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The Courtship of Mr Lyon-1

作品:The Bloody chamber And Other Stories 作者:安吉拉·卡特 字数: 下载本书  举报本章节错误/更新太慢

    Outside cened as if t of its oed pallor remained beers landscape,  flakes floated do same, inner lig soo,  at try road. Not e and unmarked as a spilled bolt of bridal satin.


    t doelep  of news.

    the roads are bad. I hope hell be safe.

    But tuck fast in a rut,  budge an inc from  very morning; at ttempt to restore unes, urned out s to find trol to take  even enoug over to buy y, , te rose sed; t sed, no matter ,  once again be. Stle and  been able to give it to  stra broke ; t but to fasten  around al and set off doo look for help.

    Be-iron gates, a s, snoicent flourisure, perfect Palladian  seemed to self ss of an antique cypress. It  nig s s, retiring, melanced but for a lig flickered in an upstairs  migion of a star, if any stars could rated t ce and sa of a tangle of till, te rose.

    te clanged loudly s beoo loudly. For an instant, t reverberating clang seemed final, empic, ominous as if te, no from tside try garden. And, from a distance, t distance  tell,  singular sound in t roaring, as of a beast of prey.

    In too muco alloimidated, o to, it came to , as  at first, made of brass, but, instead, of gold. Before, ly in upon so many, many flo, free-standing jars of crystal t it seemed to its ake of perfumed breat the hall.

    tly as it , time,  no fear altmospy t ered a place of privilege en very eccentric and t of an exceedingly   off  t, tals of tinkled a little, as if emitting a pleased cs o all in t even tatutory country-garden mackintoso greet , ing ing for  last -- te King Celligently cocked, on t gave ing proof of s ricity to see the dog wore, in place of a collar, a diamond necklace.

    to its feet in tle leatudy on t floor, o a roaring log fire. On table, a silver tray; round ter, a silver tag ation: Eat me, in a flo beef, still bloody. e t mustard tfully provided in a stone, and,  rotted off about her own business.

    All t remained to make Beautys fatirely comfortable o find, in a curtained recess, not only a telep t advertised a ty-four-er and  trouble, only t up from tions to t one of deference, as soon as he house from where he was calling.

    And ed but, in ances, relieved to able if absent s account; no question, assured t ers custom.

    time for anotried, unsuccessfully, to call Beauty and tell e; but till doorm  curtains revealed a landscape as of ivory  in tily o tell  ime to be gone, t tality was over.

    As to bee.

    Great rees and, em on o te, a cly to to reveal, as if miraculously preserved beneat, one last, single, perfect rose t mig rose left living in all te er, and of so intense and delicate a fragrance it seemed to ring like a dulcimer on the frozen air.

    , so mysterious, so kind, deny Beauty ?

    Not noant but close to  door, rose a migo s breat still, because er, Beautys fatole the rose.

    At t, every  and a fugal baying, as if a pride of lions, introduced .

    ty about great bulk, an assertiveness, a quality of being more t of us are. ted Beautys fato er t s, and t glittered on , mazy e, on t pa grasped  the sheepskin as he shook him like an angry child shakes a doll.

    tion sys fatil eettled and ting from tractedly, like a lady at wy blows have been exchanged.

    quot;My good fello; stammered Beautys fat the only response was a renewed roar.

    quot;Good fello, and you must call me Beast, w;

    quot;Forgive me for robbing your garden, Beast!quot;

    y pa of dull red brocade and  lovely  cupped it.

    quot;It ys fat;All sed, in te, perfect rose.quot;

    t rudely snatcograp and inspected it, first brusquely, trange kind of  tured a certain look simes, of absolute sness and absolute gravity, as if  pierce appearances and see your soul. ure back, t took good care not to scratch his claws.

    quot;take  bring o dinner,quot;  else o be done?

    Altold ure of ted for  control an instinctual siful by far t to a different order of beauty and, besides, t for us: ional fear of us te eyes, t looked almost blind, as if sick of sig.

    , impassive as a figure top of table; tapestried, a gem. Apart from an aromatic soup kept  over a spirit lamp, te,  and, e notted ant oo bitterly of  t at  t time to time to see t everything was in order.

    range  intolerable; its presence c lay under er, and : tender  o be, Miss Lamb, spotless, sacrificial.

    Yet sayed, and smiled, because ed o do so; and old  t, s ed,  of s say , o London to take up t it o t must be, on some magically reciprocal scale, tune.

    Do not tion to an unusual degree and, besides, so ther, whom she loved dearly.

    ained a marvellous glass bed; sos; and a little parlour of ique paper of birds of paradise and Cures and ts  morning,   made , all ty. tomed luxury about , because it gave no pleasure to its possessor and  see all day as if, curious reversal, sened  o keep oday, t curquoises.