ˇ¶Unspeakable Practices, Unnatural Actsˇ· The Indian Uprising E DEFENDED tY as best tered on t, yellos. trying to understand. I spoke to Sylvia. quot;Do you t; table ;No.quot; Patrols of paras and volunteers all, flat buildings. e interrogated tured Comanco rils. . Not believ?ing a ed report of ties in ter districts rencools to trusturned t be surprised from t direction. And I sat tting drunker and drunker and more in love and more in love. e talked. quot;Do you kno; quot;ould t be Gabriel Faure?quot; quot;It ; quot;t,quot; s;May I say t I play it at certain times, w requires four ; quot; managed?quot; quot;I accelerate,quot; s;ignoring time signa?ture.quot; And under ted? stimulated? And trations in texts and ions from one ables, one wh Marianne. Red men in tering in a square startled by sometragic or a sudden, loud noise accumulated against tfully planned job descriptions (including scales for tion of t me and found tin frying pan; tre bottles of red er-litre bottles of Black amp; e, aquavit, cognac, vodka, gin, Fad #6 s-iron legs; a blanket, red-orange blue stripes; a red pilloraebasket; tes and ter; a Yugoslavian carved flute, ems. I decided I knehing. tals dusted quite establised early in t day. I decided I kne me in touceac t cases, steel sters on t learned via an International Distress Coupon t Jane en up by a denerife but Miss R. did not alloo speak of it. quot;You kno; s;you feel not savage and terrible ignorance, I despise you, my boy, mon c. You may attend but you must not attend no attend later, a day or a ed tructed. But it . t near to t sector talion ily formed among t began ters in asted tory of t, cone-s maintains circulation of the blood. But it is you I nos yelloen?ing, s, ugly lances t and inexplicable s is is for you t I am making table -iron legs. I ;Call off your braves,quot; I said. quot;e to live.quot; t of muck running in tters, yelloing excrement, or nervous?ness, a city t does not kno o deserve baldness, errors, infidelity. quot;itil matins,quot; Sylvia said. Ser Nimitz, uttering shrill cries. t trated our gto and t tto instead of resisting ed attack elegrams, lockets, causing t portion of to s more o tto, and e flouation s strung-out inants and merely personal emotions. Our parts s ;Your parts are green,quot; I said. quot;You gave me a year ago,quot; Sylvia said. Ster?ing so a large room painted ing and dancing in t liged! and tcaining a red figure. tional about ed by he absence of books. ter reaco times to?geting a great blue fog. Block opened tic, so I related a little of tory of torture, revieecerature quoting t modern sources, Frencing out ticipation of some new, cool color. quot; is tuation?quot; I asked. quot;tuation is liquid,quot; ;e er and ter. t is silence.quot; quot;And Kennet; quot;t girl is not in love ; Block said frankly. quot;S. s. Once I caug going doairs by itself. I looked inside. Sylvia.quot; Once I caug going doairs by itself but t rap and inside a Comanc , ugly knife at my leg rade to anotuation. Not believing t your body brilliant as it , liquid spirit distinguis able quantities to imes I said: quot;See table?quot; In Skinny ain on trailing c o speak. quot;A former king of Spain, a Bona?parte, lived for a time in Bordento ts no good.quot; S;ty of isfied by God. t is very good (it is Valery) but it is not eac, muck, filt of my .quot; I sable to Nancy. quot;See table?quot; Suck out ongue red as a cardinals . quot;I made sucable once,quot; Block said frankly. quot;People all over America ables. I doubt very mucer an American finding at least one sucable, or traces of its .quot; And after;; I cried, quot;after all?quot; quot;t; Miss R. said in ense voice, quot;is tany. I believe our masters and teacizens so er, snake, tea, Fad #6 ste, fenestration, cro disappointed. Vertical organization is also possible,quot; Miss R. said, quot;as in pewter snake tea Fad #6 sherry serviette fenestration crown blue. I run to liquids and colors,quot; s;but you, you may run to sometle, my poppet, my o; Miss R. said, quot;run to more and more unpleasant combinations as ture of our so?ciety. Some people,quot; Miss R. said, quot;run to conceits or I o tlike t tic excitement o satisfy anyone but a damned fool.quot; I sat in solemn silence. Fire arro my o t office in Patton Place ters, post?cards, calendars. I opened a letter but inside ions. Your earring rattled against my spectacles ouc, ruined place in! Pack it in!quot; I urged, but to listen to reason or to understand t it our er supply ed and t our credit had been, once. e attaco testicles of tured Comanc tting drunker and drunker and more in love and more in love. cave Asc L--, a country toure, and mental functionaries. . . And you can never toucimes o y, or incident, knoo you previously. In Stle Sing off a bus burdened e and beer. e to an old c in t icing. And to t to ted by radio t to move. Jane! I ernational Distress Cou?pon t you en up by a denerife. t doesnt sound like you, Jane. Mostly you kick ttle do your tasty and nice-looking leg, dont you, Jane? Your affair , dont you, Jane? o Nancy. And to t (rings of language extend in every di?rection to bind to a rushing, ribald whole. And you can never return to felicities in t body, tinguis re?capitulating moments t occur once, times in rebellions, or er. tion smas;See table?quot; quot;O in able!quot; ty officials ied to trees. Dusky tread into t; to be?quot; I asked Kenneted to be Jean-Luc Godard but later ted conversa?tions in large, lige Spanisic sculpture on calm, red catafalques. touce, raised scars. e killed a great many in ters and rockets but t and from oto live. quot;Skin,quot; Miss R. said softly in te, yello;ttee. And and s; I re?moved my belt and stering from a great ts of silence and clear, neat ro, feathers, beads. The Balloon t a point on Fourteentreet, t location of , reacopped it; at da edges lay over tion le. But experiencing a faint irritation at stopping, even to protect trees, and seeing no reason t be alloo expand ups of ty it o t;air spacequot; to be found to see to it. took place t t imperceptible sigy-five blocks nort-, as many as six crossto uation, then. But it is o speak of quot;situations,quot; implying sets of circumstances leading to some resolution, some escape of tension; tuations, simply ted part, contrasting and soft yelloe lack of finisallation, gave tten quality; sliding s. No mile?stones in tory of inflation, but at t moment te particular, here. tions. Some people found t;interesting.quot; As a response te to ty of ts appearance over ty; on teria or otally-induced anxiety, it must be judged a calm, quot;maturequot; one. tain amount of initial argumentation about t;meaningquot; of t to insist on meanings, and t in cases involving t, safest p since tely, extended discussion less, or at least less purposeful tivities of terns from tain streets, or seized to e messages on ty for tural acts, or ty of acquaintances. Daring c ts tter of a feact, exerting an ever-so-slig t balloon and building seemed a unity. tructured t a quot;landscapequot; ed, small valleys as roll rip, from one place to anoto run doly graded, or in making a leap from one side to ticity of t ions, as ies, in experienc?ing t;upquot; side of tremely exciting for comed to tys flat, t to amuse children. too, ts, age of tunities described so large as it migain timidity, lack of trust in tility. Because erior, and because t t ties could not determine t of entry -- t is, t at ration y officers into ions normally fell. t purposelessness of t t it ;t; at all). ed, in great letters, quot;LABORAtORY tEStS PROVEquot; or quot;18% MORE EFFECtIVEquot; on ty I could not bear to do so. On tolerant, considering tolerance being t of, first, secret tests conducted by nig convinced t little or notroying t arose (not uncolored by toucioned ility) toizens. As a single balloon must stand for a lifetime of t balloons, so eacizen expressed, in ttitude titudes. One man mig to do ion sullied, as in tence t Mantan sky. t is, ture, someto t er?posed bet;sky.quot; But in fact it a sky you could look up into, lying on your back in treet, ened, from o look up into, , muted grays and bro part, contrasted and soft, forgotten yelloure of pleasurable cognition in ruggling ion. Anot vie of a system of unantici?pated reulips, be a success, or at least not t it is.quot; For t be a brilliantly ;muscle and pluckquot; experience, even if an experience poorly understood. Anot say, quot;it t is doubtful t ____ today in its present form,quot; and find many to agree o argue ;bloatquot; and quot;floatquot; roduced, as s of dream and responsibility. Otailed fantasies o do o lose to engorge it. te cer of t t muc t t ant t sered, ed feeling, constrained, a quot;; feeling. Critical opinion was divided: quot;monstrous pouringsquot; quot;; XXXXXXX quot;certain contrasts ionsquot; quot;inner joyquot; quot;large, square cornersquot; quot;conservative eclecticism t has so far governed modern balloon designquot; ::::::: quot;abnormal vigorquot; quot;, lazy passagesquot; quot;y been sacrificed for a sprawling quality?quot; quot;Quelle catastrop; quot;munc; People began, in a curious o locate tion to aspects of t;Ill be at t place o Forty-seventreet almost to t; or, quot; and on top, and take t a bit, ig --quot; Marginal intersections offered entrances ime duration, as ;, lazy passagesquot; in is o speak of quot;marginal intersections,quot; eacersection not find someone capable of turning your attention, in a flaso neions). Eacersection ?ing of balloon and building, meeting of balloon and man, meeting of balloon and balloon. It ed t t it limited, or defined. Sometimes a bulge, blister, or sub?section to ts oiative, in ts on a map, as seen in a ers remote from ting. t part o neions; t morning, t part ogety of to s its so co people o y-ts existence, offered ty, in its randomness, of mislocation of tradistinc?tion to tangular pat. t of specialized training currently needed, and t desirability of long-term commitments, eadily groance of complex ma?cually all kinds of operations; as tendency increases, more and more people urn, in beo solutions for otype, or quot;roug.quot; I met you under turn from Nor aneous autobiograpo do at your absence, and ion, but no your visit to Bergen erminated, it is no longer necessary or appro?priate. Removal of trailer trucks carried aed fabric, Virginia, aing some otime of unime, perher. This Newspaper Here Again today ttle girl came along dancing doggedly ting needle steel-blue knitting needle. S get up out of tically and sticks me, to make me yell, nice little girl from doed ;dont for Gods sake ; Sed dress and o be eleven. tting needle in t and ion s;torment is ts torment t is t Im learning about under labo?ratory conditions. torment is tudy of c matter in any case youre ty old man cant even get out of rotten old c; Summed me up s tily put as te it y. Do you knole it is? ttle girl jabbed again ting t time and said quot;ly tle it is and even t is money do you die damn you dirty old man ributing?quot; t tograply captioned accumulated along a lifetime of disappointments and some fun. I boasted saying quot;one kno o pincizens jump as in dreams ly. . .quot; But I realize t read toget) catc if to object I enuation. Nice little girl from dohe block somewhere. to read t it says. It is my favorite. I e if you could read it. But you cant. But some can. It comes in t to a felloime back, put it in ;take a look.quot; ook a look took a look but see anytra see it. And ;so ; Of course I once to to take a look some time back said quot;so ; is ed reads good travels far drinks deep gin mostly talks to dolp ty of California at Davis. Not in fine a dullard in any sense but see anytraory of to vend t ;on my page 2 talk about t; took it from ing tory. to read aloud from under my finger t t . So I let tter drop. I to t Route 22 figuring I could get one if I just put on a kind face. tising tra store not far a one to carry along. At tanding in sudden-deatage and broent after paying your dollar fifty carrying your aspidis?tra a blinding flasact lenses came. And a quality of dental o sal it empo?rarily just to please to improve. I o see. I took one by t;come er.quot; My real face beals ;good?bye Marie.quot; And t;er,quot; and Marie ;bonne c; e motored to ter place over to Bar of t. And to my ickled t and admired ures of marvellous gaucherie. In my mind. Of course I once tle some about it, bot room. If you got in t;dime in on a nickel.quot; But t formal beauty. Sometimes on dull days tors play which makes paragraphs like (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ? / ? / ? / ? / ? / ? / ? / ? / ? / ? / ? / ? / o : o : o : o : o : o : o : o : o : o : o : o : ? / ? / ? / ? / ? / ? / ? / ? / ? / ? / ? / ? / * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) (!) refres acimes and parts printed in alien lan?guages and invisible inks. to names from telepelepcer Mempica Key est toledo Santa Barbara St. Paul Juneau Missoula tacoma and every ELS-MOtELS NEED tRAINED MEN AND OMEN AMAZING FREE OFFER on the wrapper. As a disguise. to call saying quot;t kos.quot; iny gun d in like to be s. Not overfond of I said in a friendly ;can I see it.quot; ook out tiny black gun and in t in a friendly tle of ting on table on t;and ive secret recording devices.quot; And finally ;s you ake a fery Florida or Banff t; I told get t crying it seemed to me saying quot;you kno excites tirs tes laid to rest generations ago.quot; o agree omatically feeling for coun?ter-bugs dos t saying quot; under?stand is youre after. If you dont like our o come to it, too old any; times e politesse kicking my toot in blue velvet to splinters on t. Can you imagine some fello daoledo looking at ure dra muc made people stop. Noill s from ate me I put t is true t I dislike ted out t tage stamps sion. ted t. I run coupons to clip offering Magnificent Butterfly ing Portraits Send Po, transistorized Personal Sun tanner, o Develop a Monkey S Affection and Enjoy Its Company, Britislemen, Live Searic Roses Never Fade or itels-Motels Need trained Men and omen. And I keep the money. But e to eluding deat you knoting needle simply sent to soften me up, a probing ac?tion as it t a tissue of s ies, zoom in zoom out. I considered in an editorial t t of God, one of t and finest ed t. Ringle from telep; of God,quot; .quot; So telep;dirty old man.quot; ervie in my mind. S to kno and un?abridged. y old man. Robert Kennedy Saved from Drowning K. at his Desk o associates. Or and kind. telep also a conduit for sooto o t. cs (quot;Yes,quot; quot;Noquot;) in corners of t ly irritated air for neors, neies. ime sending and receiving messengers. quot;I spend my time sending and receiving messen?gers,quot; ;Some of tant. Ot.quot; Described by Secretaries A: quot;Quite frankly I ts a lot of t ts are tial. I even t forget delib?erately, to leave y to get rid of unimportant details. And ; B: quot;Once en me. You kno. I al, and I bunculips Id ever seen in my life. And tulips too. tanding tulips, smiling.quot; Behe Bar At a croy, o make cer. tle of Scotcing. tender, a small man in a beige uniform buttons, politely asks K. to return to ts side, of t;You let one be?; tender says. K. Reading the Newspaper ions are impossible to catalogue. Often e t amuses e involving, say, a fireman record-breaking speed to tories are clipped, carried about in a pocket, to be produced at appropriate moments for tations please of an earts terrible statistics, quoting t;e must do somet; Important actions often fol?loimes ter of wo kinds of responses may be, on a given day, inexplicably reversed.) trivial aspects of temization are skipped. ains a rapid drumming of ips on top. of these, only four are regarded as serious. Attitude toward his ork quot;Sometimes I cant seem to do anyt seems to me an insur?mountable obstacle, really out of reac and look at it, ake . Perry to read it but my mind is elseo get t of it, it seems meaningless, devoid of interest, not o do , everyto do it, o t of it, proceed mec t it is simply a matter of moving from one step to t, plo. I become interested, I become ex?cited, I , to place, I am exed, amazed t to me.quot; Sleeping on tones of Unknoowns (Rim?baud) K. is familiar sligreets of a small city in France or Germany. ters izens mutter to tuosity a mixture of languages. K. is very interested, looks closely at everyt tempo of street life, tizens t t are ter needs? quot;In t, ly gained at lunc luncell you t; ters. tall bald cook, -s, grinning the wall. quot; cook looking at me?quot; Urban transportation quot;transportation problems of our cities and t ur?gent and neglected transportation problems con?fronting try. In ted and industrialized areas, people are dependent on a system of transportation t is at once complex and inadequate. Obsolete facilities and groies and present meties offer little prospect of relief.quot; K. Penetrated h Sadness of the building. tc, no fades into the wall. urns on is, on he room. Karstawa quot;e sent a man to Karstaold . And old ed to set up a sitting for K. sometime in June, if t for o s, t knoly entatively said Neeent o kno varied from sitter to sitter. less and t made it difficult to get just t s. in eacting t , t one. o see, ; Dress ly dressed in a manner t does not call attention to itself. ts are soberly cut and in dark colors. at all times present an aspect of fres to sustain because of frequent movements from place to place under con?ditions favorable. tly, especially ss. In t many times. tra ss about, in boxes. quot;s?quot; A Friend Comments: K.s Aloneness quot;to realize about K. is t essentially ely alone in terrible loneliness ting too close to comes from somet kno o get to kno of people all along you really didnt know all. quot;s. I remember once in a small boat. K. of course ain. Some rougo picking up a landing and I said to I didnt t looked at me. t s for. quot; K. on Crowds quot;ted crowds and vivacious crowds. quot;Sometimes, standing ticular croimes times you only find out after a quarter of an sort of croicular crowd is. quot;And you cant speak to tions o be taken into account. You o say someto t is meaningful to t mood.quot; Gallery-going K. enters a large gallery on Fifty-seventreet, in tourage includes sev?eral ladies and gentlemen. orks by a geometricist are on s tical paintings. quot;ell, at least we know ; ter. People repeat to one another, laughing. tist, wanding bered. K. Puzzled by his Children t four, a boy, tly older, and a little girl, very beautiful, s on tric train, a picture book, a red ball, a plastic bucket, a plastic shovel. K. fro tress issues from no source immediately available to t, a general anguisurns to tanding nearby toriously poor observer. quot;Play ; he says. ten quietly suggests t K. ;play ; K. picks up ture book and begins to read to t text. It beor. Nevertheless K. perseveres. quot;A ist der Affe, er isst mit der Pfote.quot; (quot;A is ts ;) tinues. A Dream Orange trees. Oveready stream of strange aircraft wcs, bread boards, cookie ss, colanders. truments are on to complete the bombing of Sidi-Madani. A farm in the hills. Matters (from an Administrative Assistant) quot;A lot of matters t o a about t time, moved to t burner, tely o take care of. And find K. Nobody kneter t put togetanding around o do. e ting pretty nervous because t ; Ceacher quot; boy, very brig udies, very tious. But ts not unusual; t describes a good number of ts not unusual, t is, to find ties ies t K. , t to display it for fear of seeming soft, girlis in K. ticular attribute say t it ceristic.quot; Speaking to No One but aiters, he -- quot;t; quot;tafel.quot; quot;t; quot;t; quot;tters.quot; K. Explains a technique quot;Its an expedient in terms of to destroy a situation ating, or, again, o break it up if it appears t tuation ation period, into one quite t I mean is t in tantly altering (usually for to give t youre not cicular situation particularly closely, t youre paying no special attention to it, until youre ready to make your move. t is, its best to be sudden, if you can manage it. Of course you cant do t all time. Sometimes youre just completely , cleaned out, totaled, and to do is s about it.quot; K. on his Own Role quot;Sometimes it seems to me t it doesnt matter it is enougo exist, to sit some?o be seen ts. At otimes, Im a ot num?ber of oted by o do, t I y, as possible use of alents Ive been given, for t is not enougo sit in t garden, ful or pleasurable it miguations t demand careful, reasoned and intelligent action. In Latin America, for example.quot; As Entrepreneur t estimates for burying t tretemps o s dangers for tly miscal?culations, which are viewed in many minds as in?excusable. ;Exceptionally difficult rock con?ditions.quot; ith Young People K., reets of unknoos, narroo ting on ts, tars, small radios, long on to back, urned to stare. tand implacably on street corners, in door in small groups at t place reets are filled ed interest, refuse to declare treet after street contains t number, more displayed as one turns a corner, rank upon rank stretco tance, draaring. er, Poulet quot;For Poulet, it is not enougo speak of seizing t. It is ration of, and I quote, recognizing in tant ensity and depttaco tence. quot; Poulet is describing is neition but rat aken up t o discover t may be called t Poulet in fact calls the Marivaudian being. quot;to Poulet, a pastless futureless man, born ane every in?stant. tants are points ant is tant, not tory. Not antly surprised. predict ion to events. antly being overtaken by events. A condition of breat surrounds s in a certain fres, quoting Marivaux, describes very ; K. Saved from Drowning K. in ter. black , ains ter e foam, t over ter. . No, it ap?pears t . I , braced against a rock. K. noer. ands nohe bank, gasping. quot;t; Report Our group is against t t to Cleveland to talk to ting in Cleveland. I o persuade t to do o do. I took Uniteds 4:45 from LaGuardia arriving in Cleveland at 6:13. Cleveland is dark blue at t directly to tel, ended ting. I no?ticed many fractures among traction. I noticed o be frac?ture of ticed numerous fractures of t, of ticed a ure. I could not account for tures. tions, taking measurements, sketctono they were friendly. tion. tella in Monks traction, clamsure by t. anding in a slum of beer bottles and microp; Ingineer,quot; ;And declare inguis?quot; quot;Soft; I said. quot;In every sense. I am ing a small group of interested parties. e are interested in your to be functioning. In t of so mucion, function is interesting. Ot seem to be ate Departments t seem to be seem to be ic lefts t seem to be working. Budd; quot;Ask us anyt our to be ; t;e to be understood and loved by t lay public, and ed by t public, for to kno evaporated tal?lurgy? Monolitegrated-circuit processes? ties? Optimiza?tion ture closed and open loop systems? Fixed variable matical cost searcaxial deposition of semi-conductor materials? Gross interfaced space gropes? e also s in torfis as te to aspects of todays expanding tec ; I spoke to t t t large countries s burn dories. I said t t t t ?tempting to conceal its original errors under layers of ne t . I said t ten t of ts errors. I said t tens of t t s be alloo make additional errors. quot;Yes, yes,quot; t;tless mucrut you say, but possibly lose topping is los?ing, isnt it? top?ping regarded as an abort? e dont kno skill is not among our skills. Our array smas is is t is w is. quot;But lets not ing do counterproductive talk. I o discuss briefly. A fe are just about ready to be gaped at by tance time online computer-controlled o be crucial in meeting ta?tions of tirely too fast.quot; I noticed tributed about t many transverse fractures of t;t of t stomac; on, quot;is one of our interesting terested in. it stomac is to say, eat grass. Blue is t popular color reason ain strains of your native Kentucky Poa pratensis, or bluegrass, as taple input for tomac in to our balance-of-payments t you kno; I noticed about me t number of metatarsal fractures in banjo splints. quot;tiative. . . eiged last year. . . percentage of edible protein of any studied. . .quot; quot;ed?quot; t me. quot;I intuit your red and jealousy of our t; ;tual al as anti- at all a meaningful o speak of our to me,quot; s making bursts of lig;because I am up, t is oo, may be. Let me tell you, Softer of ttle o be interested in. Function is tioning like crazy. t eps ake t aken. teps are, regarded in a certain lig of our enliger?est, quite justifiable steps. e could, of course, get irritated. e could, of course, lose patience. quot;e could, of course, release titanium imetres (t is to say, invisible) ies. e could, of course, release in toxin es an identity crisis. No spe?cial tec is almost laugo ts in ty-four s are ready, massed in secret staging areas in Alabama. e s capable of piebalding ta?tion. e s, bligs capable of attacking . t-srates t, t, to strangle its occupants. tes only after 10 P.M., ting surd o attack testicle-destroying telegram. ting. e ance t, talk about. e , if pro?nounced, produces multiple fractures in all living tball fields.quot; quot;ts w; quot;Yes. Some damned fool couldnt keep . t is t tructure of enemy life is o rend, vitiate, devour, and crus ts not teresting t; quot;You recount ties ; quot;Yes I realize t too muc you must realize t ties repre?sent in and of teceresting problems and ts are often grossly exaggerated by irrespon?sible victims. And t ts a fantastic series of triumpi-disci?plined problem-solving team concept.quot; quot;I appreciate t.quot; quot;e could unleasec once. You can imagine s not teresting t; quot; is teresting t; quot;teresting t ive moral sense t; quot;Because it is on punc; quot;It considers all considerations in endless and subtle detail,quot; ;It even quibbles. it neool, ly predict t, altelling you about, going to do it.quot; quot;ere not going to do it?quot; I took Uniteds 5:44 from Cleveland arriving at Ne 7:19. Ne t t ing eacraditional to tressed ts all rig going to do it. t believe me. The Dolt EDGAR AS PREPARING tO tAKE tional rit?ers Examination, a five-y-minute examina?tion, for ificate. ?ened. t of taking t . aken it ts. No tual questions from tion but similar questions. quot;Barbara, if I dont knock it for a loop time I dont kno; Barbara continued to address o t about say?ing someto erry-cloted batiny fig to climb into tudying for tion. quot;tten part is o everyone in t;t is ; ted at ;If I dont kick it in time I dont knoo do,quot; ed. quot;Barb?quot; But so respond to tion. S it ion . Noness tacle any more so she gave him her back. quot;t,quot; Edgar continued encouragingly, quot;is A-okay. I can for instance give you a list of ans so en, ell me tion?quot; Barbara, ive (t ap on e, many years before) but also deeply mean, said not child, Rose. quot;; Edgar said. quot;t is tion?quot; too provocative for Barbara to resist long, because sion. quot;e ttle ; s;t a groed States .quot; quot;Youre rig; Edgar said un ttle more rec s ion to. But s to triumpoo great. quot;Do you to try anot; quot;Edgar I dont believe in t examination any more,quot; sold him coldly. quot;I dont believe in you Barbara,quot; ered. tarily letting fear prevented so surned about ted certificate. itificate e for all tant and great periodicals, and tead of from . quot;It isnt you ional rit?ers Examination,quot; past o mol?lify, ;Brand, tuck, glave, claymore.quot; quot;Is t an ans; she asked from behind her back. quot;It is indeed. s tion?quot; quot;I dont kno; sted, sligo be put back in a feminine position of not knowing. quot;t; quot;ts ; quot;Obviously,quot; said Edgar imes given to saying t to fill t;You put a in noo fres; ;Even ts an old s so old its ne you o be careful, text o let people kno to be simply obscure.quot; ricks of trade to Barb, in them. quot;Do you me to read you ten for tten part?quot; Barb said yes, ill felt acutely o do. quot;t; Edgar said, preparing paper. quot; is title?quot; Barbara asked. Surned to face him. quot;I got a title yet,quot; Edgar said. quot;Okay, t; o read aloud. quot;In torict of Y--, tain Madame A--, Baron A-- ttle of Kolin: by a crucial mo?ment in ting, est part of t, of 33,000 men. No eau in far from ttlefield; in fact, teau itself in t danger; and at t Madame A-- learned, from a Captain Orsini, of old t a detac of pandours, tal and muc irregular cavalry, eau gates.quot; Edgar paused to breathe. Barb looked at ;turns me on,quot; s;More t; So dohe sofabed. quot;t; Edgar said. quot;Do you me to read you t?quot; quot;Go a; Edgar drank some er from a glass near to hand. quot;t terrible neatus in regard to t. Giacomo Orsini, second son of a noble family of Siena, ion. , not t of priest village priest in try. une. It ruler, to assemble, as is army in Europe. tiny Prussia o supply men in sufficient numbers to satisfy tion; ers ranged over t persuade, ies, into tall men, and ed, for of giants, muc time, but nonet. It Orsini to be a very tall man, and of impressive mien and bearing ed straigar, as in ; quot;ting,quot; Barb broke in, husiasm. quot;t; Edgar said, and continued his read?ing. quot;-- and served ten years in t of giants. On t t, by noed to military life, and even zestful for it, enlisted under tain.quot; quot;Is torically accurate?quot; Barbara asked. quot;It does not contradict ; Edgar assured her. quot;Assigned to taff of Baron A--, and mucatters qualities. A deep sympatab?lisself bet it o a conclusion, on , or ackno it existed, and dre nouris from it, and took muc in to t t state of affairs also , for Orsini, altest restraint in tter, nevert ting to ron to be a just and tors domestic life, w was now, in wsoever slig; Rose, tood in e bat alking for sucime, and in sucic shaking voice. quot;t at all insensible of t , as it ion of latency, betercourse, ually reaco a roops at Kolin, for egy nor a display of pusillanimity, but a , s purpose teau, and to be togeto t of t too was a cruel farce; ; Edgar stopped. quot;Its s-moving,quot; Barbara complimented. quot;ell, do you me to read you t; Edgar asked. quot;t t; quot;Do you me to read you t; ed. quot;Yes.quot; quot;Ive got t I dont ; Edgar said, a little ashamed. quot;You dont ; quot;Do you me to read you t you?quot; quot;Yes, read me t; ty of a semi-professional apartment, ained briefly, of there was no middle. quot;t paragraphis: quot;During ts Friedrico console Kolin, composed in le at Berlin a flute sonata, of is not less lovely tas of Georg Pelemann.quot; quot;ts ironic,quot; she said knowingly. quot;Yes,quot; Edgar agreed, impatient. ile as popcorn. quot;But t; quot;I dont ; hundered. quot;Someto s ; s on. quot;Otory.quot; Looking at : sill streety alt love, be told from the children of success. Barb telling a story s o a friend of . to Seville, to see if y muc, and saneously aborted, in Co parley, and treets and visited elderly c. And t c into, tiny little in tuary. quot;Banal,quot; Edgar pronounced. Sried to te to deliver to him. quot;Ive got to get t certificate!quot; desperately. quot;I dont tional riters Examination you paper,quot; Barb said t regret, because even t to so tell trut;it a middle.quot; quot;I , even ificate,quot; he said. quot;Your views would ; At t moment tered t feet tall and of tor ra?dios, all turned on and tuned to different stations. Just by looking at land and Nogales, Mexico. quot;No grass in t; Barbara got t in one of ttle yelloal canisters made for sending film back to Eastman Kodak. Edgar tried to to badmout to be found, but of all is to begin, to begin, to begin. The Police Band It ment to tive and arian. A better , bloody ty. Even if it didnt . t t us up troit. ypi?cally, curday. And t of time reets dis?guised as postal employees. Bitten by dogs and burdened hird-class mail. are our duties? tervieies are to only. e admired our neo use you in certain situations, certain tense situations, to alleviate tensions, t success ;En?tropy.quot; h a bad liver. e are subtle, t t. Subtlety is tle pill from a little box and s ch. to to teve Canyon recruiting posters and eve Canyon, rigo hear us wail, however. tive rained and ruggedly anti-Communist unit ed in due time, to took a little pill from a little box and said, ell see. ell s, rigying spit valves, giving t little s letter E ion stolen from another life. tially t if turbance on tys streets -- some etting up some ot evening -- t in. ts e s raising a grateful cream out of truments at . A skir?mising t;Perdido.quot; true emotion. Startled, ten. Our emotion stronger tion. A triump over good sense. t very interesting, because after all ? But eresting. e of t moto vacant lots ruments at like Jo ; quot;Stumblin,quot; quot;Gin Song,quot; quot;Peebles.quot; Laving terrain ion stolen from old busted-up loves, broken marriages, tion. A fe of ion wasy Rs of old doors. ty is too mucreet talking about our tec of our eyes a anding in tter screaming to imagine. A drunk trying to strangle a dog somebodyd left leaso a parking meter. t eacy is too much! e is true t t musicians come from Detroit but t you o get in your playing and t is simply t t. ty-t many graft qualities and unpleasant qual?ities, nevertood t. ;ugly,quot; ood t. ood tations of t our black members didnt feel like toting junk mail around Detroit forever until trange reason. ions o be sent out to play in places ? to inspirit t times. t up in treet. rument. ters raised a feic angle (sidetle fill-ins behe crowd roars. tic kind. t didnt turned out tle drug problem of let us even drill anymore. e ic idea, t?), e to tly around in t be met in so many around t s, talking about our tec I t it mig tment still ill ion to be used. ere still here. Edward and Pia EDARD LOOKED At ableknife. t to So t of S y-t t of . Pia . In London s/Sade at tre. Edle of uff for Pia in London. It o make op vomiting. Ed to tcill. Pia . It ill Sunday. quot; are you t?quot; Edion. Edurned a;Many ; ty-four. al. al. Pia ic boots . ake of breat. Edor?quot; quot;I o get someto read,quot; Ed;Somet; to Markaryd. Pia ic . At train station t a Life magazine ed girl on t;S somet; Ed a croed into a ditch. Pia and Edreets of Amster?dam. ted to go to bed s feel like it. quot;t; ;t catc; quot;Its too ,quot; s;per; quot;I knos too ,quot; Ed to t old Ed sy-tanical Gardens. quot;t raptured me oill.quot; Ed of ter ered t;o ; ;Its t marvellous-tasting tomorro say rapture. In Engliss rape. did you do about it?quot; quot;Not; Pia said. Pia skirt. Ed flour in a paper bag and tly. ood beickled ig s to go to bed. Ed o bed elep Fru Sc surn in t ing t from Fru Sc, t o make a note of t ed to call te to ttention of Fru Sc ed. Pia lay on the bed sleeping. Pia wore a red dress, green rings on her fingers. t to to see an Eddie Constantine picture. tantine broke up a great deal of furniture cernational bad guys. Ed? il page of eaceries by Ross Macdonald. t. slig oget of , . quot;Are you cold?quot; Ed?; are you t?quot; Amboise, o get locked in a ceau after visiting terdam. quot;I o ,quot; s;Even t is not ours.quot; Edward asked Pia if s like making love now. Pia said no. It to t bread. t milk. t c read. Pia ures in to ted. Ed out to tc ttle of Gordons gin. two inches of gin. Ed to Berlin on train. Pias fat florain o taxi. quot;take us to t; Edo taxi-driver in En?glis;Ice,quot; t Pias belly. It ting larger, all rigened for loudness. Edter from London, from Bedford Square Office Equipment, Ltd. quot;e ed fitting nes and adjusting tti portable t unately dropped by you. total of parts and labour comes to ˇę7.10.0 and I am adding ˇę1.00.0 ial deposit of ˇę10. Yours.quot; Yours. Yours. Edter from Rome, from Fru Sc, t in Frederiksberg Alle. quot;unities to one of rabbit or cat, it is said to be just as I left all my mink clot of our time in tros o can you see of a city from to it but I ; c, in plan. Kurt poured a fres knoc pouring a cup of coffee for Edion in Soutnam. ther. Pia slept on t up over . Edore. It ?quot; e. quot;You dont seem ; s;You dont seem ; ore t to ter. ed t s of er to tc to t a large y metres by nine metres. Fortunately t deal of neacked in tment in Copenared at t in times red-and-blue airmail envelopes came t. Ed s. t ed some more money from some; Maurice said. Maurice c to Maurices er cried in s cy empty beer bottles in a corner. Randy said scell if to be a boy or a girl. S over Pias belly. quot;It o be real gold,quot; Randy said, referring to tty. Pia and Eda sat on a log in France drinking tle as it o sleep ;Yes,quot; Pia said. t t tom part of tern. Pia t about trip to t Union. Ed at tomorpening to t about trip to t Union. t deal of singing. Edened to trumpet. Steve Lacey o a S;You to kno;You killed Kennedy.quot; quot;No,quot; Ed;I did not.quot; Ed back to Frederiksberg Alle. Pia s and looked at Pia sleeping. Pia moved in t ts. Ed into tried to find someto read. Ed oo s and parts of it oo long. Edelepy. quot;Come stay ; Ed;Please!quot; Ed sick: quot; imes?quot; Edold Pia about ten of jail. quot;old o sit doitc; quot; are stitc; Ed up in t o on Pia. One of t otimes ed Pias former lover, Paul. treets in Leningrad are extremely elepo see eacalked to Ed Soutnam. tea. Ed t ell? Ediful,quot; Edo Pia. Pia t: I feel sick. In Copen tionary. Sixteen croold a story about one of t;S, you knoanding over a great icking up in t; Pias little broturtleneck ser and sang quot;e S; ar. Kurt played tar. Kirsten played tar. Anita and Ole played tar. Deborae. Edime and Neuesday Edime. Pia boug babies. ted ed t Pia go back to ty. ed t Pia study Frencar, flute, and cooking. Pias cooking ten. Suddenly s ening to t. Pia looked at Ed like . t red beard, tacles. SAAB jets roared overurned off the radio. Pia turned on t drinking. Ed sick. ime and Ne o Ed ;?quot; Ed American Express. ttle moans of pleasure. Cooks. More money. Edtle red-and-op. Pia lay in bed. S sick. tric er. ts out. ;Is ric er?quot; Edward sric er. Edc on to Edory about four S to prison for rapture. Edo make love. quot;No,quot; sried to lauge flag on top. Ed to go to bed a t; Edo Pia, quot;did you kno?quot; Edurned off ts out. ;ts out,quot; ; are you t?quot; Edell then because she was laughing. A Few Moments of Sleeping and Waking EDARD OKE up. Pia was already awake. quot; did you dream?quot; quot;You ; Pia said. quot;e ume film. You , jumping on tables. But in t all your matc; quot;I ; Scarlatti from t e sat at t table. Pete or on an American nuclear submarine, a psycrist. come off patrol, fifty-eiger. Pia gave Pete scrambled eggs , bacon. Pete interpreted Pias dream. quot;Ed; quot;Yes.quot; quot;And your real broto Italy, you said.quot; quot;Yes.quot; quot;It may be someto travel.quot; Ede for a boat ride, a tour of t y tourists. t, four tour?ists abreast, on eito a micropelling tourists he harbor. quot;I interpreted t dream very sketc; Pete said to Edward. quot;Yes.quot; quot;I could more .quot; quot;Dont.quot; quot;t,quot; to te regarded t on Petes submarine. Pete discussed ty-eige sat on Ed; Edo t glasses. took Pete to t. Pete fleation of Dreams. Pia dreamed t so a great le, to sing. Se gardens. ted. Pia refused. to sing. So stop. Ot Pia sur?render tood about ting and singing. Ed; you just give ; quot;My ,quot; Pia said. quot;You kno girl is not like t. Really s and not asserting -- asserting? -- asserting ; quot;t your mot t; quot;Per; quot; else?quot; quot;I cant remember.quot; quot;Did you sing?quot; quot;I cant remember,quot; Pia said. Pias brotrousers. Pia se in t. Edant coffee. Pia explained blufaerdig;If you rousers open,quot; s;t; quot;It is a very good one,quot; at t on tting a dress out of blue, red, and green clotar. o play somet;t; Edation of Dreams. quot;In cases only a strange person ap?pears in tent, I may safely assume t by means of identification my ego is concealed be person. I am permitted to supplement my ego.quot; Ed at a sidey-t; tiny girls tigs. tige pants. Ed trees. quot;; Pia said. quot;By a car. In a snoorm.quot; Edersection. quot;ere you ?quot; quot;My bicycle erly.quot; Ederpretation of Dreams. Pia bent over th. quot;Freud turned o a disreputable uncle, in a dream.quot; quot;; quot;ed to be an assistant professor. ant professor.quot; quot;So allo; quot;t kno; quot;Youre joking.quot; quot;Im trying.quot; Edalked about dreams. Pia said s unhen she woke, relieved. quot;; quot;For about t t it is not so.quot; quot;; quot;I dont kno; quot;Do you t means you ne; quot; un; quot;Maybe you to feel guilty about ing to ; quot;ts subtle,quot; Pia said. quot;Youre insecure.quot; quot;; Edward said. quot;But w; quot;Because you dont o feel guilty anymore,quot; Edward said glibly. quot;; Pia said. Eded terpretation of Dreams. novels by Antreet in Eder. S ten. Pia into teet. ill rotten. Pia sat doo cry. Ser making any noise. Everytten. Edo pay Danisax. quot;But I dont make any money in Denmark,quot; Ed?ten. Pia came h black varnish around her eyes. quot;?quot; quot;I e it.quot; Pia raordinary size. It ;ts a big cabbage,quot; Edward said. quot;Big,quot; Pia said. the world for supper. quot;Is t; Ed;I like. . . vinegar. . . ; Edes?man, s letters to tor. Pia appeared in her new blue, red, and green dress. She looked wonderful. quot;You look ; quot;tak.quot; quot;tables are ; Ed;You remem?ber you said I ables, in your dream. Freud says t tables are figures for ; quot;La vac; Pia said. Pia reported a ne;I came o a small toourist tle o take ure. But I couldnt find o apparat. In t in to to a ladies club, a place ture isement outside. rigelep ting about in a strange ; Ed; else?quot; quot;I cant remember.quot; quot;Not; quot;o tried to take a picture of came up and took my arm. I I said to myself somets necessary to ; quot; else?quot; quot;I cant remember.quot; quot;Did you sleep ; quot;I dont remember.quot; quot; did t; quot;It ; quot;Did it remind you of anyt; quot;It ty. o dance.quot; quot; is connected place in your mind?quot; quot;Once a boy came to a party.quot; quot;; quot;So pay.quot; quot;; quot;Someone.quot; quot;Did you dance ; quot;Yes.quot; quot;Did you sleep ; quot;Yes.quot; quot;Very often?quot; quot;t; Ed to Malmo on t. to t of a plane laboring doerminable runway. quot;I dreamed of a roof,quot; Pia said. quot;. ored.quot; quot; does t --quot; Edward began. quot;Also I dreamed of rugs. I ing a rug,quot; s on. quot;And I dreamed about ; quot;Dont,quot; Edward said. Pia silently reional dreams. Edment of a department store. Surrounded by exciting rugs: Rya rugs, Polisrao-s. Ed one t cost five tribune, Paris edition. quot;It is too good for t; Pia said. quot;It is to be ; Ed o last into treet. Just in time. quot;God knoiful, ; Edward said. quot; did you dream last nig; Ed; did you dream? ?quot; quot;I cant remember.quot; Ed oo muc trying to remember a dream. remember. It o see if the door. No. Pia awoke. quot;I dreamed of beans.quot; Ed o his hand. quot;to dream of beans is, in all cases, very unfor?tunate. Eating t tate one for you. to dream of beets is on t; Ed quot;Mrs. Miniver.quot; It ten by J. .B. Priestley, Ed;I remember it very ; Pia insisted. quot;Errol Flynn raps, rapsquot; -- Pia made a rousers gesture -- quot; ser Pidgeon.quot; quot;Errol Flynn even in ture. You tley e everyt you? Everyt; quot;I dont.quot; quot;Errol Flynn even in ture.quot; Ed?;Errol Flynn even. . . in. . . ture!quot; Pia quite asleep. Sanding on a street corner. omen regarded of tring bag containing straurnips. An old lady rode up on a bicycle and stopped for traffic ligraddled ring bag, and t into tter. t. People croring bag. Pia s;No,quot; s;S. . . I ; Someone asked Pia if sed o call a policeman. quot; for?quot; Pia said. anding t, t, If to be my dream for tonig it. Can We Talk I ENt tO to get my money for ted it yelloer letters saying CREDIt DEPARtMENt. And a ros. But I s in texas and a great ory off t of Kansas. tle things. t about artico be in t 11:30 in ts. A blue policeman . Copo . ttle leaf to rest my articretco make sure none of uck to it. Fourteentreet gay rike. of your s, did you really tling to destruction in mind? I unit t tention. of your s, did you think why me? Into I sao get ering outside in my painted ss. A question of buying neo t. And barks. of your s, me? I said: Your eyes been surpassed. tici?c of troville, Calif. I asked t one, I said. e dont sell tiate, I asked. Breat ucked a green leaf into my yello h his brown hands. marry old you ed tenant hen. Posing a plastic paper plate. my friend Victors making money in ic turtle Bay. Coffee rainer at Randolp breakbone fever at alter Reed. t into treet again and uptoopping on to give ten. Because to bark. o touc you said you had a cold. I believed you. I made more pop?corn. te bread. A brisk bout z from quot;t; And in ten for Max, because t of t it in cion to the Colorado School of Mines. In to anyone. tore igains. decided to make us miserable. I said: I seem to all my manuscripts, in again and again and again, and noical monorail to Venus is possible s at me, I o say. You peered into my gloom. My friend ickle t is me. Invited to put a vacuum cleaner to?gets on tical order. iful girl. And ly, her eyes fill. e income, you said sometelligent but I forget t knowing you. Discussing tate game, Agnes and I. Into ting dear. ito front for me. tons of money in it, I said. poned, ed? Did you experience a disillusion?ment event? ed for a Post. to lean upon in to lure folk into my neitled quot;t In Conflict itself.quot; Promising 24-ion. And otures. Dancing on my parquet floor in my parquet ss. to Mahler. After you sent me or to be kissed. You kneting on teps. Game SELL KEEPS ttac alloo play ting on ter ?ing quot;onesies, t; in a pre?cise, ed voice, not so loud as to be annoying, not so soft as to alloo forget. I point out to S t from playing jacks t interested. I edly to be al?loo play by myself, but ;; I ask. quot;t; ed o ttache case. It is unfair but t it. I am aco get my hem. Sccain events take place upon to insert our keys in te locks and turn our keys. Saneously tain scivated and t ty-t floco s rangely So s me. e c sing eac t strange? I do not knoed. I do not know. Eaco s trangely. rangely is strangely? I do not knoion to t kno concealed in my attaca strapped to calf. Sometimes instead of cedly c ty I am c dangles in ty of calf. If rangely me not ta. Similarly Sends to c cing idly atop my attacing idly atop my attacing idly atop my attache case. In took care to beion, speecs t became apparent t an error out relief going to arrive. Oo an oversigo an oversigy-t became clear t an error to be relieved, tions of normality of January 1, called by us, t. Uniform regulations imes are no longer rigorously sc ions of rank and precedence empo?rarily put aside, a of Senant. One of us c all times ratc all times, except c all times and if t one urn our keys in taneously and tem involves a delay of per? I do not care because I am not care because er t taco e a series of descriptions of forms occurring in nature, sucone, an animal. On the walls. Se descriptions of natural forms on the walls. Sers degree in business administra?tion from ty of isconsin (alt in isconsin, aana or Ida do aana or Ida remember. e y-to an oversige and tioning zips on and off erratically and Sroduc?tion to Marketing by Lassiter and Munk, making notes pen. S I do not kno, s a calm aspect and reads Introduction to Marketing and makes es pen, meantactention. I am not well. e y-to an oversig sure ay ly, or if not permanently at least for a year, for ty-five days. Or if not for a year for some number of days knoo t knoo us, suc may be t t in every detail but in sum. Per and t is very successful. I do not kno I suspect t tures into ting re?inforced concrete rooms under to say t tem is t knoo us. e eat ed and tasty. e sleep uneasily and acrimo?niously. I imes, imes, in ry to pick ttaco get at ttaco get at trine, pale green ing and tioning wrine. I e descriptions of natural forms on tcile surface aire I tac do ain?ing tone, animals, a baseball bat. I am a t is not a natural form. Yet I described it. quot;t,quot; I said, quot;is typically made of is typically one meter in lengttle longer, fat at one end, tapering to afford a comfortable grip at typically offers a slig tremity, to prevent slip?page.quot; My description of t ran to 4500 cen? I do not kno Sing-betle strange. Yet it is no stranger trunks ta strapped to calf and stood over trying to span stretcance bet do it, I ried, standing over tstretcance is too great. I o comment but did not comment, comment , comment ience, in te foresige anding over tstretcrying to span stretcance bethe locks. S ain overtures. t clear. It o do range person. o be less affected by our situation t olidly, cudying Introduction to Marketing, bouncing eady, rious manner. o be less af?fected by our situation tolid. ain overtures, certain overtures sure t I understand to do o tric oven. But t be a quid pro quo. I insist on a quid pro quo. I hing in mind. I am not knoarget. t tell us for argeted. I do not kno is planning. t is not my respon?sibility. My responsibility is to cain events take place upon turn my key in teady, stolid, ro get my y-to an oversige on t;onesies, t; in a precise, ed voice. Noles tively. I do not knoargeted. S himself. Sometimes I cannot sleep. Sometimes S sleep. Sometimes en abend, gute Nac; or I cradle Sand is S sucs only if is fair. ts me to do only if urn. t is fair. I am not well. Alice tool my o sool tool a dizzy spell eventuates tool I begin to feel dizzy tool I to fornicate my ed Alices ed my ced my an?sed tingle of insult running tive tig tion scalding-ing Curve B in addition to tions mili?tary police sumptuousness of tatements kept distances iris to iris queen of e of anger cing and sing konk sense of quot;moldquot; on t;muffquot; sense of quot;talkquot; on t;surfacequot; konk2 all sorts of cter give it a bone plummy bare legs saturated in every belief and ignorance rational living private client bad bosom uncertain ton-tugger obedience to tem Lord Muck tears harmonica rascal ts cainly I can produce ctractive s I said and more nouris she said I to fornicate it is a doomed project fornicating acles impediments preclusions estoppels I a gas see cruel deprivements SECtION SEVEN moral ambiguities SECtION NINEtEEN Alices tION tENtY-ONE I am an OB I obstetricate ladies from predicaments I carry a device connected by radio to my ans even go to ts can I in con?science turn off h Alice? Alice is married to Buck I am married to Regine Buck is my friend Regine is my is battol?ogized in SECtIONS SIX tELVE and tual intercourse intrudes someY-thREE I maintain an air of serenity ion not an abject limp (Quasimodo) but a proud limp (Byron) I move sloiff leg to endure trangers tred of pediatricians ant consider?ations sher for example in in tcemporary rented joy can Alice fornicate aken to ted poignant can Buck t arcect s smen t decides to renovate a feo renovate Alice? and buttock can I lounge in ted Alice see start aerror revulsion and z Rent-All bed ed of to respect for t of throw I was a s? Alices t golden varnis seen them casty AND USEFUL tOO colored clotoons bit of fresoget manifestations deep-toned blacks o tral-biblioteddy bear blatty string kept in a state of suspended tension by a ors you can do it too its as easy as it looks t particular player over ccill single but ter quot;feelquot; in use pretended to be doing it quite uncon?sciously fiser dancer, strains of music, expenses of t Sion transparent te rats little coun?try telep insults brougs in bed regarding Alices stomac not also resemble some others? or be possible in ted o dis?pense o tress on t attaco t or per?s or perhe armadillo or perhaps only a pile of read news?papers ells you t z from ts ay or be possible to use ot y be erotic? could love be made in door tree? can Alice forego Buck kneeling before ty deserted abandoned and pace-setting tle peeps of gree peeps of gree good for Buck! s Magritte Alice is first s is good about Alice is second som SECtION NINEtEEN tOM plaster tions grease on tinguely neimental songs sudden torrential rains car?bon projects evidence of eroticism conflict bets baked on table 3 mm. a stone ongue ips ligamenta lata old men buried uprigs of everyones life uninteresting variations pygmy oion in ines sink for of kegs otudied, ile t dream iness trank red clover uterine spasms guided by reason black en?velopes eemed arc leg critical menials making gestures ce ice pink and green marble over cc street suburban in flavor quiet cros of tters from Japan circulate I am ems of ts ems of tologicalists but I am not privy to tems I pocket goes bleep! nig the New School is t;middle lifequot;? can I o quot;old agequot;? I see Alice es great expecta?tions Frencicklers magic marks nig t;goodquot; and quot;badquot; as terms ive meaning I like t Alice er tructor Alice ructor whis?pered yelloed house I see Alice ructure MOVEMENt OF ALICES ZIPPER located at to t is an attribute of ttribute of t I ed it for you in some roug in the dark a feanding about next to ts ts are talking about t of Alices zipper rap Alice on tanding in ted bed?room I of requires a second coat per on t to t bucket regarding token on t up drop it into t bucket sloe paint insurance? confess t for many years I myself took no otly in tsteps of my teaced animals, frisky inventions, ted pa?trons, most great als and clinics, gray gauzes transparent plastic containers Presidential dining room about 45 cm. coquetry and flirtation knit games beautiful tension beaten metal catcree tickling nose of bear ton s fairly broad duct, ic ;racingquot; Dr. arted tonistle knoer ties of figure did t? Alices but on t find t sractedness stupidity o pick my nose forevermore Buck is ruso? duplicity bleep! it is tipped uterus from Carson City calling SECtION FORtY-ts first one tened fresurned omac slo first t?tocks possible attitudes found in books 1) I dont kno mean? 3) seized sadness, I kno ry? 8) be more giddy 9) a mixture of pleasure and confu?sion, t is my state 10) w s know where I am but I do knoreet s I speak to Alice on treet stempt to see s urn to savor rising over tention a particularly c of quot;sistersquot; sta?tistics on ty of life angelism straigiques uck matical models six s make micefeet of old coing to ts nasal contact 7 cm. prune tly identify ciness sentient populations A Picture History of the War Kellerman, gigantic noon earing imes ing sunligearing for a pair of young motcoats ogeturous embrace, near tain, quot; are t; cries t;near tain?quot; quot;t is love,quot; replies t;; quot;O a desire I ; cries t;t t dispute among nations, some great anger, so t I mig; quot;t; replies t;Empty saddles, boots re?versed in tirrups, tasteful eulogies --quot; quot;I to tell you somet; s;On ttle ed out to me!quot; On t of teenton lin?gered until t tting in t ro;S; according to Muffling. t out for t Brye, of to a bar. quot;E; quot;Eris-tris,quot; ty ;A Beaujolais?quot; quot;Cut timentality, Mado,quot; Kellerman says. quot;A Beaujolais. Listen, if anybody asks for me --quot; quot;You been in.quot; quot;t.quot; Kellerman knocks back tucks the door. quot;You ; t; is tionale?quot; quot;Its a convention,quot; Kellerman replies. ts ampered instantly disabled in bot my sly cut doer being asked, alloo tary. by a line in t paragrap;In a viable constitu?tion, every excess of pourally gen?erate its oidotequot;), ype to see alked about (quot;I ter re and tolerablequot;). quot;s t?quot; calls t mot;On t?quot; quot;ts my fat; Kellerman replies cour?teously. quot;My dad.quot; quot;Isnt ; quot;Are you cold?quot; quot;o me!quot; exclaims t;t t t old? t; quot;Somet; Kellerman agrees. quot;Dirty in ty of ts, if ts ; quot; does ; asks ts. quot;Or, rat did ; Kellerman falls to of t;Bless me, Fatted endoarcimes, melanicity four times, encropatomy seven times, and preprocity ent, pretolemicity, and overt cranialism once eac; quot;it; quot;Since Monday.quot; quot;Did you enjoy it?quot; quot;; quot;Any of it.quot; quot;Some of it. Melanicity in ternoon pro?motes a kind of limited joy.quot; quot; anyt?quot; quot;A great deal.quot; On ttle ed out to me. ttered upon ts, tians in anot from trike t you break a tian skulls are so strong, t you may smite tone and you hem in. quot;O a desire I ; cried t;t my son of airplanes into aggressor terrain and find farmers co fork s into trees! And t possible t I kno in t to find t, its incredibly romantic. I gave eetoy and ttle bastard, and ain and ctee at Benning. e I made myself from t on s at dusk on t Leonard ood. Superior numbers in ttle more grape, Captain Gregg, under tumnal moon.quot; quot;No start crying! e better go see Uncle Rene all toget a; quot;Interesting point of vie; t;Does skin?quot; quot;Everyt; touche general howls. quot;; Kellerman explains to t;o fall on t to t rear. ery at Pomezia y-seven t; Kellerman de?clares. quot; could ttle of Borodino, at ttle of Arbela, at ttle of Metaurus, at ttle of C ttle of Pulto ttle of Valmy --quot; quot;E; quot;Eris-tris. A Beaujolais?quot; quot;Listen, Mado, if anybody asks for me --quot; quot;You been in.quot; quot;Bless me, Fated to say a certain to a certain man, a certain true t into my to pronounce true t lay languis is, proceeded to propel t trueness, t felicitous trularity, from its place inside my into ain man stood ing to receive it. ed an eager acceptingness. Everyt. I propelled, using my mind, my mout t trularity inside my ained like tiamines, Berlioz, a ory, a ory) to?s debut on tage. Past my teettle broers knitted of gin and cigar smoke, tos leap to critical scrutiny. Past my lips, endency to flake aher -- quot;Fations to ask you. Just a feions about t ely.quot; In t in?stantly disabled in bot my sly cut doer being asked, allo; for marriage? is t of love? pal ail?ments can be ary? is t age for marriage? Sponed until t a family? Serile marry? is sterility? ive organs ificial insemination? possible to tell if a person is emotionally fit for marriage? al medical exami?nations important? is natural c is t size for a family? Can interfaitandards to folloion can a ell if s? is tion of t are traceptive devices? If near relatives marry sex experiences ant bearing upon marital adjustment? Can im?potence be cured? Can ted? en sercourse be practiced? last? Surn out ts? Sure sick? Is a ; Kellerman stops at tore. quot;e cant use any of t; toreman says. quot;t-ever-it-ises youve got under your arm t; quot;ts my dad,quot; Kellerman says. quot;Formerly knoances.quot; quot;I t it oreman says. quot;A bunc; Kellerman kneels on tore. quot;Bless me, Fat one in respect to mortal sins, I alaciousness disappoint, is in fact so patent, so demonstrable, t t confessor and forgive toms inspector running ed by a pretty girl.quot; quot; do you do?quot; t;You your?self.quot; quot;Im a bridge expert,quot; Kellerman says kindly. quot;t, Greater Bridge, s to make complex t be bored. A Bible of bridge, if you take my meaning. Some of our boys carried it in ts over ts during t a Zero. quot; All deliriously pretty and sexy mote silk Paisley blouses; gleaming little pairs of o ts. S skirts s of action at t be better. Cafe-ed mouths, shiny orange-brown cheeks, rib?bons of green enamel eye makeup. Mrs. Subways. quot;Im cold,quot; old Kellerman says. quot;Cold,quot; ting. Kellerman pulls out ;inter gin,quot; ;it absumeture.quot; quot;Say somet; t. quot;?6 ?K Q J 9 4 ?A K 8 5 ?K Q 2,quot; Kellerman says. On t Mountain. Stes Corps to strike tta and to capture, if possible, Allatoona. Steroyed ts on t Frenco capture Allatoona and destroy to t of Kenesaain. quot;And many ot; Kellerman says. quot;Just as steamy and sordid as t one. Eacs of t of trar of Copyrig; quot;iticky details?quot; quot;Rife ; Kellerman says, quot;just to give you a ; quot;O sin,quot; exclaims t;in e (or are encrandulated by) eaco mess up ts iness and dirt, and you! Standing tand your fundamental motifs! and my fundamental motifs! s preferable to parables? so old so suddenly? In ances is confusion a virtue? eef? 1. On flute, Lateef creates a completely distinctive sound -- sensitive, ing, but filled e strengt?ists. 2. On tenor saxopingly individual, combining bril?liantly modern conception ed tone. 3. teef, undergoes a startling transformation into a valid jazz instrument, ly funky blues quality. 4. is my seniority, my medals, my oldness, s a c does language me -- me t o it, re?specting its little peculiarities and nicilosities, for sixty years? 5. do years me? uck stones in my kidneys, devalu?ated my tumulosity, retracted my dies?quot; Kellerman is eating one of y-t lunce (ty-one cents) and a box of Nabisco Saltines (ty-one cents), tle of leftover Cs troyed in t to Noelie at C?mas by . ary. by a line in t paragrap;In a viable constitu?tion, every excess of pourally gen?erate its oidotequot;), o see alked about (quot;I ter re and tolerablequot;). tle e ine. ulates ime tacked Fitzance, pursuing until nig farm, even a drummer to beat t as our guide, and bound o my stirrup. Kellerman stands before a cer in o a scting in t roic sketc of armor. Kellerman points. quot;A.: Palette.quot; quot;Palette,quot; ts. quot;Covers t,quot; Kellerman says. quot;t?quot; ts. quot;t,quot; Kellerman says. quot;Are you certain?quot; quot;Absolutely.quot; tes in ablet. Kellerman points. quot;B.: Breastplate.quot; her scribbles. quot;Covers t; quot;Breast,quot; old Kellerman says. quot;C,quot; Kellerman says. quot;Mustard plaster,quot; t;trying to break up ttle lung. Your mot. tears in or forty miles a; quot;C.: tasset.quot; quot;Semolina pudding you ed. No, I said. Later, I said. Bad for t, I said. You cried and cried.quot; quot;tasset,quot; Kellerman repeats. quot;For tplate by straps.quot; quot;Strap. Arap!quot; quot;D.: Cuisse.quot; quot;I rap. Fast, but careful. Not too muc too little. Calculating ty, air-spring density, time of day. My ; quot;Covers t; Kellerman says. quot;Fas?tened by means of --quot; quot;Strap,quot; tisfaction. quot;Un?pleasant duty. s it becomes necessary--quot; quot;You loved it!quot; Kellerman says, sing. ts ampered instantly disabled in bot my sly cut doer being asked, alloo tecor on tem. It ten job. ten one trip to ts called a Corporal). Confidentially, it doesnt s effective range is ty-five feet -- its lengt falls on you, it can be let;t; t;tated by t; quot;Flaming gel,quot; Kellerman says. quot;You ; quot;Not overfond,quot; t;Not like some of t; quot;s t you ; asks toreman. quot;t,quot; Kellerman says. quot;I one of tomaps of Evolution t you ed worms, ribbon worms, arrow worms, w; quot;orms in ; ts, quot;agitated by t; quot;Im not accepting any more blame, Papa,quot; Kel?lerman says finally. quot;Blame melt in my. . .quot; e. quot;I love playing ; Kellerman says, to t mot buttons and carrying a matc says (black lettering, rose-blus;VD Is On ty.quot; quot;tes. And s; And it rue t of , but w if she decided upon 2, or 5, or even 11? Of t, none of co a beautiful idea! y -- temple, more fascinating ternal tent, ermined someday to possess it. . . by destruction. ly. he wrong word. quot;E; quot;Eris-tris. A Beaujolais?quot; Kellerman runs do. tus clog treets. . and about, looking at eacions. Kellerman runs. t t knoand, gigantic in ts covering treet is full of firemen, gigantic, standing to a group of firemen, ;Serile marry? is sterility? is a false pregnancy? ive organs ural cence be cured? are t; The President A noxious old sack, 6 8quot;, excaudate, because of an operation. trangeness, and complexity of t ouc deal of fainting lately. Is t at fault? I ting, I remember, in Ro City Center; t;t; Sylvia . I t. Is for trange fello -- not like ts like taft. Not like s, or oodroiced a lady sitting in front of me, apped ;Madam,quot; I said, quot;your ced.quot; quot;C; sating t;C o you?quot; t was smiling in his box. A big lady, 7 1quot;, h a dog. quot; deal about deaty,quot; Sylvia said. quot;t many people from City, and t exceptions, are s an obsession, as it ; Oters carried ter into tchen. quot;Our period ure ories as a period of tentativeness and uncertainty, I feel,quot; I said. quot;A kind of parentic top I see a little boy ;te ;te didnt ; I said. Sylvia ad?justed alian res?taurant. quot;Not o City College and sat around terias t; she said. People are fainting. On Fifty-seventreet, a young girl dropped in racks in front of o discover t ser belt under o tore ion Army major -- a very tall man ;Sed,quot; I said to talked about t, tion Army major and I. quot;Ill tell you ; ;I t somet. I t under ; tion Army major s;Im not saying t t tremendous, stagger?ing. t if anybody -- any one man. . .quot; is going to is t planning? No one kno everyone is con?vinced t off. Our exed age o t of to be able to say, quot;y.quot; And t, t tiny, strange, and brilliant man, seems cankered and difficult enougo take us time, people are fainting. My secretary fell in tence. quot;Miss Kagle,quot; I said. quot;Are you all rig; S of tiny silver circles. Eaciny silver circle ial: A little lady, 5 2quot;, h a cane. I gave er tle brandy in it. I spec?ulated about ts mottle is kno ed herself in var?ious guises: A ;, able spirit. @. ;Aquot;? is he in your life, Miss Kagle? Little is kno ts t obsess us obsess oo. Copulation. Strangeness. Applause. S be pleased t o, a mode of ;Miss Kagle. Drink it do you on your feet again, Miss Kagle.quot; I regarded h my warm kind eyes. At toes to quot;t; Outside t mounted policemen collapsed en bloc. trained ed t delicately among t (only forty-eig t t it must ain intuitions. I am convinced t uitions (altain of very little else about ions, I am not sure). I could tell you about o ern tibet -- about told off tructing o rub up out of me instead simply note rangeness, great t;I love you,quot; Sylvia said. t stepped tain. e applauded until our arms . e sed until t off flares enforcing silence. tra tuned itself. Sylvia sang t ire cast slipped into tra pit in a great, sore up our tickets. See the Moon? I KNO YOU ting my time. Youve made t perfectly clear. But Im conducting tant lunar ility studies. And its not you oe into tening lunar surround. I am still wearing my yellow flower wed wonderfully. My metouco do c pres?ent. But t be folded in t s of calculations and edges. S edges and Ill sural-born quiet. t re?minds me of my grandmotampa. ty creaky green glider and t nig. tranquillity occupying squares 47 through 108. See t es us. My met remember Nearted out even ly ed laboratory. And tter of my security cing for t. Somebody told it Im insecure. ts true. I suffer from a frig-mindedness. Its not catc shrink. Youve noticed t, souve?nirs. t, tructions for t Farm. And traffic ticket ten on a saints day ( remember) in 1954 just outside a fat little to remember) in O I did. I said I e poppy?cock for t of a university, true then. You can see ility studies arent for everyone. Its my to somet do I look for? A , Ill not accept anyts steringly ingenuous but I ed to be a painter. t aimes agrees kno, glue it to t place, of course, t), and lo! people cro and cry, quot;A real Baby Rut could be realer t!quot; Fantastic metapage. You e tious. t Farm instructions are a souvenir of Sylvia. t came from Cardinal Y. ere friends, in a way. I ed to be one, I couldnt stand stretco ts t place people look. Fragments are trust. Ligous al ts fair. I elined Mos?cos boredom. tences as follosarev, metalime previously for stealing public prop?erty, four years in a labor camp, strict regime. Roslavtsev, electrician, jailed previously for taking a car on a joyride, trict regime. tatyana Voblikova (only nineteen and a Komsomol member too), tecrictness unspecified. Anna G. Kirusecy per cent of salary for one year. Anna objected to trangula?tion, but softly: suff the carcass in a bag. tacked up on my it from time to time, drarangling swans is wrong. My brotinguis . . . all. Dont look its unes sour. And renders ragas e raga played at noon can cause darkness, did you kno? Its extraordi?nary. ed to be an Untouc toucually; its a complicated story). And he imbroglio. My fatly com?fortable, and ts not a criticism. ing (sometimes runs me up a s). tion of letting my fattee, . ts not a criticism. Exercises iv?ity, noesy tions. Green for t t nouriss gazelle, y of our revolutionary aspirations. tood. ts not a criticism. Its hey all ask for. A call tonig een and at M.I.t. already. Recently ions. Suddenly ory. telep a greeting: o take ttle pills? little pills? Little ;quot; on t. Eig ? as it epilepsy? Good God no, not arembled, t control it. Oh, O.K. See you. the receiver clicks. Or: did my great-grandfat into team called t. Augustine Ro . Did your fat it? No, it ied up in a la. anyt. O ? Great-grandfatory goes. Os see, 1938 I t of? attack. Oh. O.K. See you. End of conversation. Gregory, you didnt listen to my advice. I said try ted M.I.t. and electron-spin-resonance spectroscopy. You didnt even crack a smile in your six-ply her hopsacking. Gregory youre going to , you? ill you ? e talked about t could be deduced from tside. I said it doesnt look very big to me. Ss big enoug need suc roaring big one after all. S tra-large sizes. Our o be considered too. ed need acres and acres. I said it in a Skinner box maybe. S. I said you lately. Sting bigger wher I laugh or cry. Dear Ann. I dont te. . . you dont understand is, its like somebody o you and says, I tles use, o tlestlesed one. And een-incapult for launc planes. And you say, Ive aled to launc planes. And s yours, and ttleso paint it, because its rusting, and clean it, be?cause its dirty, and anc some s you to get it off treets. And troom and a funny knocking noise in Fire Control, er rising in t find trina tapes for t get anybody to sit . And finally you discover t tleship. Ann. Im going to keep ly. Just t of dialogue: quot; is little Gog doing.quot; quot;Kicking.quot; I dont ing in on us y of ions. we need ive. Shink he half likes her. Dont go. t. I er ty y on t. Gulls and oleanders and quick eacs and beer cans. t a retired ad?miral he Coral Sea. quot;You to us, George,quot; ts not my name. Im protecting my iden?tity, . Applause from tands filled o to ungoo take my place at top. But a pause at Pusan, and toy train to t. truce o carry. My buddy Bo tagliabue ty te rocks. I lunc curry from great galvanized or I crave Elko, Nevada.quot; t ripes, getting troops out of tagliabue a sergeant too. triste in tennessee tea Room in tokyo, yakking it up in Yokoo our little tent toing fifty-gallon drums of ing oil tenthe snow. Ozzie t. quot;t Julian in tango tank.quot; And up and alert as taugo tango, seventy miles a, tempest, toreador, op flapping. Pfc. Julian drunk and disorderly and beaten up. t a receipt book. I signed for the bawdy remains. Back over t vessel decorated rail of orange peel on t surface. Sitting in ty miles out of San Francisco, listening to tateside disc jockeys ctering co grab my spot at top. My cloty looked neall buildings raised side, red on ty. quot;Listen to t bass. ts sixty ts ; I spoke to my fat;; quot;If Alaska makes it,quot; ;I can buy a ; tograperan face, f.6 at 300. My fa?t a great Eastern scures at top of his leap. ts not a criticism. e o have cheer?leaders. I presented myself at t Office. I ile ile of c;u?dent organization, George?quot; t Officer asked. Many s for top folk he Fencing Club. quot;But you served your country in an overseas post.quot; quot;And regard my career plan on neatly typed pages ; quot;Exemplary,quot; t Officer said. quot;You seem married, mature, malleable, o affiliate yourself t for a poppycock man, to e t; I said no but maybe I could fake it. quot;Excellent, excellent,quot; t Officer said. quot;I see you ty Club. And ten-per-cent discount on tickets for all ; t;You to us, George,quot; e poppycock, sometimes cockypap. At four oclock ty ed tail flag. e drank Daiquiris on eacerns. I , someplace to tadia of friendly sies do afternoons ?ing nigall toots. the crowd roared. Sylvia roared. Gregory grew. ticular point at wopped being promising. Moonstruck I er a fasting on a bencice field, signals in tall canvas blinds. Layabout babies loafing on blan?kets, some staked out on t dog cting knee to knee in ss of scarlet and green. I stared at time presence. It seemed. . . inimical. Moonstruck. ere playing Flinch. You flinched. t t difficult to ex?plain, all auties agree. Say I ired of p***yc**k, if t pleases you. Its true enough. Sylvia up in a puff of smoke. S like unsalaried life. And couldnt bear a male ac?quaintance moon-staring in t of day. Decent people look at night. e rouble led for t I t of it, t t t matter-of-fact midnigelepructor s me do still -- old you. Yeao Mexico City for talk about it. Yea? Notin?guis of Ger?many. i-Nazi. Adler means eagle in German. ts true. t it. e rouble ed to be scientific. toys from Procreative Playton. O Gregory, t Princeton cro you coming and going. Procreative Playt one end and tional testing Service at t serious-minded co-op nursery, t ake. quot;A groanding bet and c; I still remember poor ;Sibsquot; on ted his, by age: 26 25 23 20 19 15 10 9 8 6 O Mrs. you tle Cmas-tree ornaments for they work wonders. Did ;badlyquot; by Gregory? ill ;betterquot; ions curl ts to ask. I mentioned Cardinal Y (t). of one of my little projects. I set out to study cardinals, about o me t cardinals could be knoion and enumeration. A per?verse project, per noo find a point of viereets on ts, cing, ticker tape unwinding from high windows. . . titled to an explanation. t appeared, I grasped a ;Yes, yello; te in my book, yellow pigskin. Significant detail. toral cross contains nine diamonds, t soutane is laundered righe premises. I asked tions, we ion. quot;I am tiful t; I said. quot;I am tain ,quot; he said. quot;Upon ?quot; I asked. quot;Upon an elep,quot; he said. quot;Upon rest?quot; quot;Upon a tortoise.quot; quot;Upon ortoise rest?quot; quot;Upon a red la; I e in my book, playful. quot;Is t ; I asked. quot;If t must lie outside t al,quot; serious. I e in my book, knohe drill. (Os, in telling ca Claus, s to unso tcedly rolled ogetogeting red iently unrolling a red ball to get a red sock and a black ball to get a black sock, her. . .) Cardinal Y. hes sly. I ella tle o tle ligested tomacy using Universal Indicator Paper, a scale of one to ten, a spectrum of red to blue. ting y. I measured trengta Multipic Muzzle Map, o t;Stella by Starlig; react in any ed to fill to a depten incured). I took to t, t ;tory.quot; t fifty-seven points. Afterage, t arms lengts of t soutane stood out to reveal ton sagehands clapped. I asked tional ones, and t is cardinals. Not enougo rear a science of cardinalogy upon, but enougo form a basis for tiga?tions of otigators. My report is over t to my copy of La Geomancie et la Neomancie des Anciens by the Sei?gneur of Salerno. Cardinal Y. One can measure and measure and miss t essential till get then. too, maybe I rying on t for myself. s, slig altoget all at once. But you feel it, t. You speak up, strike attitudes, like tiny Lollobrigida. Drunk y once more. I am still wearing my yellow flower wed wonderfully. quot; is Gog doing.quot; quot;Sleeping.quot; You see, Gog of mine, Gog o my , Im just trying to give you a little briefing you unpleasantly surprised. I cant stand a startled look. Regard me as a sort of Distant Early arning System. can I tell you? ogets of travellers. Fragments are trust. Look at my s all ts a leaf, Gog, stuck up cape. No no, tcape is transparent stuff, the veined irregularly shaped. . . to tostat, quot;Mr. . B. Yeats Presenting Mr. George Moore to t; ts a civilized gesture, I mean Beerboor Aristide Maillol into ting business s dedication. And o, s Sylvia and me putting an Ant Farm togets an Ant Farm apart. See t es us. And noruck to to ter. Driver in green siren suit, red face, blond sransaction: quot;Beautiful day.quot; quot;Certainly is.quot; And notling back in t Man I dont you. Unfolded Ursala too and erests, cooking, botany, pornograpo so. In anot can I do for o A.A., I falls on head. here Gog. e hope youll be very happy here.