《唐诗三百首(中英对照)》 编选介绍 《唐诗三百首》的编选者蘅塘退士(1711~1778),原名孙洙,字临西,江苏无锡人。他自幼家贫,性敏好学,寒冬腊月读书时,常握一木,谓木能生火可敌寒。乾隆九年(1745)他考中顺天举人,授景山官学教习,出任上元县教谕。乾隆十六年(1752)他得中进士,历任卢龙、大城知县。后遭人谗陷罢官,平复后任山东邹平知县。乾隆二十五年(1761)、二十七年(1763)两次主持乡试,推掖名士。他为官清廉如水,爱民如子,又勤勉好学,书似欧阳询,诗宗杜工部,著有《蘅塘漫稿》。乾隆二十八年春,孙洙与他的继室夫人徐兰英相互商榷,开始编选《唐诗三百首》。编选这本书是有感于选诗标准不严,体裁不备,体例不一,希望以新的选本取而代之,成为合适的、流传不废的家塾课本。他们的选诗标准是“因专就唐诗中脍炙人口之作,择其尤要者”。既好又易诵,以体裁为经,以时间为纬。《唐诗三百首》于清乾隆二十九年(1765)编辑完成,书的题目有的说脱胎于民谚“熟读唐诗三百首,不会做诗也会吟”,有的说取自“诗三百”,说法各不相同。 ⊙内容提要 《唐诗三百首》共选入唐代诗人77位,计310首诗,其中五言古诗33首,乐府46首,七言古诗28首,七言律诗50首,五言绝句29首,七言绝句51首,诸诗配有注释和评点。 五言古诗简称五古,是唐代诗坛较为流行的体裁。唐人五古笔力豪纵,气象万千,直接用于叙事、抒情、议论、写景,使其功能得到了空前的发挥,其代表作家有李白、杜甫、王维、孟浩然、韦应物等。 七言古诗简称七古,起源于战国时期,甚至更早。现在公认最早的、最完整的七古是曹丕的《燕歌行》。南北朝时期,鲍照致力于七古创作,将之衍变成一种充满活力的诗体。唐代七古显示出大唐宏放的气象,手法多样,深沉开阔,代表诗人有李白、杜甫、韩愈。 五言律诗简称五律,是律诗的一种。五律源于五言古体,风格峻整,音律雄浑,含蓄深厚,成为唐人应制、应试以及日常生活中普遍采用的诗歌题材。唐代五律名家数不胜数,以王昌龄、王维、孟浩然、李白、杜甫、刘长卿成就为大。 七言律诗简称七律,是近体诗的一种,格律要求与五律相同。七律源于七言古体,在初唐时期渐成规模,至杜甫臻至炉火纯青。有唐一代,七律圣手有王维、杜甫、李商隐、杜牧、罗隐等,风华绝代,辉映古今。 五七言绝句简称五绝和七绝,都是古典诗体中绝句的一种。五绝起源于汉,七绝起源于六朝,两者都在齐梁时期成型,初唐阶段成熟。唐代绝句气象高远,率真自然,达到了吟诵自由化的最高峰,名家有李白、王维、王昌龄、韦应物、杜牧、刘禹锡等人。 ⊙作品影响 中国是诗的国度,唐朝是中国诗歌的巅峰,巅峰时期的那个黄金时代令人神往。诗歌是当时文学的最高代表,成为中国传统文学坚实的重要组成部分,也是中华文明靓丽的风景线。 唐诗与宋词、元曲并称,题材宽泛,众体兼备,格调高雅,是中国诗歌发展史上的奇迹。唐诗对中国文学的影响极为深远。历朝历代的文人视唐诗为圭臬,奉唐人为典范。公元7世纪,孙季良开始编纂唐诗选本,至辛亥革命前,一千二百余年间,每二年即有一本唐诗选本问世。众多选本中以《唐诗三百首》流传最广、影响最大,风行海内,老幼皆宜,雅俗共赏,成为屡印不止的最经典的选本之一。《唐诗三百首》以成功务实的编法、简易适中的篇幅、通俗大众的观点、入选的精美诗歌打动着读者,成为儿童最成功的启蒙教材、了解中国文化的模范读本,对中国诗歌选编学、中国人的心理构成都有很大的影响。 ⊙精彩篇章 慈母手中线,游子身上衣。临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。——孟郊《游子吟》 红豆生南国,春来发几枝。愿君多采撷,此物最相思。——王维《相思》 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。夜来风雨声,花落知多少。——孟浩然《春晓》 白日依山尽,黄河入海流。欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。——王之涣《登鹳雀楼》 ⊙延伸阅读 由南宋著名词人刘克庄编辑的蓝本增删而成,从宋代至今,在民间流传很广,是非常有名的儿童启蒙读物。所选诗为唐宋两代的作品,大多文采晓畅,易于吟诵。 《全唐诗》在康熙四十五(1707)年,由彭定求、沈三曾等编校而成,收诗4.8万多首,作者2000余人,是自唐到清内容最丰富的唐诗总集。此后,由于敦煌文书的出土以及新的唐诗的发现,《全唐诗》得以更加完善,又增加了数千首唐诗。 《唐诗别裁集》于康熙五十六年(1718)问世,由江苏苏州人沈德潜编辑而成,这部书重点突出了沈德潜的文学思想,在清代的文士间影响较大。 全本共有三百又二十首诗,原由蘅塘退士选辑,分为六卷。 诗歌目录 · 张九龄:感遇四首之一 · 张九龄:感遇四首之二 · 张九龄:感遇四首之三 · 张九龄:感遇四首之四 · 李白:下终南山过斛斯山人宿置酒 · 李白:月下独酌 · 李白:春思 · 杜甫:望岳 · 杜甫:赠卫八处士 · 杜甫:佳人 · 杜甫:梦李白二首之一 · 杜甫:梦李白二首之二 · 王维:送别 · 王维:送綦毋潜落第还乡 · 王维:青溪 · 王维:渭川田家 · 王维:西施咏 · 孟浩然:秋登兰山寄张五 · 孟浩然:夏日南亭怀辛大 · 孟浩然:宿业师山房待丁大不至 · 王昌龄:同从弟南斋玩月忆山阴崔少府 · 邱为:寻西山隐者不遇 · 綦毋潜:春泛若耶溪 · 常建:宿王昌龄隐居 · 岑参:与高适薛据登慈恩寺浮图 · 元结:贼退示官吏并序 · 韦应物:郡斋雨中与诸文士燕集 · 韦应物:初发扬子寄元大校书 · 韦应物:寄全椒山中道士 · 韦应物:长安遇冯著 · 韦应物:夕次盱眙县 · 韦应物:东郊 · 韦应物:送杨氏女 · 柳宗元:晨诣超师院读禅经 · 柳宗元:溪居 · 王昌龄:塞上曲 · 王昌龄:塞下曲 · 李白:关山月 · 李白:子夜四时歌[春歌] · 李白:子夜四时歌[夏歌] · 李白:子夜四时歌[秋歌] · 李白:子夜四时歌[冬歌] · 李白:长干行 · 孟郊:烈女操 · 孟郊:游子吟 · 陈子昂:登幽州台歌 · 李颀:古意 · 李颀:送陈章甫 · 李颀:琴歌 · 李颀:听董大弹胡笳声兼寄语弄房给事 · 李颀:听安万善吹筚篥歌 · 孟浩然:夜归鹿门山歌 · 李白:庐山谣寄卢侍御虚舟 · 李白:梦游天姥吟留别 · 李白:金陵酒肆留别 · 李白:宣州谢[月兆]楼饯别校书叔云 · 岑参:走马川行奉送封大夫出师西征 · 岑参:轮台歌奉送封大夫出师西征 · 岑参:白雪歌送武判官归京 · 杜甫:韦讽录事宅观曹将军画马图 · 杜甫:丹青引赠曹霸将军 · 杜甫:寄韩谏议 · 杜甫:古柏行 · 杜甫:观公孙大娘弟子舞剑器行并序 · 元结:石鱼湖上醉歌并序 · 韩愈:山石 · 韩愈:八月十五夜赠张功曹 · 韩愈:谒衡岳庙遂宿岳寺题门楼 · 韩愈:石鼓歌 · 柳宗元:渔翁 · 白居易:长恨歌 · 白居易:琵琶行并序 · 李商隐:韩碑 · 高适:燕歌行并序 · 李颀:古从军行 · 王维:洛阳女儿行 · 王维:老将行 · 王维:桃源行 · 李白:蜀道难 · 李白:长相思二首之一 · 李白:长相思二首之二 · 李白:行路难三首之一 · 李白:行路难三首之二 · 李白:行路难三首之三 · 李白:将进酒 · 杜甫:兵车行 · 杜甫:丽人行 · 杜甫:哀江头 · 杜甫:哀王孙 · 唐玄宗:经邹鲁祭孔子而叹之 · 张九龄:望月怀远 · 王勃:送杜少府之任蜀州 · 骆宾王:在狱咏蝉并序 · 杜审言:和晋陵路丞早春游望 · 沈全期:杂诗 · 宋之问:题大庾岭北驿 · 王湾:次北固山下 · 常建:题破山寺后禅院 · 岑参:寄左省杜拾遗 · 李白:赠孟浩然 · 李白:渡荆门送别 · 李白:送友人 · 李白:听蜀僧浚弹琴 · 李白:夜泊牛渚怀古 · 杜甫:月夜 · 杜甫:春望 · 杜甫:春宿左省 · 杜甫:至德二载甫自京金光门出,问道归凤翔。乾元初从左拾遗移华州掾。与亲故别,因出此门。有悲往事 · 杜甫:月夜忆舍弟 · 杜甫:天末怀李白 · 杜甫:奉济驿重送严公四韵 · 杜甫:别房太尉墓 · 杜甫:旅夜书怀 · 杜甫:登岳阳楼 · 王维:辋川闲居赠裴秀才迪 · 王维:山居秋暝 · 王维:归嵩山作 · 王维:终南山 · 王维:酬张少府 · 王维:过香积寺 · 王维:送梓州李使君 · 王维:汉江临眺 · 王维:终南别业 · 孟浩然:望洞庭湖赠张丞相 · 孟浩然:与诸子登岘山 · 孟浩然:清明日宴梅道士房 · 孟浩然:岁暮归南山 · 孟浩然:过故人庄 · 孟浩然:秦中感秋寄远上人 · 孟浩然:宿桐庐江寄广陵旧游 · 孟浩然:留别王侍御维 · 孟浩然:早寒江上有怀 · 刘长卿:秋日登吴公台上寺远眺 · 刘长卿:送李中丞归汉阳别业 · 刘长卿:饯别王十一南游 · 刘长卿:寻南溪常山道人隐居 · 刘长卿:新年作 · 钱起:送僧归日本 · 钱起:谷口书斋寄杨补阙 · 韦应物:淮上喜会梁川故人 · 韦应物:赋得暮雨送李胄 · 韩翃:酬程延秋夜即事见赠 · 刘脊虚:阙题 · 戴叔伦:江乡故人偶集客舍 · 卢纶:李端公 · 李益:喜见外弟又言别 · 司空曙:云阳馆与韩绅宿别 · 司空曙:喜外弟卢纶见宿 · 司空曙:贼平后送人北归 · 刘禹锡:蜀先主庙 · 张籍:没蕃故人 · 白居易:赋得古原草送别 · 杜牧:旅宿 · 许浑:秋日赴阙题潼关驿楼 · 许浑:早秋 · 李商隐:蝉 · 李商隐:风雨 · 李商隐:落花 · 李商隐:凉思 · 李商隐:北青萝 · 温庭筠:送人东游 · 马戴:灞上秋居 · 马戴:楚江怀古 · 张乔:书边事 · 崔涂:巴山道中除夜有怀 · 崔涂:孤雁 · 杜荀鹤:春宫怨 · 韦庄:章台夜思 · 僧皎然:寻陆鸿渐不遇 · 崔颢:黄鹤楼 · 崔颢:行经华阴 · 祖咏:望蓟门 · 李颀:送魏万之京 · 崔曙:九日登望仙台呈刘明府 · 高适:送李少府贬峡中王少府贬长沙 · 岑参:奉和中书舍人贾至早朝大明宫 · 王维:和贾舍人早朝大明宫之作 · 王维:积雨辋川庄作 · 王维:奉和圣制从蓬莱向兴庆阁道中留春雨中春望之作应制 · 王维:酬郭给事 · 杜甫:蜀相 · 杜甫:客至 · 杜甫:野望 · 杜甫:闻官军收河南河北 · 杜甫:登高 · 杜甫:登楼 · 杜甫:宿府 · 杜甫:阁夜 · 杜甫:咏怀古迹五首之一 · 杜甫:咏怀古迹五首之二 · 杜甫:咏怀古迹五首之三 · 杜甫:咏怀古迹五首之四 · 杜甫:咏怀古迹五首之五 · 刘长卿:江州重别薛六柳八二员外 · 刘长卿:长沙过贾谊宅 · 刘禹锡:西塞山怀古 · 钱起:赠阙下裴舍人 · 韦应物:寄李儋元锡 · 韩翃:同题仙游观 · 皇甫冉:春思 · 卢纶:晚次鄂州 · 元稹:遣悲怀三首之一 · 元稹:遣悲怀三首之二 · 柳宗元:登柳州城楼寄漳汀封连四州刺史 · 元稹:遣悲怀三首之三 · · 刘长卿:自夏口至鹦洲夕望岳阳寄源中丞 · 白居易:自河南经乱,关内阻饥,兄弟离散,各在一处。因望月有感,聊书所怀,寄上浮梁大兄,于潜七兄,乌江十五兄,兼示符离及下[圭阝]弟妹 · 李商隐:锦瑟 · 李商隐:无题 · 李商隐:隋宫 · 李商隐:无题二首之一 · 李商隐:无题二首之二 · 李商隐:筹笔驿 · 李商隐:无题 · 李商隐:春雨 · 李商隐:无题二首之一 · 李商隐:无题二首之二 · 温庭筠:利洲南渡 · 温庭筠:苏武庙 · 薛逢:宫词 · 秦韬玉:贫女 · 沈全期:古意呈补阙乔知之 · 王维:鹿柴 · 王维:竹里馆 · 王维:送别 · 王维:相思 · 王维:杂诗 · 裴迪:送崔九 · 祖咏:终南望馀雪 · 孟浩然:宿建德江 · 孟浩然:春晓 · 李白:夜思 · 李白:怨情 · 杜甫:八阵图 · 王之涣:登鹳雀楼 · 刘长卿:送灵澈 · 刘长卿:弹琴 · 刘长卿:送上人 · 韦应物:秋夜寄邱员外 · 李端:听筝 · 王建:新嫁娘 · 权德舆:玉台体 · 柳宗元:江雪 · 元稹:行宫 · 白居易:问刘十九 · 张祜:何满子 · 李商隐:登乐游原 · 贾岛:寻隐者不遇 · 李频:渡汉江 · 金昌绪:春怨 · 西鄙人:哥舒歌 · 崔颢:长干行二首之一 · 崔颢:长干行二首之二 · 李白:玉阶怨 · 卢纶:塞下曲四首之一 · 卢纶:塞下曲四首之二 · 卢纶:塞下曲四首之三 · 卢纶:塞下曲四首之四 · 李益:江南曲 · 贺知章:回乡偶书 · 张旭:桃花溪 · 王维:九月九日忆山东兄弟 · 王昌龄:芙蓉楼送辛渐 · 王昌龄:闺怨 · 王昌龄:春宫曲 · 王翰:凉州词 · 李白:送孟浩然之广陵 · 李白:下江陵 · 岑参:逢入京使 · 杜甫:江南逢李龟年 · 韦应物:滁州西涧 · 张继:枫桥夜泊 · 韩翃:寒食 · 刘方平:月夜 · 刘方平:春怨 · 柳中庸:征人怨 · 顾况:宫词 · 李益:夜上受降城闻笛 · 刘禹锡:乌衣巷 · 刘禹锡:春词 · 白居易:后宫词 · 张祜:赠内人 · 张祜:集灵台二首之一 · 张祜:集灵台二首之二 · 张祜:题金陵渡 · 朱庆馀:宫词 · 朱庆馀:近试上张水部 · 杜牧:将赴吴兴登乐游原 · 杜牧:赤壁 · 杜牧:泊秦淮 · 杜牧:寄扬州韩绰判官 · 杜牧:遣怀 · 牧:秋夕 · 杜牧:赠别二首之一 · 杜牧:赠别二首之二 · 杜牧:金谷园 · 李商隐:夜雨寄北 · 李商隐:寄令狐郎中 · 李商隐:为有 · 李商隐:隋宫 · 李商隐:瑶池 · 李商隐:嫦娥 · 李商隐:贾生 · 温庭筠:瑶瑟怨 · 郑畋:马嵬坡 · 韩翃:已凉 · 韦庄:金陵图 · 陈陶:陇西行 · 张泌:寄人 · 无名氏:杂诗 · 王维:渭城曲 · 王维:秋夜曲 · 王昌龄:长信怨 · 王昌龄:出塞 · 王之涣:出塞 · 李白:清平调三首之一 · 李白:清平调三首之二 · 李白:清平调三首之三 · 杜秋娘:金缕衣 五言古诗 001 张九龄 感遇其一 孤鸿海上来, 池潢不敢顾; 侧见双翠鸟, 巢在三珠树。 矫矫珍木巅, 得无金丸惧? 美服患人指, 高明逼神恶。 今我游冥冥, 弋者何所慕? Five-cer-ancient-verse Zhang Jiuling tS I A lonely she sea flies, to alig does not deign. Nesting in the poplar of pearls It spies and questions green birds twain: quot;Dont you fear t of slings, Percop of branches so high? Nice clote pointing fingers, high climbers gods good will defy. Bird-ers will crave me in vain, For I roam tless sky.quot; 002 五言古诗 张九龄 感遇其二 兰叶春葳蕤, 桂华秋皎洁; 欣欣此生意, 自尔为佳节。 谁知林栖者? 闻风坐相悦, 草木有本心, 何求美人折? Five-cer-ancient-verse Zhang Jiuling ORChID AND ORANGE I tender orchid-leaves in spring And cinnamon- blossoms brigumn Are as self- contained as life is, o the seasons. Yet -, Allured by s ented y, ould no more ask to-be transplanted tural flower? 003 五言古诗 张九龄 感遇其三 幽人归独卧, 滞虑洗孤清, 持此谢高鸟, 因之传远情。 日夕怀空意, 人谁感至精? 飞沈理自隔, 何所慰吾诚? Five-cer-ancient-verse Zhang Jiuling tS III t in his lone abode Nurses s cleansed of care, ts to the wild goose For it to ant Sovereign to bear. y Of my vain day-and-night prayer? comfort is for my loyalty hen fliers and sinkers can compare? 004 五言古诗 张九龄 感遇其四 江南有丹橘, 经冬犹绿林; 岂伊地气暖? 自有岁寒心。 可以荐嘉客, 奈何阻重深? 运命惟所遇, 循环不可寻。 徒言树桃李, 此木岂无阴? Five-cer-ancient-verse Zhang Jiuling ORChID AND ORANGE II ree. All er long its leaves are green, Not because of a warmer soil, But because its nature is used to the cold. t migs, You leave it ain and river. Circumstance governs destiny. Cause and effect are an infinite cycle. You plant your peacrees and your plums, You forget tree. 005 五言古诗 李白 下终南山过斛斯山人宿置酒 暮从碧山下, 山月随人归; 却顾所来径, 苍苍横翠微。 相携及田家, 童稚开荆扉; 绿竹入幽径, 青萝拂行衣。 欢言得所憩, 美酒聊共挥; 长歌吟松风, 曲尽河星稀。 我醉君复乐, 陶然共忘机。 Five-cer-ancient-verse Li Bai DON ZAIN tO thE KIND PILLO AND BOL OF hUSI Doain in the evening, Moonlig. Looking back, I sah Lie in levels of deep shadow.... I he farm-house of a friend, e of thorn And led me through jade bamboos and hes. And I And glad of a co drink h my friend.... e sang to tune of the pines; And down, han happy, Bet the world. 006 五言古诗 李白 月下独酌 花间一壶酒, 独酌无相亲; 举杯邀明月, 对影成三人。 月既不解饮, 影徒随我身; 暂伴月将影, 行乐须及春。 我歌月徘徊, 我舞影零乱; 醒时同交欢, 醉后各分散。 永结无情游, 相期邈云汉。 Five-cer-ancient-verse Li Bai DRINKING ALONE IthE MOON From a pot of he flowers I drank alone. th me -- till, raising my cup, I asked t moon to bring me my shree. Alas, to drink And my sagged me vacantly; But still for a whese friends to che end of spring.... I sang. the moon encouraged me. I danced. My sumbled after. As long as I knew, we were boon companions. And t one another. ...Shall goodwill ever be secure? I cars. 007 五言古诗 李白 春思 燕草如碧丝, 秦桑低绿枝; 当君怀归日, 是妾断肠时。 春风不相识, 何事入罗帏? Five-cer-ancient-verse Li Bai IN SPRING Your grasses up north are as blue as jade, Our mulberries hreaded branches; And at last you turning home, No broken.... O breeze of t know you, tains by my bed? 008 五言古诗 杜甫 望岳 岱宗夫如何? 齐鲁青未了。 造化钟神秀, 阴阳割昏晓。 荡胸生层云, 决眥入归鸟。 会当凌绝顶, 一览众山小。 又作岳 Five-cer-ancient-verse Du Fu A VIE OF tAIShAN s Peak? -- t dukedoms are everywhere green, Inspired and stirred by tion, it. ...I bare my breast toward opening clouds, I strain my siger birds flying home. op and hold All mountains in a single glance? 009 五言古诗 杜甫 赠卫八处士 人生不相见, 动如参与商, 今夕复何夕? 共此灯烛光。 少壮能几时? 鬓发各已苍。 访旧半为鬼, 惊呼热中肠。 焉知二十载, 重上君子堂。 昔别君未婚, 儿女忽成行; 怡然敬父执, 问我来何方。 问答乃未已, 驱儿罗酒浆。 夜雨剪春韭, 新炊间黄粱。 主称会面难, 一举累十觞; 十觞亦不醉, 感子故意长。 明日隔山岳, 世事两茫茫。 Five-cer-ancient-verse Du Fu tO MY REtIRED FRIEND EI It is almost as o meet As for tars. tonig, Joining, in t, two men w long ago But nourning grey at temples. ...to find t half our friends are dead Ss h grief. e little guessed it y years Before I could visit you again. aill unmarried; But nohese boys and girls in a row Are very kind to thers old friend. they ask me where I have been on my journey; And talked awhile, they bring and show me wines and dishes, Spring c in t-rain And brown rice cooked freshly a special way. ...My proclaims it a festival, o drink ten cups -- But en cups could make me as drunk As I al? ...tomorroains e us; After tomorrow-who can say? 010 五言古诗 杜甫 佳人 绝代有佳人, 幽居在空谷; 自云良家子, 零落依草木。 关中昔丧乱, 兄弟遭杀戮; 官高何足论? 不得收骨肉。 世情恶衰歇, 万事随转烛。 夫婿轻薄儿, 新人美如玉。 合昏尚知时, 鸳鸯不独宿; 但见新人笑, 那闻旧人哭? 在山泉水清, 出山泉水浊。 侍婢卖珠回, 牵萝补茅屋。 摘花不插发, 采柏动盈掬。 天寒翠袖薄, 日暮倚修竹。 Five-cer-ancient-verse Du Fu ALONE IN Y han she? Yet sy valley. Sells me she came from a good family o t. ...rouble arose in trict, hers and close kin were killed. use heir high offices, Not even sheir own lives? -- t scorn for adversity; , like t of a candle. , Seeks a new face like a new piece of jade; And And mandarin-ducks lie side by side, All he new love, he old love weeps unheard. ts mountain source, But aain its ers darken. ...aiting for o come from selling pearls For strao cover the roof again, She picks a few flowers, no longer for her hair, And lets pine-needles fall through her fingers, And, forgetting he cold, S by a tall bamboo. 011 五言古诗 杜甫 梦李白之一 死别已吞声, 生别常恻恻。 江南瘴疠地, 逐客无消息。 故人入我梦, 明我长相忆; 君今在罗网, 何以有羽翼? 恐非平生魂, 路远不可测。 魂来枫林青, 魂返关塞黑; 落月满屋梁, 犹疑照颜色。 水深波浪阔, 无使蛟龙得。 Five-cer-ancient-verse Du Fu SEEING Li Bai IN A DREAM I ting; But life s partings again and again. ...From thern river You me not one sign from your exile -- till you came to me last night in a dream, Because I am alhinking of you. I were really you, Venturing so long a journey. You came to me t, You disappeared by a sress.... Yet out of t mesh of your snare, your hem? ...I er Seemed to be your face, still floating in the air. ...ters to cross, tossing; If you fell, ters. 012 五言古诗 杜甫 梦李白之二 浮云终日行, 游子久不至; 三夜频梦君, 情亲见君意。 告归常局促, 苦道来不易。 江湖多风波, 舟楫恐失坠。 出门搔白首, 若负平生志。 冠盖满京华, 斯人独憔悴。 孰云网恢恢? 将老身反累! 千秋万岁名, 寂寞身后事。 Five-cer-ancient-verse Du Fu SEEING Li Bai IN A DREAM II t ed all day the sky, May, like a wanderer, never come back.... ts now I have dreamed of you -- As tender, intimate and real as though I were awake. And tly rising to go, You told me ture By river and lake-torms, the wrecks, t are borne on a little boat; And, e head As if thing puzzling you. ...Our capital teems h officious people, hile you are alone and helpless and poor. t never fails? It you ill fortune, old as you are. ...A ten thousand years fame- good, when you are dead and gone. 013 五言古诗 王维 送别 下马饮君酒, 问君何所之? 君言不得意, 归卧南山陲。 但去莫复闻, 白云无尽时。 又作问 Five-cer-quatrain ang ei At PARtING I dismount from my horse and I offer you wine, And I ask you where you are going and why. And you ans;I am discontent And at t of tain. So give me leave and ask me no questions. e clouds pass t end.quot; 014 五言古诗 王维 送綦毋潜落第还乡 圣代无隐者, 英灵尽来归, 遂令东山客, 不得顾采薇。 既至金门远, 孰云吾道非? 江淮度寒食, 京洛缝春衣。 置酒长安道, 同心与我违; 行当浮桂棹, 未几拂荆扉。 远树带行客, 孤城当落晖。 吾谋适不用, 勿谓知音稀? Five-cer-quatrain ang ei tO QIU QIAN BOUND hOME AFtER FAILING IN AN EXAMINAtION In a s; t together.... So you, a man of tern mountains, Gave up your life of picking herbs And came all to te of Gold -- But you found your devotion unavailing. ...to spend thern rivers, You ies. I pour you t out from tal -- Soon I s behind here by my bosomfriend. In your sail-boat of s cinnamon-wood You again toch door, Led along by distant trees to a sunset sown. ... to fail, Doubt not t some of us can hear high music. 015 五言古诗 王维 青溪 言入黄花川, 每逐青溪水; 随山将万转, 趣途无百里。 声喧乱石中, 色静深松里; 漾漾泛菱荇, 澄澄映葭苇。 我心素已闲, 清川澹如此。 请留盘石上, 垂钓将已矣! Five-cer-quatrain ang ei A GREEN StREAM I he River of Yellow Flowers, Borne by tream, Rounding ten turns tains On a journey of less ty miles.... Rapids hum over heaped rocks; But hick pines, t s-horns And weeds are lushe banks. ...Down in my I have always been as pure As ter is.... Oo remain on a broad flat rock And to cast a fishing-line forever! 016 五言古诗 王维 渭川田家 斜光照墟落, 穷巷牛羊归。 野老念牧童, 倚杖候荆扉。 雉雊麦苗秀, 蚕眠桑叶稀。 田夫荷锄立, 相见语依依。 即此羡闲逸, 怅然吟式微。 又作至 Five-cer-quatrain ang ei A FARM-hE EI RIVER In t of try-side, Cattle and srail he lane; And a rugged old man in a tch door Leans on a staff and the herdboy. ts? full w-ears, Silk-worms asleep, pared mulberry-leaves. And turning heir shoulders, her familiarly. ...No he simple life And am sigo go Back Again! 017 五言古诗 王维 西施咏 艳色天下重, 西施宁久微? 朝为越溪女, 暮作吴宫妃。 贱日岂殊众? 贵来方悟稀。 邀人傅脂粉, 不自著罗衣, 君宠益娇态, 君怜无是非。 当时浣纱伴, 莫得同车归。 持谢邻家子, 效颦安可希? Five-cer-quatrain ang ei tIFUL XI ShI Since beauty is he Empire, home? -- as dahern lake -- And t evening a great lady in a palace of th: Lo from thers, t day exalted, everyone praising her. No more would her own hands powder her face Or arrange on her shoulders a silken robe. And the lovelier she looked, Blinding him away from wisdom. ...Girls who had once washed silk beside her ere kept at a distance from . And none of the girls in her neighbours houses By pursing ty. 018 五言古诗 孟浩然 秋登兰山寄张五 北山白云里, 隐者自怡悦; 相望始登高, 心随雁飞灭。 愁因薄暮起, 兴是清秋发。 时见归村人, 沙行渡头歇。 天边树若荠, 江畔洲如月。 何当载酒来, 共醉重阳节。 Five-cer-ancient-verse Meng haoran ON CLIMBING ORCAIN IN tUMN tO ZhANG On a norte clouds You age of peace; And noain to see you, . t dusk migtle sad If tumn so brisk and clear; I look do th homeward-bound villagers Resting on till turns; trees at the horizon like a row of grasses And against the moon I you me, bringing a basket of wine -- And e togetain holiday. 019 五言古诗 孟浩然 夏日南亭怀辛大 山光忽西落, 池月渐东上。 散发乘夜凉, 开轩卧闲敞。 荷风送香气, 竹露滴清响。 欲取鸣琴弹, 恨无知音赏。 感此怀故人, 中宵劳梦想。 Five-cer-ancient-verse Meng haoran IN SUMMER At th PAVILION thINKING OF XING tain-lig, In t from the slow moon rises. I loosen my o enjoy the evening coolness And open my window and lie down in peace. tuses, And bamboo-leaves drip h a music of dew.... I ake up my lute and I would play, But, alas, wand? And so I think of you, old friend, O troubler of my midnight dreams ! 020 五言古诗 孟浩然 宿业师山房待丁大不至 夕阳度西岭, 群壑倏已暝; 松月生夜凉, 风泉满清听。 樵人归欲尽, 烟鸟栖初定。 之子期宿来, 孤琴候萝径。 Five-cer-ancient-verse Meng haoran At tAIN-LODGE OF t PRIESt YE AItING IN VAIN FOR MY FRIEND DING No t beyond tern range, Valley after valley is shadowy and dim.... And norees come the chill of evening, And my ears feel pure er Nearly all the woodsmen have reached home, Birds tled on t mist.... And still -- because you promised -- I am ing for you, ing, Playing lute under a wayside vine. 021 五言古诗 王昌龄 同从弟南斋玩月忆山阴崔少府 高卧南斋时, 开帷月初吐; 清辉淡水木, 演漾在窗户。 苒苒几盈虚? 澄澄变今古。 美人清江畔, 是夜越吟苦。 千里其如何? 微风吹兰杜。 Five-cer-ancient-verse ang Changling It tUDY t OF VICE-PREFECt CUI IN ShANYIN Lying on a in tudy, e ed tain-and he rising moon Brig ter and the grove And flow like a wave on our window and our door. It again, Calmly, beyond our ering neo old. ...Our chosen one, our friend, is now by a limpid river -- Singing, perive eastern song. hree hundred miles away. And yet a breathe wind. 022 五言古诗 邱为 寻西山隐者不遇 绝顶一茅茨, 直上三十里; 扣关无僮仆, 窥室惟案几。 若非巾柴车? 应是钓秋水。 差池不相见, 黾勉空仰止。 草色新雨中, 松声晚窗里; 及兹契幽绝, 自足荡心耳。 虽无宾主意, 颇得清净理。 兴尽方下山, 何必待之子。 Five-cer-ancient-verse Qiu ei AFtER MISSING thE RECLUSE ON tERN MOUNtAIN to your age op of tain I stopping, ten miles. I your door, and no one answered; I o your room, at your seat beside table. Per riding in your canopied chair, Or fisumn pool. Sorry to be missing you, You ation -- ty of your grasses, fresh rain, And close beside your he music of your pines. I take into my being all t I see and hear, Sooting my ; And t nor guest, reasoned a visit complete? ...After enougain. for you any longer? 023 五言古诗 綦毋潜 春泛若耶溪 幽意无断绝, 此去随所偶; 晚风吹行舟, 花路入溪口。 际夜转西壑, 隔山望南斗。 潭烟飞溶溶, 林月低向后。 生事且弥漫, 愿为持竿叟。 Five-cer-ancient-verse Qiwu Qian A BOAt IN SPRING ON RUOYA LAKE tful elation has no end: On to wever come. And my boat and I, before the evening breeze Passing floering the lake, turn at nigoern valley, car over tain And a mist t rises, , And ting trees; And I co put ater And only to be an old man h a fishing-pole. 024 五言古诗 常建 宿王昌龄隐居 清溪深不测, 隐处唯孤云; 松际露微月, 清光犹为君。 茅亭宿花影, 药院滋苔纹。 余亦谢时去, 西山鸾鹤群。 Five-cer-ancient-verse Chang Jian At ANG CREAt here, beside a clear deep lake, You live accompanied by clouds; Or soft the moon arrives to be your own pure-ed friend. You rest under tche shadow of your flowers, Your dewy heir bed of moss. Let me leave t me alight, like you, On your ern mountain h phoenixes and cranes. 025 五言古诗 岑参 与高适薛据登慈恩寺浮图 塔势如涌出, 孤高耸天宫; 登临出世界, 磴道盘虚空。 突兀压神州, 峥嵘如鬼工; 四角碍白日, 七层摩苍穹。 下窥指高鸟, 俯听闻惊风。 连山若波涛, 奔凑如朝东。 青槐夹驰道, 宫馆何玲珑? 秋色从西来, 苍然满关中。 五陵北原上, 万古青蒙蒙。 净理了可悟, 胜因夙所宗。 誓将挂冠去, 觉道资无穷。 Five-cer-ancient-verse Cen Can ASCENDING t tEMPLE OF KIND FAVOUR Ith GAO ShI AND XUE JU tly from earth, Reaco the very Palace of heaven.... Climbing, o the world behind us, iteps we look down on hung from space. It overtops a holy land And can only by toil of t. Its four sides darken t sun, Its seven stories cut the grey clouds; Birds fly do, And the rapid wind below our hearing; Mountain-ranges, to, Appear to be curving and flowing like rivers; Far green locust-trees line broad roads toered palaces and mansions; Colours of autumn, out of t, Enter advancing ty; And northere lie, in five graveyards, Calm forever under dewy green grass, those who know lifes final meaning learn. ... my official aside. to find ternal ay is the only happiness. 026 五言古诗 元结 贼退示官吏并序 癸卯岁,西原贼入道州,焚烧杀掠,几尽而 去。明年,贼又攻永州,破邵,不犯此州边 鄙而退,岂力能制敌欤?盖蒙其伤怜而已! 诸史何为忍苦徵敛!故作诗一篇以示官吏。 昔岁逢太平, 山林二十年。 泉源在庭户, 洞壑当门前。 井税有常期, 日晏犹得眠。 忽然遭时变, 数岁亲戎旃。 今来典斯郡, 山夷又纷然。 城小贼不屠, 人贫伤可怜。 是以陷邻境, 此州独见全。 使臣将王命, 岂不如贼焉? 令彼徵敛者, 迫之如火煎。 谁能绝人命? 以作时世贤。 思欲委符节, 引竿自刺船, 将家就鱼麦, 归老江湖边。 又作宴 又作世 Five-cer-ancient-verse Yuan Jie tO tAX-COLLECtORS AFtER tS REtREAt In ts from Xiyuan entered Daoz fire, raided, killed, and looted. trict ruined. t year ts came again and, attacking ture, Yong, passed t because rong enougo defend ourselves, but, probably, because tied us. And o impose extra taxes? I ten tors information. I still remember those days of peace -- ty years among mountains and forests, tream running past my yard, t my door. taxes were lighen, And I could sleep soundly and late in the morning- till suddenly came a sorry change. ...For years now I he army. hen I began here as an official, tain bandits were rising again; But to hieves, And tiable t all otricts ed And time let alone. ...Do you imperial commissioners Mean to be less kind ts? to pay the poll Are like creatures frying over a fire. And how can you sacrifice human lives, Just to be knoors? -- ...O me fling down my official seal, Let me be a lone fis And support my family on fis And content my old age h rivers and lakes! 027 五言古诗 韦应物 郡斋雨中与诸文士燕集 兵卫森画戟, 宴寝凝清香。 海上风雨至, 逍遥池阁凉。 烦痾近消散, 嘉宾复满堂。 自惭居处崇, 未睹斯民康。 理会是非遣, 性达形迹忘。 鲜肥属时禁, 蔬果幸见尝。 俯饮一杯酒, 仰聆金玉章。 神欢体自轻, 意欲淩风翔。 吴中盛文史, 群彦今汪洋。 方知大蕃地, 岂曰财赋强? Five-cer-ancient-verse ei Yingwu ENtERtAINING LItERARY MEN IN MY OFFICIAL RESIDENCE ON A RAINY DAY Outside are insignia, sate; But incense-clouds, quietly ours. ind and rain, coming in from sea, he lake And driven t away From s are gathered. ...Asion hile people lead unhappy lives, Let us reasonably banish care And just be friends, enjoying nature. to go fis, ts and vegetables aplenty. ...e boake our cups of wine, e give our attention to beautiful poems. ed, tened And feels as if it could float in the wind. ...Suzre of letters; And all you ers, coming here, Prove t t land Is made by better th. 028 五言古诗 韦应物 初发扬子寄元大校书 凄凄去亲爱, 泛泛入烟雾; 归棹洛阳人, 残钟广陵树。 今朝为此别, 何处还相遇? 世事波上舟, 沿洄安得住。 Five-cer-ancient-verse ei Yingwu SEttING SAIL ON thE YANGZI tO SECREtARY YUAN istful, away from my friends and kin, t and fog I float and float it bears me toward Loyang. In Yangzrees linger bell-notes of evening, Marking ting.... again and where? ...Destiny is a boat on the waves, Borne to and fro, beyond our will. 029 五言古诗 韦应物 寄全椒山中道士 今朝郡斋冷, 忽念山中客; 涧底束荆薪, 归来煮白石。 欲持一瓢酒, 远慰风雨夕; 落叶满空山, 何处寻行迹。 Five-cer-ancient-verse ei Yingwu A POEM tO A tAOISt CAIN My office oday; And I suddenly tain friend Gathe valley Or boiling ones for potatoes in .... I ake him a cup of wine to corm; But in fallen leaves t he bare slopes, prints! 030 五言古诗 韦应物 长安遇冯著 客从东方来, 衣上灞陵雨。 问客何为来? 采山因买斧。 冥冥花正开, 扬扬燕新乳。 昨别今已春, 鬓丝生几缕。 Five-cer-ancient-verse ei Yingwu ON MEEtING MY FRIEND FENG ZhU IN tAL Out of t you visit me, itill on your clothes, I ask you w you have come here for; You say: quot;to buy an ax for cutting ainsquot; ...hidden deep in a haze of blossom, Swallow fledglings c ease As ted, a year ago.... emples hem! 031 五言古诗 韦应物 夕次盱眙县 落帆逗淮镇, 停舫临孤驿。 浩浩风起波, 冥冥日沈夕。 人归山郭暗, 雁下芦洲白。 独夜忆秦关, 听钟未眠客。 Five-cer-ancient-verse ei Yingwu MOORING At tILIGRICt Furling my sail near town of huai, I find for tle cove he waves. the dusk. People are coming mountain-peak darkens. ildgeese fly doo an island of we weeds. ...At midnigy-gate, And I olling between me and sleep. 032 五言古诗 韦应物 东郊 吏舍跼终年, 出郊旷清曙。 杨柳散和风, 青山澹吾虑。 依丛适自憩, 缘涧还复去。 微雨霭芳原, 春鸠鸣何处? 乐幽心屡止, 遵事迹犹遽; 终罢斯结庐, 慕陶真可庶。 Five-cer-ancient-verse ei Yingwu EASt OF tON From office confinement all year long, I of too be free this morning he wind And green en the world. I lean by a tree and rest myself Or ream. ...Mists t meadows; A spring dove calls from some hidden place. ...it surroundings, t peace, But beset groless again.... here I shall finally build me a cabin, As tao Qian built one long ago. 033 五言古诗 韦应物 送杨氏女 永日方戚戚, 出行复悠悠。 女子今有行, 大江溯轻舟。 尔辈苦无恃, 抚念益慈柔; 幼为长所育, 两别泣不休。 对此结中肠, 义往难复留。 自小阙内训, 事姑贻我忧; 赖兹托令门, 仁恤庶无尤。 贫俭诚所尚, 资从岂待周! 孝恭遵妇道, 容止顺其猷。 别离在今晨, 见尔当何秋? 居闲始自遣, 临感忽难收。 归来视幼女, 零泪缘缨流。 Five-cer-ancient-verse ei Yingwu tO MY DAUGhtER ON O thE YANG FAMILY My has been heavy all day long Because you o go. ts, Is ttle boat on a great river. ...You were very young wher died, ender of you. Your elder sister for you, And no part. to bear; Yet it is rig you should go. ...o guide you, her-in-law? Its an excellent family; to you, takes -- Although ours has been so pure and poor t you can take t dowry. Be gentle and respectful, as a woman should be, Careful of of good example. ...After te, theres no knowing for how long.... I alry to hide my feelings -- too much for me, urn and see my younger daughter itears running down her cheek. 034 五言古诗 柳宗元 晨诣超师院读禅经 汲井漱寒齿, 清心拂尘服, 闲持贝叶书, 步出东斋读。 真源了无取, 忘迹世所逐; 遗言冀可冥, 缮性何由熟? 道人庭宇静, 苔色连深竹; 日出雾露余, 青松如膏沐。 澹然离言说, 悟悦心自足。 Five-cer-ancient-verse Liu Zongyuan READING BUDD CLASSICS Ith ZhAO At EMPLE IN thE EARLY MORNING I clean my teeter drawn from a cold well; And whes, I purify my mind; turning pages in tree-Leaf Book, I recite, along to tern ser. ...tten true fountain of teaching And people enslave to miracles and fables. Under t tial meaning, I look for t o soure. of ts templecourtyard, Mosses add to thick bamboo; And no of mist and fog, And pines t seem to be nehed; And everything is gone from me, speech goes, and reading, Leaving the single unison. 035 五言古诗 柳宗元 溪居 久为簪组累, 幸此南夷谪。 闲依农圃邻, 偶似山林客。 晓耕翻露草, 夜榜响溪石, 来往不逢人, 长歌楚天碧。 Five-cer-ancient-verse Liu Zongyuan DELLING BY A StREAM I roubled by official and robe t I am glad to be an exile hland. I am a neigers and reapers. I am a guest of tains and woods. I plougurning dewy grasses, And at evening tie my fis, breaking t stream. Back and forting anyone, And sing a long poem and gaze at the blue sky. 卷02、五言乐府 036 乐府 王昌龄 塞上曲 蝉鸣空桑林, 八月萧关道; 出塞复入塞, 处处黄芦草。 从来幽并客, 皆向沙场老; 莫学游侠儿, 矜夸紫骝好。 又作共尘沙 Folk-song-styled-verse ang Changling At A BORDER-FORtRESS Cicadas complain of trees In t tier pass. te and back again, all along the road, t yellow reeds and grasses And the bones of soldiers from You and from Bing y sand. ...Let never a cavalier stir you to envy its of his horse and his horsemanship 037 乐府 王昌龄 塞下曲 饮马渡秋水, 水寒风似刀。 平沙日未没, 黯黯见临洮。 昔日长城战, 咸言意气高; 黄尘足今古, 白骨乱蓬蒿。 Folk-song-styled-verse ang Changling UNDER A BORDER-FORtRESS Drink, my umn er!- tream is cold and the wind like a sword, As c t on the sandy plain, Far, far away, sao. Old battles, hose long walls, Once ongues. But antiquity no, Confusing in ts ruins and we bones. 038 乐府 李白 关山月 明月出天山, 苍茫云海间; 长风几万里, 吹度玉门关。 汉下白登道, 胡窥青海湾。 由来征战地, 不见有人还。 戍客望边色, 思归多苦颜; 高楼当此夜, 叹息未应闲。 Folk-song-styled-verse Li Bai t tIFIED PASS t moon lifts from tain of heaven In an infinite haze of cloud and sea, And t housand miles, Beats at ttlements.... Cs men down Baideng Road artar troops peer across blue ers of the bay.... And since not one battle famous in ory Sent all its fighters back again, turn round, looking tohe border, And tful eyes, And of tonighe upper chambers oss and sig rest. 039 乐府 李白 子夜四时歌 春歌 秦地罗敷女, 采桑绿水边。 素手青条上, 红妆白日鲜。 蚕饥妾欲去, 五马莫留连。 Folk-song-styled-verse Li Bai BALLADS OF FOUR SEASONS: SPRING tern land Plucks mulberry leaves by terside. Across tretc e hand; In golden sunshine her rosy robe is dyed. quot;my silkay. tarry not ; 040 乐府 李白 子夜四时歌 夏歌 镜湖三百里, 菡萏发荷花。 五月西施采, 人看隘若耶。 回舟不待月, 归去越王家。 Folk-song-styled-verse Li Bai BALLADS OF FOUR SEASONS: SUMMER On Mirror Lake outspread for miles and miles, tus lilies in full blossom teem. In fifth smiles, atcream. turns back ing moonrise to yoyal house amid amorous sighs. 041 乐府 李白 子夜四时歌 秋歌 长安一片月, 万户捣衣声; 秋风吹不尽, 总是玉关情。 何日平胡虏? 良人罢远征。 Folk-song-styled-verse Li Bai A SONG OF AN AUtUMN MIDNIGht A slip of tal; ten ts are pounding; And tumn wind is blowing my For ever and ever tohe Jade Pass.... Oartar troops be conquered, And my he long campaign! 042 乐府 李白 子夜四时歌 冬歌 明朝驿使发, 一夜絮征袍。 素手抽针冷, 那堪把剪刀。 裁缝寄远道, 几日到临洮。 Folk-song-styled-verse Li Bai BALLADS OF FOUR SEASONS: INtER t next day, sold. S. he needle cold. ight? t far away. reacown way? 043 乐府 李白 长干行 妾发初覆额, 折花门前剧; 郎骑竹马来, 绕床弄青梅。 同居长干里, 两小无嫌猜。 十四为君妇, 羞颜未尝开; 低头向暗壁, 千唤不一回, 十五始展眉, 愿同尘与灰; 常存抱柱信, 岂上望夫台? 十六君远行, 瞿塘滟滪堆; 五月不可触, 猿鸣天上哀。 门前迟行迹, 一一生绿苔; 苔深不能扫, 落叶秋风早。 八月蝴蝶来, 双飞西园草。 感此伤妾心, 坐愁红颜老。 早晚下三巴, 预将书报家; 相迎不道远, 直至长风沙。 又作声 又作黄 Folk-song-styled-verse Li Bai A SONG OF ChANGGAN My hair had hardly covered my forehead. I was picking flowers, paying by my door, hen you, my lover, on a bamboo horse, Came trotting in circles and throwing green plums. e lived near together on a lane in Chang-kan, Boted. ...At fourteen I became your wife, So bas I dared not smile, And I lowered my oward a dark corner And turn to your thousand calls; But at fifteen I straightened my brows and laughed, Learning t no dust could ever seal our love, t even unto deat you by my post And o ching. ...teen, you left on a long journey tang, of rock and wer. And than I could bear, And I tried to y far-off sky. Your footprints by our door, wched you go, ere hem, under green moss, oo deep to sweep away. And t autumn wind added fallen leaves. And noterflies -garden grasses And, because of all t is breaking And I fear for my brig they fade. ...O last, ricts, Send me a message home ahead! And I you and ance, All to Chang-feng Sha. 044 乐府 孟郊 烈女操 梧桐相待老, 鸳鸯会双死; 贞妇贵殉夫, 舍生亦如此。 波澜誓不起, 妾心井中水。 Folk-song-styled-verse Meng Jiao A SONG OF A PURE-ED GIRL Lakka-trees ripen two And mandarin-ducks die side by side. If a true-ed girl will love only her husband, In a life as faitheirs, troubling o vex A spirit like er in a timeless well? 045 乐府 孟郊 游子吟 慈母手中线, 游子身上衣; 临行密密缝, 意恐迟迟归。 谁言寸草心, 报得三春辉? Folk-song-styled-verse Meng Jiao A tRAVELLERS SONG ted mother Makes clothe body of her wayward boy; Carefully shoroughly she mends, Dreading t will keep e from home. But he inch-long grass For t of the sun? 卷03、七言古诗 046 七言古诗 陈子昂 登幽州台歌 前不见古人, 后不见来者; 念天地之悠悠, 独怆然而涕下。 Seven-cer-ancient-verse Chen Ziang ON A GAtE-tOER At YUZhOU have gone? And wions? I t limit, end, And I am all alone and my tears fall down. 047 七言古诗 李颀 古意 男儿事长征, 少小幽燕客, 赌胜马蹄下, 由来轻七尺; 杀人莫敢前, 须如蝟毛磔。 黄云陇底白雪飞, 未得报恩不能归。 辽东小妇年十五,惯弹琵琶解歌舞, 今为羌笛出塞声,使我三军泪如雨。 Seven-cer-ancient-verse Li Qi AN OLD AIR t on military missions, A iers. Under t his foes And, recklessly risking body, ould slay w tac bristled like porcupinequills. ...te clouds above them, But before a man ime, how can he go back? In eastern Liao a girl ing, a girl of fifteen years, Deft ar, expert in dance and song. ...So be fluting, even now, a reed-song of home, Filling every soldiers eyes ears. 048 七言古诗 李颀 送陈章甫 四月南风大麦黄, 枣花未落桐叶长。 青山朝别暮还见, 嘶马出门思故乡。 陈侯立身何坦荡? 虬须虎眉仍大颡。 腹中贮书一万卷, 不肯低头在草莽。 东门酤酒饮我曹, 心轻万事皆鸿毛, 醉卧不知白日暮, 有时空望孤云高。 长河浪头连天黑, 津口停舟渡不得; 郑国游人未及家, 洛阳行子空叹息。 闻道故林相识多, 罢官昨日今如何。 Seven-cer-ancient-verse Li Qi A FAREELL tO MY FRIEND ChEN ZhANGFU In th wind blows plains of yellow barley, Date-flo and lakka-leaves are long. t at daill can see at evening, o turn homeward. ...C and good man, itacigers eyebrows and your massive forehead. In your bosom you en thousand volumes. You in t. ...After buying us ern gate, And taking tly as a her, Flat you lie, tipsy, forgetting te sun; But no a high lone cloud. ...tide-he darkening sky. t. It oo late to sail. And people on t go home, And people from Loyang sigment. ...I the many friends around your wood land dwelling. Yesterday you oday? 049 七言古诗 李颀 琴歌 主人有酒欢今夕, 请奏鸣琴广陵客。 月照城头乌半飞, 霜凄万树风入衣; 铜炉华烛烛增辉, 初弹渌水后楚妃。 一声已动物皆静, 四座无言星欲稀。 清淮奉使千余里, 敢告云山从此始。 Seven-cer-ancient-verse Li Qi A LUtE SONG Our , providing abundant o make t mellow, Asks from Yangzo play for us on te. to y-wall, black crows are flying, Frost is on ten trees, and thes; But a copper stove s ligo t of flowery candles, And te plays ter, and the Queen of Chu. Once it o play, ther sound: A spell is on t, hin.... But ties a him, And so its fareains. 050 七言古诗 李颀 听董大弹胡笳声兼寄语弄房给事 蔡女昔造胡笳声, 一弹一十有八拍。 胡人落泪沾边草, 汉使断肠对归客。 古戍苍苍烽火寒, 大荒沈沈飞雪白。 先拂声弦后角羽, 四郊秋叶惊摵摵。 董夫子,通神明, 深山窃听来妖精。 言迟更速皆应手, 将往复旋如有情。 空山百鸟散还合, 万里浮云阴且晴。 嘶酸雏雁失群夜, 断绝胡儿恋母声。 川为静其波, 鸟亦罢其鸣; 乌孙部落家乡远, 逻娑沙尘哀怨生。 幽音变调忽飘洒, 长风吹林雨堕瓦; 迸泉飒飒飞木末, 野鹿呦呦走堂下。 长安城连东掖垣, 凤凰池对青琐门, 高才脱略名与利, 日夕望君抱琴至。 Seven-cer-ancient-verse Li Qi ON A POEM tO PALACE-AttENDANt FANG was made by Lady Cai, s eiganzas, Even tartars o the border grasses, And t-broken, turning back . ...Cold fires notles are grey on ancient forts, And te new-flying snow. ... brusring and the Yu, Autumn-leaves in all four quarters are sh a murmur. Dong, ter, Must aught in heaven. Demons come from tealten to music slohen quick, following his hand, Noo . A y mountain scatter and return; ting clouds darken and lighten; A bes flock, And a tartar cher he loves. then river waves are calmed And birds are mute t were singing, And uzu tribes are ant land, And out of t of Siberian steppes rises a plaintive sorrow. ...Suddenly to a freer tune, Like a long , a doiles, A cascade tree-tops. ...A o he mansions In tal by tern Palace wall.... Pe te of Green Jade; But concern a man of genius? Day and nigo bring e again. 051 七言古诗 李颀 听安万善吹觱篥歌 南山截竹为觱篥, 此乐本自龟兹出。 流传汉地曲转奇, 凉州胡人为我吹; 傍邻闻者多叹息, 远客思乡皆泪垂。 世人解听不解赏, 长飙风中自来往。 枯桑老柏寒飕飗, 九雏鸣凤乱啾啾。 龙吟虎啸一时发, 万籁百泉相与秋。 忽然更作渔阳掺, 黄云萧条白日暗。 变调如闻杨柳春, 上林繁花照眼新。 岁夜高堂列明烛, 美酒一杯声一曲。 Seven-cer-ancient-verse Li Qi ON hE REED-PIPE Bamboo from to make this pipe. And its music, t roduced from Persia first of all, aken on neer use in China. And noartar from Liangz for me, Drawing a sig, Is bringing to a wanderers eyes ears.... Many like to listen; but feand. to and fro at heres a long wind flying, Dry mulberry-trees, old cypresses, trembling in its chill. tcrying one another; A dragon and a tiger spring up at t; terfalls ten tumn Are suddenly co t; And we sun darkens, till again to Spring in trees. Like Imperial Garden flowers, brigy, Are ted t, And her round of music. 052 七言古诗 孟浩然 夜归鹿门山歌 山寺钟鸣昼已昏, 渔梁渡头争渡喧; 人随沙路向江村, 余亦乘舟归鹿门。 鹿门月照开烟树, 忽到庞公栖隐处; 岩扉松径长寂寥, 惟有幽人自来去。 Seven-cer-ancient-verse Meng haoran REtURNING At NIGO LUMEN MOUNtAIN A bell in tain-temple sounds t. I toumble aboard the ferry, o the river. ...I also take a boat and am bound for Lumen Mountain -- And soon t is piercing misty trees. I , upon an ancient age, tcude, t, lives and moves, never needing a companion. 053 七言古诗 李白 庐山谣寄卢侍御虚舟 我本楚狂人, 凤歌笑孔丘。 手持绿玉杖, 朝别黄鹤楼; 五岳寻仙不辞远, 一生好入名山游。 庐山秀出南斗傍, 屏风九叠云锦张; 影落明湖青黛光, 金阙前开二峰长。 银河倒挂三石梁, 香炉瀑布遥相望。 回崖沓障淩苍苍, 翠影红霞映朝日, 鸟飞不到吴天长。 登高壮观天地间, 大江茫茫去不黄。 黄云万里动风色, 白波九道流雪山。 好为庐山谣, 兴因庐山发。 闲窥石镜清我心, 谢公行处苍苔没。 早服还丹无世情, 琴心三叠道初成; 遥见仙人彩云里, 手把芙蓉朝玉京。 先期汗漫九垓上, 愿接卢敖游太清。 又作还 Seven-cer-ancient-verse Li Bai A SONG OF LU MOUNtAIN tO CENSOR LU XUZhOU I am try ing Confucius. ...aff of green jade, I terrace, All five ains, a t of distance, According to tant of my life. Lu Mountain stands beside thern Dipper In clouds reaching silken like a nine-panelled screen, its sal lake deepening ter. te opens into tain-ranges. A silver stream is o tone bridges it of ty tripod Falls. Ledges of cliff and rails lead to blue sky And a flushe morning sun, of birds could be bloo u. ...I climb to top. I survey the whole world. I see t runs beyond return, Yello winds have driven hundreds of miles And a snoream. And so I am singing a song of Lu Mountain, A song t is born of tain. ...one Mirror makes ts purity purer And green moss steps of Xie, I en tal pellet and, rid of troubles, Before tes t. Far ache angels riding coloured clouds toheir hands. And so, ions of the world, I Luao up t Purity. 054 七言古诗 李白 梦游天姥吟留别 海客谈瀛洲, 烟涛微茫信难求。 越人语天姥, 云霓明灭或可睹。 天姥连天向天横, 势拔五岳掩赤城; 天台四万八千丈, 对此欲倒东南倾。 我欲因之梦吴越, 一夜飞渡镜湖月。 湖月照我影, 送我至剡溪; 谢公宿处今尚在, 渌水荡漾清猿啼。 脚著谢公屐, 身登青云梯。 半壁见海日, 空中闻天鸡。 千岩万壑路不定, 迷花倚石忽已暝。 熊咆龙吟殷岩泉, 栗深林兮惊层巅。 云青青兮欲雨, 水澹澹兮生烟。 列缺霹雳, 邱峦崩摧, 洞天石扇, 訇然中开; 青冥浩荡不见底, 日月照耀金银台。 霓为衣兮风为马, 云之君兮纷纷而来下; 虎鼓瑟兮鸾回车。 仙之人兮列如麻。 忽魂悸以魄动, 怳惊起而长嗟。 惟觉时之枕席, 失向来之烟霞。 世间行乐亦如此, 古来万事东流水。 别君去兮何时还? 且放白鹿青崖间。 须行即骑访名山, 安能摧眉折腰事权贵, 使我不得开心颜? Seven-cer-ancient-verse Li Bai tIANMU MOUNtAIN ASCENDED IN A DREAM A seafaring visitor alk about Japan, ers and mists conceal beyond approach; But Yuealk about ain, Still seen ts varying deeps of cloud. In a straigo s summit enters heaven, tops ts a shrough China iterrace Range, at t, begins turning sout. ...My and my dreams are in u and Yueh And t in the moon. And ts my shadow And me to Yan River -- itage of Xie still there And ter. I wear s Up a ladder of blue cloud, Sunny ocean half-way, holy cock-crow in space, Myriad peaks and more valleys and nowhere a road. Flowers lure me, rocks ease me. Day suddenly ends. Bears, dragons, tempestuous on mountain and river, Startle t and make ts tremble. Clouds darken h darkness of rain, Streams pale . tning Ster the whole range. tone gate breaks asunder Venting in t of heaven, An impenetrable shadow. ...But noerrace, And, clad in rainbos, riding on the wind, Come the clouds, descending one by one, itigers for te-players and phoenixes for dancers. Row upon row, like fields of he fairy figures. I move, my soul goes flying, I h a long sigh, My pilloting Are t clouds I was in. ...And t alh human joy: ten ter to. And so I take my leave of you, not knowing for how long. ...But let me, on my green slope, raise a we deer And ride to you, great mountain, when I have need of you. Oo men of high rank and men of high office -ed face! 055 七言古诗 李白 金陵酒肆留别 风吹柳花满店香, 吴姬压酒唤客尝; 金陵子弟来相送, 欲行不行各尽觞。 请君试问东流水, 别意与之谁短长? Seven-cer-ancient-verse Li Bai PARtING At A INE-ShOP IN NANJING A ton, sens the shop, And a girl from u, pouring o s ity wo see me off; And as eaco ing, Oo t If it can travel farthan a friends love! 056 七言古诗 李白 宣州谢朓楼饯别校书叔云 弃我去者, 昨日之日不可留; 乱我心者, 今日之日多烦忧。 长风万里送秋雁, 对此可以酣高楼。 蓬莱文章建安骨, 中间小谢又清发, 俱怀逸兴壮思飞, 欲上青天览明月。 抽刀断水水更流, 举杯销愁愁更愁。 人生在世不称意, 明朝散发弄扁舟。 又作复 Seven-cer-ancient-verse Li Bai A FAREELL tO SECREtARY ShUYUN At tIAO VILLA IN XUANZhOU Since yesterday o t, today my even more. tumn wildgeese As I face this villa, drinking my wine. t ers are your brushe School of heaven, And I am a Lesser Xie growing up by your side. e boted to distant t, Aspiring to t moon. But since er still flo it h our swords, And sorrourn, th wine, Since the world can in no way answer our craving, I ake to a fis. 057 七言古诗 岑参 走马川行奉送封大夫出师西征 君不见走马川行雪海边, 平沙莽莽黄入天。 轮台九月风夜吼, 一川碎石大如斗, 随风满地石乱走。 匈奴草黄马正肥, 金山西见烟尘飞, 汉家大将西出师。 将军金甲夜不脱, 半夜军行戈相拨, 风头如刀面如割。 马毛带雪汗气蒸, 五花连钱旋作冰, 幕中草檄砚水凝。 虏骑闻之应胆慑, 料知短兵不敢接, 车师西门伫献捷。 Seven-cer-ancient-verse Cen Can A SONG OF RUNNING-hORSE RIVER IN FAREELL tO GENERAL FENG OF tERN EXPEDItION Look to the snowy sea races Running-horse River! -- And sand, up from t, flies yelloo heaven. t is blo ower, And valleys, like peck measures, fill he broken boulders t downward, he wind. ...In spite of grey grasses, tartar horses are plump; est of t gather. O General of troops, start your campaign! Keep your iron armour on all night long, Send your soldiers fortering of weapons! ... cuts the face like a knife, And sno steams on the horses backs, Freezing a pattern of five-flower coins, Your cand of ice, ains . You tle! -- e a tory, tern pass! 058 七言古诗 岑参 轮台歌奉送封大夫出师西征 轮台城头夜吹角, 轮台城北旄头落。 羽书昨夜过渠黎, 单于已在金山西。 戍楼西望烟尘黑, 汉兵屯在轮台北。 上将拥旄西出征, 平明吹笛大军行。 四边伐鼓雪海涌, 三军大呼阴山动。 虏塞兵气连云屯, 战场白骨缠草根。 剑河风急雪片阔, 沙口石冻马蹄脱。 亚相勤王甘苦辛, 誓将报主静边尘。 古来青史谁不见? 今见功名胜古人。 Seven-cer-ancient-verse Cen Can A SONG OF OER IN FAREELL tO GENERAL FENG OF tERN EXPEDItION On os night-bugles are blowing, t thern end hangs limp. Scouts, in the darkness, are passing Quli, of tartar cain ed e can see, from t, t and black smoke roops are camping, nortower. ...Our flags no- ithe dawn he rouses his Grand Army; Drums like a tempest pound on four sides And tains ss of ten thousand; Clouds and t Over fields ige bones; In t, ting wind, th line, break on icy boulders. ...Our General endures every pain, every hardship, Commanded to settle t along the border. e ales of old days- But ier the dead. 059 七言古诗 岑参 白雪歌送武判官归京 北风卷地白草折, 胡天八月即飞雪; 忽如一夜春风来, 千树万树梨花开。 散入珠帘湿罗幕, 狐裘不暖锦衾薄。 将军角弓不得控, 都护铁衣冷犹著。 瀚海阑干百丈冰, 愁云黪淡万里凝。 中军置酒饮归客, 胡琴琵琶与羌笛。 纷纷暮雪下辕门, 风掣红旗冻不翻。 轮台东门送君去, 去时雪满天山路; 山回路转不见君, 雪上空留马行处。 Seven-cer-ancient-verse Cen Can A SONG OF E SNO IN FAREELL tO FIELD-CLERK U GOING hOME te grasses and breaks them; And tartar sky Is like a spring gale, come up in t, Bloals of ten trees. It enters t s tains; A fur coat feels cold, a cotton mat flimsy; Bows become rigid, can hardly be drawn And tal of armour congeals on the men; thomless ice, And darkness masses its endless clouds; But o our guest bound home from camp, And play es, guitars, harps; till at dusk, s And our frozen red flags cannot flutter in the wind, e coe going eastward. Into the snow-mounds of heaven-Peak Road.... And t turn of the pass, Leaving bes. 060 七言古诗 杜甫 韦讽录事宅观曹将军画马图 国初以来画鞍马, 神妙独数江都王。 将军得名三十载, 人间又见真乘黄。 曾貌先帝照夜白, 龙池十日飞霹雳, 内府殷红玛瑙盘, 婕妤传诏才人索。 盘赐将军拜舞归, 轻纨细绮相追飞; 贵戚权门得笔迹, 始觉屏障生光辉。 昔日太宗拳毛騧, 近时郭家狮子花。 今之新图有二马, 复令识者久叹嗟, 此皆骑战一敌万, 缟素漠漠开风沙。 其余七匹亦殊绝, 迥若寒空杂烟雪; 霜蹄蹴踏长楸间, 马官厮养森成列。 可怜九马争神骏, 顾视清高气深稳。 借问苦心爱者谁? 后有韦讽前支盾。 忆昔巡幸新丰宫, 翠花拂天来向东; 腾骧磊落三万匹, 皆与此图筋骨同。 自从献宝朝河宗, 无复射蛟江水中。 君不见, 金粟堆前松柏里, 龙媒去尽鸟呼风。 又作遁 Seven-cer-ancient-verse Du Fu A DRAING OF A hORSE BY GENERAL CAO At SECREtARY EI FENGS hOUSE t ty no one ed horses Like ter-spirit, Prince Jiangdu -- And to General Cao ty years of fame turned, for royal steeds. ed te Emperors luminous we horse. For ten days thunder flew over Dragon Lake, And a pink-agate plate he palace- talk of t-ladies, the marvel of all eyes. t in his honoured home After t, followed rapidly fine silks From many of ting t Lend a nere to their screens. ...First came taizong, tted horse.... But noing I see two horses, A sobering sighem. ten thousand. te silk stretco a vast desert. And t as noble Mist and snow are moving across a cold sky, And s under great trees- its. See her- th. ...ands distinction? ? You, ei Feng, have followed Cao; Zhidun preceded him. ...I remember oward his Summer Palace, t from tern sky -- ty thousand horses, prancing, galloping, Fasure.... But no receives secret jade from the River God, For ts crocodiles no longer by treams. Gold tomb, you may he pines A bird grieving in t the Emperors horses are gone. 061 七言古诗 杜甫 丹青引赠曹霸将军 将军魏武之子孙, 于今为庶为青门; 英雄割据虽已矣! 文采风流今尚存。 学书初学卫夫人, 但恨无过王右军。 丹青不知老将至, 富贵于我如浮云。 开元之中常引见, 承恩数上南熏殿, 凌烟功臣少颜色, 将军下笔开生面。 良相头上进贤冠, 猛将腰间大羽箭。 褒公鄂公毛发动, 英姿飒爽犹酣战。 先帝天马玉花骢, 画工如山貌不同。 是日牵来赤墀下, 迥立阊阖生长风。 诏谓将军拂绢素, 意匠惨淡经营中; 斯须九重真龙出, 一洗万古凡马空。 玉花却在御榻上, 榻上庭前屹相向; 至尊含笑催赐金, 圉人太仆皆惆怅, 弟子韩干早入室, 亦能画马穷殊相; 干惟画肉不画骨, 忍使骅骝气凋丧。 将军画善盖有神, 偶逢佳士亦写真; 即今漂泊干戈际, 屡貌寻常行路人。 涂穷反遭俗眼白, 世上未有如公贫; 但看古来盛名下, 终日坎壈缠其身。 又作途 Seven-cer-ancient-verse Du Fu A SONG OF A PAINtING tO GENERAL CAO O General, descended from eis Emperor u, You are nobler nohan when a noble.... Conquerors and their velour perish, But masters of beauty live forever. ...ith your brush-work learned from Lady ei And second only to ang Xizhis, Faito your art, you know no age, Letting by like clouds. ...In the Emperor, Accompanied en to t of th ind. left great statesmen, on he hall of Fame t of your brusheir living faces. You cros of office; You fitted all commanders their girdles; You made ty, h every hair alive, Seem to be just back from ttle. ...te Emperor had a horse, known as Jade Flower, ists had copied in various poses. to tairs itohe deepening air. to proceed h your work, You centred all your being on a piece of silk. And later, whe sky, en tions, tanding on the dais And anoteps, and t eacher.... ts, ud and stared. ... At representing titudes; But picturing to drahe bone- So t even t are deprived of t. You, beyond t divinely- And expressed, not only the life of a good man.... Yet here you are, wandering in a world of disorder And sketcime to time some petty passerby People note your case es of their eyes. theres nobody poorer. ...Read in t times, is to be a great artist. 062 七言古诗 杜甫 寄韩谏议 今我不乐思岳阳, 身欲奋飞病在床。 美人娟娟隔秋水, 濯足洞庭望八荒。 鸿飞冥冥日月白, 青枫叶赤天雨霜。 玉京群帝集北斗, 或骑麒麟翳凤凰。 芙蓉旌旗烟雾落, 影动倒景摇潇湘。 星宫之君醉琼浆, 羽人稀少不在旁。 似闻昨者赤松子, 恐是汉代韩张良; 昔随刘氏定长安, 帷幄未改神惨伤。 国家成败吾岂敢? 色难腥腐餐枫香。 周南留滞古所惜, 南极老人应寿昌。 美人胡为隔秋水? 焉得置之贡玉堂。 Seven-cer-ancient-verse Du Fu A LEttER tO CENSOR hAN I am sad. My ts are in Youzhou. I would I am sick in bed. ...Beauty umn ers. Oo ing and see at its eight corners ildgeese flying e, Green maples co red in ty sky, Angels bound for tal of ar, Riding, some of thers unicorns, it, thern rivers, till tars, droar, ould forget ther side of her! ...From this word has come for me: t after his earlier follower he has now a new disciple tal as Emperor Lius adviser, In spite of great successes, never could be happy. ... are a countrys rise and fall? Can fless be as fragrant as mountain fruit?.... I grieve t far ah. May tar of long life accord s blessing! ...O purity, to seize you from beyond tumn ers And to place you as an offering in t of Imperial Jade. 063 七言古诗 杜甫 古柏行 孔明庙前有老柏, 柯如青铜根如石; 双皮溜雨四十围, 黛色参天二千尺。 君臣已与时际会, 树木犹为人爱惜。 云来气接巫峡长, 月出寒通雪山白。 忆昨路绕锦亭东, 先主武侯同閟宫。 崔嵬枝干郊原古, 窈窕丹青户牖空。 落落盘踞虽得地, 冥冥孤高多烈风。 扶持自是神明力, 正直元因造化功。 大厦如倾要梁栋, 万牛回首丘山重。 不露文章世已惊, 未辞剪伐谁能送? 苦心岂免容蝼蚁? 香叶终经宿鸾凤。 志士幽人莫怨嗟, 古来材大难为用。 又作霜 又作原 Seven-cer-ancient-verse Du Fu A SONG OF AN OLD CYPRESS Beside temple of t Premier stands an ancient cypress itrunk of green bronze and a root of stone. ts y men And its tip of kingfis in heaven. Dating from t rulers great statesman, tree is loved now and he people. Clouds come to it from far ahe u cliffs, And tens on its peak of snow. ...East of terday I found t ruler and atesman botemple, ree, he whole landscape In spite of the doors. And so firm is t, so established underground, t its lone lofty boug of winds, Its only protection the heavenly Power, Its only endurance t of its Creator. ten t move a mountain. ...o restore a great house, tree es no memorial, yet people understand t not unless t can use be made of it.... Its bitter may be tenanted nos, But its odorous leaves of ps. ...Let wise and . ter timber, toug is to use. 064 七言古诗 杜甫 观公孙大娘弟子舞剑器行并序 大历二年十月十九日夔府别驾元持宅见临颍李十二 娘舞剑器,壮其蔚跂。问其所师,曰︰余公孙大娘 弟子也。开元三载,余尚童稚,记于郾城观公孙氏 舞剑器浑脱。浏漓顿挫,独出冠时。自高头宜春梨 园二伎坊内人,洎外供奉,晓是舞者,圣文神武皇 帝初,公孙一人而已。玉貌锦衣,况余白首!今兹 弟子亦匪盛颜。既辨其由来,知波澜莫二。抚事慷 慨,聊为剑器行。昔者吴人张旭善草书书帖,数尝 于邺县见公孙大娘舞西河剑器,自此草书长进,豪 荡感激。即公孙可知矣! 昔有佳人公孙氏, 一舞剑器动四方。 观者如山色沮丧, 天地为之久低昂。 霍如羿射九日落, 矫如群帝骖龙翔, 来如雷霆收震怒, 罢如江海凝清光。 绛唇珠袖两寂寞, 晚有弟子传芬芳。 临颍美人在白帝, 妙舞此曲神扬扬。 与余问答既有以, 感时抚事增惋伤。 先帝侍女八千人, 公孙剑器初第一。 五十年间似反掌, 风尘澒洞昏王室。 梨园子弟散如烟, 女乐余姿映寒日。 金粟堆前木已拱, 瞿塘石城草萧瑟。 玳筵急管曲复终, 乐极哀来月东出。 老夫不知其所往? 足茧荒山转愁疾。 Seven-cer-ancient-verse Du Fu A SONG OF DAGGER-DANCING tO A GIRL-PUPIL OF LADY GONGSUN On tente, a girl named Li from Lingying dancing eac in t Yanctle boy, I sae to express my fulness. trict, t great master of grassy ing, . From t of Gongsun. tiful Gongsun, ers An audience like mountains lost among themselves. ions, as he sky And rapid as angels before the wings of dragons. S, venting its anger, And ended like the sea.... But vanishose pearly sleeves; And none but the perfume of her fame, ty from Lingying, at toe God, Dancing still and singing in the way. And wo eacions, e sigoget have come. t te Emperors court, But none could dance the dagger-dance like Lady Gongsun. ...Fifty years urning of a palm; ind and dust, filling the Imperial house. Instead of t, trying to che cold Sun. trees by tomb I seem to tling on tang. ...tring and quick pipe have ceased. At t of joy, sorroern moon rising. And I, a poor old man, not knowing wo go, Must on toward sickness and despair. 065 七言古诗 元结 石鱼湖上醉歌并序 漫叟以公田米酿酒,因休暇,则载酒于湖上, 时取一醉;欢醉中,据湖岸,引臂向鱼取酒, 使舫载之,遍饮坐者。意疑倚巴丘,酌于君山 之上,诸子环洞庭而坐,酒舫泛泛然,触波涛 而往来者,乃作歌以长之。 石鱼湖, 似洞庭, 夏水欲满君山青。 山为樽, 水为沼, 酒徒历历坐洲鸟。 长风连日作大浪, 不能废人运酒舫。 我持长瓢坐巴丘, 酌饮四座以散愁。 又作岛 Seven-cer-ancient-verse Yuan Jie A DRINKING SONG At StONE-FISh LAKE I illing er my office and t my friends on ttle s come to eaco be drinking on Pa Islet in Lake Dongting. And I e this poem. Stone-Fising -- op of Zun is green and tide is rising. ...itain for a table, and t of wine, tipplers all are settled along the sandy shore. tiff wind for days er, ine-boats constantly arrive.... I have a long-necked gourd and, happy on Ba Island, I am pouring a drink in every direction doing ah care. 066 七言古诗 韩愈 山石 山石荦确行径微, 黄昏到寺蝙蝠飞。 升堂坐阶新雨足, 芭蕉叶大栀子肥。 僧言古壁佛画好, 以火来照所见稀。 铺床拂席置羹饭, 疏粝亦足饱我饥。 夜深静卧百虫绝, 清月出岭光入扉。 天明独去无道路, 出入高下穷烟霏。 山红涧碧纷烂漫, 时见松枥皆十围。 当流赤足蹋涧石, 水声激激风吹衣。 人生如此自可乐, 岂必局束为人鞿? 嗟哉吾党二三子, 安得至老不更归? Seven-cer-ancient-verse han Yu MOUNtAIN-StONES Rougain-stones, and th very narrow; And s he dusk. I climbed to t on teps, and drank the rain- washed air Among the round gardenia-pods and huge bananaleaves. On t, were Budded, And a lighem wonderful ed ts, and made my supper ready, And, t satisfied my hunger. At midnig , tain moon entered my door.... At da tain and, alone, lost my way: In and out, up and down, w Made brook and mountain green and purple, brighing. I am passing sometimes pines and oaks, girdle, I am treading pebbles barefoot in s-running er -- Its ripples purify my ear, s.... themselves, make life happy. and h people? O cry, if I spent my old age back home? 067 七言古诗 韩愈 八月十五夜赠张功曹 纤云四卷天无河, 清风吹空月舒波。 沙平水息声影绝, 一杯相属君当歌。 君歌声酸辞且苦, 不能听终泪如雨。 洞庭连天九疑高, 蛟龙出没猩鼯号。 十生九死到官所, 幽居默默如藏逃。 下床畏蛇食畏药, 海气湿蛰熏腥臊。 昨者州前槌大鼓, 嗣皇继圣登夔皋。 赦书一日行万里, 罪从大辟皆除死。 迁者追回流者还, 涤瑕荡垢清朝班。 州家申名使家抑, 坎轲祇得移荆蛮。 判司卑官不堪说, 未免捶楚尘埃间。 同时辈流多上道, 天路幽险难追攀。 君歌且休听我歌, 我歌今与君殊科。 一年明月今宵多, 人生由命非由他; 有酒不饮奈明何? Seven-cer-ancient-verse han Yu ON tIVAL OF thE MOON tO SUB-OFFICIAL ZhANG tars is gone, A clear s wave, ter still, no sound and no shadow, As I offer you a cup of o sing. But so sad is tter your voice t before I finisening my tears have become a rain: quot;ing is joined to ty Nine-Doubt Mountain, Dragons, crocodiles, rise and sink, apes, flying foxes, whimper.... At a ten to one risk of deat, hough I were in hiding. I leave my bed, afraid of snakes; I eat, fearing poisons; trid, breats evil odours.... Yesterday, by trict office, t drum was announcing the realm. t granting pardons runs three hundred miles a day, All to die ences commuted, ted are promoted and exiles are recalled, Corruptions are abolised. My superior sent my name in but t listen And ransferred me to this barbaric place. My rank is very loo refer to; t punis of treet. Most of my fellourning home -- A journey wo me, is a ; ...Stop your song, I beg you, and listen to mine, A song t is utterly different from yours: quot;tonig moon of the year. All else is e, not ours to control; But, refusing tomorro; 068 七言古诗 韩愈 谒衡岳庙遂宿岳寺题门楼 五岳祭秩皆三公, 四方环镇嵩当中。 火维地荒足妖怪, 天假神柄专其雄。 喷云泄雾藏半腹, 虽有绝顶谁能穷? 我来正逢秋雨节, 阴气晦昧无清风。 潜心默祷若有应, 岂非正直能感通? 须臾静扫众峰出, 仰见突兀撑青空。 紫盖连延接天柱, 石廪腾掷堆祝融。 森然魄动下马拜, 松柏一迳趋灵宫。 纷墙丹柱动光彩, 鬼物图画填青红。 升阶伛偻荐脯酒, 欲以菲薄明其衷。 庙内老人识神意, 睢盱侦伺能鞠躬。 手持杯珓导我掷, 云此最吉余难同。 窜逐蛮荒幸不死, 衣食才足甘长终。 侯王将相望久绝, 神纵欲福难为功。 夜投佛寺上高阁, 星月掩映云曈昽。 猿鸣钟动不知曙, 杲杲寒日生于东。 Seven-cer-quatrain han Yu StOPPING At A tEMPLE ON AIN I INSCRIBE tE-tOER tains hree Dukes. tain midmost. to th, where evil signs are rife, a peer. All ts girdle; And its forehead is beholden only by a few. ...I came umn, during the rainy season, and the clear wind gone. I quieted my mind and prayed, hoping for an answer; For assuredly rigo high heaven. And soon all tain-peaks were sheir faces; I looked up at a pinnacle t he clean blue sky: tial Column; tone Granary leapt, ill. Moved by token, I dismounted to offer thanks. A long pato temple. Its we walls and purple pillars she vivid colour Of gods and devils filled tterns of red and blue. I climbed teps and, bending doo sacrifice, besought t my pure mige of my humble offering. t professed to kno of the God: e and reverent, making many bows. y-cups, o use them And told me t my fortune of all. to a barbarous land, mine is a happy life. Plain food and plain cloted. to be prince, duke, premier, general, was never my desire; And if t better could this ? -- At nigo sleep in top of a ower; ars glimmer the clouds.... Apes call, a bell sounds. And ready for dawn I see arise, far in t t sun. 069 七言古诗 韩愈 石鼓歌 张生手持石鼓文, 劝我识作石鼓歌。 少陵无人谪仙死, 才薄将奈石鼓何? 周纲淩迟四海沸, 宣王愤起挥天戈; 大开明堂受朝贺, 诸侯剑佩鸣相磨。 搜于岐阳骋雄俊, 万里禽兽皆遮罗。 镌功勒成告万世, 凿石作鼓隳嵯峨。 从臣才艺咸第一, 拣选撰刻留山阿。 雨淋日炙野火燎, 鬼物守护烦撝呵。 公从何处得纸本? 毫发尽备无差讹。 辞严义密读难晓, 字体不类隶与蝌。 年深岂免有缺画? 快剑砍断生蛟鼍。 鸾翔凤翥众仙下, 珊瑚碧树交枝柯。 金绳铁索锁钮壮, 古鼎跃水龙腾梭。 陋儒编诗不收入, 二雅褊迫无委蛇。 孔子西行不到秦, 掎摭星宿遗羲娥。 嗟予好古生苦晚, 对此涕泪双滂沱。 忆昔初蒙博士徵, 其年始改称元和。 故人从军在右辅, 为我度量掘臼科。 濯冠沐浴告祭酒, 如此至宝存岂多? 毡包席裹可立致, 十鼓祇载数骆驼。 荐诸太庙比郜鼎, 光价岂止百倍过。 圣恩若许留太学, 诸生讲解得切磋。 观经鸿都尚填咽, 坐见举国来奔波。 剜苔剔藓露节角, 安置妥帖平不颇。 大厦深檐与盖覆, 经历久远期无佗。 中朝大官老于事, 讵肯感激徒媕婀? 牧童敲火牛砺角, 谁复著手为摩挲? 日销月铄就埋没, 六年西顾空吟哦。 羲之俗书趁姿媚, 数纸尚可博白鹅。 继周八代争战罢, 无人收拾理则那。 方今太平日无事, 柄任儒术崇丘轲。 安能以此上论列? 愿借辩口如悬河。 石鼓之歌止于此, 呜呼吾意其蹉跎。 Seven-cer-ancient-verse han Yu A POEM ON tONE DRUMS Cracing, from tone drums, Beseeco e a poem on tone drums. Du Fu has gone. Li Bai is dead. can my poor talent do for tone drums? ...he Zhou power waned and China was bubbling, Emperor Xuan, up in h, waved his holy spear: And opened Audience, receiving all tributes Of kings and lords wo une of clanging weapons. t in Qiyang and proved their marksmanship: Fallen birds and animals rehousand miles. And t o inform neions.... Cut out of jutting cliffs, tone- On isans, all of t order, ed and c in tains to be washed by rain, baked by sun, burned by wildfire, Eyed by evil spirits; and protected by the gods. ...racing on this paper? -- true to t altered by a hair, tic, difficult to read. And tyle of ters neitadpole. time yet vanquisy of tters -- Looking like s pierce live crocodiles, Like pes dancing, like angels hovering down, Like trees of jade and coral erlocking branches, Like golden cord and iron cied togetight, Like incense-tripods flung in ting heaven. orians, gat poems, forgot to gathese, to make triking; Confucius journeyed in t, but not to the Qin Kingdom, and our stars but missed the sun and moon I y, oo late And, t ears.... I remember, w degree, During t year of Yuanho, tern camp, Offered to assist me in removing these old relics. I bato t And urged on precious things. t in boxes And carried on only a feen stone drums to grace temple like t of Gao -- Or tre and their value would increase a hundredfold, If t to ty, udents could study tless deciphem, And multitudes, attracted to tal of culture Prom all corners of to gather. e could scour t t, restore the original surface, And lodge tting and secure place for ever, Covered by a massive building h wide eaves o t had before. ...But government officials groheir ways And never iate beyond old precedent; So rike them, ito ially. Still ageing and decaying, soon they may be effaced. Six years I ing to.... t of ang Xiziful t was, Could be for a few we geese, But noer the wars over, hese drums? t peace, t free. Poets again are honoured and Confucians and Mencians.... Oition be carried to throne? It needs indeed an eloquent floaract- But, alas, my voice one drums, to a sound of supplication cs oears. 070 七言古诗 柳宗元 渔翁 渔翁夜傍西岩宿, 晓汲清湘燃楚烛。 烟销日出不见人, 欸乃一声山水绿。 回看天际下中流, 岩上无心云相逐。 Seven-cer-ancient-verse Liu Zongyuan AN OLD FIShERMAN An old fis t ern cliff; er from the pure hsiang and made a bamboo fire; And t sunrise, , it, in tain and river. ...I turn and see the waves moving as from heaven, And clouds above the cliffs coming idly, one by one. 071 七言古诗 白居易 长恨歌 汉皇重色思倾国, 御宇多年求不得。 杨家有女初长成, 养在深闺人未识。 天生丽质难自弃, 一朝选在君王侧; 回眸一笑百媚生, 六宫粉黛无颜色。 春寒赐浴华清池, 温泉水滑洗凝脂; 侍儿扶起娇无力, 始是新承恩泽时。 云鬓花颜金步摇, 芙蓉帐暖度春宵; 春宵苦短日高起, 从此君王不早朝。 承欢侍宴无闲暇, 春从春游夜专夜。 后宫佳丽三千人, 三千宠爱在一身。 金星妆成娇侍夜, 玉楼宴罢醉和春。 姊妹弟兄皆列士, 可怜光彩生门户; 遂令天下父母心, 不重生男重生女。 骊宫高处入青云, 仙乐风飘处处闻; 缓歌慢舞凝丝竹, 尽日君王看不足。 渔阳鼙鼓动地来, 惊破霓裳羽衣曲。 九重城阙烟尘生, 千乘万骑西南行。 翠华摇摇行复止, 西出都门百余里。 六军不发无奈何? 宛转蛾眉马前死。 花钿委地无人收, 翠翘金雀玉搔头。 君王掩面救不得, 回看血泪相和流。 黄埃散漫风萧索, 云栈萦纡登剑阁。 峨嵋山下少人行, 旌旗无光日色薄。 蜀江水碧蜀山青, 圣主朝朝暮暮情。 行宫见月伤心色, 夜雨闻铃肠断声。 天旋地转回龙驭, 到此踌躇不能去。 马嵬坡下泥土中, 不见玉颜空死处。 君臣相顾尽沾衣, 东望都门信马归。 归来池苑皆依旧, 太液芙蓉未央柳; 芙蓉如面柳如眉, 对此如何不泪垂? 春风桃李花开日, 秋雨梧桐叶落时。 西宫南内多秋草, 落叶满阶红不扫。 梨园子弟白发新, 椒房阿监青娥老。 夕殿萤飞思悄然, 孤灯挑尽未成眠。 迟迟钟鼓初长夜, 耿耿星河欲曙天。 鸳鸯瓦冷霜华重, 翡翠衾寒谁与共? 悠悠生死别经年, 魂魄不曾来入梦。 临邛道士鸿都客, 能以精诚致魂魄; 为感君王辗转思, 遂教方士殷勤觅。 排空驭气奔如电, 升天入地求之遍; 上穷碧落下黄泉, 两处茫茫皆不见。 忽闻海上有仙山, 山在虚无缥缈间; 楼阁玲珑五云起, 其中绰约多仙子。 中有一人字太真, 雪肤花貌参差是。 金阙西厢叩玉扃, 转教小玉报双成。 闻道汉家天子使, 九华帐里梦魂惊。 揽衣推枕起徘徊, 珠箔银屏迤逦开, 云鬓半偏新睡觉, 花冠不整下堂来。 风吹仙袂飘飘举, 犹似霓裳羽衣舞; 玉容寂寞泪阑干, 梨花一枝春带雨。 含情凝睇谢君王, 一别音容两渺茫。 昭阳殿里恩爱绝, 蓬莱宫中日月长。 回头下望人寰处, 不见长安见尘雾。 唯将旧物表深情, 钿合金钗寄将去。 钗留一股合一扇, 钗擘黄金合分钿; 但教心似金钿坚, 天上人间会相见。 临别殷勤重寄词, 词中有誓两心知。 七月七日长生殿, 夜半无人私语时。 在天愿作比翼鸟, 在地愿为连理枝。 天长地久有时尽, 此恨绵绵无绝期。 Seven-cer-ancient-verse Bai Juyi A SONG OF UNENDING SORRO Cy t might shake an empire, as on throne for many years, searching, never finding, till a little che Yang clan, hardly even grown, Bred in an inner ch no one knowing her, But ed by to be concealed, At last one day was che imperial household. If s turned a hundred spells, And t of to nothing. ...It he FlowerPure Pool, inted crystal of her skin, And, because of ing her ticed her and chose her for his bride. tal of her cheek, gold ripples of her crown when she moved, ere sered on spring evenings by warm ains; But nig and too soon, And t time forth, forsook his early hearings And lavisime on s and revelry, ress of t of t. t, ty, But o tered in one body. By time s evening; And oh wine. ers and itles; And, because she so illumined and glorified her clan, S to every fathe empire, han a boy. ...ering blue clouds, And far and es Of soft song and sloring and bamboo music. the Emperors eyes could never gaze on her enough- till war-drums, booming from Yuyang, sh And broke tunes of t and t. ty, tiered palace, loomed in t From ts . the way, now moving and now pausing- - But ty miles from tal, beyond tern gate, topped, not one of tir till under t trample th- eyebrows.... Flohem up, And a green and we jade assel and a yellowgold hair- bird. t save her, he could only cover his face. And later o look, tears as blown by a cold wind. ... At t of torail through a cloud-line Under Omei Mountain. t few came. Flags and banners lost t.... But as ers of Ss mountains always blue, So cys love and deeper the days. ared at te moon from emporary palace. es in tting at . And whe dragon car faced home, to t and turn away From the Mawei slope, under which was buried t memory, t anguise face? Ruler and lords, upon ts As to tal. ...t as before, taiye he eiyang Palace willows; But a petal was like her face and a willow-leaf her eyebrow -- And hem? ...Peacrees and plum-trees blossomed, in the winds of spring; Lakka-foliage fell to ter autumn rains; tern and Souttered e grasses, And teps no one s away. e-haired And t of Peppertrees; Over t. o its end and still could never sleep. Bell and drum oll thours And tars grow s before dawn, And t And his covers of kingfisher-blue feel lonelier and colder itance beter year; And yet no beloved spirit ever visited his dreams. ...At Lingqiong lived a taoist priest w of heaven, Able to summon spirits by rated mind. And people ant brooding t t taoist priest to see if he could find her. ning, Up to h, looking everywhere. Above, he Yellow Spring; But o find the one he looked for. And ts of an enced isle at sea, A part of tangible and incorporeal world, itohe five-coloured air, And of exquisite immortals moving to and fro, And of one among true- it. So to t e of gold and knocked at the jasper door And asked a girl, called Morsel-of-Jade, to tell t. And t nehe Emperor of China, as startled out of dreams in her nine-flowered, canopy. She pushed aside her pillow, dressed, shook away sleep, And opened the silver screen. e, And errace, ered ion As t and t. And tear-drops drifting down e face ere like a rain in spring on the pear. But love glohank her liege, range to ing -- Since t of t Sun, And moons and dawns ain Palace. But h And tried to see tal, t. So sook out, ion, the pledges he had given And, t him back a shell box and gold hairpin, But kept one branche box, Breaking the box; quot;Our souls belong toget; s; like this shell -- Someh or in heaven, we shall surely And s ence reminding him Of vowo s: quot;On the Palace of Long Life, e told eacly in t midnight world t he wings of one, And to grooget; Eartime both shall end, his unending sorrow goes on and on for ever. 072 七言古诗 白居易 琵琶行并序 元和十年,予左迁九江郡司马。明年秋,送客 湓浦口,闻船中夜弹琵琶者,听其音,铮铮然 有京都声;问其人,本长安倡女,尝学琵琶于 穆曹二善才。年长色衰,委身为贾人妇。遂命 酒,使快弹数曲,曲罢悯然。自叙少小时欢乐 事,今漂沦憔悴,转徙于江湖间。予出官二年 恬然自安,感斯人言,是夕,始觉有迁谪意, 因为长句歌以赠之,凡六百一十六言,命曰琵 琶行。 浔言江头夜送客, 枫叶荻花秋瑟瑟。 主人下马客在船, 举酒欲饮无管弦。 醉不成欢惨将别, 别时茫茫江浸月。 忽闻水上琵琶声, 主人忘归客不发。 寻声暗问弹者谁? 琵琶声停欲语迟。 移船相近邀相见, 添酒回灯重开宴。 千呼万唤始出来, 犹抱琵琶半遮面。 转轴拨弦三两声, 未成曲调先有情。 弦弦掩抑声声思, 似诉平生不得志。 低眉信手续续弹, 说尽心中无限事。 轻拢慢撚抹复挑, 初为霓裳后六么。 大弦嘈嘈如急雨, 小弦切切如私语。 嘈嘈切切错杂弹, 大珠小珠落玉盘。 间官莺语花底滑, 幽咽泉流水下滩。 水泉冷涩弦凝绝, 凝绝不通声渐歇。 别有幽愁暗恨生, 此时无声胜有声。 银瓶乍破水浆迸, 铁骑突出刀鎗鸣。 曲终收拨当心画, 四弦一声如裂帛。 东船西舫悄无言, 唯见江心秋月白。 沈吟放拨插弦中, 整顿衣裳起敛容。 自言本是京城女, 家在虾蟆陵下住。 十三学得琵琶成, 名属教坊第一部。 曲罢曾教善才服, 妆成每被秋娘妒, 五陵年少争缠头, 一曲红绡不知数。 钿头银篦击节碎, 血色罗裙翻酒污。 今年欢笑复明年, 秋月春风等闲度。 弟走从军阿姨死, 暮去朝来颜色故。 门前冷落车马稀, 老大嫁作商人妇。 商人重利轻别离, 前月浮梁买茶去。 去来江口守空船, 绕船月明江水寒。 夜深忽梦少年事, 梦啼妆泪红阑干, 我闻琵琶已叹息, 又闻此语重唧唧。 同是天涯沦落人, 相逢何必曾相识。 我从去年辞帝京, 谪居卧病浔阳城。 浔阳地僻无音乐, 终岁不闻丝竹声。 住近湓江地低湿, 黄芦苦竹绕宅生。 其间旦暮闻何物, 杜鹃啼血猿哀鸣。 春江花朝秋月夜, 往往取酒还独倾。 岂无山歌与村笛? 呕哑嘲哳难为听。 今夜闻君琵琶语, 如听仙乐耳暂明。 莫辞更坐弹一曲, 为君翻作琵琶行。 感我此言良久立, 却坐促弦弦转急。 凄凄不似向前声, 满座重闻皆掩泣。 座中泣下谁最多, 江州司马青衫湿。 Seven-cer-ancient-verse Bai Chuyi tAR In tented to be assistant official in Jiujiang. In t year I ar played in tal. Upon inquiry, I found t turity o a merc. I invited o my boat to old me ory, ure from tal I felt sad; but t niger I left o realize my banis. And I e twelve cers. I fare nighe Xunyang River, led in tumn. I, t, ed, my guest , And , alas, there was no music. For all ing from eacher, eriously tohe full moon -- e ar across ter. forgot to turn back to go his way. e followed whe players name. tantly she answered. e moved our boat near ed o join us, Summoned more erns to recommence our banquet. Yet imes before sarted toward us, Still ar. ...Surned tuning-pegs and tested several strings; e could feel w she was feeling, even before she played: Eacring a meditation, eace a deep t, As if selling us the ache of her whole life. S hen began her music, Little by little letting sh ours. Srings, ted t them -- First t, ttle Ones. trings hummed like rain, trings w, ermingled Like a pouring of large and small pearls into a plate of jade. e heard an oriole, liquid, hidden among flowers. e terly sob along a bank of sand... By ts cold toucring seemed broken As t could not pass; and tes, dying away Into a dept of lament, told even more in silence told in sound.... A silver vase abruptly broke er, And out leapt armored clase -- And, before sroke, And all four strings made one sound, as of rending silk t in t boat and quiet in t, And e autumnal moon enter t. ...rings, Seous, told us tal, Living in s of toads, And ered tar at teen, it in the class-roll of musicians, tion even of experts, y the leading dancers, ed And numberless red rolls of silk been given for one song, And silver combs hms, And skirts tains of wine.... Season after season, joy had followed joy, Autumn moons and spring winds her heeding, till first for t died, And evenings and evenings came, and y faded -- its and her door; So t finally so a merc , careless her, o Fuliang to buy tea. And sending an empty boat at th, No company but t moon and ter. And sometimes in t sriumphs And be wakened from ears. guitar-note arted me sighing; Noill. quot;e are boto the skys end. e meet. e understand. does acquaintance matter? I came, a year ago, aal And am now a sick exile here in Jiujiang -- And so remote is Jiujiang t I have heard no music, Neitring nor bamboo, for a whole year. My quarters, near town, are low and damp, itter reeds and yellohe house. And o be heard here, morning and evening? -- the whimpering of apes. On flo autumn nights I en taken all alone, Of course tain songs and the village pipes, But trident, and grate on my ears. And tonigar, I felt as if my h fairymusic. Do not leave us. Come, sit down. Play for us again. And I e a long song concerning a guitar.quot; ...Moved by , t again to rings-and they sounded even sadder, Altunes from those she had played before.... ters, all listening, covered their faces. But w? t. 073 七言古诗 李商隐 韩碑 元和天子神武姿, 彼何人哉轩与羲, 誓将上雪列圣耻, 坐法宫中朝四夷。 淮西有贼五十载, 封狼生貙貙生罴; 不据山河据平地, 长戈利矛日可麾。 帝得圣相相曰度, 贼斫不死神扶持。 腰悬相印作都统, 阴风惨澹天王旗。 愬武古通作牙爪, 仪曹外郎载笔随。 行军司马智且勇, 十四万众犹虎貔。 入蔡缚贼献太庙。 功无与让恩不訾。 帝曰汝度功第一, 汝从事愈宜为辞。 愈拜稽首蹈且舞, 金石刻画臣能为。 古者世称大手笔, 此事不系于职司。 当仁自古有不让, 言讫屡颔天子颐。 公退斋戒坐小阁, 濡染大笔何淋漓。 点窜尧典舜典字, 涂改清庙生民诗。 文成破体书在纸, 清晨再拜铺丹墀。 表曰臣愈昧死上, 咏神圣功书之碑。 碑高三丈字如斗, 负以灵鳌蟠以螭。 句奇语重喻者少, 谗之天子言其私。 长绳百尺拽碑倒。 粗沙大石相磨治。 公之斯文若元气, 先时已入人肝脾。 汤盘孔鼎有述作, 今无其器存其辞。 呜呼圣皇及圣相, 相与烜赫流淳熙。 公之斯文不示后, 曷与三五相攀追? 愿书万本诵万过, 口角流沫右手胝; 传之七十有二代, 以为封禅玉检明堂基。 Seven-cer-ancient-verse Li Shangyin t times ial as a god And migo the Emperors Xuan and Xi. ook an oato reassert the empire, And tribute was brougo ers. estern y years country, olves becoming lynxes, lynxes becoming bears. tains and rivers, rising from the plains, it the Sun. But the name of Du, s against assassination, ate, and accepted chief command, he Ruler of heaven. Generals Suo, u, Gu, and tong became his paws and claws; Civil and military experts brougingbrushes, And e. A y ting like lions and tigers, Captured t cains for temple. So complete a victory ; And t;to you, Du, s honour, And your secretary, Yu, se a record of it.quot; and danced, saying: quot;orical ings on stone and metal are my especial art; And, since I kno brusers, My duty in tance is more than merely official, And I s fault if I modestly declined.quot; times. And Yu retired and fasted and, in a narrow workroom, brush drops of rain, Cers like the Canons of Yao and Xun, And a style as in t poems Qingmiao and Shengmin. And soon tion was ready, on a s of paper. In t, airs. ;I, unhy, o record t, for a monument.quot; tablet y feet ers large as dippers; It on a sacred tortoise, its columns flanked h ragons.... trange feand; And jealousy entered and malice and reache Emperor -- So t a rope a long pulled tablet down And coarse sand and small stones ground as face. But literature endures, like t, And its breat of tals of all men. tang plate, tripod, are eternal things, Not because of t because of tions.... Sagacious is our sovereign and wise er, And heir reign; But unless it be recorded by a ing suchis, o rival three and five good rulers? I en to read ten times, till spittle ran from my lips and calluses hardened my fingers, And still could y-tions, As corner-stones for Rooms of Great Deeds on tains. 074 乐府 高适 燕歌行并序 开元二十六年,客有从御史大夫张公出塞而还者, 作燕歌行以示适,感征戍之事,因而和焉。 汉家烟尘在东北, 汉将辞家破残贼。 男儿本自重横行, 天子非常赐颜色。 摐金伐鼓下榆关, 旌旆逶迤碣石间。 校尉羽书飞瀚海, 单于猎火照狼山。 山川萧条极边土, 胡骑凭陵杂风雨。 战士军前半死生, 美人帐下犹歌舞。 大漠穷秋塞草衰, 孤城落日斗兵稀。 身当恩遇常轻敌, 力尽关山未解围。 铁衣远戍辛勤久, 玉筋应啼别离后。 少妇城南欲断肠, 征人蓟北空回首。 边庭飘飖那可度? 绝域苍茫更何有? 杀气三时作阵云, 寒声一夜传刁斗。 相看白刃血纷纷, 死节从来岂顾勋。 君不见沙场征战苦? 至今犹忆李将军。 Folk-song-styled-verse Gao Shi A SONG OF tRY In turned from t old me of tion, I ten to the same rhymes. tern border of C. to repel their families, Strode fortogether, looking as heroes should look; And gracious favour, to t of gong and drum the Elm Pass. tone tablet h a line of waving flags, till tains over thered orders. tartar cains ing-fires glimmered along olf Mountain, And s and rivers ter border; But soon through wind and rain. t ther half are living, And still at tiful girls dance for them and sing. ...As autumn ends in thered, tc sunset, Serving in a good cause, ly. And yet, for all t till unsafe. Still at t, iron armour is tered thin, And icks are made of jade tears. Still in ty young wives s are breaking, toward home. ts our mens advance In a place of deathingness ahead. times a day a cloud of slaughe camp; And all nigheir chilly booming, Until tered h red blood. ...y, o think of fame? Yet in speaking of t e name to t General, who lived long ago. 卷04、七言乐府 075 七言乐府 李颀 古从军行 白日登山望烽火, 黄昏饮马傍交河。 行人刁斗风沙暗, 公主琵琶幽怨多。 野云万里无城郭, 雨雪纷纷连大漠。 胡雁哀鸣夜夜飞, 胡儿眼泪双双落。 闻道玉门犹被遮, 应将性命逐轻车。 年年战骨埋荒外, 空见葡萄入汉家。 Folk-song-styled-verse Li Qi AN OLD AR-SONG t day up tain, orch; At yelloer our he boundaryriver; And wche sandy wind, e ar of telling her endless woe.... t a to camps, till t in snow. itive calls, barbarian , And cartars ears to shed; But ill under siege, And soon ake our lives upon our ligs. Eac bones unnumbered, Yet co China. 076 乐府 王维 洛阳女儿行 洛阳女儿对门居, 才可容颜十五余; 良人玉勒乘骢马, 侍女金盘脍鲤鱼。 画阁朱楼尽相望, 红桃绿柳垂檐向。 罗帷送上七香车, 宝扇迎归九华帐。 狂夫富贵在青春, 意气骄奢剧季伦。 自怜碧玉亲教舞, 不惜珊瑚持与人。 春窗曙灭九微火, 九微片片飞花璅。 戏罢曾无理曲时, 妆成祇是薰香坐。 城中相识尽繁华, 日夜经过赵李家。 谁怜越女颜如玉? 贫贱江头自浣纱。 Folk-song-styled-verse ang ei A SONG OF A GIRL FROM LOYANG treet, Seen, stle older. ...er rides an bridle, e. On ed pavilions, facing red towers, Cornices are pink and green h willow, Canopies of silk awn ed chair, And rare fans so ains. he bud of life, Exceeds in munificence t men of old. augo dance; And rees to almost anyone. t stirs w lig, t ligals in a flying chain of flowers. Bethe songs; No sooner is shan incense burns before her. tohe lavish, And day and niging ts of t mansions. ...ices te jade, he river, washing silk? 077 乐府 王维 老将行 少年十五二十时, 步行夺得胡马骑。 射杀山中白额虎, 肯数邺下黄须儿。 一身转战三千里, 一剑曾当百万师。 汉兵奋迅如霹雳, 虏骑崩腾畏蒺藜。 卫青不败由天幸, 李广无功缘数奇。 自从弃置便衰朽, 世事蹉跎成白首。 昔时飞箭无全目, 今日垂杨生左肘。 路旁时卖故侯瓜, 门前学种先生柳。 苍茫古木连穷巷, 寥落寒山对虚牖。 誓令疏勒出飞泉, 不似颍川空使酒。 贺兰山下阵如云, 羽檄交驰日夕闻。 节使三河募年少, 诏书五道出将军。 试拂铁衣如雪色, 聊持宝剑动星文。 愿得燕弓射大将, 耻令越甲鸣吾君。 莫嫌旧日云中守, 犹堪一战取功勋。 Folk-song-styled-verse ang ei SONG OF AN OLD GENERAL een or ty, him and rode him, te-broain tiger, led horseman of Ye. Fighousand miles, ititude. ...Granted t troops of C as hunder And t tartar soldiers perisfalls fanged h iron, General ei Qings victory hing of chance. And General Li Guangs ted effort . Since tirement he is looking old and worn: Experience of tened e hairs. t never missed t eye of a bird, Noted veins and tendons make arm like an osier. imes at the road-side selling melons from his garden, imes planting willows round age. away by a dense grove, ains But, if ers would come gushing for his men And never would on h wine. ...ar-clouds are spreading, under the helan Range; Back and fort, go feathered messages; In the governors call young men -- And five imperial edicts he old general. So s and s like snow- aves s jade in a dance of starry steel. rong norto smite tartar cain -- t never a foreign the Emperor. ...t, forgotten and far away, ill could manage triumproke. 078 乐府 王维 桃源行 渔舟逐水爱山春, 两岸桃花夹古津。 坐看红树不知远, 行尽青溪不见人。 山口潜行始隈隩, 山开旷望旋平陆。 遥看一处攒云树, 近入千家散花竹。 樵客初传汉姓名, 居人未改秦衣服。 居人共住武陵源, 还从物外起田园。 月明松下房栊静, 日出云中鸡犬喧。 惊闻俗客争来集, 竞引还家问都邑。 平明闾巷扫花开, 薄暮渔樵乘水入。 初因避地去人间, 及至成仙遂不还。 峡里谁知有人事, 世中遥望空云山。 不疑灵境难闻见, 尘心未尽思乡县。 出洞无论隔山水, 辞家终拟长游衍。 自谓经过旧不迷, 安知峰壑今来变。 当时只记入山深, 青溪几曲到云林? 春来遍是桃花水, 不辨仙源何处寻? Folk-song-styled-verse ang ei A SONG OF PEACh-BLOSSOM RIVER A fising, enjoying tains, And trees on boto an ancient source. atcrees, ance till o tream and suddenly- strange men! Its a cave- o crahrough; But t opens h -- And far beyond rees, And th flowers and bamboos.... oodsmen tell speech of han; And cloty are hese people Living on the uling River, On farms and in gardens t are like a , t peace under pines in the clear moon, Until sunrise fills th crowing and barking. ...At neranger the people all assemble, And eaces him home and asks him where he was born. Alleys and patals in the morning, And fis dusk.... t they had come here seeking refuge; they have lived like angels ever since, blessedly far away, No one in tside, Outsiders viey mountains and thick clouds. ...t good fortune, Begins to try, of ies, Finds of t mountains and past rivers, Intending some time to return, wold his kin. udies every step akes, fixes it well in mind, And forgets t cliffs and peaks may vary their appearance. ...It is certain t to enter tain, A green river leads you, into a misty wood. But noing peacals -- o go, to find t hidden source? 079 乐府 李白 蜀道难 噫吁戏, 危乎高哉! 蜀道之难难于上青天! 蚕丛及鱼凫, 开国何茫然。 尔来四万八千岁, 始与秦塞通人烟。 西当太白有鸟道, 可以横绝峨眉巅。 地崩山摧壮士死, 然后天梯石栈方钩连。 上有六龙回日之高标, 下有冲波逆折之回川。 黄鹤之飞尚不得, 猿猱欲度愁攀援。 青泥何盘盘, 百步九折萦岩峦, 扪参历井仰胁息, 以手抚膺坐长叹。 问君西游何时还? 畏途巉岩不可攀。 但见悲鸟号古木, 雄飞雌从绕林间; 又闻子规啼, 夜月愁空山。 蜀道之难难于上青天! 使人听此凋朱颜。 连峰去天不盈尺, 枯松倒挂倚绝壁。 飞湍瀑流争喧豗, 砯崖转石万壑雷。 其险也如此! 嗟尔远道之人, 胡为乎来哉? 剑阁峥嵘而崔嵬, 一夫当关, 万夫莫开; 所守或匪亲, 化为狼与豺, 朝避猛虎, 夕避长蛇, 磨牙吮血, 杀人如麻。 锦城虽云乐, 不如早还家。 蜀道之难难于上青天, 侧身西望常咨嗟。 Folk-song-styled-verse Li Bai hARD ROADS IN ShU O it is high and very dangerous! Sucravelling is he blue sky. ...Until this region Pusy ages, Forty-eighousand years had passed ithe Qin border. And t e Mountain, ill h Up to t of Emei Peak -- , Just finisone rungs of toward heaven. ...all flag, six dragons drive the sun, s ted course. Suc would be hard going for even a yellow crane, So pity to use. tain of Green Clay is formed of many circles- Eaceps, urn nine turns among its mound -- Panting, we brusar, ts o th a groan, e rail will never have an end. till, it t forest, Male birds smoothe females; And to us the cuckoos Out on ty mountain, under the lonely moon.... Sucravelling is he blue sky. Even to turns the cheek pale, it crag barely a foot below heaven. Dry pines he cliffs, And a taracts outroar one another And send ten tones. ithis danger upon danger, a safe distance? ...tower Pass be firm and grim, And w ten t force it, if loyal, But a oward his fellows? ...tigers to fear in the day And venomous reptiles in t iteetheir fangs ready to cut people down like hemp. ty of Silk be delectable, I urn home quickly. Sucravelling is he blue sky.... But I still face h a dreary moan. 080 乐府 李白 长相思之一 长相思, 在长安。 络纬秋啼金井阑, 微霜凄凄簟色寒。 孤灯不明思欲绝, 卷帷望月空长叹。 美人如花隔云端, 上有青冥之长天, 下有渌水之波澜。 天长路远魂飞苦, 梦魂不到关山难。 长相思, 摧心肝。 Folk-song-styled-verse Li Bai ENDLESS YEARNING I quot;I am endlessly yearning to be in Changan. ...Insects umn by the well; A t glistens like little mirrors on my cold mat; tern flickers; and. deeper grows my longing. I lift the moon, Single as a flored from the clouds. Above, I see the blueness and deepness of sky. Belolessness of er.... ter bethem flies my sorrow. Can I dream teain? Endless longing Breaks my .quot; 081 乐府 李白 长相思之二 日色已尽花含烟, 月明欲素愁不眠。 赵瑟初停凤凰柱, 蜀琴欲奏鸳鸯弦。 此曲有意无人传, 愿随春风寄燕然。 忆君迢迢隔青天, 昔日横波目, 今成流泪泉。 不信妾肠断, 归来看取明镜前。 Folk-song-styled-verse Li Bai ENDLESS YEARNING II quot;t, and a mist is in the flowers; And te and people sad and sleepless. A Z been laid mute on its phoenix holder, And a Se begins to sound its mandarin-duck strings.... Since nobody can bear to you the burden of my song, ould t it migo Yanran Mountain. I the blue sky, And my eyes t once were sparkling Are noears. ...O t, mirror come back and look at me!quot; 082 乐府 李白 行路难之一 金樽清酒斗十千, 玉盘珍羞值万钱。 停杯投箸不能食, 拔剑四顾心茫然。 欲渡黄河冰塞川, 将登太行雪暗天。 闲来垂钓碧溪上, 忽复乘舟梦日边。 行路难! 行路难! 多歧路, 今安在? 长风破浪会有时, 直挂云帆济沧海。 Folk-song-styled-verse Li Bai thE hARD ROAD Pure s, for ten thousand coppers a flagon, And a jade plate of dainty food calls for a million coins. I fling aside my food-sticks and cup, I cannot eat nor drink.... I pull out my dagger, I peer four ways in vain. I ice che ferry; I aiains, but th snow.... I and poise a fishing-pole, lazy by a brook -- But I suddenly dream of riding a boat, sailing for the sun.... Journeying is hard, Journeying is hard. turnings -- o follow?.... I a long he heavy waves And set my cloudy sail straighe deep, deep sea. 083 乐府 李白 行路难之二 大道如青天, 我独不得出。 羞逐长安社中儿, 赤鸡白狗赌梨栗。 弹剑作歌奏苦声, 曳裾王门不称情。 淮阴市井笑韩信, 汉朝公卿忌贾生。 君不见, 昔时燕家重郭隗, 拥彗折节无嫌猜; 剧辛乐毅感恩分, 输肝剖胆效英才。 昭王白骨萦蔓草, 谁人更扫黄金台? 行路难, 归去来? Folk-song-styled-verse Li Bai hE ORLD II the blue sky, But no before my eye. I am aso follos, Gambling on figs. Feng ; Z to boo noblemen . General -place; t scholar Jia was banished in disgrace. heard of King of Yan in days gone by, ed talents and built terrace high On ed men And stooped lo to hem? Grateful, Ju Xin and Yue Yi came then And served and soul, botratagem. the Kings bones were now buried, werrace any more? he way. Go back delay! 084 乐府 李白 行路难之三 有耳莫洗颍川水, 有口莫食首阳蕨。 含光混世贵无名, 何用孤高比云月? 吾观自古贤达人, 功成不退皆殒身。 子胥既弃吴江上, 屈原终投湘水滨。 陆机雄才岂自保? 李斯税驾苦不早。 华亭鹤唳讵可闻? 上蔡苍鹰何足道。 君不见, 吴中张翰称达生, 秋风忽忆江东行。 且乐生前一杯酒, 何须身后千载名? Folk-song-styled-verse Li Bai hE ORLD III Dont washing you dislike Nor die of s on the Pike! Living a fame among tley crowd, y as the moon or cloud? Of ancient talents ire, theres none But came to tragic ending after glorys won. ty gate; In t laureate. talented scholar wished in vain to preserve o he crane. Minister Li regretted not to ired to h falcon gray as he had long desired. heard of Zhang han who resigned, carefree, to go o eat h high glee? Enjoy a cup of wine while youre alive! Do not care if your fame survive! 085 乐府 李白 将进酒 君不见, 黄河之水天上来, 奔流到海不复回? 君不见, 高堂明镜悲白发, 朝如青丝暮成雪? 人生得意须尽欢, 莫使金樽空对月, 天生我材必有用, 千金散尽还复来。 烹羊宰牛且为乐, 会须一饮三百杯。 岑夫子! 丹丘生! 将进酒; 君莫停。 与君歌一曲, 请君为我侧耳听。 钟鼓馔玉不足贵, 但愿长醉不愿醒。 古来圣贤皆寂寞, 惟有饮者留其名。 陈王昔时宴平乐, 斗酒十千恣欢谑。 主人何为言少钱? 径须沽取对君酌。 五花马, 千金裘。 呼儿将出换美酒, 与尔同消万古愁。 Folk-song-styled-verse Li Bai BRINGING IN thE INE See ers move out of heaven. Entering to return. See mirrors in high chambers, t morning, to snow. ...O a man of spirit venture where he pleases And never tip y tohe moon! Since alent, let it be employed! Spin a them come back! Cook a s tite, And make me, of three hundred bowls, one long drink! ...to ter, Cen, And the young scholar, Danqiu, Bring in the wine! Let your cups never rest! Let me sing you a song! Let your ears attend! are bell and drum, rare disreasure? Let me be forever drunk and never come to reason! Sober men of olden days and sages are forgotten, And only t drinkers are famous for all time. ...Prince C a banquet in tion ten th many a laugh and quip. , t your money is gone? Go and buy together! My flower-dappled horse, My furs housand, o to exchange for good wine, And en tions! 086 乐府 杜甫 兵车行 车辚辚, 马萧萧, 行人弓箭各在腰。 耶娘妻子走相送, 尘埃不见咸阳桥。 牵衣顿足拦道哭, 哭声直上干云霄。 道旁过者问行人, 行人但云点行频。 或从十五北防河, 便至四十西营田。 去时里正与裹头, 归来头白还戍边。 边亭流血成海水, 武皇开边意未已。 君不闻, 汉家山东二百州, 千村万落生荆杞? 纵有健妇把锄犁, 禾生陇亩无东西。 况复秦兵耐苦战, 被驱不异犬与鸡。 长者虽有问, 役夫敢申恨; 且如今年冬, 未休关西卒。 县官急索租, 租税从何出? 信知生男恶, 反是生女好; 生女犹得嫁比邻, 生男埋没随百草。 君不见, 青海头, 古来白骨无人收? 新鬼烦冤旧鬼哭, 天阴雨湿声啾啾。 Folk-song-styled-verse Du Fu A SONG OF AR-CS ts rattle, the war-horses whinny. Eac . Fatare at you going, till dust she bridge beyond Changan. tug at your sleeves, And to the clouds; And every time a bystander asks you a question, You can only say to you o go. ...e remember ot fifteen sent norto guard the river And at forty sent to cultivate the campfarms. turbans for tarted out. iturbaned e noill at the border, At the sea -- And still t of Emperor u is beating for war. ...Do you kno, east of Cains, in ts And in t weeds, And trong o the ploughing, East and the furrows all are broken down? ...Men of Co face tiffest battle, But them like chickens and dogs. ever is asked of them, Dare they complain? For example, ter of te, Caxes, hey pay? ...e to have a son is bad luck- It is very mucter to er he house of a neighbour, he sod we bury our boys. ...Go to the shore At all te bones forsaken -- Nehe old, Loudest in tormy day. 087 乐府 杜甫 丽人行 三月三日天气新, 长安水边多丽人。 态浓意远淑且真, 肌理细腻骨肉匀。 绣罗衣裳照暮春, 蹙金孔雀银麒麟。 头上何所有? 翠微盍叶垂鬓唇。 背后何所见? 珠压腰衱稳称身。 就中云幕椒房亲, 赐名大国虢与秦。 紫驼之峰出翠釜, 水精之盘行素鳞。 犀箸餍饫久未下, 鸾刀缕切空纷纶。 黄门飞鞚不动尘, 御厨络绎送八珍。 箫鼓哀吟感鬼神, 宾从杂遝实要津。 后来鞍马何逡巡? 当轩下马入锦茵。 杨花雪落覆白苹, 青鸟飞去衔红巾。 炙手可热势绝伦, 慎莫近前丞相嗔。 Folk-song-styled-verse Du Fu A SONG OF FAIR OMEN On ther Many beauties take terfront, Receptive, aloof, s-mannered, sincere, it fine skin and well-balanced bone. the spring sun are gleaming -- ith a mass of golden peacocks and silver unicorns. And emples Are blue leaves of delicate kingfishers. And following behem Is a pearl-laden train, rh bearers. Some of to the Royal house -- titled Princesses Guo and Qin. Red camel- them from jade broilers, And s fisal trays. ticks of unicorn-ed languidly And t ptle used, Fleet e, stirring no dust, Bring precious disantly from tchen. ...es and drums invokes gods and spirits, Guests and courtiers gather, all of high rank; And finally, riding slow, a dignified horseman Dismounts at the pavilion on an embroidered rug. In a snoton he duckweed, Bluebirds find th vermilion handkerchiefs -- But power can be as as flame and burn peoples fingers. Be ch for his frown. 088 乐府 杜甫 哀江头 少陵野老吞生哭, 春日潜行曲江曲; 江头宫殿锁千门, 细柳新蒲为谁绿? 忆昔霓旌下南苑; 苑中景物生颜色。 昭阳殿里第一人, 同辇随君侍君侧。 辇前才人带弓箭, 白马嚼啮黄金勒。 翻身向天仰射云, 一箭正坠双飞翼。 明眸皓齿今何在? 血污游魂归不得。 清渭东流剑阁深, 去住彼此无消息。 人生有情泪沾臆, 江水江花岂终极? 黄昏胡骑尘满城, 欲往城南望城北。 Folk-song-styled-verse Du Fu A SONG OF SOBBING BY thE RIVER I am only an old woodsman, whispering a sob, As I steal like a spring-she inding River. ...Since tes -- Fine willows, new rushes, for whom are you so green? ...I remember a cloud of flags t came from th Garden, And ten tening one another, And t Lady, from t Sun, Attendant on t, And th bow and arrows, And t bits of yellow gold, And an arc skyhe clouds And felling a pair of flying birds. ... eyes, h? A blood-stained spirit o return. And clear ei ers running east, t on Dagger- torail, Carry neithere nor here any news of her. People, compassionate, are wisears t sernal as the flowers. ...Mounted tartars, in t. I am fleeing sout I linger-gazing nortohrone. 089 乐府 杜甫 哀王孙 长安城头头白乌, 夜飞延秋门上呼; 又向人家啄大屋, 屋底达官走避胡。 金鞭断折九马死, 骨肉不待同驰驱。 腰下宝玦青珊瑚, 问之不肯道姓名, 但道困苦乞为奴。 已经百日窜荆棘, 身上无有完肌肤。 高帝子孙尽隆准, 龙种自与常人殊。 豺狼在邑龙在野, 王孙善保千金躯。 不敢长语临交衢, 且为王孙立斯须。 昨夜东风吹血腥, 东来橐驼满旧都。 朔方健儿好身手, 昔何勇锐今何愚? 窃闻天子已传位, 圣德北服南单于。 花门剺面请雪耻, 慎勿出口他人狙。 哀哉王孙慎勿疏, 五陵佳气无时无。 Folk-song-styled-verse Du Fu A SONG OF A PRINCE DEPOSED Along tal a we-headed crow Flies to te ers and screams t, turns again and pecks among tall mansion y mandarin, artars, ith his golden whip now broken, his nine war-horses dead And tered to the winds.... t Of a Prince at a street-corner, bitterly sobbing, o give a false name to anyone who asks him- Just a poor fellow, . A horns So foot. But, since t Emperor, all h hooknoses, t from ordinary men. olves are in t in t -- O Prince, be very careful of your most sacred person! I dare not address you long, he open road, Nor even to stand beside you for more ts. Last nighere came a smell of blood; tal is full of camels from t. Our northern warriors are sound enough of body and of hand -- Oimes and so craven now? Our Emperor, we hrone And tains are loyally inclined And tribes are gato avenge us. But still be careful-keep yourself well he dagger. Unantly on guard -- till poo your aid from tombs. 卷05、五言律诗 090 五言律诗 唐玄宗 经邹鲁祭孔子而叹之 夫子何为者, 栖栖一代中。 地犹鄹氏邑, 宅即鲁王宫。 叹凤嗟身否, 伤麟怨道穷。 今看两楹奠, 当与梦时同。 Five-cer-regular-verse tang Xunzong I PASS thE LU DUKEDOM Ith A SIGh AND A SACRIFICE FOR CONFUCIUS O Master, he world repay Your life of long solicitude? -- the Lords of Zou have misprized your land, And your he palace of Lu.... You foretold t oo would end, You kne tured unicorn eaching.... Can tcemple pillars, Be th you dreamed of long ago? 091 五言律诗 张九龄 望月怀远 海上生明月, 天涯共此时。 情人怨遥夜, 竟夕起相思。 灭烛怜光满, 披衣觉露滋。 不堪盈手赠, 还寝梦佳期。 Five-cer-regular-verse Zhang Jiuling LOOKING At thE MOON AND thINKING OF ONE FAR AAY the sea, Brighe whole of heaven, Brings to separated s tfulness of night.... It is no darker t my candle. It is no on my coat. So I leave my message he moon And turn to my bed, hoping for dreams. 092 五言律诗 王勃 送杜少府之任蜀州 城阙辅三秦, 风烟望五津。 与君离别意, 同是宦游人。 海内存知己, 天涯若比邻。 无为在歧路, 儿女共沾巾。 Five-cer-regular-verse ang Bo FAREELL tO VICE-PREFECt DU SEttING OUt FOR IN ShU By t surrounds tricts, t t makes five rivers one, e bid eacher a sad farewell, e te ways.... And yet, while China holds our friendship, And heaven remains our neighbourhood, the road, iping your eyes like a -broken child? 093 五言律诗 骆宾王 在狱咏蝉并序 余禁所禁垣西,是法厅事也。有古槐数株焉,虽生 意可知,同殷仲文之古树,而听讼斯在,即周召伯 之甘棠。每至夕照低阴,秋蝉疏引,发声幽息,有 切尝闻;岂人心异于曩时,将虫响悲于前听?嗟乎 !声以动容,德以象贤,故洁其身也,禀君子达人 之高行;蜕其皮也,有仙都羽化之灵姿。候时而来 ,顺阴阳之数;应节为变,审藏用之机。有目斯开 ,不以道昏而昧其视;有翼自薄,不以俗厚而易其 真。吟乔树之微风,韵资天纵;饮高秋之坠露,清 畏人知。仆失路艰虞,遭时徽纆,不哀伤而自怨, 未摇落而先衰。闻蟪蛄之流声,悟平反之已奏;见 螳螂之抱影,怯危机之未安。感而缀诗,贻诸知己 。庶情沿物应,哀弱羽之飘零;道寄人知,悯余声 之寂寞。非谓文墨,取代幽忧云尔。 西路蝉声唱, 南冠客思侵。 那堪玄鬓影, 来对白头吟。 露重飞难进, 风多响易沉。 无人信高洁, 谁为表予心。 Five-cer-regular-verse Lo Bingwang A POLItICAL PRISONER LIStENING tO A CICADA ward, I hear a cicada Bid me to be resolute here in my cell, Yet it needed those black wings to break a we-.... is he fog, he windy world. ill? - - ens any more to me? 094 五言律诗 杜审言 和晋陵路丞早春游望 独有宦游人, 偏惊物候新。 云霞出海曙, 梅柳渡江春。 淑气催黄鸟, 晴光转绿苹。 忽闻歌古调, 归思欲沾巾。 Five-cer-regular-verse Du Shenyan ON A ALK IN thE EARLY SPRING hARMONIZING A POEM BY MY FRIEND LU StAtIONED At ChANGZhOU Only to wanderers can come Ever ney, Of he sea, Of spring in the wild-plum and river-willow.... I c in the warm air, And a green er- plant reflected by the sun. Suddenly an old song fills My ears. 095 五言律诗 沈佺期 杂诗 闻道黄龙戍, 频年不解兵。 可怜闺里月, 长在汉家营。 少妇今春意, 良人昨夜情。 谁能将旗鼓, 一为取龙城? Five-cer-regular-verse Shen Quanqi LINES Against ty of the Yellow Dragon Our troops long years ago, And girls che same melancholy moon t lights our Chinese warriors -- And young wives dream a dream of spring, t last nigheir heroic husbands, In a great attack, h flags and drums, Captured ty of the Yellow Dragon. 096 五言律诗 宋之问 题大庾岭北驿 阳月南飞雁, 传闻至此回, 我行殊未已, 何日复归来? 江静潮初落, 林昏瘴不开。 明朝望乡处, 应见陇头梅。 Five-cer-regular-verse Song Zhiwen INSCRIBED ON thE ALL OF AN INN NORtAIN t hward, urn back, th.... Shward journey Ever be retraced, I wonder? ...t ebb-tide, And t -- But tomorroain, Darees of home. 097 五言律诗 王湾 次北固山下 客路青山外, 行舟绿水前。 潮平两岸阔, 风正一帆悬。 海日生残夜, 江春入旧年。 乡书何处达? 归雁洛阳边。 Five-cer-regular-verse ang an A MOORING UNDER NORt hILL Under blue mountains we wound our way, My boat and 1, along green er; Until t loide widened, itirring my lone sail. ...Nigo a sea of sun, And ts in fress. At last I can send my messengers -- ildgeese, o Loyang. 098 五言律诗 常建 题破山寺后禅院 清晨入古寺, 初日照高林。 曲径通幽处, 禅房花木深。 山光悦鸟性, 潭影空人心。 万籁此俱寂, 惟余钟磬音。 Five-cer-regular-verse Chang Jian A BUDD REtREAt BEAIN tEMPLE In temple, points tree-tops, My patered hollow Of bougo a Budd retreat. ain-light, And touches peace in a pool, And a ted By temple-bell. 099 五言律诗 岑参 寄左省杜拾遗 联步趋丹陛, 分曹限紫微。 晓随天仗入, 暮惹御香归。 白发悲花落, 青云羡鸟飞。 圣朝无阙事, 自觉谏书稀。 Five-cer-regular-verse Cen Can A MESSAGE tO CENSOR Du Fu At COURt togeteps, to be parted by the purple walls.... Our procession, dawn, Leaves fragrant no dusk h imperial incense. ...Grey heads may grieve for a fallen flower, Or blue clouds envy a lilting bird; But thing goes wrong, t no petitions. 100 五言律诗 李白 赠孟浩然 吾爱孟夫子, 风流天下闻。 红颜弃轩冕, 白首卧松云。 醉月频中圣, 迷花不事君。 高山安可仰? 徒此挹清芬。 Five-cer-regular-verse Li Bai A MESSAGE tO MENG hAORAN Master, I , And your fame arisen to the skies.... Renouncing in ruddy youtance of and c, You crees and clouds; and now, wehaired, Drunk he moon, a sage of dreams, Floco the Emperor.... ain, o reach you, Breatness even here! 101 五言律诗 李白 渡荆门送别 渡远荆门外, 来从楚国游。 山随平野尽, 江入大荒流。 月下飞天镜, 云生结海楼。 仍怜故乡水, 万里送行舟。 Five-cer-regular-verse Li Bai BIDDING A FRIEND FAREELL At JINGMEN FERRY Sailing far off from Jingmen Ferry, Soon you h, ains end and the plains begin And through wilderness.... ted like a mirror, Sea-clouds gleam like palaces, And ter you a touch of home to dra three hundred miles. 102 五言律诗 李白 送友人 青山横北郭, 白水绕东城。 此地一为别, 孤蓬万里征。 浮云游子意, 落日故人情。 挥手自兹去, 萧萧班马鸣。 Five-cer-regular-verse Li Bai A FAREELL tO A FRIEND itains northe wall, And east of ty a er, leave me and drift away Like a loosened er-plant hundreds of miles.... I sing cloud; So in t think of me. ...e wave our o say good-bye, And my horse is neighing again and again. 103 五言律诗 李白 听蜀僧浚弹琴 蜀僧抱绿绮, 西下峨眉峰; 为我一挥手, 如听万壑松。 客心洗流水, 余响入霜钟。 不觉碧山暮, 秋云暗几重? Five-cer-regular-verse Li Bai ON MONK FROM SE te-case, alking doain, me by one toucrings thousand valleys. I he cleansing brook, I he icy bells; And I feel no cain darken And cloudy autumn he sky. 104 五言律诗 李白 夜泊牛渚怀古 牛渚西江夜, 青天无片云; 登舟望秋月, 空忆谢将军。 余亦能高咏, 斯人不可闻。 明朝挂帆席, 枫叶落纷纷。 Five-cer-regular-verse Li Bai tS OF OLD tIME FROM A NIGht-MOORING UNDER MOUNt NIU-ZhU t to t of the river-brim t one cloud in the whole blue sky, As I cumn moon, Vainly remembering old General Xie.... I have poems; I can read; not mine. ...tomorrow I s my sail, ith fallen maple-leaves behind me. 105 五言律诗 杜甫 月夜 今夜鄜州月, 闺中只独看。 遥怜小儿女, 未解忆长安。 香雾云鬟湿, 清辉玉臂寒。 何时倚虚幌, 双照泪痕乾。 Five-cer-regular-verse Du Fu ON A MOONLIG Far off in Fuzc, atc alone from the window of her chamber- For our boy and girl, poor little babes, Are too young to know wal is. , e she moon. ...ears, atc light on our screen? 106 五言律诗 杜甫 春望 国破山河在, 城春草木深。 感时花溅泪, 恨别鸟惊心。 烽火连三月, 家书抵万金。 白头搔更短, 浑欲不胜簪。 Five-cer-regular-verse Du Fu A SPRING VIE try be sundered, hills and rivers endure; And spring comes green again to trees and grasses als ears And lonely birds heir grief. ...After ths, One message from on of gold. ...I stroke my hin to he hairpins any more. 107 五言律诗 杜甫 春宿左省 花隐掖垣暮, 啾啾栖鸟过。 星临万户动, 月傍九霄多。 不寝听金钥, 因风想玉珂。 明朝有封事, 数问夜如何。 Five-cer-regular-verse Du Fu A NIG COURt OF thE PALACE Flowers are she palace darkens, Birds tter by for a place to perch; en twinkling, And nine cloud-terraces are gleaming in t. ... for to turn, I s tinkling in the wind.... I ition to present in the morning, All nig time it is. 108 五言律诗 杜甫 至德二载甫自京金光门出,问道归凤翔。乾元初从左拾遗移华州掾。与亲故别,因出此门。有悲往事。 此道昔归顺, 西郊胡正繁。 至今残破胆, 应有未招魂。 近得归京邑, 移官岂至尊。 无才日衰老, 驻马望千门。 Five-cer-regular-verse Du Fu tAKING LEAVE OF FRIENDS ON MY AY tO hUAZhOU In tal te of Golden Lig to Fengxiang. In t year of Qianyuan, I ed as official to of Censor. Friends and relatives gate. And I e this poem. the road by which I fled, end of ty; And terror, ever since, c my vitals Lest some of my soul surn. ...t al; But the Emperor sends me away again. Useless and old, I rein in my horse For one last look at tes. 109 五言律诗 杜甫 月夜忆舍弟 戍鼓断人行, 秋边一雁声。 露从今夜白, 月是故乡明。 有弟皆分散, 无家问死生。 寄书长不达, 况乃未休兵。 Five-cer-regular-verse Du Fu REMEMBERING MY BROt NIGht A tle. By t call of autumn from a the border, tonig. ...er t is at home! O my brot and scattered, is life to me you? Yet if missives in time of peace go wrong -- can I hope for during war? 110 五言律诗 杜甫 天末怀李白 凉风起天末, 君子意如何。 鸿雁几时到, 江湖秋水多。 文章憎命达, 魑魅喜人过。 应共冤魂语, 投诗赠汨罗。 Five-cer-regular-verse Du Fu tO LI BAI At thE SKY SEND A cold he far sky.... are you thinking of, old friend? the wildgeese never answer me. Rivers and lakes are flooded h rain. ...A poet sy, Yet demons can a wanderer. Ask an un, to him he Milo River. 111 五言律诗 杜甫 奉济驿重送严公四韵 远送从此别, 青山空复情。 几时杯重把, 昨夜月同行。 列郡讴歌惜, 三朝出入荣。 将村独归处, 寂寞养残生。 Five-cer-regular-verse Du Fu A FAREELL At FENGJI StAtION tO GENERAL YAN t leave you, turning at t of tains.... our cups again, I wonder, As nighe moon? the region is murmuring farewell to one whree reigns; And back I go noo my river-village, Into tude. 112 五言律诗 杜甫 别房太尉墓 他乡复行役, 驻马别孤坟。 近泪无乾土, 低空有断云。 对棋陪谢傅, 把剑觅徐君。 唯见林花落, 莺啼送客闻。 Five-cer-regular-verse Du Fu ON LEAVING tOMB OF PREMIER FANG o travel back nohis far place, I dismount beside your lonely tomb. tand is ears; th broken clouds.... I w Premier Am bringing to my lord the dagger he desired. But I find only petals falling down, I s answering. 113 五言律诗 杜甫 旅夜书怀 细草微风岸, 危樯独夜舟。 星垂平野阔, 月涌大江流。 名岂文章著, 官应老病休。 飘飘何所似, 天地一沙鸥。 Five-cer-regular-verse Du Fu A NIGht ABROAD A lig the grassy shore.... t, to my motionless tall mast, tars lean down from open space, And the river. ...If only my art might bring me fame And free my sick old age from office! -- Flitting, flitting, w am I like But a sand-snipe in the wide, wide world! 114 五言律诗 杜甫 登岳阳楼 昔闻洞庭水, 今上岳阳楼。 吴楚东南坼, 乾坤日夜浮。 亲朋无一字, 老病有孤舟。 戎马关山北, 凭轩涕泗流。 Five-cer-regular-verse Du Fu ON tE-tOER At YOUZhOU I ing -- And no last I o tower. itry to t of me and Co th, I can see ing. ...But no word has reached me from kin or friends. I am old and sick and alone . Nortains -- And he rail how can I help crying? 115 五言律诗 王维 辋川闲居赠裴秀才迪 寒山转苍翠, 秋水日潺湲。 倚杖柴门外, 临风听暮蝉。 渡头余落日, 墟里上孤烟。 复值接舆醉, 狂歌五柳前。 Five-cer-regular-verse ang ei A MESSAGE FROM MY LODGE At ANGChUAN tO PEI DI tains are cold and blue now And tumn ers have run all day. By my tcaff, I listen to cicadas in the evening wind. Sunset lingers at the ferry, Supper-smoke floats up from the houses. ...O again And sing a Five illows? 116 五言律诗 王维 山居秋暝 空山新雨后, 天气晚来秋。 明月松间照, 清泉石上流。 竹喧归浣女, 莲动下渔舟。 随意春芳歇, 王孙自可留。 Five-cer-regular-verse ang ei AN AUtUMN EVENING IN tAINS After rain ty mountain Stands autumnal in the evening, Moonligs groves of pine, Stones of crystal in its brooks. Bamboos whisper of washer-girls bound home, Lotus-leaves yield before a fis -- And matter t springtime has gone, hile you are here, O Prince of Friends? 117 五言律诗 王维 归嵩山作 清川带长薄, 车马去闲闲。 流水如有意, 暮禽相与还。 荒城临古渡, 落日满秋山。 迢递嵩高下, 归来且闭关。 Five-cer-regular-verse ang ei BOUND O MOUNt SONG t its bushes Running slowly as my c, Becomes a fellow voyager Returning he evening birds. A ruined city-ops an old ferry, Autumn sunset floods the peaks. ...Far a Song, I s peace. 118 五言律诗 王维 终南山 太乙近天都, 连山接海隅。 白云回望合, 青霭入看无。 分野中峰变, 阴晴众壑殊。 欲投人处宿, 隔水问樵夫。 Five-cer-regular-verse ang ei MOUNt ZhONGNAN Its massive near ty of heaven Joins a tains to the sea. Clouds, when I look back, close behind me, Mists, hem, are gone. A central peak divides the wilds And o many valleys. ...Needing a place to spend t, I call to a ter over the river. 119 五言律诗 王维 酬张少府 晚年惟好静, 万事不关心。 自顾无长策, 空知返旧林。 松风吹解带, 山月照弹琴。 君问穷通理, 渔歌入浦深。 Five-cer-regular-verse ang ei ANSERING VICE-PREFECt ZhANG As t peace, Freedom from ten tters. I ask myself and always answer: can be better than coming home? A rees blows my sash, And my lute is brigain moon. You ask me about good and evil fortune?.... heres a fisherman singing! 120 五言律诗 王维 过香积寺 不知香积寺, 数里入云峰。 古木无人径, 深山何处钟。 泉声咽危石, 日色冷青松。 薄暮空潭曲, 安禅制毒龙。 Five-cer-regular-verse ang ei tOARD tEMPLE OF hEAPED FRAGRANCE Not knoo temple of heaped Fragrance, Under miles of mountain-cloud I have wandered t a rack; But no I hear a bell. A rillet sings over winding rocks, tempered by green pines.... And at tying pool, t can conquer the Passion-Dragon. 121 五言律诗 王维 送梓州李使君 万壑树参天, 千山响杜鹃。 山中一夜雨, 树杪百重泉。 汉女输橦布, 巴人讼芋田。 文翁翻教授, 不敢倚先贤。 Five-cer-regular-verse ang ei A MESSAGE tO COMMISSIONER LI At ZIZhOU From ten trees touch heaven; On a thousand peaks cuckoos are calling; And, after a nigain rain, From eac come hundreds of silken cascades. ...If girls are asked in tribute they weave, Or farmers quarrel over taro fields, Preside as wisely as enweng did.... Is fame to be only for ts? 122 五言律诗 王维 汉江临眺 楚塞三湘接, 荆门九派通。 江流天地外, 山色有无中。 郡邑浮前浦, 波澜动远空。 襄阳好风日, 留醉与山翁。 Five-cer-regular-verse ang ei A VIE OF thE hAN RIVER its the Chu border, And its nine streams touceway of Jing, th, ains bot. ting along On ripples of tant sky -- tiful days here in Xiangyang Make drunken my old mountain ! 123 五言律诗 王维 终南别业 中岁颇好道, 晚家南山陲。 兴来美独往, 胜事空自知。 行到水穷处, 坐看云起时。 偶然值林叟, 谈笑无还期。 Five-cer-regular-verse ang ei MY REtREAt At MOUNt ZhONGNAN My in middle age found the ay. And I came to d t of tain. moves, I wander alone Amid beauty t is all for me.... I ill ter ch, t and che rising clouds -- And some day meet an old ter And talk and laugurn. 124 五言律诗 孟浩然 望洞庭湖赠张丞相 八月湖水平, 涵虚混太清。 气蒸云梦泽, 波撼岳阳城。 欲济无舟楫, 端居耻圣明。 坐观垂钓者, 空有羡鱼情。 Five-cer-regular-verse Meng haoran A MESSAGE FROM LAKE DONGtIN tO PREMIER ZhANG ers of the lake Are of a single air h heaven, And a mist from the Yun and Meng valleys y of Youzhou. I so cross, but I can find no boat. ...o be idler tatesmen, As I sit cing And emptily envy ch. 125 五言律诗 孟浩然 与诸子登岘山 人事有代谢, 往来成古今。 江山留胜迹, 我辈复登临。 水落鱼梁浅, 天寒梦泽深。 羊公碑字在, 读罢泪沾襟。 Five-cer-regular-verse Meng haoran ON CLIMBING YAN MOUNtAIN Ith FRIENDS ters take turn, Ancient, modern, to and fro, Rivers and mountains are cheir glory And still to be nessed from trail. dips by a erfall, he valley, t of Yang remains; And he words. 126 五言律诗 孟浩然 清明日宴梅道士房 林卧愁春尽, 开轩览物华。 忽逢青鸟使, 邀入赤松家。 丹灶初开火, 仙桃正发花。 童颜若可驻, 何惜醉流霞。 Five-cer-regular-verse Meng haoran At A BANQUEt IN thE hOUSE OF tAOISt PRIESt MEI In my bed among t spring must end, I lifted up tain on a pathway of flowers, And a flashing bluebird bade me come to the Red Pine Genie. ... a flame for his golden crucible -- Peacrees magical h buds ! -- And for holding boyhood in his face, the rosy-flowing wine of clouds! 127 五言律诗 孟浩然 岁暮归南山 北阙休上书, 南山归敝庐。 不才明主弃, 多病故人疏。 白发催年老, 青阳逼岁除。 永怀愁不寐, 松月夜窗墟。 Five-cer-regular-verse Meng haoran ON REtURNING At tO ZAIN I petition no more at te. ...to tumble-down on Zain I was banished for my blunders, by a wise ruler. I have been sick so long I see none of my friends. My we en my decline, Like pale beams ending the old year. therefore I lie awake and ponder On t in my empty window. 128 五言律诗 孟浩然 过故人庄 故人具鸡黍, 邀我至田家。 绿树村边合, 青山郭外斜。 开轩面场圃, 把酒话桑麻。 待到重阳日, 还来就菊花。 Five-cer-regular-verse Meng haoran StOPPING At A FRIENDS FARM-hOUSE Preparing me chicken and rice, old friend, You entertain me at your farm. e crees t circle your village And tlying mountains. e open your window over garden and field, to talk mulberry and h our cups in our hands. ...ait till tain holiday -- I am coming again in cime. 129 五言律诗 孟浩然 秦中感秋寄远上人 一丘尝欲卧, 三径苦无资。 北土非吾愿, 东林怀我师。 黄金燃桂尽, 壮志逐年衰。 日夕凉风至, 闻蝉但益悲。 Five-cer-regular-verse Meng haoran FROM QIN COUNtRY tO t PRIESt YUAN ain If I o live as a recluse! For I turn at last from serving tate to tern oods temple and to you, my master. ...Like ashes of gold in a cinnamon-flame, My yout he years- And tonig-wind A cicada, singing, weig. 130 五言律诗 孟浩然 宿桐庐江寄广陵旧游 山暝听猿愁, 沧江急夜流。 风鸣两岸叶, 月照一孤舟。 建德非吾土, 维扬忆旧游。 还将两行泪, 遥寄海西头。 Five-cer-regular-verse Meng haoran FROM A MOORING ON tONGLU tO A FRIEND IN YANGZhOU itain, And t, And a h banks, And t my solitary sail, I, a stranger in trict, homesick for my Yangzhou friends, Send eastreams of tears to find t touche sea. 131 五言律诗 孟浩然 留别王侍御维 寂寂竟何待, 朝朝空自归。 欲寻芳草去, 惜与故人违。 当路谁相假, 知音世所稀。 祗应守寂寞, 还掩故园扉。 Five-cer-regular-verse Meng haoran tAKING LEAVE OF ANG EI Sloant, I ed Day after day, till no go. t be If t mean good-bye, old friend. to us And men of affairs are not our kind. I urn back home, I will say no more, I e of my old garden. 132 五言律诗 孟浩然 早寒江上有怀 木落雁南渡, 北风江上寒。 我家襄水曲, 遥隔楚云端。 乡泪客中尽, 孤帆天际看。 迷津欲有问, 平海夕漫漫。 Five-cer-regular-verse Meng haoran MEMORIES IN EARLY INtER Southe wildgesse, for leaves are now falling, And ter is cold h. I remember my the Xiang Rivers curves Are ry. I go forill my tears are spent. I see a sail in the far sky. ell me? Its growing rougs growing dark. 133 五言律诗 刘长卿 秋日登吴公台上寺远眺 古台摇落后, 秋日望乡心。 野寺人来少, 云峰水隔深。 夕阳依旧垒, 寒磬满空林。 惆怅南朝事, 长江独至今。 Five-cer-regular-verse Liu Changqing CLIMBING IN AUtUMN FOR A VIE FROM tEMPLE ON tERRACE OF GENERAL U So autumn breaks my .... Feure climbing to a temple so wild, Up from tain clouds. ...Sunset clings in the old defences, A stone gong sy woods. ...Of ty, w remains? Not t River. 134 五言律诗 刘长卿 送李中丞归汉阳别业 流落征南将, 曾驱十万师。 罢归无旧业, 老去恋明时。 独立三边静, 轻生一剑知。 茫茫江汉上, 日暮复何之。 Five-cer-regular-verse Liu Chanqing A FAREELL tO GOVERNOR LI ON O hANYANG Sad h, Commanding a housand men; today, dismissed and dispossessed, In your old age you remember glory. Once, ill; Your dagger he scale of life. Noc rivers, the han, On the evening, where do you go? 135 五言律诗 刘长卿 饯别王十一南游 望君烟水阔, 挥手泪沾巾。 飞鸟没何处? 青山空向人。 长江一帆远, 落日五湖春。 谁见汀洲上, 相思愁白苹? Five-cer-regular-verse Liu Changing ON SEEING ANG LEAVE FOR th to upon ter Still I wave my hand and sob, For t in space Beyond a desolate green mountain.... But nohe far lone sail, five lakes, gleam like spring in t; And doh duckweed Comes t of communion. 136 五言律诗 刘长卿 寻南溪常山道人隐居 一路经行处, 莓苔见履痕。 白云依静渚, 春草闭闲门。 过雨看松色, 随山到水源。 溪花与禅意, 相对亦忘言。 Five-cer-regular-verse Liu Changing ING ON tREAM tAOISt PRIESt ChANG alking along a little path, I find a footprint on the moss, A w lake, Grasses t sen an idle door, A pine grohe rain, A brook t comes from a mountain source -- And, mingling ruthe flowers, I ten o say. 137 五言律诗 刘长卿 新年作 乡心新岁切, 天畔独潸然。 老至居人下, 春归在客先。 岭猿同旦暮, 江柳共风烟。 已似长沙傅, 从今又几年。 Five-cer-regular-verse Liu Changqing NE YEARS At ChANGShA New Years only deepens my longing, Adds to tears of an exile ill in harness, Is left he homing spring.... Monkeys come doains to me. I bend like a he river. I taught here and died here- And I erm shall be. 138 五言律诗 钱起 送僧归日本 上国随缘住, 来途若梦行。 浮天沧海远, 去世法舟轻。 水月通禅寂, 鱼龙听梵声。 惟怜一灯影, 万里眼中明。 Five-cer-regular-verse Qian Qi FAREELL tO A JAPANESE BUDD PRIESt BOUND hOMEARD You o find the source. Noracing your way as in a dream ts up the sky, You .... ter and th, Fising, And till che horizon t of your single lantern. 139 五言律诗 钱起 谷口书斋寄杨补阙 泉壑带茅茨, 云霞生薜帷。 竹怜新雨后, 山爱夕阳时。 闲鹭栖常早, 秋花落更迟。 家童扫萝径, 昨与故人期。 Five-cer-regular-verse Qian Qi FROM MY StUDY At thE VALLEY. A MESSAGE tO CENSOR YANG At a little grass- in the river, here a cloud seems born from a viney wall, You h rain, And mountains tender in t. Cranes drift early o rest And autumn floo fade.... I o sh For the coming of my friend. 140 五言律诗 韦应物 淮上喜会梁川故人 江汉曾为客, 相逢每醉还。 浮云一别后, 流水十年间。 欢笑情如旧, 萧疏鬓已斑。 何因北归去? 淮上对秋山。 Five-cer-regular-verse ei Yingwu A GREEtING ON thE hUAI RIVER tO MY OLD FRIENDS FROM LIANGChUAN e used to be companions on the han, And as often as , o be tipsy. Since one anoting apart like clouds, ten years er-till at last we join again. And alk again and laug as in earlier days, Except t tinged noh grey. come along, together, And face tumn mountains and sail along the huai? 141 五言律诗 韦应物 赋得暮雨送李胄 楚江微雨里, 建业暮钟时。 漠漠帆来重, 冥冥鸟去迟。 海门深不见, 浦树远含滋。 相送情无限, 沾襟比散丝。 Five-cer-regular-verse ei Yingwu A FAREELL IN tO LI CAO Is it raining on to Chu? -- - to us from Nanjing. Your sail drags and is loato be going And shadowy birds are flying slow. e cannot see te -- Only t Pukou, newly dripping. Like love, ter on our faces. 142 五言律诗 韩翃 酬程延秋夜即事见赠 长簟迎风早, 空城澹月华。 星河秋一雁, 砧杵夜千家。 节候看应晚, 心期卧亦赊。 向来吟秀句, 不觉已鸣鸦。 Five-cer-regular-verse han hong AN AUtUMN EVENING hARMONIZING ChENG QINS POEM , And tys naked umn moon, I see a lone ars, And I one in t, ts.... But, instead of wis goes, to bear me also far away, I iful t I forget the homing birds. 143 五言律诗 刘脊虚 阙题 道由白云尽, 春与青溪长。 时有落花至, 远隋流水香。 闲门向山路, 深柳读书堂。 幽映每白日, 清辉照衣裳。 又作闲 Five-cer-regular-verse Liu Jixu A POEM On a road outreace clouds, By a spring outrunning t river, Petals come drifting on the wind And t he way. My quiet gate is a mountain-trail, And trees about my cottage Sift on my sleeve, the shadowy noon, Distillations of the sun. 144 五言律诗 戴叔伦 江乡故人偶集客舍 天秋月又满, 城阙夜千重。 还作江南会, 翻疑梦里逢。 风枝惊暗鹊, 露草覆寒虫。 羁旅长堪醉, 相留畏晓钟。 Five-cer-regular-verse Dai Shulun ChANGING ON OLD FRIENDS IN A VILLAGE INN umn moon is pouring full On a t-levels among towns and villages, t by che river, Dreaming doubters of a dream.... In trees a led the birds, And insects cohe grass; But least have wine And noto fear -- till the morning bell. 145 五言律诗 卢纶 李端公 故关衰草遍, 离别正堪悲。 路出寒云外, 人归暮雪时。 少孤为客早, 多难识君迟。 掩泪空相向, 风尘何处期。 Five-cer-regular-verse Lu Lun A FAREELL tO LI DUAN By my old gate, among yellow grasses, Still . t follohrough cold clouds ill lead you to snow. Your fat home young; Nobody kneunes. e cry, can I wish you, In try world? 146 五言律诗 李益 喜见外弟又言别 十年离乱后, 长大一相逢。 问姓惊初见, 称名忆旧容。 别来沧海事, 语罢暮天钟。 明日巴陵道, 秋山又几重。 Five-cer-regular-verse Li Yi A BRIEF BUt ING IthER-IN LA quot;MEEtING BY ACCIDENt, ONLY tO PARtquot; After ten torn wearisome years e again. e h so changed t your surname, I t you a stranger -- then hearing your given name, I remembered your young face.... All t ides e old and told till the evening bell.... tomorroo Youzhou, Leaving autumn beter peak. 147 五言律诗 司空曙 云阳馆与韩绅宿别 故人江海别, 几度隔山川。 乍见翻疑梦, 相悲各问年。 孤灯寒照雨, 深竹暗浮烟。 更有明朝恨, 离杯惜共传。 Five-cer-regular-verse Sikong Shu A FAREELL tO thE YUNYANG INN Long divided by river and sea, For years -- And suddenly to find you seems like a dream.... itc, we ask how old we are. ...Our single lamp s, On a bamboo- t shed in rain; But forgetting t omorrow, Let us s of this farewell wine. 148 五言律诗 司空曙 喜外弟卢纶见宿 静夜四无邻, 荒居旧业贫。 雨中黄叶树, 灯下白头人。 以我独沉久, 愧君相访频。 平生自有分, 况是蔡家亲。 Five-cer-regular-verse Sikong Shu it t night, tage; And as raindrops brighten yellow leaves, te head.... Out of these many years, I am aso receive you here. But you cannot come too often, More ther, lifelong friend. 149 五言律诗 司空曙 贼平后送人北归 世乱同南去, 时清独北还。 他乡生白发, 旧国见青山。 晓月过残垒, 繁星宿故关。 寒禽与衰草, 处处伴愁颜。 Five-cer-regular-verse Sikiong Shu tO A FRIEND BOUND NORth AFtER thE REBELLION In dangerous times h; Noy, me. But remember my e among strangers, ains of home. ...t, Leaving star-clusters above an old gate.... thering grasses, urn my face. 150 五言律诗 刘禹锡 蜀先主庙 天地英雄气, 千秋尚凛然。 势分三足鼎, 业复五铢钱。 得相能开国, 生儿不象贤。 凄凉蜀故妓, 来舞魏宫前。 Five-cer-regular-verse Liu Yuxi IN tEMPLE OF t KING OF ShU Even in t of a hero Lives and reigns for thousands of years. You of ts three legs; It he currency; You c premier to magnify your kingdom.... And yet you tle like her t girls of your country aken captive to dance in the King of ei. 151 五言律诗 张籍 没蕃故人 前年伐月支, 城下没全师。 蕃汉断消息, 死生长别离。 无人收废帐, 归马识残旗。 欲祭疑君在, 天涯哭此时。 又作戎 Five-cer-regular-verse Zhang Ji t IN tIBEtAN AR Last year you roops to tibet; And wywall, Ne off betwo worlds As bethe dead. No one hful horse guarding A crumpled tent or torn flag, or any trace of you. If only I knew, I migemple, Instead of tears tohe far sky. 152 五言律诗 白居易 赋得古原草送别 离离原上草, 一岁一枯荣。 野火烧不尽, 春风吹又生。 远芳侵古道, 晴翠接荒城。 又送王孙去, 萋萋满别情。 Five-cer-regular-verse Bai Juyi GRASSES Boundless grasses over the plain Come and go h every season; ildfire never quite consumes them -- tall once more in the spring wind. S the old high- road And reacy-gate.... O Prince of Friends, you are gone again.... I er you. 153 五言律诗 杜牧 旅宿 旅馆无良伴, 凝情自悄然。 寒灯思旧事, 断雁警愁眠。 远梦归侵晓, 家书到隔年。 沧江好烟月, 门系钓鱼船。 Five-cer-regular-verse Du Mu A NIG A tAVERN Solitary at tavern, I am s in h loneliness and grief. Under t; I am kept a wildgoose. ...Roused at day dream, I read, a year late, news from home -- And I remember the river And a fis moored there, under my door. 154 五言律诗 许浑 秋日赴阙题潼关驿楼 红叶晚萧萧, 长亭酒一瓢。 残云归太华, 疏雨过中条。 树色随山迥, 河声入海遥。 帝乡明日到, 犹自梦渔樵。 Five-cer-regular-verse Xu hun INSCRIBED IN t tONG GAtE ON AN AUtUMN tRIP tO tAL Red leaves are fluttering do Past take my wine; Cloud-rifts are bloo Floain, And a she Middle Ridge. I can see trees colouring a distant wall. I can he sea, As I ty tomorrow -- But I dream of woodsmen and fishermen. 155 五言律诗 许浑 早秋 遥夜泛清瑟, 西风生翠萝。 残萤栖玉露, 早雁拂银河。 高树晓还密, 远山晴更多。 淮南一叶下, 自觉老烟波。 Five-cer-regular-verse Xu hun EARLY AUtUMN t playing clear, les a green vine; touce dew And an early ars.... Nigall trees clings to dawn; Ligant hills; And he huai, by one falling leaf, I can feel a storm on Lake Dongting. 156 五言律诗 李商隐 蝉 本以高难饱, 徒劳恨费声。 五更疏欲断, 一树碧无情。 薄宦梗犹泛, 故园芜已平。 烦君最相警, 我亦举家清。 Five-cer-regular-verse Li Shangyin A CICADA Pure of and therefore hungry, All night long you have sung in vain -- Oh Among t trees! Yes, I wood, I my garden fill h weeds.... I bless you for your true advice to live as pure a life as yours. 157 五言律诗 李商隐 风雨 凄凉宝剑篇, 羁泊欲穷年。 黄叶仍风雨, 青楼自管弦。 新知遭薄俗, 旧好隔良缘。 心断新丰酒, 销愁斗几千。 Five-cer-regular-verse Li Shangyin IND AND RAIN I ponder on the Precious Dagger. My road hrough many years. ...Now yellow leaves are sh a gale; Yet piping and fiddling keep the Blue houses merry. On to be glad of new people; But doomed to leave old friends behind me, I cry out from my for Xinfeng wine to melt ahousand woes. 158 五言律诗 李商隐 落花 高阁客竟去, 小园花乱飞。 参差连曲陌, 迢递送斜晖。 肠断未忍扫, 眼穿仍欲归。 芳心向春尽, 所得是沾衣。 Five-cer-regular-verse Li Shangyin FALLING PEtALS Gone is t from the Chamber of Rank, And petals, confused in my little garden, Zigzagging doh, Escort like dancers tting sun. Oo shem away? to a sad-eyed curn. s fragrance is spent he ending of spring And not but a tear-stained robe. 159 五言律诗 李商隐 凉思 客去波平槛, 蝉休露满枝。 永怀当此节, 倚立自移时。 北斗兼春远, 南陵寓使迟。 天涯占梦数, 疑误有新知。 Five-cer-regular-verse Li Shangyin tS IN thE COLD You are gone. t my door. Cicadas are mute on dew-laden boughs. t er deep. I stand alone for a long while. ...tar is nearer to me nohan spring, And couriers from your southland never arrive -- Yet I doubt my dream on the far horizon t you her friend. 160 五言律诗 李商隐 北青萝 残阳西入崦, 茅屋访孤僧。 落叶人何在? 寒云路几层。 独敲初夜磬, 闲倚一枝藤。 世界微尘里, 吾宁爱与憎。 Five-cer-regular-verse Li Shangyin NORth AMONG GREEN VINES ered tern hills, I look for a monk in tle straw ; But only t home, And I turn through chilling levels of cloud I one gong in the dusk, I lean full-weigaff , Can the passions of men? 161 五言律诗 温庭筠 送人东游 荒戍落黄叶, 浩然离故关。 高风汉阳渡, 初日郢门山。 江上几人在? 天涯孤棹还。 何当重相见? 樽酒慰离颜。 Five-cer-regular-verse en tingyun tO A FRIEND BOUND EASt t brims h yellow leaves.... You insist upon forsaking this place where you have lived. A hanyang Ferry And sunrise lig of Yingmen.... for me along the upper Yangzi After your solitary skiff ered the sky? I ask you over and over w again, en his ache of farewell. 162 五言律诗 马戴 灞上秋居 灞原风雨定, 晚见雁行频。 落叶他乡树, 寒灯独夜人。 空园白露滴, 孤壁野僧邻。 寄卧郊扉久, 何年致此身? Five-cer-regular-verse Ma Dai AN AUtUMN COttAGE At BAShANG After t Bashang, I see an evening line of wildgeese, tree, A lanterns cold gleam, lonely in t, An empty garden, h dew, tery. ...I aken my ease here long enough. am I ing for, I wonder. 163 五言律诗 马戴 楚江怀古 露气寒光集, 微阳下楚丘。 猿啼洞庭树, 人在木兰舟。 广泽生明月, 苍山夹乱流。 云中君不见, 竟夕自悲秋。 Five-cer-regular-verse Ma Dai tS OF OLD tIME ON thE ChU RIVER A cold lighering dew, As sunset fades beyond tains; trees ecing, . Marshe moon, orrents are bent to tains will; And the Clouds leave me Sad umn all night long. 164 五言律诗 张乔 书边事 调角断清秋, 征人倚戍楼。 春风对青冢, 白日落梁州。 大漠无兵阻, 穷边有客游。 蕃情似此水, 长愿向南流。 Five-cer-regular-verse Zhang Qiao ON thE BORDER tal air of autumn, Soldiers, in t, c ease today the spring wind blowing across green graves And tting beyond Liangzhou. For noh war, to travel again; And tartars can no more chan rivers: toh. 165 五言律诗 崔涂 巴山道中除夜有怀 迢递三巴路, 羁危万里身。 乱山残雪夜, 孤独异乡春。 渐与骨肉远, 转于僮仆亲。 那堪正飘泊, 明日岁华新。 又作人 Five-cer-regular-verse Cui tu ON NE YEARS EVE Farthree Ba Roads, I chful, tcmountains -- A stranger ern she wind. ...Separation from my kin Binds me closer to my servants -- Yet , Neomorrow morning! 166 五言律诗 崔涂 孤雁 几行归塞尽, 片影独何之? 暮雨相呼失, 寒塘欲下迟。 渚云低暗渡, 关月冷相随。 未必逢矰缴, 孤飞自可疑。 Five-cer-regular-verse Cui tu A SOLItARY ILDGOOSE Line after line he border. here are you headed all by yourself? In to them -- And slo on an icy pond. t clouds move faster than you Along tohe cold moon. ...If t you in a net or , ould it be han flying alone? 167 五言律诗 杜荀鹤 春宫怨 早被婵娟误, 欲妆临镜慵。 承恩不在貌, 教妾若为容? 风暖鸟声碎, 日高花影重。 年年越溪女, 相忆采芙蓉。 Five-cer-regular-verse Du Xunhe A SIGhE SPRING PALACE Knoy my misfortune, I face my mirror h a sigh. to please a fastidious emperor, how shall I array myself?.... Birds flock and sing whe wind is warm, Flower-she sun is high -- And year after year girls in th Are picking hibiscus, dreaming of love! 168 五言律诗 韦庄 章台夜思 清瑟怨遥夜, 绕弦风雨哀。 孤灯闻楚角, 残月下章台。 芳草已云暮, 故人殊未来。 乡书不可寄, 秋雁又南回。 Five-cer-regular-verse ei Zhuang A NIG ON tERRACE tOER Far t a harp is sighing itrings.... tary lantern, a bugle-call -- And beyond terrace tohe moon. ...Fragrant grasses have changed and faded ill I my old friend would come.... there are no more messengers I can send him, No turned south. 169 五言律诗 僧皎然 寻陆鸿渐不遇 移家虽带郭, 野径入桑麻。 近种篱边菊, 秋来未著花。 扣门无犬吠, 欲去问西家。 报到山中去, 归来每日斜。 Five-cer-regular-verse Seng Jiaoran NOt FINDING LU hOME to find you, moved beyond ty, A h led me, by mulberry and hemp, to a ne hemums -- Not yet blooming altumn had come. ...I knocked; no ans even a dog. I ed to ask your ern neighbour; But old me t daily you climb tain, Never returning until sunset. 卷06、七言律诗 170 七言律诗 崔颢 黄鹤楼 昔人已乘黄鹤去, 此地空余黄鹤楼。 黄鹤一去不复返, 白云千载空悠悠。 晴川历历汉阳树, 芳草萋萋鹦鹉洲。 日暮乡关何处是? 烟波江上使人愁。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Cui hao tERRACE o heaven, Not no terrace. ted earth, And him for ever. ...Every tree in er, And Parrot Island is a nest of s grasses; But I look to grows dark it of grief on the river waves. 171 七言律诗 崔颢 行经华阴 岧峣太华俯咸京, 天外三峰削不成。 武帝祠前云欲散, 仙人掌上雨初晴。 河山北枕秦关险, 驿树西连汉畤平。 借问路傍名利客, 无如此处学长生。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Cui hao PASSING thROUGh hUAYIN Lords of tal, shly, t Flos pierce through heaven. Clouds are parting above temple of the arring Emperor, Rain dries on tain, on ts Palm. Ranges and rivers are trengtern gate, rails lead doo China. ...O pilgrim of fame, O seeker of profit, remain hen your days? 172 七言律诗 祖咏 望蓟门 燕台一去客心惊, 箫鼓喧喧汉将营。 万里寒光生积雪, 三边曙色动危旌。 沙场烽火侵胡月, 海畔云山拥蓟城。 少小虽非投笔吏, 论功还欲请长缨。 Five-cer-regular-verse Zu Yong LOOKING tOARD AN INNER GAtE OF t ALL My sank wry to th bugle and drum. ...In an endless cold light of massive snow, tall flags on three borders rise up like a dawn. ar-torc, Mountain-clouds like c all from the sea. ...t to be a great general, I ting-brush -- Like tudent , I c may come. 173 七言律诗 李颀 送魏万之京 朝闻游子唱骊歌, 昨夜微霜初度河。 鸿雁不堪愁里听, 云山况是客中过。 关城树色催寒近, 御苑砧声向晚多。 莫见长安行乐处, 空令岁月易蹉跎。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Li Qi A FAREELL tO EI AN travellers parting-song sounds in the dawn. Last nig frost came over the river; And t Bounded by a gloom of cloudy mountains.... e City, day will flush cold And -- al content you, he years so vainly go by? 174 七言律诗 崔曙 九日登望仙台呈刘明府 汉文皇帝有高台, 此日登临曙色开。 三晋云山皆北向, 二陵风雨自东来。 关门令尹谁能识? 河上仙翁去不回, 且欲竟寻彭泽宰, 陶然共醉菊花杯。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Cui Shu A CLIMB ON tAIN hOLIDAY tO tERRACE hE MAGICIAN A POEM SENt tO VICE-PREFECt LU terrace o che coming dawn. Cloudy peaks run nortricts, And rains are blowo Ling valleys. ... me about t te, Or whe River Bank is, Or o find t magistrate, t poet, hemums and winecups? 175 七言律诗 李白 登金陵凤凰台 凤凰台上凤凰游, 凤去台空江自流。 吴宫花草埋幽径,晋代衣冠成古邱。 三台半落青山外,二水中分白鹭洲。 总为浮云能蔽日, 长安不见使人愁。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Li Bai ON CLIMBING IN NANJING tO tERRACE OF PhOENIXES P played them, noo te river; th weeds; ts of Qin are ancient dust. ...Like three Peaks, Like te Egrets dividing the river, A cloud of heaven and me, to y from my melanc. 176 七言律诗 高适 送李少府贬峡中王少府贬长沙 嗟君此别意何如? 驻马衔杯问谪居。 巫峡啼猿数行泪, 衡阳归雁几封书。 青枫江上秋帆远, 白帝城边古木疏。 圣代即今多雨露, 暂时分手莫踌躇。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Gao Shi tO VICE-PREFECtS LI AND ANG DEGRADED AND tRANSFERRED tO XIAZhONG AND ChANGShA are you t from one another, Pulling in our irrup-cups? Do tear-streaks mean u Valley monkeys all weeping, Or urning ain?.... On tumn sail grows dim, trees by te God City.... But to fresh a dew of heavenly favour -- take , her again! 177 七言律诗 岑参 奉和中书舍人贾至早朝大明宫 鸡鸣紫陌曙光寒, 莺啭皇州春色阑。 金阙晓钟开万户, 玉阶仙仗拥千官。 花迎剑佩星初落, 柳拂旌旗露未乾。 独有凤凰池上客, 阳春一曲和皆难。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Cen Can AN EARLY AUDIENCE At t ARY JIA ZhIS POEM Cock-crohe dawn; Linnet songs, court roofs tinted h April; At te morning bell, countless doors open, And up teps float a thousand officials itars have gone down; illows are brushe flags -- And, alone on t Is cing too Spring. 178 七言律诗 王维 和贾舍人早朝大明宫之作 绛帻鸡人送晓筹, 尚衣方进翠云裘。 九天阊阖开宫殿, 万国衣冠拜冕旒。 日色才临仙掌动, 香烟欲傍衮龙浮。 朝罢须裁五色诏, 佩声归向凤池头。 Seven-cer-regular-verse ang ei AN EARLY AUDIENCE At t ARY JIA ZhI POEM t announced morning; the Robes brings Jade-Cloud Furs; s courtyards; And ts of many countries boo the Pearl Crown. Sunsered ts carven palms; Incense he Dragon Robe: t Sets girdle-beads clinking tohe Phoenix. 179 七言律诗 王维 奉和圣制从蓬莱向兴庆阁道中留春雨中春望之作应制 渭水自萦秦塞曲, 黄山旧绕汉宫斜。 銮舆迥出千门柳, 阁道回看上苑花。 云里帝城双凤阙, 雨中春树万人家。 为乘阳气行时令, 不是宸游玩物华。 Seven-cer-regular-verse ang ei LOOKING DON IN A SPRING-RAIN ON thE COURSE FROM FAIRY-MOUNtAIN PALACE tO thE PAVILION OF INCREASE hE EMPERORS POEM Round a turn of tress he ei River, And Yelloain foot- of China; Past te he Car of Many Bells On th of blossom; A Forbidden City roof wo phoenixes in cloud; ters multitudes from rain; And noion, eful wanderer. 180 七言律诗 王维 积雨辋川庄作 积雨空林烟火迟, 蒸藜炊黍饷东灾。 漠漠水田飞白鹭, 阴阴夏木啭黄鹂。 山中习静观朝槿, 松下清斋折露葵。 野老与人争席罢, 海鸥何事更相疑? Seven-cer-regular-verse ang ei IN MY LODGE At ANG ChUAN AFtER A LONG RAIN tored the smoke As rice is cooked on faggots and carried to the fields; Over t marse egret, And mango-birds are singing in trees.... I o cain morningglories, to eat split dewy sunflower-seeds under a bough of pine, to yield t of o any boor at all.... en sea gulls, even ? 181 七言律诗 王维 酬郭给事 洞门高阁霭余辉, 桃李阴阴柳絮飞。 禁里疏钟官舍晚, 省中啼鸟吏人稀。 晨摇玉佩趋金殿, 夕奉天书拜琐闱。 强欲从君无那老, 将因卧病解朝衣。 Seven-cer-regular-verse ang ei tENDANt GUO ower s ton flies. You -bell of t; Birds find perches, officials head for home. Your morning-jade inkle as you the golden palace; You es at night. And I s being full of years, I aken off official robes and am resting from my troubles. 182 七言律诗 杜甫 蜀相 丞相祠堂何处寻? 锦官城外柏森森, 映阶碧草自春色, 隔叶黄鹂空好音。 三顾频烦天下计, 两朝开济老臣心。 出师未捷身先死, 长使英雄泪满襟。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Du Fu tEMPLE OF thE PREMIER OF ShU emple of the famous Premier? -- In a deep pine grove near ty of Silk, iteps, And birds che leaves. ...ted ate And to tions rue , But before he could conquer, he was dead; And on ts ever since. 183 七言律诗 杜甫 客至 舍南舍北皆春水, 但见群鸥日日来。 花径不曾缘客扫, 蓬门今始为君开。 盘飧市远无兼味, 樽酒家贫只旧醅。 肯与邻翁相对饮, 隔篱呼取尽余杯。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Du Fu A Y ELCOME tO VICE-PREFECt CUI North of me, spring is in flood, Day after day I have seen only gulls.... My patals -- I it for no others. My tce opens now for you. Its a long o t, I can offer you little -- Yet tage there is old wine for our cups. So join us, Call he jar dry? 184 七言律诗 杜甫 野望 西山白雪三城戍, 南浦清江万里桥。 海内风尘诸弟隔, 天涯涕泪一身遥。 唯将迟暮供多病, 未有涓埃答圣朝。 跨马出郊时极目, 不堪人事日萧条。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Du Fu A VIE OF thE ILDERNESS Snoains and on tified towns, And ers in thern lake flash on a long bridge. But from sea to sea bar me from my brothers; And I cannot help crying, I am so far away. I o expect no the ills of old age. I am of less use to my country t. I ride out to toche horizon, Day after day, the world. 185 七言律诗 杜甫 闻官军收河南河北 剑外忽传收蓟北, 初闻涕泪满衣裳。 却看妻子愁何在? 漫卷诗书喜欲狂。 白日放歌须纵酒, 青春作伴好还乡。 即从巴峡穿巫峡, 便下襄阳向洛阳。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Du Fu BOthE YELLO RIVER RECAPtURED BY thE IMPERIAL ARMY Ne tern station! tured! At first I cannot cears from pouring on my coat -- here is my wife? here are my sons? Yet crazily sure of finding them, I pack my books and poems- - And loud my song and deep my drink On t starts me home, Back from tain, past anotain, Up from to my oown! 186 七言律诗 杜甫 登高 风急天高猿啸哀, 渚清沙白鸟飞回。 无边落木萧萧下, 不尽长江滚滚来。 万里悲秋常作客, 百年多病独登台。 艰难苦恨繁霜鬓, 潦倒新停浊酒杯。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Du Fu A LONG CLIMB In a she wide sky apes are whimpering, Birds are flying e sand, Leaves are dropping doerfall, che long river always rolling on. I umn And alone. Ill fortune ter frost on my temples, -ac in my wine. 187 七言律诗 杜甫 登楼 花近高楼伤客心, 万方多难此登临。 锦江春色来天地, 玉垒浮云变古今。 北极朝庭终不改, 西山寇盗莫相侵。 可怜后主还祠庙, 日暮聊为梁父吟。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Du Fu FROM AN UPPER StORY Flo of a wanderer For I see, from tage, sadness everywhere. t s beth and heaven Like a line of cloud by t days and now. ...tate is establisar And bandits dare not venture from tern hills, Yet sorry in twilighe woes of a longvanished Emperor, I am singing till unestranged from tain. 188 七言律诗 杜甫 宿府 清秋幕府井梧寒, 独宿江城蜡炬残。 永夜角声悲自语, 中天月色好谁看? 风尘荏苒音书绝, 关塞萧条行陆难。 已忍伶俜十年事, 强移栖息一枝安。 又作路 Seven-cer-regular-verse Du Fu StAYING At tERS tumn nigrees of tyard. I am lying forlorn in toctering candle. I es of a bugle sounding the dark. t to s h me. My messengers are scattered by whirls of rain and sand. City-gates are closed to a traveller; mountains are walls in my way -- Yet, I iable existence, Find tle branc. 189 七言律诗 杜甫 阁夜 岁暮阴阳催短景, 天涯霜雪霁寒霄。 五更鼓角声悲壮, 三峡星河影动摇。 野哭千家闻战伐, 夷歌数处起渔樵。 卧龙跃马终黄土, 人事音书漫寂寥。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Du Fu NIGCOER er dayligens in tal scale And sno , Stark sounds tch a challenge of drum and bugle. ...tars and tains; I ance, er ttle; I see barbarian fisters in the dawn. ...Sleeping-Dragon, Plunging- -- , O tumult of the world. 190 七言律诗 杜甫 咏怀古迹五首之一 支离东北风尘际, 漂泊西南天地间。 三峡楼台淹日月, 五溪衣服共云山。 羯胡事主终无赖, 词客哀时且未还。 庾信平生最萧瑟, 暮年诗赋动江关。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Du Fu POEtIC tS ON ANCIENt SItES I Forlorn in t among , Drifting in t between h, Lingering for days and montoerraces at three Gorges, Sains umes of treams. the end was unreliable. t lamenting times o return. Yu Xin t miserable, In ry stirred the land of rivers and passes. 191 七言律诗 杜甫 咏怀古迹五首之二 摇落深知宋玉悲, 风流儒雅亦吾师。 怅望千秋一洒泪, 萧条异代不同时。 江山故宅空文藻, 云雨荒台岂梦思。 最是楚宫俱泯灭, 舟人指点到今疑。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Du Fu POEtIC tS ON ANCIENt SItES II quot;Decay and declinequot;: deep knowledge have I of Sung Yus grief. Romantic and refined, oo is my teacher. Sadly looking across a tumns, one sears, Melanc epoc at time. Among rivers and mountains y ings; Deserted terrace of cloud and rain -- surely not just imagined in a dream? Utterly troyed and ruined, ting t today are unsure. 192 七言律诗 杜甫 咏怀古迹五首之三 群山万壑赴荆门, 生长明妃尚有村。 一去紫台连朔漠, 独留青冢向黄昏。 画图省识春风面, 环佩空归月下魂。 千载琵琶作胡语, 分明怨恨曲中论。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Du Fu tS OF OLD tIME III ten te And t was born and bred. S out from to tland; She yellow dusk. ure a he spring? by moonligurns inkling Song of tartars on ar, telling ernal sorrow. 193 七言律诗 杜甫 咏怀古迹五首之四 蜀主征吴幸三峡, 崩年亦在永安宫。 翠华想像空山里, 玉殿虚无野寺中。 古庙杉松巢水鹤, 岁时伏腊走村翁。 武侯祠屋常邻近, 一体君臣祭祀同。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Du Fu POEtIC tS ON ANCIENt SItES IV three Gorges. In too, ernal Peace. ty mountain, ted temple. In t sic cranes nest; At summer and er festivals the comers are village elders. tial Marquiss memorial shrine is ever nearby; In union, sovereign and minister sogether. 194 七言律诗 杜甫 咏怀古迹五首之五 诸葛大名垂宇宙, 宗臣遗像肃清高。 三分割据纡筹策, 万古云霄一羽毛。 伯仲之间见伊吕, 指挥若定失萧曹。 运移汉祚终难复, 志决身歼军务劳。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Du Fu tS OF OLD tIME V Zige transcends th; there is only reverence for his face; Yet war, as only as one feat a flaming sky. her of men like Yi and Lu And in time of all statesmen. the house of han, Yet , yielded his life. 195 七言律诗 刘长卿 江州重别薛六柳八二员外 生涯岂料承优诏? 世事空知学醉歌。 江上月明胡雁过, 淮南木落楚山多。 寄身且喜沧洲近, 顾影无如白发何! 今日龙钟人共老, 愧君犹遣慎风波。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Liu Changquing ON LEAVING GUIJIANG AGAIN tO XUE AND LIU Dare I, at my age, accept my summons, Knohe worlds ways only wine and song?.... Over tartars; And tains.... I ougo be glad to take my old bones back to tal, But e hairs?.... As bent and decrepit as you are, I am aso thank you, ion me t I may encounter ts. 196 七言律诗 刘长卿 长沙过贾谊宅 三年谪宦此栖迟, 万古惟留楚客悲。 秋草独寻人去后, 寒林空见日斜时。 汉文有道恩犹薄, 湘水无情吊岂知? 寂寂江山摇落处, 怜君何事到天涯? Seven-cer-regular-verse Liu Changqing ON PASSING JIA YIS hOUSE IN ChANGShA your three years exile, to be mourned in Cen thousand years, Can I trace your footprint in tumn grass -- Or only slanting sunlighe bleak woods? If even good Emperor en was cold-ed, Could you tand you, te ers, taciturn mountains, hen you came, like me, so far away? 197 七言律诗 刘长卿 自夏口至鹦洲夕望岳阳寄源中丞 汀洲无浪复无烟, 楚客相思益渺然。 汉口夕阳斜渡鸟, 洞庭秋水远连天。 孤城背岭寒吹角, 独戍临江夜泊船。 贾谊上书忧汉室, 长沙谪去古今怜。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Liu Changqing AN EVENING VIE OF tY OF YOUZER COMING FROM O PARROt ISLAND A POEM SENt tO MY FRIEND GOVERNOR YUAN No ripples in t on the islands, Yet toward my friend in Chu.... Birds in ting sun cross hankou, And tumn sky mingles ing. ...From a bleak mountain one of a bugle Reminds me, moored by a ruined fort, t Jia Yis loyal plea to the house of han Banned o Co be an exile. 198 七言律诗 钱起 赠阙下裴舍人 二月黄鹂飞上林, 春城紫禁晓阴阴。 长乐钟声花外尽, 龙池柳色雨中深。 阳和不散穷途恨, 霄汉长怀捧日心。 献赋十年犹未遇, 羞将白发对华簪。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Qian Qi tO MY FRIEND At tAL SECREtARY PEI Finche Imperial Grove Of ty, pale h spring dawn; Flohe Palace of Bliss And rain he Dragon Lake willows; But spring is no o a man bewildered, of heaven, Yet wen years refused, are shaming te alled pin. 199 七言律诗 韦应物 寄李儋元锡 去年花里逢君别, 今日花开又一年。 世事茫茫难自料, 春愁黯黯独成眠。 身多疾病思田里, 邑有流亡愧俸钱。 闻道欲来相问讯, 西楼望月几回圆。 Seven-cer-regular-verse ei Yingwu tO MY FRIENDS LI DAN AND YUANXI e met last among floed, And er, there are flowers again; But, oo strange to foretell, Spring only brings me grief and fatigue. I am sick, and I try- Aso take pay while so many are idle. ...In my ern tower, because of your promise, I che full moons come and go. 200 七言律诗 韩翃 同题仙游观 仙台初见五城楼, 风物凄凄宿雨收。 山色遥连秦树晚, 砧声近报汉宫秋。 疏松影落空坛静, 细草香闲小洞幽。 何用别寻方外去? 人间亦自有丹丘。 Seven-cer-regular-verse han hong INSCRIBED IN tEMPLE OF thE ANDERING GENIE I face, ed lodge, t of ties of heaven, And I see a countryside blue and still, after the long rain. tant peaks and trees of Qin merge into t, And ones make tumnal echoes. tdoor pulpit, And grasses bloo my little cave. ...his one? he Purple hills 201 七言律诗 皇甫冉 春思 莺啼燕语报新年, 马邑龙堆路几千。 家住层城邻汉苑, 心随明月到胡天。 机中锦字论长恨, 楼上花枝笑独眠。 为问天戎窦车骑, 何时返旆勒燕然。 Seven-cer-regular-verse huangfu Ran SPRING tS Finces and ses tell the new year.... But so far are tohe Dragon Mound From these walls and han Gardens, t takes my to tartar sky. I he frame endless words of my grieving.... Yet tal-bough is smiling now on my lonely sleep. Oh, ask General Dou when his flags will come home And riumpain! 202 七言律诗 卢纶 晚次鄂州 云开远见汉阳城, 犹是孤帆一日程。 估客昼眠知浪静, 舟人夜语觉潮生。 三湘愁鬓逢秋色, 万里归心对月明。 旧业已随征战尽, 更堪江上鼓鼙声。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Lu Lun A NIG UChANG Far off in tand the walls of hanyang, Another days journey for my lone sail.... t ougo sleep in ther, I listen to tide at nigmen. ...My try, like triple Xiang streams, t goes, he moon; But t me notage -- And ohe river! 203 七言律诗 柳宗元 登柳州城楼寄漳汀封连四州刺史 城上高楼接大荒, 海天愁思正茫茫。 惊风乱飐芙蓉水, 密雨斜侵薜荔墙。 岭树重遮千里目, 江流曲似九回肠。 共来百越文身地, 犹自音书滞一乡。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Liu Zongyuan FROM tY-tOER OF LIUZhOU tO MY FOUR FELLO-OFFICIALS At ZhANG, DING, FENG, AND LIAN DIStRICtS At ty tower wown ends, wilderness begins; And our longing o go as the sky.... heave in a sudden wind, And vines along ting rain. Noto see for t a blur of ain -- And ting in our bowels.... t us, tattooed people -- And not even letters, to keep us in touch home. 204 七言律诗 刘禹锡 西塞山怀古 王浚楼船下益州, 金陵王气黯然收。 千寻铁锁沈江底, 一片降旛出石头。 人世几回伤往事, 山形依旧枕寒流。 从今四海为家日, 故垒萧萧芦荻秋。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Liu Yuxi tS OF OLD tIME At ESt FORt MOUNtAIN Since ang Jun brougowering ships down from Yizhou, t y of Nanjing. ten t of iron co ttom -- And tone.... Cycles of co t, ill tain dignity he cold river; And noed, And ts fill umn reeds. 205 七言律诗 元稹 遣悲怀之一 谢公最小偏怜女, 自嫁黔娄百事乖。 顾我无衣搜荩箧, 泥他沽酒拔金钗。 野蔬充膳甘长藿, 落叶添薪仰古槐。 今日俸钱过十万, 与君营奠复营斋。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Yuan Zhen AN ELEGY I O youngest, best-loved daughter of Xie, his penniless scholar, You patc, And I coaxed off your o buy h; For dinner we o pick wild herbs -- And to use dry locust-leaves for our kindling. ...today thousand -- And all t I can bring to you is a temple sacrifice. 206 七言律诗 元稹 遣悲怀之二 昔日戏言身后事, 今朝都到眼前来。 衣裳已施行看尽, 针线犹存未忍开。 尚想旧情怜婢仆, 也曾因梦送钱财。 诚知此恨人人有, 贫贱夫妻百事哀。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Yuan Zhen AN ElEGY II e joked, long ago, about one of us dying, But suddenly, before my eyes, you are gone. Almost all your clothes have been given away; Your needle look at it.... I continue your bounty to our men and our maids -- Sometimes, in a dream, I bring you gifts. ...t all mankind must know -- But not as t her. 207 七言律诗 元稹 遣悲怀之三 闲坐悲君亦自悲, 百年都是几多时? 邓攸无子寻知命, 潘岳悼亡犹费词。 同穴窅冥何所望? 他生缘会更难期。 惟将终夜长开眼, 报答平生未展眉。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Yuan Zhen AN ELEGY III I sit h. en? tter men to whom heaven denied a son, t better t hear him. o omb? You and I tle faiting after death- Yet my open eyes can see all night t lifelong trouble of your brow. 208 七言律诗 白居易 自河南经乱,关内阻饥,兄弟离散,各在一处。因望月有感,聊书所怀,寄上浮梁大兄,于潜七兄,乌江十五兄,兼示符离及下邽弟妹。 时难年荒世业空, 弟兄羁旅各西东。 田园寥落干戈后, 骨肉流离道路中。 吊影分为千里雁, 辞根散作九秋蓬。 共看明月应垂泪, 一夜乡心五处同。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Bai Juyi tO MY BROtERS ADRIFt IN tROUBLED tIMES thE MOON Since ters tered. Looking at ts in to my eldest brot Fuliang, my sevent Yuqian, My fifteen brot ujiang and my younger broters at Fuli and Xiagui. My age lost through disorder and famine, My broters flung eastward, My fields and gardens he war, My o, I moan to my shadow like a lone-wandering wildgoose, I am torn from my root like a er-plant in autumn: I gaze at tears run down For s, in five places, all sick h one wish. 209 七言律诗 李商隐 锦瑟 锦瑟无端五十弦, 一弦一柱思华年。 庄生晓梦迷蝴蝶, 望帝春心托杜鹃。 沧海月明珠有泪, 蓝田日暖玉生烟。 此情可待成追忆, 只是当时已惘然。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Li Shangyin thE INLAID hARP I rings, Eacs flo an interval of youth. ...tcterflies, t of Emperor ang is crying in a cuckoo, Mermen ears down a moon-green sea, Blue fields are breato the sun.... And a moment t ougo ed for ever has come and gone before I knew. 210 七言律诗 李商隐 无题 昨夜星辰昨夜风, 画楼西畔桂堂东。 身无彩凤双飞翼, 心有灵犀一点通。 隔座送钩春酒暖, 分曹射覆蜡灯红。 嗟余听鼓应官去, 走马兰台类转蓬。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Li Shangyin tO ONE UNNAMED tars of last nig night Are of ted C of Cinnamon hall. ...t- coloured phoenix, Yet I feel t-beat of the Sacred Unicorn. Across t you o bet of a crimson lamp; till to my duties And I mount my er-plant cut adrift. 211 七言律诗 李商隐 隋宫 紫泉宫殿锁烟霞, 欲取芜城作帝家。 玉玺不缘归日角, 锦帆应是到天涯。 于今腐草无萤火, 终古垂杨有暮鸦。 地下若逢陈后主, 岂宜重问后庭花? Seven-cer-regular-verse Li Shangyin thE SUI EMPEROR aken by mist and cloud, As aken all Yangzo be e domain But for t tang Emperor, s of the world. Fire-flies are gone nohered grasses, But still among t t. ...If s, ter Chen Emperor, Do you t tion a Song of Courtyard Flowers? 212 七言律诗 李商隐 无题之一 来是空言去绝踪, 月斜楼上五更钟。 梦为远别啼难唤, 书被催成墨未浓。 蜡照半笼金翡翠, 麝熏微度绣芙蓉。 刘郎已恨蓬山远, 更隔蓬山一万重。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Li Shangyin tO ONE UNNAMED I You said you you did not, and you left me race t on your to tch bell. I cry for you forever gone, I cannot , I try to read your e, I find too pale. ...Blue burns your candle in its kingfisern And a s breateals from your ain. But far beyond my reaced Mountain, And you are on ten thousand peaks away. 213 七言律诗 李商隐 无题之二 飒飒东风细雨来, 芙蓉塘外有轻雷。 金蟾啮璅烧香入, 玉虎牵丝汲井回。 贾氏窥帘韩掾少, 宓妃留枕魏王才。 春心莫共花争发, 一寸想思一寸灰。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Li Shangyin tO ONE UNNAMED II A misty rain comes blo, And hunder beyond hibiscus Pool. ...Round toad lock, incense is creeping; tiger tells, on its cord, of er being drawn A great lady once, from beh; A fairy queen broug once for then vanished. ...Must s blossom in spring, like all other flowers? And of even t flame of love, shere be only ashes? 214 七言律诗 李商隐 筹笔驿 猿鸟犹疑畏简书, 风云常为护储胥。 徒令上将挥神笔, 终见降王走传车。 管乐有才原不忝, 关张无命欲何如? 他年锦里经祠庙, 梁父吟成恨有余。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Li Shangyin IN tChING BRUSh Monkeys and birds are still alert for your orders And o sress. ...You er of the brush, and a sagacious general, But your Emperor, defeated, rode t. You est Zatesmen, Yet less fortunate two Sion. And, t your birtemple to you, You never finisain 215 七言律诗 李商隐 无题之三 相见时难别亦难, 东风无力百花残。 春蚕到死丝方尽, 蜡炬成灰泪始乾。 晓镜但愁云鬓改, 夜吟应觉月光寒。 蓬莱此去无多路, 青鸟殷勤为探看。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Li Shangyin tO ONE UNNAMED III time is longer since ed, And t wind has arisen and a hundred flowers are gone, And til they die And every nigheir wicks away. Mornings in her mirror she sees her hair-cloud changing, Yet s h her evening song. ...It is not so very far to ed Mountain O blue-birds, be listening!-Bring me w she says! 216 七言律诗 李商隐 春雨 怅卧新春白袷衣, 白门寥落意多违。 红楼隔雨相望冷, 珠箔飘灯独自归。 远路应悲春晼晚, 残宵犹得梦依稀。 玉珰缄札何由达, 万里云罗一雁飞。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Li Shangyin SPRING RAIN I am lying in a whe spring approaches, But am te Gate City w be. ...the rain, And a lantern on a pearl screen swaying my lone homeward. ...the long road ahead will be full of new hardship, ite in ts, brief intervals of dream. Oo send you this pair of jade earrings! -- I chousand miles of cloud. 217 七言律诗 李商隐 无题之四 凤尾香罗薄几重, 碧文圆顶夜深缝。 扇裁月魄羞难掩, 车走雷声语未通。 曾是寂寥金烬暗, 断无消息石榴红。 斑骓只系垂杨岸, 何处西南任好风? Seven-cer-regular-verse Li Shangyin tO ONE UNNAMED IV A faint pail gauze, fragrant and doubled, Lines your green canopy, closed for t.... ill your shy face peer round a moon-shaped fan, And your voice be tle of my carriage? It is quiet and quiet where your gold lamp dies, e-blossom whisper? ...I eto a river willow And for t wind. 218 七言律诗 李商隐 无题之五 重帷深下莫愁堂, 卧后清宵细细长。 神女生涯原是梦, 小姑居处本无郎。 风波不信菱枝弱, 月露谁教桂叶香。 直道相思了无益, 未妨惆怅是清狂。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Li Shangyin tO ONE UNNAMED V tains in your care-free house, ure lasts t long. ... are t dreams If take no lovers into their rooms? ...Storms are ravis-horns, Moon- deening cinnamon-leaves I knohis union, Yet serves to ease my ! 219 七言律诗 温庭筠 利洲南渡 澹然空水对斜晖, 曲岛苍茫接翠微。 波上马嘶看棹去, 柳边人歇待船归。 数丛沙草群鸥散, 万顷江田一鹭飞。 谁解乘舟寻范蠡? 五湖烟水独忘机。 Seven-cer-regular-verse en tingyun NEAR thE LIZhOU FERRY t in ters clear void, And little blue islands are one he sky. On t goes by. People gat a for the ferry. Dohe sand-bushes sea-gulls are circling, Over t. ...Can you guess w wise lover, ty Five Lakes, forgetting words? 220 七言律诗 温庭筠 苏武庙 苏武魂销汉使前, 古祠高树两茫然。 云边雁断胡天月, 陇上羊归塞草烟。 回日楼台非甲帐, 去时冠剑是丁年。 茂陵不见封侯印, 空向秋波哭逝川。 Seven-cer-regular-verse en tingyun tEMPLE OF SU U though our envoy, Su u, is gone, body and soul, temple survives, trees endure.... ildgeese till calling to there And he border. ...Returning, ry changed Since it. ter adventures itle.... Autumn-he river. 221 七言律诗 薛逢 宫词 十二楼中尽晓妆, 望仙楼上望君王。 锁衔金兽连环冷, 水滴铜龙昼漏长。 云髻罢梳还对镜, 罗衣欲换更添香。 遥窥正殿帘开处, 袍裤宫人扫御床。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Xue Feng A PALACE POEM In twelve che day, Peer afar for their Fairy-View Lodge; toad guards the door-chain, And ter-clock drips the morning till one of tilting a mirror, combs her cloud of hair And c and a c; For she palace, Eunuc-dress preparing a bed. 222 七言律诗 秦韬玉 贫女 蓬门未识绮罗香, 拟托良媒益自伤。 谁爱风流高格调, 共怜时世俭梳妆。 敢将十指夸针巧, 不把双眉斗画长。 苦恨年年压金线, 为他人作嫁衣裳。 Seven-cer-regular-verse Qin taoyu A POOR GIRL Living under a tc silk, So arrange a marriage, but how could she dare? of them all for h? her fingers embroider beyond compare, But s vie ed brows; And year after year shread On bridal robes for other girls. 卷07、七言乐府 223 乐府 沈佺期 古意呈补阙乔知之 卢家少妇郁金香, 海燕双栖玳瑁梁。 九月寒砧催木叶, 十年征戍忆辽阳。 白狼河北音书断, 丹凤城南秋夜长。 谁为含愁独不见, 更教明月照流黄。 又作独不见 Folk-song-styled-verse Shen Quanqi BEYOND SEEING A girl of the Lu clan who lives in Golden-ood hall, ortoiseshell, s cold beat she leaves down. ...tion en years, And messages are lost in te olf River. ...y of tumn nights are long, -sick to see beyond seeing, Sees only moonlighe yellow-silk wave of her loom. 卷08、五言绝句 224 五言绝句 王维 鹿柴 空山不见人, 但闻人语响。 返景入深林, 复照青苔上。 Five-cer-quatrain ang ei DEER-PARK AGE to be no one on ty mountain.... And yet I think I hear a voice, , entering a grove, So me from the green moss. 225 五言绝句 王维 竹里馆 独坐幽篁里, 弹琴复长啸。 深林人不知, 明月来相照。 Five-cer-quatrain ang ei IN A REtREAt AMONG BAMBOOS Leaning alone in the close bamboos, I am playing my lute and humming a song too softly for anyone to hear -- Except my comrade, t moon. 226 五言绝句 王维 送别 山中相送罢, 日暮掩柴扉。 春草明年绿, 王孙归不归。 Five-cer-quatrain ang ei A PARtING Friend, I cain till noch door.... Grasses return again green in the spring, But O my Prince of Friends, do you? 227 五言绝句 王维 相思 红豆生南国, 春来发几枝。 愿君多采撷, 此物最相思。 Five-cer-quatrain ang ei ONE-ED ime, Flushland branches, take home an armful, for my sake, As a symbol of our love. 228 五言绝句 王维 杂诗 君自故乡来, 应知故乡事。 来日绮窗前, 寒梅著花未。 Five-cer-quatrain ang ei LINES You wry, tell me w here ! -- as the plum, when you passed my silken window, Opening its first cold blossom? 229 五言绝句 裴迪 送崔九 归山深浅去, 须尽丘壑美。 莫学武陵人, 暂游桃源里。 Five-cer-quatrain Pei Di A FAREELL tO CUI to return to tains, O t h wonder!.... Remember the fisherman from uling ry. 230 五言绝句 祖咏 终南望余雪 终南阴岭秀, 积雪浮云端。 林表明霁色, 城中增暮寒。 Five-cer-quatrain Zu Young ON SEEING thE SNO-PEAK OF ZhONGNAN See ain soars its op over floating clouds -- And a the snow-line ohe valley grows colder and colder. 231 五言绝句 孟浩然 宿建德江 移舟泊烟渚, 日暮客愁新。 野旷天低树, 江清月近人。 Five-cer-quatrain Meng haoran A NIGhE JIANDE RIVER tle boat moves on its mooring of mist, And daylight wanes, old memories begin.... rees to heaven, And er the moon! 232 五言绝句 孟浩然 春晓 春眠不觉晓, 处处闻啼鸟。 夜来风雨声, 花落知多少。 Five-cer-quatrain Meng haoran A SPRING MORNING I ahis morning of spring, Everywhe singing of birds -- But no, torm, And I wonder how many blossoms were broken. 233 五言绝句 李白 夜思 床前明月光, 疑是地上霜。 举头望明月, 低头思故乡。 Five-cer-quatrain Li Bai IN t NIGht So brig of my bed -- Could t already? Lifting myself to look, I found t it . Sinking back again, I t suddenly of home. 234 五言绝句 李白 怨情 美人卷珠帘, 深坐蹙蛾眉。 但见泪痕湿, 不知心恨谁。 Five-cer-quatrain Li Bai A BIttER LOVE iful s, And sroubled her brow is! You may see tears no on her cheek, But not tterly loves. 235 五言绝句 杜甫 八阵图 功盖三分国, 名成八阵图。 江流石不转, 遗恨失吞吴。 Five-cer-quatrain Du Fu t-SIDED FORtRESS tness. t-Sided Fortress is founded on his fame; Beside t stands stony as his grief t he Kingdom of u. 236 五言绝句 王之涣 登鹳雀楼 白日依山尽, 黄河入海流。 欲穷千里目, 更上一层楼。 Five-cer-quatrain ang Zhihuan At hERON LODGE Mountains cover te sun, And oceans drain the golden river; But you hree hundred miles By going up one fligairs. 237 五言绝句 刘长卿 送灵澈 苍苍竹林寺, 杳杳钟声晚。 荷笠带斜阳, 青山独归远。 Five-cer-quatrain Liu Changqing ON PARtING It PILGRIM LING ChE From temple, deep in its tender bamboos, Comes the low sound of an evening bell, of a pilgrim carries t Fartain. 238 五言绝句 刘长卿 弹琴 泠泠七弦上, 静听松风寒。 古调虽自爱, 今人多不弹。 Five-cer-quatrain Liu Changqing ON E-PLAYER Your seven strings are like the voice Of a cold he pines, Singing old beloved songs hich no one cares for any more. 239 五言绝句 刘长卿 送上人 孤云将野鹤, 岂向人间住。 莫买沃洲山, 时人已知处。 Five-cer-quatrain Liu Changqing FAREELL tO A BUDD MONK Can drifting clouds and orks Be tenants in this world of ours? -- Or you still live on uzain, No people are coming here? 240 五言绝句 韦应物 秋夜寄邱员外 怀君属秋夜, 散步咏凉天。 空山松子落, 幽人应未眠。 Five-cer-quatrain ei Yingwu AN AUtUMN NIGO QIU As I umn night, thinking of you, singing my poem, I ain pine-cone fall.... You also seem to be awake. 241 五言绝句 李端 听筝 鸣筝金粟柱, 素手玉房前。 欲得周郎顾, 时时误拂弦。 Five-cer-quatrain Li Duan ON hE hARP e jade by a window of snow Are glimmering on a golden-fretted harp -- And to drahe quick eye of Chou Yu, Souce nohen. 242 五言绝句 王建 新嫁娘 三日入厨下, 洗手作羹汤。 未谙姑食性, 先遣小姑尝。 Five-cer-quatrain ang Jian A BRIDE On taking my place to cook, aso make the bridal soup, I decide t not my mother-in-law But my er s taste. 243 五言绝句 权德舆 玉台体 昨夜裙带解, 今朝蟢子飞。 铅华不可弃, 莫是□砧归。 Five-cer-quatrain Quan Deyu tABLE Last night my girdle came undone, And tle flew over my bed. So s and here are my powders -- And a welcome for my yoke again. 244 五言绝句 柳宗元 江雪 千山鸟飞绝, 万径人踪灭。 孤舟蓑笠翁, 独钓寒江雪。 Five-cer-quatrain Liu Zongyuan RIVER-SNO A ains and no bird, A t a footprint; A little boat, a bamboo cloak, An old man fishe cold river-snow. 245 五言绝句 元稹 行宫 寥落古行宫, 宫花寂寞红。 白头宫女在, 闲坐说玄宗。 Five-cer-quatrain Yuan Zhen thE SUMMER PALACE In the faded old imperial palace, Peonies are red, but no one comes to see them.... ting e-haired Debating the pomps of Emperor Xuanzong. 246 五言绝句 白居易 问刘十九 绿螘新醅酒, 红泥小火炉。 晚来天欲雪, 能饮一杯无。 Five-cer-quatrain Bai Juyi A SUGGEStION tO MY FRIEND LIU ttle, tir of red in t stove, tside -- about a cup of wine inside? 247 五言绝句 张祜 何满子 故国三千里, 深宫二十年。 一声何满子, 双泪落君前。 Five-cer-quatrain Zhang hu ShE SINGS AN OLD SONG A lady of ty years, Shousand miles from her home- Yet ask fe, See ries to ears. 248 五言绝句 李商隐 登乐游原 向晚意不适, 驱车登古原。 夕阳无限好, 只是近黄昏。 Five-cer-quatrain Li Shangyin tOMBS itwilig I ombs to see the sun, for all his glory, Buried by t. 249 五言绝句 贾岛 寻隐者不遇 松下问童子, 言师采药去。 只在此山中, 云深不知处。 Five-cer-quatrain Jia Dao A NOtE LEFt FOR AN ABSENt ECLUSE ioned your pupil, under a pine-tree, quot;My teac; ; for herbs, But toward wain, ell, t; 250 五言绝句 李频 渡汉江 岭外音书绝, 经冬复立春。 近乡情更怯, 不敢问来人。 Five-cer-quatrain Li Pin CROSSING thE hAN RIVER Away from home, I was longing for news inter after er, spring after spring. Noing people, I dare not ask a single question. 251 五言绝句 金昌绪 春怨 打起黄莺儿, 莫教枝上啼。 啼时惊妾梦, 不得到辽西。 Five-cer-quatrain Jin Changzu A SPRING SIGh Drive the orioles away, All trees.... s to Liaoxi Camp to join hey wakened her 252 五言绝句 西鄙人 哥舒歌 北斗七星高, 哥舒夜带刀。 至今窥牧马, 不敢过临洮。 Five-cer-quatrain Xibiren GENERAL GE ShU tellation, s seven ars, Is Ge Sing : And no more barbarians, nor ttle, Dare ford the river boundary. 卷09、五言乐府 253 乐府 崔颢 长干行二首之一 君家何处住, 妾住在横塘。 停船暂借问, 或恐是同乡。 Folk-song-styled-verse Cui hao A SONG OF ChANGGAN I quot;tell me, where do you live? -- Near he fishing-pool? Lets s togets see If o; 254 乐府 崔颢 长干行二首之二 家临九江水, 来去九江侧。 同是长干人, 生小不相识。 Folk-song-styled-verse Cui hao A SONG OF ChANGGAN II quot;Yes, I live he river; I many and many a time. Both of us born in Changgan, you and I! we always known eac; 255 乐府 李白 玉阶怨 玉阶生白露, 夜久侵罗袜。 却下水晶帘, 玲珑望秋月。 Folk-song-styled-verse Li Bai A SIGAIRCASE OF JADE e staircase is cold h dew; , shere so long.... Be, ing, atcs crystal pane tumn moon? 256 乐府 卢纶 塞下曲四首之一 鹫翎金仆姑, 燕尾绣蝥弧。 独立扬新令, 千营共一呼。 Folk-song-styled-verse Lu Lun BORDER-SONGS I ipped hers, ail like a swallow. One man, arising, gives a new order to t of a tents. 257 乐府 卢纶 塞下曲四首之二 林暗草惊风, 将军夜引弓。 平明寻白羽, 没在石棱中。 Folk-song-styled-verse Lu Lun BORDER-SONGS II the grasses, Yet tries night archery -- And next morning e-plumed arrow Pointed deep in the hard rock. 258 乐府 卢纶 塞下曲四首之三 月黑雁飞高, 单于夜遁逃。 欲将轻骑逐, 大雪满弓刀。 Folk-song-styled-verse Lu Lun BORDER-SONGS III moonlight, wildgeese are soaring. tartar cains are fleeing the dark -- And we cly burdened And a burden of snow on our bows and our swords. 259 乐府 卢纶 塞下曲四首之四 野幕蔽琼筵, 羌戎贺劳旋。 醉和金甲舞, 雷鼓动山川。 Folk-song-styled-verse Lu Lun BORDER-SONGS IV Let feasting begin in the wild camp! Let bugles cry our victory! Let us drink, let us dance in our golden armour! Let us th our drums! 260 乐府 李益 江南曲 嫁得瞿塘贾, 朝朝误妾期。 早知潮有信, 嫁与弄潮儿。 Folk-song-styled-verse Li Yi A SONG OF thERN RIVER Since I married t of Qutang o keep his word.... ide is, I migher have chosen a river-boy. 卷10、七言绝句 261 七言绝句 贺知章 回乡偶书 少小离家老大回, 乡音无改鬓毛衰; 儿童相见不相识, 笑问客从何处来。 Seven-cer-quatrain he Zhizhang COMING hOME I left urn old; Speaking as t hin; And my cing me, do not know me. t;Stranger, w; 262 七言绝句 张旭 桃花溪 隐隐飞桥隔野烟, 石矶西畔问渔船; 桃花尽日随流水, 洞在清溪何处边? 又作溪 Seven-cer-quatrain Zhang Xu PEACh-BLOSSOM RIVER A bridge flies a, Yet . Oing peacals Mig last to thical cave! 263 七言绝句 王维 九月九日忆山东兄弟 独在异乡为异客, 每逢佳节倍思亲。 遥知兄弟登高处, 遍插茱萸少一人。 Seven-cer-quatrain ang ei ON tAIN hOLIDAY thERS IN ShANDONG All alone in a foreign land, I am twice as his day ain, Eachem a branch-and my branch missing. 264 七言绝句 王昌龄 芙蓉楼送辛渐 寒雨连江夜入吴, 平明送客楚山孤。 洛阳亲友如相问, 一片冰心在玉壶。 Seven-cer-quatrain ang Changling At hIBISCUS INN PARtING Ith XIN JIAN it-rain o u. In tarting for tains of Chu. Ans Loyang: quot;One-ed as ice in a crystal vase.quot; 265 七言绝句 王昌龄 闺怨 闺中少妇不知愁, 春日凝妆上翠楼。 忽见陌头杨柳色, 悔教夫婿觅封侯。 Seven-cer-quatrain ang Changling IN INDO too young to sorrow means, Attired for spring, so her high chamber.... treet-willows is wounding -- Just for a title s o war. 266 七言绝句 王昌龄 春宫曲 昨夜风开露井桃, 未央前殿月轮高。 平阳歌舞新承宠, 帘外春寒赐锦袍。 Seven-cer-quatrain ang Changling A SONG OF thE SPRING PALACE Last nig blew peacals open And time, the Emperor gave Pingyang, for her dancing, Brocades against the cold spring-wind. 267 七言绝句 王翰 凉州词 葡萄美酒夜光杯, 欲饮琵琶马上催。 醉卧沙场君莫笑, 古来征战几人回。 Seven-cer-quatrain ang han A SONG OF LIANGZhOU their cups of jade, trum on ars. ...he sand ? -- how many soldiers ever come home? 268 七言绝句 李白 送孟浩然之广陵 故人西辞黄鹤楼, 烟花三月下扬州。 孤帆远影碧空尽, 惟见长江天际流。 Seven-cer-quatrain Li Bai A FAREELL tO MENG hAORAN ON O YANGZhOU You me be terrace, On your o visit Yangzy month of flowers; Your sail, a single she blue sky, till nos o heaven. 269 七言绝句 李白 下江陵 朝辞白帝彩云间, 千里江陵一日还。 两岸猿声啼不住, 轻舟已过万重山。 Seven-cer-quatrain Li Bai thE YANGZI GORGES From the coloured dawn to Jiangling by nighree hundred miles, Yet monkeys are still calling on both banks behind me to my boat ten tains away. 270 七言绝句 岑参 逢入京使 故园东望路漫漫, 双袖龙钟泪不乾。 马上相逢无纸笔, 凭君传语报平安。 Seven-cer-quatrain Cen Can ON MEEtING A MESSENGER tO tAL Its a long way . I am old and my sleeve is ears. e meet on ing. tell t;; 271 七言绝句 杜甫 江南逢李龟年 岐王宅里寻常见, 崔九堂前几度闻。 正是江南好风景, 落花时节又逢君。 Seven-cer-quatrain Du Fu ON MEEtING LI GUINIAN DON thE RIVER I met you often wing princes And when you were playing in noblemens halls. ...Spring passes.... Far dohe river now, I find you alone under falling petals. 272 七言绝句 韦应物 滁州西涧 独怜幽草涧边生, 上有黄鹂深树鸣。 春潮带雨晚来急, 野渡无人舟自横。 Seven-cer-quatrain ei Yingwu At CERN StREAM ender grasses rim tream And deep bougrill h mango-birds, On t nights rain t moves as though someone were poling. 273 七言绝句 张继 枫桥夜泊 月落乌啼霜满天, 江枫渔火对愁眠。 姑苏城外寒山寺, 夜半钟声到客船。 Seven-cer-quatrain Zhang Ji A NIGht-MOORING NEAR MAPLE BRIDGE c; Under trees a fisorch; And I emple on Cold Mountain, Ringing for me, , t bell. 274 七言绝句 韩翃 寒食 春城无处不飞花, 寒食东风御柳斜。 日暮汉宫传蜡烛, 轻烟散入五侯家。 Seven-cer-quatrain han hong AFtER thE DAY OF NO FIRE Petals of spring fly all ty From the Imperial River. And at dusk, from t to lig t Lords. 275 七言绝句 刘方平 月夜 更深月色半人家, 北斗阑干南斗斜。 今夜偏知春气暖, 虫声新透绿窗沙。 Seven-cer-quatrain Liu Fangping A MOONLIG he house, itar at its and tar setting, I can fed t motions of the warm air of spring In t at my green-silk window. 276 七言绝句 刘方平 春怨 纱窗日落渐黄昏, 金屋无人见泪痕。 寂寞空庭春欲晚, 梨花满地不开门。 Seven-cer-quatrain Liu Fangping SPRING -BREAK it passing her silken window, She weeps alone in her chamber of gold For spring is departing from a desolate garden, And a drift of pear-petals is closing a door. 277 七言绝句 柳中庸 征人怨 岁岁金河复玉关, 朝朝马策与刀环。 三春白雪归青冢, 万里黄河绕黑山。 Seven-cer-quatrain Liu Zhongyong A tROOPERS BURDEN For years, to guard the River of Gold, its, e co snow And tream ring tain forever. 278 七言绝句 顾况 宫词 玉楼天半起笙歌, 风送宫嫔笑语和。 月殿影开闻夜漏, 水晶帘卷近秋河。 Seven-cer-quatrain Gu Kuang A PALACE POEM o heaven, the wind -- But noill, and you er-clock drip in t of the Moon.... tain ars. 279 七言绝句 李益 夜上受降城闻笛 回乐峰前沙似雪, 受降城外月如霜。 不知何处吹芦管, 一夜征人尽望乡。 Seven-cer-quatrain Li Yi ON E At NIGht FROM thE ALL OF ShOUXIANG tain lies like snow, And t beyond ty-wall, And someone somewe, long. 280 七言绝句 刘禹锡 乌衣巷 朱雀桥边野草花, 乌衣巷口夕阳斜。 旧时王谢堂前燕, 飞入寻常百姓家。 Seven-cer-quatrain Liu Yuxi BLACKtAIL RO Grass he Bridge of Red-Birds; And s sunset, in Blacktail Row ed great homes, Dip among doorhe poor. 281 七言绝句 刘禹锡 春词 新妆宜面下朱楼, 深锁春光一院愁。 行到中庭数花朵, 蜻蜓飞上玉搔头。 Seven-cer-quatrain Liu Yuxi A SPRING SONG In gala robes she comes down from her chamber Into yard, enclosure of spring.... ries from tre to count the flowers, On her hairpin of jade a dragon-fly poises. 282 七言绝句 白居易 后宫词 泪湿罗巾梦不成, 夜深前殿按歌声。 红颜未老恩先断, 斜倚薰笼坐到明。 Seven-cer-quatrain Bai Juyi A SONG OF thE PALACE ears are spent, but no dreams come. S. S y, Sill dawn on her incense-pillow. 283 七言绝句 张祜 赠内人 禁门宫树月痕过, 媚眼惟看宿鹭窠。 斜拔玉钗灯影畔, 剔开红焰救飞蛾。 Seven-cer-quatrain Zhang hu OF ONE IN tY , reacree by te, S bird on its nest, Ss in the shadow And puts out a flame wh was flying. 284 七言绝句 张祜 集灵台之一 日光斜照集灵台, 红树花迎晓露开。 昨夜上皇新授箓, 太真含笑入帘来。 Seven-cer-quatrain Zhang hu ON tERRACE OF ASSEMBLED ANGELS I ting over a lordly roof And red-blossoming brancohe dew Since t nige And Lady Yangs brigains. 285 七言绝句 张祜 集灵台之二 虢国夫人承主恩, 平明骑马入宫门。 却嫌脂粉污颜色, 淡扫蛾眉朝至尊。 Seven-cer-quatrain Zhang hu ON tERRACE OF ASSEMBLED ANGELS II t for Lady Guoguo. In toe, Disdainful of t t migy, to meet iny eyebrows. 286 七言绝句 张祜 题金陵渡 金陵津渡小山楼, 一宿行人自可愁。 潮落夜江斜月里, 两三星火是瓜州。 Seven-cer-quatrain Zhang hu At NANJING FERRY tory inn at Nanjing ferry Is a miserable lodging-place for t -- But across tide, Lighe river. 287 七言绝句 朱庆余 宫词 寂寂花时闭院门, 美人相并立琼轩。 含情欲说宫中事, 鹦鹉前头不敢言。 Seven-cer-quatrain Zhu Qingyu A SONG OF thE PALACE No te ly closed on its flowers, Ladies file out to their pavilion of jade, Abrim to th imperial gossip But not daring to breat among them. 288 七言绝句 朱庆余 近试上张水部 洞房昨夜停红烛, 待晓堂前拜舅姑。 妆罢低声问夫婿, 画眉深浅入时无。 Seven-cer-quatrain Zhu Qingyu ON t EXAMINAtIONS tO SECREtARY ZhANG Out go t red wedding-chamber candles. tomorroate ts. She has finished preparing; she asks of you meekly ed in fashion. 289 七言绝句 杜牧 将赴吴兴登乐游原 清时有味是无能, 闲爱孤云静爱僧。 欲把一麾江海去, 乐游原上望昭陵。 Seven-cer-quatrain Du Mu I CLIMB tO tOMBS BEFORE LEAVING FOR UXING Even in this good reign, how can I serve? t peace.... Once more, before crossing river and sea, I face t Emperors mountain-tomb. 290 七言绝句 杜牧 赤壁 折戟沈沙铁未销, 自将磨洗认前朝。 东风不与周郎便, 铜雀春深锁二乔。 Seven-cer-quatrain Du Mu BY thE PURPLE CLIFF On a part of a spear still unrusted in the sand I kingdom.... Except for a wind aiding General Zhou Yu, Spring would h Qiao girls in CopperBird Palace. 291 七言绝句 杜牧 泊秦淮 烟笼寒水月笼沙, 夜泊秦淮近酒家。 商女不知亡国恨, 隔江犹唱后庭花。 Seven-cer-quatrain Du Mu A MOORING ON thE QIN hUAI RIVER Mist veils tream, and moonlighe sand, As I moor in tavern, of a perished kingdom, Gaily ecyard Flowers. 292 七言绝句 杜牧 寄扬州韩绰判官 青山隐隐水迢迢, 秋尽江南草未凋。 二十四桥明月夜, 玉人何处教吹箫。 Seven-cer-quatrain Du Mu A MESSAGE tO RAtE t green mountains and far green ers, And grasses in t yet faded by autumn; And clear in ty-Four Bridges, Girls eace-music. 293 七言绝句 杜牧 遣怀 落魄江湖载酒行, 楚腰纤细掌中轻。 十年一觉扬州梦, 赢得青楼薄幸名。 Seven-cer-quatrain Du Mu A CONFESSION ittle, ching by river and lake For a lady so tiny as to dance on my palm, I aer dreaming ten years in Yangzhou, Knoreet of Blue houses. 294 七言绝句 杜牧 秋夕 银烛秋光冷画屏, 轻罗小扇扑流萤。 天阶夜色凉如水, 坐看牵牛织女星。 Seven-cer-quatrain Du Mu IN tUMN NIGht is silvery on screen. tle silk fan is for fireflies.... Scaircase cold in the moon, And tars parted by the River of heaven. 295 七言绝句 杜牧 赠别之一 娉娉袅袅十三余, 豆蔻梢头二月初。 春风十里扬州路, 卷上珠帘总不如。 Seven-cer-quatrain Du Mu PARtING I S yet fourteen, tip of a cardamon-spray. On the breeze Every pearl-screen is open. But theres no one like her. 296 七言绝句 杜牧 赠别之二 多情却似总无情, 唯觉樽前笑不成。 蜡烛有心还惜别, 替人垂泪到天明。 Seven-cer-quatrain Du Mu Parting II how can a deep love seem deep love, smile, at a fare? Even the candle, feeling our sadness, eeps, as long. 297 七言绝句 杜牧 金谷园 繁华事散逐香尘, 流水无情草自春。 日暮东风怨啼鸟, 落花犹似坠楼人。 Seven-cer-quatrain Du Mu thE GOLDEN VALLEY Stories of passion make s dust, Calm er, grasses unconcerned. At sunset, whe wind, Petals are falling like a girl s robe long ago. 298 七言绝句 李商隐 夜雨寄北 君问归期未有期, 巴山夜雨涨秋池。 何当共剪西窗烛, 却话巴山夜雨时。 Seven-cer-quatrain Li Shangyin NOtE ON A RAINY NIGO A FRIEND IN th You ask me w know. I dream of your mountains and autumn pools brimming all nighe rain. Orimming ogetern window? in the rain? 299 七言绝句 李商隐 寄令狐郎中 嵩云秦树久离居, 双鲤迢迢一纸笔。 休问梁园旧宾客, 茂陵秋雨病相如。 Seven-cer-quatrain Li Shangyin A MESSAGE tO SECREtARY LINGhU I am far from tain, a long rees in Qin; And I send to you a message carried by two carp: -- Absent tumn from the Princes garden, t at Maoling sick in the rain. 300 七言绝句 李商隐 为有 为有云屏无限娇, 凤城寒尽怕春宵。 无端嫁得金龟婿, 辜负香衾事早朝。 Seven-cer-quatrain Li Shangyin thERE IS ONLY ONE te always- Yet she palace, of tortoise, ill leave bed, to be early at court. 301 七言绝句 李商隐 隋宫 乘兴南游不戒严, 九重谁省谏书函。 春风举国裁宫锦, 半作障泥半作帆。 Seven-cer-quatrain Li Shangyin thE SUI PALACE oured th Contrary to every warning, brocades, half for wheel-guards, half for sails. 302 七言绝句 李商隐 瑶池 瑶池阿母绮窗开, 黄竹歌声动地哀。 八骏日行三万里, 穆王何事不重来。 Seven-cer-quatrain LI ShANGYIN thE JADE POOL the Jade Pool, h. horses running ten thousand miles a day? hy has he never come back? 303 七言绝句 李商隐 嫦娥 云母屏风烛影深, 长河渐落晓星沈。 嫦娥应悔偷灵药, 碧海青天夜夜心。 Seven-cer-quatrain Li Shangyin tO thE MOON GODDESS No a candle-sands on the screen of carven marble And ts and tars are low, Are you sorry for olen tion t you Over purple seas and blue skies, to brood ts? 304 七言绝句 李商隐 贾生 宣室求贤访逐臣, 贾生才调更无伦。 可怜夜半虚前席, 不问苍生问鬼神。 Seven-cer-quatrain Li Shangyin JIAShENG guidance from wise men, from exiles, of young Jia And assigned council-seat at midnight, Yet asked gods, instead of about people. 305 七言绝句 温庭筠 瑶瑟怨 冰簟银床梦不成, 碧天如水夜云轻。 雁声远过潇湘去, 十二楼中月自明。 Seven-cer-quatrain en tingyun SE A cool-matted silvery bed; but no dreams.... An evening sky as green as er, sender clouds; But far off over the calling of a wildgoose, And ory building, lonely under the moon. 306 七言绝句 郑畋 马嵬坡 玄宗回马杨妃死, 云雨难忘日月新。 终是圣明天子事, 景阳宫井又何人。 Seven-cer-quatrain Zian ON MAEI SLOPE hey had murdered Lady Yang -- t passion unforgettable the suns and moons to forsake her by reminding him Of an emperor slain Jingyang Palace. 307 七言绝句 韩偓 已凉 碧阑干外绣帘垂, 猩色屏风画折枝。 八尺龙须方锦褥, 已凉天气未寒时。 Seven-cer-quatrain han u COOLER EAthER ained th silk, s pattern of flowers, - foot dragon-beard mat and brocaded in squares Are ready noher warm nor cold. 308 七言绝句 韦庄 金陵图 江雨霏霏江草齐, 六朝如梦鸟空啼。 无情最是台城柳, 依旧烟笼十里堤。 Seven-cer-quatrain ei Zhuang A NANJING LANDSCAPE the river-grass, a bird is singing, s of ties pass like a dream Around ty, under weeping willows ill for ty moat. 309 七言绝句 陈陶 陇西行 誓扫匈奴不顾身, 五千貂锦丧胡尘。 可怜无定河边骨, 犹是深闺梦里人。 Seven-cer-quatrain Cao tURKEStAN t tartars- - On t, clad in sable and silk, five them fell.... But arisen from t the border, Dreams of ter, like men alive, into rooms wheir loves lie sleeping. 310 七言绝句 张泌 寄人 别梦依依到谢家, 小廊回合曲阑斜。 多情只有春庭月, 犹为离人照落花。 Seven-cer-quatrain Zhang Bi A MESSAGE I go in a dream to the house of Xie th arching rails to a court ws for ever Pom flowers and a single figure. 311 七言绝句 无名氏 杂诗 尽寒食雨草萋萋, 著麦苗风柳映堤。 等是有家归未得, 杜鹃休向耳边啼。 Seven-cer-quatrain umingshi thE DAY OF NO FIRE As t after rain, And tfields he wind, e are thinking of our kinsfolk, far away from us. O cuckoo, why do you follow us, why do you call us home? 卷11、七言乐府 312 乐府 王维 渭城曲 渭城朝雨邑轻尘, 客舍青青柳色新。 劝君更尽一杯酒, 西出阳关无故人。 Folk-song-styled-verse ang ei A SONG At EIChENG A morning-rain tled t in eicheng; illoavern dooryard.... ait till y one more cup -- est of Yang Gate therell be no old friends. 313 乐府 王维 秋夜曲 桂魄初生秋露微, 轻罗已薄未更衣。 银筝夜久殷勤弄, 心怯空房不忍归。 Folk-song-styled-verse ang ei A SONG OF AN AUtUMN NIGht Under t moon a ligumn dew change -- And souce all night, Afraid to go back to y room. 314 乐府 王昌龄 长信怨 奉帚平明金殿开, 且将团扇共徘徊。 玉颜不及寒鸦色, 犹带昭阳日影来。 Folk-song-styled-verse ang Changling A SIG OF PERPEtUAL FAIth S dao the Golden Palace doorway And dusts to end h her round fan, And, for all eness, she envies a crow of t Sun. 315 乐府 王昌龄 出塞 秦时明月汉时关, 万里长征人未还。 但使龙城飞将在, 不教胡马渡阴山。 Folk-song-styled-verse ang Changling OVER thE BORDER to time of Qin, to time of han, And troops are travelling goes back three hundred miles.... O ty -- t never a tartar cross tains! 316 乐府 王之涣 出塞 黄河远上白云间, 一片孤城万仞山。 羌笛何须怨杨柳, 春风不度玉门关。 Folk-song-styled-verse ang Zhihuan BEYOND thE BORDER o te clouds, Near ty-en-t mountains, A tartar under ting on e t spring never bloo he Jade Pass 317 乐府 李白 清平调之一 云想衣裳花想容, 春风拂槛露华浓。 若非群玉山头见, 会向瑶台月下逢。 Folk-song-styled-verse Li Bai A SONG OF PURE hAPPINESS I her robe is a cloud, her face a flower; spring dew, Is eitip of eartain Or a moon- edged roof of paradise. 318 乐府 李白 清平调之二 一枝红艳露凝香, 云雨巫山枉断肠。 借问汉宫谁得似, 可怜飞燕倚新妆。 Folk-song-styled-verse Li Bai A SONG OF PURE hAPPINESS II tealing moist from a s of red blossom, And a mist, t, from the magical hill of u- - ty- Not even Flying Stering garments. 319 乐府 李白 清平调之三 名花倾国两相欢, 常得君王带笑看。 解释春风无限恨, 沈香亭北倚阑干。 Folk-song-styled-verse Li Bai A SONG OF PURE hAPPINESS III Lovely noogether, his lady and his flowers Lighe Emperors eye, As ens to the far spring wind he Aloe Pavilion. 320 乐府 杜秋娘 金缕衣 劝君莫惜金缕衣, 劝君惜取少年时。 花开堪折直须折, 莫待无花空折枝。 Folk-song-styled-verse Du Qiuniang thREADED ROBE Covet not a gold-threaded robe, Cherish only your young days! If a bud open, gat -- Lest you but for an empty bough.