, and in was blossoming. dye lack? dye lack? sing up teep, and bent down before , whe le reed-pipe, and he mullet come sailing into t it ty boy, it dye lack? dye lack? A storm to wreck ts of ricreasure ashore? I have more storms tronger than ter I can send t galleys to ttom of t I ty boy, I dye lack? dye lack? I know a flower t gro but I. It has purple leaves, and a star in its , and its juice is as we as milk. S touche Queen, s of the King she whole world she would follow t ty boy, it dye lack? dye lack? I can pound a toad in a mortar, and make brot, and stir th a dead mans hand. Sprinkle it on turn into a black viper, and h a wheel I can draw tal I can s dye lack? dye lack? tell me t t pay me a price, pretty boy, t pay me a price. My desire is but for a little the young Fisherman, yet been is but for a little ts me, and denied me. to thee evil, and . tco him. I he young Fisherman. tch grew pale, and shuddered, and hid her face in her blue mantle. Pretty boy, pretty boy, stered, t is a terrible to do. ossed to me, see it. I may not touc. I do not know it. tell tch, looking do iful eyes. Five pieces of gold, s, and ttled house in well me o get rid of my soul, and I I possess. S ruck he spray of urn tumn leaves into gold, she answered, and I can o silver if I . he whis world, and has their dominions. ther gold nor silver? tcroked e dance ty boy, s him as she spoke. Noug t? cried the young Fisherman in wonder and he rose to . Noug t, s him again. t sunset in some secret place her, he said, and after t ell me thing wo know. She moon is full, stered. tened. A blue bird rose screaming from its nest and circled over the dunes, and tted birds rustled the coarse grey grass and o eache sound of a ting t her o o his ear. to-nig come to top of tain, she here. tarted and looked at her, and she showed her eet? he asked. It matters not, so-nigand under t for my coming. If a black dog run torike it will go ao t no answer. he moon is full I sogether on the grass. But to me to tell me how I may send my soul from me? ion. S into t, and through her red hair rippled t I s, she made answer. t t of tche young Fisherman, and I o-nigop of tain. I t asked of me either gold or silver. But suc , for it is but a little to his head low, and ran back to to joy. And tcc, and when he had passed from sered aken a mirror from a box of carved cedar up on a frame, and burned vervain on lig, and peered the coils of ter a time she clenched her hands in anger. tered, I am as fair as she is. And t evening, whe young Fisherman climbed up to top of tain, and stood under the branches of targe of polisal the round sea lay at , and ts moved in the little bay. A great oo no ansowards ruck it away whining. At midnigcs. P upon there is some one ! and t, and ctered to each ot of all came tch her red reaming in tissue embroidered tle cap of green velvet was on her head. chey saw her, but so taking the Fis into t and began to dance. Round and round tch jumped so high t across t no o be seen, and afraid. Faster, cried tc his neck, and upon er, faster! she cried, and to spin beneat, and his brain grew troubled, and a great terror fell on hing t c last under the s been there before. It of black velvet, cut in the Spanish fasrangely pale, but his lips were like a proud red flower. oying in a listless manner he grass beside , and a pair of riding-gloves gauntleted lace, and se into a curious device. A s cloak lined h sables hang from his shoulder, and e we h rings. heavy eyelids drooped over his eyes. tc last t, and o the eyes of tch laugh, and caug, and whirled her madly round and round. Suddenly a dog bayed in topped, and going up t dohe mans hands. As ttle smile touched his proud lips, as a birds oucer and makes it laug there was disdain in it. looking at the young Fisherman. Come! let us worsch, and she led him up, and a great desire to do as s him seized on him, and he followed w knowing why he did it, the Cross, and called upon the holy name. No sooner ches screamed like hawks and fle cched over to a little wood, and rappings came running to meet him. As upon turned round, and looked at the young Fisherman sadly. And tcried to fly a the Fis s, and . Loose me, s me go. For t named w s be named, and s may not be looked at. Nay, I let till t told me t. secret? said tcling , and biting her foam-flecked lips. t, he made answer. ears, and so the Fis t! ightly. And w s free o ers of the sea, and as comely as t ders, and she fawned on o his. But o not t t to me I hee for a false ch. Sree, and shuddered. Be it so, stered. It is t mine. Do as t. And sook from tle knife t had a to him. shis serve me? he asked of her, wondering. S for a fes, and a look of terror came over hen she brushed her hair back from her forehead, and smiling strangely so men call the body is not t is the soul. Stand on to t away from around t thy soul leave t will do so. trembled. Is true? he murmured. It is true, and I I told t, she cried, and so his knees weeping. o tain and began to climb down. And to him and said, Lo! I hy servant. Send me not a evil have I done thee? And t done me no evil, but I here is dim twilig lies bet trouble me not, for my love is calling to me. And eously, but not, but leapt from crag to crag, being sure-footed as a , and at last he sea. Bronze-limbed and , like a statue by a Grecian, he stood on to t of the foam came beckoned to of the waves rose dim forms t did him homage. Before him lay his shadow, which was the honey- coloured air. And o drive me from thee, send me not fort a . thy to take h me. ossed should I love my love if I gave t? he cried. Nay, but be merciful, said , for the world is very cruel, and I am afraid. My is my loves, arry not, but get thee gone. S love also? asked his Soul. Get the young Fisook ttle knife s handle of green vipers skin, and cut a rose up and stood before was even as himself. back, and t to , and a feeling of a me see thy face no more. Nay, but meet again, said ts voice was low and flute-like, and its lips spake. ? cried t not folloo the sea? Once every year I o to thee, said t may be t t have need of me. need s be it as t, and o ters and tritons bletle Mermaid rose up to meet him, and put h. And tood on tchem. And when to t he marshes. And after a year o the sea and called to t of the deep, and said, to me? And t I may speak hee, for I hings. So er, and leaned his ened. And to turned my face to the East and journeyed. From t comet is wise. Six days I journeyed, and on th day I came to a is in try of tartars. I sat down under tamarisk tree to ser myself from the land up . t to and fro over the plain like flies crawling upon a disk of polished copper. rose up from t rim of tartars sa, trung ted bows, and upon ttle o meet it. to themselves behind t curtains. At tars returned, but five of them were missing, and of t came back not a few hey o tily away. t of a cave and peered after they sniffed up trils, and trotted off in the opposite direction. he plain, and to. A company of mercs ed round it on carpets. ted behe negroes cents of tanned skin upon the sand, and making a he prickly pear. As I came near ts rose up and drew his sword, and asked me my business. I ans I I had escaped from tartars, o make me their slave. the chief smiled, and showed me five heads fixed upon long reeds of bamboo. t of God, and I answered him Mohammed. , ook me by t me some mares milk in a wooden dised. At daybreak arted on our journey. I rode on a red-haired camel by the chief, and a runner ran before us carrying a spear. the mules folloy camels in the caravan, and ty in number. e from try of tartars into try of those whe heir caves. As we passed over tains fall on us, and eacied a veil of gauze before his eyes. As arro us from trees, and at nigime we he wild men beating on to to fruits before t o the tos hem warm milk in howls of brass, and t us go by. times in our journey o the banks of t on rafts of bladders of blown us and sougo slay us. rembled. ty levied tolls on us, but suffer us to enter tes. ttle maize-cakes baked in h dates. For every s hem a bead of amber. he o ts. e foughe Magadae who are born old, and grow younger and younger every year, and die when ttle croi hey are tigers, and paint themselves yellow and black; and es rees, and t their god, she Krimnians who worship a crocodile, and give it earrings of green glass, and feed it ter and fresh t, and run more sly than tle, and a third died of . t murmured against me, and said t I tune. I took a one and let it sting me. I did not sicken they grew afraid. In ty of Illel. It - time is outside the air ry, for travelling in Scorpion. e took tes from trees, and brake them, and drank t juices. ts, and ed for the dawn. And at da te of ty. It was h sea-dragons and dragons t tlements and asked us our business. terpreter of the caravan answered t we h much merchandise. took ages, and told us t te to us at noon, and bade us tarry till then. e, and as ered in the people came cro of to look at us, and a crier round ty crying tood in the market-place, and ths and opened ts of sycamore. And whey had ended task, ts set fortrange he waxed linen from Egypt and ted linen from try of the Etyre and the blue hangings from Sidon, the curious vessels of burnt clay. From the roof of a house a company of cher. And on t day ts came and bartered h us, and on the craftsmen and tom h all mercs as long as tarry in ty. And arried for a moon, and whe moon was waning, I wearied and reets of ty and came to the garden of its god. ts in their yellow robes moved silently trees, and on a pavement of black marble stood ts doors on tilted roof was of sea- green porcelain, and tting eaves ooned tle bells. e doves fle, truck th tinkle. In front of temple er paved h veined onyx. I lay do, and ouche broad leaves. One of ts came toood behind me. , one of soft serpent-skin and the otre of black felt decorated s. Seven yelloo his robe, and ained imony. After a little wo me, and asked me my desire. I told my desire o see the god. quot;ting,quot; said t, looking strangely at me ing eyes. quot;tell me in , and I ; I answered. t fringes of unic ed nails. quot;t; he murmured. quot;tell me on w coucc; I answered. quot;t t,quot; he cried. quot;If t I be bitter I ; was my answer. aking me by the hand, he raised me up, and led me into temple. And in t ced on a throne of jasper bordered orient pearls. It of ebony, and in stature ature of a man. On its forehead s o its thighs. Its feet s loins girt t udded h seven beryls. And I said to t, quot;Is t; And he answered me, quot;t; quot;S; I cried, quot;or I ; And I touc became hered. And t besoug;Let my lord , and I will s; So I breat became whole again, and rembled and led me into the second chamber, and I saanding on a lotus of jade emeralds. It of ivory, and in stature ature of a man. On its foree, and its breasts were smeared held a crooked sceptre of jade, and in tal. It ware buskins of brass, and its th a circle of selenites. And I said to t, quot;Is t; And ;t; quot;S; I cried, quot;or I ; And I touchey became blind. And t besoug;Let my lord , and I will s; So I breat came back to trembled again, and led me into third c, nor image of any kind, but only a mirror of round metal set on an altar of stone. And I said to t, quot;; And ;t t thou seest, for t reflecteth all t are in he face of him . t reflectet, so t he who looketo it may be the Mirror of isdom. And there anyt not isdom. t t.quot; And I looked into t was even as o me. And I did a strange t ters not, for in a valley t is but a days journey from this place have I hidden t suffer me to enter into thee again and be t, and t be he wise men, and isdom so enter into thee, and none hou. But tter than isdom, he cried, and ttle Mermaid loves me. Nay, but tter the Soul. Love is better, anso t he marshes. And after to the shore of to t of t to me? And t I may speak hee, for I hings. So er, and leaned his ened. And to turned my face to t is precious. Six days I journeyed along t lead to the city of Asy red-dyed he pilgrims are to go did I journey, and on the sevented up my eyes, and lo! ty lay at my feet, for it is in a valley. tes to ty, and in front of eace stands a bronze neighe Bedouins come down from tains. tch- tooands an arc sunrise rikes h an arro sunset hrough a horn of horn. to enter, topped me and asked of me who I I he city of Mecca, whe Koran was embroidered in silver letters by they reated me to pass in. Inside it is even as a bazaar. Surely t have been reets terns of paper flutter like large butterflies. he roofs ted bubbles do. In front of ths sit ts on silken carpets. traight black beards, and turbans are covered h golden sequins, and long strings of amber and carved peacones glide their cool fingers. Some of them sell galbanum and nard, and curious perfumes from thick oil of red roses, and myrrtle nail-sops to speak to throw pinches of frankincense upon a charcoal brazier and make t. I saw a Syrian who held in his hands a t, and its odour as it burned he pink almond in spring. Ots embossed all over h creamy blue turquoise stones, and anklets of brass tle pearls, and tigers cla in gold, and t gilt cat, t in gold also, and earrings of pierced emerald, and finger-rings of ea-houses comes tar, and their at the passers-by. Of a trut he wine-sellers elbo black skins on their s of the wine of Schiraz, which is as s as in little metal cups and strew rose leaves upon it. In t-place stand tsellers, who sell all kinds of fruit: ripe figs, heir bruised purple flesopazes, citrons and rose-apples and clusters of we grapes, round red-gold oranges, and oval lemons of green gold. Once I sas trunk ed urmeric, and over its ears it of crimson silk cord. It stopped opposite one of the booting the man only laughed. t not trange a people they are glad to them a caged bird, and set it free t ter, and whey are sad t t grow less. One evening I met some negroes carrying a hrough t he poles were of vermilion lacquer studded he windows ains of muslin embroidered les wings and iny seed-pearls, and as it passed by a pale-faced Circassian looked out and smiled at me. I followed behe negroes eps and sco I did not care. I felt a great curiosity come over me. At last topped at a square we here were no o it, only a little door like tomb. they set doimes h a copper an of green leathrough t, and w on tepped out. As s in, surned round and smiled at me again. I had never seen any one so pale. urned to t for the it , I knew whe woman was, and w me. Certainly t of the Ne into to pray. h rose-leaves, and . the palms of and h saffron. At sunrise forth from his palace in a robe of silver, and at sunset urned to it again in a robe of gold. the people flung t I do so. I stood by tall of a seller of dates and ed. hen ted eyebroopped. I stood quite still, and made he people marvelled at my boldness, and counselled me to flee from ty. I paid no o t and sat range gods, ed. old t I o leave them. t nigea- is in the Street of Pomegranates, tered and led me to t in they closed each door behind me, and put a c. Inside court h an arcade running all round. te alabaster, set here and tiles. the pillars were of green marble, and t of a kind of peach-blossom marble. I had never seen anyt before. As I passed across t two veiled women looked down from a balcony and cursed me. tened on, and tts of te of wrougered garden of seven terraces. It ed ulip-cups and moonflowers, and silver-studded aloes. Like a slim reed of crystal a fountain hung in trees -out torches. From one of tingale was singing. At tood a little pavilion. As we approac to meet us. t bodies s me heir yelloain of the guard, and in a low voice wo munced pastilles, ed gesture out of an oval box of lilac enamel. After a fes tain of the soldiers. t back to the eunuchs following slorees as turned round, and smiled at me h an evil smile. tain of tioned me torance of t trembling, and drahe heavy curtain aside I entered in. tretched on a couch of dyed lion skins, and a gerfalcon perc. Beood a brass- turbaned Nubian, naked doo t, and h heavy earrings in ears. On a table by the couch lay a migar of steel. o me, quot; is thy name? Kno t t I am Emperor of ty?quot; But I made him no answer. ed tar, and the Nubian seized it, and rusruck at me violence. the blade he man fell spraeettered error and he couch. t to , and taking a lance from a stand of arms, at me. I caug in its flighe s into t me I held up my stopped in mid-air. then he drew a dagger from a belt of abbed t lest tell of hed like a trampled snake, and a red foam bubbled from his lips. As soon as urned to me, and when he had s from tle napkin of purfled and purple silk, o me, quot;Art t, t I may not , t I can do thee no ? I pray ty to-nig in it I am no longer its lord.quot; And I answered ;I will go for reasure. Give me reasure, and I ; ook me by t into the captain of the eunuchs saw me, the ground in fear. t walls of red porphe Emperor touc opened, and we passed down a corridor t orches. In niches upon each side stood great o th silver pieces. hen he word t may not be spoken, and a granite door s spring, and his eyes should be dazzled. t not believe here oise-sones of great size piled up ored in coffers of elep- in leattles. tal, and tter in cups of jade. Round green emeralds were ranged in order upon tes of ivory, and in one corner were silk bags filled, some urquoise-stones, and othe ivory s, and the horns of brass he pillars, which were of cedar, ones. In t oval sh wine-coloured and coloured like grass. And yet I old t a tit was there. And waken away his hands from before his face o me: quot;treasure, and is in it is to thee camels and camel drivers, and take treasure to of thou desirest to go. And to-night, for I would not t t there is in my city a man ; But I ans is he silver also is the these. Nor shall I take aug t little ring t t on the finger of t; And t;It is but a ring of lead,quot; he cried, quot;nor any value. take treasure and go from my city.quot; quot;Nay,quot; I ans;but I ake noug t leaden ring, for I knoten , and for ; And trembled, and besoug;take all the treasure and go from my city. t is mine shine also.quot; And I did a strange t ters not, for in a cave t is but a days journey from the Ring of Ric is but a days journey from t s for the kings of take it, and the worlds richine. But tter than Riches, he cried, and ttle Mermaid loves me. Nay, but tter the Soul. Love is better, anso t he marshes. And after to the shore of to t of t to me? And t I may speak hee, for I hings. So er, and leaned his ened. And to y t I knohere is an inn t standet th sailors who drank of t-coloured e bread made of barley, and little salt fis and made merry, tered to us an old man bearing a leathern carpet and a lute t wo horns of amber. And when he had laid out t on truck he rings of e, and a girl whose face was veiled ran in and began to dance before us. h a veil of gauze, but hey moved over t like little we pigeons. Never have I seen anyty in w a days journey from this place. Now whe words of his Soul, he remembered t ttle Mermaid and could not dance. And a great desire came over o is but a days journey, and I can return to my love, and he laughed, and stood up in ter, and strode tohe shore. And whe dry shore he laughed again, and held out o cry of joy and ran to meet ered into he young Fisherman saw stretc s is the Soul. And o us not tarry, but get once, for ters t do their bidding. So te, and all t nighe moon, and all t day the sun, and on to a city. And to y in o me? And is not ty, but another. Nevert us enter in. So tered in and passed treets, and as treet of the Je forth in a booto ake t silver cup and hide it. So ook t in tunic, and they of ty. And after t ty, the young Fiso his Soul, tell me to take t, for it was an evil to do? But peace, be at peace. And on to a city, and the young Fiso y in which she dances of o me? And is not ty, but another. Nevert us enter in. So tered in and passed treets, and as treet of the Sellers of Sandals, tanding by a jar of er. And o e t child. So he smote till it , and w of ty. And after t ty the young Fiso tell me to smite t o do? But peace, be at peace. And on to a city, and the young Fiso y in which she dances of o me? And may be t it is in ty, t us enter in. So tered in and passed treets, but nowhere could t stood by its side. And ty looked curiously at him, and o us go hence, for she who dances e feet is not here. But let us tarry, for t is dark and the way. So -place and rested, and after a time t by a wh of tartary, and bare a lantern of pierced ted reed. And t said to t in the market-place, seeing t the bales corded? And this city, nor give me ser. Are all kinsmen? said t. And did not one God make us? t-chamber. So t to his es and entered into t brouger in a copper dis was he mig, and set a bowl of rice and a piece of roasted kid before him. And after t led o t- c rest. And the young Fis was on his s of dyed goats-hair. And wh a covering of black lambs- wool he fell asleep. And t ill night, his Soul he merc, even to th, and slay him, and take from . And t tohe merc, and over t of t there was lying a curved sray by t held nine purses of gold. And ouche sword, and started and awoke, and leaping up seized o t turn evil for good, and pay he shedding of blood for t I hee? And o trike him, and he struck he nine purses of gold, and fled ily tes, and set o tar t is tar of morning. And he young Fisherman beat , and said to thou bid me slay t and take evil. But peace, be at peace. Nay, cried t be at peace, for all t t made me to do I e. te, and I bid tell me w wroughis wise. And send me forto the me no , so I learned to do all things and love them. sayest the young Fisherman. t, ans well. tten t t me no ? I tro. And so trouble not t be at peace, for there is no pain t t not give a t not receive. And wrembled and said to t evil, and made me forget my love, and tempted me emptations, and set my feet in the ways of sin. And not forgotten t whou didst send me forto t me no . Come, let us go to anoty, and make merry, for we have nine purses of gold. But took the nine purses of gold, and flung trampled on them. Nay, I o do hee, nor will I journey even as I sent thee away before, so me no good. And urned o ttle knife t rove to cut from t she Soul. Yet irred not from o his command, but said to tcold thee no more, for I may not leave t th. Once in h back keep it his is his punis and his reward. And the young Fisherman grew pale and clenched his hands and cried, Sc sold me not t. Nay, anso him she worships, and w she will be ever. And w rid of it h him alerly. And o his Soul, I do thy bidding, and close my lips t I may not speak turn to to the sea urn, and to ttle bay o sing, and I o ell he evil t on me. And empted thou s return to han she is. the manner of all kinds of birds and beasts. t are painted h henna, and in ttle copper bells. they laugh while ter is as clear as ter of er. Come o t is trouble of t t which is pleasant to eat not made for ter? Is t o drink? trouble not t come o anoty. ttle city here is a garden of tulip-trees. And te peacocks and peacocks t s. tails when to t disks. And sheir pleasure, and sometimes s otimes she dances . ibium, and her nostrils are she wings of a swallow. From a hook in one of rils is carved out of a pearl. S are about inkle like bells of silver. And so trouble not thyself any more, but come o ty. But t closed his lips ight cord bound his hands, and journeyed back to to the little bay o sing. And ever did his Soul tempt no answer, nor would he do any of t it sougo make o do, so great hin him. And whe cord from ook the seal of silence from his lips, and called to ttle Mermaid. But s to hough o her. And but little joy out of t as one er into a broken vessel. t a, and nought is given to turn. It ter for to come h me, for I knohings are wroughere. But t in a cleft of t tles, and abode there for to the Mermaid, and every noon o nigime he spake never did s of to meet him, nor in any place of t for her in ter, in tide and in t are at ttom of the deep. And ever did empt errible t did it not prevail against he power of his love. And after t hin himself, I empted my master ronger than I am. I empt may be t he will come h me. So o told thee of t turned a deaf ear to me. Suffer me noo tell t may be t t ruthis world, nor is ts net. there be some who lack raiment, and ot in purple, and o and fro over the fens go to eache beggars go up and dos are empty. the streets of ties s at their gates. Come, let us go forthem not to be. tarry o thy love, seeing s to t is love, t thou s set tore upon it? But t noug he power of o the Mermaid, and every noon o nigime he spake her name. Yet never did s of to meet him, nor in any place of t for he rivers of t are under the waves, in t t makes purple, and in t the dawn leaves grey. And after to the young Fis nigime, and as in ttled house alone, Lo! noed tempted thee ronger than I am. herefore will I tempt t I pray to suffer me to enter thy , t I may be one hee even as before. Surely t enter, said the days go t have much suffered. Alas! cried rance, so compassed about of thine. Yet I I could he young Fisherman. And as cry of mourning from the sea, even t men he Sea-folk is dead. And t up, and left tled house, and ran doo to the shore, bearing e as t tossed on the surf took it from took it from the surf, and t, and lying at the young Fistle Mermaid. Dead at it was lying. eeping as one smitten , and oyed amber of t on the sand, rembling to . Cold was t asted it ter joy. he kissed t lay upon their cups tears. And to to ts ears ale. ttle hands round ouchin reed of t. Bitter, bitter was range gladness was his pain. te foam moaned like a leper. ite cla the palace of t upon t tritons blew heir horns. Flee away, said he sea come nigher, and if tarriest it hee. Flee away, for I am afraid, seeing t t is closed against me by reason of the greatness of to a place of safety. Surely t not send me a into another world? But tened not to called on the little Mermaid and said, Love is better than wisdom, and more precious t of ters of men. t destroy it, nor can ters quenc. I called on t da not come to my call. the moon thou no heed of me. For evilly had I left to my own ever did t strong, nor did aught prevail against it, though I have looked upon evil and looked upon good. And no t dead, surely I hee also. And o depart, but , so great was to cover h its h mad lips t t was did break, trance and entered in, and was one he young Fisherman s waves. And in t forto bless t roubled. And the musicians, and t company. And w reache young Fisherman lying drohe body of ttle Mermaid. And he sign of t bless the sea nor anyt is in it. Accursed be the Sea-folk, and accursed be all traffic hem. And as for him who for loves sake forsook God, and so lieth his leman slain by Gods judgment, take up he body of his leman, and bury t no mark above t none may knohe place of ting. For accursed heir lives, and accursed shs also. And the Field of t hey dug a deep pit, and laid t. And w was a holy day, t up to t so the people to t th of God. And wered in and boar was covered range flo never range were to look at, and of curious beauty, and ty troubled in rils. And glad, and understood not why he was glad. And after t abernacle, and incensed the monstrance t , and so the people, and again beo speak to the people, desiring to speak to t the beauty of te floroubled in rils, and to his lips, and he spake not of t of the God whose name is Love. And w. And back to ty, and ears. And to unrobe ook from he alb and tole. And ood as one in a dream. And after t t them and said, are t stand on tar, and whey come? And t flo tell, but t trembled, and returned to his own house and prayed. And in t ill dahe monks and the swingers of censers, and a great company, and came to the sea, and blessed t are in it. the Fauns also tle t dance in the woodland, and t-eyed t peer the th joy and never again in the Fullers Field gre the field remained barren even as before. Nor came to they had been to do, for t to anot of the sea. 星孩 星孩 从前有两个穷苦的樵夫正穿越一个大松林往家赶路。那是冬天的一个寒风刺骨的夜晚。 地上铺着厚厚的雪,树枝上积压着雪,在他们走过的时候,两旁的小树枝接连不断地被霜折 断,他们来到山涧的瀑布前时,霜也一动不动地停在空中,因为冰雪之王已经吻过她了。 这一夜实在是太冷了,就连鸟兽也不知道该怎么办才好。 “噢!”狼一边叫着,一边夹着尾巴从灌木林丛一拐一敲地走出来,“这真是倒霉的天 气,政府为什么不想想办法呢?” “喔!喔!喔!”绿色梅花雀喳喳地叫道,“年迈的地球已经死了,他们已经用白寿衣 把她给收殓了。” “地球要出嫁了,这是她的结婚礼服,”斑鸠们在一起彼此悄悄地说。他们的小红脚都 被冻坏了,不过他们觉得自己有责任用乐观浪漫的看法看待这一切。 “胡说!”狼咆哮着说。“我告诉你们这都是政府的过错,如果你们不相信我的话,我 会吃掉你们的。”狼有着完全务实的思想,他永远都不会找不到好的论点的。 “唔,就我个人而言,”啄木鸟说,他是一个天生的哲学家,“我关心的不是用作解释 的原子理论。如果一件事是什么样子,那么就本该如此,只是眼下实在是太冷了。”天气的 确是冷透了。住在高高杉树上的小松鼠们互相摩擦着鼻子来取暖,野兔们在自己的洞中龟缩 着身子,甚至不敢朝外而看上一眼。唯一好像欢喜这种天气的只有大角鸥了。他们的羽毛让 白霜冻得硬邦邦的,不过他们并不在意,他们不停地转动着他们那又大又黄的眼睛,隔着林 子彼此呼唤着,“吐威特!吐威特!吐威特!吐威特!今天的气候多么好呀!” 两个樵夫继续不停地往前赶着路,并起劲地朝自己的手指手上吹热气,脚上笨大的带铁 钉的靴子在雪块上踏行着。有一次他们陷进了一个深深的雪坑里去,等他们出来的时候浑身 上下白得就跟磨房的磨面师一样,这时石头也是很滑的;有一次他们在坚硬光滑的冰上跌倒 了,这冰是沼地上的水结成的,他们身上的柴捆跌落了,他们只好拾起来,重新捆绑好;还 有一次他们以为自己迷了路,心中害怕的不得了,因为他们深知雪对那些睡在她怀中的人是 很残酷的。不过他们信任那位好心的圣马丁(司旅行之神),他会照顾所有出门的人,于是 他们又照来路退回,小心翼翼地迈着脚步,最后他们终于来到了森林的出口处,并看见下面 山谷的远处亮着他们所在村庄的灯光。 发现自己已脱离了危境,他俩真是欣喜若狂,高兴得大笑起来,大地在他们眼中就好像 是一朵银白色的鲜花,月亮如同一朵金花。 然而笑过之后,他们又陷入了忧愁,因为他们想起了自己的穷困家境,一位樵夫对另一 个人说,“我们为什么要高兴呢,要知道生活是为有钱人准备的,不是为我们这样的穷人? 我们还不如冻死在森林中呢,或者让什么野兽抓住我们把我咬死。” “真是如此,”他的伙伴回答说,“有些人享有的太多了,而另一些人却得到的太少 了。不公平已经把世界给瓜分了,除了忧愁之外,没有一件东西是公平分配的。” 可是就在他们相互悲叹各自的不幸生活时,一件奇怪的事情发生了。从天上掉下来一颗 非常明亮,非常美丽的星。它经过其它星星的身旁,从天边滑落了下来,他们惊讶地望着 它,在他们看来它似乎就落在小羊圈旁边不到一箭之遥的一丛柳树的后面。 “啊!谁要是找到它就可以得到一坛子黄金!”他们惊叫着,跑了出去,他们太想得到 黄金了。 其中一人跑得快一些,他超过了同伴,奋力穿过柳树丛,来到了树的另一边,呀!在雪 地上的确躺着一个黄金样的东西。他急忙赶过去,弯下身去用手去摸它,它是一件用金线织 的斗篷,上面精心地绣着好多星星,并叠成了许多折子。他大声地对自己的同伴说他已经找 到了从天上掉下来的财宝,等他的同伴走近时,他俩就在雪地上坐下来,把斗篷上的折子解 开,准备把金子拿出来平分。但是,啊呀!里面没有黄金,也没有白银,任何宝物都没有, 只有一个熟睡的孩子。 其中一人对另外一人说,“我们的希望竟是这样一个痛苦的结局,我们的运气不会好 了,一个孩子对一个人会有什么好处呢?让我们离开这儿,走我们的路吧,要知道我们都是 穷人,都有自己的孩子,我们不能把自己孩子的面包分给别人的。” 不过他的同伴却回答他,“不,把孩子丢在这儿冻死在雪中是一件不好的事情,尽管我 跟你一样的穷,还要养活好几口人,锅里又没有什么吃的东西,但是我还是要带他回家,我 的妻子会照顾他的。” 他非常慈爱地抱起小孩,用斗篷包住孩子以抵御严寒,然后就下山回村子里去了,他的 同伴对他的傻气和仁慈非常惊讶。 他们回到村里,他的同伴对他说,“你有了这个孩子,那么把斗篷给我吧,因为我们都 知道这应该平分的。” 然而他回答说,“不,因为这个斗篷既不是你的,也不是我的,它是孩子一人的。”他 与同伴道了别,来到自家的门前,敲了起来。 他的妻子打开门,看见自己的丈夫平安回到她的身边,她伸出双臂搂住他的脖子,吻着 他,并从他背后取下柴捆,刷去他靴子上的雪,吩咐他快进屋去。 不过他对她说,“我在森林中找到一样东西,我把他带回来好让你照顾他。”他站在门 口并不进来。 “它是什么呀?”她大声问道,“快给我看看,家里是空荡荡的,我们也需要好多东 西。”他把斗篷向后拉开,把熟睡的孩子抱给她看。 “唉哟,我的天!”她喃喃地说,“难道我们自己的孩子还不够多吗?干嘛非要带一个 换来的孩子回家?谁知道他会不会给我们带来厄运?我们又拿什么来喂他呢?”她对他生气 了。 “不对呀,他可是一个星孩呀,”他回答说,他便把发现孩子的奇异经历讲给她听了。 不过她一点也没有消气,而是挖苦他,气愤地说道:“我们孩子都没有面包吃,难道还 要养别人的孩子吗?谁又来照顾我们呢?谁又给我们食物吃呢?” “不要这样,上帝连麻雀都要照顾的,上帝还养它们呢,”他回答说。 “麻雀在冬天不是常会饿死吗?”她问道,“现在不就是冬天了吗?”她丈夫无言以 对,只是站在门口不进屋来。 一阵寒风从树林刮来吹进了敞开的房门,她打了一个寒濒,抖动起来,并对他说,“你 不想把门关上吗?屋里吹进一股寒风了,我觉得好冷。” “吹进铁石心肠人家的风不会总是寒冷的吧?”他反问道。女人没有回答他,只是朝炉 火靠得更近了。 过了一会儿她转过身来,望着他,她的眼里充满了泪水。他一下子冲了进来,把孩子放 在她怀中,她吻了吻孩子,又把他放在一张小床上面,那儿是他们家最小的孩子睡觉的地方。 第二天樵夫取下那件珍奇的金斗篷,把它放在一个大柜子中,他妻子也从孩子脖子上取 下戴着的琥珀项链,也放进了大柜中。 就这样,星孩跟樵夫的孩子一块儿长大了,他们坐在一起吃饭,又一起玩耍。他长得一 年比一年更英俊,住在村子里的人都为此而感到吃惊,因为别人都是黑皮肤,黑头发,唯独 他一个人长得又白又娇嫩,就像精细的象牙一样,他的卷发如同水仙花的花环。他的嘴唇也 像红色的花瓣,他的双眼犹如清水河旁的紫罗兰,他的身材恰似田野中还没有人来割过的水 仙草。 不过他的美貌却给他带来了坏运。因为他变得骄傲、残酷和自私了。对于樵夫的儿女以 及村子里的其他孩子们,他都一概瞧不起,并说他们出身低微,而他自己却是高贵的,是从 星星上蹦出来的,他自认是他们的主人,把他们都唤着是自己的奴隶。他一点也不同情穷 人,也不怜悯那些瞎子、残疾人以及任何有病苦的人,对待他们他反而扔石头,或赶他们到 公路上去,命令他们到别处去乞讨,因此只有那些二流子才会第二次到那个村子去要求救 济。他也的确是迷恋美的,嘲弄那些孱弱和丑陋的人,不把他们当回事。对他自己却是爱得 要命,在夏季无风的时候,他会躺在神父果园中的水井旁,朝井中望着自己脸蛋的动人之 处,并为自己的美丽而高兴得笑起来。 樵夫和他的妻子常常责备他,说:“我们并未像你对待那些孤苦的人那样对待过你,你 为什么会如此残酷地对待那些需要同情的可怜人呢?” 老神父也经常去找他,试图教他学会一些对事物的爱心,便对他说:“飞蝇也是你的弟 兄。不要去伤害它。那些在林中飞行的野鸟有它们自身的自由。不要以抓住它们来取乐。上 帝创造了蛇蜥和鼹鼠,它们各自都有存在的价值。你是什么人,可以给上帝的世界带来痛 苦?就连在农田中的生畜都知道赞美上帝。” 可是星孩并不理睬他的话,他皱紧眉头,一副很不高兴的样子,走回去找他的伙伴了, 去领着他们玩。他的伙伴们也都跟随着他,因为他长得美,且脚步轻快,能够跳舞,还会吹 笛和弹奏音乐,不论星孩领他们去什么地方,他们都会去,不论星孩吩咐他们做什么,他们 都会去做。他把一根尖芦苇刺进鼹鼠朦胧的眼睛里的时候,他们都开心地大笑,他用石头扔 麻疯病人时,他们也跟着大笑。无论他支配他们去干什么,他们都会变得跟他一样的铁石心 肠。 有一天,一个穷要饭的女人走过村子。她的衣服破破烂烂的,漫长的行程崎岖的道路把 她的双脚弄得血淋淋的,她的模样也十分狼狈。因为太疲倦了,她就坐在栗子树下休息了。 星孩看见她后,便对他的同伴们说,“快看!这么一个肮脏的讨饭女人竟然坐在那棵美 丽的绿叶子树下面。来吧,我们把她赶走,她真是又丑又烦人。” 于是他走了过去朝她扔石头,嘲弄她,她用惊恐的眼光望着熔,一个劲地直直地望着 他。樵夫正在附近的草料场里砍木头,看见了星孩的所做所为,他便跑上前来责备他,并对 他说:“你的心真是太狠了,没有一点怜悯之心,这个可怜的女人对你做了什么坏事,你要 如此地对待她呢?” 星孩气得一脸通红,用脚猛跺着地面,并说道,“你是什么人敢来问我做什么?我不是 你的儿子,不会听你的话的。” “你说的一点不假,”樵夫回答说,“但是当我在林中发现你时,我对你不也是动了怜 悯之心的吗?” 女人听到这些话后大叫了一声就昏倒在地上了。樵夫把她抱进了自己的家中,他的妻子 来照看她,等她从昏迷中醒过来之后,他们为她拿来了吃的和喝的,并吩咐她放宽心。 可是她既不肯吃,也不肯喝,只是对樵夫说,“你不是说那个孩子是从林中找到的吗? 是不是十年前今天的事了?” 樵夫回答说,“是呀,我是在林中发现他的,就是十年前的今天。” “发现他时有什么记号吗?”她大声问道,“他的脖子上是不是带了一串琥珀项链?他 的身上不是包了一件绣着星星的金线斗篷吗?” “就是这样,”樵夫回答说,“就跟你说的一模一样。”他从柜子中拿出放在那儿的斗 篷和琥珀项链,给她看。 她一看见这些东西,高兴地哭了起来,说道,“他就是我丢失在林中的小儿子。我求你 快叫他来,为了寻找他,我已经走遍了整个世界。” 樵夫和他的妻子赶紧走出去,叫着星孩,并对他说,“快进屋里来,你会在那儿看见你 的母亲,她正等着你。” 星孩充满了惊奇和狂喜地跑进屋里。然而等他看见等他的人是她时,他便轻蔑地笑起 来,说,“喂,我母亲在什么地方?我怎么只看见这么个下贱的讨饭女人。” 女人回答说:“我是你的母亲。” “你是疯了才这么说的,”星孩愤愤地大声暖道。“我不是你的儿子,因为你是一个乞 丐,而且又丑又穿得破烂。所以你还是快滚吧,不要让我再看见你这张讨厌的脸。” “不,你可的确是我的小儿子呀,你是我在森林中生的。”她大声喊道,说着一下子跪 在地上,朝他伸出两只胳膊。“强盗们把你从我身边抱走,又把你扔在林里想让你死,”她 喃喃地说,“可是我一看见你,就认出了你,我还认得那些信物:全线织的斗篷和琥珀项 链。因此我求你跟我走吧,我已经走遍了整个世界,处处去寻找你。跟我走吧,我的儿,因 为我需要你的爱。” 不过星孩一动也不动一下,一点儿也不为她的话而动心,这时除了女人痛苦的哭声外, 别的什么也听不到。 最后他终于对她说道,那声调是非常生硬而残酷的。“假若你真是我的母亲,”他说, “那么你最后还是走得远远的,不要再到这儿来给我丢脸了,因为你知道我以为我是某个星 球的孩子,而不是一个乞丐的孩子,就像你刚才对我讲的那样。所以你还是离开这儿吧,不 要再让我看见你。” “唉哟!我的儿子,”她大声吼道,“在我离开之前你都不愿意吻我一下吗?因为我经 历了多少苦难才找到了你呀。” “不,”星孩说,“你可是太丑陋了呀,我宁愿去吻毒蛇,去吻蟾蜍,也不要吻你。” 于是那女人便站起身来,伤心地哭泣着走回到森林中去了,星孩看见她走了,他很高 兴,便跑回到他的同伴那儿,准备去跟他们一块儿玩。 可是当他们看见他跑过来时,都纷纷嘲笑他说,“你怎么跟蟾蜍一样丑陋,同毒蛇一样 可恶呢。你快滚开吧,因为我们不能忍受和你在一起玩,”于是他们把他赶出了花园。 星行皱了皱眉头,自言自语地说道,“他们对我讲的究竟是什么呀?我要到水井边去, 去那儿看看自己,水井会告诉我我是多么地漂亮。” 他便来到了水井边,朝井中望去,啊!他的脸就跟蟾蜍一模一样,他的身子也像毒蛇一 样地长了解。他一下子扑倒在草地上,痛哭起来,并自言自语地说,“这一定是我的罪恶给 我带来的报应。因为我不认我自己的母亲,并赶走了她,对她又傲慢又残酷。所以我要去, 要走遍全世界去寻找她,不找到她我就不休息。” 这时樵夫的小女儿朝他走了过来,她把手放在他的肩膀上,对他说,“你失去了美貌有 什么关系?你还是跟我们呆在一起吧,我不会挖苦你的。” 他对她说,“不,我对待我的母亲太残忍了,这种惩罚就是对我的恶行的报应。所以我 得马上就走,走遍全世界去寻找我的母亲,直到找到她,得到她对我的宽恕。” 所以他便朝森林跑去,呼唤着他的母亲,叫她回到自己的身边来,但是却没有一点回 应。一整天他都在唤她,太阳下山时,他躺下来在树叶铺成的床上睡觉,鸟儿和野兽见到他 也都纷纷逃开了,因为它们仍然记得他的残忍,他孤零零地一个呆着,只有蟾蜍会望望他, 还有迟钝的毒蛇在他面前爬过。 早晨他爬起身来,从树上摘下几个苦草梅吃,然后穿过大森林朝前走去,伤心地哭着。 不论他遇到什么,他都要上前询问,是否看见过他的母亲。 他对鼹鼠说,“你能够到地底下去,告诉我,我的母亲在那儿吗?” 鼹却回答说,“你已经把我的眼睛弄瞎了。我又怎么会知道呢?” 他又对梅花雀说,“你可以飞越好高好高的树顶,可以看见整个世界。告诉我,你能看 见我的母亲吗?” 梅花雀却回答说,“你为了取乐已经剪掉了我的翅膀,我又怎么能飞起来呢?” 对那只孤零零只身住在杉树上的小松鼠,他开口说道,“我的母亲在什么地方?” 小松鼠回答说,“你已经杀死了我的母亲。难道你也想杀死你的母亲吗?” 星孩哭着,低下了头,恳求上帝创造的这些生物们能够宽恕他,并继续穿过森林前进 了,寻找那位讨饭的女人。到了第三天他走到了森林的尽头,又来到了平原上。 他走过村子的时候,孩子们都嘲笑他,并朝他扔石头,乡下人甚至连谷仓都不愿让他 睡,因为他看上去是那么的脏,生怕他会把贮存的谷物给弄霉了,乡下人雇用的看护人把他 给赶走了,这里没有一个人同情他。他也听不到一点关于那个是他母亲的讨饭女人的消息, 虽然三年来他走遍了世界各地去寻找他,可他却似乎感到她就在他前面的路上走着,他常常 呼唤着她,追赶着她,直到他的双脚被尖硬的石块磨出了血来。但是他始终也追不上她,而 那些住在路边的人都说他们没有看见过她,或像她那样的女人,他们都拿他的悲痛寻开心。 三年来他走遍了全世界,在这个世界上他既得不到爱,也得不到关心,更得不到仁爱, 然而这种世界正是他从前得意的时候为自已制造的呀。 一天晚上他来到了一座围墙坚固的城市的城门口,该城位于一条河边,他又疲惫又忍着 脚痛,但他还是进了城。然而守卫在那儿的士兵们却饮下载来拦住他,语气粗暴地对他说: “你到城市里来干什么?” “我在寻找我的母亲,”他回答说,“我恳求你准许我进城去,也许她就在这个城里。” 然而他们却挖苦他,他们中的一人摆弄着自己的黑胡须,放下手中的盾牌,大声吼道, “说实话,你母亲看见你这个样子,她一定不会高兴的,因为你比沼泽地里的蟾蜍和那儿爬 行的毒蛇还要令人恶心。快滚开,快滚开,你的母亲没有住在这座城里。” 另一个手中拿着一面黄旗的士兵,对他说,“谁是你的母亲,你为什么要找她呢?” 他回答说,“我母亲跟我一样也是个乞丐,我对待她很不好,我恳求你允许我进去吧, 好让她给予我宽恕,如果她真的住在这个城中的话。”不过他们仍不让他进城,还用他们的 长矛去刺他。 这样,星孩只好哭着转身走了,这时有一个人走了过来,这人穿着嵌有金花饰的铠甲, 头盔上蹲着一头有翅膀的雄狮,他询问士兵是谁要求要进城来。士兵们回答说,“是个要饭 的,他的母亲也是个要饭的,我们已经把他给赶走了。” “不要,”那人笑着大声地说,“我们可以把这个丑家伙当奴隶卖掉的,他的身价可以 值得上一碗甜酒的价钱。” 这时一个年长的相貌丑陋的人从旁经过,他大声说道,“我会出个价钱买下他,”等他 付了钱后,就拉着星孩的手,带着他进城去 他们走过好几条街道,来到一扇小门口,这扇小门就开在行榴树荫下一堵墙的上面。老 人用一只刻纹的碧玉戒指在小门上挨了一下,门就打开了,他们走下五级铜阶,来到了一个 长满了黑色辖粟花的花园,那里有很多绿色的瓷瓦罐。老人从他的缠头布上取下一条绸纹手 帕,用它缚着星孩的眼睛,并赶着星孩在他前面走。等到把绸纹手帕从星孩双眼上拿开时, 星孩发现自己在一座地牢中,那儿点着一盏牛角灯。 老人在星孩面前放上一个木盘装着的发了霉的面包,并对他说,“吃吧,”还用一个杯 子盛着有盐味的水,又对他说,“喝吧,”等星孩吃喝完毕,老人便走出去,把门锁上,还 用一根铁链把门加牢固。 第二天老人又来见他,这位老人的确是利比亚魔术师中最能干的一人,他的本领是从住 在尼罗河坟墓中的一位大师那儿学来的,老人皱着眉头对他说,“在这座邪教徒的城市城门 附近的一个森林中,有三块金币。一块是白金的,另—块是黄色的,第三块金币是红色的。 今天你要把白金的那块给我拿回来,如果你拿不回来的话,我就要抽打你一百下。你快快去 吧,在太阳落山的时候,我会在花园的门日等你。记住是把白金的拿回来,否则你会倒霉 的,因为你是我的奴隶,我花了一碗甜酒的价钱把你买下来的。”他又用那块绸纹手帕绑住 星孩的双眼,领着他走出了房子,穿过这座罂粟花的花园,走上五级铜阶。他用戒指打开了 那扇小门以后,便把星孩放在街上去了。 于是星孩就走出了城门,来到魔术师告诉他的那个森林中。 从外面看去,这个森林真是美丽无比,似乎处处都是鸟语花香的景象,星孩兴奋地走了 进去。然而森林的美并没有给他带来什么好处,因为不论他要去什么地方,地上都会冒出又 粗又尖的荆刺,阻挡住他的去路,凶恶的荨麻会刺他,蓟也用尖刺来扎他,把他搞得疼痛难 忍。而且到处也找不到魔术师说的那块白金,尽管他从早上找到中午,又从中午寻找到日 落。日落以后他只好转身,一路哭着回去了,因为他明白有什么样的命运在等待着他。 可是就在他来到森林边缘时,他听见了林中某个人的一声痛苦的叫声。他一下子忘记了 自己的烦恼,朝那个地方跑去,他看见一只小兔子掉进了猎人设下的陷井里了, 星孩对它很同情,就把它给放了,并对它说,“我自己也才是个奴隶,不过,我可以把 你自己还给你。” 兔子回答他说,“你的确给了我自己,我拿什么来回报你呢?” 星孩对它说,“我正在寻找一块白金,可我哪儿也找不到它,如果我不能把它找回来给 我的主人,他便会打我的。” “你就跟我来吧,”兔子说,“我会带你去的,因为我知道它藏在什么地方,而且为什 么要藏在那儿。” 于是星孩和兔子一起走了,啊!就在一棵老橡树的裂缝中他看见自己要寻找的那块白 金。他兴奋得不得了,并抓住了它,对兔子说,“你已经加倍地回报了我为你做的那么一点 点事情,我为你表示的小小的恩惠,你已经一百倍地报答了我了。” “不是的,”兔子回答说,“只不过是我用你对待我的方式,回报了你罢了,”说完兔 子就跑开了,星孩也朝城市走去了。 在城市门口坐着一个麻疯病人,他的脸上盖着一块绿麻布的头巾,他那双眼睛像烧红的 炭似地从麻布上的小眼洞里闪着光芒。等他看见星孩走了过来,便敲击着一个木碗,并摇着 他的铃,呼唤着星孩,说道,“给我一个钱币吧,否则我会饿死的。因为人们已经把我赶出 了城市,也没有一个同情我。” “唉呀!”星孩大声叹道,“我的钱包里只有一个钱币呀,要是我不把它带给我的主 人,他就会打我,因为我是他的奴隶。” 不过麻疯病人仍旧缠着他,恳求着他,后来星孩终于动了怜悯之心,把白金钱币给了他。 等星孩回到魔术师的房间,魔术师为他打开门,让他进了屋,对他说道,“你取到那块 白金钱币吗?”星孩却回答说,“我没有拿到。”于是魔术师一下子朝他扑来,击打着他, 并在他面前放了一个空木盘,对他说,“吃吧,”又给了他一个空杯子,说道,“喝吧,” 然后又把他推到地牢中去了。 第二天魔术师又来到他身边,对他说,“如果你今天不能给我拿回那块黄金钱币,我一 定要你继续做我的奴隶,并抽打你三百下。” 于是星孩又到森林中去了,一整天他都在森林中寻找那块黄金钱币,可是哪儿也找不 到。日落时他便坐下来,开始哭了起来,就在哭的时候,小兔子又跑了来,就是他从陷井中 救出来的那只小兔子。 兔子对他说,“你为什么哭了?你又在林中寻找什么呢?” 星孩回答说,“我在寻找一块黄金钱币,它就藏在这儿,如果我不能把它带回去的话, 我的主人就会打我,并把我当作奴隶对待。” “跟我来吧,”兔子大声喊着,它穿过林子跑去,直到跑到一个水池旁。那块金币就躺 在水池的底部。 “我不知如何感谢你?”星孩说,“对了,这已经是你第二次救我了。” “不是的,因为是你首先对我表示了同情,”兔子说完,就飞快地跑走了。 星孩拿到了那块黄金钱币,把它放在钱包中,匆匆地朝城市赶去。可是那个麻疯病人看 见他走了过来,就跑上来迎住他,跪倒在他的面前,哭着说,“给我一块钱币吧,否则我会 给饿死的。” 星孩对他说,“在我的钱包里,我只有一块黄金钱币,如果我不把它交给我的主人,他 会打我,并让我继续当奴隶的。” 然而麻疯病人却仍旧苦苦地哀求,于是星孩又动了同情之心,把这一块黄金钱币又给了 他。 等他回到魔术师的屋中,魔术师为他开了门,让他进来,对他说,“你拿到那块黄金钱 币了吗?”星孩便对他说,“我没有拿到它,”魔术师一下子又朝他扑去,抽打着他,并用 链条把他锁上,然后把他扔进了地牢中去。 第三天魔术师来到他身边,对他说,“如果你今天把那块红色的金币给我带回来的话, 我会放了你的,但是你若是带不回来的话,我肯定会把你杀了的。” 于是星孩又回到了森林中,一整天他都在寻觅那块红色的金块,但是哪儿也找不到。到 了晚上,他坐下身来,哭泣起来,就在他哭的时候,小兔子来到了他的面前。 兔子对他说,“你要找的那块红色的金币就在你身后的那个山洞里。所以你不用再哭 了,你应该高兴才对。” “我如何才能报答你呀,”星孩大声说,“啊,这已是你第三次救我了。” “不是的,可你才是第一个同情我的人,”兔子说完,就匆匆地跑开了。 星孩进入了山洞中,在最里端的角落他发现了那块红色的金币。于是他把它放进了钱 包,急忙返回到城市。那个麻疯病人看见他来了,就站在公路的中央,高声痛哭起来,并对 他说,“快给我那块红色的钱币,否则我一定会死的,”星孩又一次同情了他,把那块红色 的金币给了他,说道,“你的需要比我大。”然而这时他的心情是沉重的,因为他清楚是什 么样的恶运在等待着他。 可是啊!在他经过城门口的时候,卫兵们都向他鞠躬行礼,口中说道,“我们的皇上多 么漂亮啊!”一群市民跟着他,高声欢呼道,“整个世界的确没有比他更漂亮的人了!”星 孩却哭了起来,同时对自己说,“他们又嘲笑我了,拿我的不幸寻开心。”人越聚越多,他 在人群中迷了路,最后发现自己来到了一个巨大的广场上,这儿正是国王的宫殿。 王宫的大门打开了,僧侣和大臣们都出来迎接他,他们对他鞠躬行礼,并说,“您就是 我们正在恭候的皇上,您就是我国国王的儿子。” 星孩回答他们说,“我不是国王的儿子,而是一个穷要饭的女人的儿子。你们为何说我 漂亮?我知道我的长相有多丑。” 这时,那位铠甲上嵌着金花饰,头盔上蹲着一头有翅膀的雄狮的先生,手中举着一面盾 牌,大声说道,“我的皇上怎么能说他自己不漂亮呢?” 星孩举头望去,啊!他自己的险又跟从前一样了,他的美貌又恢复如前了,而且他还看 到自己的眼中有一种以前从未见过的东西。 僧侣和大臣们跪在他面前,对他说,“一个古老的预言曾经说过,就在今天有—个人要 来统治我们。所以,请我们的皇上接受这顶王冠和这根王杖,用他的公正和仁慈来统治我们 吧。” 不过他却对他们说,“我是不配的,因为我连自己的生母都不认,而且在没有找到她之 前,在没有得到她宽恕之前,我是不会休息的。所以还是让我走吧,因为我要再次走遍世界 各地,我是不会留在这儿的,尽管你们要把王冠和王杖给我,也没有用。”说完这番话后, 他就转过身去,朝着通向城门的街上走去,看啊,在士兵们周围挤着的一群人中间,他看见 了自己那位讨饭的母亲,在她的身旁站着那个麻疯病人,他就站在大路中间。 他突然兴奋地叫了起来,便跑过去,跪下身子,去吻他母亲脚上的伤口,用自己的泪水 去洗它们。他把头垂在尘埃中,哭泣着,像一个心碎的人儿,他对她说,“母亲,我在自己 得意的时候没有认你。而现在我卑微的时候你就收下我吧。母亲,我曾恩将仇报,请把你的 爱给我吧。母亲,我拒绝过你,现在就请你收下你的孩子吧。”可是讨饭的女人没有回答他 一个字。 他又伸出双手,抓住那个麻疯病人的一双苍白的脚,对他说,“我曾三次同情过你。请 叫我的母亲对我说一句话。”可是麻疯病人也不回答他一个字。 他又哭了起来,说,“母亲,我的痛苦已经大得让我忍受不了啦。你就饶恕我吧,让我 回到森林中去。”讨饭的女人把手放在他的头上,并对他说,“起来吧,”麻疯病人也把手 放在他的头上,说,“起来吧。” 他站起身来,望着他们,啊!原来他们正是国王和王后。 王后对他说,“这是你的父亲,你曾救过他。” 国王说,“这是你的母亲,你用泪水洗过她的双脚。” 他们俯身搂住他的脖子,吻他,并带他进王宫去了,给他穿上漂亮的衣服,并把王冠给 他戴在头上,把权杖放在他的手中,从此他统治着座落于河边的这个城市,成为了它的主 人。他对所有的人都表现出了极大的公正和仁慈,他赶走了那个邪恶的魔术师,并送了好多 财宝给那个樵夫和他的妻子,并把无比的荣誉给了他们的儿女们。他不能容忍任何人虐待鸟 兽,且用爱、仁慈和宽恕去教育入民,他把面包送给穷人,把衣服送给赤身露体的人,在这 个王国里充满了和平和繁荣。 然而他的统治时间并不长,因为他受的磨难太深了,遭遇的考验太重了,三年过后,他 就去世了。他的后继者却是一个非常坏的统治者。 tAR-ChILD [tO MISS MARGOt tENNANt - MRS. ASQUIth] Once upon a time tters heir way home t pine-forest. It er, and a nigter cold. the branches of trees: t kept snapping ttle ther side of to tain- torrent sionless in air, for the Ice-King had kissed her. So cold t even t know o make of it. Ugh ail betrous her. t look to it? eet! ! ! ttered ts, th is dead and t in e shroud. to be married, and this is her bridal dress, le-doves to eactle pink feet e frost-bitten, but t t it y to take a romantic vieuation. Nonsense! groell you t it is all t of t, and if you dont believe me I s you. tical mind, and a loss for a good argument. ell, for my o, said the oodpecker, who was a born p care an atomic tions. If a t is so, and at present it is terribly cold. terribly cold it certainly tle Squirrels, who lived inside tall fir-tree, kept rubbing eaco keep ts curled their venture even to look out of doors. the only people heir feate stiff t mind, and t to eacher across t, tu-u-u-w deligher we are having! On and on tters, bloily upon their fingers, and stamping s upon the caked snoo a deep drift, and came out as hey slipped on ter was frozen, and ts fell out of to pick toget t t t terror seized on them, for t to those who sleep in her arms. But t trust in t Martin, wches over all travellers, and retraced teps, and last tskirts of t, and saw, far down in ts of they d. So overjoyed t they laughed aloud, and to them like a flower of silver, and the Moon like a flower of gold. Yet, after t they remembered ty, and one of to ther, hy did life is for t for sucter t we , or t some had fallen upon us and slain us. truly, anstle is given to otice the world, nor is t save of sorrow. But as to eacrange t and beautiful star. It slipped doher stars in its course, and, as tc seemed to to sink berees t stood hard by a little sones-throw away. , they cried, and t to and ran, so eager he gold. And one of ter te, and outstripped him, and forced on ther side, and lo! te snow. So ened to, and stooping down placed his hands upon it, and it issue, curiously wrough stars, and o his comrade t reasure t he sky, and he snow, and loosened t t divide the pieces of gold. But, alas! no gold , nor silver, nor, indeed, treasure of any kind, but only a little child who was asleep. And one of to tter ending to our une, for to a man? Let us leave it we are poor men, and give to another. But it o leave to perishough I am as poor as t, and o feed, and but little in the pot, yet h me, and my wife shall have care of it. So very tenderly ook up the cloak around it to s from the hill to t his foolishness and softness of . And o hou t is meet t we should share. But her mine nor t t to his own house and knocked. And w her husband had returned safe to her arms round his neck and kissed ook from s, and brushe snow off s, and bade him come in. But o , and I it to to , and irred not from threshold. is it? s to me, for the house is bare, and we he cloak back, and she sleeping child. Alack, goodman! s children of our own, t t needs bring a co sit by th? And bring us bad fortune? And how shall we tend it? And s him. Nay, but it is a Star-Cold he strange manner of t. But s be appeased, but mocked at him, and spoke angrily, and cried: Our children lack bread, and shall we feed th for us? And who giveth us food? Nay, but God carethem, he answered. Do not ter? she asked. And is it not er now? And t stirred not from threshold. And a bitter came in the open door, and made remble, and so t close tter o the house, and I am cold. Into a is always a bitter wind? crept closer to the fire. And after a time surned round and looked at him, and her eyes ears. And ly, and placed the child in , and laid it in a little bed where t of the morrow tter took t in a great c, and a c he childs neck ook and set it in t also. So tar-C up he oodcutter, and sat at their playmate. And every year iful to look at, so t all t in th wonder, for, we and delicate as sawn ivory, and he daffodil. als of a red flower, and s by a river of pure er, and his body like t. Yet did y work him evil. For he grew proud, and cruel, and selfister, and ther c they were of mean parentage, war, and he made er over ts. No pity hose who were blind or maimed or in any ed, but stones at them forto their bread elsewhere, so t none save tlao t village to ask for alms. Indeed, y, and t of them; and himself he loved, and in summer, will, he would lie by ts orc the marvel of his own face, and laughe pleasure he had in his fairness. Often did tter and his wife chide him, and say: e did not deal desolate, and o succour t thou so cruel to all wy? Often did t send for o teache love of living to her. Do it no roam t heir freedom. Snare t for the blind-worm and ts place. to bring pain into Gods tle of t; But tar-C t would frown and flout, and go back to hem. And his companions follo, and could dance, and pipe, and make music. And war-Child led tever tar-Chem do, t did the dim eyes of t stones at the leper they became even as he was. Nohe village a poor beggar-woman. s orn and ragged, and were bleeding from travelled, and she was in very evil plig nut-tree to rest. But war-Co his companions, See! ttet fair and green-leaved tree. Come, let us drive her hence, for she is ugly and ill- favoured. So ones at her, and mocked her, and she looked at error in her eyes, nor did she move her gaze from ter, who was cleaving logs in a tar-Child was doing, he ran up and rebuked o and kno not mercy, for hee t t treat his wise? And tar-Camped upon t to question me w I do? I am no son of to do thy bidding. t truly, anster, yet did I show ty w. And whese words she gave a loud cry, and fell into a ster carried o his own house, and o and drink before her, and bade . But s nor drink, but said to tter, Didst t say t t? And not ten years from this day? And tter ans t I found is ten years from this day. And t upon round him a cloak of gold tissue broidered ars? truly, anster, it . And ook t whey lay, and so her. And le son . I pray thee send for him quickly, for in searche whole world. So tter and out and called to tar- Co o t thou find ting for thee. So gladness. But when he sahere, he laughed scornfully and said, this vile beggar-woman. And ther. t mad to say so, cried tar-Child angrily. I am no son of t a beggar, and ugly, and in rags. t t me see thy foul face no more. Nay, but t indeed my little son, whe forest, s her arms to ole t to die, s I recognised the signs also issue and the amber che wh me, my son, for I hy love. But tar-Cirred not from s the doors of against he sound of the woman weeping for pain. And at last o ter. If in very trut my mot ter tayed a come o bring me to shame, seeing t I t I ar, and not a beggars cellest me t I am. t thee me see thee no more. Alas! my son, s t kiss me before I go? For I o find thee. Nay, said tar-C t too foul to look at, and ratoad thee. So t ao t weeping bitterly, and war-C she had gone, he was glad, and ran back to es t play hem. But whey mocked him and said, hy, t as foul as toad, and as loat t suffer to play hey drave of the garden. And tar-Co is t to me? I o ter and look into it, and it sell me of my beauty. So to ter and looked into it, and lo! his face oad, and his body was sealed like an adder. And , and said to his has come upon me by reason of my sin. For I her, and driven her away, and been proud, and cruel to he whole till I have found her. And to tle daugter, and s dot matter if t lost tay mock at thee. And o I o my mother, and as a punis to me. go ill I find her, and she give me her forgiveness. So o t and called out to o come to to her, and, w o sleep on a bed of leaves, and they remembered his cruelty, and oad t ched him, and t cra. And in tter berries from trees and ate took wood, he made inquiry if percher. o t go beneatell me, is my mothere? And t blinded mine eyes. how should I know? o t, t fly over tops of tall trees, and canst see tell me, canst thou see my mother? And t ans clipt my hy pleasure. how should I fly? And to ttle Squirrel wree, and was lonely, her? And t slain mine. Dost thou seek to slay thine also? And tar-C and bowed his head, and prayed forgiveness of Gods t on t, seeking for the beggar-o ther side of t and doo the plain. And whe children mocked him, and tones at s suffer him even to sleep in t bring mildeored corn, so foul , and their hired men drave him ay on him. Nor could he hear anywhe space of ten seemed to see of o her, and run after ill ts made to bleed. But overtake , and t by the way did ever deny t to hey made sport of his sorrow. For the y for it was even suche days of pride. And one evening o te of a strong-y t stood by a river, and, sore to enter in. But tood on guard dropped their s across trance, and said rougo is thy business in ty? I am seeking for my moto suffer me to pass, for it may be t sy. But t hem wagged a black beard, and set do be merry he toad of t cra thee gone. Get t in ty. And anoto him, thou seeking for her? And her is a beggar even as I am, and I have treated o suffer me to pass t she may give me be t sarriety. But t, and pricked heir spears. And, as urned away weeping, one wh gilt flowers, and on w couc had wings, came up and made inquiry of t was w entrance. And to is a beggar and the child of a beggar, and we have driven him away. Nay, hing for a slave, and wine. And an old and evil-visaged man w, and said, I will buy price, and, whe price, ook tar-Co the city. And after t treets to a little door t in a h a pomegranate tree. And touch a ring of graved jasper and it opened, and t doeps of brass into a garden filled clay. And took turban a scarf of figured silk, and bound tar-Child, and drave him in front of aken off he Star-C by a lantern of horn. And t before rencher and said, Eat, and some brackiser in a cup and said, Drink, and out, locking the door beening it h an iron chain. And on tlest of the magicians of Libya and from one w in tombs of to him, and said, In a is nigo te of ty of Giaours there are te gold, and another is of yelloo-day thou s bring me te gold, and if t it not back, I tripes. Get thee away quickly, and at sunset I ing for t the door of t t te gold, or it shall go ill my slave, and I thee for t wine. And he Star-Che eps of brass. And tle door him in treet. And tar-C out of te of ty, and came to to him. Noo look at from , and seemed full of singing birds and of s-scented floar- Cered it gladly. Yet did its beauty profit tle, for he ground and encompassed tles stung le pierced ress. Nor could e gold of whe Magician for it from morn to noon, and from noon to sunset. And at sunset owards home, terly, for fate ore for him. But s of the wood, he heard from a t a cry as of some one in pain. And forgetting his own sorrotle in a trap t some er for it. And tar-Cy on it, and released it, and said to it, I am myself but a slave, yet may I give thy freedom. And t given me freedom, and w surn? And tar-Co it, I am seeking for a piece of we gold, nor can I any not to my master me. Come to it, for I know w is purpose. So tar-C of a great oak-tree e gold t he was seeking. And , and said to the hare, t I did to t rendered back again many times over, and t I s repaid a hundred-fold. Nay, ans as t h me, so I did deal ran aly, and tar-C toy. No te of ty ted one who was a leper. Over s ar-Child coming, ruck upon a tered his bell, and called out to die of me out of ty, and there is no one wy on me. Alas! cried tar-C one piece of money in my , and if I bring it not to my master me, for I am his slave. But treated ill tar-Child y, and gave e gold. And o o the piece of ar-C not. So the Magician fell upon before y trenc, and an empty cup, and said, Drink, and flung o the dungeon. And on to o-day t me not the piece of yellow gold, I will surely keep tripes. So tar-C to the wood, and all day long he searched for t no sunset o weep, and as he was weeping to tle he trap, And to t dost the wood? And tar-Child answered, I am seeking for a piece of yellow gold t is not my master me, and keep me as a slave. Follo ran till it came to a pool of er. And at ttom of the piece of yellow gold was lying. ar-Che second time t you have succoured me. Nay, but t pity on me first, said t ran aly. And tar-Cook t it in his , and o ty. But the leper saw him coming, and ran to meet down and cried, Give me a piece of money or I shall die of hunger. And tar-Co but one piece of yello not to my master me and keep me as his slave. But treated tar-Cy on he piece of yellow gold. And o o the piece of yelloar-Co not. So t h c o the dungeon. And on to o-day t me t t if t it not I hee. So tar-C to the wood, and all day long he searched for t no evening , and as here came to tle hare. And to t is in t is be be glad. ar-Chis is time t succoured me. Nay, but t pity on me first, said t ran aly. And tar-Cered ts fart corner it in , and o ty. And tood in the centre of t, and said to he piece of red money, or I must die, and tar-Cy on hy need is greater t was evil fate aed him. But lo! as e of ty, the guards bowed doo iful is our lord! and a croizens followed , Surely tiful in t tar- C, and said to hey are mocking me, and making lighe people, t t last in a great square, in where was a palace of a King. And te of ts and the high officers of ty ran forto meet hey abased t our lord for whom we ing, and the son of our King. And tar-C t I am beautiful, for I kno I am evil to look at? t flowers, and on whose crouc had wings, held up a shield, and cried, beautiful? And tar-C had been, and o in seen there before. And ts and t doo him, It his day should come he who was to rule over us. t our lord take this sceptre, and be in ice and mercy our King over us. But o t her ill I have found her, and known her forgiveness. t me go, for I must wander again over t tarry he crown and tre. And as urned owards treet t led to te of ty, and lo! amongst the cro pressed round the beggar-woman who by the road. And a cry of joy broke from his lips, and he ran over, and kneeling do th ears. , and sobbing, as one w migo hee in t me in ty. Motred. Do ther, I rejected t the beggar-woman answered a word. And e feet of the leper, and said to hee of my mercy. Bid my moto me once. But t a word. And er t me go back to t. And t her hand on his head, and said to his hand on his head, and said to him, Rise, also. And , and looked at they were a King and a Queen. And to succoured. And t t washed ears. And they fell on his neck and kissed him, and brougo t, and set tre in his hand, and over ty t stood by ts lord. Much justice and mercy did o all, and the evil Magician he baniso tter and many rich gifts, and to their children he gave high honour. Nor would he suffer any to be cruel to bird or beast, but taught love and loving-kindness and cy, and to to t, and ty in the land. Yet ruled long, so great had been his suffering, and so bitter testing, for after three years er him ruled evilly. End