¡¶Overnight to Many Different Cities¡· Back Cover: quot;Kaleidoscopically mesmerizing... Poingquot; -- Village Voice From Neo tokyo to Copeno t City of Le Corbusier, ticated and surreal collection of s stories and brief visionary texts takes us on an exing tour of tificial ruins, creates a ruined for a magazine called Folks sets out to intervieeals fifty-t. Like a master magician, rol and illusion, Barting language ion, ures ting times. quot;Dizzying and enjoyablequot; -- Publishers eekly quot;Enticing. . . flecked ; -- Kirkus Reviews They called for more structure. . . tructure, t in some big o place y, to be just jim-dandy, s stutter, o flame. e range gods aplenty, and site-specific sins, and ened . But rusted our instincts and our payced steel from t. O city! o ourselves, you to be built! orkplace democracy iced on ttle cap tle featy. tion of iced t our ID cards from ty, ed our cold stories of ots we aliesin. At dao condition ourselves for ts ahead. tation, clad in red Lego, at t ed. . . Areas of ty, told us, o rot, fall into desuetude, return, in time, to open space. Perly skeptical about t of t it er all, a plan, tegrity of tailing impressed us all, and standing by taining t some day romp on t notice ones c bursting icipatory pride. back faced ernating bands of gray and rose stone capped ened our broails of our ss, ney spread out beneatIGIUM. Not ty, told us, simply a set of letters selected for t. ttle girl dead beo life, and te construction continued. Visitors Its the morning. Biser is ill, stomache couch. Bisoo is ill, cing, a flu. sleep. In bed, ens to tie is fifteen and spends th him every year. Outside on treet, someone kicks on a motorcycle and revs it unforgivingly. his bedroom is badly placed. o-Bismol, if sry tylenol. , pulls -s away from . t. teady, friendly air-conditioner ling in t room. Earlier aken o a doctor, a bellyac; tor said, quot;stick doesnt go a; Katie is beautiful, tall h dark hair. In ternoon to a aking over ty. At vivid moments s s into his back. he moved away. ogetreet sakes igime aen people give them peculiar looks. of feting in tersection . quot;t; y-nine. riting a ory of 19tury American painting, about wwo. Not enough. A groan, felt but muted, from ther room. Shes awake. s up and goes in to look at e cotton robe sucked up under ;I just t; she says. quot;Did it ; quot;A little.quot; sometold of tree. quot;Do you to try a glass of milk?quot; quot;I dont any milk,quot; surning to lie on . quot;Sit ; s on t;terrific,quot; ;Lets get your mind off your stomac fis time you tel keys out of t; Once, in Paris, s t, from a sixtins of el keys buried in ted plant outside tel door. quot;Daddy,quot; s looking at him. quot;Yes?quot; quot;; quot;o live ; quot;You could find somebody. Youre ; quot;Os very neat. I t; quot;You dont try.quot; t true. quot;; quot;One eig; quot;You could lose some weig; quot;Look, kid, gimme a break.quot; s ;You some cambric tea?quot; quot;Youve given up.quot; quot;Not so,quot; ;Katie, go to sleep no big pile of Gucci ; Surns her head away. Biso tcurns on t. a drink o o sleep? it. urns on tiny kitcV and spends a fees cer movie. ter is picking up fully, eating t tokyo. ten t from underneaterror. ;You no butterfly on me?quot; s. oniso learn t quot;butterflyquot; meant, in tois of time, quot;abandon.quot; S in a nic of Stars amp; Stripes. One day a . Bision LEADING LADIES. ter sergeant or brougo back to Bis;e cant do t; ;Aint it a s; cs Dolly Parton singing, by coincidence, quot;; At some point during eac; up?quot; quot;It ,quot; ;Yours. You made too muc ; old Katie tion for t it until its untrut. y, too. I can do. alking do Broadurday afternoon. Barking art caged in te galleries, dont go inside or itll get you, leap into your lap and cover your face o treme, snarls and ss brilliant teet I you if you dont me. Citizens parading, plump-faced and bone-faced, ligoting a Board of Education trombone case. A fello over his shoulder. Bisy dollars in in case o buy a pal a drink. Into a gallery because it must be done. tists y EVERLASt ed to rouble. Biso resist, bangs one , and s his hand. Bloody artists. Out on treet again, o by a man, ts isher friend, Malcolm. quot;; quot;Professor,quot; ). not muc om. Malcolm is t c. y over it. quot;ty-t t boter.quot; Standing beiful young woman. quot;tie,quot; Malcolm says. quot;eve just given eaten all t; Bisely seized by a desire to cook for Cie -- eit-Bean Soup or . Selling her windows. quot;I dont care but w; S and is deeply tanned , tV. ill talking about t. quot;I mean ation on batrends.quot; quot;ell maybe ; tover duck in tor . quot;ell,quot; o Cie, quot;are you ; quot;Yes,quot; s;I am.quot; quot;e just ate,quot; ;You cant be possibly be ; quot;; saking Bis, sticking out. Putting slices of duck in bean er c;tures of Robin ; cV. At time he FM. quot;I like a place able. Bisaking quick glances at o see . al note to buy some Mazola -- a case, maybe. quot;y seconds on fenders,quot; says the radio. quot;Do you live ; Cie asks. quot;My daugimes. Summers and Cmas.quot; A little tarragon into ter. quot; you?quot; quot;t; But to be. Biseadfastly hree Sheep brand Chinese chopper, made in gray Fusan. quot;ist.quot; As ; kind of an artist?quot; quot;A painter. tle. ; o ter, tomato paste. quot;ake?quot; Cie asks. quot;Im not rus curious.quot; quot;Anot; quot;ttle vodka. Straig mind.quot; Bishop loves women who drink. Maybe she smokes! quot;Actually I cant stand artists,quot; she says. quot;Like ; quot;Like t woman ws comac; quot;S do t any more. And t poorly placed.quot; quot;And t ots off parts of tles on fries my ass.quot; quot;Its supposed to.quot; quot;Yea; s;Im reacting like a bozo.quot; Ss up and o ter and takes a Lark from his pack. Very o talk. ells t before ten up and cment, kno a pier ing it . urned on tV to get tered ts of a Ric;Brocks Last Casequot; cc il five oclock in te actors in told o convey, edly, but you ter bear in mind y damn sure going to bounce back up and batter your conk -- quot;Redford is t; she says. Bisand this. he nods seriously. quot;t Redford is,quot; sen minutes sells Robert Redford. astes t . It appears t sy fond of Clint Eastwood. Bis tion rayed, like a bad coh. quot;Old Clint East; ;ere ready.quot; and fetc bread from the oven. quot;tastes like real cassoulet,quot; she says. quot;ts tail soup mix.quot; in summer? Its . tle of Robert Mondavi table red. quot;Very good,quot; s;I mean Im surprised. Really.quot; quot;Maybe could omato.quot; quot;No, really.quot; Sears off a fistful of Frenc;Men are quite odd. I sa t on Union Square on Saturday? anding in front of a table full of greens and radis, bearing at t-offs and a tank top and every time so grab a cabbage or ting a s of s, e pretty -- I mean be?quot; quot;Moderate amount of fun. Some fun. Not muc can I say?quot; quot;And t plug I live ; quot; about ; quot;; quot; ?quot; quot;Book about o fix me a scre; quot;ell.quot; quot;I fixed took me t; quot;ould you like to go to bed no; quot;No,quot; Cie says, quot;not yet.quot; Not yet! Very happily, Bishop pours more wine. Notle c intervals. s a s from ts in tc draped around yle. ie turning restlessly on the couch. is, ts done tle tle nagging, a little lets-go-take-a-look and Biss, black diablo numbers t ss. . . ell, give s. Could c. e. quot;Daddy?quot; Still , s up and goes into ther room. quot;I cant sleep.quot; quot;Im sorry.quot; quot;talk to me.quot; Biss again on the couch. how large she is! ory lecture. quot;t Mo-net and Ma-net, ts a little tricky, Mo-net er lilies and s, , Bonnard, eriors and s, amazing lig Van Guk, , and Say-zanne, , you get Kandinsky, a bad moticks pictures, you get my man Mondrian, angles and s, Moic t, you get Mar-cel Du-c; Shes asleep. Biso tchen and makes himself a drink. Its five-ty. Faint lighe big windows. Cies in Seattle, and plans to stay. Looking out of times see t ic or o save electricity. Financially, the paper is quite healthy Financially, te imberlands, mining interests, pulp and paper operations, book, magazine, corrugated-box, and greeting-card divisions, film, radio, television, and cable companies, and data-processing and satellite-communications groups are all flourisurn on invested capital increasing at about eleven per cent a year. Compensation of t-paid officers and directors last year ively, exclusive of profit-sharing and pension-plan accruals. But top management is discouraged and saddened, and middle management is drinking too muc raises, but traditional emblems of energy and o display odd, unattractive lines. At every level, even doo tly y folded-paper caps, people management to stop is doing before it is too late. t mac t about it. t like t t infrequently, tive editor alled one- over tting and groaning. Recently tock tables every day for a iced, no one complained. Middle management op management to alter its course. top management dated guarantees, on a sliding scale. ties commemorating ers file tories as usual, but if tain kinds of stories t run. A small example: t run a oll story after Labor Day t time since 1926 no oll story appeared in ter Labor Day (and total a record, a substantial one). Some elements of taff are not depressed. tive real-estate editor ain of ideas, and ions, full of color pictures of desirable living arrangements, are cising and make t, fat, fat, fat. More food ers ers, and more furniture ers, and more plant ers. t, skat, cribbage, domino, and vingt-et-un columnists are very popular. tors Caucus o middle management for relief, and (but middle management s breat breakfast). top managements polls say t sixty-five per cent of t; movies,quot; and feasibility studies are being conducted. top management acknoaurants, t to quot; moviesquot; but insists t morality cannot be legislated. ted (s from tex division) so t treets. torials racted to texas Instruments, and tuaries to Nabisco, so t taff ime to t; turning out language lessons (quot;Yo temo que Isabel no venga,quot; quot;I am afraid t Isabel comequot;). t page on tuesday. tory ran rig to troublesome-tory, ures. top management o stop is doing -- not no soon, soon. A cra il the sun comes up. Affection to cook t to cook this fish? harris asked. ? Claire to cook this fish? Breaded, she said. Fine, harris said. ? Fine! e slept togets, s. e slept togets. ender wrapped around me. Lawnmower. ender around me. ? he bread crumbs? ? the bread crumbs! Behe Cheerios! Claire teleply, but alk to? ? You o be optimistic. Be be be. Optimistic. ? Optimistic, older. tolerance for monotony. Im monotony? to t tures are ahis is ludicrous, of course -- Oh oh oh oh. Ludicrous, of course, but I met one il played out to a comfortable lassitude take to s. . . ? s ic bills, golf s or hey are -- o opped ering ts. ? Youve stopped ering ts my mot ering ts t al breakup. Your motoo much. ? Sara s sleep together any longer. about hugging? ? hugging. Sara s and by for furtion. Silla doo veil ty church. I t t. Claire came in ! sedly. ? harris said. So t a smeary plastic tray eaks on it. teaks looked like teentury. Six dollars! Claire said. to t and said o restaurants and some of taurants already eaks t over and they were only six dollars. Six dollars. You spent six dollars on these? Ot some too. Diseased, stolen steaks? e coat, Claire said. ruck. Ill bet ruck. to see Madam Olympia, a reader and advisor. of ty. Cove. S up and turned t up and turned t-s t ;Buffalo, City of No Illusionsquot; printed on it. tell me about yourself, she said. My life is cances. I am bored to tears of to tears to tears. ell, oo. oman , Madam Olympia said, s you t? You go, t. S makin us money or not makin us money? You go, it depends on understand dick about t, y. You go, Im not being nasty, you just dont understand. S you tell me? Beh sides. t is a secret, even kno t. to tears to tears to tears. Right, harris said. how much do I owe you? Fifty dollars. ty symbol on your breast? Did t to sign it? Did to sign it? In t loss? is te color? ed? as t aste? olen money? olen stamps? Can eer? is time in t o t e? Did success come? A red t a tical position or a real position? ould t again? Again and again? imes? A times? Claire met S Papa Cream Puff, a ne Bells, a club frequented by disconsolate ernoons. he was a living legend. ? Living legend, he said. I didnt name t;S Papa Cream Puff Bluesquot; by t name, he people of Chicago. Oh my oh my oh my, Claire said. ta been bout nineteen ty-one, ty-two, he said. those was wonderful days. t t time, w of my fame. Felloop, hes dead now. tle bit. I studied him. I uations on the problem. I y-t year. ow, Claire said. Zum, S Papa Cream Puff sang, zum zum zum zum zum. Six perfect treble notes in t. Sararoit and floors ;miscarriage.quot; Saddened by ted to be free of ;obligation.quot; But so Sara ay urns. oo muc before first, o Saraells o stay. Later, t dinner at t, Sarao join in o dissuade ure sing, Claires kid sister, terrified at o face a court appearance, signs for erribly, ells becoming ced, died entirely, and ner, Sarater pill for o soo mucudy. Saraels banquet office making arrangements for estimonial dinner, as Sara leg in a cast, eps of tone and punches Claires bell, rage clearly burning in her eyes. Saraed Dr. rist. Cold as death, she said. ? Cold as death. Good bely painful, Dr. you kno. Sarao find t rue. She was fully miserable. Claire said t drunk. I feel han you feel, she said. ? orse, she said, woooooooorrrssse. You kno oclock in t walking. Guy comes out of t, carrying an attach¨¦ case. o ? s about ten steps do. Out of the same house. S;James?quot; urns around and oward her. Shes wearing a robe. Pink and orange. S;James, I. . . e. . . you.quot; Maybe its everywhere, Claire said. A pandemic. I dont t, harris said. t po Sarah. ? t ph I have ever been in. I ce quite beautiful just amazing but I c I t was and I changed my mind -- anding over toote e because s see it acts in. Freud said, Claire said, t in t, novelty alitutes tion for orgasm. S Papa looked away. Oh me oh my. ell you knos t knoer ten. ? At t me play you a little te in t of tury I call it quot;Verkl?rte Nac; t means quot;stormy ; in German, I played t -- Claire placed Papa Cream Puff and uffing out of him. ? ? ? ? By a lucky stroke of money in t. Claire a beautiful black opal. She was pleased. o ture. Claire inue to be wonderful. As o t of my ability. times will be publiso was off my , every day. ? Claire said. Smile. ? Smile. I put a name in an envelope I put a name in an envelope, and sealed t t envelope in anottlebug and some quantity of boric acid; and put t envelope in a still larger envelope earing o tatters; and put t envelope in to Fic telgebirge Post Office I asked if terious smile t;Yes,quot; I o London, arriving toria and Albert Museum, boo tors in trips. I put toria and Albert Museum in a still larger envelope isement for museums, boric acid, t into trieved it, it it to a mac square and neat, I t package in a safe place, and put t designed by Caspar David Friedricic landscape painter of t century. I slipped t into a ory of art (Insel Verlag, Frankfurt, 1980). But, in a convent library on ty of Montana, it fell out of tory of art into a ebasket, a t ed. I bound tebasket in stone, cone, and placed it in tand juggling cork balls before times-encased envelope, one. I put to a ne, it confidently. Lightning Ed for Folks, set out to intervie; o or, Penfield. quot;Nine, ten,quot; said Penfield, quot;doesnt matter, but it o be more t.quot; quot;; asked Connors, and Penfield said t t least ty sensational for t;Slig; said Penfield, quot;nice body, I dont o tell you, somebody ruck by lig; Connors advertised in truck by ligo talk for publication about time at all ting p appeared, -grandfatruck by lig seat of a buck-board on a country road in 1910. Connors took doments for intervierying to discern from t be, in terms, wonderful. Connors er for ten years and a freelancer for five, opsy Oil in Midland-Odessa. As a reporter ed, solid, underpaid, in love in business neernal gavotte ers, a man in c (quot;elltec;) on top of a filing cabinet in ed out, eventually, t making enougely true!) opsy, opsy, ripled four moderately expensive suits, enjoyed (briefly) teem of ime ing eit corporate doings or speecerprise for t;Bugquot;) Ludtaco try Club o be poor again and departed topsy, renting a dismal rear apartment on Lafayette Street in Necogeting for a y of publications, classical record revieimes travel pieces (quot;Portugals Fabulous Beac;), exposes for Pent;Inside trilateral Commissionquot;). to eac a good brain, a good eye, a tenacious to. y-five, making a t people ning. t man erviey-eigile setter named Burcruck by ligely become a Jeness. quot;It t ever o me,quot; said Burc;in a ; s, military style, and an elegantly spare (deep grays and broment in t ties or ;I ty good and I ed to get tire carted. I ire off and about to put t terrific cras on my back in tire tool bout a , I found it later in a field. Guy in a V van pulled up rig of me, jumped out and told me Id been struck. I couldnt ook me to a al and t ted about forty-eigness. And let me tell you my life since t day ; ;Serene. truly serene.quot; Burc-grandfatruck by lig seat of a buck-board on a country road in Pennsylvania in 1910, but no conversion ed in t case, as far as o ograp Burcered serenity on t tment s full of itness literature. Connors next talked to a ing on a bencform and ected , but maybe not, s be sure. ant cning ce in ebook). S ly dubious about, and on t to do. Sy y ate, and s ¨¦e Lauder because te, oo tiring. Connors made a date for tograp and attractive (fa, black clocked stockings) but, Connors t, too old to start t h. t day a call from someone ys in t Connors, scoruck by lig seat of a buggy on a country road outside Ioy in 1911. quot;But I dont to be in t; s;I mean, ars and movie stars. Olivia Neing a book or somet; Connors ed. to appear in Folks before. ly irritated. ly decent colleagues turn amazingly ugly ervie;ell,quot; ;could least talk? I promise I take up mucime, and, you knoty important experience, being struck by lig many people . Also you migerested in . . .quot; quot;Okay,quot; s;but off t; quot;Done,quot; said Connors. My God, sate Department. Ed only slig also mildly superb, ory, you name it. O Connors, to be struck by ligifully, beautifully black -- a considerable plus, Connors noted automatically, tiously tried to avoid lily-ories. Sy (not an actress, , please not an actress) and an actress but doing a paper on Variety for a class in media studies at NYU. quot;God, I love Variety,quot; s;tately marc; Connors decided t quot;S married?quot; e second remark to make to one ne, but it ough decision. ty Place in times used for intervies y. Edruck by ligonic. Relax, old ernoon. tys, Marty for California and a job as a systems analyst ions, good riddance to bad rubbis a systems analyst did: go rouble y, s ure, a systems analyst, and ation, peraken a course in CPR at tirely consistent ious, be-prepared, titude tos, as black folks sometimes termed t you o admit t, qua folks, t trilateral Commission, s example. Connors ritus from o erest through a second Becks. quot;Did it cruck?quot; asked Connors. S;Yes and no,quot; s;Got rid of Marty, t o be repeated.quot; Connors sa sy, eur about appearing in te -- into a producing field ank truck in t and take off te fanciful cablisony marble-and-gold ers on Zuricrasse. did o offer? quot;Can you tell me a little bit more about ually you?quot; rying to keep ;Yes,quot; Ed;e aking a icut, near Madison -- and Marty alking about ts, miles and miles of Kents. I ! and like I een glasses of er, c I o bust. Also, my eyebro myself in t; Regarding dark dramatic slas;Ever been a model?quot; ;ts ,quot; Ed;ts tle Zaccimes Magazine, I do Altmans, Macys, youll see me and te c; t, ruck by lig music, Nietzscake. Do I rigo Eddie Sout;dark angel of t; 1904-1962), agreed empt at music on t of God? Does get your attention, Connors t, attempt ion because God is perfect by definition. . . Lig once a coup de tre and career counseling? Connors o tiful creature before him. quot;to contract leprosy,quot; Connors said. quot;ture a leper armadillo, tle bell around its neck, making its draggy scamper across texas from El Paso to Big Spring. My breaks.quot; Edo s cage of bone. quot;Man, you are one sentimental taxpayer.quot; Connors signaled ter for more drinks. quot;It 1880 t tly armadillo crossed tered texas,quot; ;seeking to carry its message to t great state. Its message iful lacquered baskets for your patios, decks and mobile c-stra across your vast savannas enric-quality excreta. In some parts of Souto almost five feet in lengto teac tina --quot; quot;Youre crazy, baby,quot; Edting he arm. quot;Yes,quot; Connors said, quot;o go to a movie?quot; t;Mosco Believe in tears,quot; a nifty item. Connors, Ed and left sides of intervieupple essel Post #66 in Neupple) t use Connors, ing time, nevertebook pages of viciousness o do ocols of Zion and tic inferiority of blacks. Marvelous, dont tine, almost ant Grand Dragon of t (La.) Klan, a man some t, upple, erviement over a failing four-lane boo a block of ice ;ont you need a picture?quot; Stupple asked at lengt;ell, you knos of people ruck by lig; telepside t Auty terminal, s available for dinner. quot;; tion o knoe or, ratime illumination -- and vexed by y to get a ory. quot;tired,quot; s;Zac, call me tomorro; Penfield, tor, back to Lafayette Street. quot; coming?quot; Penfield asked. quot;I dont understand it yet,quot; Connors said, quot; c; quot;s to understand?quot; said Penfield, quot; terrific ss of individual bolts, I see a four-ext reversed out of turated purple sky and tiny but absolutely t -- quot; quot;S; said Connors, quot;youre going to rouble enougrast.quot; quot;So itll be subtle,quot; said Penfield excitedly, quot;ricle. t enougll be nice.quot; Nice, t Connors, ruck by lightning. Connors, trying to get at truck exalt or exacerbate pre-existing tendencies, states of mind, and ro-s alked to a trappist monk o speak to Connors, tively loquacious. old Connors t tion keenly, as a member of a monastic order, ;; orically. quot;Im too old for ts for kids, I kno, you kno, makes no sense at all. But I love it, I simply love it. And after I ruck ty boug; Proudly s delicate earp;A special dispensation. I guess to-dead, t . I simply love it. ; Standing in a beet field ed monk Connors felt t to re-ttitude toy. It be so bad to spend ones days pulling beets in tening to tire to ones cell at nigo read St. Augustine and catce and the B-52s. quot;t; Connors said to Ed nig dinner, quot;I dont understand precisely s t pure frigitude at ; tting in an Italian restaurant called Da Silvano on Sixton, eating tortellini in a tle Zac in a ed bits of cut-up pasta. Ed afternoon and in a good mood. quot;t; s;me and te curn it around just once.quot; Sting pretty. Sime back but didnt get it and tion in o ; said Ed;I to give you a back rub, you look a tiny bit peaked.quot; Connors subsequently interviee admirable Frenc-grandfat ruck by liged from t of a farm tany in 1909. In ;ineffable,quot; using a so far as to mention t of t a moments ation, cut tly) t t like quot;funny stuff and pointing out t tory ra page given to Ed, in ube and looked, in Penfields pely fantastic. That guy in the back room t guy in ting our potatoes. You nig before t, you before t, you errible. ing our potatoes. I in t ato smeared all over t . I errible. You errible on t errible mood. I o balance, to attempt to balance, your foul be guy cing our potatoes. are you going to do about it? ? he said. are you going to do about it? a potato mashere? And a little pot. tle pot between h his masher. Mash mash mash. ell, to live, dont he? I dont kno. You broug are you going to do about it? e y of potatoes, ting excited. Getting excited about notter simmer do frenzy Ill go out on treet. In calm. Clear, quiet calm. Youre getting excited. I you to calm doly, read. You seemed to strike your fancy. You appreciated t, my effort, or seemed to. You didnt laugrocious t niging t ts turned up, you ruggled for tat. ttered you, your music, music you and paid for, to flatter yourself. Your good taste. Nobody ever listens to t stuff unless s to establis aste. Supernal good taste. Did you kno? One real foot? Cooking t you in a terrible mood. ticular. You asked me to remove t to remain in place. Placing ted. You t you could not go on. I said t people ting turies, centuries. ty people coming for dinner, a mistake, of course, but not mine. tretc on ter. You placed tcoo, my knee o saerrible t nighings. Kinda funny to . to to t, tains staining er quite night. t ty because t know w? Captain Blood ain Blood goes to sea, sort of person might chance by, while one is away. ain Blood, at sea, paces terdeck -- a matter of personal preference. ands. ain Blood, at sea, discovers t cromp, t, like so many giant lotuses in tromps pato stop and pick tted s under t all. But turtles? No, t be t an idiotic idea! could terns ting on ter, in t, a cerise gown, a silver gown. . . Captain Blood presents a fa?ade of steely imperturbability. s, promising everyone t t better. t been one bit of booty in t eigry anote decent about tuation. Notill, its nerve-racking. ain Blood retires for t (leaving orders t antly if somet things. ation s, strictly speaking, be painted in tomarily employed. Many a man reets of Panama City, or Port Royal, or San Lorenzo, alive and not been for Bloods s, cervention. Of course, times imes flinc takes appropriate action eadiness. t it: ts carnage. Blood at daary figure pacing the foredeck. No ot. o t of jacket trimmed e objects: mot, o anot, tied tle packet, it is a memo t e to en mont;Dolpain Darbraunce, 120 tons, cargo silver, paprika, bananas, sailing Mar. 10 ; Co seek e, Oglet laug of a man. ? ain Blood. Ricty gold and silver ty. quot;S Jo; quot;I am not S Jo; quot;Sorry, Jo my instructions?quot; quot;Yes, sir. c in o fire.quot; quot;ell, fire t; quot;Fire!quot; BAM! quot;tain doesnt understand w is o ; quot; o!quot; quot;; quot;t!quot; quot;Fire again!quot; BAM! quot;t did it!quot; quot;urning into t; quot;; quot;; quot;Very o board.quot; quot;Very er.quot; quot;And Jeremy --quot; quot;Yes, Peter?quot; quot;I kno t fe; quot;ell it been so bad, Peter. A little slow, per; quot;ell, before o convey to tion for tience. Patience and, I may say, tact.quot; quot;e kneurn up someter.quot; quot;Just tell t; Al, tain Blood. Preparing to board. Pistol in one lass in tly to trictest buccaneer discipline. to confront ttle band of fear-crazed victims sirely possible carnage. Among tiful one really spectacular beautiful apart from ers, clutce ends, against all reason, to -- ain Blood celebrates tion of a rico tallarines a la Catalana (noodles, spare ribs, almonds, pine nuts) for all ured vessel is entered in a little book along ured in a long career. une, t, tty, ture, tant teadfast. . . true buccaneer is not persuaded t God is not on oo -- especially if, as is often turned pirate after some monstrously unjust to o one or anotly a erfront tavern, or o tinking dungeons of tion just for making some idle, tless, ligo be devout in of t cities of t under his own name. Captain Blood roams ceaselessly, making daring raids. t, ting more according to ty of t ear is -off ear en to ts for injuries is posted in tle. roubled by ties, ranger so crangers mere presence, multiplied many times over, is a kind of assault. Merely o take into account all tering occupation. t happen on a ship, or on a sea. An amusing incident: Captain Blood o drop ancicular voyage otal enlistment of nearly one tervieed captain in his cabin full of marmalade jars and new perukes. quot;And ; quot;Jones, sir.quot; quot; kind of a name is t? Englisake it?quot; quot;No, its American, sir.quot; quot;American? is an American?quot; quot;America is a neion among tions of t; quot;Ive not . ?quot; quot;Nort. Its a very small nation, at present, and ion for about t; quot;But t; quot;Yes it is. It is named in ; quot;Bon to do ; quot;ell its an allusion to an almanac Dr. Franklin publis; quot;You ured, American or no, so tell me -- do you surrender, tings, cargo and ; quot;Sir, I yet begun to fig; quot;Captain, tely surrounded. Furt erline ed, basimbers. You are taking er at a fearsome rate. And still you wiso fig; quot;It is t t iny nation o be pluckier t if it is to survive among tions of t; quot;ell, bless my soul. Jones, you are t goatsucker I ever did see. Stab me if I am not tempted to let you go scot-free, just because of your amazing pluck.quot; quot;No sir, I insist on figradition, I must set a good example.quot; quot;Jones, return to your vessel and be off.quot; quot;No, sir, I s; quot;Jones, even in America, ered t; quot;Oain, ; quot;Cain. And God be ; Blood, at daary figure pacing t time, narro all day long, and still end up does hink of him? te dance of Captain Blood is ting Catalonian sardana, in s join o form a ring smiling, for t part. ly dances ter lunco trumpet. A woman seated on a plain wooden chair under a can A ed on a plain . Beo its, a roting on ttocks as perfect as eggs or 0s -- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00. In profile to to Cellini, in a fur . ts. t- indistinguiser, more studied te envelope. Eaco quot;tad.quot; tied togethread. One is dark, one is fair. Large (eigen feet) ss of of total area covered is about four ; some of ts overlap. A string quartet is playing at one edge of tators sit in gilt c of blue paint . One, on anding, gripping t s. t painted. Or not painted ist is Yves Klein. Nos exact center. Standing teleparnisems symbol (bell in ring) in medium blue. Inside teleply (one o to to t far rigo Cellini, wearing we overalls. ts. tigs, open-ted ss, sacked and left s, codpieces stuffed cards. tand, under a Cmas tree big as an office building, and and, under a Cmas tree big as an office building, and no er songs, hallelujahs. Georges de La tour, tending a film. On t a ball t over t and misses, bruising leg on table. ts doo examine t; sour picks up and re. In teeth. ts to tacting side-by-side on ools (00 00) before a pair of draugables, inking-in pencil draaining several of Souts a ting of ioning type on a page. Or, tical Yelloo beat to a raffic. Or, ted at adjacent desks in ted area set aside for officers in a bank, refusing loans. Or, tanding bent over, o te of an arceac classrooms, Naked P, Naked P, Naked Pting on tands. ts to taced croc. tcing a royrs, -footed, tailed and tufted, ure is a constant 18 degrees. tickling tyrs under tail, e (nimble) fingers tipped nails. tyrs squirm and dance under treatment, ed in red plus locker, applaud, or scold, or knit. at, Vladimir tallin, in an asbestos tuxedo. tcing a roure is a constant 18 degrees. tickling tail, e (nimble) fingers tipped nails. treatment, eggs, seated in red plush chairs, boil. Conversations With Goethe November 13, 1823 I coat. Youtter on ty. December 9, 1823 Goet me an invitation to dinner. As I entered ting room I found o come at some lengt t to e good spirits about ticipated results, and paprika. Food, said Goetopmost taper on tence. January 11, 1824 Dinner alone ;I o you some of my ideas about music, someted t altain members of t? -- no animal knoo us takes part in ermed an organized musical performance. Man alone does t. I crickets -- , as a species of performance, albeit one of little significance to our ears. I about it, and replied t not, t it is merely a sort of tic on t of crickets. t point t I may co enlarge upon in some future t t unite t man does, to ternal comfort and glory of ; Music, Goetapioca in t of ory. March 22, 1824 Goetance of a young Englisenant by, ted tleman to Goeted us most cordially and offered us s. Englis pleasure over many years. ered it early, old us, in order to be able to savor ties and tragic deptfully be compared. e pleasant mood and continued to talk about ts of trymen until quite late. ting, are tion. Lieutenant by blus noticeably. April 7, 1824 ered Goet noon, a anding in t;And ; asked Goet for t t contain, for it oddly s it ure, a gift from , tcist. most care, and I ion ion, in bronze, of a young ring. e marveled toget tion of form and fineness of detail, most of all at tuality ;truly astonis; Goetened to agree. Art, Goet interest on ted it several times. June 18, 1824 Goet difficulties icular actress at tre, a person o Goet;It is not enoug; ;t I ure for ture, t not unexplored in ter I myself ed, o being. Ss in ation, o discuss tre, even t, and ting detail t must be attended to, every jot and tittle, if to be fit for a discriminating public. Actors, c pork of effort. I loved ed ionate handshake. September 1, 1824 today Goet certain critics ood Lessing. useness ially embittered Lessings last years, and speculated t it ic and dramatist t ttacks y. Critics, Goetive spirit. No, I said, tra baggage on t cabriolet of conceptual progress. quot;Eckermann,quot; said Goet;s up.quot; Well we all had our Willie¡£¡£¡£ ell s all you can do is Spare Some Change? So ook our illie amp; ade records doo t and sad illie amp; ade songs on portable players for ts of ty, t-looking dogs and filthy, sick pigeons. And I t probably one day illie or ade o c, see record t person was playing. And probably illie (or ade) ease around c, saying quot;; to t one, and ands in ten minutes, screams like a c say to t guy, quot;; and smile, cause strange t bot. And I t Id probably go up to illie t ell my friend t died, and about it at time, and it no;I kno; And I s along t cannon in t t didnt any more, and ;Sure I did.quot; And Id say, quot;You ever one?quot; and ;Sure I ; And Id say, quot;illie, dont ttle fuzzy sers on t; And o me, quot;tner, but I dont let on.quot; And t;take care, good buddy,quot; and leave t ting patiently in all time, and I inue to treasure, all my life, contributions. Henrietta and Alexandra Alexandra as manuscript. quot;t; sing ;is inane.quot; ta got up and looked over Alexandras s tence. quot;Yes,quot; s;I prefer times. ten inutile to tist.quot; t of contemplation. quot;I ,quot; ta said. quot;tcs.quot; quot; in our money?quot; quot;t; quot;Bless Babel,quot; Alexandra said, and took her friend in her arms. ta said: quot;Once I ed in told is to say a young girl, and I kneold t told I kne been told, for example, t some and I been told. . . otill I old a great many t I been told t I o die in any o realize t I really o die and t it t I ter make t of it. t I discovered for myself and covered as I of it. I been told o make t of it but I figured it out. tion t I t te as many people on t side of t t side of t to time, as subject to deat to myself in time I ure.quot; Alexandra ion to t. t LOSS AND RECOVERY OF t CONFLICtING CLAIMS OF t CAthEDRALS t IN CONtEMPORARY ICONOGRAPhY APPEARANCE OF SPURIOUS SACRED S AND INGUISRUE ONE LOCAtION OF tRUE SACRED REVEALED . GERMAIN PRESERVED tRUE SACRED FROM thE BARBARIANS IS FREQUENtLY REPRESENtED SURMOUNtED BY A CRON OF thORNS MEANING OF tINt tONGUE OF FLAME ORDERS AND CEREMONIES IN tION OF t ROLE OF t SOCIEtY IN tION OF t Alexandra s of St. Dympna, patroness of the insane. Alexandra and ta reet in t tta rus c. As a designer of artificial ruins, Alexandra ing of a ruined egrated at top and one end, t o produce tact urns and t te en reluctant to do violence to times sended to lose emper. quot;o!quot; Alexandra looked at s, , feature. quot;Noo tonista, ; ta stood up and, ion, t of o t of t and day, for t ten years. quot;Alexandra! Arent you going to ruso t of my novel out of it?quot; quot;No.quot; ta ruso t out of it. Only t and last pages ten there. ta decided t Alexandra did not love to the fire safely? Alexandra ition to Rome. Sed en years old to a man named Black Dog, annulled. Alexandra read t sending petitions to Rome to ta. quot;All applications to be sent to Rome sten on good paper, and a double s, 8? incing of petitions sy, t ime. Petitions are generally composed in tin language, but talian languages is also permissible. quot;tal rule to be observed is t all petitions must be addressed to tly or indirectly, grants ted favors. ion form of address in all petitions reads Beatissime Pater. Folloition opens omary deferential pitatis Vestrae us. ted by its opening Deus. . . expressing teful petitioner addresses in advance to God for ted favor. quot;After introduction, body and conclusion of tition is evenly folded lengts back, to t of ted te of tation and titioners name. quot;tation of petitions is generally made t, ion. ture is necessary because t , and tions deliver rescripts to no one but t axes for ted rescripts of favor, give any necessary explanations and comments t may be required, and are at all times in toucies in order to correct any mistakes or defects in titions. Bets gatration to itions and to inquire about te of t yet decided. Many of to terooms of secretaries in order to discuss important matters personally he leading officials. quot;For lay persons it is as a rule useless to foritions to tions, because as a matter of principle t be considered. Equally useless, of course, age stamps itions. Applications by telegrap permitted because of ty. Nor are decisions ever given by telegrap; Alexandra stopped reading. quot;Jesus C!quot; ta said. quot;t; Alexandra said. quot;You neednt drink it t; quot;Ill ; quot;You ed me to buy California ; ta said. quot;But to buy absolute vinegar is t you tore?quot; quot;t alell trut; quot;I remember t time in C; Alexandra said. quot;t tle. And after; quot; bottle?quot; ta asked, incuriously. quot;ten dollars. ten or t; quot;tel,quot; ta said. quot;Snapdragons on t table.quot; quot;You e.quot; quot;I ure,quot; ta said. quot;If you ure t are you no; quot;More mature,quot; ta said. quot;Maturation is a process t is ongoing.quot; quot;; Alexandra asked. quot;Not a said. ta said: quot;Noure. In maturity I found a ric possible to live in t I opped talking to my motinues to y days eacime it is exclaimed. Some of tions are ines and t cupidity of tor. Sotals in a little book. I love o date ell t so consider my vie. Alexandra is immature in t ser s t not and I cannot persuade Alexandra . I love .quot; ta and Alexandra ion around one of tas breasts. ta did to Alexandra. People trange expressions on tinued rees of the police. Speaking of the human body Speaking of thing. Pondering treet corners, and sofas next to t on teresting glare cast on tant traffic lig ots, on treet, four-poster beds ed, and loving couples slept or celevision togets connected to ty reet, conversation pits e, floored . Favorite paintings ion of Umbrian mental states, an important dark-brown bruising of Arcer of modern life. One man s on ty-nine, and anoteetactle prickly roller so t ;Say, mon, fix me some of dem clins you fry so ; and anot;o so blo; -- ube into a furnace of bubbling glass, treet, and blehskeller of beer glasses, each goldenly full. Inside trains rusions and genuine nameless animals ate eacly fervor -- Monday. Many individuals are grasping es ation, in tragic termination of to fly. The Sea of Hesitation quot;If Jackson e Oak S; Francesca said. quot;If Longstreet day at Second Manassas. If aining t Order No. 191 at Frederick. If t taken Jackson. If E day of Gettysburg. If Picketts co t food for our troops at Petersburg. If our attack on Fort Stedman t and Fitz indulged in a s Five Forks. If tores and provisions as promised at Amelia Court been captured at Saylors Creek togeteen artillery pieces and four ood Lincoln -- entions. If tence in our civilian administration equal to t exed by tary. tters o a ; quot;Yes,quot; I said. Francesca is slig one must let people talk about to talk about. One must let people do to do. tter from a woman in Prague. Dear Greasy thomas: You cannot understand . You tand t tand, not pig-s ion. in like yourself ever o life? still, vulgar s to inform t of your inappropriate continued existence, a stain on trys face. . . You can expect Federal Marsin-oad. You kno anyt you ;t; for ot capable of quot;feelingquot;) is so rageous t I sick of your importunate posturing, egregious fraud-pig. You are not even an pig of some use in touc like you at all. Love, Jinka I read tter t one must let people do to do. I y. In t Administration. My s of processing applications. People apply for all sorts of tions and buck tairs t agree people sted to do to do. Upstairs t ideas. But quot;different ideasquot; are icular cosmos. Before I y I erested in c beo sensory deprivation. I did sensory deprivation studies for a er at Princeton. At McGill of taub o be t building in ted exclusively to tudy of red. But studying red, red people kindly lent us t. I subjects (ts o less intelligent and more intelligent). I spent t of taub eresting things. temperature of t decrease in sleep. temperature of t of the body does. t for oring subjects e-noise generator at 40db singing in teered as a subject and, gratified at being assigned to t;more intelligentquot; group, spent many many aped over my eyes and te-noise generator emitting its obliterating e type 4 ions, noto me. Except. . . I began to ;be; at all seemed to me a small miracle. I pondered going on to stress tigates tressed individual reacts to stress, but decided suddenly to do sometead. I decided to take a job Administration and to try, insofar as possible, to let people do to do. I am a my work is, in many ways, meaningless. A call from ment. quot;Did you get it?quot; quot;Not yet.quot; quot;?quot; quot;Ive been busy. Doing t; quot;But t; quot;I told you Id take care of it.quot; quot;Yes but w; quot;Some people can get tments.quot; quot;But ts not t. You promised.quot; quot;t fluso to; quot;No ; quot;Full of it. Brimming. ; quot;ting tired of sleeping on ts not big enoug; quot;My cries out for ; Ss a little strange. S seem to take to him, early on. Sam. s ac of carbon paper, e lineless foreig, dagger clasped in treac slithering. . . No. ts incompletely true. Sams just like t of us: jeans, turtleneck, beard, smile ootaxes, a degree in education, a B.Ed. And references too, Cte doted, Francine couldnt get enougral alk -- But see turntable on t all ts behind us now. I sa t treets been sold. It stood empty for years, an arcectural anomaly, toried, brick, but most of all, triangular. treets come toget tive buyers must t to let morality go o a m¨¦nage ¨¤ trois. triple bed, customized to fit tractor and Skilsating t righe bedcrumbs. Selephones again. quot;It doesnt o be t bed in tc long.quot; quot;For you, dear friend, Ill take every pain. ere ced t; quot;tom, t funny. I slept in t nig; quot;Youre too long for t; quot;Do you Sam to do it?quot; Do I Sam to do it? quot;No. Ill do it.quot; quot;t.quot; e ent for quite a ed try and easing s Sam. ts good. Francesca o me. quot;te Lee e,quot; s;Listen. No one is more ay for ties of my position. I cannot even accomplis I myself desire. ations of otion I sensibly feel trengt yet recovered from ttack I experienced t spring. I am becoming more and more incapable of exertion, and am ted from making tions and giving to tions in to be necessary. I am so dull making use of tly misled. Everyts to tages to be derived from a neained. I kno and brave an army as ever existed to second s, and it day of my life to see at its ; Francesca stopped reading. quot;t E. Lee,quot; she said. quot;Yes,quot; I said. quot;t; she said. quot;I kno; quot;I ed o win. So muc; quot;I understand.quot; quot;But .quot; quot;I it.quot; Francesca e-gray eyes ly, a lifelong contemplation of ty of Lees great raveller. I left Francesca and o er dark. One must let people do to do, but to slap you upside tillson cards out of your pockets? A problem. tting poorer. I saw a poor man and asked him if he had any money. quot;Money?quot; ;Money time ago.quot; e y to tend no irony. Anotter from Jinka. Undear thomas: tion t only man is vile must ed to describe you, vile friend. I cannot contain t of your name, in telepime in Prague. I c out of my copy, and scratc out of all t my elepelep city s escape your notice, stinking meat. You ment of treme Unction, also as t Rites, is op it, drear pig. t to consciousness afforded by your project, is, cannot be suffered gladly, and I for one do not intend to so suffer. I yet in take t I ss and fresless inued association ridiculously t E. Lee girl raised you in my esteem, not a bit. One if by land and t will be sudden, I promise you. Be afraid. Cordially, Jinka I put tter ogeting sucters must make her feel! ittgenstein about t amusement park, t t sure ters are correct or incorrect, but speak about t. I decided to call my brotor on trained as a biologist -- s to do, more or less). Because ions tend to be conducted in jiveass dialect. quot;; I said. quot;; he said. quot;s any girl copy boys on t ne?quot; quot;Man,quot; Paul said, quot; not only girl copy boys topless girl copy boys. e gonna er next ; quot;ts ; I said. quot;; quot;Im depressed.quot; quot;Is it specific or nonspecific?quot; quot;ell,quot; Paul said, quot;I o read t. Im ready to drop t; One must let people do to do. Fortunately my brottle to say about whe bomb will be dropped. My ot. S in an earlier existence sress (one of Balzacs mistresses). quot;I endured ; s;because it and very understand ; quot;But ,quot; I said. quot;I ient ists, sitting around, ness. Of course . But kno, at time, for sure. Or . ts of doubt, depression.quot; quot;As is natural.quot; quot;ter greatness,quot; said Cat;is a sickness, in my opinion. It is like greed, only greed ter results. Greed can at least bring you a fine ra, in a rics to beat, erested in ness. I uck ness.quot; quot;Yes,quot; I said. quot;You,quot; Cat;are neit nor greedy.quot; quot;One must let people be --quot; I began. quot;Yes,quot; Cat;t sounds good, on t t t; Stle cup precisely on ttle saucer. quot;take me out,quot; s;take me to a library.quot; e to a library and spent a pleasant afternoon there. Francesca roking t -- t doesnt like me. quot;Lee s,quot; s;Not for a moment ; quot; ; quot;Losing,quot; she said. I to t Cinema and sa many s, ed. t many ss of ss cut, red blood on te sno fixed a car for a o bed togeto do ermined t somebody else, not t, eout. S film artists be alloo do to do? Catranslation of te ed. Se o task, sually I some pages of and to me significantly statue by Rodin, (possibly overstated) cock in botion. ed to do. I didnt even to get out. Or pered to do: Sit in taped over my eyes and te-noise generator standing in for t) and permit tigator (Dr. Colcross, to do o do. Is t in trade? I dont think so. I pursue Possibility. ts something. t t exceeds in beauty t moment s you in t you are looking at in look t says, quot;Proceed c; tial smasakes a long time, it seems like montes pass, in fact. Languor is t describes t of ts toion. Many , but till, everyt togethe glance. Sakes your arm and you leave tand, oget your side brusly. Desire is rong factor, because you are , and too, if s all (but of course s and ty and side tand, you stand for a moment t eleven oclock in t is, in t, t you take t good look at you, to see if eit rus tual blemis er, after extended acquaintance, and ? dormant? in any case, not visible on t time). Everyto o seek a place do, and fall into eacemporarily, and find some pretzels, and is called a conversation, and tell eac you true about trange places sracted telegraps for your next meeting (botcer, at eleven in to o leave ural mid-morning track, for you), and make, as I say, arrangements for your next meeting, ! or you both will die -- ticular point to any of t. Or: t to t t t. rue? trutly overrated, volition s must be protected, ing itself can be obliterated, some people ten o . When he came to ¡£¡£¡£ o look at tate man ed or extinguiss, ty clotrays, and played Buxteions made ter falling from ter. tood in profile, refusing to so us, a tall ted in ed to ter, to crevasses in theless, he closed. Soon tle rent bills into teen years no. to t and takes t as us out, out. If rolled. ts o team. Bicycles out of ts out of the halls. My halls. tands in profile in treet in front of our building. reet, treet-- treet ing tments Unfurn. ads of ture, in his head. t-up, black, Korean ar-sixty-five-per-cent-disability-vet drunk. ting confrontation in t. tens t. A ne out t mop t, apparently, exist. Roactyfoot into topped ting service. ts us out. e ory t! try Alaska, hawaii! Sail away, new owner, sail away! takes out . tanding in t, o, s single dangling bare bulb and tly busted souvenirs of all our c progress. aking a, carrying it out , a fe a time, and bringing in a time, his hired roaches. tands in the hall. ts our apartment, and tall t, no ic case. ains estimates and floor plans and draft Apartments Unfurn. ads and documents from t and ion ible Rents and under ances a Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption Order may be voided. Black s all over the building. ting couple on t t for to-mont at t tremble. tment above us (front) t o prove t t actually live in tment in t t, in any real sense, live, and are t to a Maximum Real Life Estimate Revision, wy, will award remble. tands on tomato plants are, oo hell. Terminus So live ;a fe;; el terminus, ral Station, terlands. . . Of course s left at ts, absolutely not. . . t tel terminus find tive; in a funny you call it funny? and s are not odd, t pumping of t;Malague?aquot; over and over again, at the hour usually reserved for dinner. . . te baby orcall oerilized needle, ser from ; mind, and so sleep, I mean it, Red head -- to meet on a certain street corner; s too tell me, shis happen? ters, or skids, catcands ilted and a y-six, served t like it and got out, took a degree in statistics and like it and quit and fell in love he accordion. . . Difficult, , difficult, but srying to learn quot;; t music propped on telpiece, in tful psycrist dread, speaking to spiders -- Naked, ss in o listen to a sound outside tcening; artled by ty of ense back, tilted urns to look at does seleps tful psycrist (he praises of Cozumel, Cancun. . . about her neck on a gold chain. are ty? Sicing quot;C; and ting move, up, out, across, do a succulent figure, more consulting, but to do t any more, tice a sullen priest reading s on a bencimes (in o tor ense compreer, after a game of billiards, does elling iful she is, no, she says, no, no -- Ill practice for eigopping only for a little bread soaked in acks tly on tor; and in the spring, he says, Ill be going away. Sting table and ;Viennaquot;; yes, s o have you gone. t cops t o o protect mind? I love you so much, so much, she says, and he believes her, sole in a champagne sauce, his wife is skiing in Chile -- And atting, he says . . . Satting for me, Big Boy. . . In t, o see of me no more, your good fortune. Police cars zip past tel terminus in threes, sirens hee-hawing. . . No one old ional lenses in tacles educated of dental assistants brougill; t tel terminus. o go to a bar and s ary marcary zes; s mean t, but meant, rat tain at tel terminus offensive, somet quot;Malague?a,quot; it t tone -- Better make te and curly, when Im gone. . . Yes, ss hey say. . . true, rue, entirely stupid; yes, tes; yes, ;forgive me,quot; no longer uses t;as I ;; ered backgammon and sleeping t aring -- And s a lesson in y, right? tiful soucly. trist, learned elf, calls and invites to y, to be el terminus, patients ors, doctors ionists, receptionists ail men, a man orized , of course you can play quot;C; and for an encore, anytor s -- S like to try to make nobody bored, Stuff. arlike music in all s, sogether? But on t t w. . . tely true. onisation. In tel terminus coffee sightly. tting a neie, she says, maybe a dozen. Oh? he says. ling dog teetequila t Geneva, s a cream-colored ing at tle teed off t you, babe? o prepare to get mad, reated, and he says, oh darlin, and she says, way Im bein jerked around -- alking briskly in a toel terminus, ops to buy flo;a fe; can mean: t? of love tance, an absolution -- But ts t bad, Red o love again, forever. Soward h, opens her robe. Goodbye, she says, goodbye. The first thing t to tear pages out of eacime sore a page out of a book so stay alone in earing out about a page a day, in t t o pay, or part of to pay. But t to tearing out t a time, s quit doing it. And time on ting days t een a stretcerfering I felt t if you made a rule you o stick to it, o be consistent, ot t fourteen monteen mont t point. Often, of course, so sleep, after an s of to do in t room if you used your time unately sometimes of more books o total, in fairness. te, and blue, and spoke seriously to it didnt do any good. I must say s real clever. Youd come up to imes and it ly all rig tle corner torn, could easily pass for ordinary ear but I knetle corner and s. So t o count and it did. to any lengto t you. My maybe oo rigid and t t. But I pointed out to to live and o live in to live in a o play by to be left out in ter, sracized by everyone. t ively s ill oy-five pages. I put ts opened only if you put a magnetic card in a slot, and I kept the card. But t improve. t of out of o t book, Goodnigever, and begin tearing pages out of it . I mean ty-four pages of Goodnigen seconds. Plus to get a little erms of s going to get out of il 1992, if tty o thical crisis on our hands. I solved it by declaring t it ear pages out of books, and moreover, t it of books in t. t is one of tisfying t being a parent-- youve got a lot of moves, eac earing pages out of books, and sometimes, just for fun, on treet and smasogether. The Mothball Fleet It after da. t various points on tructures. I counted forty destroyers, four ligwo he river. I aboard as t reaciced a pair of jeans floating on ter, stiff . I abandoned my small outboard and jumped for troyer. ts and some pieces of special equipment ed of plastic feeling . I called out. quot;; Be formation -- ter, tly placed in relation to ten to ts. traffic on ter; t strange. It six-ty; ttle. I decided to climb to tered t took tried to turn it a point or tally; it was locked in place. A man entered from troom beely o me and removed my he wheel. it seemed more a ste unimpressive: dark rong nose, good mouto be in e fifties. ered troom. I followed him. quot;May I ask w; quot;Mot,quot; he supplied. quot;-- is bound?quot; ansion. a c. quot;If its a matter of sealed orders or somet; quot;No no,quot; looking up. quot;Not.quot; t;A bit careless tle boat, arent you?quot; t;Not normally. On trary. But somet; quot;Of course,quot; ;You icipated. ladder secured?quot; I t about t. I decided to s tion slightly. quot;Are t; quot;No,quot; ed my s ther ships. quot;Radio?quot; I asked. quot;Remote control or somet; quot;Somet,quot; he said. ty destroyers, four ligion to one. I wo years as a supply officer in New London, principally. quot;Is test of some kind?quot; I asked. quot;Ne or --quot; quot;Youre afraid t arget practice? ; arily amused. quot;No. But ss on t; quot;It ,quot; of troom and seated s in front of the bridge windows. I followed him. quot;May I ask your rank?quot; quot; ask my name?quot; quot;All rig; quot;I am t; I looked again at ed no suching. quot;Objectively,quot; ly. quot;My name is --quot; I began. quot;I am not interested in your name,quot; ;I am only interested in your be my disposal forty-seven brigs, of able. Not t I believe you t, I you to do to t of coffee. Make sandled back in and regarded the calm, even sea. quot;All rig; I said. quot;Yes.quot; quot;You ; ed me. quot;Yes, sir.quot; I troyer until I found turned o the bridge. t;Admiralquot; drank ly. Seabirds made passes at t ic material t enclosed tallations. quot; is t stuff used for t; I asked. quot;Its a polyvinylcion ate,quot; ;Its sprayed on and to cut it open youd find inside, around t, four or five small clotaining silicate of soda in crystals, to absorb moisture. A very neat system. It does just s supposed to do, keeps t good as ne; of mustard e coat, again t resembled not an admiral but a man from whom one would order drinks. quot; is your mission?quot; I asked, determined not to be outfaced by a man ard on . quot;to be at sea,quot; he said. quot;Only t?quot; quot;t,quot; ;t of ss, building tters, tricians, naval arcects, people in t. ts bottle of ced ribbons t sailors coming aboard, trials, tains for s ory. ticular ss leaving t tigervals, t engagement, taken. t over tory o three hundred some-odd very large volumes. quot;And t; ;too a depot in Neing plastic substance. t moored next to ots class, painted, yes, at scimes, by a creers is to paint ternally, finiso t and back to t again five years later. atcc, no doubt knocking off a little copper pipe ; quot;tockpiled against a possible neional emergency,quot; I said. quot; on eart?quot; quot;I oga,quot; ; my age.quot; quot;But entions?quot; quot;I am taking t; he said. quot;You are stealing forty-seven s of ted States?quot; quot;t; ;Six submarines of t; quot;But w; quot;Remember t I ely, if I may say so, in accord ever t ted ticipated in trays and ables. I nessed time, I discovered t tently. ito take tice.quot; ;No me?quot; quot;More t; quot;Good.quot; elegrapo Full Ahead. Now that¡£¡£ No I am older I am pleased to remember. t nigo your bed. You, ing. I, ly so as not to afrigies. You, undulating restlessly under t. Under t. I, s and perturbations, approached. Prior to times taken in, sometimes out. If in, I sliced tossed to t, or you sliced terelles and tossed to t. t meander. an infinity of leeks, lentils, turnips, green beans ossed into t, over the years. Celery. Sometimes taken out. t properly ables too close toget quiet servitors in black-and-ingle of cimes ed ter sauce on one occasion. tulip in tall slender vase to your rigini nudging te plastic sword. Prior to t, daintily, on your feet. I loosened my tie, if t my o it, just in time. Fatigued from your labors at torium s o do unes of International Sno, as God is my ness. ting. I remember tograp greeted me banded timorous ligs. A genuine eegee, car crasrate forms, long female ted cop legs. In a rope-molding frame. Beside me, your form, not yet a bare of dull unnecessary clotly positioned to be proer full ligickling permitted. Fleet t time totle pouc. You, going into t, plucked forttle. On table in front of tics salty dip. attering door toars for teaco find a place in t, to depart in turn at niged by t Club of France. Your head in my arms. Wrack -- Cold he garden. -- You the sun. -- But w goes behind a cloud -- -- ell, you cant hing. -- tiful. -- Indeed. -- Consoling to he flowers. -- half-way consoled already. -- And these Japanese rocks -- -- Artfully placed, most artfully. -- You must admit, a great consolation. -- And Social Security. -- A great consolation. -- And phermore. -- I read a book. Just ther day. -- Sexuality, too. -- t it. I read one. -- ell to the woods no more. I assume. -- s her always said. -- I s true. -- I t. -- ell, youre driving me crazy. -- ell youre driving me crazy too. Know w I mean? -- Going to snap one of these days. -- If you er you snap. ty. -- ell, you cant hing. -- Cold, he garden. -- Caw caw caw caw. -- You to sing t song. -- Cant remember goes. -- Getting farther away from life. -- t? -- Guilty but less guilty than I should. -- Can you fine-tune t for me? -- Not yet I to t it. -- ell, I o muck out table and buff up the silver. -- trust you he silver? -- Of course. I rust. -- You enjoy trust. -- Absolutely. -- ell ill decided o paint trucks. -- I said blue. -- Surely not your last . -- I co take a gander. -- Not noering. -- Neo complain? -- the Lord for all small favors. -- to see you? -- Did for a wopped. -- make you feel? -- O blame him. -- ell, you cant hing. -- ts true. s time? -- Looks to be about one. -- ch? -- . -- d you get? -- ty. -- God, arent tiful! -- Only t eacs kind. -- are they? -- Some kind of Japanese dealies I dont know. -- Lazing in t luxurious. -- Listening to t;Elmers tune.quot; -- I dont like it alk on the radio. -- Never used to heyre everywhere. -- You cant really say too muchese days. -- Doesnt t make you nervous? Girls talking on the radio? -- I liked enborn. hes long gone. -- d you do yesterday? -- took a rees. -- t of time have one. -- eaten anyt some rice, t h. -- tting around it. -- Forgot to buy soap, forgot to buy coffee -- -- All rig book containing t of fifty t yours. eve establis. Lets go on. -- It mig belonged to my former sure. S books. -- e not t. e to be absolutely certain. -- I appreciate it. Souc. -- Yes. Nohese your doors? -- Yes. I they swing? -- tion. Spring s. -- Sed touc, and t be mine. I seem to remember ing the several rages of a summers day. -- hen? -- It must ime ago. Some years. I dont kno strikes me t ts kind of cloudy. -- But theyre here. -- Simes ting the doorway herself. Acid, on one occasion. -- But theyre yours. -- Yes. to be. I mean, Im not arguing somet to remember, particularly. t of an unpleasant aura around t to myself. -- I dont to distress you. Unnecessarily. -- I kno blaming you, but it just seems to me t you could it go. t mean anyt, but still -- -- I didnt mean anyt. ell, lets leave to the dish. -- Plate. -- Lets go on to te, then. -- Plate, dis care, its sometion, you must admit, to o t it. Normally I t it. -- It he back. -- here? Show me. -- Your name. Rige, 1962. -- I dont to look. Ill take your . t y years ago. My God. S dinner. Every nigerrupted only by telepeleped. Ced. Gaiety. Vivacity. Laugrast to ive. O.K., so its mine. My plate. -- Its a dish. A bonbon dish. -- You mean to say t you t I is bonbon dish? Youre mad. -- t the dish? -- A bonbon dish? -- Perhaps she craved bonbons? -- No no no no no. Not so. Sourballs, perhaps. -- Lets move on to t mucime. -- tely not mine. -- Not yours. -- Its a oo small for me. My foot, t into t shoe. -- I am not suggesting t t you wear or would wear sucs obviously a womans shoe. -- t among my things. -- Its tons. -- t kind of sime back, among t migo a young person. I sometimes saw young persons. -- it in mind? -- I fondled they were fondleable. -- its of the law, of course. -- Certainly. quot;Young personquot; is an elastic term. You to mess ? -- Of course not. Never occurred to me. tic about it. A y. Do you t possible t the shoe may be in some way a cri de coeur? -- Not a chance. -- You the dish. -- Ive never heard a cri de coeur. -- Youve never heard a cri de coeur? -- Perh us? -- ho was Shirley? -- tudying escology. Maiding parttime. S us for a better post. Perfectly ordinary departure. -- Did sype? -- No. Nor , per in a be given t Rites, buried in a fisery, er sprinkled t -- -- You fatigue me. No the hundred-pound sack of saccharin. -- Mine. Indubitably mine. Im forbidden to use sugar. I ion. -- Im deligo . Not t you ion but t t doubt, yours. -- Mine. Yes. -- I cant tell you s are obtained. -- are you ing tes? -- t t, yours. -- I ts mine. -- do you mean, tated. . . Is it yours or isnt it? -- I ts mine. It seems to be. -- Seems! -- I just remembered, I put sugar in my coffee. At breakfast. -- Are you sure it saccharin? -- e powder of some kind. . . -- texture. . . -- No, I remember, it ely sugar. Granulated. So tely not mine. -- Nothing is yours. -- Some t t mine, t mine, t mine, and t mine. -- You admitted the doors. -- Not wedly. -- You said, I rigten do;Yes, t be mine.quot; -- Sometimes o , trying to pull to t other. . . -- I rigten do;Yes, t be mine.quot; -- I . -- You cant . Ive ten it down. -- Nevert. Its inadmissible. It was coerced. -- You feel coerced? -- All t business about quot;dis; rat;platequot; -- -- t of fact, it , a dish. -- You oring tone. I dont like to be ored. You came hing in mind. You had made an a priori decision. -- ts a little ridiculous goes. -- Promotion, advancement. . . -- e dont operate t o do . I dont to discuss ts go on to the dressing gown yours? -- Maybe. -- Yes or no? -- My business. Leave it at quot;maybe.quot; -- I am entitled to a good, solid, anshe dressing gown yours? -- Maybe. -- Please. -- Maybe maybe maybe maybe. -- You ex me. In text, t;maybequot; is unacceptable. -- A perfectly possible ans every day. -- Unacceptable. o her? -- S of money. Opened a Palais de Glace, or skating rink. Read R. D. Laing to ters over tem meanry as a spokesperson for the unborn. -- till? -- t eyes. On television, very often. -- In t know. -- ts true. -- Just one more ttresses surrounding they yours? -- I get . -- truggle is admirable. Useless, but admirable. Your struggle. -- Cold, he garden. -- Youre too old, ts all it is, t. Dont give it a t. -- I agreed to t. Did I agree to t? -- No, I must say you resisted. Admirably, resisted. -- I did resist. ould you allo;valiantlyquot;? -- No no no no. Come come come. -- quot;edlyquot;? -- Yes, okay, w do I care? -- edly, then. -- Yes. -- edly. -- e still decided o paint trucks. -- Yes. blue? On our street¡£¡£¡£ On our street, fourteen garbage cans are noeen and One Nineteen disappeared last nig a serious matter, but on t sit up all nigc is probably best described as an annoyance. One ty-ty-one neic garbage cans at Barneys o replace t. Many people are using large dark plastic garbage bags. truction at tal at ts. Rats are not mucic garbage bags. In fact, if I o imagine ably be invented by a committee of rats, it ic garbage bag. ts run up and doreet all night long. If I o imagine . I very muc t my . Some of treet are battered metal, otic. ic or ic predominates. Some of to painted on te paint. Usually by someone sense of t of lettering. One Nineteen, enants a gifted commercial artist, is an exception. No one excessively famous lives on our street, to my knotention t times attracts be a factor. t says t no otreet ed similar problems. If my ealing t, like going doo to replace a blos). My ible. No one I can imagine ing garbage cans into t of tiac convertible, at tage, dreaming of o perform a drum concerto ick. . . On our street, ty-one garbage cans are noy-treet. Also, depredations at One Sixteen and One Sixty-four. e out dozens of cans of D-Con but ts ignore ts of Ellen Busses Boeuf Rossini, for reet, t. Except for tudents at One Fifty-eig udents, are t? My -sed asty cayenne, deep-fried. Barneys of garbage cans and get anot until July. Any ne reet. Petulia, at Custom Care Cleaners, asks ely. quot;Peculiar?quot; I say. quot;In ; Dr. Maug One Forty-four een, Pally imber, from One ty-nine, and my tee. ttee meets at nigurn in tting order and at te, batless. . . ty-t, four-story broones for t part. Fifty-ts riding upon ts gallop up and doreet, at nigtee is unable to decide self ttee or t Committee. ty an inspector midnig tivity on our street. . tones. My tee of ttee ask of finding large stones. Is tment? Dr. Maug a sgun, a te and an instruction book. If I o imagine spring to mind, not as culprits but as proximate cause. tment, in One ty-one. to acquiring tment, must dispose of old to accommodate neimes t One ty-one is closely follo ted in ttee, ing to ty, made a partial list of tems disposed of by t eigar amp; pestle, majolica butter and milk); one set green eartes; one fruit ripener designed by scientists at ty of California, plexiglass; one nylon umbrella tent ion fountain pen and clock ; one mini ti-maker; one pistol-grip spring-loaded flyster; one cast-iron tortilla press; one ivory bangle -; and muc t ting to ty, I cannot bring myself to support even a resolution of censure, since to talk about and not a fes of green eartes over the years. I reported to my large stones y. quot;Stones,quot; s;Large stones.quot; I purc Barneys o make stones er and stir, and you one as isone made by God emporarily busy, in t, se to resemble t and t mostly stones -- a good-looking stone is not t of acs. Ritctle boy from One ten rangers, rated, reet at nigs. take (so long as ays under eleven ), a quick left turn, ticket if , at t . . . I sones. quot;I dont like t; s;t look like real stones.quot; S , like badly-ts, as if tter tee, team (SPURt), e steel s and is discussing a secret grip by ify to eacher. treet -- no garbage cans left to steal. A committee of rats tee in order to deal uation, racting un elements from oty. Members of ttees exc grips. My s iac convertible, attending important meetings. the crisis, she says, will be a long one. She has never been happier. The Palace at Four A.M. My faties agree, large. to o border east-, traveler must budget no less teen days. Its name is erm for erest of t ruler (a strange taste in our part of t of uries ago, o t Co t of some of our staider neiglunds and Dolpruffles, in acularly ricricity, ill read by kerosene lamp. Our army is t in tle secret of my fatrut is a bisice, every peasant a corporation and every street-corner ser Kant o promote s, male and female, across t. I himself a donkey. -- from tobiography I am ing to you, ant country. I daresay you remember it obiograp curious as to o tily over tion, food, sleep, for many days and nights. t been, in t of spirits. icle and declares o be very muc. o publication in try, to do favor of c;terested and impartial arbitersquot; on page ty-one to quot;malign elements under till more malign elements.quot; Oted. o tell you t your touc as ever. Early in tobiograper t;My motable. . .quot; to knoables are in use in fara;. . . in c from to to me, or ratial image said to my dark, out. I cannot bear to look upon your donkey face again. quot; to knoainted by self-pity, or is, ratably dispassionate. to o do o c;terested and impartial arbitersquot; to quot;malign elements,quot; etc. to do h all speed. t been at . Peace, ural condition. try is prosperous, yes, and ands t t to spin out tinies in placid, undisturbed fas iny, o alter t interesting, complex, dicey, even. o consult to cy-four of your article, t;egregious usurpationsquot; to quot;symbols of benign transformation.quot; Please initial t orians accuse us of boion. Your attention is called to t;I of tle at dusk, not even to console me, my s s dozen razors (altimes a day, till a donkeys) banging against ter a time I e tired. I lay doo it, a sign, in our country, t ted (but my o frig).quot; Do you remember t s;I ate a slice of my motuation. My princeliness nobles castle in ty, but my experience of visiting aug neity of aspect prevailed for long against a s natural preference for folk eer for a traveling circus? Attempt tage? tion vexing. quot;I crumbs of the hedge. quot; s this? I said. quot; Soft, said t be afraid, I am a bogle, let me abide , your back is s a mercy. quot; s a bogle? I asked, immediately fetcure at all frigo look upon and clad in female fles eem. quot; A bogle, said tiny one, a black dog. quot;ell, I t, now I know. quot; A bogle, sinued, is not a boggart. quot; Deligo , I said. quot; Dont you ever s could be mistaken for tter so as to tter? quot; You may lie elsewenances you. quot; I am fatigued, so sleep, in t so t your back fits better , it er, and t t ts all about but it promises no good for us plain folk, police, probably, running all over tity c balloons h -- quot;S, several issues, but my God! s I deemed range piece of goods, and made take of saying so. quot; Sir, s venture upon range and strange, if I on to say t if I did not abstain from furtinence s se a cell, ratiny ; to kno being forced to take snuff, violently. Similarly t: quot;, precisely, is a donkey? As you may imagine, I ion. My Larousse delicate, as if tors t tter blus yielded tions of interest: t donkeys came originally from Africa, and t t of muc ties to t be ill-matcs, true. tous conversations reacer of t every season of t into spasms of srast, could sometimes bring o scratc only, I suspect, by means of a mental s, as if ing dogs, tally, remained firmly ambivalent about me even after long acquaintance. quot;I explained a part of to t I of generally t to be of bad cer. terling qualities perfection in t a iful as old it a times. It rue, s on, t s of a standard size, could in fact be called small, if not minuscule, but ted to ts and fools and migeertainment of tryside. In tter of rank and precedence, t bogle out king, alt in tty solipsism conducted t even exist. And o see I migo true nature of the sublime? quot;ell, I . Sed, t , and ion tion surrounding any perfect miniature. But I said, No, ts a bit chis morning. quot; Just ts tty, and before I could protest furtiny s. I buttoned os of extravagant praise. Yes, s, ts ; t reread tion, being reduced to tears. tion a folly ertain in concert yearns for it. ions , cassock, most becoming, a modest supper of c and four oclock in tax evasion case against you aking, even spiteful. he is sorry. tobiograpions: quot;Sogetending to be absent standing on a tree limb to our left, a little stream snapping and groo our rigo me t my fatration of t muco be desired, from t of vieicularly ence on filling ts ed truffle anding, so just a ; s of gold in it; e rousers. Duncan, sabbing me in t t man ruin, absolutely ruin, tter Fen roaring electric plant t makes a t s. t-class fen paved over. e bogles are being squeezed to our knees. I o kiss did notory in tous. quot; Duncan, youre not listening! eresting t bogles, in to do s; t alt seem small to me sall, for a bogle, queenly, in fact; t type of blood seas superior to royal blood, and t it bogles soever, despite bogles lovers in tter able, or insect, mig it true t bogles knocked boo become pregnant of pure misc female bogles satisfactory sexual partners of any kind of t could ever be imagined and to o pay £ô£ð://£÷ww?9£¹£ì£éb?n£å£ô</u> quot;S. One ed squarely at t; ts you -for-attribution, but as you knoers are scoundrels and not to be trusted. o note t Vu ion and to recall t it serving maids and t insignificant members of to give you a medal, if you return, any medal you like -- you our medals are t gorgeous going. On page seventy-five of your article, o c;monstrous over-reaciable if still c; to any kinder construction of your choosing. tobiograpers already ten but o recount ogetratagem of your devising, vanquis day long, long ago; oget your souls o place tion of ty of t campaigns ed on a single obiograpo many volumes, but bring o e tory you. t your falling-out, over tter of t of a miscalculation on . ts t t of tature sold y-tured during t, a serious error; more bised. t you did not tell t instead expected o kno. Your outrage . once forgives you and begs your forgiveness. tary P ty is yours, if you it. You loved , ill cannot believe it, s in a condition of doubt. You are boty. t four A.M. is silent. Come back, o him. I am, at the moment¡£¡£¡£ I am, at t, seated. On a stump in t, listening. Ireland and Scotland are remote, ales is not near. I o he ladder for you. tombs are scattered tall, ly ordinary gray stone. C nigter ligombs, little iful, and tiful saunter t carrying plump red iful do not, as a rule, run. cional co appropriate limbs. You are tiring, you er atues of alert, crouc, for ornamentation. For ornamentation. Eac, crouching Indian boy is accompanied by a large, bronze, wolf-like dog, finely polished. I o speak to you. I es, instructions, quarrels. On ers I notes, freely and passionately, as if inspired, at nig tremendous slaps to to tiful and and cucotuco. t one udy. I make careful notes. You snatcebook from my s of your smock s, bean-by-bean career. I am, at t, prepared to dance. tiful orically, danced. tner t in ttitudes of dancers. togeto ty of casting titudes of dancers, at nig, t. the glare. ted to dinner, along upon t niger dinner, after coffee, among to to t benedictions will ensue. England is far a a rumor. Pilloombs, potcloto be able to irelessly you glue. t on some maps, tribute to tograpter tiful . Your sudden movement toerly. Everyomaciaras of red kidney beans, poliso t contain the fierceness of carnelians. Spain is distant, Portugal rable t our future needs. traraordinary tact. Your s ed did in fact occur. I am, at t, feeling very jolly. is remarkable h care. Overnight to Many Distant Cities A group of Cs preceded us ty, obviously important, pery of t trance to eacopped us, il ting it. A fleet of black government Citro?ns t ease they were being rewarded for many years of good behavior. Asked er said s it ed. ell, yes. Again in Paris, years earlier, Anna, yard, and late at nigense and rising pleasure. e blusher. Rigtan, temperature is forty-two degrees. In Stocke reindeer steak and I told ter. . . t too y dollars for a bottle of J amp; B! politely, and said t t tending ion center someside ty. Soget sat on tly ime to go play er of Culture explained ry. quot;t; ;is not tional instrument of Uganda.quot; A boat ride ttered islands. A arsa novelist asked me to carry a package of paper to New York for him. oman is silent for treets oucrees. quot;But youre married!quot; quot;But ts not my fault!quot; tearing into cold crab at Scomas able, doing to him. In taegu ters. ter landed on a pad, General A jumped out and ride to t ing eacs blue scarves and co, tures aken. General A followed by ^^Page 171^^ o find myself in a situation as dire as his. In San Antonio tle river. And ended up in is a flat scandal. t it. t it. You and I talked to eacalked to too bad, too bad. e discussed ty-four novels of normative adultery. quot;Cant ery adults,quot; I said, and you agreed t true. e t about it, our able. In tonio talked about ted poet. quot;too big,quot; t;too big too big too big.quot; quot;Can you imagine going to bed ; t;No no no no no,quot; and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed. I offered to get out and run alongside t o converse more freely. In Copen sed to buy presents for t leats, frozen fisioners, kayaks. . . e store. quot;teac; t;never to go s; Again in Paris, tel alembert. . . Anna jumped on tercolor tin, blood every;In t; ell, yes. But stop to tal t looking over o make sure t bleeding on covers, owels in my rig hands. . . On anoto dinner, I kicked ted force as Mirabeau, ser improved instantly, actic t can be used exactly once. In Mexico City er of tain stream. ell, t didnt t een and tradition, cer folk, and t city t-ss to our names. My friend ory. Our assignment o file ts in American jukeboxes so t t thick Mexican coins. All day long. No gloves. After about a reet on o be found and t;t; my fatold my grandfat; damn, lets go get em.quot; I hemselves so much. Ninety-ternoon, tock market up in rading. In Berlin everyone stared, and I could not blame tacular, your long skirts, your long dark by taring, people gazing at o credit it or not, o be trusted and for it meant to t by it, in some icized by it, good God get it out of my sight -- I correctly identified a Matisse as a Matisse even t ic Matisse, you t I tters sy minutes, and tello tonnato, as I recall. on. . . Carol got t. I put it in tons of books, tableos, and oddly, tions fresed to t;; s;; In Barcelona ts out. At dinner. Candles ines placed before us. oties? Because Barcelona and I sing my and on t. S married a imes and Ill sc deserve the world. Lunc I praised t ;e little problem in Barcelona,quot; ;ts go out in t; quot;Ive noticed,quot; I said. quot;ere ,quot; ;y, one of our best.quot; quot;A great to; I agreed. In an ecstasy of admiration for e our simple soup. tomorro fair. . .