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作品:The Defence of Poetry 作者:菲利普·西德尼 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    P Pens, in Kent, on t daug of ters. Edmund Spenser and alter Raleig a year, and whey were children of four or five years old.

    In t of ales, representing t ern counties, as a Lord Deputy represented   Ludlole, to alled as a Kniger.  ent from Ludloo Sudied for ter friends. ed t omb as quot;Fulke Greville, servant to Queen Elizabeto King James, and friend to Sir P;  Even Dr.

    ton, Canon of C Cered to C Ceent Midsummer, in 1568,  after ;tutor of Sir P;

    Sidney  ty to continue raining for tate, by travel on tinent.  Licensed to travel s, P London in train of t as ambassador to C in t year, w.

    Bartered from t day in ter Fanny Sidney married terwards.

    From Paris Sidney travelled on by , ers, and found a , o een and Languet fifty-five, a Frenc, learned and zealous for testant cause,  minister for tor of Saxony atesman estant cause in Europe.  Sidney travelled on  Languet from Frankfort to Vienna, visited o Italy, making for eigers, and to Padua.  urned to England, and tendance it t of Queen Elizabet mont to Ireland as Lord Deputy, and Sidney lived in London her.

    At time tion of tion of ty of London to ting of plays by servants of Sidneys uncle, ter, ent for tors to cease from y, and build ttle side one of ty gates, and ion. t tre came to be built in England in t t en years later t o London.

    In February, 1577, P yet ty-t on a formal embassy of congratulation to Rudolp under ties of tcunities of estant League among to convey Queen Elizabetulations to illiam of Orange on t c impression  leader of men is s aftero Queen Elizabet;t if y  and greatest counsellors of State in P to trial of il y o employ tleman, eit ;

    Sidney returned from  time of ure, in ter Mary, ty years old, , Earl of Pembroke, and ess of Pembroke   ilton, about train. Spenser described ;tlest s lives t resembling, bot, ;

    Ben Jonson, long after e upon ap;Underneat of all verse, Sidneys sister, Pembrokes mot slain anotime s at t;

    Sidneys sister became Pembrokes motaying  ilton.  ten a long argument to t t of  politic to seem to favour.  S resented, or appeared to resent, rusion of advice; ented  seemed to be  for a time. t time of seclusion, after t er at ilton.  togeto e for  ;  It was never finished.

    Mucten at ilton in t in 1581, ten, as ter to ;only for you, only to you . . . for severer eyes it is not, being but a trifle, triflingly  ness ts of paper, most of it in your presence, t by ss sent unto you as fast as t;   t it s it sroyed; but it belonged to a sister  ess of Pembrokes Arcadia.quot;

    ted in tten in 1581, ;Arcadiaquot; ill being sent to ilton.  But it differs ;Arcadia.quot;  Sidneys quot;Arcadiaquot; erary interest as t important example of toral  of inct scion.  But ts aut play, it folloended to extravagance of ingenuity.  t;Defence of Poesyquot; erest as t important piece of literary criticism in our literature.  .  yle is ravagance in , and manly; not t tful and refined for its unaffected simplicity. As criticism it is of true sort; not captious or formal, still less engaged, as nearly all bad criticism is, more or less,  suggestion of tic oerature.   aims, and finds true work, and s song.

    ting of ted to  t an earnest young student, Stepy about time res , and e plays, urned by to agreement an attacks made by t on tage (arising c t plays ed on Sundays), and in 1579 transferred o attack on t;taining a Pleasant Invective against Poets, Pipers, Players, Jesters, and sucerpillars of a Commonting up to ters, Natural Reason, and Common Experience: a Discourse as pleasant for Gentlemen t favour Learning as profitable for all t ue.quot;  ted quot;to t noble Gentleman, Master P;  Sidney e verse, s, and counted Edmund Spenser among  an opinion t o attacks on poetry and music as feeders of idle appetite t y.  to se in 1581 t printed in 1595, nine years after e publication, entitled quot;An Apologie for Poetrie.quot;  ter o tion of ;Arcadia,quot; and titled quot;t;  In sixteen subsequent editions it continued to appear as quot;t;

    title e editions of 1752 and 1810.

    Professor Edext of t edition of 1595, and restored title, o ts aut as t;apologyquot;  cs sense in current Englis may be o go on calling t;t;

    In 1583 Sidney er of Sir Francis alsings ten by o old faso a lady in accordance esy t in to exclude personal suit--personal suit e, and not public--o grave misappreics.  t een years old--into a eful marriage h Lord Rich.

    It may be enougo say t if Po ask for --t er mig t tropella sonnets.

    In 1585 Sidney o join Drake it sea in attack on Spain in t Indies.  ayed by t er ion to t out, in November, 1585, as Governor of Flusted at inaction, and made tinct t er said after  ;despising   bearing a hand over him as a forward young man.

    Notanding, in a s time  botars o fetc from ;  In May, 1586, Sir P ember ment of Zutpember tered by a musket ball from trencook frig to .  o er, and ,  once er to t;ty is yet greater t;  Sidney lived on, patient in suffering, until tober.  ood by asked Pinued trust in God.  , and so tces tainless representative of than England passed away.