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作品:The Defence of Poetry 作者:菲利普·西德尼 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    Made by Sir Ping s, Sir Edward Dyer and M. Fulke Greville.

    Join mates in mirto me, Grant pleasure to our meeting; Let Pan, our good god, see eful is our greeting. Join s and  it be, Make but one mind in bodies three.

    Ye o fill its and  it be, Make but one mind in bodies three.

    S Orpedfast mountains moved, Let to join s friends beloved. Join s and  it be, Make but one mind in bodies three.

    My t, A rinity, As tly set In firmest band of unity. Join s and  it be, Make but one mind in bodies three.

    elcome my to me, t beloved, it you be In friendss and  it be, Make but one mind in bodies three.

    Give leave your flocks to range, Let us t be straying. Join s and  it be, Make but one mind in bodies three.

    Cause all t s and  it be, Make but one mind in bodies three.

    Like lovers do t nots and  it be, Make but one mind in bodies three.

    And as turtle dove to mate  fervent love Of you to my  givets and  it be, Make but one mind in bodies three.

    No linkd in binding bands By metamorphree As one for ever joined be.